un-pearable · 10 months
literally everything about star wars that’s interesting to me is how the series grew backwards. the world presented in ANH is incredibly bland and basic but it worked and was fun and compelling and then all the collaborative storytelling from people who enjoyed it EXPLODED and gave us a a fucked up decades long (centuries long) (however long ago KOTOR is) saga watching a society reverse engineered by fans into a sprawling, multicultural intergalactic universe of fascinating worldbuilding degrade into the oppressed disaster that it is in the original trilogy, where both good guys and bad are running on scraps and shreds trying to pull it back together.
the sprawling world of the prequel-adjacent content retroactively frames the dismally human/humanoid-centric original trilogy as stemming from a dedicated propagandistic and violent effort to cull less human like populations and suppress the ones that could pass. the vastness of it’s world building gives source to people from myriad real world cultures to see themselves in it and get to make that real via things like the visions series. and this is just half of what “star wars” is - ask someone 25 years ago and it’s an entire other continuity that has its own deep rich lore that didn’t survive the disney acquisition and yet they’re BOTH still so potent. it’s all reinterpretation and collaboration going back to the original star wars in theaters only turning out so well because the editor and the crew poured their hearts into making george’s self indulgent mess into a fun romp that anyone could see themself in
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