(Pretend my first letter wasn't sent back in 2021! LOL And thank you for encouraging me to send in another letter. I adore Levi so much and I appreciate you doing this event!!)
Hello again Levi,
It’s been a while since I last wrote to you. Hopefully you haven’t forgotten your fellow tea drinker from the Garrison. I’ve heard reports about how busy the scouting regiment is right now, so I understand it must be hard to find time to write. I only hope that you are in as good of health and spirits as you can be despite the strenuous nature, both physically and emotionally, of your position.
You’ll probably think this is silly, but the main reason I’m writing to you is because Valentine’s Day is coming up very soon. I’ve always thought of it as a sort of frivolous holiday myself. But with the way things have been lately, maybe it isn’t such a  bad idea to focus on something more positive and lighthearted. And if I’m being honest, you’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I miss our cozy meetings at the cafe and the comfortable chats we always share. Hopefully I don’t come off as presumptuous by asking this, but even if we can’t see each other in person, what do you think about being each other’s Valentines?
Whatever your answer is, I want you to know that you have someone here thinking of you and wishing you the best.
Sincerely, Cindy
It is nice to receive a letter from the Garrison that isn't related to a materials request. When I first received this, I was wondering if perhaps it was misaddressed to me. After all, I rarely handle to political wrangling between regiments. Imagine my surprise.
Your wishes of good health and spirits are well received. I hope you are faring well yourself. It has been a while since our last correspondence, but I have to say I do keep an eye out for you during our rare excursions into the city. That cafe you so love is still faring well.
Admittedly, I have not much experience with Valentine's Day, you will have to forgive me. Perhaps we could meet at that cafe tomorrow after evening rounds. We could celebrate together in any way you desire.
Until tomorrow,
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