irrfahrer · 4 years
[ fight ]
“...So I finished my shift and went straight outside the door and who do I see? That creepy fella, that Poe, from the eveningshift getting his guts beaten out by some goons and they were like four or fife of them and, man, that fella stood not a single chance! It was farking hilarious!” From one moment to another Ziv stopped in her tracks, her ears perked up and suddenly her whole stance tensed as if she was preparing for a sudden strike to come her way. She turned her head and in the blurred whirl of colours that was the Hangar, the other Hangarworkers, the Mechanic-Droids, the busy buzzing of the crowd in the Hangar, the Tynnan saw a human and a shorter Sullustan standing by a few Cargi-Boxes and talking over two small lunchboxes. The Sullustan frowned, dewflaps flaring barely noticeable, while he leaned a little away from the human as if the other was stinking: “Kriff, Why didn´t you help him?” “Do I look crazy? That were like four against one and they beat that guy like some farking puppy, what were I suppose to do? Get beaten up with him? Also-” By now Ziv was as still as a statue, her shoulders tensed, her eyes wide open and her teeth so clenched she heard at the back of her mind that her teeth started to creak miserably. The bag with dinner and oinments hung long forgotten from her shoulder, nothing but weight, barely noticeable. She thought about that evening, she thought about when Poe had come home and the stench of blood and of stres drenched sweat had hit against herbrutal like a fist when he had dragge dhimself through the door, she thought about how she had patched him up, she thought about the broken window.
“I don´t know, man, this guy farking deserved it! He is just really farking creepy!”, the man continued and every new word stitched, stitched, stitched into Zivs ears deeper, deeper, deeper like knifes. She thought about the broken window. “I mean, have you ever spend some time around him? I have some shifts with him and that Kriffer seems to always know a little too much about things, like he sometimes looks at you as if he just knows whats going on in your head and then he just looks around and when you ask him he knows exactly what one had talked about and farking more, like, damn its creepy. He always knows too much and looks straight through you, I can understand that someone wnats to beat the krififng shit out of hi-” He could not end his sentences, as Zivs paw shot forward and closed around the humans wrist as hard as a iron vice. She stood there trembling from rage, her teeth bared, her pelt bristled and her eyes narrowed to thin slits: “Hey, watch your kriffing tounge. Thats not funny.” “And what if not, fluffy?”, the man looked down at her  like one would look down at a strange, little child- confused and very much amused. He grinned amused, showing a line of teeth that looked more yellow and brown than it should be and his smile became even wider when Ziv hissed a quietly through brutally clenched teeth: “You will kriffing regret it.” It made him laugh. Uncomfortable loud, uncomfortable dissonant, uncomfortably fullhearted the man laughed at Ziv so much tears started to appear in the corner of his eyes. She thought about the broken window. “Listen,fluffy. I do what ever I want. If I want to say my opinion about your fella, I will do so. If I want to gossip about his farking creepy face, I will do so. And-” , he leaned forward to be more on eyelevelw ith the young woman, his stinking breath stitching in Zivs much too keen nose like needles: “-..if I want to watch him beeing beaten up by a few guys in some alley and have my fun watching it, then I will do so. What are you gonna do about i-”
The rest of the sentences ended stuck in the mans throat when Ziv hammered her arm and the cortosis vembrace she wore on it into the mans face with a dry cracking noise that was the humanoids cheekbone breaking like a brittle branche.
There was only the wisp of a second in which the man grunted in confusion and pain, then the second passed and Ziv jumped against him, bringing him down with her weight. She thought about Poe, about the colour of his bruised skin,about how he had flinched when she had tried to treat him, about how the window had broken and he had comforted her, so the Tynnan did not hestiate. Her fist crushed in the others face over (The Sullustan tripped backwards and instead if helping his friend hasty scrambeld away) and over (She thought about how Poe had sat before her, his face dark from bruises while he, still in pain and still bleeding and aching, had comforted her ) and over   (The nose of the human cracked under Zivs fist and she felt two of her own finger break against his skullthe same second,  but she ignored it. She thought about the broken window.) again.
Suddenly a arm wrapped around her and another hand grabbed for the scruff of her neck to pull her away from the man.  “Stop this! Let me kriffing  go!”; The young woman growled in frustration, anger and utterly fury, her razorsharp teeth so far bared that they seemed to glow  in the low afternoonlight  as she squirmed like a eel in the others grasp. [ @poewingsdameron ]
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