chaoticmvse · 18 days
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the happiest birthday of all times to the most amazing brother of all times ⸺ @verfinstern !!
Imagine you wake up every morning and every day is a good day. Imagine that you are supported no matter what decision you make - even if it ends in the greatest disaster. Imagine that you are never alone, even on your lonely days. Just imagine what it's like to have a companion for the rest of your life, a best friend, a brother. It's hard to put into words how lucky you can be in life's misfortunes when you know you have a brother by your side. No matter how high the mountain, you will not go down, no, you will reach the top. No matter what goals you pursue in life, your brother will clear the way for you, look out for you, pull you up when you want to give up. You are all that and so much more for me. There is never a milestone in my life when I didn't have you by my side, whether near or far. You have no idea how much your support is worth, how much security and love you give to the people around you. You are the person who taught me from an early age that it's okay to not be okay sometimes. That it's okay to be weak sometimes, but that you should never play down your strength. You are everything I wanted to be my whole life and as much nonsense as we can get up to together, I know that you are the first person to jump when I need someone. And not just because you're my brother, but because that's just who you are. You're incorrigible, totally through, but simply unmistakable. Even if you live for an eternity, please remember that there is no amount of time that will ever describe how long my love for you will last; it cannot be summarized in any measure. You are the person who is closest to me and I am incredibly happy that I will be able to spend the next year with you and many more to come. You are my rock, you are my family, my home. I love you and I wish you all the very best for your birthday, Aleksander.
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ - with love,
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ your little one.
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nohrslittleflower · 6 months
"Elise!" Corrin runs over to his little sister, and instantly pulls her into a giant spinning hug. He gently kisses her forehead, care and love behind his every action, before setting her back down to the ground with a smile across his face.
From who knows where, he produces a rather squishy looking (and crudely wrapped) present, opening her hands gently and placing it in them, "It's not much, but I wanted to make you something! The eyes might be a little uh... lopsided," He cringes at the thought of the poor little stuffed dragon inside of the package, one eye hanging far below the other, "But happy birthday anyway! It's the thought that counted I suppose!"
“Brother!” Elise giggles happily as he spins her around, continuing to squeeze him in a hug for a few seconds even after her feet find the ground again. She tilts her head a bit as she steps back, watching as he takes the present, her face lighting up when she realizes it’s for her.
She takes the present into her hands as carefully as she can, eagerly unwrapping it before he even has a chance to finish his explanation. 
“I wanted to make you something!”
Elise stares into the little plush dragon’s lopsided eyes as the words sink in. She would’ve loved it no matter what— stuffed animals are adorable and she loves all of them (plus it would hurt their little plushie feelings if she didn’t like them and she doesn’t want that)— but the fact that Corrin made it. For her…
“WAAAAHHHH THIS IS THE BEST PLUSHIE TO EVER EXIST IN THE HISTORY OF EVERRRRR!!” She launches herself back at her brother, hugging both him and the dragon almost painfully tightly. Not the most mature adult look, but she gave up on trying not to cry after about 5 seconds.
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rxpunzelwrites-blog · 8 years
what my kiddos are doing for valentine’s day!
laura tagged along with lydia and rosy for a lot of the day because she normally spends the day with lydia and felt a little lonely probably. but then she left the two of them to do their own thing and now she’s scotty’s valentine and eating donuts with him.
audrey isn’t even aware it’s valentine’s day. she was probably alarmed by the all the paper hearts in messina then eventually shrugged it off and went to work.
harper spent it with toby of course, and baked him heart shaped cookies and they probably went for lunch with their kiddies! she also baked rhodes a batch as well and kissed him all over his face and told him she loved him no less than thirty times.
reuben had to help bill pick out a valentine’s day gift from tori and suggested that he take her on a ghost tour. whether or not he took that onboard is up to jenny :’) and then reuben pulled himself to dinner and asked daisy on a second date and probably just took her somewhere nice for dinner.
mickey didn’t celebrate valentine’s day because it’s shane’s birthday which is a hundred times more important to him. he saved up his money and bought him a vintage signed photo of gregory peck.
dennis went right ahead and bought bret flowers and they weren’t crumpled this time and he says that he’s only making up for squashing them on their auction date and that he didn’t even know that it was valentine’s day but he said all this with a stupid smile on his face and probably helped with the rosy surprise even though he complained the whole way through it.
alice spent the whole day making out with jay. probably in front of quinn at some point. i am so sorry.
leon sent an anonymous card to freddie because he’s in way over his head. silly boy.
atticus kissed eeeeeeveryone on the cheek today. but finn and reggie and amelia and annie got TWO kisses. he didn’t get anyone any gifts bc he claimed that he is their gift and that they should feel blessed.
wren claimed quinn as her valentine like she usually does. she made him a card like she usually does. and she kissed him like she usually does. later on, she went birdwatching with henry and tried to ignore all the flutters in her tummy.
rosy spent her day with lydia and got the best surprise EVERRRRR. she definitely cried. and then when laura left them alone she demanded that she and lydia cuddle in bed for the whole night and then told lydia that it’s the best valentine’s day she’d ever had. also realised she’s in love with lydia but didn’t say it out loud because she wants to tell bret first and ask if he thinks she should tell her.
wilhelm literally just spent the day with ringo starr. his ankle still hurts so he couldn’t even dance, poor bb.
felix wrote little valentine’s day cards for raegan, hazel and monica and then he sent one to eddie ‘from mallory’. but yeah it’s mostly from him. felix loves valentine’s day oh my gosh.
jack sang love songs all day, i’m not joking. he probably shyly serenaded ivy as well.
justin definitely asked raegan out on a date. and then as a joke he’d pretend he’d asked colton out as well and then he’d pretend to be worried about being double booked and then insist that indy needs to come now as well so there’ an even number. it probably wasn’t even his idea because he’s too dumb for that so raegan is welcome to take the credit.
callum debated asking what scotty was doing and then decided against it and just wished kai a happy valentine’s day through the wall before ultimately just going to work and spending his night on the docks.
brody lmaaaao okay so brody bought hunter a bunch of the saddest looking daffodils in the whole entire world because that was all he could afford. and he left them at her desk and claimed that it was so he could ‘keep up appearances’ oh my god i’ve been waiting to type this all day.
riley received lots of valentine’s cards from his students and took them all home with him and pinned them on his wall after he conferred with barry just to make sure that none of them were serious love letters. he sent monty a card and said he only did so because that’s what the two of them usually do.
sutton probably went to hang out with kara and ollie fully aware that it was valentine’s day but didn’t mention it and if it was brought up he would feign ignorance like ‘oh??? it’s valentine’s day???’
let’s not talk about how greyson is doing today
elsie kept herself to herself even though she contemplated wishing tara a happy valentine’s day but decided against it. angelica probably tried to corner her for a kiss but she ran away.
wardo is the most loved up fucking goober right now. he spent the whole day kissing louis and then dancing with cecily and ivy and was even nice to ulysses. wardo was in the best mood ever today okay.
elliot cooked chicken nuggets for melody and then took her to a monster truck rally. he asked for a kiss from raegan and was probably denied it, but he definitely gave rhodes a big kiss. and he’s super worried about him after the break up.
pace and cece didn’t give each other valentine’s gifts, but pace wished everyone he came across a happy valentine’s day. he filmed a lot of people getting their gifts and even caught a proposal on camera so he’s had a good day living through other people’s happiness.
angelica gave everyone all the kisses including lizzie, bea, jess, seth, katie, carter, cassie, conrad, melody and nearly elsie. basically if you think there’s a chance that angelica would have reason to kiss your oc then she definitely did.
dean spent the day watching finding nemo with mellie and baby hadley :)
joe hooked up with someone he can’t remember the name of. very romantic.
sybil went ghost hunting as usual, possibly with byron and if anyone tried to suggest something about that she’d threaten to curse them.
ella had class but brought hazel cupcakes home for her to decorate. she probably uploaded the footage to her youtube channel.
aaron is spending the day with his girlfriend but let it be known that he text astrid saying, ‘happy valentine’s day, maine x’
harvey was working but as you can see, he’s talking to kenny which means he’s very happy about that.
nathaniel spent the day with will and jane and kissed them both and basically just tried to keep will’s spirits up.
will isn’t doing good right now and he misses alex a lot and he feels edgy and anxious but he spent time with nathaniel and jane anyway bc he knew it would make nate happy.
dixie was working but when she saw séamus in the lobby, she definitely wished him a happy valentine’s day and then spent the rest of her shift blushing about it. also her momma made a sculpture in her pottery class and ‘in the spirit’ of valentine’s, she gave it to mr croft. innocently, of course, but dixie knows better and wasted no time in telling cassie and david.
cecily spent her day playing with apollo and smiling and giggling at wardo and louis. she let wardo dance with her and she hugged ivy and after some encouragement from her brother, she got brave enough to kiss louis on the cheek and wish him a happy valentine’s day before all the excitement got a bit too much for her and she scurried off to the museum. but then she saw david and got all frazzled again :’)
dustin is making fun of all his students’ valentines. because he’s a dick.
diego probably isn’t doing a lot bc when is he ever but i like to think he enlisted caroline’s help to draw a picture of a butterfly so he could give it to cedric.
chase is getting high af and hooking up with whoever wants him. mess.
max is having the time of her fricking life and sent valentine’s to practically all of messina. she’s wearing heart themed everything today and her muse is through the roof so she’s probably planned like six new novels and she’s LIVING. and she’s asking after everyone else’s valentines and how they’re going and fangirling over all the cute things.
holly walked into a novel idea. glared at katie. left.
benji probably got another kiss of david because i say so that’s why.
jutta has no valentine but she plans to find one when she goes out clubbing tonight so really she’ll be fine.
taylor sent valentine’s to both darren and ronnie from BOTH her and james because she knew james wanted to but wasn’t brave enough, and it also helped her feel less guilty about everything that’s happened between her and the boys lately.
bennett got piss drunk then found some randomer to sleep with so he can forget about calvin and hero.
kit is in a surprisingly good mood today. simon gave her chocolates which she didn’t eat, but gave them to cody instead. then she baked cakes for daisy, simon, lo and beau. she was probably super shy about giving lo one but again, she’s in a good mood, she got over herself and did it.
simon woke up feeling sad but he still went into work and bravely wished billy a happy valentine’s day AS A FRIEND before saying the same to everyone else in a novel idea. then he went home and gave chocolate to kit and beau to be a gentleman.
evie demanded that jax be her valentine because she knew he hasn’t quite managed to work up the courage to ask ronan out and ronan remains oblivious.
oz gave out free candy to everyone and tried not to be sad when daisy told him she was going on a date with reuben so there’s that.
caroline heard that amelia and cassie were both otherwise preoccupied but decided that was okay because she woke up and tackled jason and gave him a big kiss on the cheek as well as a card that says ‘i love you to infinity and beyond’. she also bumped into gabe and pretended to not know it was valentine’s day pls just give me this.
mellie is probs very anti-valetine’s day right now. she’s avoiding che and probably pouted if indy did end up giving into justin and going out, so she watched finding nemo with dean instead.
ronan was working and being oblivious about jax and i hate him for it. he probably spent what free time he had attempting to find a date for his cousin, abel.
alfie baked all his friends a heart shaped pie and gave them all kisses even though he’s a little bi awkward around scotty rn because he’s not sure if he’s allowed to kiss his cheek anymore, but his spirits were up anyway!
emma was on set and i’m sure that drew did something charming so there’s that :’)
ellis arranged so many flower bouquets today and you can bet your goddamn ass she went to pick clara up at school and gave one to barry whether he liked it or not. she also graciously camped out in calvin’s room in order to give rory the space should he bring someone home :’) and because of that she probably bulled calvin into letting her braid his hair.
seth spent the day with all of his friend - not just katie. he gave all of his friend a valentine’s day hug - not just katie. he went out at night with all of his friends - not just katie. AND YES HE’S SURE HE STARED LONGINGLY AT /ALL/ OF HIS FRIENDS NOT JUST KATIE, THANKS VERY MUCH.
noah literally spent the whole of rehearsal belting every single iconic broadway love song at isaac just to get a reaction from him.
conrad was bullied by anya into wishing lizzie a happy valentine’s day. he’s going to be embarrassed about this for the next three months.
carter as we know was cassie’s valentine and the two of them shared alllll the candy and chocolate together. and then he met teddy and let a stranger hug him and that’s very important for him. also, he pined over jess. as per.
kevin WAS SNAKED BY CARTER FUCKING HEFFRON. he’s v displeased and pouted at katie for being the mastermind behind the whole thing.
piper probably took a selfie with hunter and sent it to brody saying that she was stealing his valentine. 
robbie spent it with blair and was appalled when jimmy showed up to ask if he could take blair out because EXCUSE ME CATTLE MAN THAT’S MY VALENTINE AND I NEED TO MAKE ALL THE MEMORIES WITH HER. so my headcanon is that he obnoxiously tagged along.
beau got cakes from kit and chocolate from simon and bought lo a big tub of marshmallows :) she’s not really up for celebrating though after her break up.
bailey sent all of her sisters gifts and then went to the stables so she could assist couples going on valentine treks together. she briefly contemplated how lonely single life can be but swiftly got over it.
adam definitely gave mack a card and a teddy literally just to piss off roy because he’s awful.
sawyer was in the ER and probably walked in on bennett and someone on the on-call room and is scarred for life. she debated going to see lux but then realised caleb might be working and decided against it.
micah spent the day at home with jd. he feels bad about not really checking on greyson but he knows he doesn’t treat jd the way he should or spend that much time with him on a good day and he wants to make that up to him on the national day of romance.
foster was working and probably received an inappropriate valentine’s from one of his students that probably left him close to tears because NO THIS IS WRONG WHY CAN’T I JUST HAVE AN EASY LIFE. he probably debated shoving himself back in the janitor’s closet before ultimately deciding to hide away at lunch time and share his babybel with ryke.
jimmy decided to ask out blair for the day and then realised that meant robbie would be tagging along. he was only a little annoyed.
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