#HAIR... god the hair. imagine having good hair
yzzart · 2 days
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୭˚. ᵎᵎ content warnings: mention of sex, oral, back scratching, sexual content.
⭑.ᐟ Everything happened, properly, while Kenji was getting ready to mark his presence, alongside the team, heading to the arena for the match later on. — Coach Shimura ordered him to appear early, something that bothered the player. — Sato didn't need this, it was something dispensable, and he was forced to agree.
⤷ Due to the fact that he was unfortunately removed from your side; unable to cling to your body, cling to your touch or worship, lasciviously. — Longing to feel you once again; even though he had done this moments ago, he was still insatiated by you. — God, just by clicking his tongue, your taste reached his palate.
⭑.ᐟ Getting up from the bed, half-heartedly and with little enthusiasm, and admiring your serene and moderate image as you rested, Kenji fought the urge to ignore the order and lie down next to you; unfortunately and evidently, the sense of responsibility spoke louder.
⤷ And, knowing you like the back of his hand, Kenji knew you would disapprove of him if he did that. — Like a good boyfriend, he wouldn't make you upset.
⭑.ᐟ On his walk to the bathroom, assuming that he could put an end to the indolence that coursed through his body, Sato did not fail to feel some burning pains, small discomforts in his back, awkwardly running his hand around the area. — Ignoring, for now, the mental questions and went to the mirror.
⭑.ᐟ Kenji could already imagine the coach's voice echoing, unbearably, in his ears, scolding him for arriving at least a few minutes later than expected; and he was already reasoning out the most understandable excuse in his mind. — Or he would just say "don't worry, it won't hinder our competence", no, better not; but deep down he would like to say that.
⭑.ᐟ In front of the mirror, which showed his hair, in pure disarray and mess and his discouraged face, feeling bored, but, enigmatically, seductive, Kenji is worried, once again, about the discomforts of his back. — While uttering incoherent mumbles and swear words and directing his hand towards his skin for the second time, Sato allowed himself to turn towards the reflective glass, wanting to know what was bothering him so much.
⤷ And that's how he came across your art.
⭑.ᐟ Kenji's eyes examined, in fact, venerated with prudence and eccentric attention the marks, made by your nails, prominent and so protruding and, at the same time, deliciously burning exposed on his back; expressing an exotic, inconceivable and voluptuous sexual countenance. — The red lines, which blended into the tone of his skin, burned him both physically and mentally.
⤷ He couldn't imagine — oh, this cynical, shameless man believed it — that there was a small, furtive possessive streak coursing through your blood as you yearned, longed, to mark him.
⭑.ᐟ His fingers moved, still in disbelief, over a part of the skin he could reach, and he felt the current protuberances there and Kenji's lips couldn't stop themselves from forming a slutty, depraved smile. — He fucking loved what he was seeing, maybe more than he should have.
⤷ The moans, whimpers, and murmurs, that begged with desire for more, that came out of your beautiful mouth cried out in Kenji's mind; remembering, again, them like a song lyric he had memorized. — Sato began to identify a pulse, a throbbing in his dick and a wave of excitement flood his chest.
⭑.ᐟ Your boyfriend didn't care how fast he had to get to the arena, he would miss the time anyway, and then he contemplated what was captivated about him. — Showing off his corpulent, athletic back, wanting to see the marks better and not wanting them to disappear from view. — Kenji would beg for more of them later, he was sure of it.
⤷ Well, you better pray your nails don't break.
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sharkikive · 2 days
Ken Sato with a supermodel!reader pls pls pls
Like they're dating in secret but accidentally reveals their situation and their fans go wild
OMG sure! Sorry this took time for me to write and I really do hope you'll like it <3
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runway to your heart (ken sato x supermodel!fem!reader)
Summary: A baseball player and a supermodel, both celebrities in their respective fields. A relationship that had to be kept under wraps.
It was supposed to be a secret... until it wasn't.
Word count: 6,913
CW: Fluff, slightly suggestive (he def talks you through it), Ken Sato being the boyfriend of the year
A/N: I tried my best in writing this because I am not familiar with both fields (baseball and modelling) so here you go! This was purely out of my own imagination and is very, very self-indulgent because damn, who wouldn't want Ken Sato in their life? Rich, soft spoken, a good father, and the list goes on. Hope you enjoy this one just like how I kicked my feet every single time Ken becomes THE boyfriend.
Cheers erupted throughout the whole stadium and through the speakers, mixing in with the noise in the dressing room.
Hair rollers tucked in, brush with powder dancing across your face, and a neutral expression to let the makeup artist do his magic. Your eyes dutifully closed as the artist worked on your eyelids, but your ears got sharper to hear the conversations around you.
You knew who the main topic in the room would be, and that was the man that had just scored another point in the game on screen.
“Oh God,” you heard one of your model colleagues groan. “Ken Sato is too attractive. Look at that smile, that body-” she stopped talking and addressed you next. “Y/N, isn’t Ken Sato so handsome? Imagine being his girlfriend. That would be a-ma-zing.”
Your eyes were still closed and you hummed an immediate reply. “He’s okay. I’ve seen better and-” You opened your eyes when the makeup artist told you that he’s done with your eyes. “He seems like a cocky bastard.”
Your colleague, Hina, gave an exaggerated gasp as she heard your reply. “You did not just say that about Ken Sato. If he isn’t your type, I wouldn’t know who else would be able to satisfy you. He is the most sought-after man.”
You shrugged. “You never know. Maybe I like a single dad who has to raise a kid on his own, with him himself having daddy issues.”
Hina narrowed her eyes at you suspiciously, before prancing over and stared at you. “You know that whatever you described was very specific? Y/N,” she said, almost quietly, “are you seeing someone?”
“Yeah, I’m seeing you, Hina.”
She clicked her tongue. “You know, you always answer so smartly. One day, Y/N, I will discover your secret!”
You chuckled, watching as Hina got dragged by the stylist, prepping her to get her up to the runway. Your turn was still a long way to go, so you were left with your hair held up by rollers, while your eyes caught a notification on your phone. You read the notification and smiled, but quickly returned to a neutral expression.
The message read: It’s another win for us tonight, baby. Can’t wait to see you after this. Good luck for your show today, and break a leg. I know you’ll do great.
You typed in a reply, quickly snapping a picture of your prepped face and sending it over to the recipient. You weren’t even able to put down your phone when the next reply came in the next second.
You swore, this person could make you smile without even knowing, which could be a very risky thing considering the nature of both of your relationship.
Looking gorgeous as always, baby. The text message read. I really am the luckiest man to have you.
You put down your phone as your name was called over; your turn was approaching fast. You were practically floating around from one point to another, having different hands adding last-minute touch ups.
The line was moving fast before it was your turn, and you could see that every one of the models who finished their turn returned with a grim look on their faces backstage. You looked at the small entrance, and when you spotted Hina, you quickly signaled for her to come over.
“Was the runway condition that bad?” you whispered to her, whose hair was going in different directions at once.
“They said they wanted to simulate an ‘extreme condition’ on the runway, right?” She did quotation marks.
You nodded, agreeing to her. “Yeah.” You inched up the line. “The theme for today’s show is extreme weather.”
Hina exhaled slowly as she attempted to fix her hair. “All I can say is that they managed to replicate it well.” She shook her head. “Good luck, Y/N. You’ll need it.”
You turned your head back to the front, your turn coming closer as the models in front of you went out to continue the show. It was a rapid show, where you finally had your turn right after Hina disappeared behind a row of clothes.
You understood what Hina meant as soon as one foot was out from behind the scenes. The runway was boxed within a transparent glass, protecting the simulation from the audience.
From years of experience, you put on your best face before walking down the runway, doing your best in showing off the collection.
You were sure they were trying to imitate a blizzard, but the worst they could offer to models wearing heavy dresses and high heels. You saw the model in front of you fall first, the strong winds knocking her back before as she couldn’t fight it back.
One rule on the runway: you keep on walking, no matter the condition. Walk over your fellow models, maintain your expression and show off what you have. It’s an unapologetic world out here.
But that’s exactly the reason why you’re known as the rule breaker around here.
While maintaining your face, you did a show of reaching out to the fallen model, helping her up to let her continue, but you figured this time around, being a rule breaker did have its consequences.
You knew the fallen model; she considered herself as your rival, always trying to one up you in every single aspect. Every, single, aspect including boasting about having a ‘sweetheart’ while you don’t.
Your rival, Mei, quickly took this as a chance to get back at you and embarrass you in front of the audience. She accepted your hand at first, but you realised that she was pulling you down instead of pushing herself up. Not enough with it, she added an extra push, disguised under the pretext of accepting your help to get up.
You were thrown to the side, and coupled with the condition on the runway, you almost tumbled off the path. Luckily, you managed to break the fall but as you landed sideways, you could feel the bruise forming near your right ankle. You cursed silently as you saw Mei picking herself back up and smirking in a split second before strutting away, leaving you stranded.
You knew no one was going to help you up as long as the show was on, so you braced yourself while continuing. Throughout the whole show, you managed to finish without breaking rhythm. You didn’t let the pain hinder you, although all you wished to do was to be lying down, giving your body a much needed rest.
Backstage after the end of the show, your manager, a sweet woman in her 40s, quickly rushed to you. A single mother of 2, Ms. Tornado as you’d like to call her, as she always seemed like she was caught up in something chaotic. She fussed over you, but you quickly brushed her away.
”Ms. Tor,” you cooed, hiding the pain with a calm demeanour, “I’m done for the day. Let’s go back.”
On the way out, you gave a signal of reassurance towards Hina, who looked worried while her right fingers were tapping on her left knuckles. You saw Mei smirking at you, offering no words to you. You gave her no satisfaction of seeing you in pain as you smiled back.
You knew that everyone had seen you fall on the runway, but that didn’t disturb you.
Your phone pinged with a notification. As you read the message in the car, you turned to Ms. Tornado on the driver’s seat. She understood your signal.
”Usual place?” she asked.
Unable to hide your excitement, you quickly nodded.
No further questions asked as she drove towards the city border, bringing you to one special spot you had practically owned with that one person. In fact, you’re sure that he had bought ownership over the whole area. Your smile grew wider as you spotted the person waiting on a camping chair with an empty one next to it, a campfire lit up.
You sneaked up from behind, forgetting the pain in your legs as you broke into a run, almost causing the person to tumble forward as you hugged him from behind.
”Kenji!” You exclaimed, your character a total 180 degrees from whatever you put on when you were ‘the supermodel who revived the fashion scene’.
With him, you allowed yourself to be comfortable; no pretense of having to check your posture, controlling your expressions or giving off a cold demeanour. With him, you were just Y/N, the girl who preferred to be nested in your home, finishing your time up by watching your same favourite shows over and over again.
Kind of ironic how you considered yourself an introvert yet landed a job that essentially thrusted you into the spotlight.
Kenji exclaimed your name back in the same energy you gave him, hugging your arms as he planted a kiss on the back of your hand. He stood up and dear God, you love this man so much. One of your features that contributed to your modelling career was your height, but you loved the fact that even then, he towered over you.
Ken Sato, the name that had revived Japan’s baseball team, who had acquired a celebrity status after essentially becoming the saviour.
Ken Sato, the man who had kept the audience on the edge of their seats as he scored yet another point in the game.
Ken Sato, the one man who had essentially saved your life while unironically revealing his one kept secret to you.
And Ken Sato, your boyfriend.
Though both of your relationships had to be kept under the radar due to your statuses, you were content with what you’re having now.
Who cares if people think you’re too ‘cold’ and that’s why no one wants you? A small smile played on your lips as you thought, Well, Ken Sato does.
How both of you met was bizarre, to say the least. You were out eating dinner alone, under the disguise that you always wore when you’re just a ‘normal’ citizen, when the ground shook. You were sure that there was a monster attack somewhere, but you were calmly eating dinner when the restaurant’s roof got lifted up.
Ultraman’s giant figure was punching the monster, and you were left gaping at the sudden loss of roof above your head. You quickly finished up your dinner, and when you were about to walk back to your condo, you saw the one thing that you were sure you shouldn’t.
You saw Ultraman shifting back into a human-sized figure and lo and behold, it was Ken Sato. Before, you never bothered to dig deeper into his life because you figured out that you would never be affiliated with the baseball scene. You knew he was famous and that was it.
You couldn’t believe your eyes so you gasped, but your hand wasn’t quick enough to muffle the sound until he turned back to look at you. Both were stone statues for a good minute before he finally spoke up at that time, “Um… can you keep… uh the… secret?”
You sure as hell did keep the secret that even after a drunken stupor, a one night stand then turned into a secret relationship with him, it was still safe with you.
You were so comfortable with him up to the point that it was nice to be yourself with him.
”What’s wrong, baby?” He planted a kiss on your forehead, bringing you back to the present. You inhaled his scent as you buried your face in his chest. “You’re thinking of something?”
You shook your head, tightening your grip around his waist. “Nah,” you mumbled. “Just thinking about the time we first met.”
He chuckled as he ruffled your hair. “I’m sure you did great in your show just now, hmm?”
You stayed quiet, debating or not whether you’d like to tell him what actually happened. He most likely hadn’t seen the show yet, but sooner or later he’d find out. It’s just a matter of now or later.
You were in your comfortable clothes; baggy t-shirt with cargo pants and hair tucked underneath a beanie. In public, people would usually leave you alone when you’re in this attire. Today though, the long pants were also an attempt for you to cover up the growing bruise.
You decided to keep quiet about the bruise, figuring later that he would find out and by then, you hoped it wouldn’t look as bad as it was now. You detached yourself from his hug, careful to not make it so obvious that you were limping. You took a seat, beckoning for him to come over.
Ken traced you with his eyes, lips locked before he smiled. He passed by his seat but didn’t settle down. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the sand, facing you. He leaned forward, crossing his arms with each other on your legs and rested his chin on top. He looked up at you, that same boyish smile he had whenever he was with you.
You looked at him, uttering, “Looks like my boyfriend won yet another game today.” You patted his cheeks, and he quickly grabbed your hands to hold them.
”It was the team, really,” he said humbly, but with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “I was just one of the players.”
”Whatever you say, Mr.-eligible-bachelor-with-thousands-of-adoring-fans-waiting-to-be-picked.” You rolled your eyes.
He chuckled. “Little do they know,” he drew circles on your palm, “that I’m no longer available.”
He stared at you as you looked into the distance, the crashing of the waves filling in the silence between both of you. He stood up, cocking his head towards the shoreline. “Wanna go for a walk?”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, the trouble you had with your feet coming once again. You didn’t get a chance to answer as he knelt in front of you with his back towards you.
He gently pulled you on his back, your legs dangling on either side of his body as he piggybacked you. “Okay, let’s go for a walk,” he said, firmly placing his hands under your thighs.
You said nothing, circling your arms around his shoulders, your face buried at the nape of his neck. You loved the fact that you’re always calm around him, something that you’d always need after spending hours in a fast-paced environment for work every day.
As you walked along the shoreline, both of you pointed out stars shaped like objects, and he stopped at one point when you suddenly said, “I love you so much, do you know that?”
He laughed. “What’s with the sudden confession? I love you too, baby.” He gave your thigh a light slap. “And I’m glad to call you mine.”
”It’s time to go back, isn’t it?” You asked, hoping the answer would be no but knew the world would have to end for it to be.
He threw back his head to get a look of your face before uttering, “Sorry. I have a game tomorrow.”
You pouted slightly but knew that the circumstances wouldn’t change. Whether you’d like it or not, even though you didn’t mind your relationship was playing this way, both of you had your individual lives that didn’t intersect with each other.
Dates would always be a secret with limited areas you could go to, and you had to make sure you’re not seen within the vicinity of each other. If both of you needed to go to each other’s house, it felt more like you’re on an undercover mission.
Today, though, with you still on his back, he held onto you firmly and made his way back to his bike parked nearby some bushes.
”Kenji-“ you started, figuring that maybe he forgot that both of you were supposed to follow separate ways.
”Tell Ms. Tornado you’re staying at my house tonight,” he uttered, placing you on his bike’s seat, taking a helmet and helping you to put it on. “You’re sleeping at my house today.” He checked his watch. “I know that you don’t have any work scheduled for the next few days, right?”
You shook your head slowly, secretly happy that he actually kept track of your schedule. Your eyes searched for his from behind the visor, and you blinked slowly as he tapped your helmet.
“Stay at my house until you’re fully healed. Mina can take care of you.” He’s referring to the supercomputer his parents had programmed. He wore his helmet and leaned forward. If not for both of your helmets in place, he’d be resting his forehead against yours. “Of course, you’re welcome to continue staying until…” he winked, “whenever.”
He positioned himself in front of you, powering up his bike. You leaned forward, circling your arms around his waist.
Before your voice got swallowed by the roar of his bike, you said, “You knew I was hurt.”
Underneath his helmet he smiled. “I always do, baby. Always.”
One of the reasons you didn’t want to stay at his house for too long was because you knew you’d be too comfortable. It seemed that after the fiasco you ran into with Mei, Ms. Tornado told you that she was suspended from any work and your agency gave you time off.
So here you were, warm mug of coffee in hand, cross-legged on Ken’s sofa while wearing one of his hoodies. So far from your side, your manager was the only person who’d known about your secret relationship with the baseball player. You’re grateful that your agency was not the type to pry into your private life, so long it didn’t affect your work.
You made yourself right at home at Ken’s house. You could say that you became best friends with Mina, with her occasionally sharing stories about how Ken was when growing up and you helping her around the house.
You sunk in the plush sofa, watching a live show of another one of Ken’s games. You saw him turn to the camera, winked and did a secret sign that was directed at you. Seeing how he’s so expressive, you wondered whether Ken actually wanted your relationship to be public.
Even then, you wondered whether anyone actually noticed that Ken started doing the same pose to the camera whenever he scored a point, after he got into the relationship with you. Maybe the secrecy of your relationship was just held back by a single click to post on the Net.
As far as you knew, only five were aware of this relationship; both of you, your manager, Mina and Kenji’s father.
Rather than your own reputation, you’re worried more for Ken’s image. He just moved here from America, carrying the expectations of everyone who had set their eyes upon him. He rose to fame real quick, while you’d already established your foundation right in your hometown as you were raised through a family generation of models.
Night was approaching, and you did catch a message from Ken updating you that he would be joining the group dinner to celebrate their win first. He promised to come back as soon as the dinner was finished. While waiting for him, you caught Mina’s red bar from the corner of your eyes and you smiled at her.
“Y/N, Ken had actually asked me to ask you one important question.”
“Sure, what is it, Mina?”
Immediately, Mina displayed a projection showing a website of a furniture store. She changed the page to the ‘bed frames’ category.
“I was told that the bed broke last night. Ken told me this morning to ask you which ones would you prefer,” Mina said without any hint of emotion. “He didn’t want to disturb you while you’re sleeping this morning.” After remembering another point she added, “He said make sure to pick the strong ones.”
You, on the other hand, were already burying your face in your hand as your cheeks reddened. “Oh my God,” you groaned. He could go one day, one day, without making you blush. It didn’t help that Mina was delivering the message so robotically. Well, she was one, but you get the point. “Mina, can we talk about this… some other time? Don’t worry,” you pressed your lips into a thin line as you remembered how exactly the bed broke last night. “I’ll tell Ken that you delivered the message well.”
Mina backed up, doing her gesture akin to a nod. “Sure, Y/N.”
You turned your head towards the front door when you heard the door opening, and you stalked your way to your boyfriend, who was holding his jacket in his left hand. Your face fell when you saw that he was wincing, the skin near his eye bruised and his right hand gently pressing over the injury.
“What happened to you?” You fussed over him, requesting Mina to take a bucket of ice and a cloth. “Who did this?”
He winced once again, but grinned soon after. He threw his jacket on the sofa and grabbed your waist, kissing you, hard. It was like he was releasing whatever pent up frustrations he had the whole day, drunk in your kiss that you felt out of breath as soon as he let go.
You saw Mina hovering nearby, clearly not wanting to disturb both of you. You cleared your throat and Ken ran a hand through his hair.
Mina set down the requested bowl of ice and cloth, but Ken shook his head.
Ken uttered, “Mina, can you please bring a bucket of ice to the bathroom? I’d like to soak myself in the tub.”
“Sure, Ken.”
“Ken, you need to tell me what happened to you. You’re injured, for God’s sake!” Your eyebrows knitted in worry, but your boyfriend was displaying the opposite as he was happily dragging you along to the bathroom.
He only gave you a peck on your forehead as Mina helped to prepare the bath.
You wouldn’t let your eyes off his injuries, assessing how badly he was hurt. As Mina excused herself to leave both of you in the bathroom alone, he stripped and stepped into the tub. The water sloshed around as he settled down, and you gritted your teeth as you sat on the edge of the bathtub.
He lifted up his eyebrows, clearly teasing you. “Care to join me?”
You sighed, clearly dissatisfied at how he’s acting while not disclosing about what had happened to him until he returned with a black eye. You crossed your arms, not wanting to submit to his pleading eyes, not until he told you what happened.
Clearly, you were not strong against this man because now both of you were stark naked in the cold water, Ken hugging you from behind as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Now tell me what happened.”
Ken obliged. “So we went for a celebratory dinner at this one grilled meat restaurant.” He buried his face at the nape of your neck. “There was this one group of guys who clearly were too drunk. One of them,” you felt his arms tightening around your waist. “Was making inappropriate comments about your body. My girlfriend. Of course I got pissed and punched him. It was an easy fight, but I was unlucky to get this one hit. I won, of course.”
The knot in your stomach got undone, that heavy feeling finally lifting off as you laughed, relieved. You leaned backwards, muttering, “Oh, Kenji. My idiot Kenji. I really thought you had an encounter with a hater, someone that wasn’t afraid to punch you in public just because they hate you. I was so worried. But didn’t your teammates suspect anything? For you to react that way when they’re talking about me.”
“Even if they do find out, it doesn’t matter. Anyone who speaks like that about you deserves to be punched, baby.” The water sloshed around as he turned you around so that both of you were facing each other. He rubbed a thumb over your lips, his mouth lifting at the corners. “And guess what?”
You narrowed your eyes. “What?”
“I got a personal invitation from one of the biggest sports brands here. They’re inviting me for an official photo shoot for their new attire collection.”
“That’s amazing, Kenji!” you exclaimed, and he shook his head, a smile plastered on his face.
“And you know what’s the best part? It’ll be a duo photo shoot, a collab with one of Japan’s famous models.”
“A man?” you asked, still clueless.
“A woman.” He grinned, “With my woman.”
“Oh!” You slapped a hand to your forehead, not believing that you hadn’t caught on when your manager had told you that you would be having an upcoming photo shoot with one of the most famous athletes. No wonder Ms. Tornado looked all smiley when she was delivering the news.
“They were surprised when I agreed to it without much questions,” he said. “Said yes as soon as I heard your name.”
Your leg was all healed, Ken’s bruise subsided, and it was finally the day of the photo shoot. Obviously, both of you had to come from a different place and at a different time to avoid any suspicion, so the night before you had returned to your house, despite Ken showing you his puppy eyes to make you stay.
You left without looking back, having to reassure him that both of you would see each other tomorrow.
The day came. In the makeup room, both of you had your lips locked, only a slight nod of greeting when he first came in before you returned your attention back to the mirror in front.
God knew how much Ken Sato was holding back from pulling you into a hug as soon as he saw you in the room.
You saw him from the corner of your eyes, his eyes closed as he let the brushes and artist do their work. You smiled, your mind thinking about how Hina would most likely go crazy once she heard that you had landed a job with this famous baseball player. You figured that you’d let her find out by herself once the official photo shoot had come out.
In the studio, both of you exchanged a formal greeting before the photo shoot started, and you could see that Ken was trying to hide from forming a smile on his face. As the camera started clicking and poses were thrown, you could hear the photographer yelling out encouragement, including ‘Don’t be shy with each other’ and ‘Stand closer’.
You heard Ken slightly snicker, and he whispered to you subtly, his lips slightly brushing your earlobe. You shivered, and he was smart enough to not let anyone see what he was doing. “If only they know how close we are.”
“Last set!” The photographer announced. “This time around, I’d like to see some contact with each other. No looking like you’re two magnets repelling each other, but attracting each other instead.”
“Oh I can do that,” Ken said smugly as he followed the photographer’s instructions.
Funnily enough, he was the one looking like he had more experience in modelling as he followed the photographer’s instructions to a T, while you felt more like a deflated balloon guided by your boyfriend.
You promised you were a professional model, but with him, well, you faltered and posed like you’re a novice instead. Still, you managed to pull through the photo shoot as the photographer gave a thumbs up, fully satisfied with the session today.
You took some time to relax after the photo shoot alone in the dressing room. As you were leaning against the chair, your head turned to look at the door that just opened.
Ken’s head popped up through the space and he waved his hand. “Hey,” he whispered. He looked over his shoulder before slipping into the room, locking the door behind him.
“Ken Sato,” you said, more of a warning. “What if someone sees you coming in?”
“It’s fine,” he walked over to you, and lifted you up in a hug.
Naturally, your legs coiled around him as he firmly placed his arms around you.
“I wanted to say goodbye in person before I leave for my game this evening. You’ll watch the game live, right?”
“Of course, I’ll be there.”
You practically jumped away from him as a knock came on the door and panicked, you opened the closet door before shoving him inside. You shut the closet tight, catching his eyes trailing your movement through the bars before putting a finger over your lips to signal silence. Steadying your breath, you opened the door to find the photographer standing outside.
“Oh hey, uh…” you trailed off as you realised that you didn’t know the camera man’s name.
“I’m Yuichiro,” he extended his hand to offer a handshake, but you politely declined with a nod of your head. “It’s uh,” he nervously chuckled. “I thought that you looked great and I found out that we’re the same age. I was wondering if you would like to, you know, go have coffee sometime. As in, uh, I’d like to take you out sometime.”
“Oh, really?” You swore you could feel Kenji’s stare digging through the man’s skull as you stole a glance towards the closet behind you. “That’s too bad because I uh,” You silently prayed that Ken wouldn’t suddenly spring out of the closet. “I am too busy. I don’t even have time to drink coffee myself.” You gave a professional smile, hoping that the man would take the hint and walk away.
“Not even coffee?”
“Not even coffee.” You sighed, shaking your head. “I don’t drink coffee, actually.”
“Oh.” He looked surprised. “But I thought I saw you drinking coffee this morning at the set.”
You shook your head, pretending to be disappointed. “I’m afraid you are hallucinating, my friend. I don’t drink coffee. Anyway,” you clapped your hand, “I need to get ready to go to my next destination for another photo shoot, so if you could please leave?”
He looked disappointed as he nodded. “I mean, yeah. Please go on your way. Sorry to take your time.”
You smiled politely but as soon as you closed the door and locked it, you jumped over to the closet, the door creaking as you pried it open. You saw Ken sitting on the floor, elbows resting on his knees as his bangs curtained his eyes. You sat down in front of him, moving his bangs out of his vision.
“Kenji…?” you started, trying to gauge his emotions. 
He stayed quiet for a few moments, and you poked his stomach when it seemed like he’s not budging.
“Are you okay?”
He breathed in and out, before looking up. His eyes caught yours, but still you couldn’t read his expressions. “I experienced this new emotion,” he finally said.
You inched forward.
“You’re doing great, baby.” The compliment came out of nowhere that you were slightly taken aback.
“Kenji,” the grin on your face grew wider, “were you jealous?”
He never broke off his stare to you, and you found it so attractive. “I was.” His eyes dropped to your lips. “I was stopping myself from jumping out of the closet and announcing that you’re mine.”
“I am,” you uttered, ruffling his hair. “You better get going. You have a game to win.”
“I sure do.” He stood up and you mirrored his actions. Before he turned to leave, he kissed you on the lips and whispered again as he peppered kisses on your neck. “With this jealousy, let’s just hope the bed won’t break again tonight.”
Of course you lied to the photographer to politely decline his advances. Your schedule was free this evening and you had promised Ken you would see his game live. You dressed as inconspicuously as possible, donning on the merchandise jersey they sold to the public.  
Ken had offered you to wear his jersey, but that would practically mean announcing your relationship to the public. Tucking your hair under the cap, putting on fake glasses and looking at yourself in the mirror, you figured how Clark Kent had managed to turn people’s suspicions away from him being the superhero.
Now, you’re just one person among the thousands of show-goers filling up the stadium. You took up your seat, eager to witness the game Ken would be joining. Announcement blared throughout the stadium, signalling that the game was about to start. You heard your boyfriend’s name announced as he stepped onto the field.
Giants’ supporters cheered for him, and you joined in on the hype as you saw him giving his million-dollar smile to the crowd. You waited for the game to start, and truth be told, no matter how many times Ken had explained the rules of the game, anything barely stuck to your brain. Still, you tried your best to support him even though that meant cheering for him blindly whenever the others did.
The crowd went wild again as the Giants scored yet another point.
You got distracted by a notification coming to your phone. You wanted to ignore it, but as you saw Hina’s name as the sender, you had to sit down and open the message. She rarely texts you out of work, so there must have been something out of the ordinary. You felt your heart drop as you read the message, and a link towards a news website was sent together.
Your eyes caught her message first. Oh my God?! You’ve been dating Ken Sato?
You stood up together with the rest of the cheering crowd, but you had to wrestle your way through to make your way out of the stadium. You didn’t know what to do, Kenji was still in game and your feet almost gave way as your shaky hands opened the link to read the news.
Everything was summed up in one news article, and you felt your world getting smaller as you saw the pictures of the night Ken had piggybacked you after you hurt your leg, all obviously looking like they were taken in secret. You read through the whole article, your ears deafened by the sound of roaring cheers inside the stadium.
You were standing outside the stadium, and you looked back at the giant screen you could see displaying yet another shot of Ken doing his signature pose to the camera. You turned back to the news article in your hands, and read through the whole thing over and over again. Several lines caught your eyes, and you finally caught on who was behind this.
Photographer Yuichiro handed over the pictures of the two lovebirds having a secret date at the private beach, which was purportedly owned by Ken Sato. From the pictures taken, I’m sure everyone would come to one very obvious conclusion. The question is; do you find the relationship surprising, or are they a perfect match for each other?
You wondered if it was all planned by him; the photo shoot together with Ken. Was he testing to see whether you’d accept a date with him to assume whether you’d have a boyfriend or not?
You wanted to run away. But from what, exactly? Running away wouldn’t solve this problem.
Well, if it turned into a problem.
Cheers erupted again as you returned to the stadium, just in time to see the final score and then celebrating the Giants’ victory. Chanting swimmed through the crowd, and you gripped your phone tightly as you searched for Ken among the players.
You finally spotted him at the bench, and your mind was as equally noisy as the audience around you.
He looked in your direction, trying to search for you but before he could catch your eyes, his shoulder was tapped by a fellow teammate, showing him an article displayed on the screen.
Everything happened fast, you didn’t know that it was possible as your worst fear came to life in front of everyone. The giant screen in the stadium displayed the news article and the pictures of the both of you displayed in a slideshow. You could hear shouts of confusion and gasps among the crowd as all of them were looking at the same thing.
The noise of the crowd died down as Ken made his way to the edge of the field, where an interviewer was waiting to start the session. The topic of the interview was supposed to be about the win at first, but it had clearly turned into a different direction.
The camera focused on Ken, and you knew he was directly looking at you. He looked calm, the practised smile he had on whenever he appeared on screen.
“Ken Sato,” the interviewer started, as he looked into the camera, “The name that is no longer a stranger to every household. His return to Japan brought waves and hope to the Giants. But today,” she turned to him, “it seemed like you’re the focus on the interview for an entirely different topic. Who knew that this eligible bachelor was actually already taken? I have the man here with me, so, what would you like to say?”
The crowd was obediently silent as they waited for his answer. You felt your heart beating loud in your chest as you, too, anticipated what he would say.
For a split second your mind wondered whether he would vehemently deny the news, but you brushed that thought away. You trusted him.
“I do have a question for everyone here, first, though.” Ken swept his vision across the crowd. “Is it a sin for a celebrity, or at least someone who is quite well known by the public, I mean,” he shrugged, “I don’t wanna sound like I’m boasting or that I’m too full of myself thinking that I’m famous.”
There was a ripple of laughter through the whole crowd.
“Is it wrong for me to be in a relationship?”
Silence. A dread coming over you as you quietly anticipated that there might be protests coming from the crowd. No one spoke up until you heard a female shouting from the crowd, “No, it’s not a sin! Well, we would be slightly sad that our favourite bachelor is no longer available, but you’re still human!”
Your eyes travelled to the female shouting, and realised why the voice was so familiar. It was Hina. She saw you looking at her and she grinned, giving a thumbs-up.
“Thank you, random woman from the crowd,” Ken uttered. He turned back to the camera. “I think that answered the question. I’m still human,” he shrugged, his eyebrows lifting up as he announced, “and I fell in love with Y/N. We are happily in a relationship. I’m proud to say that she’s mine.” His eyes finally fall towards your direction. You could only discern his expressions and gestures from the big screen because he was too far from you. “I love you, Y/N.”
There was a momentary moment of silence that you could hear a pin dropping, and you feared that maybe, the public wouldn’t take it so nicely.
But soon, the whole stadium shook with cheers from the crowd. This time around, they were chanting both Ken's and your names.
Okay, so this was not the reaction that you had expected.
You saw Ken gesturing to you, asking to meet you privately after the game. You nodded, pointing to your phone to say that you would communicate through text.
He sent you a message for the meetup point, and you practically ran towards where he had wanted to meet you.
You saw him at the end of the empty hallway, the noise in the stadium a distant sound now that it was only the two of you. You ran into his arms and he caught you, laughing. You let your breath steady first before saying anything.
“Ken Sato… you…” you started. “You have this way of wording things. I never expected the whole crowd to just agree with you.”
“Hey, look at me.” He tilted your chin, and he gazed upon you. “Like I said, we’re still humans.” He kissed your lips. “And I fell in love with you.”
“Hmm…” You hummed, still feeling slightly worried.
Ken opened the article, scrolled down to the comments and showed them to you. “See, they’re all positive comments.” He cleared his throat, doing his best imitation while reading the comments. “Oh my God, they’re a perfect match for each other! I knew they were dating, it would be weird if they didn't date. Honestly, I don’t know how it happened, but I’m happy for them. Y/N, you’d be better off with me-” He stopped reading when he read one comment that irked him. “You know what, I’m going to report that last comment.”
You burst into laughter seeing how he was tapping furiously at the screen, blowing out an air of satisfaction as he finally reported the comment.
“There, problem solved,” he announced.
“You know that probably some time in the future that there will probably be people who won’t be satisfied.” You sniffed.
“Well that’s too bad.” He bumped his forehead against yours. “Because you’re already mine.”
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hurlingdown · 2 days
ftm!character. dom!reader. cunnilingus.
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imagine taking your sweet, sweet time savouring him. 
pressing your lips to toughened, scarred skin, puckering them lightly to let out soft muahs, letting him know just how much you appreciate him. making him squirm, face and chest glowing, so embarrassed by how delicate you’re treating him but at the same time not being able to look away. 
your gaze isn’t hungry, no. it’s a different sort of heavy intensity that’s residing within, speaking to him, drumming on his heart, making the space inside his ribs feel small and cramped. it’s almost like you’re in love with him, but this is just one of the many things that he wants… so much, too much, but knows no god out there would grant the wish of a devil. 
there’s no rush at all when you kiss your way down his stomach and navel until you’re snug between his thighs, pressing your cheek against one of them. he doesn’t ask what you’re looking at, knows exactly how much he’s leaking for you, and he clenches his hole to make it drool a little more. 
you smile when a hand cards through your hair, not a demand but something more tender. telling you he’s okay, you may begin when you are. 
he’s throbbing with need by the time you’re pressing open mouthed kisses on his clit, shivers of pleasure making him let out soft gasps into the open air. his hand never leaves your hair, and he’s trying his best not to tug at the strands, giving you all the freedom you deserve. he doesn’t ask for more—you already know. just lays back, and lets you make him feel good. 
we have all the time in the world, he thinks. lies to himself, because it helps soothe the ache. lets him forget a little while, the splinter in his chest. 
the first broad stroke of your tongue against him brings him back to reality. he lets go to fist his hands into the sheets, trying his best not to buck up to you. you’ve gone through this with him many times before, but he’s still afraid he’ll lose control and somehow hurt you in vulnerable moments like these. you loathe it, how he thinks of pleasure like a sin. 
“don’t hold back,” you murmur into his folds, and he lets out a shaky exhale at the sweet buzz that probes his walls. nods—yes, he will listen, even if he thinks he doesn’t deserve it. it’s you who deserves to be heard. you breathe in his earthy scent, a hand finding his clenched fist, lacing your fingers with his and squeezing; even as you begin to lick into him again, lapping up his slick and stretching him out. 
this time, and the next few times, he doesn’t stop himself. he parts his lips to let out a low moan as you pull back to suck wetly at his clit, and cringes at the noise. it ends shortly when you echo him with a loud, throaty groan into his pussy, as though his pleasure was your own. at this, he trembles with a gasp of your name, eyes widening because you were unpredictable like that. you only encourage him, free hand holding him still as you eat him out slow and meaningfully, eyes never leaving him to make sure he’s enjoying every second of it. 
after that, all hell lets loose, and he feels as though moan after moan is pulled out from bone and marrow, from the depths of his soul, the dirty places that he has tried to hide from you. it is the first time that he has realised that maybe he is allowed to feel this way. maybe he is allowed to want, and have, and not be satisfied with just ‘enough’.
“please,” he cries out, as you slurp him, feast him. he holds your hand tight as the first wave of his orgasm burns through him, the quivering flame inside roaring to life—and bursting into wildfire. 
he curses, writhes, fighting to jerk out from your grip, no longer trying to act tame and reverent. you continue to pleasure him even as buries a hand in your hair, trying to wrench you away, sobbing out pleas for mercy and for more. 
if this is what it takes to make him lose control, then you will do it. over and over again, until he breaks out of that hollow shell, the one that cages him in with his quiet self-destruction, away from release and pleasure. until he learns that being with you is supposed to feel good.  masterlist! p.s. learning how to eat pussy from shakespeare
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dante-mightdie · 1 day
BROOOO 💳 💥 💳 💥 💳 💥 💳 💥 Pls not cult!price being a damn good father god he so scrumdiddlyumtious!! Your writing is my crack.
c/w: none, fluff, children
imagine somewhere down the line and you’ve just had your fourth child and he comes home, expecting a home full of mayhem after a long day of leading the w cult :( expecting his sleepy wife to be wrangling the three oldest kids, baby cries echoing throughout the house and the smoke alarm about to go off from the burning dinner
but instead he’s greeted with the heartwarming site of you, cross-legged on the sofa with your newborn in your arms as they nurse. your other three children all passed out around you on the big l-shaped sofa. their heads in your lap whilst you run your fingers through their hair
your sleepy gaze leaves the tv and travels over to your husband standing in the doorway, your yawns settle into a dopey smile as you sit up only for him to put his hand out, taking a couple steps closer to you, “don’t move, doll. I’ll come to you, yeah?” he whispers, giving you that smile you fell in love with a few years ago
he makes sure to keep his steps quiet, tiptoeing over the toys and books and blankets littering the front room. you giggle at him when he nearly trips but catches himself, safely making the rest of the journey as he crouches down in front of you and places a peck to your lips before looking down at the baby in your arms with a fond smile
“how is she?” he asks, its been a couple weeks since you gave birth and a couple days since john has gone back to his regular schedule, leaving you at home with the kids whilst he runs the community. you look down at your daughter, bouncing her gently before looking back at john
“she’s still all cute and happy. her eating seems normal but her sleep schedule is a bit out of balance.” you whisper, careful not to wake your other sleeping children. “I think she’s gonna be up for most of the night.”
john nods his head, moving to place a pillow behind your head so you can breastfeed more comfortably. he starts moving around the living room again, collecting up all the toys on the floor. “better enjoy the piece and quiet whilst we can, love.” he sighs but he’s not upset, he just wants you to be able to rest without being woken up by high pitched cries coming from the bassinet next to your bed
“you eaten?” he asks, switching off the tv to prevent any extra noise waking up the dozing twins in your lap or the. you shake your head in response
"the boys have eaten already. there's dinner in the kitchen, i'll heat it up for us once i'm done with this one..." you say, cooing down at your little daughter in your arms. john looks at you displeased, shaking his head in disapproval
"don't be silly, love. you wait there, i'll get ya something to eat and then ill run you a bath and put her to bed whilst you're in there." he says, planting a firm kiss on your forehead before setting off to the kitchen <3
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lizziesribbons · 2 days
here's a gay thought that I had before a person named CHAR (yes you @hopelesslygaysstuff ) ruined my life
Imagine mommy wanda twitching her hips as she pulls at your hair while you eat her out and it's been almost an hour and she's almost on her 5th orgasm and you're not even thinking about stopping as you push her hips down harder at the mattress and keep eating her out,she just stays stuff like
"please detka ah fuck mommy is so sensitive"
"ah ah ah I'm gonna cum again baby"
"have some mercy on mommy fuck please detka please"
"oh god I'm close again"
and she whines after each orgasm like um???
going feral I wanna eat her out for hours
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delirious state - Luke Hughes
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summary; Luke Hughes x reader
Luke gets injured and the painkillers kick him into a delirious state, which is quite funny.
warning(s); mention of injury, it's more fluff and funny, real head injuries are no fun! , maybe grammar errors
author's note; old but good! 4/4 fics done! Good night everyone ✨
"Luke Hughes left the game and is on the way to get medical help".
This is how the disaster began. You stand in the emergency department waiting for Luke, completely worried and walking circles. "Mrs. Hughes? Mr. Hughes asked for you", an older nurse speaks with papers under her arm. You didnt know you're his wife but you're completely fine with that. Together with his nurse you arrive on a station where you can smell the typical disinfection scent.
"I'll leave you alone with your husband. Our doctor had to sew a wound on his head, two broken rips and a swollen nose. Because of the medical drugs and painkillers he can speak confused. He needs to rest. Are there any questions?", the nurse looks up from her pinning map with all informations, you don't care right now. You want to know if he's okay. "No i just want to see my husband, thank you". The nurse nods and walks back where they came from.
Quietly you open the door, afraid to wake Luke. Your poor Lukey. But damn you're wrong. Your poor Lukey smiles high and looks at you absolutely awake. He has a black eye, a neck support and plaster on his head where the doctors had to shave his head. He looks not good, hockey is a dangerous sport.
"Hey babbbyyy! Nice to see you", he waves with his hand and his voice sounds higher than usual.
"Hey, are you okay? My poor Lukey. Your family will be here in one hour. Traffic", you pet his curly hair and sit on his bed. "Oh yeah. Do you want to go to the cinema with me?", Luke smiles again not knowing what he tells. "You're not in the condition so I don't think", you giggle. It feels like you talk to a child. "You are soooo pretty", Luke does a gesture to show how much and curls your hair with his finger.
"You are pretty, too. Even with your destroyed face", you smirk. Luke is never that cheesy but as long he won't get angry you tolerate it.
"I really wanna have sex with you", he says without warning. It's atypical for him, he's very shy.
"Baby I dont think that works out right now",
"but whyyy?", Luke gets tearful.
"You have an head injury!".
"You think I'm a sucker in bed!", he replies in a stubborn tone.
"No don't get me wrong!", you never imagined you both have this conversation in the hospital one day.
"Yes you do. I'm lucky I married you before you could leave me because of that", his monitor signals louder because his heartbeat gets faster.
"You really need to rest and chill baby", you hope the topic is closed now.
"Just if you tell me you want to have Sex with me too!", you roll your eyes. "I won't say this!", you place your hands on your hip. A nurse comes in and controls his vital values until he speaks out, "Marriage is hard", he huffs. The nurse laughs off.
"We're not married. Before we reach this step you have to ask me!", your poor nerves. Honestly you need a drink to get through this. And chocolate cake.
Luke wants to stand up out of his bed, "babyyy lets go! I'm ready to get some actionnn with youu", he tipsy says. Luke's cheeks are rosy and and he looks like he gets fever. You lovely push him back to bed. "Lukey I love having sex with you but god damn lay down or I'll cain you on this bed!".
"Uhh I love when you take control", he smirks.
"Man you knocked out on ice and all you can think is about this?! and y'all say I'm the cheeky one!", you turn around behind you, hearing a familiar voice. It was his older brother.
Ellen, Jim and Jack watched this amused scenario. "Mooom", Luke groans. Ellen goes straight to his bed, hugs him and strokes his curly hair. "Can I help you with something? It looked really bad!", his mother says. "Why have you to interrupt me and my wife? Its getting hot in there", Luke is outraged.
"Lukey its fever and no sexual attraction, I'm sorry guys, he's dazed from the drugs", you try the best to get out of his embarrassing moment. "Mooom?", he calls her name again in a wailing way. "Yes?", she holds his other hand and focused. "Can I borrow your ring? I need to do a proposal". Ellen don't know what to say. Jim stays quite in the cornor as opposed to Jack. He grins the whole time and records some videos. "I have to send this to Quinn! Made my day!".
"Don't be so mean", Jim replies. "Daaaadddd?", comes from the big boy in bed. Jim steps next to Ellen, looking down to his son. "Why I'm the third one and not the first child? Didn't you make any effort to get me?", he whines. "Can't believe my smartest son asks such a stupid question", Jim shakes his head and hugs Luke, too. They don't care about this delirious state, the ony thing that matters is, he's okay. (Of course Jack will show their whole family these videos later).
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Horny Yuna
A/N: Just some random thought that was floating around my brain. Btw this is set when boys like you was made.
Warnings: Smut, Masturbation, Mommy Kink, abs riding, a teeny tiny bit of exhibitionism
Yuna’s POV:
It was another day of filming. So tiring. Promotions, dance practise, recording, photoshoot. All to make our boys like you song inspired by Taylor Swift. (Imagine seeing her in person it would be such a dream) Sometimes it’s so overwhelming being an idol, yes I do really love my job making midzy’s so happy but our work hours are hectic and unpredictable. We could be scheduled from 8 am all the way to 10pm and other days we have nothing on. Today we were lucky as all we had were some vocal recordings to do in the morning and dance practise for an hour as the dance isn’t to hard we just had to be synchronised.
“Yuna come on our driver is here.” Lia called.
“Yup I’ll be there soon.” In my usual excited tone. I finished the last touches of my makeup and left the dorm to join the others outside.
Our manager sat in the front seat chaeryeong and Yeji in the next two seats near the windows. And then me, Ryujin and Lia squished in the backseats.
We arrived at the studio in no time. The car ride totally wasn’t chaotic Yeji, lia and I were totally not belting our hearts out doing karaoke. Chaeryeong decided to scroll through social media and Ryujin took a nap which is impressive through all the noise.
( I don’t think people want more story bits so imma just cut to the smut )
It was Ryujin’s turn and boy I never thought I could get so turned on from those lyrics, it made me fantasise so many things while i waited for her to finish.
Well, you must be goin' crazy Thinkin' I'll be back, I'm sorry 'Cause you're cryin' like a baby But do I look like your mommy?
Yea you do look like my mommy and I am would be your best baby. I really want her long fingers plunging into my cunt that is dripping with need. Not sure if the lyrics are true but if you don’t like boys Ryujin I’m always here to be yours and only yours. I grinded slightly on the corner of the red couch I was sitting on hoping it would elevate the heat I was feeling but it only intensified.
Sigh what am I thinking i excused myself to the bathroom splashing water on my face. I really don’t want to mess up our friendship we even have so many years on our contract so if things ended awkwardly I would still have to see her everyday. God damn Yuna she thinks of you as a sister you even have the same last name for heavens sake.
( time skip )
After practising the dance I made the fatal mistake of looking towards Ryujin’s direction. Her abs glistened with a sheen layer of sweat her slightly below shoulder length messy hair. Oh how i would give anything to ride those abs. Ahhh why am i suddenly thinking so many dirty thoughts about my member.
“Unnie can we go home now?” I whined to Yeji the ache in my core being insufferable.
“Sure, but are you feeling ok? Your face is a bit red and your squirming a lot.”
“Yea I’m good just a bit under the weather.”
“If you say so.”
( At the dorms )
I bolted inside my room locking it as fast as possible throwing my outfit and under garments somewhere. Taking my fingers and plunging them immediately into my pussy dripping with arousal.
I turned on some fan cams of Ryujin and got to work.
Others POV:
“Do you think Yuna is ok? She has been acting odd all day and she ran straight into her room.” Chaeryeong commented.
“ I’m not sure but should someone check in on her?” Lia asked
They heard Ryujin’s name being called from Yuna’s room. Perhaps she needs medication or water.
Ryujin cautiously made her way over to Yuna’s room seeing what she wanted.
Ryujin POV:
Did I just hear Yuna groan? Is she ok? Is she that sick? I rushed to her door only to find it was locked.
She really sounded sick so I took my lock picking set out to pick her lock. What if she had fainted in there and hit her head? I had to at least make sure she was doing alright.
I was in the middle of picking her lock when I heard her moan Ryujinnie Mommy please… F-Faster. I definitely now had an idea what had occupied her mind all day. I was very flattered that, that someone was me. I now was really turned on and Yuna needed to fix the problem she started plus she sounded like she was having a little difficulty pleasuring herself so why don’t I just go in there and help her a bit.
“Oh you wanted me to go faster huh? What was that you were calling me, mommy?”
3rd person POV:
Yuna was shocked trying to pull a blanket over her as quick as possible hiding in embarrassment. Ryujin had seen it coming and immediately pulled the blanket off her. Revealing Yuna’s puffy flaps coated in a thick layer of cum and arousal.
“It’s not w-what it looks like unnie.”
“Are you sure because I came in here to help my baby and for her to get her mommy to a climax as well.”
Yuna was at a loss of words
“How does that sound” Ryujin said with a smirk
Yuna was still shocked and could only nod her head quickly in agreement. She never thought she would get another chance to indulge in her fantasies. She pulled down Ryujin’s clothes so fast it could beat an Olympian. Throwing Ryujin’s clothes somewhere she got to work on Ryujin’s pussy giving it a few kitten like licks. Then plunging her tongue in to the older girl. Ryujin produced some very unholy sounds that were music to Yuna’s ear. Determined to hear that sound from her unnie again she plunged her fingers in and sucked on her bud creating double stimulation.
“Yunahh— you ahh better not— stop mmmh.”
Ryujin’s sentences were barely coherent but they got the message along to Yuna. She picked up her speed and eventually was rewarded with a sweet sticky substance that she tried to take as much of it in her mouth but ultimately failing with some dribbling down the sides of her face.
“Unnie you good?”
Ryujin just laid there thoroughly fucked her eyes screwed shut panting not moving an inch.
“Sorry for being a bit greedy but woah Yuna mmmm you make me feel soooooo good”
“I didn’t  even know getting eaten out could feel like that” Ryujin slurred almost as if she was drunk
“Sorry to assume but you haven’t had sex yet im your first?!?”
“Uhm… no?” Ryujin’s voice came out quietly embarrassed that she had blurted out her secret that she was planning on taking to her grave.
“You give off such a girl crush vibe I just kinda assumed you’ve done it before if it makes you feel any better you’re my first as well.” ‘But definitely not my first sexual encounter I’ve been preparing for this day for ages’ Yuna added in her head.
“Being an idol has kept me pretty busy”
“Anyways my darling what is your first fantasy that you would like to fufill” Ryujin grabbed a magic wand like thing from a box nearby and waved it around in the air as if she was casting a spell
‘Fuck why the hell did ryujin pick up that and why does she look so innocent does she know that she’s holding a dildo?’ 
‘I wonder what this button does? And why does Yuna look redder than a tomato is that even possible?’ Ryujin thought 
‘I mean it’s probably just some lights right?’
Yuna quickly took the wand from Ryujin’s hand while she was inspecting the button and shoved it under pillow and switched positions with ryujin. Thump! Ryujin landed harshly onto the bed she didn’t even have the time to realize before she found a Shin Yuna grinding her pussy down onto her flat stomach.
( Authors note: idk how you guys do it with those fancy software thingos to do the text stuff but imma just be creative bare with me 😭)
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓🌷 = Lia
🌿🍵 Sleepy Matcha Lover 🍵🌿 = Ryujin
✨👑 Baby Princess 👑✨= Yuna
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛ = Chaeryeong 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭 = Yeji ( sorry guys ik the username sucks )
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Does anyone else think ryujin has been in Yuna’s room for an abnormally long time?
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Maybe they’re fucking
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓🌷: Maybe you just have a really dirty mind and ur just upset cause u haven’t been fucked in a long time 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭:  Nuh uh
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛:  Guys I’m sure they are responsible enough to not be doing that
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry : But what else could they be doing tho? 🤭
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭:  Says the one who bought a face roller in the shape of a dick 
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Yea but I was responsible with it wasn’t I?
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Sure sure if being responsible means sticking it up your pussy to see if it would fit 
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Nuh uh I never did that 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: 🙄
 🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓: Enough of this shenanigans even though I was a part of it we should probably go check in on them. 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: You sure about that? I can hear Yuna’s moans bouncing off the walls and they sound borderline pornographic and I don’t want to walk in on that.
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Unnie 🤣 I see you sitting by their door literally getting off from hearing their moans 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Meanie 🖕why did you rat me out 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Well since Chaeryeong ratted me out I’m bringing her down with me did you know she keeps a journal of at times in mv’s and videos we look the most sexy/ fuckable?
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: Unnie you meanie I’m not ur fan anymore hmph.
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭: Noooo cherrryyyy 
🍭🧁 Sugar-holic 🧁🍭 deleted a message
🐈‍⬛🖤 Yuna’s Cat 🖤🐈‍⬛: fine ur forgiven 
🌷🍓Flowering Strawberry 🍓: We going in or no?
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blueskies4everxo · 10 hours
Is This A Mistake?
summary: Visenya Velaryon, second child of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Laenor Velaryon visits her uncle Aegon ii Targaryen before the petition of Driftmark.
pairing: Aegon ii Targaryen x Visenya Velaryon (OC)
word count: 1.5K
warnings: SMUT, did I say smut, there is a slight plot, oral (f receiving), slight fingering, angst, p in v (unprotected, we are in westeros) targ!cest (uses of uncle and niece) maybe unrequited love? Aegon is Aegon. I know the gif is Alicent but let’s pretend it’s Visenya m18+MDNI! First fanfic, please be kind.
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In Maegor’s Holdfast, a dark haired Princess stands, leaning against a sturdy chair, heavily breathing. Her navy blue dress bunched around her waist, the front has long been unlaced exposing her supple breasts, nipples peaking in the cold air. One of her legs rests over the shoulder of the shirtless man between her legs, flicking his tongue over her pearl whilst he plunges his fingers into her wet heat.
Visenya Velaryon bites her bottom lip attempting to stifle her moan as she tilts her head.
Her left hand clenching around the arm rest so hard she feels like she could splinter the carved wood. Her right hand raking through short, slightly greasy silver hair, which only makes the kneeling man suck her small nub into his mouth, his tongue lapping over her. She feels more of her own slick drip from her body, his moans sending vibrations deep into her core.
“Gods, you’re good at this, kepus.” The brunette second child of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, the heir to the Iron Throne murmured, glancing down at her uncle, Aegon ii Targaryen, two pairs of purple eyes meeting. Releasing her cunt with a wet smack of his lips, the silver haired Prince begins to laugh against her thigh, his mouth leaving a wet trail on skin, his eyes filling with mirth. The rough pads of his fingers slowly parting her wet lips, smearing her slick.
“The Street of Silk will do that to a man.” Visenya feels jealous at the thought of Aegon pleasuring his wife, but now she feels disgust as she imagines him pleasuring the whores whose company he’s paid for. She had heard stories of her uncle’s proclivities and depravity, yet the confirmation set a deep ache in her chest.
Visenya stands on her shaky legs before pushing her kneeling uncle to the ground not caring to see the look of hurt flash upon his face.
“Visenya?” Turning away from the crumpled man, the brunette beauty begins to straighten herself, pulling her stockings up despite her aching core begging for completion. She laces her bodice, hiding any evidence of the purple lovebites spattered across her chest.
Visenya flattens her small hands down her dress attempting to iron out the creases, turning around to face the man who has found his way to a pitcher of wine. The need to hurt him like he has unknowingly hurt her fills her soul. How many times have her brothers been on the receiving end of the Green’s taunts? Despite sharing the same Strong blood as her brothers, Aegon and Aemond have spared Visenya from their cruelty.
Even now, the only reason that the blended Velayron-Targaryen family have left the safe shores of Dragonstone was due to the petition her Uncle Vaemond requested that of Driftmark, once more questioning the legitimacy of their birth. Upon arriving, her mother and step father hurriedly made their way to her grandsire’s chambers, hoping to rally the dying King to Lucerys’ cause, her brothers roaming freely among the courtyard, reminiscing of simpler times.
And what did Visenya do? Visenya hurried through the secret passages of the Red Keep to arrive at her uncles chamber at a moment when a distressed Queen was leaving with Helaena in tow. Waiting until the door shut and for Aegon to bar the door, Visenya tapped a secret knock before the passage opened to reveal her handsome uncle, wearing only his breeches.
“We can’t do this anymore, uncle. I am to be betrothed soon, a worthy match, someone with no sense of depravity. And you? You are married to sweet Helaena. This has always been a mistake between us.” Her purple eyes gazing at the pale unblemished back of her uncle, watching as his silver head drops, the muscles in his shoulders tensing. Visenya flinches as Aegon angrily throws his goblet of wine, the glass smashing, the red wine running down the wall.
“You speak of depravity? What do you think your betrothed will say when you do not bleed on his cock? What your family will say? When they find out that you’ve already bled on mine…” Whispers Aegon, a manic laughter releasing from his lips, stalking her like prey, placing his hand on her neck, caressing the bare skin. Visenya does not feel threatened by this man in front of her, she can see a slight mist in his purple eyes as he hungrily looks over her face.
“I do not care for Helaena other than the care of a brother, it was a marriage of duty. You know this. But you…” Aegon softly murmurs into her lips, both his hands now resting on her face, thumbs stroking her cheeks. Visenya’s eyes dart between his purple eyes to his pouty, sinful mouth and back again. In her soul, she feels the undeniable pull towards the man in front of her.
Groaning, Visenya raises her hands to her uncle’s chest, attaching her mouth to his, biting back a moan as her tongue begins to massage against his. Her uncle tastes of sin, the sweet taste of his favourite Dornish wine but hints of a tartness she can only imagine is from the slick between her legs. Her wandering hands smooth down his soft chest, Visenya begins to trail her hands down to Aegon’s breeches, moaning into his mouth as she grasps his hardening member.
She feels herself being pushed back while their tongues still battle for dominance until Aegon breaks the kiss to place Visenya onto the table, her legs wrapping around his waist. Aegon’s hands frantically hike the blue dress back up her thighs, bunching it to her waist, ripping the stocking from her legs, whilst her nimble hands untie his black breeches, her feet pushing the fabric down until it pools on the floor.
The silver haired Prince rest his forehead on hers, shakily breathing into her mouth as her dainty hand wraps around his hardening member, dragging it up and down, rubbing her thumb along the head, feeling a wetness collect there. She feels a rough hand incase her own, removing her hand from him forcing her fingers to grab the edge of the table.
Visenya cries out as she feels Aegon’s fingertips dip into her wet heat, teasing, testing. Her back arches as Aegon lines his cock to her wet core and buries himself to the hilt, a strangled noise coming from the back of his throat as he still himself inside of her. Visenya leans forward, her forehead resting on Aegon’s as they both look down to where their sexes meet. Slowly but surely, they both watch as Aegon pulls himself out of her dripping core, a wet trail already on his shaft before swiftly thrusting back in.
Their lips connect once more, their kisses swallowing Visenya’s moans as Aegon sets a punishing pace, the feeling of his cock slamming into her causing her to gasp into his mouth. Yet nothing could mask the wet sound of their skin frantically meeting.
“Tell me this isn’t a mistake, ‘Senya. Nothing that feels this good can be a mistake.” One of Aegon’s hands interlock with her fingers grasping the edge of the table, while the other rubs circular motions to her pearl, resting just above where they are connected. Visenya begins to moan, uncaring of Aegon’s sworn shield and maids surely hurrying around in the corridors of the keep.
Visenya’s vision is starting to become impaired as pleasure is beginning to take over her body. Her free hand wraps around his smooth neck, pulling him down so she can bury her face into his bare shoulder. She begins to mouth the salty skin, biting into his shoulder, leaving her mark on his otherwise unblemished body. Aegon continues to thrust into her as her cunt begins to spasm around him.
“Aegon…” She feels as Aegon loses the relentless rhythm he set, his hips still jerking as his hot seed is sputtering inside of her, her core still pulsating, milking him of every drop he was willing to give. Spent and cock softening, Aegon still softly thrusts into her, not wanting to pull out.
Visenya’s breath catches as she comes down from her sexual haze as Aegon slowly grabs her face, placing the sweetest of kisses on her lips. She licks her lips, savouring the taste of the man in front of her before she steadily pushes Aegon back, hissing at the loss of contact between them. Aegon reaches down to lace his breeches back around his waist, his gaze uncertain towards her as she struggles to meet his eyes.
Visenya jumps down from the table, unsteady on her feet, flinching as Aegon reaches out to steady her. Aegon lets out one of his manic almost unbelievable laughs.
“I’ll have the maester prepare some moon tea for you. Or perhaps you could be like my whore sister… The mother of bastards.” Aegon dismisses her, that horrible laugh returning. She watches him with tears in her eyes, as he turns his back to her as he reaches to fill a new goblet with wine.
Visenya makes her way back down the secret passage, desperately trying to ignore the warm trail of Aegon’s seed running down her thighs.
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mattypattypinky · 3 days
Guys this isn't a formal headcannons post but I do wanna talk about this so like...
I did karaoke today and I was so nervous and shakey and now I kinda wanna imagine the emotions doing Karaoke so :3
Emotions doing Karaoke headcannons <3
Joy -
I feel like Joy would be the person who suggested group Karaoke... She'd sing very upbeat song, and she would bounce up and down, and probably dance and flail the mic around. She'd be very confident, and very fluid in movement when she sings. She might bang the microphone and it would probably make loud buzz noises because she's being too hyper about it.
Her go to karaoke song would probably be something like Walkin on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves.
Sadness -
I think Sadness would cry in the middle of her song. I also think she'd pick emotional songs, and she would probably be a lot less bouncy and more keeping still in one spot when singing. But, she would put her heart into it.
I think her voice would quiver on emotional lines of songs, and she'd cry in the middle of her performances, but she would rather sing a song that means something to her over something that doesn't.
Probably any mitski song is a go too, but also any sad song in general. She would love I bet on losing dogs. Overrated but a goodie <3
Anger -
He would also be really into it, like Joy. But, I do think that the performance would differ, depending on what song he's performing. I think he would be willing to sing loud, angry, rock or screamer songs, but I also think he would be willing to sing a soft, or lovey song, it really depends on his mood. He can be a sweetheart at times, and he would sing a different type of song depending on what his mood was. Regardless, he might get too far into it. A fire extinguisher is needed.
I think Anger would sing I can't take my eyes off of you by franky valli. But he would scream it.
Fear -
... He would be nervous. I mean, he'd be nervous, at first, but I think after a bit he'd loosen up really good, and his confidence would spike quite a lot, actually. Once he realizes theres nothing to be afraid of, he goes a mile. He might even be confident. He would be more willing to do Karaoke if it was a duet, but he would hit high notes, and he'd probably pick a dorky song to sing. He probably likes pop music. Break Free by Ariana Grande, tries to hit a high note and fails.
Disgust -
...Disgust would probably decline doing it. People would beg her too. But, eventually, she'd cave and go up to the mic. And oh, when she does, she is an icon. She'd flick her hair and clear her throat, and then the heavens would be at the doorstep because oh my god that woman is putting her soul into whatever she's singing. She'd sway her hips. I think she'd be able to do rap very well, weirdly enough. But, I think she'd also be very good at songs by like...Lady Gaga, Kesha, Doja Cat, Ayesha Erotica, etc. But most of her songs she'd pick would be iconic.
We are who we are by Kesha.
Anxiety -
... She'd stiffen up, and she'd hold the mic up to her chest. I feel like, before the song starts, she'd glance around and as the song is starting she'd have second thoughts. She might ask to restart it a few times before she actually sings it. She'd suggest that maybe she can't do it when she finally gets right up to the start of it, but with enough support and motivation, I think she would. Her voice would start off shakey, and nervous, and her body would be slightly trembling the entire time - but once she gets confident, her singing voice is BEAUTIFUL... Her first few songs would start off completely stiff, but once she gets confident she'd sing her heart out like no one is watching... Once she's done she'd be extremely flustered and flattered by the praise. "It really was nothing, guys, really."
I think she'd sing To Love A Boy, or Big Idea by Maya Hawke
Embarrassment -
He won't do it. He would probably suggest songs for queue, or nod along... But he wouldn't sing. Even for duets. He hardly speaks... OH. But. I do think he would be willing to sing... If everyone left the room entirely, and he was alone. I bet he has a nice singing voice!!! But he gets embarrassed infront of people. I think he'd sing a love song... Or a disney song. Something from Tangled, or something.
Envy -
Envy would not be able to reach the microphone... And she'd want to sing what Disgust sings, but she wouldn't know the lyrics as well and she wouldn't be as good. She'd be pitchy, but it would give her charm... And she'd try to sing as fast as Disgust does, but she doesn't know the lyrics. I think she'd mumble sing a lot. She mumbles until the chorus comes and she hopes nobody notices it.
She'd sing any song Disgust sang previously in last karaokes. Or repeats the queue.
Ennui - She would probably sing a french song, but I feel like she'd be far to unmotivated to stand. She would either bring the microphone over to the couch, or use a wireless microphone. But, if insisted, she would get up, but she wouldn't be bouncy or dancing with it. She would probably flex that she's fluent in french just by singing in french, there's no other reason she's chosing french songs. She doesn't want to seem boring. She wants to seem cool.
Tous les Mêmes by Stromae or La vie en rose by Edith Paif.
Nostalgia -
She would spend half of the time cheering others on, and being like... I remember when this song came out, I remember when you did your first song, I remember when we did our first kareoke together, etc. She would probably not even start on time because she's reminiscing memories. But, when pressured or reminded, she would start to sing, and she would sing relatively well. Not groundbreaking, but in a elderly old lady nice comforting voice way. She would be really sweet.
Yesterday Once More by the carpenters.
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avonne-writes · 1 day
Happy birthday week, dear! I hope you have a wonderful and joyous week 😊
All of those prompts were just adorable and I had such a hard time choosing just one!
So of these three, maybe pick your favourite?SWAY, TUCK, TILT
Thank you so much, dear! 🥰 I decided to write this in my HS AU.
[ SWAY ]  sender pulls receiver into a slow dance in the living room / kitchen / bedroom
Gale smooths a hand down the front of his white shirt, then tugs his trousers a little higher up to make sure they sit right on his hips. He put some calming music on to ease his nerves but a part of him remains jittery because he knows Georgia and Neil are going to take photos of him and Bucky downstairs. He really doesn’t want to pose, he sucks at it.
Staring at his reflection in his closet door mirror, he sighs and ties his long hair up in a neat bun. He can’t believe it's prom already. His last high school dance. A sad, melancholic feeling aches in his chest when he thinks about it, but there’s some excitement behind it too. Soon, he won't have to depend on anyone or to fulfill their expectations - he’ll be able to do whatever he wants and take his life in whichever direction he chooses. He’ll be free.
He glances at the black tux draped over his bed. His mom bought it for him. His mom. She asked Gale to spend a Saturday with her and they went to the mall where they ended up buying it. Then she took him home - back to Bucky's place - gave him an awkward hug and asked him to send her a picture if he decided to wear it. Gale spent the rest of that evening crying in his room. He still wants to cry whenever he looks at it. But he wants to wear it nevertheless. He's used to the pain of knowing what parental love is but never getting enough of it. You treasure what you can.
He reaches for the jacket, but before he could put it on, the door of his room creaks open. He doesn’t even have to look to know that it's Bucky - he’s the only one who never knocks unless he’s locked out. He whistles when he catches sight of Gale and grins at him in the mirror. Gale gives him a small, amused smile and slips his jacket on.
"Well, hello there." Bucky purrs at him and wraps his arms around his waist.
Gale turns around in his embrace and raises his eyebrows at him. "General Kenobi!"
As expected, Bucky guffaws like an idiot at the joke. He always does when Gale quotes one of his dumb memes back at him.
"You look gorgeous." He says once he stops laughing. His eyes glittering half-moons, squinting at Gale in joy.
"Hm-m." Gale hums and drops his gaze to the floor.
There’s a beat of silence, then Bucky drops a kiss to the corner of his mouth as if to say, come on, don't be sad, let’s have fun. Gale turns his head to press their lips together properly, and by the time he pulls away, they’re both smiling. He doesn’t want Bucky to prod at him to say what's wrong, so he looks for a distraction, and his eyes land on the ends of Bucky’s tie hanging undone over his chest.
"Do you need a hand?" He asks, tugging on the silky fabric.
Bucky rubs the back of his head. "Yeah. I didn’t wanna ask Mom. God, can you even imagine?"
Gale makes a contemplative sound and starts working on the knot. He learnt it from his grandpa when he was still alive. He used to spend long weeks every summer with the old man. But Bucky, of course, never had much male influence in his life, and Gale doesn’t think he was ever super close to his grandparents, so it shouldn't be a surprise that he still hasn't learned how to do this.
"You could have asked Neil." Gale says as he adjusts the knot until it sits perfectly on Bucky’s collar.
Bucky doesn’t reply anything to that, which is odd enough from him that Gale looks up. Bucky's sad puppy eyes stare back at him for a moment before Bucky blinks whatever emotion he felt away and holds up a hand.
"May I have this dance?"
Gale crosses his arms and gives him an unimpressed look. He has a good guess what the hell that silence meant. Bucky's feeling clingy again. That’s why he came to Gale and not to Neil, isn't, that's why he’s right here flirting when they're literally about to leave to do this the whole night. But it makes sense if Gale looks at it from Bucky's paranoid eyes - another milestone gone, another step closer to their dreaded college decisions and the separation Bucky fears.
Gale thinks about calling him out on it. He considers giving in to the tinge of annoyance he feels, but he lets it go. Exhales it through a small smile. Tonight is for fun and love, not fights.
He takes the hand offered, and finds himself being spun immediately. It makes him laugh.
"What are you doing?"
Bucky grins at him and tugs him close, swaying with him in a clumsy slow dance through the room to the music coming from Gale’s phone. He squeezes Gale’s waist with his right hand. "Warming up. We'll have to make an impression on the dance floor, baby."
"You can go make an impression with Curt while I hang out with the rest of the guys."
"I can’t dance with Curt, he knows he’s gonna be Prom King and won't shut up about it."
"Always such a jealous boy, Bucky." Gale tuts and surprises Bucky by pushing back and spinning him in turn. It makes Bucky grin so wide that Gale can barely see the blues of his eyes.
"I'm not jealous." Bucky chuckles and loops both of Gale's arms around his neck to hold him even closer. They rock side to side together. It feels nice enough that Gale wishes they did it more often. "I made a deal with him. If he wins, he’ll adopt you. Then I can call you princess and you can’t protest."
For a moment, Gale just looks at Bucky and feels a rush of fondness bubble through his veins at the sheer ridiculousness of it. Then he bursts into a laugh. "All right." He finds himself nodding despite his better judgment. "I'll be your princess tonight."
"Yeah?" Bucky's smile wavers in his surprise, as if he thought he'd only tease and flirt, not that Gale would go along with it. But Gale feels good now. The nervousness is gone. He feels free.
He tips his head up to rub his nose to Bucky's. "For one night." He smirks and kisses Bucky's mouth.
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kazz-brekker · 23 hours
hotd episode 3 thoughts:
big fan of that smash cut from the blackwood vs. bracken blustering to the battlefield covered in corpses, just the kind of escalation i was hoping to see this season
rhaenys i love you but you have GOT to acknowledge that a peaceful path is not going to work as this point and you're making rhaenyra look bad by persuading her there might not be war
criston cole is so bad at being hand compared to otto tower, my god, the energy in that small council room was like a group project when the sole person holding it together isn't there anymore
i'm continuing to really like the dynamic between rhaenyra and mysaria, it just adds a lot of interesting depth to both of their characters
don't worry seasmoke your time is coming just be patient buddy
harrenhal is so goth! and desolate! and ruined! and damp! just as i hoped!!!
ser simon strong you're the only man i respect at harrenhal. really love his deadpan sense of humor and unwillingness to put up with daemon's dramatics, this is going to be a fun dynamic
why do i get the feeling that every hightower who sees alicent and criston standing next to each other immediately knows they're fucking lol
never thought i would feel bad for criston again but i would not want gwayne as my coworker on a military campaign, he does NOT seem cut out for this
criston is terrible but he had really nice hair so i can't believe he got a haircut :(
rhaenyra. girl. you have to made a decision about this war. i'm begging you know. a dragon ate your son! do something about it!!
rhaena having dialogue! rhaena having a character and something to do! rhaena and baela having a scene together where they both talk! i have dreamed of these days and now they're finally here!
i like how this season has carefully allotted 1 scene per episode of larys sneaking around and being like "sooooo i heard this thing you might want to know…" evil adviser representation!
ulf. my guy. if it's genuinely dangerous to be a dragonseed in king's landing you should maybe not be bragging about it to every random guy in a tavern you meet.
having a really hard time imagining aegon and aemond being united and killing people on their dragons together like the greens want them to after that last scene with them, i'm pretty sure i could see aemond trying to kill his brother via telepathy during it
baela chasing criston and gwayne on dragonback was soooo good honey i am so proud of you keep up the good work
begrudgingly awarding criston one "actually good at his job" point for noticing moondancer in the sky
audibly yelped "MILLY ALCOCK?!?!" when she turned up in daemon's dream sequence, i was NOT expecting to see her this season
alys rivers standing around creepily and saying ominous things to daemon…again, i have dreamed of this day for several years
i also REALLY was not expecting rhaenyra and alicent to share a scene together this season
by the end of the episode i was definitely getting sick of rhaenyra's waffling about her decisions but i'm glad that her conversation seems to have hardened her and she's about to commit to the war for real, it's about time
it could have been interesting if rhaenyra and alicent never communicated about the "aegon's dream" prophecy mishap but emma d'arcy's acting when rhaenyra thought viserys had truly discarded her in favor of aegon really got to me and i was on the edge of my seat hoping she would realize the truth
at this point i am really ready for some proper dragon carnage so i'm very happy that next week seems to be delivering on that :)
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darkwolf989 · 2 days
I know, you know we both know how much my heart belongs to Val but my minds been drifting around the last few days, so can I get a Vox x Vel x reader where reader and Vel are doing a girls night with face masks, skin care and doing there hair and stuff. They practically force Vox to participate. Reader does his nails while Vel runs around looking for something because she looked at Vox and was like "I have the perfect thing" I want some eye burning fluff because I don't usually read fluff you know about my obsession with doing peoples nails and im still throthing at the mouth for the idea of doing lucifers nails with iridescent gold with dark red details oh Satan's left ball sack I want to make a fic about it so so bad also about angelic steel acrylics I want reader to rip someone's throat out with them also just imagine reader digging her claws into Val's back while he fucks her oh my fuck, no this is Vox and Vel time anyways have an amazing day
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Valentino leaned over and kissed my forehead “mi amore, are you sure you’re okay with me leaving? I mean, it’s just…” His hand fell to my belly as his voice trailed off. 
“Val, I’m fine,” I replied. “Really. I’m pregnant, not sick. And Uncle Lucifer is going to drop by later to check in. But really, I promise I’m fine.”
“Yeah, Val- we’re going to do a girls night, so either pop off or get pulled in,” Velvette added as she looked up from her phone. “Face masks, nails- you name it, we’re doing it.”
Valentino grimaced, “as lovely as that sounds I think I’ll pass.” 
“I just want you to be safe, okay honey?” I pleaded as he kissed me again. “I’ll see you tomorrow night?” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he promised. 
As soon as the elevator door clicked closed, Velvette turned her attention to me. 
“Let’s get to it- we both could use the relaxation.” 
An hour later, Velvette had my hair braided back and I wore a fluffy spa headband with a big pink bow. On my face was a green goop that she swore was good for my pores. My fingers flowed through her thick hair as I attempted to do a simple braid. 
“There,” I said finally as she pulled the headband over the top of her head. 
She adjusted her bow and I sat as she carefully wiped the goop from my face. 
“What are you two doing?” Vox asked as he leaned over the couch. “And what in gods name is on the TV?”
“Fifty first dates,”  I giggled as she wiped the last bit away. “It’s a girls night! There is pizza on the table if you want some!” 
He walked around and grabbed a piece of pizza from the table and took a seat on the couch. I watched as Velvette looked him up and down as a grin spread across her face. 
“You know Vox….you look like you could use a little r&r…” she began slowly. 
“Oh fuck no, don’t even start,” he began. 
Velvette looked at me and I stood up and joined her. I took his free hand in mine.
“I don’t know much about screens, but your nails definitely need work. Vel?”
“I think I have the perfect thing for that tired face,” she added. 
Vox groaned, “I’m not getting out of this am I?” 
“No!” Velvette and I replied in unison. 
Lucifer walked in an hour later to Vox laying on the couch, his eyes completely obscured by two bright green cucumber slices. A soft pink cloth mask covered his face as Velvette rubbed something on his upper arms and shoulders. I had busied myself with his nails, intent on buffing and glossing up his fingers. 
“What are you two doing to that man?” Lucifer asked with a twitch of a smile. 
“Honestly, Lucifer, you should consider joining in. Vel’s hands are magic,” Vox muttered. “And my hands feel so soft.” 
“I think I’ll pass,” he replied casually as he plopped himself down on the couch. “After you’re done torturing Vox, what’s on your agenda?” 
“Vel’s going to do my nails,” I replied easily as I filed down the last of Vox’s fingers. “She said she has a surprise. But Uncle Lucy, let me see your hands.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Oh fuck no. Reader. I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to…”
“Aw, come on,” I whined lightly. “Come on, don’t make me play the pregnancy card this early in the game.” 
Lucifer rolled his eyes but sat down on the couch opposite Vox. I squealed and grabbed the manicure kit. 
“Only my hands,” he warned as I took his left hand in mine. “I’m warning you right now.” 
“Oh just relax,” Velvette scolded lightly as she came around the back of the couch. She pushed Lucifer’s shoulders back against the cushion. “Let us do our thing.”
Lucifer groaned. “Fine. But don’t tell anyone. And I’m setting an alarm. When it goes off, I need to leave. Got it?”
“Got it,” I said quickly as I began to work on his hands. “Just relax and let Vel and I work our magic!” 
By the time Lucifer’s alarm buzzed, his nails had transformed into bright red, carefully detailed with black and gold. His face was covered with a deep red paper mask and his eyes were hidden under two slices of cucumber. 
“Alright Uncle Lucy, you’re good to go,” I said cheerfully as I took off the mask and cucumbers. “Take a look!” 
He groaned but sat up slowly and stretched. “I will say I do feel better…holy shit, what do you do to my nails?”
I giggled, “I made them pretty! Do you love them?”
He sighed, “I will admit, they do look good. And this is the most I’ve relaxed in quite a long time.” He stood up and stretched. “Just for that, Vel I won’t even charge you.”
“Charge you?” I asked curiously as Velvette took a small package from his outstretched hand. “For what?” 
“Angelic steel,” Velvette replied with dark excitement. “For your nails, reader. Figured with the baby in your tummy you could use a little extra protection.” 
Vox sat straight up, the cloth falling from his face. “You’re doing what now?” 
Velvette looked pleased with herself. “What? Nails don’t have to just be pretty, you know. They can also be weapons!” 
“As true as that may be, take care not to cut reader on them, would you? They will make her bleed, and that defeats the purpose,” Lucifer said with a yawn. “Have a good night girls, and be nice to Vox, won’t you?” 
I felt his power leave the room as Velvette reached over and took my hand in hers. 
“Definitely steel tips,” she said decisively as she interlaced her hands with mine for a moment. “Relax your hands. I got this.”
An hour and a half later I admired the sharp points that became my nails. Vox had long since left us to our own devices, preferring the luxury of sleep to our chatter. 
“Just be careful with them, you can’t kill anyone but even a swipe will cause pain and an actual scratch…go ahead, try it on Vox while he’s sleeping.” 
“Yeah, no thanks I’m good, he’d shock me or something,” I said as I held their sparkle up to the light. “Looks good with my rings too.” 
“Well yeah, red, silver and blue look good on you,” Velvette rolled her eyes. “It’s after midnight, should we get to bed?” 
The sound of the elevator coming up yanked us both to attention. In seconds, Velvette had me behind her, a knife drawn from seemingly nowhere. The door slid open and Valentino walked out, looking tired. 
“Vel? Princessa? What are you still doing up?” He asked tiredly. “It’s late.”
I perked up instantly and ran to him. He caught me and kissed my cheek.
“Val, you weren't supposed to be home until tomorrow night!” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 
“Yeah, well, let’s just say I ended the deal faster than anticipated,” he replied as he held me to him. 
“Look! Vel did my nails,” I said excitedly. “Angelic steel!”
Valentino gave Velvette a look. She grinned and gave a big yawn. 
“Ah well, look at the time! Housekeeping will clean up the mess later, g’night loves!” she said cheerfully.
“G’night to you too,” Valentino mumbled.
He snuggled me to him a little tighter and carried me down the hallway that led to our bedroom. He set me down on the bed with a kiss as he began to undress. I leaned back against the pillows and rested one hand on my stomach as I watched. God, that man was sexy. 
“Careful, with those nails,” he warned as he turned back towards me. “Don’t scratch yourself too hard, it will hurt.”
“Leave the shirt off, I want to snuggle” I said quickly. 
He rolled his eyes but tossed his shirt aside and climbed into bed next to me. I quickly snuggled against his chest and lightly glided my nails hand down his chest to his abs, leaving faint red lines. 
“Mmm, Papi,” I said softly. “We can still fuck, you know, I’m only in the first trimester. And I want nothing more than to run these nails down your back.” 
He let out a groan and with one swift motion, I was on my back, his lips pressed against my neck. I ran my nails down his back with just the slightest amount of pressure. He grunted and pushed himself inside of me.
“Fuck, Valentino,” I moaned as his hips moved faster. I dug my nails deeper into his skin and almost instantly he exploded inside of me. 
“God fucking damn it,” he hissed as he rested the entire weight of his head on my shoulder. “Fuck.” He lifted his head and kissed my neck slowly, trailing down my body. “Your turn, bebé muñeca.”
I let out a moan as his tongue flicked against my clit. I felt a finger slide inside of me and in seconds, I came around him. I heard him laugh softly as he kissed his way back up my body, adding several extra kisses around my belly before he pulled me into his arms. Wordlessly, I tucked my head under his chin and closed my eyes. 
There was nowhere in the universe I slept better than in Valentino’s arms.
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valentine-cafe · 2 days
May I have just one croissant please!!
[Gn reader]
Just thinking about sucking Jingyi's cock/s with a pretty pink bow tied around the base!! That's all!! Just imagining his hand resting at the base of your skull, running them along the middle of your neck and your hairline, sending goosebumps running over your skin!! Leaning back on the chair, he'll just languidly watch you suck his cock. And he'll tell you how much you love to suck gege's cock, like you were made to take his cocks, to be used like the perfect cocksleeve that you are!!:) The cute pink bow is all saturated with your spit, swirling your tongue around his tip and taking his cock as far down as you can before gagging!! Bobbing your head and running your tongue along the underside of his cock!!
But of course he'll eventually get tired of your sweet cocksucking and thoroughly fuck your throat. Pushing your head down onto his cock and holding you there while he rapidly bucks his hips up into your face!!:((But for now he'll let you keep your pace!!
(I've been here for a while though!! I remember counting down the days for the blog to be released on I think Edens blog!! I was just too nervous to say anything for a while!!!)
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ verse 209 jìngyí ⊹ ۪ ࣪
. ˚◞꒰ 🍡 mad scientist x reader, mad doctor x reader, yandere x reader, villains x reader, snake monster x reader ꒱
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it’s so cute to him. watching you keep your pace and try so desperately to please him. looking so proud of yourself when you pull out yet another climax out of him. the way that your eyes light up as you eagerly lap up his cum.
“greedy little thing,” the doctor would croon. raking a hand through your hair as you mewl and go in to take him in again. to slowly bob your head and show him what a good little darling you were for him.
he wants to test that.
so don’t be surprised when you’re dragged out from under his desk. a hand tight in your hair and his hips snapping against your mouth. fucking your throat with all he has. messily pumping at his other dick while you gurgle and choke around the first.
“such a pretty mouth. pretty eyes - hah - love it when gege fucks your mouth like this huh?”
he doesn’t care how much you splutter his cum out when he releases again. how you look at him so desperately and whine at him for how he’s fucked your throat so hard that you couldn’t even swallow his load in time.
all he would do is snatch you by the jaw. press a thumb against your tongue — holding it out so perfectly as he cums just a bit more on your mouth.
“aww darling,” he slurs with that deep voice of his. “not my fault you cannot have your fill. you’re being greedy.”
꒰ oh my god since my blog?? you’ve been here for awhile omg bb that makes us so sentimental hsjcbj ꒱
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erial-c · 2 days
ohh bare with me this live reacting was all over the place
UGGHH SAPPY DAVID IS SO CUTE  . i may not be the biggest shaw pack fan but his character development will never cease to kill me
asher panicking 😭😭 AND CALMING HIMSELF DOWN because he didn't realize today was the day
baaabe being dressed already?? that's ao fucking funny they fr just let ash sleep (also a little bit of personaloty for baaabe  . the crowd cheers)
asher please your mate is already dressed  . dear god
i love that darlin out of all people wanted to make it so that the mates won't see each other until the ceremony . i know it's mostly because they wanted to drive the listener groups aka the "fun group" as they call it (listeners are bffies CANON!!!) but it's much funnier to think they hold onto that tradition for some reason 
"we're fun too, right?  ...right???" yeah asher whatever you say🤞
"i don't even want to imagine what chaos those four are getting up to" THW SILENCE IN THE CAR???? erik was giggling and kicking his feet putting this in the script huhhuh
darlin being the one to make sure neither of the mates are peeking LMAO  . and sam calling them beautiful too. kill me actually
milo calling out asher's hair "are you trying to look like you got married in a wind tunnel?????? david don't let him walk out like that!!!!!!" further proving the headcanon that milo is the most well dressed of the shaw pack 
milo's nervous as shit  😭😭 i forgot he was gonna be the fucking officiant bro id be sweating fucking bullets too
"just maybe.. cuss a little less" great advice to tell milo out of all people  , sam
serious talk with the alpha and beta .. shivers
"why did you pick me?" asher  . asher  please.
"take the chance of saying something that's not perfect, if it means you get to really say what you feel" crazy  . i love angel (they are a listener character)) (they have no voice)) 
"you're the other side of my coin. you always have been" DAVID  . DAAAVIDDDD.
its good to see that david understands that while he know he made the right choice, he still understands the heavy responsibility he put on ash in assigning him to be pack beta
"you're too hard on yourself too" "well we had to have something in common other than destiny and smash bros, right?" KILL ME. stop being cute you loser
big three shaw pack hug  . ill kill myself
"i'm going to be up there lookin this good, people are gonna be confused on whose day it is!" "are they gonna be able to see you? do we get a step stool for behind the podium?" MILO DON'T LISTEN 2 THEM MY SHORT KING🤞🤞🤞 also beta boy😭😭😭😭😭
the effortless switch from banter to being all sentimental and emotional is crazy  . i hate these guys (lie)
yaknow while i did expect a few side characters/guest VAs to voice side characters , i don't think the audio feels that empty . it's just focused on the main characters and honestly im actually ok with it
not the laugh track😭feels like im watching a sitcom this is so funny
im assuming all the guests are empowered/informed  , because milo is calling the couples "mates"
girl nevamind the silence for baaabe's/angelangel's vows r still so silly
"the- the pairs of you. to each other. not all together. uh- congratulations  . uh- clap, everybody. now" no actually we're a polycule neow . canon because i said so
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fairlyang · 19 hours
Meant to be 🕷️
⋆˙⟡♡✧˖° love island au x miguel o’hara ⋆˙⟡♡✧˖°
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★‧°𖦹。⋆ miguel o’hara x mexicana!bombshell!reader ⋆。𖦹°‧★
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ W/C: 9.1K
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ CONTENT: meeting the islanders, interesting reactions, learning about the islanders, more interesting reactions, spilling some tea x2, maybe turning multiple heads, girl talk, miguel being honest, grand tour
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ SUMMARY: you finally get to meet the other islanders, will there be tension in the air? will any heads be turned? keep reading to find out!
NOTES: there are two peters! the second I imagine to be a mix of andrew’s and insomniacs peter parker bc I love them both!! hopefully it won’t be too confusing 🫢 I’ll always try to refer to Peter B w the B!! (and I’m picturing the liuk s5 villa!)
previous part — series masterlist
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Chapter 2. Sparks
You let go of Miguel’s arm and all the guys walked over to you both with wide smiles, “Guys this is Y/n.” He introduces you to them and you first hug Peter B, who was grinning his face off and the first to come up to you.
“So nice to meet you.” You say and he pulls away, checking you out for a second before grabbing your hand and giving you a quick spin.
“Nice to meet you too, wow you are stunning.” He says making you laugh then smile.
“Thank you! You’re so sweet.” You respond and go in to hug another islander who you recognized to be Daniel.
“Hi nice to meet you!” He says in your ear and you pull away saying the same.
You remember him being from Colombia which definitely also had him on the top spot of your list because you loved your fellow Latinos.
Up next was the second Peter and his hug was a little awkward but he seemed like the most introverted of the group so you understood. “Ooo I love your tattoo!” You compliment and point to his spider tattoo on his forearm.
“Oh thanks! It’s one of my favorite ones.” He says with a small smile making you aww.
After him was David, who was the literal definition of tall, dark, and handsome. He was for sure above 6’0, had a body sculpted by gods, and had some neat braids.
He was checking you out as Peter showed you another tattoo to which he just joked to stop hogging you.
You laughed and Peter just mumbled an apology to which you just replied saying you’d love to see them tomorrow so he wouldn’t feel bad.
You hugged David, having to reach up more than the others, and he hugged you back before realizing you were still wet and quickly pulled away from you. “What are you scared of a little water?” You tease and he scoffs.
“No… I just didn’t expect it.” He sassily says which almost had you gagging because huh?
“We just came back from the hot tub? Why wouldn’t we be wet…?” You challenge and he’s left speechless.
All brawn no brain, how sad.
And somewhat of an immediate ick, not a good sign.
The last two were the newest bombshells, Raul and Jordan. They both pulled you in for a hug at the same time making you smile. “Welcome to the villa!” Jordan said with a wide grin as they pulled away from you.
“Aww thank you!” You say excitedly, feeling at ease with other people that have been in your shoes.
“What an entrance I gotta say!” Raul compliments making you laugh.
“I wasn’t sure how exactly to go about it I can’t lie.” You laugh and they both give you smiles.
Raul is from Puerto Rico, has brown curly hair, and pretty hazel eyes. He was just gorgeous and from what you’ve seen, such a sweetheart. He was the one always making coffees for anyone who wanted one and even breakfast.
Jordan has brown skin, some locs, and from what you could remember he said his nationality was Nigerian but has been living in the states since he was a teenager.
At this point all of them caught your eye and you’ll be so busy tomorrow.
All the guys were behind you as the two new guys started a conversation with you, well mostly giving advice on toe stepping and to not be afraid to do it since you were in here for you.
You heard some murmurs behind you and you turned around to find two of the girls came into the kitchen.
“Oh my god you look so hot.” MJ says with wide eyes before pulling you in for a hug.
You laugh and pulled away checking her out too, “you’re pretty hot yourself girl.”
“Stop it.” She waves you off then gives you a kind smile.
“Now that is how you bombshell.” Gwen says, playfully pointing a finger at you and you giggle before hugging her.
“Yeah y’know someone had to do it.” You joked making them both chuckle.
“You guys are so gorgeous.” You say and admire how pretty MJ looked in red as well as how Gwen was rocking a black suit.
“Literally so hot.” You compliment making them both go on to compliment you.
You went on to say how you loved specific things about their outfits meanwhile you could somewhat hear Peter B yell behind you. “Girls come say hi!”
You tried to not make a face, given three of the girls didn’t come up to say anything since you got here. You weren’t going to say it was rude but you sure were thinking it.
It didn’t help that you heard groans as they stood up from the daybeds and at that point they shouldn’t have even bothered.
The guys in front of you were giving them slight glares and just confused on why they were acting like this because not even the guys were this petty when the guy bombshells came in.
You looked at Miguel and he was shaking his head, he then locked eyes with you and gave you a sympathetic smile. You gave him a shrug and gave him wide eyes then looked to your left and right.
He chuckled and finally you heard the clicks of heels getting closer. You looked over and there were the rest of the girls with annoyed looks on their faces.
“Geez if it’s that much trouble they shouldn’t even come.” You mutter and MJ sighs.
“I don’t know why they’re like this, it’s just unnecessary and rude.” She says and grabs your hand, giving it a squeeze.
“The guys don’t look too happy about it either.” Gwen whispers to you and you look at them.
Sure enough they were all shaking their heads in disapproval. Especially Miguel and the Peter’s.
“What is wrong with you guys?” Peter mumbles under his breath and Jazmin just rolls her eyes.
“We weren’t like this when Raul and Jordan came in and they took four of you on dates..” Daniel mutters, making Dana scoff.
“Well they didn’t take-“ she said but then cuts herself off because her point wasn’t even going to make sense considering Jordan snatched Jazmin from Daniel last night.
“Have some hospitality, come on you girls are better than this.” Miguel mumbles and shakes his head.
“It’s not like we’re gonna be the bestest of friends. She’s gonna steal one of you from us.” Valeria complains and pouts.
“Ah so now you don’t like that the shoe is on the other foot huh?” David chimes in and she folds her arms against her chest realizing he had a point.
At this point Gwen, MJ, Raul, and Jordan were all trying to distract you by letting you ask questions about them which let you know that MJ was an aspiring actress, Gwen had a biochem degree (which had you questioning why Miguel wished there were science nerds in here), Raul was a chef, and Jordan was a model which didn’t surprise you in the slightest.
The girls sighed then looked at each other and just shrugged, now walking over to you. Valeria was the first to introduce herself, the fake facade going away and actually giving you a genuine smile. “Hi I’m Valeria but you can call me Val. Nice to meet you girl.” She says and going in for a hug.
You hug her back then pull away, your eyes gravitating to her cute planet necklace. “Your necklace is so cute! Where did you get it?” You ask and she squeals.
“It’s from Vivienne Westwood! They had a small line of jewelry with these pendants. This was gifted by a family friend.” She says enthusiastically making you aw.
“That’s such a sweet gift, it’s so pretty.” You compliment once again and she grins.
It seemed like she was easily swayed to act one way because this Val seemed nice once she wasn’t just with the other two.
She was on the shorter side, had long navy blue hair, and fair skin. She was really gorgeous.
“It’s nice to meet you Val, hope we can befriend each other this summer.” You say and she nods.
“I’d like that.” She replies and steps aside so the next one can go.
Up next was Jazmin, who gave you a wave, then went in for a hug. It was short but sweet and you were just astounded they had the mindset of not even greeting you because you went on one date.
On the first week too, which makes it like ten times scarier.
She then quickly introduces herself then stands by Val, not at all bothered to hear your response.
She was tall, had brown skin, with cornrows in a high ponytail, and wearing a black bodycon dress. She was also a stunner.
Lastly was Dana, who couldn’t wipe that look off her face as hard as she tried. And how could she?
You had just gone on a date with her so called soulmate and yet he was beaming as soon as he got back. She quickly noticed the way he and Peter B began whispering in each others faces after Peter spun you.
She couldn’t even be bothered to act nice because she needed to know Miguel’s thoughts on the date but knowing damn well he’s going to tell the guys first.
“Welcome to the villa.” She says dryly and the energy with everyone there just felt so off.
That was until Peter B yelled that everyone should go to the firepit.
“Let’s go!” He yells and everyone scrambled out of the kitchen.
Dana and Jazmin zoomed to the firepit and were whispering to each other while Daniel and Raul both offered you their arm so you linked arms with both of them as you headed down.
The rest all walked down together and your nerves grew once again. You were going to be the center of attention and it was really hitting you of what it was you had to do here.
You were going to step on so many toes and half the girls were already giving you the stank eye. All the guys were fine and you’d probably have to make you mind up after 48 hours and that’s just your anxiety thinking far ahead.
Raul must’ve somehow sensed it and just whispered some calming words, saying he felt the same way and everything turned out fine, for the most part.
You just nodded and took a deep breath as they led you to the middle of the firepit. You sat down and unlinked your arms but they still sat next to you.
You felt a shiver go down your spine and because the sun was setting, it was already getting darker which meant it’s slightly getting colder and you’re in a bikini while the girls are fully clothed.
At least Miguel was also in the same boat as you, but maybe he was good with the cold considering he was from New York.
You looked for him, quickly finding him to be next to Raul, who was on your right. He was fine. Not even shivering a tiny bit. And he was still looking as fine as ever.
As everyone sat down they all turned to look at you and you quickly remembered what you had prepared in your head nearly all day. “Hi I’m Y/n, I’m twenty four, I live in Houston, just graduated from nursing school, and I’m looking for the love of my life!”
Peter B was the first to yell, “FUCK YEAH!!” Everyone else followed suit and you quickly realized that Peter would instantly be an amazing hype man.
“What’s your type?” Jordan asks and you hummed.
“Physical type all I ask for is someone taller than me. I’ve gone out with all kinds of people and personality is a big thing as well. Also need someone I can laugh with over the dumbest things.” You reply and he nods while some of the other guys hum.
“How about last relationship?” Peter asks and you quickly respond.
“Two years ago! He was very childish by the end of the relationship and it made me realize I didn’t want to date a boy.” You explain while looking around to not have just eye contact with one person.
“Ah so you’re looking for a man?” David asks and you nod.
“Exactly. I don’t want to play any more games and hopefully I won’t have to.” You say and chuckle.
“Who do you have your eye on?” MJ asks making you laugh.
“On to the bigger questions huh?” You joke and she nods.
“Hmm… Well I think I gotta keep my cards close to my chest but all the guys are fine so I’m in for a wild ride.” you say and a few of the guys cheer but you laughed at Peter B giving Miguel a fist bump.
“Honestly I think I’m just going to get to know everyone and see where it goes!” You add and some murmur in agreement.
“Well welcome to the villa!” Raul says and wraps his arm around you, giving you a little side hug as some of the other guys cheer.
“Hey Y/n do you wanna have a little girl’s chat?” MJ asks and you nod.
“Let’s do itttt.” You say and stand up along with the other girls.
“Where do you wanna go?” Gwen asks and you look around as you all walk away from the fire pit.
“How about the swing set?” You suggest and you all start making your way there.
As soon as you were out of ear shot the guys all immediately gather together and are silent but with sly hand motions and reactions, they all get their point across that they find you attractive.
Then once they saw you were all sat, they all started talking at the same time.
“I know-“
“We’re so in trouble.”
“That bikini..”
“She’s stunning.”
“Wait so how’d the date go?!?” Peter B impatiently asked and wrapped his around around Miguel’s shoulder.
They all remembered and quickly turned to look at him, wanting to know the details.
“It went… very well.” He says slowly, trying to carefully think of what he wants to say.
He knows the guys won’t entirely snitch on him but if any of the girls press hard enough one of them might crack so he’ll be safer than sorry with carefully selected phrasing than careless ones that could potentially hurt Dana.
“Come on Mig, give us more than that!” Second Peter nagged making Miguel chuckle.
“Alright, it went really good. Honestly such a nice first date, better than I could’ve imagined.” He says and tries to stop a smile from taking over his face but the guys called it out quick, and loudly.
“So happy for you bro.”
“It’s what you needed.”
“Mans is cheesin’!!”
After Peter B’s loud outburst, he shushed them so their reactions wouldn’t give him away just yet. He still had to have that conversation with Dana before they went to bed.
“I didn’t think an instant spark would happen for me, let alone a bit of love at first sight-“ he starts but gets brutally interrupted with the guys patting him on the back and struggling to not yell in excitement for him.
“Explain!” Daniel mutters under his breath and the rest nod their heads meanwhile Peter B next to him was nearly shaking in anticipation.
“I don’t know when I walked in and saw her I was just kind of speechless. I thought I was just going to be up there nearly drooling and not able to snap out of it but we got to talking as soon as she said hey and I can’t believe how effortless our conversations were.” He admits, feeling his face grow hot which prompted the guys to laugh and Peter B to poke his cheeks.
But he could tell they were happy for him, their wide grins were a dead giveaway.
“She was just so energetic and we had so much in common. It really felt like I could talk to her about absolutely anything.” He says and the guys nod.
“Bro I’m so happy for you.” David says and daps him up.
“Clearly the public knew what needed to be done.” Jordan snickers, making the guys burst out laughing.
“Stop-“ Daniel mutters and covers his mouth in shock.
After a few more seconds of them just laughing Miguel remembered something he wanted to tell them.
“Oh and she’s a latina. Fluent in Spanish and the conversation was flowing I forgot to ask from where.” He says and Raul gasps.
“Nah really?” Raul says sarcastically, making Miguel roll his eyes.
“To be fair Val is Mexican and isn’t fluent.” Daniel chimes in and Raul hums.
“Have a point there. Pero Y/n esta hermosa y habla el lenguaje.” He says and has both Miguel and Daniel murmuring in agreement. (But Y/n is gorgeous and speaks the language)
“Is she turning your head already then?” Peter jokes and he just shrugs.
“It’s just a plus when a girl speaks the mother language.” He admits and then gives a sheepish grin.
“Fair enough.”
“I get that.”
“Y saben es un poco coqueta..” Miguel says making Raul and Daniel both widen their eyes a little. (And y’know she’s a little flirty..)
“Nomas un poco..?” Raul asks with a raised eyebrow, curiosity getting the best of him and Miguel shrugs. (Only a little..?)
“Tal ves lo tienes que confírmalo tu mismo.” Miguel suggests and Raul just nods. (Maybe you need to confirm it yourself)
“Tal ves si lo haré.” He responds and look over at the girls on the swing but more specifically looking at you. (Maybe I will)
Miguel chuckled and looked at how confused the rest of them were before quickly translating the first thing he said, “I said that she’s a bit flirty.”
“Oh is she?” Jordan asks and Miguel had to do the same thing he did to Raul.
“Maybe you should find out for yourself.” He says earning himself a laugh from Jordan.
“Maybe I will.” He responds back and Miguel, Raul and Daniel all burst out laughing.
“Oh my god you guys do share a braincell-“ Daniel jokes and Jordan just groans.
“We said the same thing again?” He asks and just shakes his head when the guys answered.
“Best bromance love island’s ever seen.” David teases and Jordan flips him off.
“Wait Miguel what rating would you give the date then?” Peter asks and Miguel calms himself down then hums.
“Thirteen out of ten.” He replies and the guys scream and cheer, completely forgetting about being quiet.
“You’re gonna pursue her right? Like come on you have to.” Peter B says with a cheeky grin.
He takes a few seconds for a dramatic pause just so Peter B can get annoyed at him making him wait. “I’d be the dumbest man alive if I don’t.” He admits, looking at them giving him the cheesiest of grins imaginable.
“Good man.”
“Wait Miguel did you kiss her?” David asks and he shakes his head.
“No, it would’ve been too soon and I really need to pull Dana before we go to sleep.” He says and Peter B lets out some coughs.
“Should’ve just done it.” He mutters between coughs making Miguel roll his eyes.
“I wouldn’t wanna hurt Dana like that, it’s not fair to her.” He mumbled and they nodded.
“It’s going to be tough.” Raul says, giving him a sympathetic smile.
“Knowing Dana, she is not going to believe you and will just assume Y/n turned your head, which she might have… but that’s besides the point.” Peter B rambles and continues, “she might just assume you’re only having these feelings because a new girl came in.”
“That’s why I’d like to talk to her before it’s too late.” Miguel says making the guys hum.
Luckily all the girls were preoccupied listening to your side of the story to go off on the guys for how disrespectful they were being. Luck was on your side boys!
As soon as you had sat down on the swing all the girls bombarded you with questions and you really should’ve seen it coming.
“How was the date?”
“So who do you have your eye on?”
“What’s your actual type?”
“Did you kiss him?”
You nervously laugh and look at them as they’re awaiting your answer to probably all their questions.
MJ was the only one who didn’t ask something and she was just as stunned as you. Gwen also didn’t expect for the other three to ask you anything considering how they’ve been acting since Miguel got the text.
Dana was a mess and started bawling her eyes out because she didn’t even get to say anything to him or hug him before he left. The other two instantly got into cliquey mean girl mode and said things like no girl could take Miguel from her and that you wouldn’t be prettier than her which had MJ and Gwen feeling so uncomfortable.
To them it just felt like an unnecessary thing to say and they were all in the earliest of days getting to know one another. There’s no point in trying to bring Dana up by bringing another girl down.
They tried to make her feel better but their actual kind words just weren’t what she wanted to hear. So of course the other two told her what she wanted to hear to cheer her up, not like any of them would now say any of that stuff to your face right now.
“Honestly the date was amazing, I think we just clicked and bounced off each other so naturally and quickly found out how much we had in common.” You start and pray you wouldn’t get your ass beat then and there.
“He was very sweet and I was pleasantly surprised that he could actually hold a decent conversation with me.” You added making MJ giggle.
“Honestly he’s such a sweetie, just very playful when he wants to be.” she says and you nod.
“I definitely got that vibe! He looks like he’d break some hearts but that date just showed the total opposite.” You reply then chuckle. “At least for now y’know.” You quickly add because you didn’t really want to jinx yourself.
“And as for who I have my eye on… genuinely I don’t have any names. I’d like to talk to them all tomorrow and see what’s up with them all because they all seem so sweet.” You explain and that clearly did not sit well with the cliquey trio, even Val.
“I didn’t lie about my type and no I did not kiss him.” You say and look at the two who asked.
Dana looked like she was going to explode and Jazmin didn’t really care, the difference in their reactions was very telling and you were astounded that they were this judgemental.
“Did you feel any sparks?” Gwen asks and Dana’s face got red fast.
You collected your thoughts and debated on whether or not you’d be honest. They might be able to tell if you lie but even if you did, you’d just feel guilty of it.
“I did feel some sparks but we’ll just have to see if they were reciprocated..” You say and shrug, but mentally praying that they were.
Dana’s eyes were twitching and she was very clearly not expecting to hear positive things from the date.
Now she was the one praying that he didn’t feel a thing and they’d be fine until the end. She wanted to be one of those day one couples that had an absolute perfect run, no turmoil, no heads turned, well behaved in casa, and have a smooth finish by splitting the money.
It’s something that’s rare because a lot of people find it hard to be loyal and to just stick with one person for the whole two months. She was thinking it’d be smooth sailing for her and Miguel, having no idea what was to come for her.
“Well Mig seemed very happy when he got here! I feel like it’s good to explore different connections during the first week.” MJ says and Dana gave her the biggest death glare possible.
“Oh for sure! I feel like it’s just gonna be a part of the experince.” You say and she nods.
“Exactly! It’s like a ‘what if’ situation y’know? Like what if you just click with someone more than you expected because you didn’t give them a fair shot to begin with?” Her example made perfect sense and you wouldn’t expect whoever you’d end up choosing to couple up with to just be closed off so soon. Sure some jealousy may occur but that’d be a normal reaction.
Especially if you do end up feeling Miguel more because that date really was the epitome of a perfect first date. Just getting along well, making each other laugh, and a side of flirting? What else could you have asked for?
And him being a perfect gentleman was an extra plus that was so nice to see.
“I feel like because being in here is such a different situation to the outside, you may as well get to know everyone while you can. As long as everyone’s being honest, why not?” You say and MJ nods.
“I’ve been telling Peter he could get to know other girls but he’s the one that has all his eggs on my basket.” She playfully rolls her eyes making you chuckle.
“To be fair it does look like you guys get on incredibly well.” You say truthfully, earning yourself a grin from the redhead.
“Do you really think so?” She asks and you scoff.
“No doubt about it!” You wave her off and she shrugs.
“Well I’m glad what we have is noticeable on the outside then.” She says, feeling her cheeks go warm.
“How are the rest of you in your couples?” You ask looking at the other girls and Dana just chuckles.
“Shouldn’t we be asking you more questions?” Dana asks with a raised brow.
“I mean you could… but I kind of wanted to hear how you guys feel in your couples.” You say and she hums.
“Well Miguel and I are doing great. I’ve never been so happy to meet someone right off the bat that just gets me. I honestly see a bright future with him.” She says and you nod, slightly feeling bad knowing Miguel has been wanting to tell her the truth.
“How about you Gwen?” You look to your left and she tries to hide a smile.
“I’m happy with the pace we’re going, I definitely feel sparks when I’m with him and the more I talk to him, the more I feel myself liking him.” She admits making you aww.
“He seems so sweet! I wish you two the best.” You say and she smiles, “thanks babe, you’re so sweet.”
“I honestly don’t know which I like more. I was feeling a little something with David but then Raul came and kinda sweeped me off my feet which is just making it harder for me to distinguish which I like more.” Val rambles making you chuckle.
“Go with your heart! Just continue chatting to both and I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” You say and she nods.
“I think I’m liking Danny more.” Jazmin says and shrugs.
Right after she was done talking you noticed all the guys got up from the firepit and began to disperse. Three were on their way to the swing while the other four went to the kitchen.
“Oh they must be up to something.” MJ mutters and watched as the three amigos walk towards you guys.
“Wouldn’t be surprising.” Gwen jokes making Val chuckle.
“With Peter B too, it might be over for us.” She says under her breath and they finally come up the steps.
“Y/n would you like the grand tour of the place?” Raul asks and you nod.
“Of course! Can’t say no to that.” You exclaim and get up.
He sticks his arm out for you as Peter B looks to be the second tour guide with Miguel behind him looking nervous.
Uh oh.
“Dana can we go for a chat?” He asks and she eagerly nods.
She quickly stood up and attached herself to him as they made their way to the daybeds.
Jazmin and Val walked off to the kitchen and the rest of you were looking at Dana and Miguel sitting on the daybed. “Well that’s going to be the reason for world war three.” Peter B jokes making you stifle a laugh back.
Too soon.
“Peter!” MJ hisses and he shrugs.
“Just being honest.” He mutters then looks away from them and looks to you, “well we owe you a tour.”
“That you guys do.” You say finally getting up and linking your arm to Raul’s.
“Are you guys gonna join?” He asks and the girls hum.
“It might be a good idea…” MJ mutters and Peter B was about to crack a joke but she stopped him, “don’t even think about it.”
“Yes ma’am.” He says sarcastically then chuckles.
“Alright let’s go!” He yells and wraps an arm around MJ as you all head over to the kitchen.
Dana is hearing wedding bells any time she looks at Miguel, he on the other hand looks like he’s preparing a restraining order! How poetic.
Miguel led Dana to the daybed that was on the right side, he sat down first then scooted over so she could sit next to him.
She plopped down next to him and he was already feeling so guilty. He felt even worse because he really was prepping for this very conversation before the date but now it’s just looking like he’s jumping ship because of the date which really wasn’t the case.
“So… how was the date?” She asks through gritted teeth and he turns his body to look at her.
Her blue eyes filled with worry and her hands slightly shaking just made it ten times worse.
“It was a good date, I did enjoy it but first I want to be honest with you about my feelings overall.” He starts and she slowly nods, not sure what to expect from him.
Her eyes were already getting glossy and she just had an overall bad feeling about this. Her intuition was rarely wrong and right now she wasn’t feeling too good about where this was going.
“I have been thinking a lot the past few days. Firstly I’d like to say that I was going to have this conversation with you after I was done talking to Peter B earlier but I got the text and then I wasn’t able to talk to you until right now-“ he rambled and she cut him off, “Just get to the point!”
“Right... So I didn’t feel an immediate spark with you and I thought it’d be one of those things where maybe it’ll grow after a few days so I gave it a few days to get to know you better and see if I would feel it.” He says and takes a deep breath.
Her lip started to quiver and she already felt her whole future come crashing down in front of her eyes.
“I didn’t feel it. I feel so bad about it because you’re such an amazing girl and I’ve had such a good time talking to you, getting to know you, and making you laugh. But I’m not feeling a romantic connection and it was time for me to not only be honest to you, but to myself as well because it’s not something that can be forced from either side.” He admits and she’s just sat silent.
She looks away from him, tears threatening to spill but she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She quickly wipes under her eyes with her left hand then takes another deep breath before turning to him.
“Fuck.. I really didn’t expect to hear this from you.. at all.” She mutters and gulps.
“I know I’m so sorry. I didn't think things would turn out this way. I genuinely did love getting to know you but I just… didn’t feel it.” He says and she nods.
She quickly thinks of something to say and although she did feel a sting in her heart, she knew she couldn’t really blame him for it.
Sparks might not always come up and she had to accept that one way or another.
“Well thank you for being honest, I can’t say I’m happy about it obviously… but I appreciate the honesty and hope you do find someone.” She says and gives him the smallest of smiles.
“I know you’ll find someone who’ll give you all the iced coffees and sarcasm you could ever ask for.” He says and she chuckles as a singular tear falls down her cheek quickly.
“I sure hope so.” She whispers and wipes the tear away then fixes her hair.
She stands up and he quickly follows suit, “Friends?” He asks and opens his arms wide.
“Friends.” She says and accepts his hug.
What would now probably be the last one ever and she can’t believe it. She could tell from his eyes that everything he said was true. Especially how he looked almost panicked when he said he wanted to have the conversation before he got the text.
She probably would’ve believed him nonetheless because there have been signs the past two days. Signs that she swore would just go away or a part of her imagination, but they weren’t.
Like how he didn’t cuddle her in bed. Or how he never tried to kiss her outside of a challenge (which she was always waiting on).
The good thing was he definitely was trying with her because he didn’t get to know any other girl so that counts for something.
They both pulled away and he gave her a small smile. “If you want I could leave you the bed, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything. You could have your space.”
She hums and shrugs, “Hmm I’m not sure.. ask me later and I’ll decide then.”
He nods and they both walk together for a few seconds but Miguel heads to the firepit while she goes on to go to the kitchen to talk to her girls.
Never been so gutted a couple split up before….. well let’s move on to new girl Y/n getting a grand tour of her new home!
“Obviously up first has to be the kitchen! Drama free, filled with delicious food, and underrated part of the villa to have a chat.” Peter B says and gasps at seeing an opened bag of Lays chips.
He grabs a handful then throws half in his mouth, “Tho now we cun go inthide.”
“What?” You laugh and shake your head.
“Babe, manners please.” MJ pleads, making him roll his eyes.
He swallows and leads the way to go inside, “tough crowd.”
You giggle and Gwen whispers to you, “he is the definition of a goofball.”
“I can tell.” You whisper back making her giggle.
He opens the door for you all and you’ve already seen the beds but now you looked at the neon lights on each side of the room. They illuminated the room a bit more and Raul let you go so you could walk around a bit.
“It’s so much prettier in person.” You say and Gwen quickly agrees.
“We fell in love as soon as we walked through the doors.” She says with a chuckle.
“You’ll get use to the bright light soon enough.” She adds and you nod.
“Ooooh Y/n your bed is already ready.” Peter says and points to the corner bed.
“Oh fuck yes!!” You scream and run towards it then jump on it.
At this point you were more or so dry, so you didn’t hesitate.
It was so soft and was luckily like a cloud. Good thing it’d help the back problems and you’ll get to sleep like a baby.
“A bed all to yourself huh?” Raul says and you flip to look at them.
“Just for the night but better believe I’m gonna enjoy it.” You say and sigh, just letting yourself sink into the bed.
“Alright, alright let’s get going.” Peter says and you pout but get up anyway.
“Are you on a schedule?” You joke and he playfully nods.
“I am so if you don’t mind and keep your hands in the ride.” He says and pretends to point to a file line.
You laugh and walk over to them, now Raul opening the door for everyone while you walk to the main entrance.
Peter takes a right and you follow suit, now walking into the lounge room. There were a few couches with brightly colored pillows on them, plants, more neon light signs, a coffee table, and cute bunny chairs.
It was a cute little hangout spot and right behind the couches was the doghouse.
“I feel like my boy Mig might be sleeping here tonight.” Peter says earning himself a smack on the arm by MJ.
“Don’t say stuff like that Pete!” She says in a hushed tone and he waves her off.
“Okay listen most of us already knew it was coming so it’s like… getting used to the idea.” He explains and she just raises a brow.
“We’re gonna have to work on your big mouth.” She playfully jokes, making him groan.
He wraps his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him then kisses her cheek.
He then points to the door that was straight ahead “This is the hideaway which you already knew but you’ve been one of the first to see!” He says and you chuckle.
“Wasn’t really paying too much attention to the actual room…” you say, earning yourself a gasp from him.
“Naughty.” He mutters then lightly elbows your side.
“Oh my god not like that-“
“Yeah yeah sure.” He cuts you off and leads you all to the stairs.
“Let’s keep it going before I feel the need to puke.” He jokes, making you groan.
“Ladies first.” He says, letting go of MJ.
She lets you go first and you’re grateful because this bikini was starting to feel tight and didn’t want to give either guy a free show.
You carefully go up all the stairs and MJ points to the left. You both head their first but Peter catches up to you and just shakes his head. “It’s the beach hut, you’ll be called in before and after challenges, after a date, and all throughout the day.” He explains and you nod.
You do a 360 and Peter leads you straight ahead. You turn to your right and there was the bathroom. You could peek through from the little hallway and see the showers and all types of products on the left and right side of the walls.
Peter ushers you to go in and you do. You walk in and there was a huge mirror against the wall as soon as you walk in and to the right is a bathtub sandwiched between two sinks.
Across from the sinks were two showers and a door to the left of them. “The toilet.” Peter says and you turn to look at him with wide eyes.
“Toilet? As in singular?” You ask, completely stunned.
“Unfortunately.” Gwen groans and you gasp.
“That’s- that’s fucking insane.” You gasp then wince at the thought of having to share a toliet with men who might not know how to aim correctly.
“Well sometimes they occasionally let us use the hideaway bathroom. On rare occasions…” Raul says and you nearly let out a cry.
“Listen, we all get used to it and swear it’s not that bad.” Peter says then lets out a burp.
“Give me a second.” He says and opens said door to utilize it.
One of your eyes twitches and the girls unfortunately don’t have anything to say that’ll make you feel better. It’s been hell.
“Can’t even say it’ll get better girls?” You ask nervously and it was crickets.
“I’m not gonna name any names but some of the guys apparently just don’t know how to piss.” Gwen says with a gag.
“This is probably the worst revelation to all mankind.” You say and shake your head.
“Hope you’re not a night owl either because out here you’re gonna be an early bird.” Raul says and you gasp.
“Y’know what guys I think I can make tinder work…” you half joke and pretend to walk off.
But then you look at the second mirror that was next to some face and hair products on the wall. You fix some stray hairs and your bikini top when you hear a flush.
You look behind you and Peter walks directly to the sink. Everyone looked at him, just patiently waiting while he made sure to wash his hands for a solid minute.
He dries his hands with a small towel then claps his hands, “alright let’s go.”
He took a right and after a few steps you were inside the dressing room. It was somehow the brightest room in the whole villa but it made perfect sense since this was where the girls would do their hair and makeup.
“Oh my god-“ you say and take it in.
In the middle was a big circle table with small chairs below them, and on top were mirrors, hair curlers, Dyson airwraps, and makeup scattered all over it. “Sorry we didn’t clean up our mess..” Gwen chuckles and you wave her off.
To the left side were drawers and cabinets of just makeup and hair products.
To the right side was the closet where some of the sliding doors were slightly open which showed how filled of clothes they were. The best part was that the doors were all mirrors, and took up two walls so it was perfect for group selfies or just checking out how your fit looks without bothering someone else.
You walked a step to where there were makeup products, probably from sponsors that production will make you wear, and open two different drawers. One was filled with lip liners and the other with lip sticks.
“This might just be heaven.” You mumble making the girls giggle.
“You’re gonna blend in fine girl.” MJ says, now stood to you and held your hand.
“I hope so! Not sure I’d be able to deal with awkwardness too well though.” You joke and Peter just scoffs.
“I think you dealt with awkwardness just fine earlier. With pure grace if you will.” He says and you shrug.
“Thought I was going to get eaten alive with that girl's chat.” You joke and fake shiver.
“Oh my god you haven’t even seen the best part.” Gwen gasps and grabs your other hand, spinning you to follow her along with MJ, who didn’t let go.
Gwen opens the door to the terrace and the sun has now set, it was pitch black until you walked out and got to the couches and saw the beautiful fairy lights illuminating the garden.
You had a view of the entire garden, besides the kitchen because it was right below the terrace. You saw a few of the guys on the firepit and could barely see the girls by the beanbags which was right by the long pool.
“Wow.” Was all you could manage to think of.
“It’s even more beautiful in the mornings!” MJ excitedly says and you sigh.
Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.
You sit on the cushioned sofa to look over at the garden before facing them and seeing a cute coffee table in the middle of all the little sofas. There were plants by the walls next to the door and you were stunned by how pretty and surreal the villa looked.
“On second thought I might stick around for a while…” you joke making them chuckle.
Suddenly you heard noises below you and your eyes lit up, “can I finally shower?”
“You gotta go beat everyone else!” Peter exclaims and you get up and run as fast as you can inside.
Luckily your suitcase was in the dressing room so you quickly put it down and opened it, quickly scrambling to find a pair of undies and some pj’s.
Today must’ve been your lucky day because your cute pjs sets were right on top and found your underwear to be on a side pocket. You chose a random one and sprinted to the bathroom as the rest of the islanders went inside to get ready to go to sleep.
As you quickly hopped in to one of the two showers, the three other girls were coming up the stairs and the guys were in the bedroom getting undressed.
At this point Miguel had had his chat with Dana and spilled the beans with the guys. Dana had done the same, or at least tried to because she started to sob before getting a single word in.
Raul and Peter went downstairs as the girls went into the dressing room and Dana’s smeared makeup was not a good sign so they sprinted downstairs to know what happened.
“What happened?!?” Peter yells as they walked into the bedroom and Raul quickly closed the door.
“I ripped the bandaid off.” Miguel responds then sighs.
“She took it better than I thought, at least in front of me she did.” He said sadly and Peter frowns, walking up to him.
He gives him a bear hug and pats him on the back as Miguel hugged him back. “You had to do it. You weren’t feeling it and there was no point in letting her fall in love with you while you didn’t feel jack shit.” He says bluntly making a few of the guys murmur.
“When it comes to love, you have to be.” He quickly says and it sounded much deeper than he wanted.
And coming from him was just something else.
“You’re here for you alright? Don’t forget that.” He says and lets him go.
Raul then steps him and gives him a shorter hug, “he’s got a point, we’re all here to find love so it’s only fair you’re true to yourself.”
“Thanks guys.” Miguel chuckles as Raul pats his back.
“Alright well I think I have to hit the showers.” He says but Peter makes a face.
“Y/n’s up there right now, maybe wait a bit so it won’t look a type of way.” He advises and Miguel nods.
“That’s fine by me.”
After you had finished your shower now feeling all clean and refreshed in your cute pj set, you only caught Jordan brushing his teeth.
“Oh here are the toothbrushes by the way!” He says and pulls a little bin under the sink to show you sealed toothbrushes.
“Thank you!” You exclaim and grab a red one.
“After you’re done most of us put them in these little tube boxes and you just write your initials on it, and then put it in your own cabinet over there.” He shows you another bin with the boxes and pointed to the drawers on the sides of the wall.
“It’ll take some time to get use to but you’ll catch on quick.” He adds and you nod.
“Thanks.” You say and open the toothbrush then throw the packaging in the garbage below the sink.
“Gonna have to assume the toothpaste is….” You guess a random bin next to the tootheburshes and of course, there they were.
“See you’re catching on already.” He teases making you chuckle.
You open up the tube and put a dollop on your toothbrush when you see a shirtless torso walking by through the opening on the wall. You follow it then look away once they’re in the bathroom. You brush your teeth looking at the mirror and the shirtless torso made an appearance behind you, it belongs to none other than Miguel.
You check him out in the mirror and you were just admiring his biceps as he grabbed a towel and put it on the rack by that shower. You shook your head and spit into the sink before quickly finishing up.
You take another looks at the bins to find out with floss and it only took two tries to find it. You took out a decent amount before flossing your teeth, getting closer to the mirror so you could see better. At that point Jordan had left and you were alone besides Miguel who was in the shower.
You threw the floss into the garbage and were wondering what they used to write on the boxes. You bit your lip and wondered if there were sharpies or something around.
Then an idea clicked and you put your wet toothbrush into the box before walking over to the empty dressing room and going through the drawers until you found eyeliner. You wrote your initials in cursive just to be a little extra.
You put the eyeliner back into the drawer then closed it before walking back into the bathroom. You grabbed all your things and opened drawers until you found an idea one to put them in.
Just then the water turned off and that was your cue to leave because you didn’t know if you could handle shirtless wet Miguel at that moment.
So you saw yourself out and went downstairs and into the bedroom where everyone was on each others beds, Gwen was racing Peter B from jumping to bed to bed. You closed the door and shook your head in disbelief.
You covered your mouth as Peter nearly knocked over the second Peter, who didn’t see him coming.
“Bro move!!” Peter B yelled and Peter gave him a scoff.
You walked to your bed and sat on the edge so they could still finish their race.
Gwen was beating him by two beds and with her fast speed she beat him by a landslide. MJ clapped for Gwen which prompted Peter B to give her a playful glare before he sprinted towards her like a bull.
He then began tickling her and she immediately started yelling for him to stop but that devious look on his face did not look like he was going to stop anytime soon.
You looked at the bed next to you and it was Jordan and Jazmin’s. Jordan was already snuggled to the blankets but Jazmin was in Dana’s bed.
Then as if remembering something Dana got up and walked out, going upstairs. She went directly to the bathroom and Miguel was coming out of the shower.
Droplets we’re dripping down his body and she had to remind herself to stay focused. “You can sleep in our bed, it’s absolutely fine.”
“Are you sure?” He asks as he dries his hair with a towel and she nods.
Meanwhile Peter B made his way to your bed and was giving you a fat ass hug while saying, “I hope your first night was good.”
“Honestly was better than I expected.” You said and hugged him back.
It felt as if you had been friends for years. He was so laidback with a good amount of playfulness and goofiness, you didn’t even mind the gesture.
That was until MJ and Raul followed his lead and jumped on top of you, making you both fall back onto your mattress. “Fuck-“ you groaned and felt Raul’s body weight on you.
“Get your fat ass off the poor girl Raul.” You hear a voice say as you fake groaned some more.
He was then off you thinking they were real and you gave him a laugh when he realized you were playing. He was about to pounce on you again when Miguel held him back, “let her be man, come on it’s her first night.”
Raul shrugs and goes in for a normal hug which you accept, “Buenas noches, duerme con los angelitos hermosa.” He whispers in your ear and you felt a shiver go down your spine. (Goodnight, sleep with the little angels gorgeous)
“Igualmente.” You whisper back and he pulls away with a grin. (Likewise)
MJ then hugs you and pulls away with Peter B giving you yet another hug. He pulls away and they went on to their own bed.
You then notice Miguel leaning against Jordan and Jazmin’s bed, just looking at you. “What did you want me to tuck you in?” You joke and he chuckles.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” He jokes back making you laugh.
“But I’m luckily not in the doghouse tonight.” He says and you chuckle.
“Good for you!” You say and he shrugs.
“Still feels bad.” He mumbles and you nod.
“Obviously it would but you did what you had to do!” You whisper and he nods.
He then gets up and sits next to you before leaning in, “Thank you for an amazing first date. Espero que hayan más en nuestro futuro.” (I hope there’s more in our future)
“Me gustaría eso.” You whisper back and he tried to hide his smile back. (I’d like that)
“Goodnight, sweet dreams.” He says and hugs you.
You hug him back and feeling his arms around you just felt so.. right. You felt safe and it was sending loads of butterflies to your stomach.
He pulls away and you whisper, “goodnight.”
He smiles and gets up before making his way to his and Dana’s bed which was by the middle of the room.
You now got into bed as all the other couples, and two singletons, got comfortable in their own beds.
All the lights turned off and you turned to your ideal spot to sleep in then pulled the covers over you.
“Goodnight Y/n!!” Peter B’s voice yelled and it was followed by the same from all the islanders.
“Night pretty.”
“Sleep well Y/n!”
You yelled a loud goodnight to them all then closed your eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep, completely oblivious to a handful of noisy couples and individuals snoring their heads off.
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pandoraroid · 24 hours
The Pack Wedding 💥💥💥💗💥
reaction rambles bc yes
please keep in mind this is meant to be lighthearted i love these men with all my heart n life n soul
THIS IS 43 MINUTES IM SO SCARED WHY CANT I PRESS THE VIDEO this is too much nervousness for seven in the morning im dead
"it's the pack everything's gonna go crazy." bro it's the SHAW pack what does that say about you hm 🤔 /j i love you david 
"reception's gonna be a solstice party on steriods" I SNORTED SO DAMN LOUD 😭
now should be a good time to say that part of the reason why i like redacted so much is because it's so funny and lines like that do it for me every single time.
"i love you angel so very much" BOOGSH 💥 im so in love with you david shaw 
i think bro's in love with us guys idk 
"beautiful... you.." NO YOU 🫵 david we are not doing this back in forth in the morning JUST ACCEPT IT
he's triggering my cuteness/love aggression SO FUCKING SAPPY I LUV U MWAH
"you fucking menace c'mere" HIS LAUGH OMFG GOOD FUCKINH MORNINGGGG
"oh fuck it's the day" me just this morning
"asher breathe we're good you've been training for this your whole life" ELABORATE???? id love to know how exactly youve been training for this asher
"it's our wedding day. holy shit it's our wedding day. i'm gonna be a husband." KILLL MEEE RIGHT NOW I CAN HEAR HIM SMILEEE OMFG WEAR THAT SHIT WITH PRIDE ASHER
"i've always been husband material look at what we're working with" KILL ME RIGHT NOW /pos baabe smacking him though HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
id kiss you for the rest of my life asher
laughing against/while kissing THIS MAN WANTS ME DEAD
"say how much time do we have before we meet everybody in the lobby" LET THEM FUCKING WAIT
MILO AND SAM???? OH MY GOD???? (should go without fucking saying but... drive safe..... please...)
in my head: sam is driving. david's shotgun. ash & milo are in the back. just because. >> BRO I WAS RIGHT????
darlin driving in another car with the other mates??? that... isnt what i think it is.... is it......
david sounds so tired of their bs HAHAHA "rounded out with a little traditional opinion from them of all people" DARLIN FIGHT BACK
"hey we're fun too, right?" ASHER PLEASE
"well let's see: we've got a grouchy grandpa drivin us-" 
"at least he didn't call you cowboy." BRO
"now don't you start." 
"and we got the grumpy alpha."
"i'm not grumpy. just preoccupied."
"right. right." bros didnt even try to sound convinced
"we're fun." 
"asher. we spent your bachelor party playing destiny 2." 
"and smash!" 
"oh my mistake."
this entire conversation. peak.
"i dont even wanna imagine what chaos those four are getting up to piled in one vehicle." OH WOULDNT YOU LIKE TO SAM 
DEAD ASS SILENCE I LOVE IT i cant fycking breathe this is too funny.
in my head, they were definitely arguing over directions. or darlin's driving, or making fun of the other car.
wait darlin what
"or you'll likely end up staring down the maw of my own beautiful mate-" SAMUEL COLLINS
"oh move it mr. wedding day" WHY DOES THAT SOUND SO GOOD
"and fix your hair."
"it's suppose to look like this!"
"are you trying to look like you got married in a wind tunnel?" BRO NOT ON HIS WEDDING DAY 💀
sam encouraging milo omgomg
"you talk more than anyone i know. and i know asher." AHAHHAHAHAHAHA
"is my tie on straight?" 
"is it ever?" is the one wearing it straight /jjjj
david helping him with his tie someone kill me right now
"why did you pick me?" OH SHIT
i seriously just listened and payed attention to their conversation so no thoughts head empty only them
"what really mattered in a beta was having a person that was the other side of your coin."
"i picked you because you were the one person i trusted more than anyone else. you made me feel safe at a time more than i couldve explained. you were everything i wasnt. where i was distant you were outgoing. where i was rough you were warm. where i was analytical you were intuitive. you're the other side of my coin. you always have been. so it never mattered to me what anyone else thought of what i needed in a beta because they didnt know me. i did. you did. and i needed the person that was right for me not for anybody else."
i couldve typed out everything david said but THIS!!!! I WAS SOBBING!!!! THEY ARE THE OTHER SIDE OF OTHER'S COIN NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!!!! their vows to each other fr
this is wrecking me THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH
"you're too hard on yourself too."
"well we had to have something in common other than destiny and smash bros, right?" the range of friendship everyone 
my heart felt so heavy in this WHY
"i think you're the best fucking beta i could have ever asked for. i think you're the besy friend i could have ever asked for. i deserved most of the time."
aaaanndd got heavier 😁
"i just feel bad that i'm going to be up there looking this good y'know people are going to get confused on whose wedding day it really is." EAT EM UP SWEETHEART (i meant milo but them too ofc)
"do we get a step stool for behind the podium?" HAHSHAHAHAHHA THE CONCERN IN HIS VOICE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
"i love you milo"
"i love you too asshole" CRYING 
"thank you for doing this milo"
"i got you. always." ALWAYS.
"when i was asked by my friends to officiate their unions, i only had one question for them: how much does it pay?" ASKING THE REAL QUESTIONS
im really listening on this part so head empty.
oohh asher (i think it's asher) laughing through baabe's vows IS SO SWEET I LOVE YOU AND I ALWAYS WILL
"you're the best part of me. and i'll spend the rest of our lives showing that i'm worthy of that." oh david shaw you dont even have to try
"i now pronounce you all married the-the pairs of you to each other not all together" OH THEY ARE NEVER GOING TO LET HIM LIVE THAT DOWN
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