choisgirls · 7 years
Not Afraid of the Night { JuminxMC- Soulmate!AU }
Heya howdy doodle doo! I hope this is a-okay for y’all ^^ WORDS: 2,202 
Again, like JIHYUN’S, no keep reading because the format tends to mess up for mobile?
           "Assistant Kang, please book another appointment with my hair dresser," Jumin sighed into his intercom. He just had an appointment the other day, what is wrong with this person?
           A person's soulmate shares their hair colour when dye is used. Some soulmates just dye their hair a normal colour for a change, not much of a difference between the two of them, it works out. Perhaps that was the reason most people didn't meet the right one? Everyone was too alike in that way. Jumin would be fine with a nice, simple, normal hair colour if his soulmate were to choose it.
           Do they?
           The answer is no.
           He's constantly having to re-dye his hair to black to cover what his other half does to their hair. It's always a bright, crazy colour. He cannot tell you how many times he's had to dismiss meetings abruptly because his dark hair changed to a hot pink before everyone's eyes. How was he supposed to run his company when his clients cannot take him seriously with bright coloured hair? He can't. It's impossible for them to pay attention and for him to get anything done. Perhaps he should invest in hats instead? Oh, but wearing hats inside is disrespectful, hmm.
           He finds himself staring into the refection of his wine glass, his once dark hair now bright dyed green. The other day, it was a bright yellow, Yoosung told him he was jealous of the shade. The week before it was a bright white, which Zen was not happy about.
           "Are you trying to rival my beauty? It won't happen! A robotic CEO? As handsome as me? Not possible!" he had said in the chatroom, hogging the space, leaving no room for Jumin to reply how he dislikes it in the first place. What was going through this persons head? He'd like to analyze just what made them want to do such a ridiculous thing, so often. Don't they realize it can be really bad for their hair? Not to mention the fumes that must come off of the dyes...
           His day progressed- not falling short with the hushed whispers and secret glances as his new-found neon hair. No one dared to say anything loud enough for him to hear, and most certainly no one dared to confront him about it. The only person to have spoken a word was Assistant Kang, who simply called it "interesting" and went back to her work. Was it truly interesting? Maybe he just wasn't seeing what you were seeing in it?
           Meetings came and went, the day moved on to the next. He had dyed his hair back to black, thankfully, and was able to get some work done- no thanks to you. A week or so later, you had dyed your hair again, at least this time it was a nice darker auburn that didn't look too terribly bad on him. It was more natural, he could work with it. Then, it had stopped for a good few months. No weird colours, no colour change at all, in honesty. He took notice to his roots growing out, the dyed colour slowly fading back to his black.
           Perhaps you had given up? Maybe you  just no longer enjoyed the colours? Were you finally taking a break to take care of your hair? The more he thought about it, the more distracted he was from his work. Were you okay? Had something happened to you? Were you... still with him in this world? He hasn't been able to meet you, you couldn't leave him just yet..
           If you had asked the CEO in line a year or two ago if soulmates had existed, he would have genuinely laughed in your face. Jihyun had tried telling him that there was someone out there for him, specifically. He wasn't one to partake in expressing emotions in the first place- they took too much effort and he didn't see the point.
           He had spent so much time hating the idea of a spouse after seeing how quickly his father cycled through... success-driven women, putting it nicely. Not-so-nicely, he was horrified by all of the gold diggers constantly trying to get close to him. He didn't see the point in having relationships if people only wanted him for his money.
           Not only does that fear stop him, but he's been... struggling with another sort of emotion. His infatuation with Rika left him questioning himself. She was the one person he had felt feelings for, and she was with his best friend. She.. was never meant to be his. What if it ended up being the same for the two of you? What if he were to meet you, and it turns out you were someone else's? Or, even as soulmates, the two of you just.. didn't work out? What if his work got in the way? What if you were never meant to be his as well?
           The nights that he couldn't sleep were full of thoughts like these. Not even Elizabeth the Third could deter his worries. Hell, he could have passed you in a building and never have known. What if you had done business with him? What if you actually worked for him? No, you couldn't work for him, no one with insanely bright hair like that would work for him. He decided it was time to just focus on his work. He did have a few new potential clients to meet over the course of the next month. Thoughts like these were going to have to wait. He'd have to put them under lock and key.
           Though the next week, he started to notice piece by piece, that you must have been dying the tips of your hair multiple colours again. He actually felt a sense of relief, to see that you're okay- that you're still here in this world with him. Until one day, he had woken up to find his whole head, covered in a bright rainbow. He tried to refuse coming into work, though it was the day the company's important meeting was being held, so Assistant Kang practically begged that he reconsider that option. He also didn't have time to invite his hair stylist in to fix his situation. It was time to just... accept it, and do what he had to do.
With a bout of false confidence, he took a deep breath and pushed open the door to the meeting, bracing himself for the stares and ridiculing remarks. Beyond the door, however, it took one look for his heart to completely stop, his feet stopping in their tracks as well.
Sitting at the table across from him was a person with bright, rainbow coloured hair.
The moment the two of you met gazes, Jumin could feel a sharp shock through his chest.
Jaehee had to usher him into the room and practically lead the meeting, because he couldn't help but keep glancing over to you, and he'd get tongue tied every time. He was trying his best to keep his emotions under lock, as per usual, but he couldn't help it. He sat across from you- he got a chance to study your features. Your soft expression, the way your eyes shine with untapped creativity- always analyzing, searching for the beauty in things. You didn't need to speak for him to realize how much you appreciated the expressions and emotions in everything around you, he could tell it all from your hair choices over the years. He couldn't wait to talk to you- would he even be able to? Or would he miss his chance and watch you slip between his fingers? Would he fumble on his words- would it be apparent that he had no prior experience with emotions like this? Before he could snap out of it, the meeting had been wrapped up and you were walking out of the door. Catching a glimpse of the disappointment on your face, he struggled to push himself out of the chair he was in- his pocket getting caught on the arm of the chair as he stumbled, attempting to catch himself. Instead, he knocked his neighbors cup over, getting coffee on himself and dropped it a few more times while he tried to pick it up. His heart was racing, pounding in his ears; The sound being replaced by the soft sound of your giggle.
Embarrassed, he raised his eyes to meet yours, too enchanted by the dust of red that graced your cheeks as you hid the dazzling smile behind your hand, extending the other as an offer to help the bumbling idiot in front of you. He felt his heart beat right out of his chest when his fingertips touched the palm of your hand. He couldn't wait to hear what your first words to him would be. He'd secretly been waiting for quite some time to hear what his soulmate's first words will be.
"You're the asshole who keeps dyeing my hair black! And you're a bumbling buffoon, too!"
He wasn't expecting that.
But damn, if you didn't say it with the utmost graceful movements of your lips.
He tried to swallow the lump in his throat, to explain that he never acted this way, that he was truly more composed with less of... this. But he couldn't find the words- he couldn't do anything but open and close his mouth like fish- he truly was a buffoon, wasn't he.
Looking down at his shoes, he started to feel tears well up into his eyes. Was he really about to cry? He couldn't even talk to you- couldn't tell you how much just the thought of you changed his world, how much he craved the relationship his best friend had with his own fiancé, how afraid he was to lose you before he could even meet you, how much he want to-
No. He couldn't do this. He had to say something- anything to make you stay. He shut his eyes and held them closed- he was always sharp, quick witted, but why couldn't he talk to you? He talks to owners of large companies constantly, but one person? Just this one person, he couldn't?
How pathetic could he really be? The one time he needed to be his strongest, he completely folded like a house of cards.
For years, he had been watching from behind as his best friend move ahead with his life, going to bed each night with the person made just for him in his arms. Jihyun was always so happy- talking about his 'sun'- finding the beauty in everything that Rika had done. Where was that for him? He was left in the dark- fighting to reach the light that seemed so far away from him.
His father, constantly bringing him new women to meet- women who wanted one thing. Women always hanging off of him, touching him, hoping to get from him what they get from his father. He didn't want any of that, it wasn't what he wanted- not what he need. He needed someone who could understand him, someone who wouldn't want just his money or his fame. Someone who wanted him for all that he is- even if it wasn't close to perfect. Someone who wasn't dark in nature like they were. He wanted to get out of this night that held no stars.
All of these thoughts swarmed around in his head. He tried so hard to keep up the ruse that he was nothing but an emotionless robot; If he thought that way, then he could protect himself. But now, with the thought of you completely turning and leaving this room- leaving him behind yet again- he couldn't protect himself anymore. He was broken, and he was afraid.
It felt like hours later, yet his eyes flew open when fingertips gently touched his cheek, prompting him to look up at the alluring artwork in front of him. The light smile that enhanced your beauty tenfold was enough to make his face hot and his mind go completely blank.
"Hey," you said, in almost a whisper, dragging your thumb across his cheek as if it were fragile- like he would break at any moment. "My name's MC. It's nice to meet you- please don't cry. I've been looking for you for a very long time. Would you want to go settle on a calmer hair colour together?"
And for once, in years, he didn't mind the vivid colours that sat upon his head.
Sure, he was left in the dark.
But with him now were his own set of Northern Lights.
Someone so bright, vivid, colourful, yet so soft to help guide him home. To help him realize what home could really be. Something never ending- something that the two of you could start in the middle and would still find beautiful and inviting. Something unique to the both of you, something he desperately wanted to grasp and hold as if he was afraid to break it. He wanted to get to know you, piece by piece, colour by colour.
And he wasn't as afraid of the night anymore.
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