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definesanity · 1 month ago
Jane's Anecdote: The Long Night's End.
Stage I: 'Montgomery'
'Wait for The Demons to Travel By.'
"However long the night, the dawn will break." --African Proverb.
>Rehab Centre, Laplace
Noise was a constant friend in Laplace. It followed people, from the machines they worked at, the sounds they make themselves, or a white noise from silence, albeit one that would never happen.
"Hey, will that person be here soon?" a Laplace researcher, a middle-aged man by the name of Jack, asked a person next to him. Jack had been working there for only three years, but had already found his place in the chaos of the research hub.
"Which person?" replied the new hire, Mark. he had been scouted out (or, rather, just been told his application had been accepted.)
"That one, the one from the other Timekeeper's group. What's her name again? Something… 'self'?"
A new, more chipper voice entered the conversation.
"Oh? You mean, Madam Oneself?" X wasn't the most hated, but he was certainly one of the more… interesting, of Laplace's staff.
"From what I've heard, she has other things to attend to, and sent someone far more capable in her stead."
"Really? Who?" Jack's expression swapped between expectant and curiosity. One could argue those emotions are very similar, but X says otherwise:
One is for when you're interested; the other is when you're expecting to be given the answer you want.
Sadly, X didn't have it.
"I'm sorry, but I don't know. She just said it would be, and I quote, 'someone that Laplace knows well.'" he finished his unexpected report with a shrug and a smile, something that had long since become a staple of his work.
And then, much like a squirrel, he moved away, perhaps to look for that person, leaving the two men behind.
>Hallway, Laplace
X moved on, from the hallway towards the lift, where he spotted familiar heads.
One with white hair, and one with blond hair.
"Oh, you." Medicine Pocket spoke first, looking highly uninterested as usual. It means, therefore, that they are interested in something.
"Hello, X," the smaller and much more sociable of the two greeted. Ezra was normally very busy around this time of the week tending to the mushrooms; so to see him standing by casually by was certainly out of the blue.
"Good day, you two. Hoping to catch sight of our mystery helper?"
"Obviously. I mean, come on, it's not every day you meet another version of yourself. What if it's me? Or you?" MedPoc smiling wasn't a rare sight; them having good intentions while smiling, however, is.
X shook his head. "As much as I would like to meet another me, I'm sure they are also busy with whatever they are doing. Unlike, it seems you two."
He turned towards Ezra. "No offense, Ezra."
"None taken. I was actually waiting for the elevator regardless." he then looked towards said elevator, seemingly as if it would carry the mysterious arrival in question.
When, in actuality, she had already arrived by the elevator further down, and now was moving past them swiftly.
"…Mesmer?" MedPoc looked confused, before it shifted in exasperation. "There you are! Christ, I asked you for the files related to that bloody plant half an hour ago!"
'Mesmer' stopped, and X could see her writing something down.
…Strange. Was she hunching over?
"Hey! Deaf-head!" MedPoc made their way over to her, raising a hand that curled into a fist. "I'm talking, dipsh--!"
The hunch stopped. And X watched as she got taller. And taller. And before long, towered over all three.
She turned around, and X felt fascinated.
She looked eerily like Mesmer Jr. But, she wasn't; dark eyebags laid under her eyes heavily, the black developing into a deep shade of purple. Her outfit looked similar, but was in a deep black, with gloves being worn protectively on her hands.
And that coat she was wearing, almost hiding that shoulder cape on the left side of her body… was that… Madam Lucy's?
At long last--of which, was three seconds--'Mesmer' gave a clearing of her throat.
"Hello," she greeted, voice raspy and deep. "I'm Jane. Jane Mesmer Jr."
She gave them something scary:
A smile.
"It's my pleasure to meet you, my good fellows."
To Be Continued…
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blooppo0 · 3 months ago
A Goodnight's Rest
Fandom: Reverse 1999
Tags: Fluff, Attempted Humor.
Character: Vertin, Druvis III.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Vertin has been staring at this piece of paper for a few hours now, with only a couple of words actually being written in those few hours. Sighing, she leaned back on her chair, rubbing her eyes to wipe the tiredness from her face. Checking the grandfather clock at the front of her desk, she noticed that she had missed lunch and supper, again.
Still limp on her chair, staring at the ceiling, her mind wandered. She hadn't slept in… two? three days? She could feel the consequences of craning her neck and forcing her posture straight all day with little to no breaks. She groaned and stretched her arms, maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a walk out in the Wilderness, where the sky was dark and quiet, the peace only disturbed by nature itself and whatever X and Medpoc were doing.
She jolted when a knock and a voice suddenly disrupted her musings, “Vertin, are you in there? You didn't come down to eat for dinner, is everything alright?” Oh, it was just Druvis, as a former aristocrat she had quite impeccable manners and skills whose grace matched that of a cat’s. Vertin wondered how she always managed to look and act so graceful even in times of crisis, she supposes that was just how she was taught.
Realizing she had yet to verbally reply to Druvis’ question, Vertin hastily mumbled out an answer that she hoped was loud and coherent enough to understand through the door, “Yes.” that sounded a bit flat for her, maybe she should add more, “I-I just lost track of time, I’m sorry.” that's better.
A few moments of silence pass by, “... May I come in?” After giving the affirmative, Vertin heard the click of the door before it gently swung open, revealing the former aristocrat in her nightgown. The moment she laid eyes on Vertin's tired form she frowned, “You haven't been taking proper care of yourself again, have you?” Her silence and guilty look only confirmed what was already known.
Sighing softly like a disappointed mother, she beckoned her to the living room, turning only a few lights on just enough to see everything clearly but not enough to further burn her already burning eyes, she led her to the couch, “Sit.” So Vertin sat as the brunette went to the kitchen counter and prepared some tea, it smelled quite nice, relaxing and calming, was that chamomile? She didn't realize she was dozing off until the former aristocrat sat down beside her, “drink this, it'll help you sleep better.”
Holding the warm cup in her hands she takes the time to appreciate the gentle heat and the pleasant smell it gives her before taking a sip, hm, it tasted a bit off, the thought was temporarily pushed aside as her tea companion asked, “How are you feeling?” she thought for a bit before responding, “Better, actually, more relaxed.”
Druvis hummed at that, hand under her chin in a thoughtful pose, mumbling something that Vertin could only hear in bits and pieces, “Med-… do… -onders.” she perked up a little at that.
“Hm? What was that?” She asked.
“Nothing, nothing.” Her suspicious friend immediately deflected.
If it weren't for the sleep deprivation she may have prodded a bit more, but as it turns out the lack of sleep made her more unwilling to do much of anything, so instead she just opted for eyeing the former aristocrat skeptically while she took a few more sips of her tea, it still tasted off, why was it that she was getting more tired as the seconds passed by?
She let out a yawn.
“Tired?” Her friend asked.
She nodded, letting out another yawn, “Yes, I think it's time I return to-” Druvis stood to help her up, “-my office to finish the papers.” And immediately pulled her back down, “No, lay down. Now.” And now they were in this situation:
With Vertin's head laying onto Druvis’ lap while she kept a firm but gentle grip on her head to keep her in place and prevent her from escaping, “You have to sleep Vertin, you're only 16.” Her friend said while petting her head, hm, that feels nice.
“... I have work to do?..” She earned an unimpressed stare at that, “You've passed a paper 5 months late once, I'm sure the Foundation would be able to handle a day late paper.” Then, her tone softened,
“You should sleep Vertin, I will be here when you wake up.”
“... Okay.”
It took only a matter of minutes for Vertin to finally sleep, eyes fluttering close to the sound of birds and crickets outside chirping, to the comforting touch of a trusted friend. For the first time in a while, Vertin managed to get a good night's rest.
Hi I've come back from the dead :DD, I have an incredibly spontaneous motivation okay- so obviously I got into Reverse 1999 recently, and now that I've read most of the fics in ao3 that suits my taste in this fandom, kinda disappointed that there's so few fics about Vertin and Druvis, they give me so much mother-daughter/older sister-younger sister vibes y'all why are people sleeping on that😭😭.
Anyways, if you managed to read to the end of this post please feel free to give me constructive criticism! I'm trying to improve my writing and getting feedback and tips will let me improve on it! Thank you for reading!
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the-blossica-fan · 23 days ago
I can't get over carrotnigma (its somewhat related to this) so uhh
Actoe au!
During lipo friends collab, everyones part got edited by blonney cause she has decent editing skills, Except for enigmas.. his was edited directly by medpoc with ulrichs supervision cause they thought it would be hilarious (i feel like vertins in on it too but idk how)
Blonney probably uploded a decent edit of one of jessicas promotional pictures and the directors was so impressed they ask her if she could edit the lipo friends collab and she accepted. (She got complemented on her editing skills by the others, jessica is proud of girlfriend in that moment)
As for adler well he was just confused why hes a carrot of all things (a really deppressed one at that), to which ulrich just said "carrots are tough until you apply steam to them then they get mushy, sums you pretty well huh" They bickered over that for a bit (as usual) while everyone just like "Wait did ulrich say that about adler?"
Medpoc and vertin keep rewatching adlers part and laughing so hard. X and the rest of the silver hairs saw the video too and laughed with them lol.
I watched that trailer with no volume the first time, It was the weirdest thing I ever witnessed.
After reading some comments, I watched it with volume. It was the weirdest thing I ever witnessed.
I'd say Blonney actually has good editing skills, she's a student in filmmaking, she's got a grasp on it since the very beginning aside from her actress career. Which is to say, this entire promotional video was actually requested to be made so stupid, she was being watched by MedPoc all the way through.
Dare I say, MedPoc was the one pulling the strings the whole way once they heard about the collaboration and begged day and night for Blonney to allow him to edit Adler's - and ONLY Adler's - part.
And when the promotional video came out, Enigma had the most confused face ever as he watched his carrot face look absolutely distraught. He slowly turned to Marcus, who slowly turned to him as well and they both went "???" (Greta will never forget that moment)
I believe Bkornblume and Regulus willingly appeared in that Collab but Marcus didn't even know about Lipo Friends until then.
Also, Ulrich definitely made carrotnigma a sticker and planted it around with the help of Vert, Vertin, Regulus and MedPoc.
"Pissing all by yourself, gorgeous?" —A carrotnigma sticker Ulrich placed in Adler's bathroom.
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