nulltune · 7 months
☛ very few ever look to the stars and feel fear. but they should. especially you. ☚ / from aleister !!
unprompted,  always accepting !   @wonderloste  ♡
❛   is there a reason why ?   ❜       starry - eyed  ——  the stars' lights reflect upon caramel hues,  doe eyes wide as the maiden stared upon the glittering night sky.  it's a genuine question,  knowing nothing about this world,  she was eager to learn;  curious to find out,  such an inquisitive nature was almost inherent to kishinami hakuno.  but of course she was,  of course she wanted to know more about the world around her—  she has to,  if she wants to find her place in it  /  even though distantly,  she is well aware that such a thing was ...
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underneath the vast expanse of the sky,  one would often feel so very small.  hakuno didn't quite understand that feeling,  holding no personal sentiments for the stars either,  but she felt like—  she could understand it,  somewhat.  the feeling that everything else was so big,  and the feeling that there was something more.       ❛  are there constellations here too ?   ❜       she finds herself asking,  all of a sudden.       ❛   do you see that one over there ?  the one that looks like horns.   ❜       a slender hand would reach out towards it,  trying to point  —  or at least gesture  —  to the direction of the group of stars she was speaking of.       ❛   they appear a bit similar to your horns,  no ?   perhaps that can be aleister minor ...   ❜   aha.  this joke doesn't seem to be the easiest to grasp,  is it ?
—still,  she hoped that this time they had together wasn't anything bad.   ( and to answer his question truthfully,  it was hard to feel fear when she wasn't alone.  that singular fact alone was something so comforting,  but hakuno wonders if it was truly alright to feel that way ...   she doesn't speak of it. )       ❛   it's fine if you can't see it,  though.   ❜       pulling her knees to her chest,  her head rests languidly  —  a gentle tilt as she'd looked towards the other.
❛   could you tell me what you see ?   ❜
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