#H is here today and I usually prefer to bake when I'm home alone
asinglesock · 7 months
I made red bean paste earlier today and I was going to use it as a filling for steamed buns as my bread recipe of the week, but now I don't feel like starting another project
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lia-jones · 3 years
greetings lia! how are you? i apologize for not replying in a while, as i was busy (working on writing and heeding your advice) but i'm here now!
i have a few more questions (not exactly related to writing) but more about you! 1. what else do you like to do for fun (besides writing)? 2. if there was one thing you could do without considering perfection, what would it be? 3. cats or dogs (or neither 👀)? 4. do you like reading fiction or non-fiction? and do you have any good book recs? 5. you're stuck on a deserted island, but you have the chance to take 3 things with you. what will it be? 6. if you had the opportunity to learn something new now (it could be anything, from an academic subject to a practical skill) what would it be?
i know these are a lot of questions, but i felt the need to compensate for the time i missed talking to you (>人<;)anyways, about your newest chapters! you asked for feedback, and i'm here to give it. I do think you tied up the lose ends pretty nicely! the chapters were well-written and amazing (as usual) however I do think I still have some more questions 👀 but I know you'll resolve those sooner or later considering you have a long way to go with the story still.
Thanks so much again for being an awesome person! 🥺 I look forward to hearing from you and reading more of your work! Have a great day!
- 🌸 anon
Hey dear 🌸 anon! It's totally ok, I have been busy as well, but with work, so you have a more fun reason and I'm so excited to hear that you are writing! And I'm not just saying it, it really makes me excited! You should see my huge grin right now! Ok, now to your questions (ask as many as you want, by the way, I love them): 1. what else do you like to do for fun (besides writing)?
Ha. I cook. I absolutely love cooking, and not to toot my horn, I'm good at it. Today I'm baking a vanilla and dulce de leche cake for my daughter, she asked me one. It will be my de-stressing activity for the weekend. In fact, I haven't been writing about cooking much lately, but rest assured, if I write about a character making a recipe, you can follow the same steps at home, because ill be giving the real recipe. Other than that; I sometimes Netflix binge and I religiously take one long walk in nature during the weekends, alone or with family. It helps me clear my mind.
2. if there was one thing you could do without considering perfection, what would it be?
You mean something I'd do without caring how that makes me look? Walking in the rain without an umbrella. I don't care if it's cold, feeling the rain falling down on me is soul cleansing. I don't do it because I always have people stopping me to ask if I need a ride or an umbrella (yes, people in Portugal are that friendly) and I don't have the heart to say it's on purpose...
3. cats or dogs (or neither 👀)?
I'm more of a dog person but I also find cats fascinating. I have a 9 year old maltese and funny you ask, I adopted a rescued cat this weekend, and we're trying to make him adapt. My dog's name is Ippie and the cat's name is Nero, he's black and has this regal attitude, even frightened (also like someone we know, right?).
4. do you like reading fiction or non-fiction? and do you have any good book recs?
I enjoy reading, but unfortunately, I don't read a lot. I spend all my time writing or looking for something to inspire me. When I do read, I actually prefer non-fiction. I like to learn new things, especially about how the brain or human nature works. The two books I have on my nightstand are actually about autism and smart financial habits. I have one author that I absolutely love but I have read nothing about lately: Paulo Coelho (I loved The Devil and Miss Prym). Oh and The Prophet by Khalil Gibran is also one of my favorites (take a look at the movie, the soundtrack is amazing).
5. you're stuck on a deserted island, but you have the chance to take 3 things with you. what will it be?
That's a tough one.
OK, I'm assuming I'm in kind of a Tom Hanks/Wilson situation. I have food and I can provide myself shelter by no means to communicate to the world. So, at least to keep sanity, I would need:
- Lots of notebooks and pens (Vic and Andy would keep me company).
- My guitar.
- My pillow.
6. if you had the opportunity to learn something new now (it could be anything, from an academic subject to a practical skill) what would it be?
I would learn to draw. I really wish I could draw, so I could give you illustrations of what happens inside my mind. If I could draw, Growing Pains would be a manga (or at least a few parts).
the chapters were well-written and amazing (as usual) however I do think I still have some more questions 👀 but I know you'll resolve those sooner or later considering you have a long way to go with the story still.
I'm so happy you enjoyed the chapters! And if you can, let me know of your questions, it's useful feedback for me! Since I try to keep it mysterious, I sometimes wonder if readers can decipher some of it or are totally lost!
Thanks so much again for being an awesome person! 🥺 I look forward to hearing from you and reading more of your work! Have a great day!
OMG, right back at you! It's always lovely to find your asks, you have no idea! Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Have a wonderful week, and lots of love!
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