#Gyro headdcanon
kindajared · 4 years
J & L for Gyro?
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I don’t know about easily… He’d be vert trusting of his s/o, but also be fairly protective. I think if it gets to much, he might say something without losing his cool. He deals with it by just sitting back until he just can’t stand it anymore if it gets too bad. No more nonsense, you’re his.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
We are all aware that Gyro is a confident guy, though before doing this his heart would most definitely race. I think he would definitely have to tell himself to ‘get a grip’ before doing this! I think it would let it some out sort of nonchalant before he has to repeat himself to let the other know that he’s serious.
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