glenlorence · 7 years
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inktober day 22 
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riotboysrequests · 7 years
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I found some more! Seeing as the last post I did of these was so popular with you all I’ll try and find some more.  [The bottom one is my favourite thing in the world rn I swear to god.]
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gonnabreakhisheart · 8 years
Aaah, are you a Guymitri fan? I didn't realise there were others out there :D
omg yes!! aren’t they the best? :D the RC isn’t the kind of movie where I thought I’d ship people, and yet... I just really like Guymitri, there’s so much potential there!
I know, right? It’s so hard to find others who are into Guymitri & the Riot Club! If you’d like to talk about them I’d love to chat
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latrodectus-mactans · 9 years
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kookiem-ocha · 9 years
on a side note can we please have Matthew Beard and Ben Schnetzer in another movie together (preferably as love interests) except Ben Schnetzer without that GOD AWFUL HAIR in the riot club!
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yntcd · 10 years
This is just a little something that came to me this evening and I wanted to pen it whilst it was still fresh in my mind. It's a little sad... well, okay, it's very sad, and it incorporates a bit of Lauren/Miles as well. I hope you enjoy it.
He was sat alone in the cloisters when Guy first spotted him. His face was ashen, skin sagging on his face, looking as if he hadn't eaten in weeks. He wrung his hands out nervously in front of him, focusing in on them and if Guy had been closer, he would have seen the tears that were fresh in his eyes. The entire quad was deserted, the moonlight on the grass providing the spotlight for an inevitable showdown between friends turned foes. Miles Richards glanced up from his hands after a minute or two and noticed the tall, scrawny boy standing a few metres away, trying to make himself discrete behind the marble poles. 
"Guy?" His voice was coarse, something like nails, and although he had only uttered one word, one pitiful syllable, Guy was certain of what he had heard in that voice. It was the undeniable voice of a broken man.
He didn't say anything but he did step forward, wondering why on earth Miles Richards was sat alone in the quad at almost midnight. Guy had his reasons to be wandering around late on a Tuesday evening. Every night it was the same. At around this time, Guy would give up on any attempts of trying to sleep alone in his own bed and he'd make the short journey over to Dimitri's place, where he'd spend the rest of the night tucked up in his boyfriend's arms. Guy couldn't even remember the last night he actually slept through alone in his own dorm. 
"What are you doing here?" Miles asked and Guy took one look into those dark eyes and had to look away. They were glassed over with so many different emotions that Guy couldn't keep track - betrayal, hurt, anger... but most of all, the unbearable sadness. Guy was one ninth of the reason that Miles Richards' entire world had been torn apart at the seams and the worst part was that Guy was one hundred percent aware of that fact. It was screaming at him, unrelenting, a shrill cry in the back of his mind - a fire that was inextinguishable, a bad memory you desperately want to forget. 
"I, uhm... Just heading to bed now, actually." He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. He'd known from the off that Miles wasn't going to take any bullshit. 
"Your room's not in this cloister quad." It was a statement rather than a question. Guy could only gulp back nerves. 
"Yes, well..." he began, "just thought I'd take a walk, you know, for the air and everything." It was a pitiful lie, even Guy knew that, and Miles standoffish laughter affirmed that he hadn't bought it. 
It had been two weeks since these two men had last seen each other. Fourteen whole days of contemplation and regret on Guy's side, fourteen days of heartache and suffering on Miles'. They stood with blood on their palms, not just of others but of themselves. Their eyes were bleeding too, Guy's shining green orbs drowning in apologies that he would never be able to say. He wanted to scream it, those two unutterable words that wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference - I'm sorry. 
"I keep thinking about what happened." Miles said, sneering as he stared down at his boots. Guy could only stand there. Nothing he could say now could ever compensate. They'd done unspeakable things, all of them, but not Miles. Never Miles. 
"I don't care about what you did to me, Guy. That doesn't matter. I'm a big boy - I can take it." He sniffed. "It's what you did to her."
Guy physically winced at the memory. He'd been so up for it at the time - it had all been a laugh. None of them had meant any harm. They were all wrecked and hormones had been flung around the room as readily as the glasses that had lain smashed on the pub floor. It had been a laugh... a laugh. 
"Miles, we didn't mean to... It was just a joke." The words left Guy's mouth as unsympathetically as those words could, though he had not intended for them to sound so vulgar. They left an awful taste in his mouth and they'd burned on the way up. Miles' reaction was like a punch to the gut. The man stood up. 
"A joke?" He laughed incredulously. "A fucking joke, Bellingfield?!"
"No, I didn't... I didn't mean it like that..." Guy stuttered, not being able to find the words. Miles had physical height and strength over him which he could easily use to his advantage here and now. Who was going to see? It was midnight in the fucking cloisters. There wouldn't be another soul in sight until morning. 
"You're going to see Dimitri, aren't you?" Miles asked. The mention of the boy with the hair the colour of crows sparked Guy's attention. His heart began to leap wildly in his chest, as if it was a firecracker that had just been lit. Guy tried his hardest to keep a straight face. He couldn't show that Dimitri was of any importance to him. 
"What's it to you?" He asked in return, finding that was all he could manage without giving the game away. 
"Christ, Bellend! I'm not a fucking idiot!" Miles retorted in a harsh whisper through gritted teeth. "It's pretty fucking obvious that you're boning." 
Guy's face fell, as if all of his secrets had suddenly been spilled out onto the floor. Was it really that obvious? And if Miles knew, then did the other boys? Did they all know?
"Course we're not!" The lie came naturally, almost as if it was second nature.
"Yes you fucking are!" Miles was shouting now, squaring up to the slightly smaller lad who practically trembled in fear. 
"No. We're. Not." Each word was punctuated with a sharp breath as Guy locked his own jaw. 
Miles sneered. It was such an evil look etched on his face in that moment. Guy had to look away. Please, if you're going to beat the crap out of me, just get it over and done with, he thought to himself. Please, Miles. Do it. Hit me. I deserve it anyway.
But no blows came. Guy should have known. Just because he was a violent man did not mean Miles was. Miles would never lay a finger on anybody. He'd never hurt anyone. At least... at least not with his fists.
"What if it was him?" Miles asked. His voice was low and serious as if he was going to take this somewhere - a dark place Guy really didn't fancy going tonight. Or ever, for that matter.
"I'm sorry?" He questioned with an incredulous laugh. 
"What if it hadn't been my girlfriend they were all touching, Guy..." Miles began. Guy turned to look at him now. His lips were curled up into a grimace. "What if they'd been touching him?"
The skin on Guy's arms began to rise. His hands clenched into fists by his sides. 
"Oh, I'm getting to you now, aren't I, Bellingfield?"
"Shut up."
Miles moved in closer. Guy began to breathe heavily. 'He' hadn't been identified with a name, but he didn't need to be. Both of them knew. 
"How would that make you feel, Guy? To watch them all touch him like that?" He asked. His voice was heavy and cruel. His words sounded like lead. 
"They wouldn't do that. He's in the club." Guy smirked, trying so hard to look as if this wasn't affecting him. 
"Oh, it's the fucking principle, Bellend! I mean it, how would you feel? If, say, Harry had his hands on him, pressing him up against a door, his lips all over him..."
"Miles, please." He asked pathetically, his voice leaving him in no more than a whimper. 
"Imagine the look in his eyes, Guy." Miles demanded. "Imagine him looking at you, his eyes pleading with you to do something but you can't, because you're outnumbered by nine grown men."
Guy dug his fingernails into his own palms. He could feel bile rising in his throat at the mere thought of his friends touching his boy in the way that only he did. He couldn't even begin to imagine what it had been for Miles, who had to actually endure it... Fuck, he'd never felt so despicable in his entire life.
"They've all got their hands all over him and he's telling him to get off him, but they're just fucking laughing!" Miles threw his hands skyward, before charging right over to Guy, getting up in his face. Guy could feel the anger on his breath. "And you want to help him so much, want to make sure he's safe, but you're being held back so you can't do a thing. You just have to watch as he's touched like this by your friends and he hates it. He has tears in his eyes, Guy. He wants you to help him! Why aren't you helping him?"
Tears fell silently down Guy's face, dampening his eyelashes, his cheeks, his clothes. "Milo, please... I can't..."
"But that's exactly it, Guy! You can't do anything, can you? Because there's nothing you can do. You just have to sit back and fucking watch."
"I never meant..." He started, but he couldn't finish. The words got stuck in his throat. 
Suddenly, Miles had changed. He sat back down on the cloister wall, his head in his hands. Guy stood lamely, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot like a small child. "Go, Guy... Leave." 
"We were drunk, Milo..." He tried to justify it all but he only cursed himself afterwards. How could he even think he could begin to justify what they'd done?
"Bullshit." Miles scoffed. "I have to live with this now, Guy. I have to live with the fact that she hates me. She thinks it's all my fault." 
"We can talk to her. We can take all the blame. We'll tell her none of it was your fault, I promise." He wasn't even thinking straight. The idea sounded plausible in his head. 
"I don't think she wants to talk to you." Miles sneered at the man still standing, 
Guy just nodded, wiping at his eyes. He couldn't erase the image of Dimitri being pushed and pulled about by his friends from his head. All he could see was the pain in his boy's eyes. Miles had ruined him. 
"But it's alright." Miles spoke up again. "I mean, it'll never happen to you, will it? You're in love with a boy in the club. No chance of him ever being the one they target, ey?" 
Guy hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry, Miles." He whispered so quietly that it was practically inaudible. 
Miles didn't answer and Guy took that as his cue to leave. He rubbed at his eyes as he walked over to Dimitri's dormitory, sniffing so the man who have no idea he'd been crying. 
The Greek man was sleeping when Guy crept quietly into the room, locking the door behind him. The idiot had somehow drifted off with the curtains wide open again and silently, the tall man moved to close them. By the time he'd clambered into bed, his tears had dried entirely but his saddened mood remained. He wrapped his arms around his boy from behind, nuzzling his nose against the back of Dimitri's neck, breathing in his scent that smelled of safety and home. 
"Guy?" The voice was so small, so tired, so innocent. 
"Yeah, it's me." Guy replied, kissing his man's neck lightly. "Go back to sleep."
And so Dimitri did, with a smile on his face, but not before he'd whispered a few more words to his lover.
"Okay, night." He said. "I love you."
The words hit Guy like a bullet in the chest. They'd said those three words to one another before, so it wasn't initial shock, but it just meant more this time. 
"I love you too, Dims. I love you too." 
He hugged Dimitri closer, kissing his boy's neck and face until they both fell asleep, curled up in one another's loving arms.
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homo-normative · 10 years
I haven't seen the riot club yet but I kind of want to watch it for a little ship called guymitri?????? the gifs and photosets have intrigued me completely
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riotboysrequests · 8 years
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I just thought I’d share these with you all because they’re honestly brilliant. They’re all from this kickass twitter account : https://twitter.com/trctextposts?lang=en
(I’m a reckless Guymitri shipper on the downlow.) 
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gonnabreakhisheart · 8 years
anon ~ i’m working on your prompt right now <3
(I’ve been out of town, but it should be posted in about a week)
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ryotclub · 10 years
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"So kiss me where I lay down, my hands press to your cheeks, a long way from the playgroung. I have loved you since we were 18, long before we both thought the same thing, to be loved and to be in love. And all I can do is say that these arms are made for holding you, ooh, and I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18, when we were 18, oh lord, when we were 18." 18 - one direction
"You hit me once, I hit you back, you gave a kick, I gave a slap, you smashed a plate over my head then I set fire to our bed. A kick in the teeth is good for some, a kiss with a fist is better than none, whoa a kiss with a fist is better than none." kiss with a fist - florence + the machine
"She mighta let you hold her hand in school, but I'm a show you how to graduate, no, I don't need to hear you talk the talk, just come and show me what your mamma gave. You've got a very big shhhh, mouth but don't say a thing. See anybody could be good to you, you need a bad girl to blow your mind." bang bang - jessie j, ariana grande & nicki minaj
"Your hands touching me, they're touching me and your eyes keep saying things, they say of what we do when it's only me and you. I can't concentrate. That's all I'm thinking about, all I keep thinking about, everything else just fades away. If this room was burning I wouldn't even notice 'cause you've been taking up my mind with your little white lies, little white lies." little white lies - one direction
"No, I won't call you baby, I won't buy you daisies cause that don't work and I know, how to get you crazy how to make you want me, so bad it hurts. I wanna be good, good, good to you but that's not, not, not your type so I'm gonna be bad for you tonight, tonight, tonight." bad enough for you - all time low
"Ain't nobody fucking with my clique, clique, clique, clique, clique, ain't nobody fresher than my muthafuckin clique, clique, clique, clique, clique as I look around, they don't do it like my clique, clique, clique, clique, clique and all these bad bitches, man, they want the, they want the, they want the-" clique - kanye west, jay-z & big sean
"You and I we don't wanna be like them, we can make it till the end, nothing can come between you and I. Not even the Gods above can separate the two of us, no nothing can come between you and I, oh, you and I" you & i - one direction
"It's murder on the dancefloor but you better not kill the groove, Dj, gonna burn this goddamn house right down, oh, I know I know I know I know I know I know  about your kind and so and so and so and so and so I'll have to play if you think you're getting away, I will prove you wrong, I'll take you all the way, boy, just come along."  murder on the dancefloor - sophie ellis bextor
"Stained coffee cup, just that fingerprinted lipstick’s not enough. Sleep, where you lay, still a trace of innocence on the pillow case. Waking up beside you I’m a loaded gun, I can’t contain this anymore, I’m all yours, I’ve got no control, no control. Powerless and I don’t care it’s obvious, I just can’t get enough of you, the battle’s now my eyes are closed, no control." no control - one direction
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theriotboys · 10 years
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One of the ' Mate?! No, fuck you ' moments of these little assholes who are in love with each other. 
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viyevil · 10 years
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yntcd · 10 years
So this is a little something that I have written with my good friend Georgia, on KIK Messenger. We’ve been keeping this Guymitri roleplay going for quite a while and this particular scene has been really harrowing for us to write and we wanted to share it with you guys! So, just a little sidenote, these paragraphs switch perspective each time; all of the paragraphs written from Dimitri’s POV are written by me and similarly, all of the pieces from Guy’s perspective have been written by Georgia. Just to add a little bit of context, seeing as this is just a small chunk from a much longer plot, this is set during their time at Oxford and Dimitri’s birthday has passed the day before this is set. Guy has flown him out to Greece on a spontaneous holiday to celebrate and once they are rested, Dimitri decides he wants to show Guy a special place to him in his hometown that holds a lot of meaning. It’s during this visit that a very dramatic and personal altercation takes place. Enjoy!
Dimitri sat by the mirror that morning for what seemed like hours, blow-drying his hair and styling it to perfection. To be honest, that’s exactly what Dimitri was - a perfectionist - and seeing as it was their first proper day in Greece for his birthday holiday, he wanted to look presentable. “Do I look alright?” He asked Guy genuinely, because compared to his boyfriend, he was nothing and he knew that. Guy threw on the clothes that happened to be at the top of his suitcase because coincidentally they matched. He watched Dimitri dry his hair for what seemed like an eternity as Guy had decided to just leave his; a decision he thought twice about when the water started to drip down the back of his neck. “You look fine alright?”he groaned not bothering to look at him properly. When he sat up and saw the sincerity with which Dimitri was asking the question he changed his answer, “You look beautiful okay? Perfect.” Placing his hands on the side of his face he gave him an unexpected kiss on the cheek to tell him he meant it. At first, the younger boy felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach, listening to Guy groan as if he couldn’t care less. However, when his boyfriend kissed him, Dimitri felt his cheeks grow hotter and he bit his lip sheepishly, giggling lightly. “I love you.” He delivered the words with sincerity, reaching up on tiptoes to kiss Guy’s nose. “C’mon, let’s go get some breakfast.” As if on cue Guy’s stomach rumbled and he nodded, “Yeah good idea,” he agreed. With only a hint of hesitation he took Dimitri’s hand as they went down to the dining hall for breakfast. He didn’t know what the attitudes to homosexuality where like in Greece and though on the whole in England they were fine, Guy couldn’t tell with his distorted view due to his peers. Once they were seated and eating, Dimitri sparked up conversation. “You know, I grew up only about twenty minutes from here. Did you know or was it a lucky guess?” He asked, draping his feet across Guy’s lap, reaching over to pop a grape into his boyfriend’s mouth. “There’s also this, uhm…” he hesitated, “this place that I need to show you. It’s important.” Guy had known, he’d remembered (remarkably so for him) a conversation they’d had a while ago where he had let it slip the town in which he had been born. “Yeah I knew,” he shrugged it off though he felt pleased with himself on the inside. Dimitri’s next words confused him. “Oh okay, I can’t have any clues as to what it is?” "It’s… just a place." His tone had changed considerably so, the light in his eyes gone. "I just feel like I have to show you it, but it… it doesn’t have to be today  if you want to do other things. Dimitri avoided his boyfriend’s gaze, chewing on his bottom lip, stirring cereal around his bowl continuously. Guy dropped his cutlery to the table when Dimitri’s expression changed. Quietly he said, “No, no we can go today, if it’s important to you I want to go.” He bit his lip slightly before continuing, “Where is it?” "It’s walking distance." He shrugged. "Look, Guy, it’s nowhere special, it’s just…" He trailed off. "I’ve never told anybody about it before. What happened up there. And you’re the only person I’d want to tell." He looked across to his boyfriend an smiled. "Are you finished?" He asked with a light, chipper tone, collecting his plates together, leaving them in the middle of the table. Guy was curious, a little worried to admittedly but knew in his stubborn mind what his answer would be. “No we’ll go, especially if it’s close by,” he said firmly as though that was the end of the matter, “We could just… go now. If you want that is.” Dimitri breathed out slowly and nodded. “Okay… Alright, we’ll go now.” He smiled, taking Guy’s hand in his own. Admittedly, he was nervous, but he had to get it off his chest to someone. They strode out of the hotel proudly, hand in hand, and Dimitri led Guy down to the beach, heading towards the gathering of trees that stood on the cliffs just behind it. “Hope you’re not afraid of heights.” He chuckled, though his laugh was riddled with anxiety. They began to climb up steep slopes and jagged rock edges - there wasn’t a path; the area wasn’t supposed to be for pedestrian access - though that never stopped Dimitri before. It was when they reached a particularly high jump, now completely secluded by the trees, that Dimitri paused and turned to Guy. “Wait.” He said, using his hands to grapple with the rock, pulling himself up first. “Give me your hand.” He motioned with his own palm for Guy’s. It would’ve been a pleasant walk if it hasn’t been for the anxiety that was so clear in Dimitri’s movements. The path up the cliff side didn’t look exactly, safe as Guy would put it but he didn’t say so. He wasn’t awfully afraid of heights but he wasn’t keen on the idea of falling and breaking his neck. Guy took Dimitri’s hand though being taller it wasn’t too hard for him to pull himself up. Once he got up he stood and looked at Dimitri not wanting to say anything stupid he cleared his throat, hoping that Dimitri would offer some sort of explanation. Dimitri glanced around at the clearing. The small area must have been only a few hundred metres in total, but there was a perfect parting between two trees that overlooked the water. Dimitri made sure he stayed a pace ahead of his boyfriend, because it didn’t become clear until you were basically on top of it that not only did the cliff overlook the water, but there was a sheer hundred metre drop down onto jagged rocks and water below. The memory was dizzying and Dimitri stumbled backward, sitting on a tree stump that bore particular significance to him. There was a log just behind it for Guy to sit upon and for a minute or two, Dimitri just stared out onto the horizon that was directly ahead of him, not saying a word. Guy did not understand; where they were, the significance or Dimitri’s reaction. Feeling like it was probably best not to say anything, he kept his eye on Dimitri warily placing his hand in his chin and wracking his brain. But due to the little knowledge he did have about Dimitri’s younger life he couldn’t make any absolute predictions. After several minutes of silence Guy stood up and went to look over the precipice of the cliff to see what had triggered the reaction in Dimitri. Apart from the swooping sensation in his stomach due to the sheer drop he couldn’t find anything unpleasant. "Don’t." Dimitri practically gasped, his voice small and timid. "Guy, come away. Please." He soothed. He tugged at his hair for a moment, his head practically between his legs. "Every summer in between the ages of about eight and eighteen, my family came back out here for three months," he began, staring off into the distance instead of looking at Guy. That would hurt less. "and we always had the best time and loved being out here together. But then, the summer when I was sixteen, we had some stupid argument. I can’t even remember what it was over, but I was really highly strung and I…" He choked up a little, regaining composure before continuing. "It was a couple of weeks after we’d had our first kiss and my head was all over the place. I just needed to get away from it all." He paused, wondering if Guy would say anything. He probably wouldn’t. Guy stepped away from the edge upon hearing the tone of Dimitri’s voice and looked back at his to find him determinedly avoiding looking at Guy. And as he listened it became more and more apparent where his story was heading, in a selfish way Guy didn’t want to hear it, as though if the words were said it would change the way he looked at Dimitri. It wouldn’t of course, but Guy’s fears were often irrational. In his cowardice he choked out a small, “Don’t.” As though begging him to change what had happened. It was that one word from Guy that broke Dimitri’s heart, as if the man now knew where this was going even though he desperately didn’t want to. “No, Guy. I have to. I have to tell you.” It was the first time Dimitri had looked at Guy since he’d started talking and he looked away just as quickly. “I didn’t know who I was,” he started up again, “but I knew that really, really liked you… The way that all of the boys liked girls. And I was scared, Guy. I was so scared.” He tried so hard to focus on the horizon, but his vision was blurred with tears. He wrung his hands out aggressively. “Anyway, I stormed out of the house and I came here and I sat down on this god damn fucking tree stump and I cried for hours.” He kicked the stump in anger, trying to breathe normally. “And even though I tried to ignore them, I had these two words burning at the back of my throat, as if they were branded there, but I couldn’t say them.” He held his head in his hands and cried, the memory still so fresh and painful that it was like rubbing salt in the wound. “I couldn’t say them, Guy.” He sobbed. “I couldn’t say them.” It would be so unfair of Guy to cry in the light of this new information but he couldn’t help it. He looked out into the sun hoping that the burning would stop the tears, which it did a little. Curling his fists he reminded himself it wasn’t his sadness to cry over and turned to Dimitri and knelt down next to him and managed to force out the words, “I know,” as he flung his arms around his neck and pulled his head down on to his shoulder. He knew all too well what Dimitri meant when he said those words. Dimitri’s chest had never hurt so much and his heart felt heavy. “But…” He choked out, grateful for the comfort of Guy’s arms around him. Tears ran down his face and dripped off his nose, like tiny little waterfalls of pain. “I did. I said it. Out loud. Right here when I was sixteen.” He bit down on his trembling bottom lip, saying them again. Out loud. At twenty years old. For the second time in his life. “I’m gay.” The words felt thick and horrible in his mouth, though not as awful as they’d felt four years ago, burning on the way up, like acid. But his story still wasn’t over - there was still one more detail, one more heartbreaking detail that he couldn’t share just yet so he simply allowed himself a few minutes to sob into Guy’s shoulder. Guy physically flinched at Dimitri’s words, like they caused him actual pain. They were a reminder that Guy couldn’t say those words beyond his own mind. He felt the tears soaking through his t-shirt and Dimitri’s sadness made it harder and harder to stop himself from crying and he wished that Dimitri would just say what he was waiting for, what he dreaded, what he couldn’t bear to hear. Dimitri composed himself as best he could, rubbing at his eyes. He stood up, taking a few small shuffling steps over to the edge of the cliff, closing his eyes, remembering what it felt like at sixteen. “I just remember wanting it all to stop. I didn’t want to be a disappointment to anyone.” He breathed out slowly. It was okay. He was going to be alright. “I nearly threw myself off, Guy. I was so fucking close.” He held back the tears. He had to confront this. “I figured that my parents would rather have a dead son than a living gay one.” He sniveled ”I closed my eyes and their angry faces were all I could see… And then you, lit like a lantern, with that adorable little smile and I hated myself for feeling the way I did about you.” He looked down at the crashing water and said it out loud: “I nearly killed myself that afternoon, Guy.” He said, not even daring to turn back to see Guy’s reaction.
Guy didn't look at Dimitri when he walked away from him but he couldn't stop himself from hearing those words. He was forced to place one hand on the tree stump to steady himself, and clamped his other over his mouth muffling the sounds of his own crying. 'Pathetic Bellingfield' he thought to himself 'your boyfriend tells you he nearly killed himself and the best you can do is cry'. Taking in a shuddering gasp of air, and another he still couldn't move or face Dimitri but at least he had stopped crying, "You..." his voice came out shaking so he paused and started again, "But you didn't." It was a stupid comment he realised but the only one his brain could produce.
Dimitri took in a long, deep breath. "I know." He whimpered, staring down at the crashing rocks again, trying to imagine what his body would look like on them, all splayed out. He turned to Guy in that moment. He could see the tears in his eyes, although that wasn't all he could see. Something had died in Guy in that moment and Dimitri knew his boyfriend would never look at him in exactly the same way again. The younger body dropped to his knees, pressing his forehead into Guy's stomach. "I'm so sorry, Guy. I'm so fucking sorry. Please forgive me." He begged. "Please forgive me"
Guy clenched his fists so hard they shook and he felt the tears start to fall from his eyes again. "Dammit," he muttered almost silently. Taking Guy's face in between his palms he knelt to look his dead in the eye and said with an air of aggressive sincerity to his tone, "There's nothing to forgive okay?" Part of him wanted to tell Dimitri he had ruined everything, that this was going to be in the back of Guy's mind every time he looked at him, worried that something would happen and he would consider this again. But Dimitri didn't need to hear that.
Dimitri nodded slowly, tears streaming from his eyes. "I don't want to disappoint you." He whimpered pathetically, hanging his head in shame. "I don't want you to leave me." Dimitri admitted, because all along, that was what he's been terrified of and why he'd kept this secret for four fucking years. In his delirious state, he looked up and asked probably the most pathetic question he could have asked, but he needed the confirmation. "Do you still love me?"
Guy looked at Dimitri's watering eyes and it felt like a punch in the stomach when he saw something different in them. Biting his tongue Guy felt obliged to answer in the only way that wouldn't upset Dimitri, "O-of course I do," he meant it he honestly did, but there was something in his immediate response that made it sound automatic or learned. False, even.
Dimitri nodded, falling backward, letting go of his boyfriend, because there had definitely been something different in his eyes - his tone had been so monotonous, so rehearsed, and Dimitri knew that telling Guy all of this had been a big mistake. Whether they'd ever be able to get back to how they were was uncertain, but Dimitri knew one thing for sure, and that was that he couldn't bear to look into the eyes of the man he loved, because right now, those eyes didn't love him back. "I think I need some time alone." He whispered, dazed and confused and he stumbled backward recklessly, bolting off down the easy slope that led in the other direction, down from the harsh cliff's edge and out of sight, leaving Guy alone again once more.
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gonnabreakhisheart · 8 years
*whispers* somebody drop guymitri prompts in my askbox...
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gonnabreakhisheart · 8 years
psa to anyone else who ships guymitri...my inbox and chat are open and I’m always down to talk headcanon/metas and fic !!
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viyevil · 10 years
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Ben Schnetzer | The Riot Club
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