#Gun Survivor 2 Biohazard CODE Veronica
pirateprincessjess · 8 months
Last year I got ahold of the arcade PCB for a game called Biohazard: Gun survivor 2 Code Veronica. I’ve always wanted to play this game, so I decided to build the rest of the arcade cabinet.
It’s been a while, but I have an update!
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The game runs!!! I still have to build out all the controls for the game, and a physical cabinet to house the game, but it runs!!!!!
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Did you know that in hit video game, Gun Survivor 2: Biohazard Code: Veronica, having the blood color set to green instead of red, it saves you almost a minute in load times because the developers did this fucking shit.
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blaserables · 6 months
Stuff for later
Biohazard 2
Biohazard 2 N64
Biohazard 2 Value Plus
Code Veronica
Code Veronica Survivor
Biohazard Gun Survivor
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antaxzantax · 2 years
Biohazard Code: Veronica Official Guide Book Dreamcast
All the background information available in the Japanese edition of the Biohazard Code: Veronica Official Guide Book Dreamcast version, which counted with the involvement of Capcom Production Studio 4.
Translated with DeepL.
p. 190
Unofficial File ~Thorough examination of the story
The fifth installment in the “Biohazard” series, “Biohazard: CODE: Veronica”. It is difficult to grasp all the mysteries of the game after just one playthrough. So we will examine the various mysteries and unspoken truths in the game.
[Image] Resident Evil
A night in a closed Western-style house. The fear of being attacked by zombies in a dimly lit mansion is rumored to be the most terrifying of all the games in the series.
[Image] Resident Evil 2
Escape from a zombie-infested city. The crossover between Claire and Leon's scenarios makes for an interesting story.
[Image] Resident Evil 3: The Last Escape
Resident Evil 3: The Last Escape is the final chapter in the story of Raccoon City, which is almost the same as Resident Evil 2. The action elements have been greatly increased, and the difficulty level has also risen.
History of "Bio" Series
Four titles have been released so far: "Resident Evil", "Resident Evil 2", "Resident Evil 3: The Last Escape", and "Resident Evil: Gun Survivor". As those who have played the games know, all four are part of a larger storyline, and this one is no exception.
The main flow of the story begins with the "Resident Evil" incident at the Western-style house. The main characters are Chris and Jill, members of the special forces unit S.T.A.R.S. In this case, a biohazard occurs in the suburbs of Raccoon City, a small town in the United States. A biohazard, a biological disaster on the outskirts of Raccoon City, a small town in the U.S.A., reveals the horrifying conspiracy of Umbrella Pharmaceuticals. The mastermind behind this incident is Wesker, the captain of S.T.A.R.S. and a member of the Umbrella Corporation. However, he has also left Umbrella to run amok, resulting in the destruction of the Western-style house.
The situation seemed to be under control, but the conspiracy was going on underground in Raccoon City. Raccoon City is home to a large Umbrella Pharmaceuticals plant, and the city's top brass, from the police chief to the mayor, are puppets of the Umbrella Corporation. As a result, a biological disaster also occurs in Raccoon City. The conspiracy seems to gradually reveal itself through the escape attempts of new police officer Leon and Chris' sister Claire ("Resident Evil 2") and Jill's desperate investigation ("Resident Evil 3"), but eventually Raccoon City is destroyed by a missile fired by the U.S. military.
In CODE: Veronica, Claire, Chris, and the other survivors of the Umbrella Corporation's recent murders are now on the move to discover Umbrella's true identity and expose his evil deeds. If you haven't experienced any of the other entries in the series, we urge you to play them all to understand the epic story.
p. 191
5, May
A biohazard outbreak has occurred in a Western-style house  in the Arklay Mountains on the outskirts of Raccoon City. The house belongs  to one Oswell E. Spencer, a powerful man inside the Umbrella Corporation.
At this stage, the bio-disaster was only in the vicinity  of the Western-style house, so Umbrella tried to control the situation by  blocking information. At the same time, S.T.A.R.S. is ordered through Wesker,  a member of Umbrella Corporation, to conduct a field test of the B.O.W. that  has escaped. Dr. William Birkin, the developer of the T-virus and various  B.O.W.s, escapes from the Western-style house and moves to an underground  laboratory in Raccoon City.
23, July
The Bravo Team of the S.T.A.R.S. special forces unit is  dispatched to solve a bizarre case involving a biological disaster. Shortly  thereafter, however, they disappear.
24, July
S.T.A.R.S.'s Alpha team is dispatched to search for the  Bravo team and solve the case, and enters the Western-style house.
The Western House Incident ends with the destruction of  the facility and the annihilation of B.O.W. by S.T.A.R.S. The survivors on  the S.T.A.R.S. side are Chris, Jill, Barry, Brad, and Rebecca. The traitorous  Captain Wesker is missing. Umbrella has lost contact with him.
25, July
The Western-style house and the laboratory that existed in  its basement were set ablaze by the explosion.
8, August
Sightings of creatures in Raccoon City that appear to be  infected with the virus.
S.T.A.R.S. survivors Chris and Barry head to Europe to  investigate Umbrella.
Chris and Barry, survivors of S.T.A.R.S., head to Europe  to investigate Umbrella. Jill stays behind to investigate the research  facility
23, September
A large amount of T-virus leaks into Raccoon City. A  biological disaster spreads throughout the city. The Raccoon City Police  Department is then attacked, communications equipment is destroyed, and  communication with the outside world is cut off.
As the G-virus experiment progresses in the underground  laboratory, waste from the laboratory leaks out. At this stage, Chris reports  the existence of the G-virus to a U.S. Senator, and the U.S. military moves  in. Umbrella also deploys the new B.O.W., Nemesis T (Tracker), to eliminate  S.T.A.R.S., which knows the secret.
28, September
Jill begins to act.
In order to prevent the U.S. military and Umbrella from  stealing his research, Dr. William injects himself with the G-virus. Dr.  William, who eventually becomes B.O.W., is defeated by Leon and Claire, but  the G-virus is recovered by HUNK, a member of Umbrella's special forces.
29, September
New policeman Leon and Chris' sister Claire arrive in  Raccoon City.
30, September
Leon and Claire escape Raccoon City with survivor Sherry.  Claire then heads to Europe.
Early October
Jill escapes from Raccoon City. However, missiles are  dropped on the city, and Raccoon City disappears from the map. The missile  was dropped by the U.S. government.
U.S. Intelligence contacts Leon, a survivor from Raccoon  City. The purpose of this contact is unknown, but it appears that Leon is  currently working under the orders of the Intelligence Directorate.
End of December
Claire, who has infiltrated Umbrella's Paris laboratory in  pursuit of Chris, is captured and sent to the prison of Rockfort Island.  Chris follows Claire to rescue her and infiltrates in Rockfort Island.
Rockfort Island is attacked by a mysterious organization  and three biohazards occur.
Afterwards, Alfred, the ruler of Rockfort Island, escapes  to the Antarctic base on his own.
p. 192
Where is Rockfort Island?
[Image] Although the Hercules differs in detail from the Hercules mentioned in the main text, its rough overall length, number of propellers, and size of the cargo hold suggest that it is quite similar in performance.
[Image] The shape of the islands is gentle. Most of the islands on the Chilean side have jagged undulations due to ancient glaciers. This also refutes the idea that the islands are located on the Chilean side.
[Image] The Falkland Islands are suitable for bringing people from Paris because the border checks are more lenient than usual only for travel between EU member countries. It's almost like going through a station gate.
The isolated island where the main character Claire is captured in the prologue and taken to. This isolated island is called Rockfort Island, and the only thing we know about it from official documents is that it is located in South America. However, is it possible to deduce more detailed information?
First of all, a clue to our deductions comes from a scene in the latter half of the game, when they travel to Antarctica. Here, Claire and Steve reach Antarctica in a transport plane with four Provera engines. The U.S. military's C-130 Hercules, which is about the same size and performance as this transport, has a range of about 4,000 km. This means that the location is likely to be within 4,000 km of the Antarctic Circle. This would narrow the search to Chile or Argentina in South America.
Are there any other clues? The catacombs where Chris first enters. Alfred's diary indicates that this was dug by the locals. This tomb is reminiscent of the catacombs of the Christians. However, this is not a clue because both Chile and Argentina have almost the same composition of people, with 90% of the population being Catholic and the rest Protestant and Jewish.
The only remaining clues are circumstantial, but let me explain one. However, there is one explanation: no matter how powerful Umbrella may be politically, there are only a limited number of places where it can conduct military-like bioweapons development outside of its home base in Europe. In other words, the location of Rockfort Island is likely to be a country that does not have the military power to interfere with some major weapons development, or a country that is already under the political influence of Europe. Let us turn our attention to Argentina. Argentina is a country that once fought against the United Kingdom over the possession of the Falkland Islands. After this defeat, there was a great upsurge of criticism of the military in Argentina, which had been a military power until then. Considering this fact, it can be inferred that Argentine territory or the Falkland Islands are the perfect place for Umbrella to be active in the dark. Furthermore, the British Falkland Islands would be the most suitable place to bring Claire directly after she was kidnapped in Paris, but that is as far as our deductions will take us. The rest is up to the players to discover the "truth" on their own.
p. 193
Basic knowledge of torture chambers — Torture Tools
This is a torture device in the basement of the prison's medical wing on Rockfort Island, made by the sadist Alfred for his own lustful use by his personal physician. When Claire examines the apparatus, she has no idea what it is used for. It is strange for a college girl to know so much about torture devices, but it is human nature to want to know what they are. So, let me give a brief explanation of these torture devices.
First of all, there is a cage suspended in the air on the left side of the room. This is a cage called a "fishing cage" or "bird cage," and is used to punish those who are exposed to the elements. Originally, these cages were used for torture in which the victims were exposed outdoors during the bitterly cold winter, but here they seem to have been used in combination with water torture. The large wheel on the right is a water wheel for water torture, in which criminals are tied on their backs, rotated, and dipped in water. In the movie "The Long Kiss Goodnight," a similar device was used. And the iron coffin-like structure in the basement. That is the famous Iron Maiden. The iron thorns are placed on the inside of the front lid, and when the lid is closed, the thorns penetrate the victim's body, but they seem to have been designed to prolong the victim's suffering without hitting the vital point. The guillotine outside is not a torture device. On the contrary, it is an execution device for euthanasia, designed to put a criminal to death in a single breath without causing him as much pain as possible. It is an execution device for euthanasia, designed to execute a criminal in a single breath, with as little pain as possible. For your information.
[Image] In the chair in the back, Alfred may have been enjoying the cruel show.
[Image] Inventor of the guillotine
Joseph Guillottein, professor of anatomy at the University of Paris. The guillotine was first actually used on April 25, 1792.
Alfred is a weapon’s geek? — Military Mania
Alfred is the ostensible head of the Ashford family with a collection of firearms and weapons. Perhaps Alfred, realizing that his own abilities were inferior to those of his sister Alexia, turned to weapons as a symbol of power, but his collection of weapons is extraordinary.
One of the most conspicuous examples is a tank in the yard of the training center that resembles a Tiger-1. He also uses a submarine-type elevator to get from the public area to the airfield. The golden Luger, the key to the door, and the model tank, the key to the hidden passageway, and other weapons.
The wardrobe must be lined with military uniforms.
[Image] The rifle he fires wildly when chasing after Claire is also quite a piece of work. However, even though it has a name, it always misses in front of him. Is this what we call a waste of treasure?
p. 194
Alfred's sick mind — Insane mind
[Image] In this scene, the personalities alternate in conversation. Alfred, the lower personality, is probably talking to Alexia (dressed as himself) in the mirror. The higher personality, Alexia, has no problem because she thinks it is natural for her to be invisible.
[Image] A room where childhood toys are carefully preserved. Childishness and cruelty are often expressed simultaneously.
[Image] Creepy dolls in a private residence. This must have been collected by the Alexian personality within Alfred. Compared to Alfred's paranoid but well-organized military collections, more anomalies can be found here and there. Another characteristic of multiple personalities is that even within the same person, distinct differences in personality emerge.
Alfred is a military maniac and a natural born freak. His deeply troubled mind can be understood by playing the game until the very end. But what were his actual tendencies?
First, and most shocking of all, he dressed up in his sister Alexia's clothes, put on makeup, and even changed his tone of voice to become her. This is a symptom of what is called multiple personalities, or more precisely, dissociative identity disorder. In the real world, especially in Japan, it is difficult to recognize it as an official symptom of mental illness, and it has often been treated as schizophrenia. The special nature of multiple personalities is that one personality knows that another personality exists, while the other personality is unaware of it. In Alfred's case, Alexia is the higher personality (self-aware) and Alfred is the lower personality (unaware) because of the scene in which he is surprised to see himself in the mirror with makeup on. This is because Alfred, who lost the object of his dependence after Alexia went to sleep for the experiment, created Alexia's personality to protect his fragile mind.
There is also a scene in which Alfred plucks the wings of a dragonfly and feeds them to ants. Psychiatrists have reported that this kind of abuse of small animals and insects is not only a sign of cruelty but also of hidden dissatisfaction with one's parents. This is a highly reliable fact, since Alfred's diary contains a disparaging description of his father, Alexander.
Alfred's abnormality can be seen in various other aspects. His love for his twin sister, Alexia, who became a perfect duplicate when she was dressed as a woman, suggests that he may have been narcissistic. However, it is important to understand that people with the above-mentioned abnormal tendencies and special tastes do not necessarily become abnormal people like Alfred. If you do not understand this, you will be subject to discrimination based on ignorance. Please be careful.
p. 195
Claire's hidden partner? — Who is DIJ?
[Image] Steve is also following Claire around quite a bit. The spelling of his name is completely different from D.I.J.
[Image] Speaking of being around Claire, let's not forget this guy who pops up from time to time. Where did you meet him?
When it comes to Claire's most dependable partner, who do you think of? Steve, the younger one. Steve, the younger guy, comes to the rescue in the best of times, but is also a bit unreliable at the most critical moments. On the other hand, his older brother, Chris, is a former Air Force Special Forces However, he is not as unreliable as Steve, who dropped his luggage on the way to infiltrate the island and had to ride into the hostile territory almost unarmed. The mysterious D.I.J. is the one who deserves our attention. His activities can be found in the file “D.I.J.'s Diary” available in the battle game. This diary was kept by a person named D.I.J. The journal is written by someone named D.I.J., and while the narrative is cool, it is a passionate record of Claire's life from an isolated island to the South Pole during this incident. However, I don't think I've ever seen anyone who looked like him while I was playing. Is he a stalker? It will be interesting to find out the identity of D.I.J., who leads an excitingly crazy life.
The biggest mystery! Who is the organization that attacked the isolated island? — Misterious HCF
[Image] Not only the abbreviation HCF, but also the yellow design is quite interesting. It looks like two leafed cabocells, but is it possible that they are related to the same pharmaceutical company as Umbrella?
The biggest and final mystery of the game is the identity of the organization that shot at Rockfort Island and sent Wesker to take Alexia. There is almost no information about this organization that we can find out during the course of the game. Let us summarize what little information we do have.
First, we know that it is an organization that is naturally hostile to Umbrella and at least to the Ashfords; and that they have the same level of technological capability as Umbrella, since they have improved the hunter to a practical level. If this organization is not related to the government, we can assume that, like Umbrella, it is a pharmaceutical/medical company and possesses the know-how to create biological weapons. Incidentally, although the name of the organization cannot be confirmed, the affiliation of Wesker, who was dispatched by the organization, can be confirmed on the status screen of the battle game. Its name is "HCF. The "F" at the end could be either "FORCE" (military) or "F" (Foundation), which would be a good name for the organization. The problem, however, is that H and C are not unique names.
It is hard to guess because it could also be a common noun. If it is a code using common nouns, it is not likely to be the name of an organization that would ring a bell, such as the Habitat Control Foundation (・・・・・・) or the Human Complement Force (・・・・・・). Unfortunately, we should leave the mystery as it is at this stage, and look forward to the next work and beyond. If we look up the abbreviation of H.C.F. in a dictionary, it means Highest Common Factor. In other words, it means the greatest common divisor.
CODE: Veronica Set Material — Rough Sketch
The last part of this section is dedicated to the "official" setting materials for CODE:Veronica. These are the original polygonal models of the various buildings, interiors, and accessories seen in the game. In fact, there were so many that we could not count them all, but we will only introduce a few of them here. We hope that these drawings will give you a sense of how elaborately the world of "CODE: Veronica" was constructed.
[Images] Various objects. The various objects in the room are drawn in great detail. Even the pattern of the upholstery on the chairs is drawn in great detail.
[Images] Prison. The prison where Claire was imprisoned. The fire extinguisher can be seen in the lower left corner, which is probably a remnant of the change in the location of the items.
[Images] Top view of the transport plane. The exterior of the transport plane, which is not seen very carefully in the movie scene. Did you notice the Umbrella markings on the tops of the wings?
p. 196
[Images] Bridge leading to the private residence. This is an exterior view of the bridge to the private residence, which is never seen during the game. You can see that it is impossible to get to the private residence without using this bridge.
[Images] Blessed Execution Chamber. A general view of the execution chamber in the medical wing. Thanks to the detailed drawing, we can see that the strangely shaped chair in the room was actually an electric chair.
[Images] Accessories. Accessories containing Alexia and Alfred's jewelry, which are only available in the game as very small polygonal models.
[Images] Full view of the bar. This is another angle that cannot be seen in the game. I really wanted to see the water tank on the ceiling in the game. I guess we will be attacked by something that breaks through the tank.
[Images] The music box and the mechanism. The mechanism of Alexia and Alfred's kissing dolls seems to have been considered as well.
[Images] Periscope. This is a submarine periscope, one of the items not used in the game. It remains to be seen whether it was intended from the beginning as a mere decoration, or whether there was some kind of event in which people looked through it and did something with it.
[Images] A panoramic view of the isolated island that is momentarily obscured by the haze in the opening movie scene. The location of the facilities are also clearly shown.
0 notes
plant-42 · 7 years
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PLANT-42 PRESENTS: Gun Survivor 2 BIOHAZARD CODE: Veronica Composer: Makoto Iida, Takeshi Miura, Hijiri Anze, Sanae Kasahara System: Arcade, PS2 Year: 2001 Tracks: 19 Format: MP3 (224-320 kbps)
“You’re No Monster” |「 ....化け物じゃなさそうだな」
Stage 1 Prison: Escape | STAGE 1 PRISON: 脱出
The Warden’s Pet: Neticia | 刑務所長のペット「ネティシア 」
Stage 2 Official Residence: Stray | STAGE 2 OFFICIAL RESIDENCE: 迷走
Discovering Nemesis | ネメシス発見
The Pursuer Nemesis | 追跡者ネメシス 
The Sweeper’s Scream | スウィーパーの悲鳴
Stage 3 Training Camp: Anxiety  | STAGE 3 TRAINING CAMP: 不安*
Discovering Nosferatu | ノスフェラトゥ発見*
Stage 4 Private Residence: Frustration | STAGE 4 PRIVATE RESIDENCE: 焦燥
Alexia Appears | アレクシア現れる
Alexia’s Metamorphosis | アレクシア変身
Monster Battle | 化け物戦
Stage 5 Airport: Death Siege | STAGE 5 AIRPORT: 死闘
Tyrant Battle | タイラント戦*
A New Dawn | 朝焼け 
Staff Roll | スタッフ・ロール
                                 * Denotes reissued track from CODE: Veronica
Full Album Download [x] - 60MB 
This release wasn’t possible without @terrorgrigia, who supplied the original disc rips from the PS2 version; I’ve simply mastered them by looping them, or combining multiple tracks to create full songs and time synched them to how they load on the arcade version of the game, along with setting names for them based on the stages/monsters in the game. Thank you, plant mom!
Gun Survivor 2 is a mixed bag for so many people: in the west it’s either mostly unknown due to a single non-Japanese release being only in the PAL market or it’s outright hated/mocked for being silly, while in Japan it’s remembered as a fun game as you relive Claire’s own nightmares from the Rockfort-Antarctic incident. 
What I do know for sure is: it’s got a pretty awesome soundtrack. 
Most tracks for the arcade release were original compositions, with a tiny handful of tracks having stingers/jingles from the original CV, or being from CV itself. The PS2 version reused a lot more of CV’s original soundtrack for EX games such as Roach Mode, and given they are unaltered I’ve left them out of this release, focusing more on the arcade soundtrack pathing for a full playthrough experience. 
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ratisgonev2 · 2 years
The history of Resident Evil
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The Resident Evil Franchise, spanning almost three decades, has risen and fallen from the gaming charts with the most recent renditions, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (2017) and Resident Evil Village (2021), continuing to dominate the survival horror genre. With consistently top-tier storytelling, immersive gameplay, and genuinely petrifying sound design, Biohazard and Village already possess all the materials to be a modern classic. Yet, despite its constant recent success it’s important to acknowledge the history of Resident Evil, as a franchise, and how an unwavering ruler once struggled to stand tall in a kingdom they now so rightfully have conquered.
The greatest of tales all have a beginning, some more humble than others, but Resident Evil was very clearly born blessed as its 1996 release was praised for its sleek sound design, polished gameplay and an effectively choreographed atmosphere enough so to become an international best seller, considered one of the greatest games of all time and more or less responsible for the revival of pop cultures passion for zombie horror. With newfound success, critical acclaim and a solid fan-base Capcom had no desire to sit around and instead hit the ground running pumping out two more sequels, ‘Resident Evil 2’ in 1998 and ‘Resident Evil 3: Nemesis’ in 1999, both of which, just like its predecessor, were highly praised and sold extremely well globally although some complaints, such as poor controls or subpar length, were present in regards to both the 1998 and 1999 release. Unfortunately for Capcom, this newfound success and overwhelming appeal would quickly diminish with their 2000 PS2 release ‘Resident Evil Survivor’.
Developed by TOSE Software, ‘Resident Evil Survivor’ , like an angsty teenager, strayed away from Shinji Mikami’s winning formula and instead opted for a first-person light gun shooter that recycled enemies from their previous title Resident Evil 2. Aside from opting out of guaranteed critical and cultural success, TOSE Softwares depiction of the now cult-classic franchise was poorly received from the very beginning primarily due to the light-gun controls, intended for a more fast paced action-esque playstyle, starkly contrasted the adored third-person, slow paced Resident Evil fans knew. As a result players of the fourth installment were subjected to a gun game that lacked any real gun play and seemed to drag along endlessly; despite this certain reviewers scored the japanese release quite highly. Unfortunately the same could not be said for North American release as they were stripped of their light-gun compatibility. This was, in part, due to violent video games being a source of concern and accountability for the recent tragic Columbine massacre. Aside from obvious issues in regards to controls and the aforementioned lack of light-gun compatibility, ‘Resident Evil Survivor’ was also criticized for long-loading screens, boring gameplay and poor graphics although UK based gaming magazine ‘Edge’ did highly praise the japanese ports' extremely well-designed 3D environment. Capcom clearly learnt from this hiccup and following their next release, with Mikami again at the helm, they managed to regain the praise they so clearly deserved. 
‘Resident Evil - Code: Veronica’ released globally less than a month after Survivor and, luckily for Capcom, was adored by fans. It was praised as a masterpiece, and, to this day is considered not only one of the best Resident Evil games but one of the best Dreamcast games period. It was clear, to critics and fans alike, that Code: Veronica was so very close to being a masterpiece but, like the previous Resident Evil titles, as if inherited by blood, possessed poor controls but excelled in every other department. Furthermore, critics utterly praised the real time rendered environment and the extent to which the hardware was capable of being pushed graphically. It was obvious that Capcom, and the Resident Evil series in general, had developed a trend where Shinji Mikami was their lucky charm, the golden goose of survival horror, and seemed to do no wrong. 
Capcom would continue to release smaller resident evil titles without Mikami’s influence, of course to mixed reviews, but this streak of average or mediocre games spanning half a decade would end with Resident Evil 4 in 2005. Aside from selling eleven million copies globally, being a cross-platform hit, receiving numerous accolades at the 2005 Game of the Year Awards and being regarded as one of the greatest games of all time Resident Evil 4 simply reinforced what Capcom and the fans were all too aware of; if Shinji Mikami was either a director or producer of an upcoming Resident Evil title it was a guaranteed success. Mikami’s previous efforts on Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Nemesis, Veronica, Remake and Zero made fans ponder his potential where, upon the Resident Evil 4’s release, solidified him as a god of survival horror; effectively speaking Shinji Mikami is personally responsible for Resident Evils cult-following and therefore responsible for the influence it had on pop culture such as the sudden popularity of zombie horror media of the early 2000s or the popularization of the, then unique, “over-the-shoulder” third-person view. It’s fair to say that Resident Evil's cult-like appeal and devoted fanbase caught the eye and perked the ears of Capcom’s executives very early on into its success. This led to several different adaptations in the world of comic, film and manhua all with varying plotlines, canon or otherwise, to peak the interest of the general public and expand their franchise beyond the confinements of traditional gaming media.
‘Resident Evil: The Official Comic Magazine’, despite diverting from the source material and later being contradicted by releases in the coming years was ultimately well-received and praised for its unique interpretation of the story. The same cannot be said for the live-action films which, regardless of intention, storyline, acting or cast, tends to flop consistently reinforcing the age old cliche that video game movies, generally speaking, tend to be lackluster at best and absolutely unbearable at worst. While Capcom so frivolously tried to garner fans through subpar films and somewhat positively received comics they were failing to meet the expectations of critics, continuously releasing games with unpredictable grades of quality. It was clear that Capcom, and the Resident Evil series, had lost its rhythm. That is until the 24th January 2017.
Biohazard, the seventh major installment of the series, was a breath of fresh air for fans. It was proof that the Resident Evil they fell in love with two decades ago was back and better than ever adopting the survival horror tropes they had already perfected under the guidance of Shinji Mikami and modifying them for a more desensitized modern gaming audience. It had become abundantly clear, as pop culture and media had become more streamlined, that what was once considered horrifying, such as the window dogs of Resident Evil (1996), were laughable to a modern audience. Through the direction of Koshi Nakanishi, Capcom were able to revive their beloved survival horror giant to absolute critical acclaim and finally found the rhythm they had once lost. Furthermore with the release of Village in 2021, along with remakes of two and three to generally favorable reviews, it was clear to the public, to fans and to critics, that the Capcom they once believed to be lost had finally found themselves again.
As stated before, every tale has its beginning, some far more humble than others, and although Resident Evil was born blessed it too experienced hardships of its own. Fans watched it grow guided by the gentle hand of Shinji Mikami and his artistic vision; they watched it shrivel and decay time and time again as it failed to reach the universal standards it had once set. And yet, here they stand, proud at what Resident Evil had grown to become; a revolutionary, an icon and the face of survival horror. Every story, no matter how long, has its highs and lows. 
And this is the story of Resident Evil. 
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famousdonutpeanut · 4 years
Namco Nc 109
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NAMCO NC-109 GUNCON PS3 Orange Light Gun USB No Sensor SHIPS QUICK & FREE! Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. From United States. NC-109 Controller Namco Usb Guncon PS3 Type (Light Gun), Platform (Sony PlayStation 3), Connectivity (Wireless) NC-109 Controller Gun Description Shipping time to us normally takes up to 12 business days, 7 business days to Canada, but sometimes can take longer due to unpredictable us customs security procedure which is out of our control. BANDAI NAMCO Amusement Europe Ltd is licensed and regulated by the Gambling Commission. Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0121 230 6666; Operating Licence Number: 000-025360-N-307646-006 GamCare GamCare phone support: 0808 8020 133.
Namco Bandai Games Nc 109
Namco Bandai Nc-109
(Redirected from IGunCon)
The original GunCon (left), GunCon 2 (middle), and GunCon 3 (right) for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 3 respectively.
DeveloperNamcoManufacturerNamcoTypeLight gunRelease dateGunConGunCon 2
JP: October 4, 2001
WW: 2001
GunCon 3PlatformPlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3Related articlesJogCon NeGconWebsitebandainamcoent.co.jp/cs/list/guncon/
The GunCon[a], known as the G-Con in Europe, is a family of gun peripherals designed by Namco for the PlayStation consoles. The original controllers used traditional light gun technology, while newer controllers use LED tracking technology.
The first GunCon NPC-103 (G-Con 45 in Europe) was bundled with the PlayStation conversion of Time Crisis. To make the gun affordable to consumers, the force feedback feature of the Time Crisis arcade gun was omitted, and an additional fire button was included in lieu of releasing a pedal controller for the game's ducking mechanic.[1] A second version of the GunCon, known as the GunCon 2 NPC-106 (G-Con 2 in Europe), was bundled with the PlayStation 2 conversion of Time Crisis II and Time Crisis 3. Time Crisis 4 came out for the PlayStation 3 bundled with the GunCon 3 NC-109[2][3][4][5] (G-Con 3 in Europe[6]). In Japan, all three GunCon models were also available for sale as a separate accessory outside of a game bundle.
Prior to the GunCon, the Konami Justifier was the first light gun peripheral for the PlayStation and a few games support it. With the exception of the North American localization of Elemental Gearbolt and Maximum Force,[7] games that support the Justifier are not compatible with the GunCon and vice versa. This was because Namco designed the GunCon so that it would only work with Namco games.[8]Electronic Gaming Monthly's Crispin Boyer said that a Namco public relations representative was shocked when he informed him that he'd tried the GunCon with Maximum Force (not a Namco game) and confirmed that it worked.[8]
The black GunCon controller for the PlayStation
The GunCon controller (known as G-Con 45 in Europe) uses the cathode ray timing method to determine where the barrel is aimed at on the screen when the trigger is pulled. It features a button below the barrel on either side of the gun (buttons A and B, both performing the same function) for auxiliary in-game control, such as to take cover and reload in Time Crisis. The controller is released in black in Japan, and gray (and eventually, in orange) in both Europe and North America. The controller is compatible with some PlayStation 2 GunCon titles, but is not compatible with PlayStation 3 due to its lack of controller ports. Many games that support it allow the A and B buttons to be swapped, making it comfortable for both right and left-handed players.
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GunCon 2[edit]
GunCon 2, Japanese domestic model: a d-pad has been added to the rear of the gun
GunCon 2 (G-Con 2 in Europe) features a smaller body, as well as a more rounded shape when compared with the original GunCon. The side buttons, A and B, have been moved rearward to a position directly above the trigger. Two new smaller buttons, SELECT and START, have been added to the left side of the shaft. Prominent additions to this second GunCon model is a D-pad at the back of the gun barrel and a C button added at the bottom of the gun handle. These new buttons served to open new gameplay opportunities, such as character movement in Dino Stalker or the ability to use two guns at once in Time Crisis II. The gun uses a USB connection as opposed to a PlayStation controller port of the GunCon 1 and also hooks into the video signal of the console (either composite video or the Y signal of component video). The controller is released in black in Japan, blue in Europe, and orange in North America. It is not compatible with original PlayStation titles or PlayStation 3 titles. The GunCon 2, with compatible games, can work on older models of the PlayStation 3 featuring any form of hardware-based PlayStation 2 backwards compatibility.
GunCon 3[edit]
GunCon 3, Japanese domestic model: two analogue sticks have been added to the gun for advanced aiming/movement controls
The GunCon 3 utilizes two infrared LEDs as markers, placed on the left and right sides of the screen. An image sensor in the muzzle tracks the markers as reference points for determining where the gun is pointing on the screen. As opposed to the GunCon and GunCon 2, which are only compatible with CRT-based displays, the GunCon 3 supports a wide variety of display types, including LCD and Plasma.[9]
The GunCon 3 features a 'sub-grip', mounted underneath the barrel and extending to the left side for use with the left hand. On the sub-grip is an analog stick and two shoulder buttons, like in a modern gamepad. At the back end of the gun barrel is another analog stick and two buttons, B1 and B2, underneath. Another two buttons, C1 and C2, are placed along the left side of the barrel. The analog sticks allow the player to play first-person shooting games with manual aiming/firing of the light gun.
In regards to appearance, all Japanese GunCon 3 controllers feature a black coloring, though due to US toy gun laws, the US/PAL release of the GunCon 3 controllers are molded of bright orange plastic. This controller has been criticized for being uncomfortable for left-handed gamers.
Games supporting the GunCon[edit]
GunCon compatible games[edit]
PSOne games[edit]
Mighty Hits Special
Moorhuhn series
Point Blank series
Resident Evil Survivor (Japan and PAL only).[10]
PS2 games[edit]
Cocoto Funfair (EU)
GunCon 2 compatible games[edit]
Some GunCon 2 (PS2) games are compatible with the original GunCon, unless the game utilizes the extra buttons on the GunCon 2.
GunCom 2 [EU] (AKA Death Crimson OX [JP])
Dino Stalker [US] (AKA Gun Survivor 3: Dino Crisis [JP])
Endgame (US/EU)
Gunfighter II: Revenge of Jesse James (EU)
Gunvari Collection + Time Crisis (JP)
Ninja Assault [JP/EU/NA]
Resident Evil: Dead Aim [US] (AKA Gun Survivor 4 Biohazard Heroes Never Die [JP])
Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code: Veronica [EU/JP]
Starsky & Hutch (coop mode only)
Vampire Night [EU/JP/US]
GunCon 3 compatible games[edit]
Time Crisis: Razing Storm [US/EU] (AKA Big 3 Gun Shooting [JP])
iGunCon for iOS was released on July 21, 2011, which allows players to use an iPhone or iPod Touch in a similar fashion to the GunCon on Time Crisis 2nd Strike, an iOS exclusive entry in the Time Crisis series.[11]iGunCon, along with Time Crisis 2nd Strike, was pulled from the app store in March of 2015.[12]
Electronic Gaming Monthly's four-person 'review crew' gave the original GunCon scores of 7.5, 7.0, 8.0, and 7.5 out of 10. They criticized Namco's decisions to make it compatible only with Namco games and make Namco games incompatible with other light guns, but praised the GunCon's extreme precision and accuracy, in particular when firing near the edge of the screen (a common trouble spot for light guns). Lead reviewer Crispin Boyer was also pleased with the low price of the GunCon/Time Crisis bundle.[8]
Namco Bandai Games Nc 109
See also[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to GunCon.
Wikimedia Commons has media related to GunCon 2.
^'NG Alphas: Time Crisis'. Next Generation. No. 27. Imagine Media. March 1997. p. 75.
^Brown, Christopher (2007-11-20). 'Time Crisis 4 + GunCon'. Allgame. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
^McWhertor, Michael (2007-03-26). 'Time Crisis 4 Coming To PS3? Yeah'. Kotaku.com. Archived from the original on 2009-07-30. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
^'Namco's latest update to the much-loved shooting series exposed in this set of shakycam gameplay videos - plus PS3 conversion plans leaked?'. Games.kikizo.com. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
^'Lightgun shooter heading to Sony's console, claim US retailers'. Computerandvideogames.com. 2007-03-26. Archived from the original on April 23, 2010. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
^'Time Crisis 4 Press Release'. Three Speech. July 12, 2007. Archived from the original on February 8, 2009. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
^Gerstmann, Jeff (1997-09-30). 'Maximum Force Review'. GameSpot. Retrieved 2009-07-01.
^ abc'Review Crew: Guncon Light Gun'. Electronic Gaming Monthly. No. 100. Ziff Davis. November 1997. p. 203.
^Kohler, Chris (June 13, 2007). 'How The Guncon 3 Will Work: It's a Wiimote'. Game|Life. Wired. Retrieved 2007-06-16.
^“The Wrong Kind of Scary: Worst Horror Games Ever,” Game Informer 186 (October 2008): 120.
^Ashcraft, Brian. 'Iconic Gun Controller Now...a Free App'. kotaku.com.
^'Bandai Namco Terminating i Love Katamari, Noby Noby Boy, Splatterhouse, Many More On iOS'. Siliconera. 30 March 2015.
Namco Bandai Nc-109
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=GunCon&oldid=991428032#iGunCon'
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kimiina · 5 years
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Gun Survivor 2 - Biohazard Code: Veronica. #residentevil #biohazard #playstation2 #ps2 #guncon (at Takarazuka, Hyogo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw8eZETl_zw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=brpbf7q5ydli
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psxdatacenter · 6 years
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[PS2] [USA][PAL] [JAPAN] [2018]
I have added today the following game entries to the PS2 Datacenter:
Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PS2 Datacenter:
NTSC-J: BioHazard Gun Survivor 2 - Code Veronica [SLPM-65060] (J) BioHazard Gun Survivor 2 - Code Veronica [With Guncon] [SLPM-65059] (J) BioHazard Gun Survivor 2 - Code Veronica [PlayStation 2 the Best] [SLPM-74409] (J) Ryu-Koku [SLPM-66535] (J) Ryu-Koku [Limited Edition] [SLPM-66534] (J) Saint Beast - Rasen no Shou [SLPS-25808] (J) Saint Beast - Rasen no Shou [Limited Edition] [SLPS-25807] (J) Saint Seiya - Meiou Hades Juunikyuu Hen [SLPS-25744] (J) Saishuu Shiken Kujira - Alive [SLPM-66809] (J) Saishuu Shiken Kujira - Alive [First Print Limited Edition] [PBGP-0063] (J) Saishuu Shiken Kujira - Alive [Sweet So Sweet] [SLPM-55069] (J) Sakigake!! Cromatier High School [SLPS-20260] (J) Sakigake!! Otokojuku [SLPS-20436] (J) Sakura Taisen Monogatari - Mysterious Paris [SLAJ-25034] (J) Sakura Taisen Monogatari - Mysterious Paris [SLPM-65515] (J) Samurai Champloo [SLKA-25360] (J) Samurai Champloo [SLPS-25600] (J) Samurai Shodown Zero [SCAJ-20092] (J) Samurai Spirits Zero [SLPS-25346] (J) Samurai Spirits Zero [SNK Best Collection] [SLPS-25572] (J) Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol. 34 - Sakigake!! Otokojuku [SLPS-20484] (J)
NTSC-U: Samurai Champloo - Sidetracker [SLUS-21343] (E)
PAL: Resident Evil - Survivor 2 Code Veronica [SLES-50650] (E) Saint Seiya - The Hades [SLES-54162] (E)(F)(I)(S) Samurai Shodown V [SLES-53059] (E)
Check them here: http://www.psxdatacenter.com/ or http://psxdatacenter.com/
Have fun and if you can help us with the missing information (covers, descriptions, cheats, etc.) please do it.
If you want to contribute to the site running costs (domain, server, updates, etc.) please consider becoming our patreon or making a donation.
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retroldschooltv · 7 years
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Resident Evil: Survivor 2 - Code: Verónica (ガンサバイバー2:バイオハザードコード:ベロニカ? Gun Survivor 2: Biohazard Code: Veronica en Japón) es un videojuego de disparos con pistola de luz desarrollado por Capcom. El juego salió primero en Japón para recreativas a través de una colaboración entre Capcom, Namco (que también lo distribuyó), Nextech, SIMS y posteriormente fue convertido para PlayStation 2 en una versión que, fuera de Japón, sólo se lanzó en territorios PAL. El juego representa la segunda entrega de la subsaga Gun Survivor de la franquicia de videojuegos Resident Evil. Resident Evil: Survivor 2 - Code: Verónica presenta personajes, enemigos y jefes finales tomados directamente de Resident Evil Code: Veronica, aunque no tiene relevancia dentro del argumento general de la saga de Resident Evil. El juego también significa el regreso de Nemesis, que aparece para perseguir al jugador si el tiempo se agota, sirviendo en el sistema arcade como medio para prevenir que los jugadores se queden mucho tiempo en un mismo nivel. #residentevilgunsurvivor2 #gunsurvivor2 #biohazard #biohazardgunsurvivor2codeveronica #biohazardgunsurvivor2 #ps2 #videojuegos #videogames #juegos #games #juegosretro #retrogames #gaming #retroact #retroactRed #codeveronica #capcom #sony #lightgun
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pirateprincessjess · 8 months
Thank you so much for posting about your work on Biohazard: Gun Survivor 2 Code Veronica!
I am an amateur researcher writing about preserving old video games and seeing your work is really inspiring!
Thank you for the kind words! I’m just happy that I’m in a place where I can work on a project like this. I love arcade games so much and I want people to be able to experience them! My goal for Gun Survivor is to get it working and then get it into an arcade so people can play it.
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plant-42 · 7 years
STAGE 4 PRIVATE RESIDENCE: 焦燥 [Unreleased] Gun Survivor 2 BIOHAZARD CODE: Veronica
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plant-42 · 7 years
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Grail: Attained!! 
Slowly but surely I’m knocking my grail items off my collection list, and this was a BIG get that was only possible with a bit of persuasion from a good friend to take the plunge, along with my bonus making it financially viable for me. 
I never thought I’d own the board for GS2, let alone an actual Naomi v1 to drive it, but holy shit. Here it is. Its tested and confirmed working to boot. 
I still have to source some things before I can make it work, such as a PMU (Sega or Capcom I/O + Sega Sound Amp and its power unit if I can only get the first option), plus a step down converter to play it safe with 240v here when actually powering it, but having the controller board with a custom wired controller complete with controller mapping so I can drive it without having to build a unit myself is a big plus. 
(Now I just need a permit to legally be able to import the Ashford Gold Lugers and I’ll be almost set for CV grails haha.)
Kinda surreal to remember that GS2 was such a big cabinet that it had two of these inside to drive P1+P2 networked together, with dual CRTs: 
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While I don’t aspire to trying to rebuild/rig a cabinet myself (there used to be one for sale on Y!J a year ago with severe sun fading that was just over $6k, yikes) I certainly will probably make a nice housing kit for the whole thing once I sort power etc. for both easy storage and portability if I want to hook it up. 
Time to officially catalogue it on Viperhazard~! 
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plant-42 · 7 years
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Grail attained!! 
Going to document the shit out of this when it arrives ;w; 
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plant-42 · 7 years
STAGE 1 PRISON: 脱出 [Unreleased] Gun Survivor 2 BIOHAZARD CODE Veronica
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plant-42 · 7 years
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ガンサバイバー2バイオハザードコードベロニカ 2001 - Japan Only Arcade Release SEGA NAOMI x CAPCOM x NAMCO
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