tarracogest · 2 years
Giussepina hace 1.600 kilómetros al día para ir a trabajar
El debate social sobre la crisis laboral, los salarios y los precios de los alquileres vuelve a estar abierto en Italia. La historia de Guiseppina Guiliano, una napolitana de 29 años, es un claro reflejo de lo que ocurre en este país. Conocida como la ‘bedela de la alta velocidad’, esta mujer viaja desde Nápoles hasta Milán todos los días para trabajar como conserje en un instituto. Para eso se…
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stuff-of-pi · 5 years
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Guiseppina Dora Isabella 'Beans' Minaudo
The next one you'll find out why she's called 'Beans' and why she's got rings on every finger and much more!
100,000% inspired by the amazing mafia oc's of @asktheboywholived , @son-0f-a-snitch , and @askwhathasthiscometo.... I got reeeaaalllyyy excited when I saw the mafia oc's bc I have some family who were involved in the Sicilian Mafia in NYC during the 30s - 60s
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widvile-blog · 7 years
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Giuseppina Ronzi de Begnis (11 Janaury 1800 - 7 June 1853)
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smoky-cat-blog1 · 5 years
Probably there’s not many harder things than childhood.
Eleget ittam ahhoz, hogy igazából ne akarjak angolul írni vagy ha “külföldiül” írok, valószínű, hogy ötvözni fogom mind 3 nyelvet, amit beszélek.
A héven hazafelé, péntek eléggé este azon gondolkoztam, hogy mit kéne hallgatni, hogy elb*****m az utat és I have no clue how the hell jutott eszembe, de egyszer csak beírtam egy szám címet és csak akkor döbbentem rá mit, mikor felismertem az ismerős dallamot, amit szerintem körülbelül 10 éve nem hallgattam végig. - Tudatalatti - Craig David -7 days
Ami sokaknak irgalmatlanul nyálasnak tűnhet és lelkem rá, nem a számon van a hangsúly. 
Szeretném megosztani veletek ezt a számomra rendkívül különleges emléket, érzést.  
Annyira fáradt voltam, hogy -legyen- és behunytam a szemem. 
- Kérlek, hogy egy kicsit tegyetek le mindent. -
...és újra 11 voltam és épp egy kis alvásból ébredtem valamikor hajnal 1 táján egy 2500m-es osztrák alagút kapujában az autópályán. Amikor csak úgy neki dőlsz az ablaknak és bámulod a sötétből kibontakozó tájat, mert még senki nem veszi észre, hogy ébren vagy. A fenyőket, a hídakat, a ködös óriásokat vagy esetleg épp Anyu ébreszt, hogy “Nézd Cica ez még hosszabb, mint az előző”. 
Annyiszor tetted már meg az utat, hogy a leghalványabb hányinger sem fog el a szerpentinektől, mi több, te itt nőttél fel és bár nagyon messze jársz Magyaroszágtól, egy kicsit sem kényelmetlen, mert haza felé tartasz és várnak nagyon.
A nap első sugarainál megpillantod a “Villach” táblát....., ami akkor még nem jelent többet egy megállónál, egy szendvicsnél és egy szép kilátásnál, de azt már tudod, hogy közeledtek.
Lassan mindenki felébred. Esetleg egy olyan szám jön, amit mind énekeltek, mint a “Laschitemi cantare” vagy a “Volare”.
Még kicsit csíp a hűvős, amikor lelassítotok egy kapunál a napfelkeltében Velece táján, de még ezt is élvezed, mert ha közelebb nem is leszel egyhamar, ott vagy a híres Velence határában.
Hatalmas gyárak és raktárak tömkelege övezi az utat. 
Már javában világos van, mikor letértek az autópályán Milánó előtt.
Apró utakon és falvakon át vezet az út. Tudod, hogy közel vagytok Comohoz és majd az is eljön, amikor ott sétáltok a tó-parton, de most nem ez a cél. 
......Lurate Caccivio.
El a temető mellett, át a híd alatt, végig az úton a föld mellett, jobbra és megint jobbra, A kapu már nyitva és Molly ott ágaskodik a kerítésnél. Ő is várt ránk.
Egyszerre nyítódnak az ajtók, mert végre megállt a motor és Guiseppina már ott áll az ajtóban. Az asztalon uzsonna és cicák is már gyűlekeznek a fogadásra.
Tudják, hogy hazaértetek.
Ti manca tanto Nonna! <3
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names i like and why:
*note: i also love the idea of all my daughters having flower middle names because i read it in a book once. the mother refered to the girls as her "beautiful garden" and i love it. some of the names don't have flowers yet bc i haven't found any i particularly like for them
charlotte marigold; this name came to me in a dream when i was younger, and i knew it would be the name i'd use for my first daughter. it means 'free' and i love that. i also just feel like its really underappreciated. I heard the name marigold on downton abbey and thought it was a really underappreciated flower and underappreciated flower name
honey; the weirdest name i like and the one reserved for my last daughter. not sure why, but i already know it fits her. i want to play her this song when she's little. it was one of my favorite songs when i was younger and always comforted me. i also love mamma mia, so it's just a great name all around lol
summer nisreen; i like names that remind me of the color yellow, and summer does that. i don't know that'd i'd name my daughter this but i still really like it and wouldn't mind having a daughter named summer
theodora; one of my favorite old lady names and is one i definitely plan on using. means "gift" i like it because of a book i read called the oracles of delphi keep. the girl in the books name was theodosia but i like theodora more. i also love the nickname "theo."
mahiya; i just think this name is gorgeous (ma-high-uh). it means "happiness"
beatrice-rose; specifically because my sister told me she hated it. if i had a daughter with this name, id call her bette rose and play this song for her.
coppelia lavender or jasmine; not one i actually think i'd use but i love the idea because its my favorite ballet
odessa violet; this is one of my favorite ballet names that isn't really a ballet name lol i just don't really like odette or odile, but i think odessa is very pretty
ismene; big fan of greek tragedies and while im not a fan of the name antigone, i do love her sister's name
clementine; very pretty and would absolutely consider using. i honestly may or may not ever show her the folk song lol it's depressing but would be funny to show her regardless
ophelia; it's pretty and i love it but i feel like by the time i have kids it'll be way more common; but if i did use it, obviously i'd show her this song.
cosima; favorite character on orphan black and also just a really rare and pretty name
santa maria; would not use this name but i still really like it. on mixed-ish, there was a little girl named santa monica. i didn't like the name monica but im a big fan of the name, so i decided on santa maria. the nickname santi is so cute to me and it's a really pretty and unique name. this would be her patron song. it's not the same name by any means but i can see a small child thinking it's saying their name lol it's also a cool song to be associated with even if it's not kid friendly in any way LOL.
reliance; i follow a family on ig that has a daughter with this name. it's one of my favorite virtue names. her nickname would be rye. not sure id use it but i wouldn't be against it as a middle name
other honorable mentions:
nisreen (arabic word for rose), violetta, courtney, adeline, juliana, india, zendaya (not after the actress, i follow a family on ig that uses this name and they made me like it even more), isla, matilda (tilly is an adorable nickname), freya, sabre (means sword), callaway, delphine, natalina, charm, cinnamon (i love it but id have to choose between a cinnamon, honey, and clementine. i don't want a food theme), guiseppina (jessie lol the name of the ballerina who played swanhilda (who spends a portion of coppelia pretending to be her) in coppelia).
flower names i've considered: *bluebell (i go back and forth between liking it), *tigerlily (go back and forth), *hyacinth (it's very jarring and i love it but haven't chosen a good first name to go with it), *saige (spelled like that bc of the american girl doll), *magnolia (im southern lol come on, what do you expect?), *verbena (lemon verbena is my favorite scent), *lily (never not met a lovable lily), *primrose (i do and don't like it lol it just doesn't sound right but i still consider it a contender), *lotus (met a little girl named lily who had an older sister named lotus that i didn't get to meet. i thought it was the sweetest flower name and very unusual.), *poppy, *dahlia (i only ever think of the girl who was murdered in hollywood that people call the Black Dahlia and it kinda puts a damper on the name for me lol), *armeria (pretty bright pink flowers that grow near the ground, lesser used flower name but still a gorgeous one).
still thinking of boy names lol
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The Many Saints of Newark Review: The Sopranos Prequel Has Cement Shoes
Oof, Madonna. It’s a good thing Tony Soprano came in at the end of this thing of theirs during the series, because it turns out the glory days of the New Jersey mob family were a mess. The lingering question at the end of the film shouldn’t be who killed the main character, but why didn’t Tony finish college. Director Alan Taylor’s The Many Saints of Newark is not really a standalone film. It requires a knowledge of The Sopranos. More than that, the series is a Dutch uncle to the movie, holding its hand a little too tightly, and afraid to let go.
The film opens on a jarring and unexpected note, which is reminiscent of the classic film Sunset Boulevard: It is narrated by a dead person. The character is a beloved figure in the series, his voice is unmistakable, and he will be born during the course of the film. Christopher Moltisanti, voiced by Michael Imperiole, is the last in a series of voices emanating from gravestones in a cemetery. David Chase, the creator of The Sopranos and co-author of the screenplay, revels in this kind of surrealistic twist. It is one of the things which divided fans of the series. It will do the same in the film because it is sometimes unintentionally funny.
The Sopranos was a family show, split between a crime family and a nuclear family always on the verge of detonation. Audiences loved that family and envisioned themselves leading that life. But the people who make up their backstory do not elicit this sympathy. Tony’s father, “Johnny Boy” Soprano (Jon Bernthal) performs an impossible task: He is so openly contrarian he provides sympathy for Tony’s mother, Livia (Vera Farmiga). Corrado “Junior” Soprano (Corey Stoll) is similarly too petty to warm to, and too conniving to turn our back on.
The Many Saints of Newark is also no recruitment film for the Mafia. Nor is it Goodfellas, with a rush from the rags to riches camaraderie of low-level criminals. The Many Saints of Newark strips the glamour to show the bullies behind the fancy suits. It remains objective to the point of judgmental.
Directed by a series veteran in Taylor, The Many Saints of Newark is more Mean Streets than Godfather. It has an independent, low budget feel. It opens in 1967, when the Summer of Love was disrupted by the Newark riots, and is split largely between the Italian North Ward, and the Central Ward, which mainly housed African American working class families. The riots themselves offer cover for the Italian gang’s robberies, and allows the central character to get away with murder.
This is the story of the series’ mob legend, Dickie Moltisanti (Alessandro Nivola). The title comes from the name Moltisanti, which means “many saints” in Italian. Moltisanti is no saint though, even if he does spend the entire film trying to do a good deed. But he’s also not the drug addicted psychopath the series made him out to be. He only kills the ones he loves.
As Dickie, Nivola gives an extremely well-rounded performance. He is, at times, the sweetest person in the room and his affability is natural and completely believable. He looks like he’s the only person with the sense to find middle ground. But when he turns on his “Manson Lamps,” the anger and danger is palpable. Most of the time, he has an actor’s dream job where he keeps every secret internalized. Other times, he telegraphs his intent unmistakably. We know he’s going to make a play for his father’s young Italian wife, Guiseppina (Michela De Rossi) from the moment their eyes meet over dinner. Nivola also makes his conflicted feelings about young Tony obvious. He wants to save the kid, who he knows would be a natural in “this life.”
Tony is played as a boy by William Ludwig, and as a teenager by Michael Gandolfini, the son of the late James Gandolfini. Michael captures his father’s mannerisms and physicality. His Tony is a rebellious criminal wannabe who dreams of playing in the NFL, and yes, we get Junior’s line about him not having the stuff to be a varsity athlete. We also get a touch of psychiatry in the form of a guidance counselor who thinks young Tony has leadership qualities. Both of the actors playing young Tony bring a sense of uncertainty into the roles. Michael Gandolfini’s Tony is truly ambiguous. He actively looks like he’s trying to be good but has nothing to base it on. When he and his friends steal a Mr. Softee ice cream truck, he doesn’t even try to profit from it. He doles cones out for free to some kids in a park
The Many Saints of Newark doesn’t explain Tony Soprano. It doesn’t show how he became the boss of the family. He even forswears organized crime in its entirety during one embarrassing scene which would have fit better with his son’s character, AJ, in the series. Sopranos fans can take mania, depression, and panic attacks from the boy who would become the head of the Di Meo family, but not a hissy fit.
In a subliminal nod to the series, Ray Liotta fills the same function as Patsy and Philly Parisi on the series. He plays Dickie’s father Aldo “Hollywood Dick” Moltisanti and his father’s twin brother, who’s in prison for whacking a made man. Now he keeps to himself, listening to Miles Davis and imparting Zen counsel. “Pain comes from always wanting things,” he says. But what does he know? He’s a murderer.
While the plot works as a continuing story, it feels truncated. Chase and Lawrence Konner should have made one more pass at the screenplay before it was finalized. There are many specific plot points which had to be met during the film in order for it to fit into the history it is foretelling, and too many pieces had to be forced to bring the jigsaw puzzle together. The Many Saints of Newark is so tightly wedged into two hours, parts come across like a mid-season clip show. For those unfamiliar with the series, the story might be hard to follow. It skips through exposition, which longtime viewers are able to put together through osmosis. But even aspects of the central story are cut short.
The biggest holdover we get from The Sopranos is an open ending. It is Chase’s trademark. The Many Saints of Newark is begging for a sequel. The entire story is obviously not told. Dickie Moltisanti is not the man who “made” Tony Soprano.
If you’re expecting The Sopranos, adjust. This is also not a crime epic on par with films made about New York crime families. As Carmine Lupertazzi maintained on the series, the New Jersey family was never really more than a glorified crew. The Many Saints of Newark is a brutal, though brooding, gangster film on par with some of Warner Brothers’ B-movie gangster classics. But it’s not the A-list. It would have benefited from psychiatry and cunnilingus.
The Many Saints of Newark will premiere on Sept. 22 at the Beacon Theatre to kick-off the Tribeca Fall Preview. The movie will be released in theaters and on HBO Max on Oct. 1.
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The post The Many Saints of Newark Review: The Sopranos Prequel Has Cement Shoes appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2XFVSgI
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sugasugayoongi-blog · 8 years
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⭐Ina ⭐
The name Ina has its origin in Latin. The name is feminine and means 'mother'. Ina is pronounced as EYE-nah. It is also used as a short name for the names that end with the word 'ina'. For example: Guiseppina. This dimunitive form means 'belonging to'.
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i-traveller · 7 years
Friday 8 September Very wet start to our day for a flight from Birmingham to Naples for a week in Sorrento. Flight full and taxi waiting for us at airport, what could go wrong, we were flying with Monarch Airlines? Well, absolutely nothing went wrong, flight on time and comfortably full but I am so glad we are not hiring a car, the drivers here are maniacal, there seem to be no rules of the road…
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gujjupowers · 5 years
LIKE | SHARE | COMMENT | SUBSCRIBE Over 10,00,00 Personalized And Custom And Animation Video And Use Whatsapp Status . Browse Around And Share With Your Friends And Family On Their Most Epic Day. Rock And Roll And Celebrate! #HappyBirthdayGuiseppina #WhatsappStatusGuiseppina Buy Gift For Your Sweet Heart :- https://amzn.to/2JVk3xS Buy Gift For Your Sweet Heart :- https://amzn.to/2Yl7hN7 Couple Alphabet Led Lamp: - https://amzn.to/2YjRGC4 A Beautiful Greetings To Wish Your Friends And Family A Very Happy Birthday. Best Birthday Wishes, Message For Your Friends, Sister, Brother, Mom, Sister in Law, Brother in Law, Son in Law. Facebook Page:- https://ift.tt/2xDEIQq Donete PayTM UPI :- mysweetheartwishes@paytm Music By :- YouTube Audio Library If You Have Any Query Just Comment, We Are Happy To Help You... #MySweetheartWishes
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pergyllen · 7 years
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Jag finner inga ord för att förklara den entusiasm och nästan religiös extas jag känner inför denna av Gud välsignade make. Eftervärlden kommer betrakta hans verk som det främsta av all sorgemusik någonsin skriven sv människan. / Hustrun Guiseppina (på/i Gothenburg Concert Hall)
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stuff-of-pi · 5 years
Guiseppina Isabella Dora 'Beans' Minaudo
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Name: Giuseppina Dora Isabella Minaudo
Nicknames: Giuseppina’s excellence in her less friendly techniques to get information from targets has earned her the nickname ‘Beans’ as she tends to make people ‘spill them’. As an avid fan of puns, Giuseppina absolutely loves her nickname. Her brothers and her few very close friends will tend to call her Jo. Only Antonio dares to call her Jo Jo.
Age / Birthday / Birthplace: 19 / December 25th / Xitta, Trapani, Sicilia, Italy
Role: Giuseppina is quite the wild card. She belongs to the Minaudo crime family of the Sicilian/Italian mafia. She’s extremely charming and cunning and she is also a surprisingly very good dancer. Sometimes she’ll be sent into speakeasies where targets are known to linger so that she can pick up on information. If she can’t get information via flirting, she can sure as hell get it through other... less friendly techniques.
((Read more for details on her appearance, personality traits, fears, backstory, and family.))
She’s 5′1″. Someone called her shortcake once and she punched him in the face. She hates being reminded of how small she is.
Wherever she is, she’s always seen with a bold red lip. She says it goes well with the scar.
She has a short scar next to her mouth that goes down her chin.
She wears five fingers on each hand. Each ring comes from a member of her family. 
Personality Traits
Trusts easily - beware though; once that trust is broken, there is no gaining it back
Flirty - she loves flirting with anything that moves; it’s her favorite game
Fiercely loyal/protective - family is everything to her and she will do anything to ensure that they are kept safe
Excitable - sometimes she lets her excitement for a job get ahead of her and it can go very poorly
Betrayal: The deaths of her brother Nicola and his lover Annalise sometimes still keeps her up at night. To know that the person you love and trust most could be the reason for your demise.
Bees/wasps: Her brother, Antonio, was stung by a bee and she swears his face was swollen for a week. No thank you.
Her uncle, Saverio, had been in NYC for years and beckoned for his younger brother Salvatore to come over with his family. Saverio had started what would become the Minaudo crime family, a prominent part of the Sicilian/Italian mafia, and had guaranteed a better life for his brother and his family who previously had been shoemakers in Xitta. Salvatore left with his four oldest sons and left Antonio to look after Giuseppina and their mother Josephine. Josephine suddenly died from an unknown cancer shortly after Salvatore left. Antonio was left to care for a baby Giuseppina for a few months before Salvatore was able to arrange for them to come over to America.
Salvatore contributed to the crime family via his expertise in shoemaking. He would make special shoes that held compartments for various weapons and other useful devices.
Her father gave her her first ring. A big ugly gold ring with leaves and an equally ugly purple stone. Giuseppina did not wish to wear it at first. And then her father told her that it belonged to her mother. Ever since then, she wears it on her left ring finger.
When she was six or seven, one of her brothers, Nicola, fell in love with a girl, Annalise, from an opposing crime family, though he thought she was just a bookshop keeper. Nicola would often take Giuseppina to go see the girl he loved. One of these visits, Nicola was wearing a ring that had just been stolen from Annalise’s family. Annalise immediately recognized the ring and subsequently found out who Nicola was. She betrayed Nicola to her own family who then instructed her to kill him. The next time Nicola and Beans came to visit Annalise, she shot him because she had no other choice. Annalise explained to Beans that she had made a mistake and shouldn’t have told her family but because she did she wanted to be the one to kill Nicola. She then kissed Beans on the forehead, kissed Nicola, and shot herself. Weeks before, Nicola had given Annalise a promise ring. And though Annalise betrayed Nicola, Beans still desperately loved this girl who loved her brother. Beans took Nicola’s and Annalise’s rings. She now wears them on a chain around her neck to honor them.
Ever since this traumatic event, Beans has been deathly afraid of betrayal and has likewise furiously studied weapons. She personally leans towards knives as her specialty but as she’s gained more rings she has always become proficient in her makeshift brass knuckles.
The scar on her chin comes from her first job when she was 15. She was sent in to seduce a target who then took her up to his hotel room. Because she was still a greenie and not very subtle with her tactics, the target caught onto who she was and tied her to a chair. He brought out a knife and knicked her chin as a warning. Well, Beans might not have been very good at the art of seduction quite yet, but she was one hell of a weapons expert. She got her information, just not the way she was expecting to.
Uncle: Saverio Minaudo (55) - head of the Minaudo family though he himself is not married and has no children. He loves to spoil his nephews but especially his niece
Father: Salvatore Minaudo (52) - he makes shoes for the frontage shop in addition to inventions made to aid the family in their crime, though Salvatore likes to think of them as a Robinhood crime family.
Mother: Josephine Dora Maria Minaudo (deceased)
Francesco Minaudo (31) - huge foodie. He always bakes torta setteveli (a very chocolatey traditional Sicilian dessert) for Giuseppina’s birthday. Other than feeding the family, he helps Salvatore with his inventions. 
Nicola Minaudo (deceased) - was very close to Giuseppina. He loved to read and often read bedtime stories to Giuseppina. He wasn’t very social so he kept to the strategy part of putting jobs together.
Vincenzo Minaudo (26) - was very close to Nicola. Very quiet and observant, knows people and their patterns very well so he’s in charge of organizing and strategizing for jobs.
Giovanni Minaudo (24) - runs the family’s front store, the cobbler shop. Giovanni suggested they stick to their roots for the most realistic appearance. He also handles and manages the money.
Antonio Minaudo (23) - loud and obnoxious and very close to Giuseppina. He is also a major flirt and delights in getting information using various methods. He also knows how to manipulate people just the right way. Often works with Giuseppina and taught her what she knows.
((If you liked my v long character info on Beans, be sure to check out @son-0f-a-snitch OC Jack ‘Apollo’ Colombo, and @asktheboywholived OC Mason ‘Trigger’ Knoll, and @askwhathasthiscometo OC Johnny ‘The Twig’ Morris))
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aylesburynews · 7 years
A woman from the Aylesbury area has been missing for a few weeks, according to police. They've released a photo of Guiseppina Rossetti on Twitter. Officers say they have been trying to check if she is OK for weeks now. They've asked anyone with any information to call 101, quoting reference 43170284830.
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tuscannyandbeyond · 7 years
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The incredible truffle-laden lunch with Lucca and his catering mom Guiseppina, at the cafe high in Certaldo. Isn't that caprese salad gorgeous?
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sueko · 7 years
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Beatiful and Diverse Guiseppina magazine Photographer @tjmanou Pink gown @sueko.dress #pink #gown #editorial #magazine #fashion #beach #tagyourfriends
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metaphorentertainment · 11 years
A behind the scenes look with Ellee Jane Hounsell at a fashion photo editorial shoot for Giuseppina Magazine based on the one of the 7 deadly sins—sloth—photographed by Amy Texter. Published in issue 14. 
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gujjupowers · 6 years
LIKE | SHARE | COMMENT | SUBSCRIBE Over 10,00,00 Personalized And Custom And Animation #MySweetheartWishes Video. Browse Around And Share With Your Friends And Family On Their Most Epic Day. Rock And Roll And Celebrate! #HappyBirthdayGuiseppina #Guiseppina A Beautiful Greetings To Wish Your Friends And Family A Very Happy Birthday. Best Birthday Wishes, Message For Your Friends, Sister, Brother, Mom, Sister in Law, Brother in Law, Son in Law. If You Have Any Query Just Comment, We Are Happy To Help You... My Sweetheart Wishes App:- http://bit.ly/2CNetcJ Create Your Name Video:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R7Bx49NIUk Whatsapp Sticker App :- https://ift.tt/2GyyeIz Facebook Page:- http://bit.ly/2Se0EKi Paytm:- https://ift.tt/2Ng63Pg Music By :- YouTube Audio Library Donete PayTM UPI :- mysweetheartwishes@paytm
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