#Guido Girardi
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gasthausnostalgie · 7 months ago
Old Vienna
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Bürgertheater (3., Vordere Zollamtsstraße 13). Den eigentlichen Anstoß zur Gründung des Bürgertheaters gab der Schauspieler und Schriftsteller Oskar Fronz. Das Theater wurde nach Plänen von Franz Freiherr von Krauß und Josef Tölk erbaut und am 7. Dezember 1905 als Schauspielhaus eröffnet (Fassungsraum 1.134 Personen; Direktor Oskar Fronz).
Die innere Einteilung des Theaters entsprach etwa jener des Volkstheaters. Die dem Wienfluss zugewandte Hauptfassade war segmentförmig gekrümmt, der fünfachsige Mittelrisalit entsprach der Breite des Vestibüls. Die Fassade zeigte drei Reliefs von Elena Luksch-Makowsky (ausgeführt in glasiertem Steinzeug) sowie kolossale Eckfiguren von Georg Leisek.
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Obwohl 1909 auch Alexander Girardi im Bürgertheater auftrat, kam es 1910 zu einer Krise, weil keine zugkräftigen Stücke aufgetrieben werden konnten. Deshalb erfolgte die Umwandlung in eine Operettenbühne (Erstaufführung der Operette "Der unsterbliche Lump" von Edmund Eysler am 14. Oktober 1910). Der große Erfolg führte dazu, dass Eysler zum "Hauskomponisten" des Bürgertheaters avancierte ("Der Frauenfresser", Erstaufführung 23. Dezember 1911; "Der lachende Ehemann", Erstaufführung 19. März 1913, bis 1921 1.793 Aufführungen; "Frühling am Rhein", Erstaufführung 10. Oktober 1914; "Die oder keine!", Erstaufführung 9. Oktober 1916; "Der dunkle Schatz", 14. November 1918).
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Neben Werken von Eysler kamen auch solche von Oscar Straus ("Liebeszauber") und anderen zur Aufführung. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg wurde in der Spielzeit 1923/1924 "Mädi" von Robert Stolz aufgeführt. Am 24. Jänner 1925 dirigierte Pietro Mascagni die Aufführung seiner Operette "Ja".
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Am 29. März 1925 starb Oskar Fronz, nachdem er das Bürgertheater fast zwei Jahrzehnte geleitet hatte. Es folgte ihm sein Sohn Oskar Fronz junior (anfangs gemeinsam mit Raoul Lischka), der bereits seit 1905 Sekretär und Direktor-Stellvertreter bei seinem Vater am Bürgertheater gewesen war.
1926 brach die Ära der Revue-Operette an ("Journal der Liebe" von Karl Farkas und Fritz Grünbaum mit Musik von Egon Neumann). Am 1. Oktober 1927 begann das Gastspiel der Marischka-Revue "Wien lacht wieder" (Musik Ralph Benatzky).
Während des Zweiten Weltkriegs war das Bürgertheater teilweise geschlossen, im April 1942 wurde es vorübergehend wiedereröffnet. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde Franz Stoß Direktor (13. September 1945; Eröffnung mit "Im sechsten Stock" von Alfred Gehri). Unter ihm wurde das Bürgertheater zu einer volkstümlichen Zweigstelle des Theaters in der Josefstadt und unter den Schauspielern findet man Annie Rosar, Gusti Wolf und Guido Wieland.
Einen der letzten großen Erfolge verdankt das Bürgertheater der Marischka-Operette "Walzerkönigin" (Musik Ludwig Schmidseder). In "Hochzeitsnacht im Paradies" und "Feuerwerk" gab es so prominente Darsteller wie Maria Eis, Waltraut Haas, Heinz Conrads, Harry Fuß, Johannes Heesters und Fritz Imhoff.
1953 erfolgte der misslungene Versuch, dem Bürgertheater unter dem Namen "Broadwaybühne" eine neue Richtung zu weisen. In den 1950er Jahren diente das aufgelassene Theater dem Sender Rot-Weiß-Rot als Studiobühne, nahm aber auch die "Österreichische Spielwarenschau" auf und diente als "Haus der Jugend".
Als sich für das Bürgertheater keine Verwendung mehr fand, erwarb die Zentralsparkasse das Areal. Das Gebäude wurde ab 5. Jänner 1960 abgebrochen. An seiner Stelle entstand die neue Hauptanstalt der Zentralsparkasse der Gemeinde Wien (Eröffnung am 13. September 1965, Umbau [nach Brand] 1989-1992). Nach dem Auszug des Kreditinstituts, 2008, wurde das Gebäude (Adresse: 3., Vordere Zollamtsstraße 13) als Bürohaus adaptiert, in dem sich heute Redaktion und Verlag der Tageszeitung Der Standard und das Hauptbüro der Österreich Werbung, der offiziellen Marketingorganisation für den Tourismus nach Österreich, befinden.
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markee2013 · 9 months ago
Listen/purchase: Re Birth by Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra
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Hello and welcome back to the latest Podcast Episode. Just getting back into the swing of things again and making a slow recovery from my recent stint in the hospital. Started making music again also in my Studio boy did I ever miss doing that. Working on some brand new Music. Right now I'm just plugging the Music I have on my websites. And speaking of websites I just launched a brand new website with Bandzoogle.com.Bandzoogle is more for Musicians plus the other website was costing me an arm and a leg every month so I had to make some cutbacks. But this new website looks pretty sharp plus it's easier to navigate. So check out this week's current Podcast and purchase and download some Music. It's easier to buy now since now you can also use a credit card to purchase as well as using PayPal. The tracks on this week's Podcast are Penny For Your Thoughts by Serious Nubian Sit Back by The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra Too Late To Say You're Sorry By Serious Nubian Step To The Plate by Serious Nubian What Is This World Coming To by The Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Orchestra No Excuses by Serious Nubian Check out the weblinks below https://marcusdavis2.bandzoogle.com/home https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/marcusdavis40 https://www.launchpadone.com/pd/Ultimate-Vibe-Audio-Music-Productions https://seriousnubian.bandcamp.com/ https://payhip.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions Oh yeah I don't want to forget the newest Subscribers Either: Paul from New Zealand, Dunedin
3 hours ago Ben from the United Kingdom, London
5 hours ago Joe Jakob from New Zealand, Christchurch
10 hours ago Marc M. Cogman from the United States, Colorado, Aspen
1 day ago Guido Girardi from the United States, Florida, Miami
3 days ago Thomas Dortel from Canada, Ontario, Ottawa
4 days ago Shawn from the United Kingdom, North Tyneside
5 days ago Werner Argolo from Brazil, Parque Meia Lua
6 days ago Ben from Germany, Berlin
1 week ago
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upwardpositiveleaders · 1 year ago
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Disegno Specchio
October 24th - November 5th 24 Ottobre - 5 Novembre
curated by Laura Santamaria and Chiara Milani
with a presentation of drawings by:
Paola Alborghetti, Susanna Janina Baumgartner, Gianni Caravaggio, Daniele Carpi, Barbara De Ponti, Daniele Girardi, Paolo Gonzato, Michele Guido, Giulio Lacchini, Chiara Pergola, Laura Santamaria, Marcello Tedesco, Lucia Veronesi.
and with an artist photo by Alessandro Di Giampietro - Untitled #8 - from the series Lightning Portraits, 2015 and other photographs from the Drawings from Lightning archives
in-conversation event
October 27th 5:30 pm 27 Ottobre dalle 17:30
Drawings From Lightning, In-conversation event
with the interventions:
Roberto Borghi, critic; Chiara Milani, bibliologist and iconologist; the artists Laura Santamaria, Paolo Gonzato; Jessica Tanghetti, curator and researcher; Giulio Verago, curator.
Moderated by Laura Santamaria
The Project: Drawings From Lightning is an artistic reflection on lightning, a characteristic event of the Lake Como area due to the high frequency with which storm phenomena develop, it was investigated by scientists such as Alessandro Volta, who represented it through the autograph drawing.
In the past, drawing was a widely used tool in the documentation of natural phenomena or geometric and empirical transcriptions, used by astronomers such as Galileo Galilei or philosophers such as Giordano Bruno, an integral part of the professionalism of researchers.
The lightning was therefore chosen as the emblem of the Drawings From Lightning project, which focuses on contemporary drawing, a line of light and energy, the subject of the interpretations of the invited artists.
With this project Laura Santamaria returns to Como - her place of origin - after being the protagonist of a ten-year tour, which took him to art centers both in Italy and in Europe.
The Disegno Specchio exhibition collects unpublished works generating new paradigms linked to the production of drawing in the most experimental and contemporary declinations, accompanied by the limited edition showing prints from the first collection of drawings from the Drawings from Lightning project, artist book (self-published 2016). The body of works is gathered around the metaphor of lightning, as a symbol of vital and energetic recognition, the light of new reflections, both immediate and urgent, around the role of the artist within contemporaneity.
The language of drawing is favored by artists to express their intuitions, generating new codes, evidence of a process that abandons the academic modality of copying from life to generate suggestions through new tools and open a dialogue that invites us to consider how much drawing be an instrument of inner vision, of perception of abstract thought and a device that generates new graphic formulations.
Capable of weaving relationships, artistic production can be understood as an entity generating a vital contribution in the evolution of languages, attributing new meanings to reference codes, while at the same time generating a virtuous circuit between public institutions, museums, libraries and archives. The drawing in the broad formulations proposed by the project determines a unique episode in contemporary art, and directs the gaze to this practice which presents itself as a haven of authenticity and rigor within the technical and media convulsions of the contemporary panorama.
The conference: Drawings from Lightning - In-conversation event aims in a broad and discursive way to reconnect and deepen the reflections generated during the presentation event of Drawings From Lightning at the Museo del 900 in Milan, on 11 October 2023, opening new reflections in the headquarters of the Municipal Library of Como, which highlight emblematic aspects of the creation of a collection of works now part of the public heritage within the Museum's collection, through the presentation of unpublished drawings and the artist book recently donated to the Library's assets.
Biblioteca P. Borsellino Municipal Library Como, Piazzetta Venosto Lucati, 1
entrata gratuita durante le ore di apertura della Biblioteca - Free entry during Library hours
From Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 7pm; Saturday 2.00pm - 7.00pm
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laura-santamaria-blog · 1 year ago
DRAWINGS FROM LIGHTNING un progetto di Laura Santamaria
In-conversation event: 11 Ottobre 2023 ore 18:00 - Museo del Novecento, Milano
Collezione di Disegni / Artist Book artisti invitati:
Paola Alborghetti, Matteo Antonini, Susanna Janina Baumgartner, Marco Belfiore, Maurizio Bongiovanni, Sergio Breviario, Pierpaolo Campanini, Gianni Caravaggio, Daniele Carpi, Arianna Carossa, Jacopo Casadei, David Casini, Giuseppe Costa, Carl D'Alvia, Valentina D'Amaro, Alessandro Di Giampietro, Barbara De Ponti, Enza Galantini, Daniele Girardi, Paolo Gonzato, Michele Guido, Pesce Khete, Giulio Lacchini, Maria Morganti, Chiara Pergola, Marta Pierobon, Josephine Sassu, Laura Santamaria, Giovanna Sarti, Kristian Sturi, Marcello Tedesco, Luca Trevisani, Lucia Veronesi.
Archivio online www.upwardpositiveleaders.tumblr.com
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PH Alessandro Di Giampietro - Untitled #8 - from the series Lightning Portraits, 2015
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felipeandletizia · 13 years ago
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November 22, 2011: Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia visited the National Congress of Chile, where they met with the president of the Senate, Guido Girardi and with the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Patricio Melero.
The old Congress building, in the center of the capital, is used to hold parliamentary committees, while the current headquarters is in Valparaiso.
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mezzopieno-news · 3 years ago
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Il Cile ha approvato una legge che stabilisce i diritti all'identità personale, al libero arbitrio e alla privacy mentale, diventando il primo paese al mondo a legiferare con l’obiettivo di proteggere dagli effetti della neurotecnologia sulla manipolazione della mente.
Secondo i legislatori, lo scopo di questa legge è proteggere "l'ultima frontiera dell'essere umano: la psiche umana”. "Siamo felici che questo sia l'inizio di una valutazione globale su come la tecnologia dovrebbe essere utilizzata per il bene dell'umanità", ha dichiarato il senatore Guido Girardi, uno dei suoi promotori. Per questo la nuova legge cilena stabilisce che “lo sviluppo scientifico e tecnologico deve essere al servizio delle persone e si svolgerà nel rispetto della vita e dell'integrità fisica e mentale", afferma una nota della Camera dei deputati.
La legge intende salvaguardare i neurodati delle persone e stabilire i limiti su come i dati del cervello possono essere analizzati e modificati. L’uso delle neurotecnologie causa preoccupazione in una parte della comunità scientifica che teme che le neurotecnologie possano essere utilizzate per registrare i dati mentali delle persone e per modificarli.
L'emendamento alla Costituzione cilena mira a definire l'identità mentale per la prima volta nella storia come un diritto non manipolabile, per proteggerla dalle manipolazioni che potrebbero derivare da alcuni progressi tecnologici nelle neuroscienze e nell'intelligenza artificiale. La legge cilena ha l’obiettivo di proteggere la libera volontà di pensiero e l'accesso equo alle tecnologie che aumentano le capacità umane.
Fonte: Senato del Cile; Senatore Guido Girardi - 29 settembre 2021
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mbahelp24-blog · 7 years ago
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Declaraciones del senador Guido Girardi sobre la ley de etiquetado de a… Declaraciones del senador Guido Girardi sobre la ley de etiquetado de a...
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tweetsymemesdechile · 8 years ago
Guido Girardi
08:28 07/07/2017 Radio ADN @adnradiochile
Guido Girardi: "Guillier es un castigo a nosotros mismos" Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
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mega-grande-nechi · 2 years ago
#Descabelladas: Perú, Guido Girardi, Giorgio Jackson y proyecto Dominga
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healthcarenewsme · 3 years ago
Senator Guido Girardi promotes healthy eating habits in Dominican Republic: “Many people die of obesity” - Dominican Today
Senator Guido Girardi promotes healthy eating habits in Dominican Republic: “Many people die of obesity” – Dominican Today
The Chilean Senator and doctor, Guido Girardi is in the Dominican Republic to present the “Law on Nutrition Labeling and its Advertising” at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ). “There are many people dying from obesity or triggering other diseases such as cancer, heart attacks, strikes, among others,” Girardi advances in an interview with Listin. The legislator…
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unionmundo · 4 years ago
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Si se comprueba la eficacia de la nueva vacuna rusa Sputnik V o de cualquier inoculación en el mundo para combatir el nuevo coronavirus, Chile no se fijará en su origen ni en sesgos políticos, sino solo en su eficacia, dijo a Sputnik el senador del Partido Por la Democracia (centroizquierda), Guido Girardi. “Si bien en la adquisición de una vacuna siempre hay decisiones políticas, … Continúa leyendo Para más información de esta noticia u otras destacadas, haz clik en el enlace que aparece en nuestra biografía 👉🏻 @unionmundo 👈🏻 Nos gustaría leer tu opinión en los comentarios. ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ #chile #vacuna #CUTVInternacional https://www.instagram.com/p/CDz4wC3BbdQ/?igshid=8luhpve64e80
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upwardpositiveleaders · 1 year ago
a project focused on contemporary drawing by Laura Santamaria
invited artists:
Paola Alborghetti, Matteo Antonini, Susanna Janina Baumgartner, Marco Belfiore, Maurizio Bongiovanni, Sergio Breviario, Pierpaolo Campanini, Gianni Caravaggio, Daniele Carpi, Arianna Carossa, Jacopo Casadei, David Casini, Giuseppe Costa, Carl D'Alvia, Valentina D'Amaro, Alessandro Di Giampietro, Barbara De Ponti, Enza Galantini, Daniele Girardi, Paolo Gonzato, Michele Guido, Pesce Khete, Giulio Lacchini, Maria Morganti, Chiara Pergola, Marta Pierobon, Josephine Sassu, Laura Santamaria, Giovanna Sarti, Kristian Sturi, Marcello Tedesco, Luca Trevisani, Lucia Veronesi. 
Forum900 - Museo del 900 - Milano
Drawings From Lightning, Collection of Drawings / Artist Book
11 Ottobre 2023 - dalle 17:00
October 11th 2023 - from 5pm
Forum900 presenta “Drawings from Lightning” - Collezione di Disegni / Artist Book (2013 - ) progetto fondato da Laura Santamaria, che riunisce le opere di 33 artisti invitati, recente donazione collettiva al Museo del 900. Il Fulmine emblema del progetto, metafora del ruolo dell’artista, è visto agire come un’arma spirituale - al quale è associato il disegno. L’evento pone le basi per una discussione sugli aspetti concettuali ed esperienziali del disegno, scelto quale veicolo intellettuale e dialettico tra artisti ed istituzioni.
Forum900 presents “Drawings from Lightning” - Collection of Drawings / Artist Book (2013 - ) project founded by Laura Santamaria, which brings together the works of 33 invited artists, recent collective donation to the Museo del 900. The Lightning, emblem of the project, metaphor of the role of the artist, is seen to act as a spiritual weapon - with which the drawing is associated. The event lays the foundations for a discussion on the conceptual and experiential aspects of drawing, chosen as an intellectual and dialectical vehicle between artists and institutions.
Testo critico di Sara Buoso
Critical text by Sara Buoso
ore 17:00 - Presentazione della collezione di Disegni, con le opere di 33 artisti invitati.
5pm - Presentation of the Drawings collection, with the works of 33 invited artists.
ore 18:00 - Drawings from Lightning - In-conversation event Museo del Novecento, Milano, a cura di Laura Santamaria
6pm - Drawings from Lightning - In-conversation event Museo del Novecento, Milano, curated by Laura Santamaria
with the intervention of
Sara Buoso, critica e docente di Storia dell’Arte AANT, Roma / critic and teacher of Art History AANT, Roma
Chiara Milani, bibliologa e iconologa. Direttrice Biblioteca comunale di Como. / bibliologist and iconologist. Director of the municipal library city of Como.
Laura Santamaria, artista / artist
Jessica Tanghetti, curatrice e ricercatrice / curator and researcher
Giulio Verago, curatore / curator
Modera / Moderator Laura Santamaria
Museo del 900
Piazza Duomo 8, Milano
Ingresso Libero, spazio FORUM900, al piano terra del Museo.
Free entry, FORUM900 space, on the ground floor of the Museum.
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PH Alessandro Di Giampietro - Untitled #7 - from the series Lightning Portraits, 2015
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adrianagoni · 5 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @el_mostrador Luego de los hechos de violencia del fin de semana en los municipios tomados de la región, la situación está lejos de ceder en la zona. De hecho, esta jornada se registraron serios incidentes en Collipulli tras marchas en apoyo a los presos mapuches. En el Legislativo también se encendieron las alarmas. En la Cámara de Diputados comenzaron a recoger las firmas para instalar una comisión investigadora, y el diputado PPD Ricardo Celis apuntó a “una autotutela mal entendida”. Mientras, la Comisión de Seguridad de la Cámara citó al ministro del Interior Víctor Pérez y al general director de Carabineros Mario Rozas para dar explicaciones. En el Senado, en tanto, pidieron una sesión especial para analizar el tema y Guido Girardi apuntó a Pérez, acusándolo de “echarle más bencina al fuego” al conflicto. 👉lee la nota en el link de la bio❗️#araucania https://www.instagram.com/p/CDfsAodJR-P/?igshid=12yt3jtyotulv
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westsahara · 5 years ago
Der Präsident des chilenischen Senats begrüßt die marokkanische Autonomieinitiative
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Laâyoune-Der Präsident des chilenischen Senats, Jaime Quintana, begrüßte am Dienstag, den 28. Januar 2020 in Laâyoune an der Spitze hochrangiger Delegation die Autonomie-Initiative in den südlichen Provinzen des Königreichs.
"Wir leisten bezogen auf zwei Jahren der von Marokko unterbreiteten  Autonomieinitiative zwecks der Beilegung des Sahara-Konflikts Beistand", stellte Quintana auf einem Gespräch mit dem Gouverneur der Region Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra, Abdeslam Bekrate, in den Mittelpunkt.
Darüber hinaus pries der Präsident des chilenischen Senats die Exzellenz der "soliden und säkularen politischen und institutionellen Beziehungen", welche  die beiden befreundeten Staaten miteinander verbunden sind.
Der Senator Guido Girardi, Präsident der chilenisch-marokkanischen Freundschaftsgruppe innerhalb des chilenischen Senats, stellte seinerseits in den Vordergrund, dass die Mehrheit linker und rechter chilenischer politischer Parteien der Position des Königreichs in Bezug auf die Frage der marokkanischen Sahara beistehe.
Er lobte auch das Leaderschip und die wichtige Rolle Marokkos in Afrika und trete für die Stärkung der Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Staaten innerhalb  aller Fronten ein.
"Die Gründung eines Bündnisses zwischen Chile und Marokko, einem Staat mit einer starken Präsenz in Afrika, ist ein sehr wichtiges Anliegen für Chile", die Notwendigkeit betonend, die bilaterale Partnerschaft in den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Handel, Kultur und Wissenschaft zu fördern, um sich den Herausforderungen der  Globalisierung und des Klimawandels zu stellen.
In diesem Zusammenhang betrachtete er es als ausschlaggebend, den Austausch von Fachwissen bei der Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien, insbesondere von Solarenergie, anzukurbeln, da er Bescheid davon weiß, dass die beiden Staaten auf diesem Gebiet federführend sind.
Im Januar 2018 verabschiedete der Senat der Republik Chile eine Resolution  zur Unterstützung der marokkanischen Autonomieinitiative, nachdem die chilenische Abgeordnetenkammer eine ähnliche Resolution zugebilligt hatte.
Im Rahmen dieser Resolution wertschätzte der chilenische Senat die Vorrangstellung der von Marokko unterbreiteten  Autonomieinitiative in der marokkanischen Sahara, die von den Vereinten Nationen und der gesamten internationalen Gemeinschaft als ernsthafte und glaubwürdige Initiative für die endgültige Beilegung dieses regionalen Streits eingestuft wurde.
Herr Bekrate hob seinerseits die Wirtschaftsgüter hervor, die in der Region im Überfluss vorhanden sind, und die Entwicklungsdynamik, die derzeit dank der im Rahmen des Entwicklungsmodells in den südlichen Provinzen des Königreichs durchgeführten bzw. auf der Weg gebrachten Pilotprojekte zu verzeichnen ist.
Der Wali betonte zuletzt die Bedeutung des Dezentralisierungs-und-Regionalisierungsprozesses, den das Königreich seit Jahren unter der Führung seiner Majestät des Königs Mohammed VI. bewerkstelligt, um sicherzustellen, dass die Bevölkerung Laâyoune Sakia El Hamra zuversichtlich in die „vielverheißende“ Zukunft vermittels dieses Prozesses hinausblickt.
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felipeandletizia · 5 years ago
Felipe & Letizia’s decade: Trips Abroad
F&L Decade 16/??
Felipe and Letizia made their first official visit to Chile. They left on November 21, 2011 accompanied by the acting Minister of Science and Innovation, the Secretary of State for Foreign and Ibero-American Affairs, and the Secretary of State for Foreign Trade.
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On November 22, 2011 Felipe and Letizia started the day with a floral offering before the Monument to the Liberator Bernardo O'Higgins in the Citizenship Square in Santiago, Chile. In the crypt of the Monument they visited an exhibition about the history of Chile and the life of Bernardo O'Higgins.
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Later on, they headed to the Palacio de La Moneda, where they were officially received by the President of the Republic of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, and the First Lady, Cecilia Morel. Felipe also held a neeting with the President.
Meanwhile, Letizia and the First Lady visited an exhibition of some creations of the Handicrafts Foundation of Chile and held a meeting with children who go to the kindergartens of the Integra Foundation, which is presided by the Chilean First Lady.
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Later in the morning, Felipe and Letizia inaugurated the Spain-Chile Investment Forum and Business Meeting, which brought together some 600 companies from both countries, at the Convention Center of the Sheraton Tower Hotel.
In the afternoon, they visited the National Congress of Chile, where they met with the president of the Senate, Guido Girardi, accompanied by members of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Upper House and senators of the Group of Friendship Chile-Spain.
Next, they held a meeting with the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Patricio Melero, in which parliamentarians from the Foreign Relations Commission and the Chile-Spain Friendship Group also participated, as well as a working meeting with the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies of the Republic of Chile.
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In the evening, the President and the First Lady offered an Official Dinner in honor of Felipe and Letizia in the Palacio de La Moneda.
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On November 23, they inaugurated, in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Chile, an exhibition by photographer Chema Madoz (Kodak Award and National Photography Award), accompanied by the First Lady. Once the tour of the exhibition was finished, Felipe and Letizia headed to the neoclassical courtyard of the Museum of Contemporary Art, where an official photograph was taken in front of the installation "Untitled, 2006", which represents a staircase.
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Later on Don Felipe and Doña Letizia shared a lunch at the residence of the Embassy of Spain with a group of Chilean intellectuals.
After lunch, they met with the members of the Chile-Spain Foundation in a hotel in the capital. This entity aims to promote economic, commercial, labor, business, cultural exchanges, as well as investments in Chile and Spain, promoting cooperation between the two countries
A meeting with the Spanish Community, held in the Spanish State of Las Condes, ended the day's activities.
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On the last day of the visit, November 24, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia headed to the hill of Paranal, in northern Chile, where they visited the VLT (Very Large Telescope) of the European Observatory Southern. This telescope allows to see 4,000 million times more than a human eye, being able to observe a screw 400 kilometers away
In Antofagasta, His Royal Highnesses the Princes of Asturias also visited the natural monument of La Portada, before embarking on the return trip to Spain.
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tweetsymemesdechile · 8 years ago
Guido Girardi
21:20 04/05/2017 Chilevision @chilevision
Empresario emplazó a Guido Girardi en primera clase de avión a Miami. Mira el vídeo ► Vía… Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
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21:19 04/05/2017 Radio Agricultura @AgriculturaFM
[VIDEO] Guido Girardi es duramente increpado arriba de un avión Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
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20:14 04/05/2017 BioBioChile @biobio
VIDEO| Difunden registro en que pasajero increpa y amenaza a Guido Girardi arriba de un avión… Retwittear ↵ Compartir en Facebook ↵
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