#Guide to Set Up Text to Give Campaign Budget
iconnectxsolutions · 1 year
Guide to Set Up Your Text to Give Campaign Budget
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Text to give is not just another charity where you can give your money; it's also about giving back with your time. You can volunteer for charities or help them out in other ways like volunteering for their events, collecting donations, or even joining their cause teams!
Text-to-give is a new service that allows you to text your donation to a specific charity. It is a simple way of giving back and an easy way to support the causes you care about. Text-to-give has been launched in the UK, and it will be soon expanded to other countries as well.
The idea behind Text-to-give is that instead of donating money online or on your credit card, you can send a text message with your donation information instead. The user can also nominate their favorite charities as well as the cause they care about. This way, even if you don't have much money to give but still want to help others in need, you can use this service and make the difference you want to see.
How to Plan Your Text-to-give fundraising Campaign Budget:
Planning your text-to-give campaign budget is one of the most important steps in running a successful campaign. You'll want to create a budget that covers all your expenses, including the cost of your marketing materials and fundraising efforts.
The first step in creating a text-to-give campaign budget is to figure out how much you need to raise. This can be done by calculating what you think it will cost you over a year, or by estimating how much money you need to raise over three months. Then, divide that number by 365 days.
Once you have an idea of how much money you'll need, estimate what it will cost for each aspect of your campaign - from printing costs to postage costs, from website hosting fees to social media advertising fees - and then add them up.
Many factors need to be taken into consideration before finalizing your campaign budget. Here are some tips on how to plan your campaign budget for a text-to-give fundraising campaign:
Determine the total cost of the campaign.
Calculate the percentage of your total cost that will be spent on promotion and marketing.
Calculate the percentage of your total cost that will be spent on content creation and delivery.
Calculate the percentage of your total cost that will be spent on technology and infrastructure - this includes a website, email marketing, database software, etc.
If you are in search of best text to give platform to plan and host your text giving campaign. Try iConnectX today!
Relevant Fundraising tools
Online Donations
Event Ticketing Platform
Online auction sites
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vrankup · 1 year
Google Ads Unleashed: Your Ultimate Guide to Dominating Online Advertising
Hey there, savvy marketers and business enthusiasts it's your digital marketing agency in dwarka, vrankup! In this fast-paced digital universe, where attention spans are shorter than ever, cracking the code to successful online advertising is like finding the golden ticket. And guess what? Google Ads is your golden ticket! So, buckle up as we take you on a whirlwind tour of the Google Ads wonderland and show you how to conquer the online advertising game like a true boss.
**Google Ads in a Nutshell**
Picture this: Google Ads is like a magical marketplace where businesses can strut their stuff through ads displayed on Google's search results and a bunch of partner websites and apps. And guess what? You only pay when someone clicks on your ad – it's the "pay-per-click" groove.
**Why Google Ads Rocks Your World**
1. **Laser-Sharp Targeting:** Google Ads has this superpower that lets you aim your ads right at the bullseye. You can target peeps based on stuff like keywords, location, age, interests, and more. It's like hitting the jackpot of your ideal customers!
2. **Insta-Visibility:** Ever played hide and seek with organic SEO? Yeah, it can take ages to see results. But with Google Ads, you’re like the star of the show from the get-go. Once your campaign is a go, your ads start popping up on those search results like a pro.
3. **Budget Jedi:** Imagine having the force to control your spending. With Google Ads, you wield that power. Set your budget, whether it's daily or monthly, and avoid those budget blues.
4. **Results You Can Measure:** We're living in the era of data, folks. Google Ads gives you the goods – metrics like clicks, impressions, click-through rates, and conversions – all neatly laid out for you. It's like watching your business grow in real time.
5. **Ad Wonderland:** Get creative with your ads! You've got options galore – text ads, flashy display ads, engaging video ads, those cool shopping ads – make them pop and suit your brand's personality.
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**Crafting Your Epic Google Ads Campaign**
1. **Unleash the Keyword Ninja:** Before you dive in, get your keyword game strong. Figure out the words your dream customers are typing in. These keywords? They're your golden tickets to ad stardom.
2. **Copy that Clicks:** Time to unleash your inner wordsmith. Write killer ad copy that speaks to your audience's soul. Tell them why your thingamajig is the bomb and what they'll miss if they don’t click. Oh, and don't forget that sizzling call to action!
3. **Landing Page Magic:** You’ve got them hooked, but where do they land? Your landing page! Make sure it's a seamless journey – relevant, persuasive, and in sync with your ad's vibes.
4. **Bullseye Targeting:** Google Ads gives you superpowers to target like a boss. Think location, demographics, and interests – aim for the stars, baby!
5. **Extensions FTW:** Imagine your ad as a superhero – now give it superpowers with ad extensions. Links, callouts, snippets – use them to make your ad stand out and be the talk of the town.
6. **Test, Tweak, Triumph:** Here’s the scoop – your first try might not be your best try. Test different ads, headlines, and strategies. 
**Polish Your Armor: Monitoring and Optimization**
Hold on tight, this ride's not over yet! After launching your campaign, you're in for some hands-on action:
- **No-Nos with Negative Keywords:** Stop the madness of irrelevant searches by setting negative keywords. No more wasting precious clicks on those who ain't interested!
- **Bidding Battle:** It's like a bidding war, but way cooler. Manage your bids based on which keywords are rocking the charts. Put more power into the winners and watch the magic happen.
- **Quality Score Quest:** Google's got a thing called a quality score. It's like their way of giving you a high-five. The better your ad matches user intent, the lower your costs and the higher your ad ranks. That’s a win-win.
**In the Grand Finale**
So, fellow adventurers, you’ve ventured through the Google Ads wonderland. You've got the tools, the know-how, and the confidence to rock the online advertising scene like a pro. Remember, this digital realm never sits still. Keep your ears to the ground for the latest trends and updates. Now, go forth and conquer those clicks, because you, my friend, are the ruler of the Google Ads kingdom! 🚀👑
Catch you later,
digital marketing agency in dwarka, vrankup
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mdabutaleb21 · 3 days
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How to Make Effective Facebook & YouTube Ads: A Complete Guide
In today’s digital world, businesses of all sizes are leveraging the power of social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube to reach their target audience. If you're looking to grow your brand, understanding how to create effective ads on these platforms is a must. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating ads on Facebook and YouTube, helping you maximize your ad spend and achieve your marketing goals.
Why Advertise on Facebook and YouTube?
Before diving into the nitty-gritty of ad creation, it’s important to understand why these two platforms are so effective for advertising:
Facebook: With over 2.9 billion active users, Facebook offers an enormous potential reach. Its advanced targeting features allow you to precisely define your audience based on location, interests, behaviors, and demographics.
YouTube: As the second-largest search engine in the world (after Google), YouTube reaches over 2 billion users. People use YouTube not only for entertainment but also to search for how-to videos, product reviews, and more. This makes it an excellent platform for businesses to showcase their products or services through video ads.
Now, let’s dive into how to make a Facebook and YouTube ad that drives results.
Part 1: How to Make a Facebook Ad
1. Set Your Campaign Objective
The first step in creating a Facebook ad is choosing the objective of your campaign. Facebook Ads Manager gives you several options, such as:
Brand Awareness: To increase your brand’s visibility.
Traffic: To send users to your website or landing page.
Engagement: To encourage likes, shares, and comments.
Conversions: To drive sales or other valuable actions.
Choose an objective that aligns with your business goals. If you’re looking to generate leads or sales, for example, consider using the Conversions objective.
2. Define Your Target Audience
One of Facebook’s strongest features is its ability to target specific audiences. You can define your audience based on factors such as:
Interests (e.g., sports, fitness, cooking)
Behaviors (e.g., purchasing habits, travel frequency)
You can also create Custom Audiences using your own data, such as email lists, or target users similar to those who have interacted with your brand using Lookalike Audiences.
3. Choose Your Ad Placement
Facebook offers various ad placements, including:
Facebook Feed
Instagram Feed
Stories (both Facebook and Instagram)
Audience Network (third-party apps)
You can either let Facebook automatically place your ads or manually choose where you want them to appear. For beginners, Automatic Placements is a safe option.
4. Set Your Budget and Schedule
You can set either a daily budget or a lifetime budget for your ad campaign. A daily budget ensures Facebook spends a set amount per day, while a lifetime budget is spread across the entire campaign duration.
You’ll also need to choose a schedule for when your ads will run. If you know when your target audience is most active, you can set ads to only run during those times for better performance.
5. Design Your Ad
Now comes the creative part! Your ad can be a single image, carousel, video, or slideshow. A few tips for designing an effective Facebook ad:
Use high-quality visuals: Attention-grabbing images or videos are key to stopping users from scrolling past your ad.
Keep your text concise: Focus on a clear, compelling message. Facebook recommends keeping your text to around 125 characters for best results.
Include a strong call-to-action (CTA): Use CTAs like "Learn More," "Shop Now," or "Sign Up" to guide users to take the next step.
6. Monitor and Optimize
Once your ad is live, regularly monitor its performance using Facebook Ads Manager. Pay attention to key metrics such as:
Click-through rate (CTR)
Conversion rate
Cost-per-click (CPC)
Return on ad spend (ROAS)
If your ad isn’t performing as expected, don’t hesitate to tweak your targeting, ad creative, or budget to improve results.
Part 2: How to Make a YouTube Ad
1. Set Up Your Google Ads Account
To run YouTube ads, you'll need a Google Ads account. If you don't already have one, sign up at ads.google.com. From there, link your YouTube channel to your Google Ads account.
2. Choose Your Campaign Objective
Similar to Facebook, you’ll start by selecting a campaign objective in Google Ads. For YouTube ads, common objectives include:
Sales: Drive purchases or leads.
Leads: Generate sign-ups or inquiries.
Website Traffic: Send users to your website.
Brand Awareness and Reach: Increase your brand’s visibility.
Choose the objective that best matches your goals.
3. Select Your Ad Format
YouTube offers several ad formats, including:
TrueView In-Stream Ads: These are skippable ads that play before, during, or after videos.
Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads: As the name suggests, users must watch the entire ad (up to 15 seconds) before they can view the video.
Bumper Ads: These are short, 6-second ads that users cannot skip.
Discovery Ads: These appear in YouTube search results or alongside related videos, enticing users to click.
For most businesses, TrueView In-Stream Ads are the most effective, as they allow users to skip the ad if they’re not interested, meaning you only pay for views from engaged users.
4. Define Your Target Audience
YouTube, through Google Ads, also offers advanced targeting options. You can define your audience by:
Demographics (e.g., age, gender, parental status)
Interests (e.g., beauty products, technology)
Keywords (e.g., terms people search for on YouTube)
Placements (e.g., specific YouTube channels or videos where your ad will appear)
5. Set Your Budget
Decide how much you’re willing to spend on your YouTube ads by setting a daily or campaign budget. YouTube uses a cost-per-view (CPV) model, meaning you pay when someone watches at least 30 seconds of your ad or interacts with it.
6. Create Your Ad
Video is the heart of YouTube ads. For the best results, create high-quality, engaging videos that capture attention within the first few seconds. Some tips:
Start with a hook: Grab viewers’ attention immediately by addressing a problem or asking a question.
Keep it concise: Aim to deliver your core message within 15-30 seconds.
Include a clear CTA: Guide viewers on what to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a free trial, or watching more content.
7. Monitor and Adjust
Just like with Facebook ads, it’s important to monitor the performance of your YouTube ads. Use Google Ads’ reporting tools to track metrics such as:
View rate
Cost-per-view (CPV)
Engagement rate
If your ad isn’t performing well, test different video creatives, adjust your targeting, or tweak your bidding strategy.
Both Facebook and YouTube offer incredible opportunities to grow your business through highly targeted and engaging ads. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create effective campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive results. Remember, advertising is as much about experimentation as it is about execution, so don’t be afraid to test different approaches and continually optimize your ads for success.
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bannersvillage12 · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Square Banner Printing: Custom Vinyl Banners for Every Occasion
Square banner printing offers a unique and eye-catching way to promote your message or event. With their distinct shape and versatility, square banners can be a powerful tool for businesses, events, and personal use. In this blog, we’ll delve into the benefits of square custom vinyl banners, the printing process, and how to make the most of your square banner for maximum impact.
Why Choose Square Custom Vinyl Banners?
Distinctive Shape: The square format stands out from traditional rectangular banners, making it an excellent choice for grabbing attention. Its symmetry and balanced design create a striking visual appeal that can effectively highlight your message.
Versatility: Square banners are highly versatile and can be used in a variety of settings, including trade shows, storefronts, events, and exhibitions. Their shape makes them suitable for both horizontal and vertical displays.
Customizable Design: Square Custom vinyl banners offer endless design possibilities. You can choose from a wide range of colors, graphics, and text layouts to create a banner that perfectly aligns with your brand or event theme.
Durability: Vinyl is a durable material that withstands various weather conditions, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. Custom vinyl banners are resistant to water, UV rays, and tearing, ensuring that your message remains vibrant and intact.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Square custom vinyl banners are a cost-effective solution for advertising and promotions. They offer high visibility at a relatively low cost, making them an excellent choice for budget-conscious campaigns.
The Square Banner Printing Process
Design Your Banner: Start by designing your square banner with a clear and engaging message. Consider the purpose of the banner, your target audience, and the key elements you want to include. Use high-resolution images and bold, readable fonts to ensure that your design is visually appealing and easy to understand.
Select the Size: Choose the dimensions for your square banner based on where it will be displayed and the amount of information you need to include. Common sizes for square banner printing range from 2x2 feet to 6x6 feet, but custom sizes can also be accommodated.
Choose the Material: Opt for high-quality vinyl for durability and longevity. Vinyl is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, and it holds up well against the elements. Consider finishes like matte or gloss based on the desired look and feel of your banner.
Printing Options: Work with a reputable printing company that specializes in custom vinyl banners. They will use advanced printing technology to produce high-resolution prints with vibrant colors and sharp details. Ensure that the printer offers options for both single-sided and double-sided printing if needed.
Finishing Touches: Decide on any additional features such as grommets for easy hanging, hems for added strength, or pole pockets for a more polished presentation. These finishing touches enhance the functionality and durability of your banner.
Proof and Approval: Before printing, review a proof of your banner design to ensure that all elements are accurate and aligned. Make any necessary adjustments before giving final approval for production.
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ukratespostage · 3 months
How to Increase ROI?
Increasing Return on Investment (ROI) is a critical goal for any business. It measures the profitability of investments and is a key indicator of financial health. But how exactly can you boost your ROI? From optimizing marketing strategies to improving operational efficiency, there are several proven methods. This guide will delve into actionable steps you can take to maximize your ROI, ensuring your business remains competitive and profitable.
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Understand Your Current ROI
Before you can improve your ROI, you need to understand your current position. Calculate your existing ROI by using the formula:
ROI=(Net ProfitTotal Investment)×100\text{ROI} = \left( \frac{\text{Net Profit}}{\text{Total Investment}} \right) \times 100ROI=(Total InvestmentNet Profit​)×100
This gives you a percentage that reflects how much return you are getting on your investments. Analyzing this data helps identify areas that need improvement.
Set Clear Objectives
To increase your ROI, start by setting clear, measurable objectives. What do you want to achieve? Increased sales, reduced costs, improved customer satisfaction? Clear goals provide direction and make it easier to measure success. Ensure these objectives align with your overall business strategy.
Optimize Your Marketing Strategies
Marketing is often a significant expense, but it's also an area where you can see substantial ROI improvements. Here’s how to optimize your marketing efforts:
Identify Your Target Audience
Understanding your target audience allows you to tailor your marketing campaigns more effectively. Conduct market research to identify demographics, preferences, and behaviors. Use this information to create personalized marketing messages that resonate with your audience.
Leverage Digital Marketing
Digital marketing offers a higher ROI compared to traditional methods. Utilize social media, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and email campaigns. These tools allow for precise targeting and measurable results, making it easier to adjust strategies and improve ROI.
Utilize Data Analytics
Data analytics provide insights into what’s working and what’s not. Use tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic, conversion rates, and user behavior. This data helps refine marketing strategies and eliminate ineffective tactics, ensuring your budget is used efficiently.
Improve Operational Efficiency
Streamlining operations reduces costs and improves productivity, directly impacting ROI. Here are some ways to enhance operational efficiency:
Automate Processes
Automation can significantly reduce labor costs and increase accuracy. Implement automated systems for repetitive tasks such as invoicing, customer service, and inventory management. This frees up staff to focus on more strategic activities.
Invest in Technology
Modern technology can transform your business operations. Invest in software and tools that improve efficiency, such as project management systems, CRM software, and accounting solutions. These investments often pay for themselves through increased productivity and reduced errors.
Employee Training and Development
Well-trained employees are more productive and can perform tasks more efficiently. Invest in regular training and development programs to enhance skills and knowledge. This not only improves operational efficiency but also boosts employee satisfaction and retention.
Enhance Customer Experience
Happy customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend your business to others, increasing ROI. Focus on improving the customer experience in the following ways:
Personalize Interactions
Personalization makes customers feel valued. Use customer data to tailor interactions and offer personalized recommendations. CRM systems can help manage and utilize customer information effectively.
Improve Customer Service
Excellent customer service is crucial for retaining customers. Ensure your customer service team is well-trained and equipped to handle inquiries and complaints efficiently. Quick, helpful responses can turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal one.
Gather and Act on Feedback
Regularly collect feedback from your customers to understand their needs and preferences. Use this feedback to improve products, services, and overall customer experience. Showing customers that you value their opinions fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business.
Control Costs
Reducing unnecessary expenses increases net profit, thereby boosting ROI. Here are some strategies for controlling costs:
Conduct Regular Financial Audits
Regular audits help identify areas where costs can be cut without compromising quality. Review your expenses periodically to ensure you are not overspending in any area.
Negotiate with Suppliers
Negotiate better terms with your suppliers to reduce costs. Building strong relationships with suppliers can lead to discounts and more favorable payment terms.
Adopt a Lean Approach
Implement lean management principles to eliminate waste and optimize processes. Focus on activities that add value and streamline operations to reduce costs.
Diversify Revenue Streams
Relying on a single revenue stream can be risky. Diversifying your income sources can stabilize cash flow and improve ROI. Consider the following strategies:
Expand Product or Service Offerings
Introducing new products or services can attract new customers and increase sales. Ensure that new offerings align with your brand and meet market demand.
Explore New Markets
Expanding into new geographic or demographic markets can open up additional revenue streams. Conduct market research to identify potential opportunities and develop strategies for entering these markets.
Leverage Partnerships and Collaborations
Collaborating with other businesses can provide new revenue opportunities. Partnerships can include joint ventures, affiliate marketing, or co-branding initiatives.
Monitor and Adjust Strategies
Continuous monitoring and adjustment of your strategies are essential for maintaining and improving ROI. Regularly review your performance against your objectives and make necessary changes. This ensures that your business remains agile and responsive to market changes.
Increasing ROI requires a multifaceted approach that includes understanding your current performance, optimizing marketing efforts, improving operational efficiency, enhancing customer experience, controlling costs, and diversifying revenue streams. By setting clear objectives and continuously monitoring your progress, you can make informed decisions that drive profitability and ensure long-term success.
1. What is a good ROI percentage?
A good ROI varies by industry, but generally, an ROI above 10% is considered favorable. Compare your ROI with industry benchmarks to gauge performance.
2. How often should I review my ROI?
Reviewing your ROI quarterly is a good practice. Regular reviews help you stay on track with your goals and make timely adjustments.
3. Can technology always improve ROI?
While technology can enhance efficiency and productivity, it's essential to choose the right tools that align with your business needs. Not all technology investments will yield high ROI.
4. How important is customer feedback in improving ROI?
Customer feedback is crucial as it provides insights into customer needs and preferences. Acting on feedback can improve customer satisfaction and retention, positively impacting ROI.
5. What are some common mistakes that negatively affect ROI?
Common mistakes include neglecting market research, inefficient operations, poor customer service, and lack of clear objectives. Addressing these issues can help improve your ROI.
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rrtot077 · 8 months
Mastering the Art of Social Media Advertising
When marketers think of promoting their businesses digitally, social media advertising plays a key role. As it is a form of digital marketing, it helps businesses and marketers reach out to more targeted audiences. Hence, we can understand it in a way. In today’s time, when most of our generation connects to social media handles, it is possible to reach out to people and give our messages to them. It is the most prominent work of social media advertising. Let’s get into a comprehensive guide to understand it more deeply and correctly. 
When planning social media advertising for your business, company, or products, you should take care of the campaign, target audience, campaign creatives, social media platforms, and, most importantly, the budget and success metrics of the campaign.
Campaign Overview– Considering a successful campaign is equally significant as considering necessary details, including the campaign name, present purpose, and future goals. And will benefit your company. Through campaign organisation, your company can increase your social media following so that you can bring more and more people to your social media handles. That will increase future sales and the chances of driving more website traffic.
Target Audience-  The second important factor is to understand who your target audience is. For that, the analytics section of social media handles could work, as you can understand an audience and the type of content they like. Also, to create the best campaign and hit the right target, you can also publish sample campaigns on different social media platforms so that it works by clarifying what type of audience is right to target.
Preparing the creatives for campaigns- creative teams in campaigns should take care while creating text, images, and visuals. And try to understand what the audience mostly likes on that particular social media handle.
Choosing the right social media platforms- a company should make a clear decision about what type of business and audience to target so that it is easy to choose what social media platform to use, particularly. Not all platforms target every business category. 
Making use of influencer marketing – In today’s technologically evolving world, most of the audience is connected to their favourite influencers What you can do is try to find suitable influencers who can work for your targeted business and attract your targeted audience towards your business As a result, it can change your audience into buyers or subscribers. 
SEO services in the UAE.
After choosing the best digital marketing agency, you should always look for an agency that provides Best SEO services as well. It should work in coordination with factors like keyword research so that the company can rank at the top. It should provide on-page and technical SEO, which helps optimise meta and schema. It should deliver the best content creation and generate 100 percent genuine backlinks, which will help provide and keep records of every single piece of data. 
Benefits of Social Media Advertising in Dubai
Dubai stands out as the priority of people who want to increase its social media advertising. In Dubai, 99 percent of the population is a social media user, and with increasing technological influence in the industries. Let’s see what benefits businesses get from setting up social media advertising in Dubai.  
Targeting a multicultural audience.
The foremost advantage of social media advertising in Dubai is that we can reach a multicultural audience with various backgrounds residing and working there. When it comes to targeting the right audience, different businesses are set to target different audiences, for instance, tourists, residents, and immigrants.
Increasing brand awareness 
Secondly, when businesses think about setting up social media marketing campaigns, it will connect the company with a targeted audience and create a recognizable identity. By building a relationship with the audience through set videos, images, and campaigns, businesses can set their brand reputations and gain a competitive increase in their budget and profits.
Attracting  and engaging with customers 
When businesses establish or perform successful campaigning, the third important part is actively responding to the feedback given by the targeting audience to build a healthy and trustworthy relationship by actively replying to messages, comments, and reviews.
Residing ahead of competitors 
Dubai, which is known for its technological advancement in the field of business, gives you a better opportunity to buy and see your competitors’ strategic mindset, and you can work on your own as well to get ahead of them. With this, you can stay connected with present digital scenarios, industry trends, future opportunities, and current consumer preferences. 
PPC management services agencies in Dubai.
     1.Ninja Promo- It is the top PPC agency that is best for blockchain and B2B promotion, with a certified Google 5-star rating. It also has its headquarters and offices in Dubai, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York, and Vilnius.
     2.Global Media Insight- It is for paid promotion, web design, SEM, and content development. It has a certified Google 4.5 rating. And set up industries in the technology, health, beauty, real estate, and travel sectors. It also has headquarters in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah.
     3.Mighty Warners- it is the best in digital promotion, website development, and content writing, with a certified Google 4.3 rating. And set up industries in the hospitality, healthcare, vet care, hospitality, real estate, logistics, finance, and tourism sectors. And had established its headquarters in Dubai.
     4.Prism Digital- It is the best in digital marketing, SEO, social media promotions, and web development, with a certified Google 4.7 rating. And set up industries in the healthcare, pharma, beauty, consumer goods, education, and technology sectors. It also has headquarters in Dubai, India, and Canada.
     5.Chain Reaction- It is best in pay-per-click promotions, SEO, SMM, video production, web development, and branding. With a certified Google 4.7 rating. And set up industries in the technology, food, and hospitality sectors. It also has headquarters in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Amman, and Riyadh.
     6.Digital Gravity- It is the best in digital promotions, UX/UI development, web development, and branding. With a certified Google 4.7 rating. And set up industries in the healthcare, automotive, manufacturing, education, consulting, technology, real estate, and hospitality sectors. It also has headquarters in Dubai.
 Some B2B lead Generation Companies in Dubai
     1.Belkin- It is a B2B agency that was established in 2017 and is currently working in almost 3 languages, with almost 75 percent of sales outsourcing, 15 percent of call centre service, and almost 5 percent each for email marketing and CRM consulting. It has headquarters in the US. The Belkin team serves in residential buildings and healthcare industries.
     2.Martal Group- It is the second-best B2B agency. It was established in 2009 and works in English, with almost 75 percent of sales outsourcing, 15 percent of email marketing, and 10 percent of call centre service. It has headquarters in Canada; it serves in advertising, business consulting, sales outsourcing, email marketing, and many other industries.
     3.Clience Technologies-  It is the third-best B2B agency, having been established in 2015, works in English as a major language with almost 40 percent to call centre service, 30 percent to sales outsourcing, 10 percent to advertising, 10 percent to direct marketing, and 10 percent to email marketing. It serves in advertising, digital strategy, sales outsourcing, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and many other industries.
     4.Division 50 – It is the fourth best B2B agency established in 2021 and works in English, Arabic, and French as a major language, with almost 40 percent of sales outsourcing, 15 percent of a business consultant, 15 percent of CRM consulting, 15 percent of email marketing, and 15 percent of pay per click. It serves industries like sales outsourcing and business consulting and has its headquarters in Dubai, UAE.
     5.Abacus Cambridge Partners- It is the fifth-best B2B industry, which was established in 2017 with almost 40 percent of ERP consulting and SI, 30 percent of call centre services, and 10 percent each in custom software development, customer services outsourcing, and sales outsourcing. It has its headquarters in London and offices in New York, Dubai, Lahore, Riyadh, Lahore, and Cairo, and serves customer software development, web development, and call centre industries.
     6.Lead Gen Dept- It is the sixth-best B2B agency established in 2019 and targets audiences in the UK, North America, and Europe. It works primarily in the English language, with almost 70 percent of sales outsourcing and 10 percent each in call centre service, email marketing and social media marketing. It has its headquarters in London, UK, and serves industries like Email Marketing, content marketing, advertising, etc.
By the end of this blog, you will have a clear idea about Social Media advertising its benefits, and strategies for social media advertising Also, with the growing technological advancement in Dubai and business setup, it is most likely that your social media advertising and business can get a boon and profits. Also, it is recommended to go through the best SEO companies in the Middle East, for example, Dot IT, Rocket Clicks, SEO Sherpa, USEO, Emirates Graphics, and GCC Marketing. 
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solutionlab · 1 year
Short Form Long Form Writing - SEO Long Form Content Writing - SEO Long ...
Short Form Long Form Writing - SEO Long Form Content Writing - SEO Long Form Text
Long Form Short Form Content Writing - Long Form Content Creation Long-form content, typically consisting of articles, blog posts, or documents that are longer in length and more in-depth, offers a wide range of uses across various industries and purposes. Are you in need of high-quality, engaging, and informative long-form content? Look no further! We specialize in providing top-notch long-form content writing services that will captivate your audience and deliver valuable information. Be it long form articles for SEO, long form blogging, long form for social media (e.g. long form post linkedin, long form facebook posts, tiktok long form video, long form video on instagram, youtube long form content), etc, we can assist you. Here are some common uses of long-form content: Educational Resources, Thought Leadership, SEO and Organic Traffic, Lead Generation, Content Marketing Campaigns, Product or Service Descriptions, Storytelling and Narratives, Comprehensive Reviews, Historical or Research Content, Entertainment and Storytelling, Government and Legal Documents, Training Manuals and Documentation, Academic and Research Papers, Opinion Pieces and Editorials, Travel Guides and Destination Information. Our team of experienced writers understands the importance of creating content that not only grabs the reader's attention but also keeps them engaged from start to finish. Whether you require blog posts, articles, whitepapers, eBooks, or any other type of long-form content, we have the expertise to meet your specific needs. What sets us apart: Expert Writers: Our team consists of skilled writers who are well-versed in various industries and niches. They conduct thorough research and craft content that reflects your unique voice and brand identity. Customized Solutions: We tailor our services to your requirements. Whether you need SEO-optimized content to improve your website's ranking or in-depth guides to establish authority in your field, we've got you covered. Quality Assurance: Our commitment to excellence means that every piece of content undergoes a rigorous editing and proofreading process to ensure accuracy, readability, and adherence to your guidelines. Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of deadlines. Rest assured, your content will be delivered on time, allowing you to stay on schedule and focus on your core business activities. Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive rates without compromising on quality. Our pricing packages are designed to fit various budgets, making our services accessible to businesses of all sizes. Customer Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is our priority. We value your feedback and are committed to making any necessary revisions to ensure you are delighted with the final product. Whether you're looking to boost your online presence, educate your audience, or establish your authority in your industry, our long-form content writing services are the solution you need. Contact us today to discuss your project and get started on creating compelling content that drives results. For Your Inquiries Reach Us At: SOLUTION LAB Email ID’s:- [email protected] [email protected] Web: - www.solutionlab.online Blog: https://solutionlabonline.blogspot.com/ If this video resonated with you, it's time to take action! 👍 Like this video: If you like this video, give this video a thumbs up to show your support! 🔔 Subscribe to our Channel: Stay updated with our latest content. 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Achieve unlimited sales on Amazon with true guidance
With the globe moving at a brisk pace even the digital realm is moving faster than ever. To create a difference it is crucial to sell on the world’s most prolific platform – Amazon. America, Asia and Australia to Africa, Amazon is present in every corner of the planet. From the comfort of your home, you can reach a massive population of audience without having to depend on traditional methods. To amplify your presence on a larger scale, make Enhanced Brand Content – Click, traffic, all fall in place.
Amazon Enhance Brand Content – Currently known as the Amazon A Plus Content, it is a remarkable tool that reshapes and revamps ordinary information into a money-minting machine. If you have already entered the space of Amazon and your focus is not on listing right, nothing will work in your favour. Product listings are the mediums through which you can connect with the world. From titles, bullet points, descriptions and images, graphic designers and content writers do not merely pen down texts but create memories that stay for ages.
PPC management Australia – Sponsored ads are the cornerstone in achieving maximum visibility and traffic. It is super tricky to manage such a dynamic tool to its fullest potential. Even one mistake can cost you a fortune. To make a difference in the land of Australia, managing paid mediums is crucial. What you lack is expertise and knowledge. Partner with agencies which will give you the edge over other competitors.
Embark on this wholesome journey with leading experts – See the difference.
Keyword mastery – Keyword analysts know the relevant keywords that align with the brand and its vision.
Ads set up – Start with freshly curated campaigns like Sponsored Products, Brands and Displays to speed up the revenue.
Accurate budgeting – Experts will not let your money go to waste by using the budget for profitable campaigns to accelerate sales.
Report and analysis –  Experts use Amazon’s first-party insights and advanced software on a weekly and monthly basis to identify areas of improvement, making ads more effective.
What are the variety of Amazon consulting services?
Brand presence – Even before you enter this space, they know how to place you perfectly. They study the trends and contemplate every aspect of both the international and local marketplace.
Product launch – Launch the products at the right time and right place.
Keyword and competitor analysis – Know what others are doing, the pricing insights and make the best move manoeuvre before they do.
Data-driven approach and expertise – Trust your capacity to drive your brands to unprecedented heights.
Travel across the uncharted waters of the Amazon smoothly with a team of specialists who have already crossed the oceans to reach the shore of success. They act as catalysts to create magic in Amazon. Specialists are the true guides in this dense jungle of complicated twists and turns. Move in the right direction and don’t get lost amid millions of sellers and vendors. Stand apart from the crowd and create your unique identity.
source: https://amazonseoservices.com/achieve-unlimited-sales-on-amazon-with-true-guidance/
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idigitizellp21 · 2 years
P P C Advertising And Its Impressive Benefits
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What does PPC stand for?
PPC is Pay-Per-Click Advertising where an advertiser is charged only when someone clicks on the advertisement online. Once the ad is clicked the advertiser decides where the audience must be guided to, either the website landline page or the app store for a download. This kind of advertising ensures targeted visits to your end goal giving you quality leads for your business.
Astonishing facts about PPC:
PPC advertising is also widely known as Google AdWords.
You can literally run a PPC campaign of different shapes and sizes. You can use a healthy amalgamation of text, graphics or even a video.
PPC advertisements reach social media platforms, websites, and search engine results.
Search engine advertising is a form of PPC advertising where an advertiser can bid for their business keywords to stay on top of the search engine.
How does PPC work?
Every platform has a different user experience and has a different way an ad will be displayed but the process to start a PPC ad campaign remains the same as below:
Choose your campaign type based on your company objectives.
Set your targeted audience. Additionally, you can also drill down deeper to devices, locations, timing etc.
Set your campaign budgets and bidding strategy.
Add your destination URL (landing page/app download link).
Start your PPC ad campaign.
Top 6 impressive PPC advertising benefits:
Cost-effective Advertising: Pay-per-click advertising campaigns empower you to have ultimate control over your advertising budgets. Additionally, it allows you to control nitty-gritty like your targeted audience set and ad placements. Once your Google AdWords campaign commences and is optimized you’re sure to get some quick desired results. With our PPC advertising services, you’ll only pay for clicks and never for ad impressions or reach with a fully controllable budget.
Expect Instant traffic: As a fact, organic marketing efforts are channelised towards getting your website pages on the first page of a Google search whereas, PPC advertising placements are already present – hence we recommend you take advantage of this and allow your business to grow. Also, organically trying to rank 1 for your business keywords is a gradual process. At times you need that instant boost to your business that’s when PPC advertising comes to your rescue.
Generates positive ROI: PPC Advertising is easy to measure and hence alterable. We as a digital marketing service provider believe in trying out different strategies and plans until we reach what’s best for your business.
PPC advertising is independent of algorithm changes: Content marketing and SEO results get highly affected by an algorithm change. Therefore, a PPC ad campaign not only offers more stability but also ensures sustainable results. Due to the independent nature of a Google AdWords campaign, you can easily derive future campaign results from current ad performance.
Offers In-depth target audience options: A PPC ad campaign uses an audience matrix like age, location, and interest allowing you to target your particular audience set locally and globally as per the need of the business.
Robust campaign analytics: Even better, as you experiment with which strategy fits your business needs and goals in a PPC campaign, you’ll be able to see what kind of users respond to your campaigns. Additionally, which platforms they use is also captured. This helps you judge which platforms you need to optimise for the best results. For example, if you’re selling baby clothes you might infer that you’re getting more clicks from not only young parents but also grandparents through Instagram advertising. So you know where to put your money.
Summing up:
Once your Google AdWords campaign is live, Questions like where and when your ad appears, and how much cost you incur for a single click will all be analysed on the bases of your budget, bid, campaign settings, and the quality of your ad.
PPC advertising has proven to be not only reliable but also a profitable medium of advertising for many B2B’s, B2C’s, nonprofit organisations, and other companies seeking swift and qualitative leads. Considering all the above benefits PPC? Google AdWords offers a low-risk factor and hence we recommend you check it out.
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snakedocmarketing · 2 years
How to Create and Run Successful Paid Ads Online
Introduction: Paid ads can be a great way to reach your target audience and grow your business. However, if you're not sure how to set up and run successful paid ads, you're in for a difficult journey. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about setting up and running successful paid ads online. We'll also show you how to find the right ad network and planner for your needs, so that you can focus on what's important—growing your business.
How to Create and Run Successful Paid Ads Online.
A paid ad is an advertisement that is paid for by a company or organization to reach a target audience. Paid ads can be in print, online, or television.
What Types of Ads Can You Create
There are many different types of ads you can create to get your site seen by a paying audience. You can use text, graphics, videos, and social media to create your ads.
How to Create a Good Paid Ads Strategy
When creating yourpaidadsstrategy, it’s important to focus on the following:
1) Your target audience
2) The message you want to send
3) The format of your ad
4) The budget you have available
5) Your time constraints
How to Get Started in Paid Ads.
It’s easy to get started in paid advertising. All you need is a website and some basic marketing skills. To start, you can search for paid advertising campaigns on Google AdWords or other online ad platforms. Once you find an appropriate campaign, you’ll need to set up your account and place ads.
To make the most of your paid advertising efforts, be sure to keep track of your results and continue to improve your strategy as needed. You can also use paid advertising tools like Crazy huh? to measure how well your ads are performing and make changes as needed.
Tips for Successful Paid Ads.
Start by learning about the different types of paid advertising and how to use them to reach your target audience. Once you have a general understanding of how to use paid advertising, it’s time to start creating ads that will work.
Use paid advertising to reach your target audience in a way that is most relevant and effective. Make sure your ad content is interesting and informative, and that you target people who are likely to be interested in what you have to offer.
Monitor your results and continue to improve your paid advertising strategy as needed. By following these tips, you will be on your way to becoming a successfulpaid advertiser.
Paid advertising can be a great way to reach a larger audience and boost sales. However, it's important to take some time to prepare your listing and promotional strategy before you get started. By optimizing your product listing for SEO, creating attractive photos, and pricing your products competitively, you can give yourself the best chance for success. Promoting your products through social media, influencers, and other marketing channels can also help you reach more potential customers. By monitoring your sales and making necessary adjustments, you can ensure that your business is successful in the long run.
0 notes
Dancing In The Dark
It had been years since Six the Musical went dark.
The queens had since moved on with their lives:
Catherine had finally gone back home. The oldest queen took the funds given to her by the Spanish government and settled back in her home from way back when, unrecognizable at first but eventually found to be familiar. She had intended to live alone, not wanting to influence anyone else’s decisions about the next chapter in their lives, but of course Maria refused to be anywhere else but her mistress’ side. Catherine Parr, somewhat surprisingly, joined her, and the trio settled down in a comfortable estate and started up their own non-profit to help combat illiteracy for womxn around the world.
Anne Boleyn had immediately approached Maggie to live with her in France, offering her a chance to start up a new type of performance art: livestreaming on Twitch and posting blogs on YouTube. The duo became wildly popular online, filming anything from travel blogs to personal monologues to wacky edits that went viral as soon as they were published. Anne also worked closely with women’s shelters to help women affected by domestic violence get back on their feet.
Surprisingly, Anne and Maggie were not alone in the neighborhood: right next door was Jane Seymour and Joan Muertas, with some of the most successful baking and craft videos on the internet. Jane had expressed an interest in leaving England altogether long before the show ended, and once it did, she jumped at the opportunity to go anywhere but there. Anne and Jane’s friendship had come a long way since the start, and now the two were constantly collaborating, constantly working together as much as possible, the unstoppable duo of the internet being able to support themselves, their ladies, and their shared need to support women’s shelters.
Anna of Cleves had, naturally, been one of the more adventurous queens post-show, taking Bessie with her on a trip around the world before they both settled down in Germany. Bessie became Anna’s executive assistant at her fashion company, which was dedicated to creating fashionable wardrobes for womxn of all shapes, sizes, and budgets. Their company grew to become one of the most successful brands in the world, and Anna found herself sitting on a throne of her own making.
This left the fifth queen, Katherine Howard, who had decided to do something surprising: not only to stay in London, but to work at the Tower of London, of all places. At first, the other queens objected, and all offered (some begged) Katherine to come with them elsewhere. Katherine, though, always felt a pull to her death place, always felt connected to it ever since she returned. She had decided that it was where she belonged, morbidly enough, and she strived to not only overcome her fears, but to help others do so as well. She told her story to the world as the most popular tour guide in the Tower and then campaigned to strengthen laws and regulations regarding sexual assault and child exploitation, helping children around the world to never be in the place she once was. She became a beacon of hope for many around the world, dedicating her life to the cause with the Tower of London now her home away from home.
This led to present day, where Katherine was getting ready for the biggest fundraising gala of the year: the Howard Banquet.
The Howard Banquet was named after Katherine herself, who would bring in hundreds of millions of dollars to be split amongst charities worldwide. It took up much of her attention for the past few months to plan the yearly event, with celebrities and the best of people invited to celebrate the importance of the charities involved and to help campaign for better and more accessible resources around the world. It was to be done at the Pavilion at the Tower of London, as it always was, as a nod to Katherine’s own history.
The red carpet was set out and Katherine was the first to enter the building, going through the press line and meeting with some board of directors. Her flowing dark pink dress was a highlight, and she smiled brightly as she explained it was made by Cleves Designs, per usual. As she continued into the venue, her friends from the Tower of London soon joined her, and the party started.
She was enjoying herself on the dance floor when she suddenly stops, feeling… weird. Something in the back of her head was telling her to look around, that something was there… and sure enough, there was.
A woman in a dark yellow and black dress walked through the outskirts of the dancing, and Katherine barely saw her. Her hair was up in her signature ponytail, though, curly locks bouncing as she tried to swiftly move through the crowd. Even with the darkened room and strobe lights, Katherine saw the girl look for her out of the corner of her eye, eyes widen, then try to move faster through the crowd, towards the open bar.
Target acquired.
Katherine instantly was on the move, going straight past everyone else, ignoring the questioning calls from her friends as she beelined straight to the accelerating person. Just before the girl turned a corner, Katherine was suddenly in front of her, narrowing her eyes.
“... Maria?”
Maria de Salinas was trying to look everywhere but Katherine at the moment, even though she was cornered. She looked to her left, and Katherine followed. She looked to her right, Katherine moved right into her eyeline. Finally, Maria simply decided to look at the corner, and Katherine actually wedged herself between the wall and Maria to get the girl to look at her. 
“Maria!!!” Katherine says, smiling brightly. “Come on, I know you can see me!”
Maria sighed, shaking her head, before she looked right at Katherine.
“Ohhh, Katherine!” She says, giving a small smile. “Fancy seeing you here!”
“Yeah-huh,” Katherine replies, raising an eyebrow and not at all hiding the smirk on her face. “In my own gala? That is named after me?”
Maria scrambles for an answer.
“Funny coincidence, eh?”
Katherine stares at her for a moment more before throwing herself into Maria’s arms. Maria laughs, holding her tightly, swinging her around before Katherine continues to talk, not letting go of Kat’s hands.
“Why are you here?!?” Katherine asks. “Did they ask you to perform? They didn’t tell me the singing list, that wasn’t my department this year, but-”
“Shh, Kat, no I’m not part of the band,” Maria replies. “I’m just here.”
Katherine tilts her head. “Alone?”
Maria blinks. “Yeah.”
Katherine narrows her eyes again. “No, you’re not.”
Maria raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“You callin’ me a liar, Kitty-Kat?”
“Where is she?”
“Dunno who you’re talking about, babes.”
Katherine is still not buying it.
“You’re never too far apart, she’s definitely here.”
“Don’t know anyone by that name, nope.”
“Wot?!?” Katherine asks, and Maria laughs loudly.
“Listen, even if I knew where they were-”
But Maria realizes her mistake too late.
“THEY?!?” Katherine yells, so loudly it’s clear over the music and everyone stares. “THEY are here?!?”
Maria definitely realizes that she had said too much, and she mock-zips up her lips and refuses to budge afterwards, winking at the girl before rushing off. Katherine tries to follow, but Maria is lost in the crowd.
Kat huffs, annoyed, but not deterred.
She knows that Maria was headed towards the tables, so she casually wanders over there, trying to look the least suspicious possible. She sees Maria lock eyes with her across the way, then heads back towards the bar…
… but that doesn’t make sense, considering the lady was going for a drink, she assumes for Catherine and Cathy. Maria is definitely leading her astray.
With a smirk, Katherine takes her phone out and texts Cathy:
[Text: Parr] I know you’re here.
Katherine scans the room, waiting to see if there’s anyone around that opens their phone. She looks around long enough to get a reply:
[Text: Parr] Not sure what you mean, babes.
Katherine scoffs at that; she’s definitely here. No way she’s not. 
She wanders around the table section, keeping a close eye on who is sitting and her surroundings: there’s not much rhyme or reason to the people around her, so she goes one by one, looking for anything 
There’s a person in a tux.
There’s the host of the evening.
There’s a guy with a service dog.
There’s eight women with their backs turned to her trying to avoid being caught.
There’s a group of women from the shelter.
There’s a family receiving an award tonight.
She goes back to the third from last group, narrowing her eyes once again. There’s a woman in a gorgeous dark yellow dress, similar to Maria’s but a bit more lavish, golden jewelry complimenting the outfit. There’s a woman in a long, green dress, sleeves included. There’s a third woman in a black and white jumpsuit. There’s a fourth woman in a maroon tux. There’s a fifth woman in a blue suit. And finally, there are three women in dresses similar to the one in green, the one in black and white, and the one in red.
And all of them are absolutely refusing to look in any direction.
Again, the girl makes a beeline towards her target, avoiding even Maria’s call. When she gets close, she can hear them talking.
“Do you think she saw us?” Asks the girl in blue.
“I doubt it, there’s so many people here,” the woman in yellow says.
“I don’t know, she already caught Maria, I bet she’s definitely looking for Catherine,” says the woman in red.
“Maybe we should huddle up around her?” the one in black and white asks. “Might be easier to hide you.”
Katherine steps up and gently pushes her way into the group.
“Yeah, that might work,” Katherine says, as calmly as possible. “Maybe you should just call Maria back, might work.”
“Good idea, Kit-” the green dress lady says, but then she gasps.
The collective scream from the queens and ladies in the circle is enough to shock everyone around them.
Katherine is instantly embraced by the queens, laughing as they all take turns saying hello. She can barely speak with how excited she is, bouncing on her toes as she talks excitedly.
“You’re all here?!?” she asks, bouncing more and more and more. “Why are you all here?!?”
“We were invited,” Jane replies with a massive grin. “By your foundation. It was supposed to be a surprise, but, well…” Jane shrugs.
Maria happens upon them then, sighing playfully before she gently puts a hand on Katherine’s shoulder, causing Katherine to moreso bounce faster but not as big as before in place.
“I’m sorry, I thought I could sneak past her,” Maria says with a chuckle. “She’s too good at this.”
“I just! It’s been forever since last, and I miss you all, and-!” Katherine says, right before she goes for another hug to the most close person - Maggie this time, who welcomes the affection. “I missed you all a lot.”
Jane gently brings her girl into another hug. “We all missed you, too. And it was great fun catching up with everyone.”
Katherine nods happily, smiling so widely her face hurts. 
The rest of the evening, Katherine is never far away from her queens and ladies, dancing the night away. Even during the performances and the awards and the speeches, Katherine is arm in arm with at least one queen, clearly showing how much she missed them.
Towards the end of the night, Katherine and the others are outside, taking a breather in the warm night air, the Tower of London now a comforting sight behind them. 
“So, when’s the next time you lot will be around my neck of the woods?” Katherine asks, sipping on a glass of wine.
“Well, actually-” Maria starts, but Joan picks up.
“Jane and I are here for the next week,” she replies.
“Oh! Would you look at that?” Bessie says, looking at her smirking queen. “We’re the same.”
“Snap,” Maggie replies. “Anne and I are here for that long, too.”
“And us!” Maria finally gets in. “Cathy, Catalina and I are hanging out for the week.”
Katherine’s jaw straight drops.
“You’re… you’re all here? For the week?”
When they nod… well, Katherine tears up.
“Oh, love, I’m sorry,” Anna says, grabbing a napkin to help Katherine dry her eyes. “Is that too much?”
Jane is immediately at her side, a hand on her girl’s back, but when Katherine looks up, she’s smiling. They’re happy tears.
“I just! It’s been forever, and now I have you lot for the full week!” Katherine says, laughing loudly. “I just… I love you guys, you know that right?”
“Awww, Kit!” Anne says, moving to hug her cousin. “It’s okay. We’re here for the next week. For whatever you want.”
Katherine smiles brightly, nodding happily.
“I think this’ll be the best week ever!”
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momentofmemory · 4 years
FICTOBER 2020 - day nine
Prompt #9: “Will you look at this?”
Fandom: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Characters: Michelle Jones, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds
Words: 1650
Author’s Note: Michelle’s in charge of AcaDec, which really shouldn’t be that much responsibility—except, of course, it is. Set a couple months post-HOCO, spring semester. Michelle POV.
>> i promise i’ll promise
“What is the melting point of mercury?”
Charles’s bell rings instantly, and its sound waves have hardly have the chance to make it to the back wall and bounce back before he’s following it with his answer. “Negative thirty-eight point eight celsius, or negative thirty-seven point nine Fahrenheit. Or two hundred thirty-four point three Kelvin. Or—”
“Correct,” MJ says, forestalling any further commentary. “No points. What does the term ‘amensalism’ refer to in—”
“Wait, rewind?”
MJ glances up over her notes at Charles.
“I got it right,” he says, “so why don’t I get points for it?”
Michelle sighs, blowing a stray piece of hair away from her face. She writes an extra study note next to his name. “The melting point of mercury is negative thirty-eight point eight, but if you'd paid attention to your flashcards, you’d know the Basic Guide says it’s positive six hundred and fifty degrees celsius. Presumably because they confused it with magnesium. So, the answer you should give is positive six hundred and fifty degrees celsius.”
Michelle doesn’t bother looking up when no one responds—the silence communicates her team’s confusion all on its own.
She flips to the next card.
“Soooooo.” It’s Betty’s voice this time. “You want us to give the wrong answer on purpose?”
“Does your textbook still describe Columbus arriving in America as discovering a new land instead of starting a mass genocide?”
“Great, so now that we’ve established we’re cool with lying for grades, next question. Amensalism. Any takers?”
Charles’s previous enthusiasm for the bell must have evaporated, because her question is once again met with silence.
“The correct answer is ‘a relationship between species that harms one with no effect on the other,’” Michelle says. Then she gathers up the cards and straightens them by tapping the deck against the table. “We’re done with practice questions for today; break for individual study. And for the future, please cross-reference your answers and if you come across one that’s incorrect, memorize both the correct and stated answer and let me know about it for the record.”
The seven students on the stage just stare at her.
“So like.” MJ gestures towards the study tables. “Dismissed.”
She watches them slink off the stage and set up around the room, some in clusters of two and others preferring to study alone. Mr. Harrington’s out sick and the teacher that’s supposed to be helping is… incompetent, judging by the fact that she’s been snoring for the last fifteen minutes, so that just leaves Michelle in charge today.
It’s not a great day for that.
MJ sighs again, then swipes the Music Basic Guide off the desk and walks over to where Ned’s texting furiously in the far corner.
Ned doesn’t seem to notice her. MJ reaches out over the table and then abruptly drops the book, which is considerably hefty, directly in front of him with a loud bang.
“Whoa!” Ned jerks upright. “Hi?”
MJ nods towards the phone. “That Peter?”
“Uh.” He tilts the phone away, suddenly very interested in her not seeing the screen. “Yeah. He uh, he said he’s on his way.”
“He always says that,” Michelle says. “Tell him MJ says that she’s highly aware of his growing absences—not in like, a creepy stalker kinda way—but in a she will literally kick him out of AcaDec kinda way. We only have nine spots and we need them all at one hundred percent if we’re going to win this year.”
“Good thing I’m here then!”
MJ turns just in time to see Peter, red-faced and breathless, slide into the seat next to her.
He drops his book bag onto the table—the noise once again startling Ned—and then has the audacity to ask, “Did I miss anything?”
She stares at him. “You’re half an hour late, Peter.”
“Which is still earlier than I was yesterday—”
“You realize that makes your argument worse, right?”
“—and Ned filled me in on pretty much everything, so, no need to backtrack for me.”
MJ pins Ned under the weight of her stare. “Oh he did, did he?”
Ned doesn’t even have the decency to look guilty about it, though he does shove his phone in his pocket awfully quickly. “You know what, now that we’ve established that I’m a great friend and teammate, I’m going to be even better and get us some snacks.”
Michelle’s eyes widen. “Ned, wait—”
“I’ll just run to the vending machine and back, don’t wait for me to get started!”
Ned then grabs his bag and is headed out of the room before she or Peter can get a word in, leaving both of them alone.
Michelle folds her arms on the table and lays her head in her hands, and groans.
Peter, mercifully and uncharacteristically, is quiet. After a few moments she hears his chair scrape against the linoleum floor as he finds a more comfortable position, and then the sound of the zipper on his backpack as he pulls out his study cards.
Michelle closes her eyes and ignores all the things she needs to fix, and probably all the eyes that’re pretending not to stare.
“So,” Peter says, somehow almost immediately after her heart stops pounding in her ears, “wrong answers, huh?”
“So many.” MJ drags her head back up and draws patterns on the table with her finger. “Or at least three, I guess. There’s probably more I haven’t found yet.”
“Still, the fact that you noticed them at all is really cool,” Peter says. “You’re good at detail stuff.”
“Or maybe just good at finding bullshit.” MJ chances a quick glance over at the sub to make sure she didn’t hear that. Mrs. Haney, predictably, is still asleep. “But I shouldn’t have had to find them at all. The USAD started charging for study materials this year instead of just handing out the topics, and the price was—a lot. Midtown’s already facing budget cuts, so they didn’t love the idea of spending money on a club run by a sophomore.”
Peter highlights a phrase on one of his cards before writing it down in his notebook. “But you got them, right? That’s got to count for something.”
“Yeah, until I found out they were a complete waste.”
“Complete might be an exaggeration—”
“Well, they’re not good enough!”
Peter pauses halfway through writing a sentence and turns his full attention to her, and it’s—a little nerve-wracking.
“I just—” Michelle grasps for words, then settles by dumping out the flashcards she’d made with the highlighted errors. “Will you look at this disaster? Switching up the melting point of a metal isn’t just a typo; it’s lazy. And easy to miss. We’re going to have to fact check practically everything in the books because there’s no way of knowing where the mistakes are, and who knows if they’re going to quiz us on the right answers or the wrong ones. They just… they charged all this money and they don’t even care who it hurts, because they still get what they wanted.”
“Amensalism,” Peter says.
“Wow, Ned really did tell you everything.”
Peter grins, and Michelle tries very studiously to ignore the way his smile makes her feel a little softer inside. “He’s a very efficient texter.”
MJ rolls her eyes. Peter doesn’t seem bothered.
“I just.  Liz chose me for this.” Michelle shrugs, picking at her cuticles. “And since she’s… I just feel like I owe it to her to do it right.”
Peter rubs idly at his wrists, suddenly uninterested in meeting her eyes. “Yeah. I get that.”
For once, despite his hesitancy, Michelle can tell he’s not lying.
It’s a nice change of pace.
Then she awkwardly fist bumps his shoulder and concentrates, intellectually, on how infuriating his flakiness and normal lying-ness is.
He is a disaster. And not interested.
She doesn’t need this kind of distraction.
“Anyway,” she says, abandoning her thoughts and pulling into a stretch, “it’s already done, so. I have to make this work somehow. I’ll figure it out.”
Except, there’s so much work to do already. Student profiles with strengths and weaknesses demarcated, logistics of traveling together for meets, a study plan complete with alternates, a recruiting strategy for next year, and not to mention all the drills she needs to run. Maybe an angry letter campaign to the USAD board while she’s at it.
Peter clears his throat. “Maybe I could help?”
Given his previous participation in AcaDec it is, quite possibly, one of the last things she’d expected him to say.
“I could go through the physics section pretty quickly,” he says, “and Ned can take economics, and—”
“Peter,” she says, still  recovering from the surprise of his offer, “you can’t even make it to practice on time and now you’re promising to do extra work?”
Peter has the decency to wince. “Okay, well. Yeah, that’s fair.”
“Yeah.” Michelle squares her shoulders, and resigns herself to the mountain of undeserved work. “But thanks for—”
“How about I just promise to help now? Since I am here?”
Once again, more staring.
“And then next time I’m here,” he continues, “I’ll just promise again.”
It’s utterly ridiculous, but he’s also utterly sincere.
“So you’re.” MJ frowns at him. “Promising to promise?”
“Yes, that.”
“…Huh.” Michelle squints at him. “You’re full of surprises, Parker.”
His eyes grow wide in that way that always makes her think, maybe. And then that stupid grin returns and makes her think a whole lot of other things.
“And one of those surprises is a highly informed understanding of physics.” Peter makes a ‘gimme’ motion with his hand. “Wanna give it a try?”
Michelle looks at him, and how genuinely earnest he is about the whole thing.
“Yeah,” she says slowly, opening the Math guide to the appropriate section. She scoots closer. “We can try.”
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realtimereports · 4 years
Creating An Automated Report In Word - Principal Toolbox 9.5
How I Automated My Daily Progress Report As A Software ...
Table of ContentsAutomated Reports - Jotform'Automated Writing': Implications For Digital Communicators ...Automated Journalism – Ai Applications At New York Times ...Quill - Narrative ScienceCan You Tell The Difference Between A Robot And A Stock ...
As online marketers in 2020, there's one significant thing that we share: We're driven by information. Despite whether we're copywriters, social media supervisors, videographers, or web designers, data is key to helping us determine which jobs are successful, which methods may need more of a spending plan, and which methods we need to leave behind.
Even if you have an analytics software application that tracks a campaign's traffic, engagements, ROI, and other KPIs, you'll likely still require to take some time to arrange these numbers, evaluate them, and create a reasonable method to report on your projects to your group or customers. In the past, marketing companies and companies charged full-timers with reporting-related responsibilities. real time reports.
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Top use cases in automated report writingphrazor.ai
This is an issue that my Cleveland-based marketing company, PR 20/20, encountered a couple of years back. As part of our procedure, we produce monthly efficiency reports for each of our customers. When we produce them, we pull the information from HubSpot and Google Analytics. Then, we compose a report to describe the information to our colleagues, clients, and task stakeholders.
However, although they were assisting our customers, creating them was holding our team back. While our clients found the reports important, the procedure of pulling the data, examining it, and preparing the reports easily took five hours per customer, per month. This took our marketers far from tasks that might have been productive in the long run, such as conceptualizing new concepts and techniques that could visibly assist their customers.
Automated Reporting With R Markdown
Whenever you're trying to explore or implement a brand-new technique, you'll wish to look into the subject completely. For example, you'll want to recognize your budget and after that look into software application that suits it. You'll likewise wish to determine the advantages and disadvantages of any software you think about. This will help you better acquaint yourself with the world of AI and which tools can actually help you.
Prior to choosing that we desired to improve our reporting method, we 'd been researching AI through resources at our Marketing AI Institute. The Institute is a media company that aims to make AI more friendly for online marketers. time reports. Because we launched the business, we have actually published more than 400 short articles on AI in marketing.
2 billion. After learning about how AI had already streamlined lots of marketing-related procedures, we chose to explore how automation and expert system could help us with our clients at PR 20/20. We ended up being consumed with how smarter technology could increase earnings and lower costs. While doing so, we discovered natural language generation (NLG) innovation that wrote plain English automatically.
You've encountered NLG anytime you have actually used Gmail's Smart Compose function. Or, when you hear Amazon's Alexa react to your voice inquiries. As soon as we discovered a possibly practical NLG software, we decided to run an experiment to see if the AI technology might partly or fully automate our efficiency report writing procedure.
Dream Report For Hmi Panels - Automated Data Collection ...
Now, the next action is to browse for software that works for your company. Here are a couple of things you'll need to consider: You'll want to consider the expense of any of the software application's memberships or costs, as well as the cost to implement it. For example, you might require to contract or employ an engineer to prepare your information and take any actions to ensure the software works smoothly.
Make certain to comprehend what you'll require to do if something isn't working effectively so you do not sustain any emergency costs. As a marketer, you will not want to rely on a full-time engineer to utilize AI software application to run your reports. You'll wish to purchase software that your less tech-savvy staff member can ultimately get trained on and discover. time reports.
As you select software, you'll likewise want to locate case research studies, reviews, or user testimonials that explain how a company used the software to run reports or complete a similar activity. This will provide you an idea of if the item you're considering has a good track record or credibility in the AI software application industry.
Here are two highly-regarded examples: Domo is a data visualization and reporting tool that integrates with significant data and analytics platforms including Google Analytics. When you link these platforms, you can use a control panel to set up and generate data visualizations or reports for your customers. These visualizations include pie charts, other graphs, and word clouds.
Manual Reports Vs. Report Automation & Scheduling Tools
The platform offers guides on how to produce datasets or spreadsheets that its algorithms will recognize as well as a drag and drop guide which asks you to submit specific info such as "Monthly Budget plan." Here's a quick demo that shows Domo in action: This reporting software application permits you to generate reports or reporting control panels that your group and clients can edit and cross-collaborate on.
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Sales Reporting 101: Here's Everything ...propellercrm.com
Aside from data visualizations, you can likewise include boxes to your control panels that reveal you scorecards that note whether you're hitting your goals or not, in addition to filters that assist you drill down on particular aspects of your task. Here's a demo explaining how small companies such as nonprofits can take advantage of the software application's dashboard reporting features: Despite which product you pick, you'll likely require to prepare your data in a manner that your software application's robotic or algorithm could quickly acknowledge and analyze - automatic report.
Plecto ApS
Address: Viby Ringvej 11, 1 tv
Phone: +45 71 99 71 60
Real-time insights
The software application needed structured information in columns and rows to generate text. So, first, we had to pull HubSpot and Google Analytics information into spreadsheets. Because doing this manually would take excessive time and limit the potential time conserved with automation, we utilized APIs and constructed our own algorithm using Google Apps Scripts to pull information into a Google Sheet.
We understood NLG software application would be unlikely to deal with entirely custom-made reports well. So, we developed a design template for these reports that didn't alter every month. To produce a format for each report, we determined a set of 12 common questions we were trying to address for clients monthly: Just how much traffic concerned your site, and how does that compare to the previous month? In 2015? How engaged was last month's site traffic? What were the top traffic-driving channels? Was there fluctuation in general traffic, and if so, what caused it? How did the blog site carry out last month? How engaged was blog site traffic? What were the top-performing article? Were there any modifications in blog traffic last month, and if so, what triggered them? The number of objectives or new contacts were generated last month? What were the top transforming pages? Where did objectives or brand-new contacts originate? Was there any modification in overall goals or lead volume, and if so, what was responsible? A great AI software will either permit you to develop files or even dashboards, as your reports.
04 Instant Asbestos Survey Report In Your Format - Start Software
When we 'd structured our data and developed a basic report format, we had to translate our basic report format into an NLG template. The design template was basically a completed version of an efficiency report. When the NLG software runs, this report gets copied into the NLG software application. Then rules are applied to the copy to programmatically update what's written based upon the structured data offered.
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Search Funded Research Grants And Contracts - Details
Table of ContentsAutomated Sports Journalism. The Anafut Case Study, The Bot ...Writetolearn - A Web-based Ai-automated Writing Scoring ...Dawn Of The Intelligently Automated Agency - Pr 20/20Automated Writing Evaluation - Excelsior College OwlGuide To Automated Journalism - Academic Commons
The last output might be a CSV, Word, or Google Doc file. Even if you're working with a trustworthy AI software, you'll still want to check it and fix any problems that emerge. This avoids any AI-related occurrences from happening when the tool is actively being utilized by workers or on tight deadlines.
Plecto ApS
Address: Viby Ringvej 11, 1 tv
Phone: +45 71 99 71 60
Real-time insights
And we ultimately perfected the process to regularly produce clear, precise automated efficiency reports. If a software application company that you work with deals a trial or discount rate for testing out their product, leverage it. This will permit you to witness first-hand if the expense of the item outweighs its advantages, or give you time to determine if there is a preferable item that you need to be utilizing - time reports.
When you do this, here are a couple of things that you'll wish to examine: The amount of time that the software is saving workers, or if there were any bugs, just how much time the software application cost. The amount of other efficient or revenue-generating tasks your group was able to get done with the extra time you had.
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Sales Reporting 101: Here's Everything ...propellercrm.com
As we tracked our brand-new automated efficiency reports, we discovered that our tools took a portion of the time to produce the very same report that we took hours to create. Furthermore, the level of information in our client reports is now constant throughout all accounts. Prior to we carried out AI tools, the reports were only as strong as the account team's convenience level of analyzing marketing efficiency reports.
Study Report Writer - Synchrogenix
The only handbook part of the process now involves spot-checking the data for precision, applying some styling, and after that sending out. real-time progress reporting. What when took us five hours per report now takes 10 minutes. While the original process needed to be managed by multiple teammates, only one employee is needed for spot-checking.
Although our team has the ability to gain access to AI companies and specialists for our in-office experiments, other little service online marketers can likewise benefit from this strategy rather economically. Nevertheless, bear in mind that AI execution can take some time. For us, we required to put time into developing structured datasets, along with our Report design template so that our AI software application could read our analytics and draft reports correctly.
Complete info, faster conclusions, and much better decision-making digital-era success hinges on them (automatic reporting). However an organization with a single version of the reality, spreadsheets filled with accurate information, is still a couple of rungs brief of success. One reason: management needs easy-to-digest reports that translate the numbers. That tends to lead to cleaner interpretations and crisper decision-making.
These items drill-down into ab organization's database and auto-produce easy-to-understand, written reports from the very same information that Microsoft Excel utilizes to create graphics. Some of these relatively brand-new AI tools also known as natural language generation, or NLG, software application are variations of the exact same technology that helps major media companies produce computer-written news products.
Top Use Cases In Automated Report Writing - Phrazor
Anna Schena, a senior item manager at Story Science, another AI-generated composing toolmaker, states that "data storytelling" indicates users do not have to discover how to evaluate spreadsheets or glean insights from long rows of control panel dials. "Easy-to-understand language and one-click cooperation features ensure that everybody in a business really comprehends the data, all the time," Schena says.
States Sharon Daniels, CEO of Arria: "NLG-driven, multi-dimensional stories are the advancement that [data-generated] visuals were years back. The big data issue was partially addressed with the development of organization intelligence dashboards," she discusses. "However while visuals paint a picture, they're not the complete image." Adds Daniels: "The ability to gain access to key details in near real-time communicated as if written
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rrtot077 · 8 months
Mastering the Art of Social Media Advertising
When marketers think of promoting their businesses digitally, social media advertising plays a key role. As it is a form of digital marketing, it helps businesses and marketers reach out to more targeted audiences. Hence, we can understand it in a way. In today’s time, when most of our generation connects to social media handles, it is possible to reach out to people and give our messages to them. It is the most prominent work of social media advertising. Let’s get into a comprehensive guide to understand it more deeply and correctly. 
When planning social media advertising for your business, company, or products, you should take care of the campaign, target audience, campaign creatives, social media platforms, and, most importantly, the budget and success metrics of the campaign.
Campaign Overview– Considering a successful campaign is equally significant as considering necessary details, including the campaign name, present purpose, and future goals. And will benefit your company. Through campaign organisation, your company can increase your social media following so that you can bring more and more people to your social media handles. That will increase future sales and the chances of driving more website traffic.
Target Audience-  The second important factor is to understand who your target audience is. For that, the analytics section of social media handles could work, as you can understand an audience and the type of content they like. Also, to create the best campaign and hit the right target, you can also publish sample campaigns on different social media platforms so that it works by clarifying what type of audience is right to target.
Preparing the creatives for campaigns- creative teams in campaigns should take care while creating text, images, and visuals. And try to understand what the audience mostly likes on that particular social media handle.
Choosing the right social media platforms- a company should make a clear decision about what type of business and audience to target so that it is easy to choose what social media platform to use, particularly. Not all platforms target every business category. 
Making use of influencer marketing – In today’s technologically evolving world, most of the audience is connected to their favourite influencers What you can do is try to find suitable influencers who can work for your targeted business and attract your targeted audience towards your business As a result, it can change your audience into buyers or subscribers. 
SEO services in the UAE.
After choosing the best digital marketing agency, you should always look for an agency that provides Best SEO services as well. It should work in coordination with factors like keyword research so that the company can rank at the top. It should provide on-page and technical SEO, which helps optimise meta and schema. It should deliver the best content creation and generate 100 percent genuine backlinks, which will help provide and keep records of every single piece of data. 
Benefits of Social Media Advertising in Dubai
Dubai stands out as the priority of people who want to increase its social media advertising. In Dubai, 99 percent of the population is a social media user, and with increasing technological influence in the industries. Let’s see what benefits businesses get from setting up social media advertising in Dubai.  
Targeting a multicultural audience.
The foremost advantage of social media advertising in Dubai is that we can reach a multicultural audience with various backgrounds residing and working there. When it comes to targeting the right audience, different businesses are set to target different audiences, for instance, tourists, residents, and immigrants.
Increasing brand awareness 
Secondly, when businesses think about setting up social media marketing campaigns, it will connect the company with a targeted audience and create a recognizable identity. By building a relationship with the audience through set videos, images, and campaigns, businesses can set their brand reputations and gain a competitive increase in their budget and profits.
Attracting  and engaging with customers 
When businesses establish or perform successful campaigning, the third important part is actively responding to the feedback given by the targeting audience to build a healthy and trustworthy relationship by actively replying to messages, comments, and reviews.
Residing ahead of competitors 
Dubai, which is known for its technological advancement in the field of business, gives you a better opportunity to buy and see your competitors’ strategic mindset, and you can work on your own as well to get ahead of them. With this, you can stay connected with present digital scenarios, industry trends, future opportunities, and current consumer preferences. 
PPC management services agencies in Dubai.
     1.Ninja Promo- It is the top PPC agency that is best for blockchain and B2B promotion, with a certified Google 5-star rating. It also has its headquarters and offices in Dubai, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York, and Vilnius.
     2.Global Media Insight- It is for paid promotion, web design, SEM, and content development. It has a certified Google 4.5 rating. And set up industries in the technology, health, beauty, real estate, and travel sectors. It also has headquarters in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah.
     3.Mighty Warners- it is the best in digital promotion, website development, and content writing, with a certified Google 4.3 rating. And set up industries in the hospitality, healthcare, vet care, hospitality, real estate, logistics, finance, and tourism sectors. And had established its headquarters in Dubai.
     4.Prism Digital- It is the best in digital marketing, SEO, social media promotions, and web development, with a certified Google 4.7 rating. And set up industries in the healthcare, pharma, beauty, consumer goods, education, and technology sectors. It also has headquarters in Dubai, India, and Canada.
     5.Chain Reaction- It is best in pay-per-click promotions, SEO, SMM, video production, web development, and branding. With a certified Google 4.7 rating. And set up industries in the technology, food, and hospitality sectors. It also has headquarters in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Amman, and Riyadh.
     6.Digital Gravity- It is the best in digital promotions, UX/UI development, web development, and branding. With a certified Google 4.7 rating. And set up industries in the healthcare, automotive, manufacturing, education, consulting, technology, real estate, and hospitality sectors. It also has headquarters in Dubai.
 Some B2B lead Generation Companies in Dubai
     1.Belkin- It is a B2B agency that was established in 2017 and is currently working in almost 3 languages, with almost 75 percent of sales outsourcing, 15 percent of call centre service, and almost 5 percent each for email marketing and CRM consulting. It has headquarters in the US. The Belkin team serves in residential buildings and healthcare industries.
     2.Martal Group- It is the second-best B2B agency. It was established in 2009 and works in English, with almost 75 percent of sales outsourcing, 15 percent of email marketing, and 10 percent of call centre service. It has headquarters in Canada; it serves in advertising, business consulting, sales outsourcing, email marketing, and many other industries.
     3.Clience Technologies-  It is the third-best B2B agency, having been established in 2015, works in English as a major language with almost 40 percent to call centre service, 30 percent to sales outsourcing, 10 percent to advertising, 10 percent to direct marketing, and 10 percent to email marketing. It serves in advertising, digital strategy, sales outsourcing, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and many other industries.
     4.Division 50 – It is the fourth best B2B agency established in 2021 and works in English, Arabic, and French as a major language, with almost 40 percent of sales outsourcing, 15 percent of a business consultant, 15 percent of CRM consulting, 15 percent of email marketing, and 15 percent of pay per click. It serves industries like sales outsourcing and business consulting and has its headquarters in Dubai, UAE.
     5.Abacus Cambridge Partners- It is the fifth-best B2B industry, which was established in 2017 with almost 40 percent of ERP consulting and SI, 30 percent of call centre services, and 10 percent each in custom software development, customer services outsourcing, and sales outsourcing. It has its headquarters in London and offices in New York, Dubai, Lahore, Riyadh, Lahore, and Cairo, and serves customer software development, web development, and call centre industries.
     6.Lead Gen Dept- It is the sixth-best B2B agency established in 2019 and targets audiences in the UK, North America, and Europe. It works primarily in the English language, with almost 70 percent of sales outsourcing and 10 percent each in call centre service, email marketing and social media marketing. It has its headquarters in London, UK, and serves industries like Email Marketing, content marketing, advertising, etc.
By the end of this blog, you will have a clear idea about Social Media advertising its benefits, and strategies for social media advertising Also, with the growing technological advancement in Dubai and business setup, it is most likely that your social media advertising and business can get a boon and profits. Also, it is recommended to go through the best SEO companies in the Middle East, for example, Dot IT, Rocket Clicks, SEO Sherpa, USEO, Emirates Graphics, and GCC Marketing. 
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transorze123 · 4 years
Affliliate Link Building
Want to earn through affiliate marketing but not sure on how to start? Check this guide on how you can do affiliate link building – the correct way.Affiliate link building is like
commissioned sales
for the 21st century.
The concept is simple: With an affiliate marketing program, brands and businesses select leading influencers to promote a service or product by using a unique affiliate link.
Affiliate link building provides businesses an opportunity to earn additional sales through user-generated content. Profits are shared with influencers based on the number of links clicked or purchases made.
3 Benefits of Affiliate Link Building
Affiliate marketing is an effective way to gain exposure, drive traffic, boost conversions, and increase sales.
Let’s take a look at the three main reasons your business should be using
affiliate link building strategies.
1. Easy Tracking
Affiliate marketing tracking software monitors the affiliate program and tracks links. When your company joins an affiliate network, the network’s program tracks the numbers for you.
Being able to track the effectiveness of each campaign or influencer is an essential part of an effective affiliate marketing strategy.
Some affiliate marketing programs provide detailed reports based on different marketing tools used, such as text links or banners.
2. Targeted Ads
If your business is running an in-house affiliate program, you have the freedom to accept influencers to join your program based on their reach and relevance.When your business is partnered with an influencer through an affiliate network, there are steps in place to ensure that the influencer will reach your target audience through their content.
When an influencer creates new content using their affiliate link, their campaign (your advertisement) has the potential to reach your target audience in high volumes through channels like social media and the
influencer’s website.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
Affiliate link building can boost conversions and increase sales with minimum effort and investment.
When setting your business’s marketing budget, consider these four costs for affiliate marketing:
Will you be running an in-house program, or joining an affiliate network?
Running an in-house program may be more expensive and take more time initially, but is lower-cost in the long run.
It gives your business full control over every aspect of the affiliate program and enables you to communicate directly with your influencers.
Joining an affiliate network is much cheaper to begin with, but might not be as cost-effective in the long run, since the network itself does take a fee.This means a lot of the initial work is done for you, including selecting influencers, tracking, reports, and even issuing payments.
Whether you choose to run an in-house program or join a network, your affiliate marketing program will require creatives.
That is, graphics and images for banners, copy for
text links
, videos and flash content, and any other tools that your influencers may use to promote your service or product.
Product Feeds or Landing Pages
If you’re running an in-house program, provide a detailed product feed to your influencers, including product names and descriptions, prices, categories, and creatives associated with the product.
The product feed serves as a resource for influencers when they’re preparing a new campaign.
If your business is selling a service or has a limited number of products, another option is to set up a unique landing page for each influencer.
Program Management & Compensation
Your business will need to hire an Affiliate Marketing Manager to:
Recruit and onboard influencers.
Create and monitor rules and policies.
Communicate with affiliates (or with the network).
Regularly update and optimize the affiliate program.
And more.
And you’ll need to compensate your influencers!
Profits are shared with influencers based on the number of links clicked or purchases made, at a rate that you choose.
Keep in mind that if the commission rate is too low, many influencers may opt-out.
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generatereports · 4 years
04 Instant Asbestos Survey Report In Your Format - Start Software
The Robots Cometh: How Artificial Intelligence Is Automating ...
Table of ContentsAutomated Journalism - WikipediaAutomated Insights: Natural Language GenerationCreating An Automated Report In Word - Principal Toolbox 9.5Understanding The Automated Report - Cove.tool Help CenterHow Ai Tools Dropped One Agency's Reporting Time By 97%
As online marketers in 2020, there's one significant thing that we have in typical: We're driven by data. Regardless of whether we're copywriters, social networks supervisors, videographers, or web designers, data is key to assisting us figure out which tasks succeed, which methods might require more of a budget, and which techniques we need to leave behind.
Even if you have an analytics software application that tracks a campaign's traffic, engagements, ROI, and other KPIs, you'll likely still require to take time to organize these numbers, analyze them, and develop a reasonable method to report on your tasks to your group or clients. In the past, marketing companies and companies charged full-timers with reporting-related responsibilities. automated report writing.
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Free Year End Report Templates Smartsheetsmartsheet.com
This is a problem that my Cleveland-based marketing firm, PR 20/20, faced a couple of years earlier. As part of our process, we develop month-to-month efficiency reports for each of our clients. When we create them, we pull the information from HubSpot and Google Analytics. Then, we compose a report to explain the data to our associates, clients, and task stakeholders.
However, although they were helping our customers, creating them was holding our team back. While our customers discovered the reports valuable, the procedure of pulling the data, examining it, and drafting the reports quickly took five hours per client, per month. This took our marketers far from jobs that could have been efficient in the long run, such as brainstorming originalities and techniques that might significantly assist their clients.
Automated Reporting Systems & Tools To Boost Your Business
Whenever you're attempting to explore or execute a brand-new method, you'll want to research the topic thoroughly. For example, you'll wish to acknowledge your spending plan and after that check out software that suits it. You'll likewise wish to figure out the pros and cons of any software you consider. This will help you much better acquaint yourself with the world of AI and which tools can actually assist you.
Prior to deciding that we desired to enhance our reporting technique, we 'd been researching AI through resources at our Marketing AI Institute. The Institute is a media business that aims to make AI more friendly for marketers. automatic work time reports. Because we released the company, we've released more than 400 short articles on AI in marketing.
2 billion. After finding out about how AI had already structured lots of marketing-related processes, we decided to explore how automation and artificial intelligence could assist us with our customers at PR 20/20. We became obsessed with how smarter technology could increase profits and decrease costs. In the process, we found natural language generation (NLG) technology that composed plain English instantly.
You've come across NLG anytime you've used Gmail's Smart Compose feature. Or, when you hear Amazon's Alexa react to your voice inquiries. Once we found a possibly handy NLG software, we decided to run an experiment to see if the AI technology might partially or totally automate our performance report writing process.
Google Analytics Report Automation (Magic Script)
Now, the next action is to look for software that works for your business. Here are a couple of things you'll require to think about: You'll desire to think about the expense of any of the software's subscriptions or fees, in addition to the cost to implement it. For example, you might require to agreement or hire an engineer to prepare your data and take any steps to make sure the software works smoothly.
Be sure to understand what you'll require to do if something isn't working properly so you do not sustain any emergency costs. As a marketer, you won't wish to count on a full-time engineer to use AI software to run your reports. You'll desire to go shopping for software application that your less tech-savvy employee can ultimately get trained on and learn. automatic dashboard.
As you select software, you'll likewise want to track down case research studies, reviews, or user reviews that explain how a business utilized the software to run reports or complete a similar activity. This will give you a concept of if the item you're thinking about has a good track record or reliability in the AI software market.
Here are two highly-regarded examples: Domo is an information visualization and reporting tool that integrates with major information and analytics platforms including Google Analytics. When you connect these platforms, you can utilize a dashboard to set up and generate data visualizations or reports for your clients. These visualizations consist of pie charts, other charts, and word clouds.
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The platform provides guides on how to develop datasets or spreadsheets that its algorithms will recognize in addition to a drag and drop guide which asks you to submit specific information such as "Month-to-month Budget plan." Here's a fast demonstration that shows Domo in action: This reporting software allows you to generate reports or reporting control panels that your team and customers can modify and cross-collaborate on.
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marketing reporting with Google Data Studiosupermetrics.com
Aside from information visualizations, you can likewise include boxes to your control panels that reveal you scorecards that keep in mind whether you're hitting your objectives or not, as well as filters that help you drill down on particular elements of your job. Here's a demo explaining how little businesses such as nonprofits can take advantage of the software's control panel reporting functions: No matter which item you select, you'll likely need to prepare your information in a method that your software's robotic or algorithm could quickly acknowledge and evaluate - automatic reports.
Plecto ApS
Address: Viby Ringvej 11, 1 tv
Phone: +45 71 99 71 60
Real-time insights
The software application needed structured data in columns and rows to create text. So, first, we needed to pull HubSpot and Google Analytics information into spreadsheets. Because doing this manually would take too much time and restrict the prospective time saved with automation, we utilized APIs and developed our own algorithm utilizing Google Apps Scripts to pull information into a Google Sheet.
We understood NLG software would be not likely to handle totally customized reports well. So, we produced a template for these reports that didn't alter every month. To produce a format for each report, we recognized a set of 12 common concerns we were trying to answer for clients monthly: Just how much traffic pertained to your site, and how does that compare to the previous month? In 2015? How engaged was last month's site traffic? What were the leading traffic-driving channels? Was there variation in total traffic, and if so, what caused it? How did the blog site perform last month? How engaged was blog site traffic? What were the top-performing blog site posts? Were there any changes in blog traffic last month, and if so, what caused them? How many objectives or new contacts were generated last month? What were the top converting pages? Where did objectives or new contacts come from? Existed any change in total goals or lead volume, and if so, what was accountable? A good AI software application will either permit you to create documents or even control panels, as your reports.
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When we 'd structured our data and developed a standard report format, we needed to equate our basic report format into an NLG design template. The template was essentially a finished version of a performance report. When the NLG software application runs, this report gets copied into the NLG software application. Then guidelines are applied to the copy to programmatically upgrade what's composed based upon the structured information supplied.
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Automated Reporting With R Markdown
Table of ContentsAutomated Writing Evaluation - Excelsior College OwlVphrase - Get Insights From Your Data In Natural LanguageEnhancing Whse And Safety Reporting With Nlg NarrativesEts Research: Automated Scoring Of Writing QualityStop Wasting Time – Automate Monthly Analytics Reporting In ...
The final output could be a CSV, Word, or Google Doc file. Even if you're working with a reputable AI software application, you'll still wish to check it and troubleshoot any issues that emerge. This avoids any AI-related events from happening when the tool is actively being used by workers or on tight deadlines.
Plecto ApS
Address: Viby Ringvej 11, 1 tv
Phone: +45 71 99 71 60
Real-time insights
And we ultimately refined the process to consistently produce clear, precise automated performance reports. If a software application supplier that you deal with offers a trial or discount rate for testing out their item, take advantage of it. This will allow you to witness first-hand if the expense of the product outweighs its advantages, or offer you time to determine if there is a better item that you need to be utilizing - automatic reports.
When you do this, here are a few things that you'll want to examine: The amount of time that the software application is saving employees, or if there were any bugs, how much time the software cost. The quantity of other efficient or revenue-generating tasks your team had the ability to get finished with the additional time you had.
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Sales Reporting 101: Here's Everything ...propellercrm.com
As we tracked our brand-new automated performance reports, we found that our tools took a portion of the time to produce the exact same report that we took hours to create. In addition, the level of information in our client reports is now consistent throughout all accounts. Before we carried out AI tools, the reports were just as strong as the account group's convenience level of examining marketing performance reports.
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The only manual part of the procedure now involves spot-checking the information for accuracy, using some styling, and then sending. real time reports. What as soon as took us five hours per report now takes 10 minutes. While the initial procedure required to be managed by several colleagues, just one staff member is needed for spot-checking.
Although our team is able to access AI providers and specialists for our in-office experiments, other small service marketers can also make the most of this technique rather cost effectively. However, bear in mind that AI application can require time. For us, we needed to put time into constructing structured datasets, as well as our Report design template so that our AI software could read our analytics and draft reports properly.
Total info, faster conclusions, and better decision-making digital-era success depends upon them (generate reports). However an organization with a single version of the truth, spreadsheets filled with precise data, is still a couple of rungs brief of success. One factor: management requires easy-to-digest reports that analyze the numbers. That tends to cause cleaner interpretations and crisper decision-making.
These products drill-down into ab organization's database and auto-produce easy-to-understand, written reports from the very same data that Microsoft Excel uses to generate graphics. Some of these fairly new AI tools also referred to as natural language generation, or NLG, software application are variations of the very same innovation that assists major media companies produce computer-written news items.
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Anna Schena, a senior product manager at Narrative Science, another AI-generated composing toolmaker, says that "information storytelling" indicates users don't have to discover how to examine spreadsheets or glean insights from long rows of control panel dials. "Easy-to-understand language and one-click collaboration features ensure that everybody in a company really comprehends the information, all the time," Schena says.
Says Sharon Daniels, CEO of Arria: "NLG-driven, multi-dimensional narratives are the breakthrough that [data-generated] visuals were years ago. The huge data issue was partly attended to with the evolution of service intelligence control panels," she describes. "However while visuals paint an image, they're not the complete picture." Adds Daniels:
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