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pacosemnoticias · 1 year ago
Crimes contra GNR aumentaram 38% nos oito primeiros meses do ano
Os crimes contra a GNR registados até agosto aumentaram 38% face ao mesmo período de 2022, contabilizando-se três ocorrências diárias e um total de 168 militares feridos.
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A GNR e a PSP apresentaram na sexta-feira, no Porto, os resultados operacionais entre 1 de janeiro e 31 de agosto deste ano, período em que se registou um aumento geral da criminalidade, resultado também, dizem, de uma maior proatividade das duas forças policiais.
De acordo com os dados divulgados pelo diretor de Operação da GNR, Mário Guedelha, os crimes contra a guarda aumentaram 38%, "o que resulta em três crimes por dia e 168 militares feridos".
Até 31 de agosto foram contabilizados 838 crimes, mais 234 do que em igual período do ano passado.
Já a criminalidade geral registou um crescimento de 8% nos primeiros oito meses do ano, contabilizando até 31 de agosto um total de 111.050 crimes.
Também a criminalidade grupal (+35%) e delinquência juvenil (+0,3%) registada pela GNR aumentaram entre janeiro e agosto deste ano face ao mesmo período de 2022, bem como os crimes relacionados com droga (+36%) e os crimes de violência doméstica (+4%).
Em sentido oposto, os crimes de incêndio florestal caíram 26%.
Naquele período, a força policial viu ainda crescer em 10% a sinistralidade rodoviária, registando até 31 de agosto 278 mortos (+2%) e 1.281 feridos graves (+4%).
As contraordenações por influência do álcool também subiram 15%, enquanto as infrações por excesso de velocidade diminuíram 10%.
Na área de atuação da PSP, a criminalidade geral aumentou 9,5% face ao mesmo período de 2022, ao registar mais 10 177 crimes.
De acordo com a PSP, a criminalidade violenta e grave também aumentou 4,8% (mais 286 crimes) em relação ao período homologo de 2022 e uma subida de 1,8% (mais 44) dos crimes de delinquência grupal e de 15,7% (mais 57) dos crimes relacionados com a delinquência juvenil.
Segundo o Pedro Moura, da direção nacional da PSP, até agosto, os crimes que mais subiram foram o tráfico de estupefacientes (mais 646) e outros relacionados com esta atividade (mais 324), tendo, neste âmbito, sido concretizadas 6.366 apreensões (mais 26%) e 3.715 detenções (mais 37%).
A PSP aumentou ainda em 7,5% o número de detenções (+1.321) e em 3,2% os crimes detetados no âmbito da proatividade policial.
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mikesassa · 2 years ago
In this article, SOMAÍ's CEO Michael Sassano and Antonio Guedelha offer their expert opinions on the development of pharmaceutical oral cannabis drops.
In the pharmaceutical industry, all products must be approved by the local authorities of the countries where manufacturers will sell them. For pharmaceutical cannabis products, different countries in the European Union have disparate requirements.
For example, Germany only allows magistrally prepared oral cannabinoid drops, while Portugal enables companies to register finished-form oral drops. Understanding the laws in your target countries is imperative for your company’s success.
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manostaxx · 2 years ago
GMP #18: Sales Planning for Pharmaceutical GMP Facilities
Authored By: Michael Sassano & Antonio Guedelha    Michael Sassano   Antonio Guedelha   All startups, including new pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, need to grapple with the complexities of launching. Pharmaceutical products are a considerable challenge and require a longer-term perspective. You will face more than regulatory hurdles associated with registering pharmaceutical products…
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canalalentejo · 2 years ago
O Município de Almodôvar, em parceria com a Casa do Benfica em Almodôvar, organiza este fim-de-semana, a XV edição da mítica "Volta ao Concelho em Bicicleta", nas categorias de Masters / Elite. A 1ª etapa da prova ligará a Vila de Almodôvar à Santinha, em Santa Clara-a-Nova, e tem um percurso de 107,3 quilómetros. A partida simbólica acontece ��s 14h30 de sábado, 25 de março, na Praça da República. A Volta passa pelos Corvatos às 14h44. Após uma Meta Volante no Azinhal, às 14h49, os ciclistas passam às 14h59 pela Corte Figueira. Um Prémio de Montanha de 3ª Categoria, no Pico do Mú, está previsto para as 15h10. A passagem pelo Monte Abaixo deverá acontecer às 15h26 e outra Meta Volante em São Barnabé às 16h02. Os corredores têm pela frente outra Metro Prémio de Montanha de 3ª categoria, às 16h09 no Pico do Mú e passam pelas Fontes Ferrenhas às 16h21, rumo a Almodôvar, onde devem chegar às 16h40. A passagem por Santa Clara-a-Nova acontece às 16h54, rumo à Meta Final está prevista para o Alto da Santinha, num Prémio de Montanha de 3ª Categoria, às 17h01. A 2ª etapa da XV Volta ao Concelho de Almodôvar em Bicicleta arranca na manhã de domingo, 26 de março, às 10h00, na Semblana. O percurso terá uma extensão de 72,2 quilómetros. A passagem pelas Guedelhas acontece às 10h10 e pelo Dogueno às 10h22. No Azinhal está instalada uma Meta Voltante, por onde os ciclistas devem passar às 10h29. Pelas 10h35, é a vez dos Corvatos verem passar os corredores e às 10h38 há um Prémio de Montanha de 3.ª categoria, na Chadinha. Pelas 10h48, outro Prémio de Montanha de 3.ª Categoria aguarda pelo pelotão no Alto do Santo Amaro, em Almodôvar. Às 10h53 a formação passa pela Meta Volante instalada junto ao antigo Centro de Saúde de Almodôvar, saindo rumo ao Dogueno, por onde volta a passar às 11h10 e pelo Azinhal às 11h16. Às 11h23 há nova passagem pelos Corvatos. A Meta Final da segunda etapa da Volta ao Concelho de Almodôvar em Bicicleta está instalada a Variante do Poço de Ourique e Almodôvar, onde os ciclistas têm chegada prevista para às 11h40. A 3ª e última etapa da prova, realiza-se na tarde de domingo, 26 de março. Neste percurso de 45 quilômetros, os corredores  partem da Variante do Poço de Ourique às 16h30. O trajeto é composto por 10 voltas ao Alto do Santo Amaro, em Almodôvar, com chegada final prevista para às 17h31, na Variante do Poço de Ourique.
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shigeakialvesphotos-blog · 2 years ago
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Em júbilo celebramos mais uma primavera da Matriarca da Família Guedelha de Albuquerque Dona Iracy. Motivo de enorme honra a amizade fraterna e principalmente o amor incondicional consolidado por décadas de vivências sublimes, de momentos inesquecíveis, da esperança, da determinação, da compreensão e palavras de orientações sempre do afeto, elevado respeito, carinho que ao longo do tempo comprovam a ternura e singularidade da mais autêntica consistência do Amor de DEUS #FamíliaBênçãodeDEUS #AmizadeBênçãodeDEUS #AmorIncondicional No registro a descontração do encontro com Dona Iracy, e amadas Filhas Virgínia e Zilda, que possamos vivenciar por longos anos tão nobres momentos e sentidos no mais constante amor de DEUS!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpqcg0ZOINV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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momo-de-avis · 1 year ago
Actually I'm going to do that right now since todya I'll be buried in work and later on I'll just say "don't have time".
There's two things that must be understood when we talk about Jewish history in Portugal:
Number one: Portuguese Jews enjoyed a relative freedom, especially compared to Eastern Europe, throughout the middle ages, right until more or less 1492. This does not mean there weren't oppressive instruments put into place, or that antisemitism did not exist. It did. Jews lived in ghettos, called "judiarias", and they were forced to be back inside by sundown. They had one way in and one way out. They had, occasionally, to wear something in their clothing to let others know they were jews. They could not mix with Christians. They were barred from certain jobs (NOT A LOT! there were some, and I genuinely don't remember which, but as you'll see, not a lot).
But they were also protected by the king. Of course, when you really look at it, it all comes down to possession and to economy. The jewish population of Portugal was so significant they pretty much held our economy together (this will help you understand the 1496 expulsion). The kings of portugal often referred to the jewsih population as "my jews" and conceded them protection. Every king had a jewish doctor/surgeon, and many other Jewish families served the royal family. By the late 1300s, early 1400s, the richest families were the Guedelhas and the Negros--both jewish. The Palanço were so rich, they owned half of Sintra.
There's documentation that attest to jewish people's professions: they were artisans, and cobblers, and surgeons and doctors. The permeated jobs related to knowledge and literacy -- like astronomy and astrology and medicine -- because they were considerably far more educated than Christians. Queen Philippa of Lancaster had her own astrologer. King Duarte also had his own astrologuer, and often contacted him before heading off to battle.
Then there's the question that's so central to antisemitism: why were so many jews in banking? The explanation given is often that they were barred from literally everything, but that's not 100% true in Portugal. The reason is just because usury was a sin in Christianity, so charging a loan back with interest was something Christians couldn't do, but Jews could.
But not even half the population is in banking. Over time, these jewish families will create a massive network of connections across the globe. They will accrue wealth and connections in sugar cane trading, spices, silk... And these span from north africa, to the newly discovered and colonised Madeira islands, and the east. They have authority in many ports, they have the ability to move around so easily, John II will even hire one jewish spy to go to Africa and search for Prestes João (another can of worms).
And then, number 2: there's a common misconception that the Inquisition is based on witch hunts. But there isn't a single account of a single witch having been found in Portugal. We often couple it with the spanish inquisition and to be fair, I am not going to get into the Spanish Inquisition as I don't know shit about it, but in Portugal, the inquisition is 100% founded on antisemitism.
As I said, Jews lived with a relative degree of freedom when compared to other parts of Europe, and this is actually going to become an issue when the diaspora spreads through other countries, and these Sephardic Jews struggle to fit in with other communities because they just don't have the same struggle. To them, and especially the wealthy families, they lived a good life until, out of nowhere, Manuel I ruined everything. So there's even, to quote Esther Mucznick, "a feeling of superiority" when they become refugees and try to settle elsewhere. There's a story fo one who will try everything in his power to fit in with the community in Amsterdam (I believe Hasidic but I could be wrong) but in the end takes his own life because he just cannot fit in.
So we then get to 1492, which is the year Granada falls in Spain and Isabella the Catholic kicks out all Jews. In spain, jewish persecution had gotten worse since around 1391 I believe, and Jews had gradually lost their rights. That, as we saw, was not the case in Portugal.
Many of those jews run away to Portugal. John II, king at the time, welcomes the wealthy and does grant these refugees the ability to stay in the country, but gives them 8 months to sort out their problems, and after 8 months they must leave and pay an exorbitant amount of money per person in the family in order to leave. 8 cruzados, the price, was completely unachievable. The result is that, eight months later, the kings keeps his word. He kidnaps the children of these families and sends them to work in plantations in São Tomé, called Meninos de São Tomé.
The wealthy, however, manage to stay. This was John II's plan: make good use of the rich the spanish are kicking out to benefit his kingdom, and for that, he puts in place a series of laws that limit Jewish freedom exceptionally, including not allowing them to leave.
Manuel I rises to the throne right after John II dies in 1495, and the first thing Manuel I does is revoke all these discriminatory laws John II passed.
And this is what is so blogging about Manuel I.
I think that, to understand his actions, one has to understand the following:
He rose to the throne without having any blood ties to his predecessor, and was "elected" because there was no heir. However, he does have ties to the royal family.
He gets to the throne right as the Discoveries are about to generate a lot of profit. Yes, Vasco da Gama finds the sea route to India while he's on the throne, and Brazil is "found" 5 years after he's gotten there, but these are the result of long investigations, if you will, that Manuel did nothing about. He literally benefits from doing nothing. This is important
You put point one and two together, you have a king who wants to legitimate himself and especially be perceived as a Christian Emperor. One thing I tell people in all of my tours is this: to undertsand Portuguese colonialism, it must be seen through the eyes of Christianity. Christianity is a way to homogenise the Empire, but for Manuel I, it is a way of centralising power.
And that's his end goal: the centralisation of power around himself.
So, 1495 he writes to Isabella the Catholic and says he wants to marry her daughter. Isabella, the daughter in question, says she will only do so if he cleanses the country of heretics.
She means jews and moors (muslims).
Manuel, without much thought, does exaclty that. And to understand why he would bend the knee like a whimp to Spain, it must be understood that, within the scope of being crowned not just king, bu Emperor of Christianity, as he wished, Spain was a part of this. He wished to unite the Peninsula under this name. In fact, when he signes the marriage agreement with Isabella, he is sworn heir to the Spanish crown.
That's why hegemonising the country as a purely and fully Christian country, or empire, was so important.
Except, as we've seen, jews in Portugal aren't just any type of population. By 1496, they've enbiggened their riches and their trading businesses is even better. So this is the crucial point I hinted at above: if Manuel kicks them out, the ecnomy will collapse. DOn't listen to whatever some right wing fucker says about this, because the truth is literally every historian agrees on this: Jewish people held such power in Portugal's economy, they could have collapsed this all to shit. And many, many historians agree that what followed is the first of a series of steps that will lead to the collapse of the Portugese Empire.
So, now I'm going to circle back to your question: how is it that the jewish population in Lisbon is so small? What led to this?
It was Manuel's politics.
1496, the order of expulsion is issued in December. Manuel gives Jews until October next year. But he had no intention, never had, of letting them leave. His plan is not to kick anyone out, but to assimilate.
Thousands of people come to Lisbon, the only port where you're allowed to board a ship and leave. But when they get there, there are no ships. Instead, friars, priests and bishops perform mass baptism.
Now you might wonder, if people don't convert honestly -- and in Christianity, forced conversion is actually forbidden, which is why this episode and what follows will be controversial even to the vatican -- what's the point? The point was that, to the Portuguese Christian Church, they were now Christians. So any "jewish act" could be condemned. That's the goal.
Then, Manuel I kidnaps the children of all these families up to 14 years old and entrusts them to Christian families to be raised Christian. No one knows what happens to them. To this day. Historians have wondered and have come with theories, but they vanished. Remember, mandatory church records of baptisms, weddings and death don't become a thing until 1570 I believe, so there's no record of what happened to these children.
He then forbids every one of these "newly converted" families from leaving the country.
His politics are 100% of assimilation, and he wanted all of these newly convert, now called new christians (this is an important denomination) to be fully integrated into society. Which is he passes a bunch of laws protecting them. One of them states that New Christian Families CANNOT be persecuted or accused of mispracticing christianity (which the one law the Marquis of Pombal will use succesfully to banish the disctinction between new and old christians).
But from the Christian people's persepctive, this actually aggravates antisemitic feeling. Because the fact was, until then, Jewish families lived in their own judiarias, and they had their own separate practices. And like I said, antisemitism was very much present despite king's protection. John I actually stopped a pogrom from happening and punished everyone involved by sentencing them to death, for example. There are several accounts of christians' complaints regarding Jews holding the monopoly of whatever business they own.
But now, they're protected.
Which explains the Lisbon Pogrom of 1506.
It allegedly happened because a light fell on a cross of Christ inside the Chruch of St Dominick in Lisbon, and while everyone chanted it was a miracle, one New Christian man said "If God wnated to perform a miracle, he would not light up a piece fo stick". This was seen as such heresy he was beaten to death.
One thing Manuel failed to acknowledge was that the small clerical population -- friars -- was immense in Lisbon, and they are the main characters of antisemitism in the country. They are the ones who, since they're on the side of the people and lower folk themselves, will instigate not just this Pogrom, but attempts at others in the past. And its two friars from this church that will rile up the population, leading to a massacre that spans for 3 days, of somewhere between 2000 to 4000 victims.
The very next year, Manuel changes the law and allows New Christians to leave the country. It's the first big exodus of jewish families, people like Abraham Zacuto, a spanish-born jew who wrote the most important book in navigation the portuguese will use throughout the century, Almanach Perpetuum.
And then comes the Inquisition.
Manuel is the first to write the Pope to requets the inquistion in 1515, but is denied. His son, John III, who is arguably and in my opinion the most useless fucking king every produced, will raise such a fucking fight with the Vatican he at one point, as well as his counsellors, consider rejecting the Vatican as Henry VIII did (he's actually advised to do this).
He wants the inquisition, but by now, the Spanish Inquisition has earned a terrible name. It's actually considered savage by the Vatican, and the iberian peninsula, for how we treat new christians, is seen as a barbaric land. I'm not exaggerating and can give you the bibliography on this shit. John III wants an Inquisiton that: 1) has full control of every process of its won court, 2) has power above any Bishop, 3) allows investigation to happen without what we call due process, so via anonymous accusations and without solid proof of anything, 4) and finally, he wants an Inquisition that is allowed to take the properties of new christians and accumulate wealth for themselves, which is exactly what the Vatican refuses. This is the inquisition he wants, and he will fight for two decades tooth and nail to obtain it.
As we know, he will do it, to the detriment of the country. By now, most members of the royal family, especially male, are high positioned clerics, and he wants to accrue that wealth for himself. The Vatican, at one point, approves of an Inquisiton but to make sure John III follows what has been agreed, they send out clerics to perform the duty. This fucking guy comes up with situations, problems and such, that basically will ostracise these men. He literally pushes them out, which is what happens.
THe inquisition is officially brought into the country in 1530; 1536, it arrives in Lisbon. But its only in the 40s that the Inquisition John III wants is allowed, since the Vatican just fucking gives up.
In the mean time, these small friars I mentioned above have been performing their duty: they have riled the people to participate in a false inquisition, and have been burning people alive and hunting new christians.
That's how we get the inquisition, in its full brutality. Now, anonymous accusations can be made. The accused is not told of what his accusation is. THe accused faces 3 interrogations without knowing. The accused must also dennounce others like him, including their names and addresses. The accused is then subjected to torture. It's lose-lose situation: if you confess right away, the inquisition is perfectly allowed to not believe your confession, and thus torture you; if you deny the crime you're not aware of, then they will torture you still. While incarcerated, a guard must watch you at every hour, to spot any "judaism" you might show, and if you are released, the Inquisition has since confiscated all your belongings, and you are socially ostracised and with nothing, as well as your entire family.
The reason for John III's stubborn insistence was simple: he claimed, time and again, that judaism was a real, perverted threat. The Vatican insisted, quite surprisignly actually, that it is expected for new Christians to not fully adhere to all Christian practices, and to still practice old habits, because they're slowly adapting to Christianity. John III refuses this.
Our witch hunts are 100% focused on finding cryptojews and punishing them.
I remember reading a record of an accusation which consisted of: the person in question washed the clothes of the deceased and dressed them in a specific (forgot which) fabric. Which does relate to Jewish habits, but this is the extent of these accusations, which will prevail through centuries: minor habits Christians are suspicious of.
To this day, there are sayings born of this horrific moment. "He's thinking of the heifer's death" is something you say when someone looks sad. This was said of cryptojews who were caught by the inquistion. THe heifer refers to vellum, the type of "paper" used in the Torah. "Watching the ships pass" is something you say to someone who is left stood up. It refers to the people who awaited ships in 1497 that never came, and who would go to Santa Catarina hill to look at the river. And to this day, people still say "fazer judiarias" which translates to something like "performing jewish things" to mean he's misbehaving.
So, the answer to the question "what happened to the jews of Portugal" is not they were expelled. It's: they were assimilated through brutal force, torture and persecution. Yes, many left, but even more were lost to history. All those children that were taken to Christian families, and all the New Christians that were forced to convert. The inquistion made sure "judaism" was enough of a bad word that, whoever was left, was terrified into Christianity.
There are A LOT that survived through time, and let me just finish this off by leaving you with the incredible story of the Belmonte Jewish Community, which survived until 1917.
Ana I don't get something. In some government sources (not Portuguese tho, so maybe that's why) it says there's only 600 Jewish people in Portugal?? That has to be fake right? Because another sources states there are at least 30,000 Sephardic Jews in Portugal.
It's definitely closer to 600.
I know it was 600 around 2015, but the number has since risen to 1500 in recent years, according to the bbc.
The link above is in portuguese but it does state what I believe is the source of confusion.
There are 1500 practicing jews in portugal. Since around I believe 2015, there has been a law, same as Spain, that in order to seek forgiveness for the repression and persecution suffered, anyone who can prove sephardic portuguese ancestry can get portuguese citizenship.
So far around 30.000 people have applied for that. That's where I think the number comes from.
I'm typing this on my phone and was just about to get in the shower but there's actually very good and obvious reasons (or, they will become obvious) to why the jewish population of portugal is so small. If you want to understand more just let me know
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h00dsw0rld · 3 years ago
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Eduardo Guedelha
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hugofgue-blog · 7 years ago
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Celebrating love.. Everyday is a new day to celebrate.. Enjoy and love
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sptribeiro · 2 years ago
Malu Guedelha - Bora Sair? (Videoclipe Oficial)
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serendipdivulgacao · 2 years ago
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Júlia Bianchi tem a vida perfeita. CEO da maior petrolífera do mundo, tem amigos leais, uma família amorosa e um bom humor de dar inveja. Contudo, não consegue esquecer seu maior arrependimento do passado, quando, por medo, deixou para trás quem mais amava.
Elizabeth Guerra, ou melhor, Liz, é a relações públicas mais bem sucedida e famosa dos Estados Unidos. Apesar de viver intensamente, nunca conseguiu se apaixonar de novo e muito menos esquecer a única mulher que sempre dominou seu coração e pensamentos.
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nncosta · 3 years ago
Benfica conquistou 18 medalhas na 7.ª edição do Meeting de Xira
Benfica conquistou 18 medalhas na 7.ª edição do Meeting de Xira
O Benfica conquistou 18 medalhas na 7.ª edição do Meeting de Xira, que teve lugar na Piscina Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira no fim de semana de 14 e 15 de maio. Com um 3.º lugar na classificação coletiva, com 601 pontos, as águias viram Tomás Maia Januário, Francisco Roque, Rafael Mimoso, Leonor Rodrigues, Bernardo Guedelha e a equipa masculina de Juvenis alcançarem vários primeiros lugares…
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mikesassa · 2 years ago
All startups, including new pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, need to grapple with the complexities of launching. Pharmaceutical products are a considerable challenge and require a longer-term perspective. You will face more than regulatory hurdles associated with registering pharmaceutical products and will be challenged to coordinate a talented sales team with your production capacity. We will walk you through some ideas to help you plan sales efforts more efficiently.
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manostaxx · 2 years ago
Michael Sassano & Antonio Guedelha: GMP# 17: GMP Market Forecasting and Budget Management
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Authored By: Michael Sassano & Antonio Guedelha 
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Michael Sassano
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Antonio Guedelha The process of forecasting is complex when you want to bring a new medicine to market. GMP processes are slow and have an intense workload for documentation of new products that depend on the country regulators’ scheduling, further complicating release forecasting for medical products. Even more challenging are the rules for disjointed regulations, as there is a lack of uniformity across countries for new items like pharmaceutical cannabis products. A survey of senior pharmaceutical managers reported that most pharmaceutical companies had miscalculated demand for new medicines by up to 25% on average and reached 50% errors. Making accurate demand forecasts is exceptionally challenging for pharmaceutical companies, but your company’s health depends on it. Overestimations in demand generally happen when the market is volatile and if the distribution reach is too optimistic. These inaccuracies can cause companies to raise capital early and create distrust in execution. 7 Types of Forecasts for Pharmaceutical GMP Facilities   Forecasting New Products for Pharmaceutical GMP Companies In the case of new GMP product forecasting, your company may use various methods to fit your product’s unique needs. Before launching a new product in the market, companies make forecasts about their drug to know how it will perform in the market. A straightforward forecasting method in the pharmaceutical industry involves targeting the drug’s patient population. The main steps to identify your target population are: Analyze the population data Analyze the prevalence rate of the disease (percentage of the population with the condition) Analyze the diagnosis rate Analyze treatment rate with the medicine For example, let’s forecast a cannabis magistral product for chronic pain in Germany. Germany’s population is 84 million, with a regular population increase rate of 1% Germany’s percentage of the population with chronic pain is 17% Germany’s diagnosis rate for chronic pain is 93% We’ll assume a treatment rate with the medicine of 80% for this example Using this data, we calculated the forecast model attached below. If we consider the treatment rate as one pill per day, the forecast is equal to the values in the last line of the table.  
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Forecasting Existing Products for Pharmaceutical GMP Companies The method for forecasting an existing product in the market is based on that product’s sales data. Using IMS HEALTH data, you can easily analyze how many product units were sold in prior years and see trends and competitors. Suppose you are planning on starting sales of a product already in the market. In that case, you should define a percentage of the market you want to reach and make your forecast. Remember that GMP rules prolong all processes, so plan the time to market accordingly.   Forecasting Contract Manufacturing for Manufacturing Facilities Contract manufacturing forecasting is dependent on your client and contract. Normally, you specify a minimum quantity in the contract and ask for a rolling forecast with the first three months fixed with purchased orders to enable proper planning.   Compiling a Global Pharmaceutical Production Capability Forecast With the above methods, your team can compile a global forecast. Your company will analyze the total estimates for supply capacity and note if your company needs to buy products from other vendors and/or increase production facility capabilities. This forecast should be converted to the sales value and be based on the sale price.   Budgeting is Essential for Proper Pharmaceutical GMP Forecasting Budgeting is challenging and imprecise for startups, so constant attention and re-calibration of budgets are vital for early-stage companies. The standard procedure is for each company division’s manager to submit proposals for their budgeted departments, including personnel hiring and needs for the following year. Usually, financial planners should prepare forecasts and budgets for the next year by November, giving your company time to analyze and make corrections until the final budget approval. The CFO will then coordinate all the managers’ requests for global support to solidify the corporate budgets for expenses and sales forecasts. Once again, GMP impacts the budget through procedural hurdles inherent to the process, like costs for validations, qualification, audits, calibration, external quality services and other line items.   Profit and Loss Tables Help GMP Facilities Predict the Future Create a profit and loss (P&L) table to show what the company will earn next year based on sales value, budget, material costs, services, energy use and other expenses. Most of the time is necessary to adjust the forecast and budget to achieve accurate cash flow results. At times, P&L tables can help leadership make serious decisions that ensure your company’s health.   Make Your Pharmaceutical Forecasts Function Using an ERP Incorporate the above forecasts in your facility’s enterprise resource plan (ERP), which your company has in place to connect interdepartmental operations seamlessly. All departments need to prepare their budgets and input data into the ERP. For example, it is necessary to integrate sales team inputs into forecasting and sales prices. The financial division will verify and control all inputs and extrapolate a P&L using the ERP. Then, the finance team will discuss their data and budget items with each manager and prepare the final report to present to your CEO and board.   Avoid Tomorrow’s Financial Mistakes via Today’s Forecasts Your company’s financial health depends on the precision with which you forecast and control expenses. Making buffers for receivables and verifying your profit equations are all tactics to keep in mind. Cash flow crunches can be managed and even sidestepped if you prepare.   Continue at:  https://journal.cannabislawreport.com/michael-sassano-antonio-guedelha-gmp-17-gmp-market-forecasting-and-budget-management/   See:  https://manoxblog.com/2023/01/11/gmp-16-waste-reduction-management-in-good-manufacturing-practice/       Read the full article
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antonioguedelhaposts · 3 years ago
ALUGO APARTAMENTO NO CORREDOR DA VITÓRIA, COM 2/4 SENDO 1 SUÍTE, 1 OFFICE QUE PODE SER REVERTIDO EM OUTRO QUARTO, SALA AMPLA COM VARANDA, COZINHA, DESPENSA, BANHEIRO SOCIAL E 1 VAGA DE GARAGEM. PREÇO DA LOCAÇÃO – R$ 2.500,00 + IPTU – R$130,00 + CONDOMÍNIO (CONSUMO DE GÁS INCLUIDO) – R$ 1.000,00 – TOTAL = R$ 3.630,00. ANTONIO GUEDELHA CRECI – BA 17.700 71 – 996676151/986392054/992338846. (em Corredor da Vitoria - Salvador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUaSzVqABaB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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h00dsw0rld · 3 years ago
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Eduardo Guedelha
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