#Guardian Gods of the City of Water Latias and Latios
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chaospochi · 5 years ago
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fuckyeahpokemonmovies · 4 years ago
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mangareaderx · 8 years ago
i dear you can translate the manga movie of pokèmon? the pokèmon movie 1,2,3,4 and 5 in your site jb2448 is in japanese, please translate that special manga i hope you can answer me
About movie manga 1:
There is some interest within the group of eventually scanlating it, but with the currently available RAW not being debound and being magazine RAW at that, it’s going to be a pain in the a** to clean. There are still a bunch of series we will prioritize before it, but there is chance we might get to scanlating it at some point.
About movie manga 2-5:
We would consider scanlating them once everything else of value has been scanlated.
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setteidreams · 4 years ago
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Added settei for Pocket Monsters the Movie 05: Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios, scanned by Gamer101_123.
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dahniwitchoflight · 6 years ago
A Pokemon Cosmology
Trying to have positive pokemon thoughts so I went and created a sort of map of emanations of the various mythical/legendary/ultra beast pokemon from larger concepts like Space and Time emanating down into more specific concepts like Guardians of Specific Islands
This mostly does follow canon groupings/leaderships etc but some groups were put near other groups, or in some cases given a leader or pairs associated with other pairs etc depending on if I decided I liked it or not
it’s not meant to be like “This Pokemon created this Pokemon” or etc, just that the things they have dominion over, are lesser than the things the Pokemon higher up the foodchain has dominion over
Also, sometimes some legendaries were sort of given designations that they may not have canonly have, but I think would be a good idea for them to have dominion over/represent
I made a chart and then explanations will follow:
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First we got Arceus, Ultimate Creator
then he’s surrounded by all the Unowns as his “Thousand Arms of Creation”
then the big three concepts he made were Dialga (Time), Palkia (Space) and Giratina (Antimatter)
First, Dialga
Since Dialga represents Time, I’d figure he’d have dominion over the Pokemon that represent the things we use to recognize Time, The Sun(Solgaleo), the Moon(Lunala) and Light/Darkness as a concept itself (Necrozma) which are all essentially concepts of Light and Energy in the Universe
Also with Dialga is Celebi, a being able to move freely throughout any Time, so possibly representing the Currents of Time, or specifically Past, Present and Future
Undereath Lunala (The Full Moon) we have Cresselia (Crescent Moon) and Darkrai (New Moon), the three of them representing the Night and possibly Dreams
Under Solgaleo (The Sun) we have Meltan(Metal) and Melmetal(Fusion), and where Lunala and friends represented things of a metaphysical nature, Solgaleo and friends represent Light’s more physical side, with Meltan and Melmetal representing the idea of a Star’s molten metal core as a representation of the byproduct of Nuclear Fusion and the natural origin of all Metal
Lastly under Zekrom (Light) are Jirachi(Meteors/Stars) and Deoxys(Auroras) the other natural phenomenons that symbolize Light other than the Sun and Moon
Then Cosmog/Cosmoem represent Nebulas/Cosmos/Shiny Stardust and put under Lunala/Solgaleo as their natural parents
Next, Palkia.
Palkia represents Physical Space, and therefore, the next in line are those that created the pieces of our Physical Planet, Kyogre (Ocean), Groudon (Land) and Rayqauza (Atmosphere)
Also with Palkia is Hoopa, a being with a relationship to Palkia similar to the one Celebi has with Dialga, being able to freely move throughout Space, teleporting as it pleases, representing the idea of Teleportation and Location. 
Celebi and Hoopa are not higher than Dialga or Palkia, they merely have the total freedom to explore the ideas under their dominion, theyre like Palkia and Dialga’s kids. Manaphy had the title “Prince of the Sea” under Kyogre, maybe Celebi and Hoopa can be the Princes of Time and Space?
Under Kyogre (Ocean) we have Phione (Warm Seas) and Manaphy (Cold Seas). 
then also we have Lugia (Beast of Underwater Currents) and under Lugia the three legendary birds.
Now, the three birds don’t really all have an association with some form of water, but you could stretch them into either Weather Patterns (Which are determined by the ocean and it’s currents) as Snow/Rain/Sun OR as representing different States of Water, Frozen Ice (Articuno), Liquid Rain (Zapdos) and Gaseous Vapor (Moltres), which, kinda makes sense, idk theyre ruled by the ocean currents and all live on islands surrounded by water its the best I can come up with
either works, but, since there is a “Weather Trio” later on, the states of water probably work best
Nest we have Rayquaza (Atmosphere) which has the underlings Latios (Cold Air Currents) and Latias (Warm Air Currents) and from them spawn the actual Weather Trio, Thundurus (Humidity), Tornadus (Wind) and Landorus (Heat), rather than just saying rain/storm etc I figured making it the three factors that control all the weather patterns that can happen to make the most sense here
Finally we have Groudon (Land) which has the underlings Heatran (Earth’s Molten Core) and Diancie (Earth’s Crust) and I like this because it matches the pattern of each Planet Trio member having two underlings representing the hot and cold versions of each trio. Also under Groudon (Land) we have Regigigas (Continents) who rules landmasses in general, then under Regigigas we have the various types of solid landmasses possible Regice (Ice/Snow/Tundra), Regirock (Stone/Earth/Mountain) and Registeel (Cities/Steel/Construction). 
Then separately under Regigigas, but lower then the other 3 Regi’s, we have the rulers of specific small particular landmasses, various Island Guardians, the 4 Tapu’s. I’d say Regigigas is their direct ruler, because what are islands except Tiny Continents, but theyre lower in priority than the 3 Regi’s since those guys represent 3 basic types of landmasses, similar but different.
The more specific you get the more things fractal outwards
Next we have Giratina who represents Antimatter, and under him most nonphysical/spiritual concepts that are misunderstood and foreign and hard to grasp, since they sort of exist on the “other side” of things. Xerneas (Life), Yveltal (Death), Zygarde (Balance/Aura). 
Also with him is Marshadow and Mew. Marshadow is a ghost pokemon that lives in the shadows, but also represents the idea of the “fighting spirit” which often associated with “Aura” in pokemon. Whereas Mew is the genetic physical origin of all living Pokemon. 
So both sort of represent the two halves needed to create a living existing creature. Mew representing the body and the physical form, Marshadow representing the soul, the spirit, or the aura needed to give life to that physical form. Dunno what exact title to give, perhaps Prince of Aura and Prince of DNA or something along those lines. 
Underneath Zygarde, representing Balance/Nature, we have Ho-oh representing Reincarnation or Rebirth
and while you’d think it makes sense to have Ho-oh underneath Xerneas (Life) instead, the idea of Rebirth naturally involves a delicate Balance or natural Cycle of both Life and Death. So under Zygarde they go. 
then of course Ho-oh as Reincarnation has dominion over Suicune (Purifying Water), Raikou (Revitalizing Electricity) and Entei (Transmuting Fire) aka the various ways something can be “reborn”: Purified of any corruption or healing of damage, given new strength or Vitality, or physical remoulding of it’s shape or form, the same things that happened to all three. (also because i like to believe that while Unown’s may have created the Entei in the third pokemon movie, it’s ability to reshape reality at will could have naturally been it’s own as well, maybe, i know not really but still)
This has potential then for future legendary pokemon underneath Yveltal and Xerneas to represent different specific concepts of Destruction/Death/Illness and Creation/Life/Healing. Like Sickness, Old Age, Decay, Growth, Youth, and Vitality. 
Next we have those also directly under Arceus, as an ultimate creator, whereas Dialga, Palkia and Giratina represented Time, Space and Antimatter respectively, Arceus has dominion over the concept of Humanity, with me sort of borrowing the concept of gods creating humanity in their image. 
Now, you can see a sort of empty point here where it looks like a Pokemon should be in this spot, similar to Palkia/Giratina/Dialga, but this is because technically Arceus is both directly fulfilling this spot, and because this spot overlaps with the three beneath it, Reshiram/Zekrom and Kyurem. I kind of see it as both Arceus and “the original dragon” that is Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem all fused, which we get close to, but never really fully see. And i like this because it kind of highlights that the question to humanity’s existence and purpose, doesn’t have an answer, just like this spot doesn’t have a ruler.
Here also, we have the two beings who would have supported what this ultimate being of humanity might have represented, and indeed what Arceus may have intended to shape humanity into all along.
Victini, representing Power, Victory, Success and Shaymin, representing Gratitude, Appreciation, Recognition. 
Really does paint a picture of an almost angelic sense of euphoria and love. If we take even more christian mythos as inspiration here, it makes sense that the lack of a figure representing Euphoria and Love as penultimate concepts of humanity, and the fact that it no longer exists, almost points to a “fall of man/why evil exists” kind of situation, where that being of love and euphoria and what it represented was rejected by those it was meant to have dominion over, and was thus shattered from existence as a result. And it makes sense in another way too, to be eternally euphoric kind of demands a lack of free will and choice in order to be true, which humanity would obviously never accept, even if temporary pain and evil was the result. 
So from that, Reshiram represents the human conception of Truth, and Zekrom represents the human conception of Ideals. This is branched out to be a sort of Intellect/Rationality versus Emotion/Freewill kind of idea in my mind. But they also represent different forms of Energy, Reshiram’s Fire and Zekrom’s Electricity. Kyurem as the third is a nullifier of both, due to it’s nature as empty husk of the original. So while Reshiram/Zekrom represent the natural leftover concepts of Humanity and Energy, Kyurem represents unnatural humanity and Entropy (Absolute Zero Ice). 
So from Reshiram (Truth), spawns the idea of Keldeo (Justice), the idea that things can be Right or Wrong, or can be logically determined as such. This gets you Cobalion (Rationality), Terrakion (Reality) and Virizion (Intellect).
A subset of Reshiram’s Fire Energy we also have Volcanion, who represents specifically Steam energy. 
on the other side, you have Zekrom (Ideals), spawns the idea of Meloetta (Expression), the idea of individuality and that each person has their own perspective or priorities. This gets you Azelf (Willpower), Uxie (Knowledge) and Mesprit (Emotion) (also it just feels really aesthetically nice to think of Meloetta as the Lake Trio’s “leader” she has basically the same color scheme and design of being somewhat pixie like, has the fourth color green to the lake trios red/yellow/blue, and is slightly taller more humanshape to denote her status as leader, its a great idea and you should love it like i do)
a subset of Zekrom’s Electric energy we have Zeraora, who represents specifically Plasma Energy.
Underneath Kyurem (Unnatural Humanity) we get all of our man-made legendaries. Starting with Magearna (Manufacturing/Man-Making in general) as the oldest legendary created by man, then branching out to Genesect (Scientific Modification), Type:Null (Scientific Blending) and Mewtwo (Scientific Creation). Then Type:Null gets its evolution in Silvally, possibly representing the concept of Trust or Friendship as a whole, a wholly natural human activity, that also has to be created or nurtured by humanity to continue existing, Naturally Man-Made, a perfect blend of the two. And I like the coincidence that a lot of the manmade pokemon are a direct result result of man’s freewill to be evil or good, just like they were a direct result of Kyurem/Reshiram/Zekrom’s current state of being. 
Lastly the Ultra beasts are kind of, outside of this whole dynamic, I’m not sure if i could solidly put any of them directly tied to Dialga/Palkia/Giratina/Arceus, like there’s some that I thing could kinda work maybe in some cases but overall not really?
Like Xurkitree Kartana and Celesteela looking very man-made (but they aren’t technically) Poipole/Naganadel representing Poison and possibly Illness or Decay, putting it under Yveltal as Death, same as Guzzlord being Destruction
But it’s not, the greatest, so overall I just kinda put them in a circle outside of everything, but closest to the major concepts they sort of have a connection with.
But instead of being tied to anything directly and representing specific concepts, they represent extremely vague ethereal/ephemeral concepts in contrast that are also very alien and inhuman and almost eldritch (when not representing specifically human concepts)
Guzzlord - Represents Destruction in all it’s forms, recycling, transformation, restructuring, but not with any malice, just with the cold unthinking unreasonable processing of a wood chipper eating your leg. 
Poipole/Naganadel - represents poison, illness, sickness, decay, old age, allergies (because theyre bees) basically all things that usher in potential death
Blacephalon - represents Primal Fears/Illusions/The Void/The Ineffable/Unknowable/Eldritch due to the clown association and it’s attack Mind Blown hinting at a more “its all in your head/cannot comprehend the nature of this attack” concept as well.
Celesteela - represents all the ideas of motion, the laws of gravity, propulsion, magnetism, all the forces of the universe that push and pull things together or apart
Pheromosa - represents all concepts of value, beauty, worth, strength, ability, importance, awe, wonder, admiration, love, desire etc the things most humans desire to head towards at full speed
Xurkitree - represents all concepts of machinery, clockwork, computers, circuits, programming and automatons and technology in general, past present future and alien. 
Stakataka - represents ideas of a legion, many being one but all being the same, lack of individuality, a hive mind of samey clones, moving and speaking and being in constant unison, like grains of sand, drops of water, leaves in a forest, it is indistinct, incomprehensible, numerous, countless, innumerable, incalculable, immeasurable, untold, endless etc
Kartana - represents the concept of all physical textures, rough, smooth, sharp, hardness, hairy, coarse, fluffy, slimy etc
Nililego - represents ideas of infiltration, parasitizing, possession, loss of identity, erosion of the self, influencing, puppeteering, invasion, permeation, infection,  an undoing of boundaries, overlapping, linking together, echoing
Buzzwole -  represents all concepts of power, strength, dominance, leeching, violence, force, ferocity, wildness, cruelty, hatred
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sunglasses-kitaro · 7 years ago
favourite Pokémon movie?
Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios.
…..No, not Pokémon Heroes, that was a different movie.
And by that I mean 4kids rewrote the script of the original.
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eificopper · 7 years ago
(Rough) Pantheon of Pokémon Deities in Twinkle
Kanto Major deity: Mew (creation) -Has many many vessels called “Mages” Minor deities: Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres (guardians of ice/wisdom, lightning/instinct and fire/valor, keepers of the environment)
Johto Major deities: Ho-oh (skies, rainbows, sun, fire, summer) Lugia (seas, storms, moon, water, winter) and Celebi (time, nature, spring and growth) -Ho-oh and Lugia have few vessels who are specially trained to be summoners or servitude of the deities, and receive titles of (grand) “priests” and “priestesses”. Some are still “commoners in hiding” though, no matter how much the Shinto dislikes and denies this. -Celebi has few vessels as well, they can see their patron’s Time Ripples and are very in-tune with nature and its protection, they’re also avid nurturers. -Gold and Silver generally represent Lugia and Ho-oh. Ubame forest and the Enju tower’s paths are sacred ground. -Celebrations include the Equinox and Solstice, the anniversary of the burned tower and the gathering for Celebi. Minor deities: Entei (ruler of fire and volcanoes), Raikou (ruler of lightning and thunder) and Suicune (ruler of north winds, auroras and purifier of waters)
Hoenn Major deities: Groudon and Kyogre (Maker of land and seas respectively, keepers of nature and environment) Rayquaza (Master of skies, wind, hope for the future and keeper of balance between other deities) Jirachi (wish granter) Latias and Latios (Eon Duo, the eyes of the gods, guardians of life flow) -Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza have few vessels and are often called “Agents”. When well-trained they can see the world’s energy Ley Lines and even borrow power from them. Rayquaza’s Agents also have the ability to see Dragon Trails. -The closest thing Jirachi has to vessels are flocks of Taillow and Swellow that have a subconscious innate bond with their awakening, a tradition passed on by generations until they’re needed every 1000 years.  -Latias and Latios have many many vessels called “Messengers” who constantly communicate and report with each other and to their patrons, effectively being a sort of communication network through all the regions. Once a year during the “Messenger’s Jamboree” the vast majority of them reunite in a big celebration where their patrons even participate. (though keeping their identities hidden) -The Cave of Origins and Mt Pyre are sacred ground, but the region is known for having lots of small shrines scattered in cities and towns for the different deities. Minor deities: None
Sinnoh Major deities: Arceus (Creator) Dialga and Palkia (Masters of time and space respectively, keepers of reality) Giratina (banished deity, Master of matter and distortion world) Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf (embodiments of knowledge, emotions and willpower respectively, Lake Guardians) -Arceus has no vessels himself for he is the ruler of the other legendaries. -Dialga and Palkia have few vessels and they’re almost never contacted, only in times of need do they arise. -Giratina followers and vessels are very fierce defending their beliefs and are amongst the most loyal despite being heavily criticized by society in general. -Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf are said to choose only one vessel at a time and bless them with their virtues, they’re often called the “Lake Heirs” Minor deities: Shaymin (gratitude, nature and growth) Cresselia and Darkrai (crescent moon/new moon, and dreams/nightmares respectively)
Unova Major deities: Reshiram and Zekrom (Deity of truth/beauty and ideals/strength respectively) Kyurem (keeper of balance) Victini (patron of victory and good luck) -Reshiram and Zekrom have only 2 or 3 vessels at a time who are referred to as “Hero of _____” They serve their corresponding patron and Black or White Kyurem respectively. Minor deities: Virizion, Terrakion, Cobalion, Keldeo (Swords of justice, protectors of nature and rabids)
Kalos Major deities: Xerneas, Yveltal (Mortality duo/Keepers of life and nature) Zygarde (Deity of order, balance and prosperity) -The Mortality duo often refere to their vessels as their “children” following the birth and death theme. They can also sense and see Fairy and Dark Auras in proximity. - Zygarde’s vessels are usually publicly known as they fill a more active role partaking in battles or disasters to help keep pace over Kalos. Generally they’re in places of power or are influential/capable people to lead and follow a cause. They’re seen as heroes and “popular” or “famous” beings but it’s also for these reasons they’re more easily exposed to danger. -celebrations include the Èpanouissement (Xerneas) Chute des Feuilles (Yveltal) and the Cultural week (Zygarde) Minor deities: None
Alola Major deities: Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini (Island guardians) Solgaleo and Lunala (sun/sunlight/day and moon/moonlight/night, protectors of the realms) -The Tapu Guardians’ vessels are just one per guardian and island, and are always the Kahuna of said island, when chosen for their position they are immediately given the legendarie’s blessing unlike all other deities who chose their vessels much earlier in their lives. -Solgaleo’s and Lunala’s vessels serve both deities equally and thus are often just referred to as “Celestial vessels” rather than pertaining to a specific deity, they can also sense “Ultra holes” Minor deities: Necrozma (Absense of light, void, abyss) Ultra Necrozma* (Light/energy) Zeraora (thunder, Lightning and Courage)
Average amount of vessels per deity +Messengers (100) Mages (50) Children of Mortality (20-25) Celestial Vessels (20-25) Giratina (20) Priests/Priestess (12-15) Agents (10) Celebi (10) Victini (10) Dialga/Palkia (4-6) Heroes of Truth/Ideals (4-6) Kyurem (5) Island Kahunas (4) -Lake Heirs (3)
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greenyvertekins · 8 years ago
Top 3 favorite Pokemon movies? Top 3 least favorite Pokemon movies ? : D
1 - Pokemom Movie 3 - Entei; Lord of the Crystal Tower2 - Pokemon Movie 9 - Pokémon Ranger and the Prince of the Sea: Manaphy3 - Pokemon Movie 5 - Guardian Gods of the City of Water: Latias and Latios
Least fave
1 - Pokemon Movie 16 - ExtremeSpeed Genesect: Mewtwo Awakens2 - Pokemon Movie 6 - Wishing Star of the Seven Nights: Jirachi3 - Pokemon Movie 11 - Giratina and the Icy Sky’s Bouquet: Shaymin
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fuckyeahpokemonmovies · 4 years ago
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fuckyeahpokemonmovies · 4 years ago
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fuckyeahpokemonmovies · 4 years ago
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fuckyeahpokemonmovies · 4 years ago
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fuckyeahpokemonmovies · 4 years ago
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sunglasses-kitaro · 7 years ago
Huh for real? I never knew how is it different then? 😮
Here: http://dogasu.bulbagarden.net/comparisons/movies/mov05.html
And another: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/M05#Dub_edits
There’s way too much to talk about, so providing you these links is better.
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