#Grovyle Icon
spoonyliger · 2 months
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TerminalMontage-styled Grovyle PMD neutral, angry, happy, and shocked PFPs.
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scribz-ag24 · 1 year
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the explorers of sky se5 beginning sure is surreal.
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dragonspiral-tower · 3 months
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last ask got me thinkin more abt their dynamic if claire came back from hisui after being away for so long (lines n feelings go both ways; red lines are partners)
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randomgenericgaming · 2 years
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treecko evolutions icons & banners
• free to use • likes/reblogs appreciated •
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driftingballoons · 6 days
Is there any media that's left a lasting impact on you?
So I’m going to give two answers, one the obvious, and another bonus answer for variety’s sake :3
Pmd explorers has possibly had the greatest lasting impact on me that any piece of media ever has. As my introduction to pokemon, I felt like I was playing partly as Hero would’ve experienced it—with absolutely no idea what to expect, and no background knowledge of anything. But the way it quickly changed from “heehee creature adventure :3” to “what does it truly mean to live and how can you shine as brightly as you can, even in the face of oblivion?” caught me quite off guard. It really made me start to think about how I could try to make the most of my life, how people’s actions can be hugely shaped by their situations, and how you really can’t take even the most simple of things for granted. I played this at 12 y/o during an otherwise very disruptive/isolated time in my life, so I’m not sure if that’s partly why my brain latched onto this as much as it did, but I genuinely felt like it helped me get through it. Whenever I felt weak or powerless back then, I found inspiration from how strong hero, partner, and grovyle had to be to get through everything, and it felt like it made coping just a bit easier. Fast forward to a much better time in my life, and it’s helped me find a wonderful, incredibly talented online community and friends, and I have an absolute blast being able to interact with you guys and see your takes on the series!
The other piece of media that had a lasting impact was Allie Brosh’s book Hyperbole and a Half. I hadn’t known before reading it, but she actually had a blog of the same name around the early 2010s, where she’d post her funny comics and stories. The part that had the most impact on me was actually her iconic ‘poorly drawn’ MS paint kind of style. It made me realize that you don’t necessarily have to make professional quality art to make something worth seeing. This inspired me not only to start posting my own doodles and stuff online, but also changed my approach when dealing with a lot of daunting things. Whenever I feel like I’m not good enough/skilled enough to try something, I remember how popular her stuff was, despite looking ‘low quality,’ and it reminds me that doing something low quality is better than not doing it at all! 
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andreabandrea · 3 months
pokemon starter middle evolutions that i like more than the final evolution
wartortle (like. out of everyone on this list, wartortle the most)
quilava (he's just cuter. typhlosion was also done dirty in the 3d games by not showing off its fire)
combusken (very iconic fighting chicken look)
grovyle (sigh. for PMD reasons)
marshtomp too actually. perfect mix of cute and cool and strong
dewott (i dont like how he stops being bipedal. lol)
im going to be honest i didnt like any of the gen 8 starters and i havent played gen 9 and have no plans to
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Okay so if you still take art request... Let's go on the idea of "Mortals that kill a legend become a legend themselves" but with Grovyle who killed Ark-
More seriously, i just found yesterday your AU where Twig succeeded in killing Darkrai and also your post with Kip that killed Dialga and having a panic attack but I was wondering: What about Grovyle and his promise of finding a way to kill Ark if ever hurt Twig? Like, the instant he learn about Ark memory recovery, he chose to not take the chance to let him go and directly strike him before anything could happen.
Anyway i'm so eager to see the next part of the story especially about Darkrai because i'm sad for him. Your writing (and your art) is wonderful and i always want more of it ;-;
Keep going, take your time, stay hydrated, don't skip lunch and take care of you!
I’ve been taking forever to get to this ask, and I’d take even longer to draw an answer, but the guilt of having this sitting in my drafts for ages has been getting to me so I’m going to just give my notes and plan to draw it at some point later ;w;
Grovyle’s leaves would come to resemble holly when it regrows after being eaten—prickly, stiff, and with that iconic warped shape.
He'd grow thorns that are tipped in red around the base of his neck.
His overall coloring would become a lot darker, and would develop a pattern along his body resembling plants that are wilted from overwatering
His eyes would glow in low light.
He'd get by a lot better than the Grovyle who killed his timeline's celebi, as he wouldn't have any misgivings about resolving the Darkrai issue and would seek out Cresselia immediately upon realizing he obtained his powers so he could live his life as normal.
Living forever would definitely be hard on him, with Twig's death having the same devastating impact as it has on him during every timeline she passes before him, but he'd get by well enough with Celebi helping him get through the hard times.
(Celebi gives up on getting him to realize she likes him about a century or two in. It's exhausting, and she eventually moves on. At one point after this, he mentions how he almost thought she had a crush on him after she said something vaguely flirtatious to him a couple decades back and Celebi comes this (👌) close to throttling him.)
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aroaceart · 1 year
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@heropartnerweek Day 4 - Legends
Wow, something from a canon story? I'm shocked! The hero and partner aren't specific characters, I just pulled two random icons of PMD. And Grovyle, of course. Grovyle is really an honorary partner.
This piece fought me every step of the way... blegh. Hopefully I'm still on track to finish off the week.
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timegears-moved · 1 year
imagine you've never played the explorers games and go onto the pmd sprite repository because their icons are really cool and you go to grovyle's page and see that his stunned icon is him fucking muzzled with zero context
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heavenlyhoundoom · 25 days
Me roasting Hoenn.
Treecko: I bet this pokemon licks its eyes.
Grovyle: You had a very weird meme.
Sceptile: Do those back seeds hurt?
Torchic: The boys have small specks on their butts.
Combusken: Some pointed out that it looks like a certain body part, and now I can't unsee it.
Blaziken: The first fire/fighting starter that everyone "loves".
Mudkip: The most overused pokemon meme.
Marshtomp: It looks like it can't think.
Swampert: One razor leaf and you're dead.
Poochyena: Only known for chasing Birch.
Mightyena: Aka, Diet Houndoom.
Zigzagoon: I hope we get a tanuki pokemon that actually looks like a tanuki one day.
Linoone: Apparently, tanukis evolve into badgers.
Wurmple: Slightly more interesting than the other regional bugs due to its split evolutions.
Cascoon and Silcoon: It sucks that which evolution you get is determined by something completely out of your control.
Dustox and Beautifly: Living proof of pretty privilege.
Lotad, Lombre, and Ludicolo: Did you know these pokemon are based on kappas, a yokai known for drowning people?
Seedoot: This kind of looks like a mario enemy.
Nuzleaf: Why does it have nipples?
Shiftry: How are you able to do anything with those leaf hands?
Tailow: It's just a bird.
Swellow: You're mainly known for one of the biggest ass pulls In the anime.
Wingull and Pelliper: Why are you in every region after your introduction!?
Ralts: And the winner for most ridiculous haircut goes to...
Kirlia: Your haircut has gotten slightly better, but only slightly.
Gardevoir: Poor thing was rule 34ed beyond repair.
Surskit: Ah. =)
Masquerain: You have to be the most forgettable gen 3 pokemon.
Shroomish: I can't unsee the clip where someone flipped its face upside down and made another face.
Breloom: AKA: The kangashroom.
Slakoth: I wish people could be as chill as this guy.
Vigoroth: The caffeine addict pokemon.
Slaking: Oh my gosh, it's the man behind all those live action Disney remakes!
Nincada and Ninjask: They went from having a super cool type combo to having the most overused bug combo ever.
Shedinja: Don't go looking at its back.
Whismur: Why does it have a butt hole!?
Loudred: It's so ugly!!!
Exploud: Why would anyone want to train such a loud pokemon!?
Makuhita and Hariyama: It's sumo time!!!
Azurill: This pokemon created the first pokemon trans icon.
Nosepass: How big are its boogers?
Skitty: Too bad You're only known for being able to breed with a whale.
Delcatty: Look at that neck pillow.
Sableye: I feel like if it could talk, it would sound like Stitch.
Mawile: How heavy is your mouth hair?
The Aron line: Why would you create metal termites!?
Meditite: It looks like it's wearing a diaper.
Medicham: Now it looks like a pingas!
Electrike and Manectric: I would've never known that these were supposed to be dogs if people didn't tell me.
Plusle and Minun: These pokemon only exist to show off the new(at the time) double battle mechanic.
Volbeat and Illumise: Zzzz....
Roselia: You should've been a gen 4 pokemon.
Gulping and Swalot: Their names are such a dirty mind test.
Carvanha and Sharpedo: Apparently, piranhas evolve into sharks.
Wailmer: Not nearly as memorable as your evolution.
Warlord: And you're only known for being able to breed with a tiny cat.
Numel: The slowpoke for camel lovers.
Camerupt: You're Maxie's ace pokemon, and you're still forgettable.
Spoink: I would hate to have to bounce all the time to stay alive.
Grumpig: Miss Piggy without her makeup.
Spinda: If you're trying to catch every spinda variant, then you have no life.
Trapinch: This was the bane of my existence in X and Y.
Vibrava and Flygon: The "Why aren't these bug/dragon type" pokemon.
Cacnea and Cacturne: I'm gonna add these pokemon to my list of reasons to never go to the desert.
Swablu and Altaria: Mmmm... cotton candy...
Zangoose: Don't leave this pokemon alone with your pet snake
Seviper: Shiny killers, shiny killers, shiny killers!
Lunatone and Solrock: Shouldn't you two be in the super star daycare?
Barboach: More like barbitch!
Wishcash: This pokemon eats masterballs for breakfast!
Corphish and Crawdaunt: Mmmm...crawfish...
Baltoy: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay.
Claydol: Ah, yes. Biblically accurate pokemon.
Lileep: You'd think the first rock/grass type would look more interesting.
Cradilly: Don't lie. You also used to think Cradilly's eyes were its teeth.
Anorith: Stop staring at me with them big old eyes!
Armaldo: A another shiny ruined by the saturation of the 3d era.
Feebas and Milotic: Ugly duckling but with fish.
Castform: How does it feel to have gone years without shinies for your alternative forms?
Kecleon: How are you able to hide from opponents when the stripe on your belly doesn't change?
Shuppet and Banette: You two really need therapy.
Duskull: You're just a bully.
Dusclops: I don't like how it feels like it's staring into my soul.
Tropius: Are those bananas removable, asking for a friend.
Chimecho: Who are you again?
Absol: The emo pokemon.
Wynaut: Was this pokemon really necessary?
Snorunt: It looks so puntable!
Galie: Why do you look so pissed, man?
Spheal: I can't roast perfection.
Sealeo: Your mustache looks like cut-up paper.
Walrein: Who else used to think this pokemon was a pseudo legendary?
Clampearl: Give me them pearls!
Huntail and Gorebyss: Everyone keeps talking about how Remoraid evolving into Octillery makes no sense, but what about these guys?
Relicanth: How have you survived for so long while also being able to die from a single vine whip?
Luvdisc: Boring pokemon, cool shiny.
Bagon: How are you able to do anything with those practically nonexistent arms!?
Shelgon: Another cacoon pokemon.
Salamance: I'm glad you can finally fly, but is shooting all those beams of energy necessary?
Beldum: Just stay in the ball, damn you!
Metang: Hide your Nosepasses.
Metagross: I've got nothing. This is such a cool pokemon.
The regis: I can take you all down with one fighting type!
Latias and Latios: The only difference between their megas is their eye color!
Kyogre and Groudon: Someone clearly has an unfair advantage.
Rayquaza: Its mega has to be the most op thing in the franchise!
Jirachi: I wish Gamefreak would just give us a fire/fairy type already!
Deoxys: The ultrabeast before ultrabeasts.
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scepterno · 1 year
I love that Grovyle icon. Are you a Pokémon fan too, and is that from PMD?
that's actually my pokesona lol!!!! i do love PMD though
i think ive had this icon set for like........ over 5 years at least.... maybe 7............
my url is a combination of Sceptile and Monferno!
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defendglobe · 1 year
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no joke, i think this is one of the most iconic bits of PMD dialogue. right up there with grovyle’s speech in special episode 5.
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scribz-ag24 · 4 months
The Grovyle and Shadow the Hedgehog parallels that keep haunting me
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btw @wishfxljikan, here's what you asked for, have some random similarities i brainstormed with @momodr0id a while ago :DD
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Also take some shitposting from Shadow The Hedgehog (2005) and that iconic Jehtt video about Sonic Prime.
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[edit: changed one of the shitposting pics that was missing some dialogue]
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The inverse, too. Grovyle propaganda also generally applies to Homura. Why are we pitting two icons against each other
Thus is the way of these tournaments.
But also I did not expect Homura to beat the doctor, holy shit.
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quarterdollar · 2 years
no way is there a divorce bracket and archie/maxie aren’t even on it. GROVYLE AND DUSKNOIR are but not the OGs??? the inventors of divorce in the pokemon universe??? the GOATs themselves?? the icons??? i have to laugh
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driftingballoons · 11 months
For the character thing you just reblogged: Grovyle from EoS or Gengar from Red/Blue Rescue Team
I never played Red/Blue Rescue Team, so not too familiar with the gremlin, so Grovyle it is >:)
favorite thing about them
God just. Oh my god. Everything? In all seriousness, I think it’s how kindhearted he is (when he’s not beating the shit out of people anyway). The way he reunites with Hero, just to realize they’re still lost to him, that they’ll ALWAYS be lost to him, even if they weren’t going to disappear at the end of it all. The way he sees how he was unintentionally replaced by Partner, yet still treats them both with the utmost kindness. He doesn’t hold a grudge against Partner, or harbor any hard feelings; his best friend found someone who is always looking out for them, and he’s genuinely happy for them. It just breaks my heart every time. 
least favorite thing about them
I get that he’s on a strict timeline, and that he’s probably running on pure adrenaline, but his attack first ask questions later approach is really…not conducive to the mission. That and beating up children aren’t a good look on him. 
favorite line
Gonna have to go with the ICONIC lines from the cave scene in SE5, where he talks about how what you accomplish in life is more important than how long you get. That speech was honestly life changing.  
Hero and Partner. They are all friends. The first thing he did when coming back from not existing was to let them know he and the rest of the future were alive ;0;
Celebi and Dusknoir. Polycule of all time 
I guess anyone other than Celebi/Dusknoir? I don’t really see him shipped with anyone else. He doesn’t really interact with anyone else either, unless he’s beating them up or getting attacked :(
random headcanon
He feels generally unwell in the future because being a grass type in a world of perpetual darkness sucks. The first time he experienced real sunlight in the past is eye-opening, not only for its beauty, but also for how healthy it makes him feel. He never realized he could feel so good. 
unpopular opinion
I’ve heard various ideas of the nature of his relationship to Hero, and my personal take is that he was their pokemon in the traditional trainer-pokemon style. Specifically, I feel like Hero would’ve had him from when they were quite young, but that he’s probably at least a little younger. 
song i associate with them
Entropy by End of Silence has some lyrics that really resonate with him I feel. I can especially imagine it while they’re fighting Primal Dialga in the future. 
favorite picture of them
I always loved this photo of him from the loading screen. The colors, the composition, it’s just perfect <3
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