#GrooveFunnels vs. ClickFunnels
profunnelbuilder · 10 months
Creating a ClickFunnels account is an extremely easy process. However, you have to read their terms and conditions carefully before sign-up. You can create an account to sign-up or register through a shared link. Here, you will be offered a 14 days free trial as a new customer.
Whenever you sign-up for ClickFunnels you see a form which is full of information.  In this situation, we will give you all the detailing process.
So that you can sign-up for the account without any hassles.
Read More: https://profunnelbuilder.com/clickfunnels-signup/
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ClickFunnels vs Groovefunnels - Real User Honest Opinion! (MUST READ) - Online Technical Guru
Discover the ultimate showdown between ClickFunnels and Groovefunnels in this must-read article! Get real user insights and honest opinions on ClickFunnels vs Groovefunnels, helping you make an informed decision for your business. Explore features, benefits, and drawbacks to find the perfect fit for your needs. Dive into this comprehensive comparison today!
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belikeaviral · 4 years
Check out the Difference between GrooveFunnels vs ClickFunnels and choose the best for your online bussiness
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muklisprodigi · 2 years
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How Build Better Websites and Funnels System...
With so many things going on worldwide and global changes that will forever impact the way people live and do business, going online is no longer just an option....
Don’t wait any longer, because I’m honestly not sure when this free offer is going to go away.
Do yourself a favor and sign up for your free Groove account right now, and I will see you inside of the Facebook group.
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mycove01 · 4 years
Best ClickFunnels Alternative | We Finally Have Our Winner
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During the last six years, ClickFunnels helped thousands of individuals to generate revenue online, and if you utilize the trademarked system, you can create sales funnels, optimize the experiences of the buyers, enhance the designs of websites, improve automation and evaluate detailed statistics. Once you install the system, you can also manage many websites, design landing pages, customize unique domains and utilize free templates.
A Better Page Builder What is GrooveSell? GrooveMailGrooveKart GrooveWebinar – The GoToWebinar Alternative? Is GrooveMember better than ClickFunnels Membership area? Is there a free version of ClickFunnels? What is Cheaper than ClickFunnels? Is ClickFunnels Worth the Money? What is GrooveFunnels? How Much is GrooveFunnels? GrooveFunnels Pros and Cons GrooveFunnels vs ClickFunnels
Choosing an Alternative and Evaluating a Cutting-Edge System
Our experienced marketers have diligently searched for a system that is substantially better than ClickFunnels, and after we completed our exhaustive search, our experts have proven that GrooveFunnels can help thousands of individuals to earn money online. If you utilize the trademarked system, you could create innovative websites, increase the profitability of upselling, join an affiliate network and develop many promotional videos. Once you create a custom website, you could manage a blog, a membership site and automated webinars that may attract thousands of customers.
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A Better Page Builder
The company offers many tools that can allow you to customize various websites, and you could add relevant links, offer useful tools, improve the navigation, customize a blog and add many images. When you design an innovative website, you could also create meta tags, detailed descriptions, relevant headlines and a unique design. Typically, you should add important keywords to the meta tags, and this technique can significantly improve the website’s rankings in the search engines.
If you utilize the innovative tools, you could develop a website that features a responsive design, and according to many reports, a responsive design can improve the satisfaction of clients, reduce a website’s bounce rate and augment the website’s conversion rates. Once you develop a website that has a responsive design, many guests may frequently visit the site, and these visitors could purchase various products, watch promotional videos, read informative articles or generate new leads.
The company offers many well-designed templates that are related to several topics, and consequently, marketers can easily create a new website that features an innovative layout. If you add a template, the design could substantially reduce the duration of the project, enhance the navigation and improve the experiences of customers.
Generally, you may add many tools that can automatically customize the website if a visitor is utilizing a smartphone. These tools could modify the sizes of images, alter numerous types of links and customize the navigation. The useful tools may also modify the contact form, and when a customer visits the landing page, the buyer could easily contact the business, send an important message or purchase multiple products. Likewise, the website may feature a clickable phone number, and usually, the phone number can considerably increase a company’s revenue and augment conversion rates.
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Using GrooveSell
When you are ready to sell many products, GrooveFunnels could help you to offer cutting-edge products that can meet the needs of customers, and the system may also optimize the effectiveness of upselling. If a client would like to purchase specific products, the software program can automatically suggest comparable products that may interest the customer.
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Sometimes, this technique could augment a company’s revenue by more than 55 percent, and the strategy may considerably increase the subtotals of many orders. Several reports have suggested that the strategy could also improve business relationships and enhance the satisfaction of clients.
Customizing the Domains
When you utilize the innovative tools, you can select high-quality domains that could improve the reputation of your website, enhance the site’s rankings and optimize brand awareness. The company also provides free hosting, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage space.
Creating a New Blog
The company offers useful tools that can help you to create an informative blog, and you may add high-quality articles that provide helpful guidelines. Once you create a new article, you could integrate various links that feature relevant anchor texts. Likewise, you may install tools that can allow visitors to create many comments, and according to detailed surveys, these tools could increase a website’s traffic by more than 28 percent.
Generally, an informative blog can augment conversion rates, increase a company’s revenue and improve the reputation of the business. The blog may significantly reduce a website’s bounce rate, and the informative blog could encourage many visitors to read detailed articles. Once a visitor reviews an informative article, the guest may click several advertisements, complete the contact form or read articles that examine similar topics. Additionally, some guests may frequently share the website’s links on many social media networks. Subsequently, these extra backlinks could substantially improve a website’s rankings in the search results.
Examining the Benefits of Email Marketing
The company offers many tools that can help you to send promotional emails, and you could create emails that feature coupon codes, excellent testimonials and images that show innovative products. Each marketer may also send emails that provide numerous types of incentives. According to many reports, incentives can augment a website’s revenue by around 55 percent, and the extra incentives could increase the percentage of clients who purchase multiple products. Although, I still view SmartEngage as the best all around Email Service Provider with the best open rates.
Utilizing an Innovative Platform and Customizing High-Quality Videos
Once you create a new account, you may use tools that could help you to customize promotional videos, and you can create videos that describe the benefits of many products, offer helpful guidelines and compare several types of products. The videos could significantly increase a website’s traffic, boost conversion rates and augment a company’s revenue. The videos may considerably improve brand awareness, and many guests could share the videos, request additional videos or create detailed comments.
Improving Each Website and Optimizing the Navigation
If you utilize the innovative tools, you can customize the navigation of each website, add many types of links and improve the layout of every site. Additionally, you could easily create a site map, and the site map can help search engines to quickly index new websites.
Designing New Landing Pages That Could Increase Revenue
When you develop a landing page, you can add a description of each product, many excellent testimonials, a contact form and images that show the innovative products. Subsequently, you should also create a call to action, and the landing page may provide coupon codes that could consistently increase conversion rates.
Some landing pages contain infographics that effectively compare many products, and these infographics can examine the features of each product, the prices of specific items, the durability of many products and the design of each item. Several reports have suggested that unique infographics can augment conversion rates by more than 15 percent. Moreover, the infographics could significantly increase a website’s traffic because many users frequently search for interesting images.
Each landing page may also feature videos that evaluate the benefits of certain products, and the videos could provide detailed guidelines, compare many products and offer various types of incentives. Many reports have indicated that interesting videos can increase a website’s traffic, and if a webmaster consistently creates new videos, many visitors may regularly share the videos on multiple social media networks.
Using GrooveKart
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When you are designing a new website, you can add a virtual shopping cart to the site, and clients may choose several options, provide billing information, select multiple types of shipping and evaluate the subtotal of each order. If a client does not place a new order, the system can automatically send emails that could encourage the customer to purchase the products. According to informative reports, these tools may increase conversion rates by around 21 percent.
Once customers have selected multiple products, the buyers may use credit cards, debit cards, online payment processors and electronic checks. If a business accepts numerous types of payments, many customers can frequently purchase additional products, generate new leads and provide referrals.
Make Money Using The Groove Affiliate Program
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The company manages an affiliate network that can help marketers to sell many products, and when a website generates leads, the advertisers could earn substantial commissions. Once a marketer joins the affiliate network, the individual can partner with many well-known companies. The business could also provide specialized links, custom advertisements and tools that may increase sales.
When you utilize the innovative tools, you can simultaneously advertise many products, and usually, this technique could boost revenue and augment the return on investment. Once a customer purchases a product, the software program will automatically send an email that contains a notification. Sometimes, the affiliate may also receive a substantial bonus if the website generates multiple leads.
Once you join the affiliate network, you can easily compare the products, and you could evaluate the commissions, the conversion rates and the effectiveness of many marketing campaigns. When you are managing a marketing campaign, you can review detailed reports that indicate the number of visitors who clicked specific advertisements. The reports could also examine the profitability of each advertisement, the value of every sale and the relevance of many links. Moreover, you can review detailed charts that could help you to evaluate relevant trends.
A GoToWebinar Alternative?
Throughout the last eight years, many well-known companies have managed webinars that tremendously increased revenue. Generally, the webinars could generate many leads, improve the reputation of a business, educate customers and attract clients who may provide referrals. Once you create a new account, GrooveFunnels can offer many tools that could allow you to create new webinars, and you may invite many customers, answer questions, provide helpful instructions and promote many products.
Some reports have indicated that webinars can help entrepreneurs to establish business relationships, and the webinars may attract many loyal customers who could buy numerous products. If you manage a webinar, you can also compare several types of products. Once an entrepreneur compares many products, customers could swiftly make important decisions, and usually, this technique can substantially increase a company’s conversion rates.
GrooveMember vs ClickFunnels Memberhsip
The company offers advanced tools that could allow you to design a membership site, and once you customize the website, visitors may create new accounts, provide contact information, modify their profiles, share the company’s links and contact the business. When guests visit the membership site, the visitors may also evaluate their previous orders, and if a customer purchases a product, the client can examine the tracking number of the order, the status of the order, the subtotal and comparable products.
When you develop a membership site, you may add tools that can allow the users to contact other members. Some reports have indicated that these tools could considerably increase the amount of users who regularly browse the website, and the tools may encourage many members to share updates on the social media networks.
If you would like to improve the membership site, you can provide exclusive offers for members, and you may also offer incentives for users who frequently visit the website. According to many reports, these techniques can consistently increase a website’s traffic, reduce the site’s bounce rate and enhance the loyalty of many customers.
Creating Surveys and Increasing the Company’s Revenue
The company has developed advanced tools that could allow you to customize surveys, and GrooveFunnels can provide tools that could improve the design of each survey, optimize the questions and customize the experience of each visitor. When guests complete surveys, the visitors could also generate new leads, contact the business or share the surveys.
Numerous reports have suggested that surveys could significantly increase the number of customers who frequently contact a business, and many clients may ask important questions, offer detailed feedback or provide referrals. When you review the surveys, you could examine the preferences of clients, the needs of the customers, the quality of many products and the opinions of buyers.
Optimizing Communication
Once you create a new website, GrooveFunnels can offer useful tools that could enhance communication, improve customer service and optimize the satisfaction of clients. If clients can easily contact the business, the customers may frequently contact representatives who could answer questions, provide helpful suggestions, evaluate the needs of the clients and compare many products.
Utilizing a Customer Relationship Management System
While you are developing a sales funnel, you can also access a customer relationship management system, and GrooveFunnels could offer a well-designed system that can provide detailed information, evaluate the orders of many clients and examine the needs of customers. When you use a customer relationship management system, the software program could also reduce the company’s expenses, enhance the efficiency of the business and improve the experiences of many clients.
If a customer contacts the business, the entrepreneur can evaluate the client’s orders, the interests of the customer, important messages and various factors that may affect the buyer’s decisions. The entrepreneur could suggest other products that can meet the needs of the customer, and if a business owner frequently provides helpful recommendations, the technique could substantially increase sales, boost the subtotal of each order and enhance the profitability of every marketing campaign.
Once a company installs the software program, the system can help the business to retain loyal clients. If an entrepreneur uses the system, the business may evaluate relevant trends that could affect the company’s revenue, the decisions of customers, the company’s niche and the prices of many products.
Customizing a Calendar and Managing Events
The company offers a digital calendar that can help users to create comprehensive schedules. When you use the calendar, you could schedule important meetings, receive many types of notifications, evaluate upcoming webinars, add detailed notes and examine the duration of each event. Once you install the tool, you may also share the information with other users, and this technique could increase the number of customers who attend webinars.
Improving the Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns and Increasing the Profitability of Each Website
When you customize a marketing campaign, you can evaluate the advertisements that are providing traffic, and you could also examine landing pages that may generate new leads, increase sales and attract many interested visitors. While you are managing the websites, you could evaluate the overall costs of each marketing campaign, and you can examine the return on investment.
Once you review several marketing campaigns, you could create predictive forecasts that can help you to estimate the company’s profits in the future. When you examine these detailed forecasts, you may also create many goals, and you could estimate the costs of marketing campaigns in the future.
Protecting the Website and Utilizing a Free Secure Sockets Layer Certificate
The business offers a free tool that can consistently enhance the security of each website, and the company’s software could automatically encrypt important data. The company also provides tools that can help marketers to share the secure data.
Examining Many Types of Statistics
While you are managing a website, you could frequently review extensive reports that examine the site’s traffic, the conversion rates, the behaviors of visitors and the geographic regions of guests. Typically, you can also evaluate sources that are generating traffic, and you may examine the keywords that could interest many visitors.
When you are reviewing the statistics, you can also access detailed reports that evaluate the website’s rankings in the search results, and you could examine search results that are related to specific keywords. Marketers can also research important keywords that could optimize a website’s rankings, and you could evaluate the number of users who search for specific keywords. Likewise, you can examine the relevance of each keyword in numerous geographic regions.
Utilizing Split Testing
The company provides several tools that can help marketers to use strategies that require split testing, and GrooveFunnels may offer many reports that could allow advertisers to examine the profitability of each marketing campaign. When you use split testing, you can swiftly test multiple strategies, and you may examine unique designs, distinctive landing pages, multiple types of incentives and well-designed contact forms. While you evaluate the detailed reports, you could also examine the behaviors of customers, the opinions of visitors and the interests of buyers.
Selling Many Types of Products
Once you create a new sales funnel, you can offer many products that could meet the needs of customers, and when a business provides a wide variety of products, the company can attract buyers who reside in many geographic regions. If a customer purchases specific products, the company could offer useful accessories, comparable products, extra services and innovative products that may interest many customers.
When a business provides new products, the company could create well-designed landing pages, send promotional emails and customize videos that describe the products. The business can also contact existing customers who have already purchased high-quality products, and the company may offer coupon codes, a free trial or numerous types of incentives.
Examining Frequently Asked Questions
If you would like to learn more information about GrooveFunnels, you can visit the company’s website, and you may evaluate efficient tools, detailed guidelines, frequently asked questions and an informative video. The website also features excellent testimonials that describe the software program, the advanced tools and the experiences of other marketers.
Is there a free version of ClickFunnels?
Currently, ClickFunnels does not provide a free version of the cutting-edge system, yet if you want to earn money online, you may choose a cheaper system that could quickly generate revenue. Typically, GrooveFunnels can offer various service plans, and you may choose a service plan that has a monthly price of $99. Initially, you could also utilize a free version of the system, and consequently, you can easily create multiple sales funnels before you select a monthly service plan.
The company also offers a service plan that features a monthly price of $199. Once a marketer chooses this service plan, the advertiser can utilize additional tools that could increase the profitability of each marketing campaign, enhance the efficiency of the websites and improve automation.
What Is Cheaper Than ClickFunnels?
Typically, GrooveFunnels can offer valuable services that are significantly cheaper than comparable services, and many marketers have chosen the company’s services because the advertisers can utilize the innovative system for free. Once you create a new account, you may design new landing pages, customize various domains, optimize the profitability of each sales funnel and increase each website’s conversion rates.
Is ClickFunnels Worth the Money?
Generally, GrooveFunnels can provide a system that may help thousands of individuals to generate revenue online, and the company offers a relatively inexpensive system. When marketers utilize the innovative system, the business does not require credit card information. The new marketers can swiftly create free accounts, develop new sales funnels, sell innumerable products, join the large affiliate network and design new websites.
What Is GrooveFunnels?
This company offers a comprehensive system that can allow marketers to increase sales, and when an advertiser utilizes the tools, the marketer could optimize communication, augment the values of many sales and improve automation. Generally, the business can effectively help beginners and experienced advertisers. Once a marketer creates a new account, the advertiser can immediately utilize the advanced tools.
How Much is GrooveFunnels?
Typically, GrooveFunnels can offer various service plans, and you may choose a service plan that has a monthly price of $99. The company also provides a service plan that features a monthly price of $199. Once a marketer chooses this service plan, the advertiser can utilize additional tools that could increase the profitability of each marketing campaign, enhance the efficiency of the websites and improve the satisfaction of buyers. Alternatively, the marketers could select a service plan with a monthly price of $299, and this service plan offers extra tools that may enhance automation, optimize the shopping carts and improve integration.
GrooveFunnels Pros and Cons
The company provides efficient tools that can improve usability, enhance the efficiency of webmasters and optimize innovation. The system could substantially reduce the duration of a large project, and if a marketer uses the advanced tools, the advertiser can swiftly complete important tasks, achieve major goals and create long-term plans.
The business has created tools that could significantly reduce the overall costs of many projects. Fortunately, GrooveFunnels can offer an all-in-one system that could allow advertisers to implement effective strategies, yet the company provides inexpensive service plans that can tremendously decrease the costs of marketing campaigns. Once other companies develop various marketing tools, each tool may have a high price, and many advertisers could individually buy each software program.
When experts created GrooveFunnels, the specialists added many tools that can help marketers to communicate with customers. The clients can complete surveys, attend webinars, utilize calendars, watch videos and use an interactive shopping cart. These features may substantially improve the experiences of clients, and if a business uses these tools, many customers may frequently browse the company’s website, contact the business and provide referrals.
GrooveFunnels Vs ClickFunnels
According to many experts, GrooveFunnels can provide a system that is substantially better than ClickFunnels, and typically, GrooveFunnels can offer a comprehensive system that has additional features. When marketers developed ClickFunnels, the advertisers created a system that can only help marketers to develop sales funnels. In contrast, GrooveFunnels offers a complete system that can allow advertisers to improve every aspect of a marketing campaign.
Learning Additional Information
If you have any questions about the cutting-edge system, you can examine detailed guidelines, the benefits of responsive websites, frequently asked questions and many types of services. The business also offers informative videos that could help you to utilize the advanced system.
Once you visit the company’s website, you can easily contact the experienced marketers who manage the business, and you may create a new support ticket. If you contact the experts, the helpful specialists can answer many questions, describe the services, provide relevant links and increase the profitability of your marketing campaigns.
The post Best ClickFunnels Alternative | We Finally Have Our Winner appeared first on Alternative HQ | Finding The Best Alternatives To What’s Available.
source https://alternativehq.com/best-clickfunnels-alternative/ source https://astelspirals.tumblr.com/post/624187086278410240
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Groove Funnels vs Click funnels Best Funnel creating Tool #digitaldebashreedutta
ClickFunnels is excellent at providing marketing solutions to business people.
GrooveFunnels brings together a suite of premium and free applications that you can
use to build websites, sales funnels, and marketing strategies.Before deciding
whether to use ClickFunnels or GrooveFunnels, users need to know each platform’s
features. In the next section of Groove Funnels vs Click funnels , we will discuss
some of the features. To know more click here
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entrepreneurnut · 3 years
BuilderAll vs Kartra - Which All-In-One Platform Is Best In 2021?
New Post has been published on https://entrepreneurnut.com/builderall-vs-kartra/
BuilderAll vs Kartra - Which All-In-One Platform Is Best In 2021?
Looking for a fair comparison between BuilderAll vs Kartra?
If you’re having trouble choosing between Builderall and Kartra then I’ve pulled each of these all-in-one marketing platforms apart and given my brutally honeys opinion on each.
SPOILER ALERT: Builderall promises to offer more for less.
 It does.
However: Does that mean it will help your online business make more sales than Kartra?
Keep reading my comparison to find out.
Kartra vs BuilderAll: Summary
While Kartra and BuilderAll, have a similar set of features, Kartra is the more robust software overall, despite the higher cost. The main reasons include better templates, more comprehensive marketing automation features, and DFY campaigns built by internet marketing pioneers like Frank Kern.
Get Kartra Free Trial
BuilderAll vs Kartra Overview
Here are the main differences between Kartra and BuilderAll:
BuilderAll is more affordable than Kartra
BuilderAll has a Chatbot builder, Kartra doesn’t
BuilderAll has a webinar and streaming feature, while Kartra doesn’t
BuilderAll is more popular with affiliates since the program is almost an MLM scheme
Kartra has a behavior-adaptive marketing which can considerably boost conversion rates with a more targeted message
Kartra has better email marketing tools for automation, and more triggers
Kartra has a help desk that you can connect to all your pages, BuilderAll doesn’t
Kartra has a better selection of templates that are suited for more types of businesses
Kartra has pre-built funnels and campaign templates that renowned marketers like Frank Kern built. Unfortunately, BuilderAll’s are not on the same level
Our Pick
Our pick: Kartra doesn’t only give you access to all the tools you need to run an online business. But it also comes with SUPER-comprehensive marketing automation features to help average business owners like you and me create a marketing machine that’s working on 24/7 auto-pilot.
Try Kartra For 14-Days
Now let’s get into the features and benefits of each of these marketing software features.
We’ll start with BuilderAll and give you a walkthrough of everything it has to offer. Then we’ll delve into Kartra and pick apart the features so you can have a thorough comparison of the two platforms.
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GrooveFunnels and BuilderAll compared
GrooveFunnels and Kartra compared
Kartra and ClickFunnels compared
What Is BuilderAll?
BuilderAll started in 2011, but the company behind the tool was founded in 2008 by Brazillian Entrepreneur Erick Salgado. BuilderAll is commonly known as a “cheap ClickFunnels alternative” in internet marketing communities despite it being around for longer.
However, more recently, they have started setting themselves apart from the competition with more features such as their chatbots, streaming tools, or video hosting (BuilderAll 3.0).
Besides that, BuilderAll is also VERY-Known for its affiliate program. When you refer customers, you get paid too. That’s not to say that Kartra doesn’t have an affiliate program – they do, in fact, one of the best in the industry, but we’ll discuss that in more detail later.
Who Is BuilderAll For?
BuilderAll targets online businesses, entrepreneurs, internet marketers, and affiliate marketers looking for an affordable all-in-one tool.
Unlike some of its competitors, it doesn’t have a problem with not charging hundreds of dollars for a large set of features.
Instead, BuilderAll focuses on being affordable, which also makes it quite popular with beginners.
BuilderAll Pros
It’s very affordable
Builderall has a great set of robust features
The tool evolves quickly
It integrates with WordPress, which is excellent for bloggers
It has a Chatbot builder to help you engage customers
BuilderAll Cons
BuilderAll support isn’t very good
The builder feels clunky at times
I don’t like the feel of the templates compared to Kartra
The majority of users are affiliates, which questions how much value there is inside
It doesn’t have as many features as Kartra
What Is Kartra?
Compared to BuilderAll, Kartra is that new kid in school who’s killing it in all the sports games. In this case, I’m talking about internet marketing features here – several of them absolutely kick butt!
Kartra only launched in 2018 but already has one of the most impressive lists of features on the market.
This isn’t a surprise: The people behind this thing, a company, named Genesis Digital, is a well-known player in the internet marketing space.
They’ve also developed software for similar target audiences like EverWebinar, and WebinarJam – which you may have heard of.
Who Is Kartra For?
Like BuilderAll, Kartra is for online businesses, entrepreneurs, internet marketers, and info-product vendors who want to market their business online.
But while BuilderAll focuses on doing everything as affordable as possible, Kartra targets those who want to grow their business to the highest possible point.
It does this very effectively by putting more effort into the marketing automation side of things.
I’ll go into more details on all this in just a few minutes, bear with me 🙂
Kartra Pros
Kartra has some of the best marketing automation features to help you generate more sales
It has a help desk feature to help you provide the best support to your customers
Kartra has some of the best campaigns and high-converting sales funnels templates in the entire industry
Behavior-adaptive marketing on the pages will help you match your message to the visitors’ interests
You get all features on every plan
It has a calendar tool that will help you set appointments, generate leads, and close deals
Kartra comes with detailed analytics and a better CRM lead management system
Kartra Cons
It is more expensive than BuilderAll
It doesn’t have a webinar feature
The builder can feel clunky at times too
BuilderAll Features
Now I’m gonna walk you through BuilderAll’s list of features so you will know exactly what you’re getting for your money.
Cheetah Website Builder
BuilderAll has always had its cheetah website builder. I think the name’s supposed to give you the impression that you can build things super-fast using their page builder.
The builder itself is pretty basic but has a good selection of elements that you can choose from.
Some of the elements include:
Opt-in form
SEO text & (h1, h2, h3, etc. + body text)
Scarcity timers
When using it, I was satisfied. There wasn’t anything to complain about, apart from the odd lag – and it did the same stuff most other competitors do for about half the price, not bad.
Overall, I think this is BuilderAll’s strongest feature.
The templates were one of the areas that I wasn’t too impressed with.
The reason?
I just really do get a slight “cheap version of ClickFunnels” vibe from them – but that may just be me.
BuilderAll also seems very internet marketing-focused, and I can’t really imagine a business outside of this industry using the templates.
But, I’ll let you form your own opinion:
Cheetah Funnel Builder
This is a visual sales funnel builder where you can visualize your entire campaign’s emails, pages, etc. – It’s comparable to Funnelytics, but it’s still pretty useful, and I think many marketers would love using this.
Email Marketing Platform
BuilderAll’s email marketing software, called MailingBoss, is not too bad either.
It’s pretty basic compared to most other autoresponders (including Kartra). However, you can still build automation sequences and send newsletters, so there isn’t much to complain about – especially considering the price point of Builderall.
If you were expecting some serious bells and whistles in the automation triggers – I’m afraid this will be a disappointment.
The triggers are very limited (especially compared to Kartra, as we’ll see later):
Link click
Did not click
Campaign open
Did not open
User subscribed
User unsubscribed
The good news is that Kartra does do this much better, as you’ll see in a few minutes in this article.
But if you are looking for a basic autoresponder, BuilderAll’s MailingBoss does the job.
Video Hosting
One thing that I love about most funnel-builders nowadays is that they come with video hosting for your sales pages, membership sites, or wherever you want to use them.
BuilderAll chose to follow this trend – a BIG plus – especially if you’re going to sell online courses.
However, I would love to see a few more tagging options here, though, as they are limited.
That being said, you can add CTAs and text to your videos, which could help conversions.
Blogging Apps + WordPress Integration
Builderall has a blogging app and also directly integrates with WordPress.
I would still not personally use BuilderAll for blog pages simply because you can’t get all your WordPress store plugins to work with it.
The pages you integrate with WordPress are still built and hosted in BuilderAll. Because of this they might be slow, and you can’t make changes to them, apart from the ones that BuilderAll offers.
If you want to, you can use BuilderAll for your landing pages or sales pages that don’t necessarily need to rank well organically in the SERPS.
BuilderAll also has a pretty decent checkout tool, which includes:
Order bumps
Auction Checkout
One-click upsells
Two-step checkouts
Again, this is impressive, especially considering the price point.
BuilderAll Affiliate Management
Using Builderall, you can also create affiliate programs:
Create a tier-1 and 2 affiliate program
The single sale or per recurring affiliate programs
BuilderAll has a unique selling point (USP) that many other competitors don’t have: Chatbots.
The not-so-good news for BuilderAll is that there are alternatives like ManyChat, which do this for only around $10 per month, so this extra feature is unlikely to be a deal breaker for you. Still, it’s a nice feature to have.
However, BuilderAll also has some pre-built funnels, which may make their USP look a little more appealing.
On the highest Builderall plan, it comes with pre-built funnels for different types of businesses and offers. Still, I don’t think it’s going to be a reason to go for Builderall – then again, that’s just my option.
Webinar and Streaming Tool
These are two separate tools, but BuilderAll comes with both a webinar and a streaming tool.
The streaming tool was something that I was pretty impressed with, even though it’s a minor add-on feature.
You can stream to places like Facebook, YouTube, or Twitch from your BuilderAll account, which will make life easier for you.
I know there are endless 3rd party tools that do this, but I still thought it was pretty cool.
BuilderAll Affiliate Program
BuilderAll’s affiliate program is one of the most lucrative out there. You refer customers who, in turn, refer more customers. And you get paid on all those who sign up under you, similar to an MLM. Since this model is very borderline MLM, it attracts a lot of affiliates to use and promote the software.
Is that a bad thing?
Not really, especially if you want to become an affiliate itself and make money with BuilderAll.
However, some might view this negatively because it shows that many users aren’t there for the software – but the affiliate program. But, again, I’ll let you have your own opinion on this.
What BuilderAll Has That Kartra Doesn’t
Here are the features you get with BuilderAll, but not with Kartra:
Visual funnel builder
Better affiliate program
WordPress integration (kind of)
Auction checkouts
Webinars and streaming
While this list of features is nice, most of them are very easy to get elsewhere for not too much money, even if you decide to go for Kartra:
Chatbots? Just add ManyChat for an additional $10 per month.
WordPress integration? Kartra’s kind of got it (more on this later)
Webinars and streaming? Use EverWebinar, StreamYard, or WebinarJam starting from an additional $42 per month
So, it’s not that big of a deal for most businesses out there.
Kartra Features
As you have seen, BuilderAll has set the standard pretty high with their list of features. Let’s look at how Kartra compares.
In my opinion, Kartra is one of the most complete all-in-one platform out there for online marketers, and I think you will soon see what I mean.
Kartra Core Feature: Page Builder and Templates
Kartra’s core feature is its page builder and the templates that come with it. It’s user-friendly and lets you build pretty much any type of page you can think of, and the templates back this up.
Whether it’s a full navigation website or just a squeeze page – Kartra has at least ten templates for every step of your business. The pages are fully customizable, but it uses a block system only to drop elements into a box.
It also comes with all the standard elements like:
Opt-in forms
Count-down timers
Something unique (and very cool) about Kartra is that it lets you match your Kartra pages to your visitors’ previous behavior.
For example, if they have expressed interest in a certain product (through clicks, scrolls, etc.), you can make your future pages automatically adapt to that. Pretty cool..?
Damn right!
And it’s not just “a cool feature” – it can actually give you a HUGE boost in conversions too.
Embed Your Pages – Anywhere
One thing that I love about Kartra is the ability to embed your pages anywhere.
Using an HTML code that you simply copy and paste. I love that your pages aren’t stuck inside Kartra, and this also counters the WordPress integration that BuilderAll has… So it’s a pretty sweet feature.
If you already have a blog set up on WordPress then you don’t have to worry about trying to also rank additional Kartra pages. Simply embed your Kartra page into one of your WordPress page and rank that page as you would do any other WordPress page on your site.
Kartra, just like Builderall, has some advanced checkouts, including:
Order bumps
One-click upsells
Two-step checkouts
The only area where it misses out is the auction checkouts, but I have never really used them myself, so I can’t comment too much on this.
Membership Site Builder
The Kartra membership site builder is a dedicated platform as it has all the features it needs.
Drip feed content
Several access levels
Advanced analytics
Automated member management
Compared to most dedicated platforms, the only area where it loses is the design.
Email & SMS Automation
Now, this is the part where Kartra gets REALLY SWEET!
Remember where BuilderAll’s MailingBoss kind of disappointed us a little with the lack of triggers and marketing automation?
Yeah, Kartra Mail is the complete opposite!
There are triggers for things like:
When your visitors visit your page
If a lead has watched X% amount of your video
If your customer has requested a refund
If your customer is an active affiliate
Let me give you two really (and I mean really) cool examples:
Example 1: You have a service-based business and you’re building your email list. Months later, one of your leads visits your service pages, and you have a trigger to set up an email campaign if they visit this page to send out an email that offers a free consultation… Boom! Now you have a serious opportunity to close that deal.
Example 2: You’re selling an info product via a sales video (we’ll get to this feature in a few moments), and your lead watches the whole thing… But doesn’t buy. They are CLEARLY interested since they watched the whole video – but the cool thing is that you can have a trigger set up for this and tempt them again using a targeted email.
This is by far one of my favorite Kartra features.
And did I forget to mention, you can do this with SMS too?
There are so many ways you could use this as part of your marketing strategy, I’d actually find it hard to count them all. But I would definitely recommend thinking about all the ways you can use this feature in your online business to your increase sales.
Pre-Built Campaigns & Funnels
As I’ve mentioned at the beginning of the article, the pre-built campaigns and funnels are head and shoulders above what you get anywhere else.
Why is this the case?
Because they’ve not been created by just anyone… You’ll have direct, FREE access to marketing campaigns built by internet marketing legends like Frank Kern.
Besides, you’ll also be able to access the marketplace where you can buy and sell marketing campaigns too.
So if you’re a marketing-savvy funnel wizard… This may be a pretty lucrative income opportunity for you.
Video Marketing
Kartra also lets you host your videos inside of the platform. Compared to BuilderAll, the tool is a little more advanced, and comes with more triggers that you can use to activate your autoresponder.
And you can also use CTAs and headlines in your videos too, which will give you another advantage over your competition.
Affiliate Management
Just like BuilderAll, Kartra gives you a pretty advanced affiliate managed tool.
You can:
Create a tier-1 and 2 affiliate program
Create single sale or per recurring affiliate programs
Use instant payments with Paypal
But where Kartra sets itself apart is that it also lets you create CPA affiliate programs too.
MEANING: You can also pay affiliates for leads they generate (pay per lead), giving you more opportunities to grow your business.
Leads/CRM System
In general, Kartra gives you super-detailed analytics for every feature. Whether it’s email marketing campaigns, video hosting, membership sites, affiliate management – you can SEE everything on a beautiful, easy-to-overview dashboard.
And in general, you can pull up any customer to see all of their actions/history in your business, which I thought was pretty cool too.
Other Features
Other features that are pretty self-explanatory:
Helpdesk software
Integrations & API (we’ll look at these later)
What Kartra Has BuilderAll Doesn’t
Here is a full list of what Kartra has that BuilderAll doesn’t:
Much more comprehensive marketing automation to help you make more sales
Much better CRM/Lead management
Slightly better affiliate management
Much better pre-built funnels/campaigns
An affiliate marketplace
As you can see, if you compare this list with the one from Builderall earlier – you will quickly see that the features here are more significant.
Unfortunately, if you want to get these advanced features for Builderall, it will require you to upgrade your entire system.
As you can see, Kartra has a great list or robust features that can go a very long way to help scale your business.
If you still want a more info on this online marketing platform then you can read my detailed Kartra review here.
Now let’s take a quick look at the integration differences between Kartra vs BuilderAll.
BuilderAll Integration
BuilderAll has a tiny list of integrations. Of course, it does come with many features, but it’s still quite annoying because you might want to use a dedicated platform in the future, but not be able to.
The main integrations are:
See the full BuilderAll integration list here.
Kartra Integrations
Kartra has a larger list of integrations, despite not needing a lot of them.
For example, you can integrate directly with email platforms, webinar platforms, payment processors, and more.
Some of the main integrations include:
Google Calendar
You also get the Kartra API so that you can integrate with more software too.
See the full Kartra integration list here.
BuilderAll vs Kartra – Pricing Plans
Here’s a breakdown of the pricing plans for these two digital marketing platforms so you can clearly see what you get for your money with each company.
BuilderAll Cost
Get a screenshot from here: https://builderall.com/plans
BuilderAll has more affordable pricing with 3 options to choose from:
The BuilderAll Essential Plan
The BuilderAll Premium Plan
The BuilderAll Funnel Club Plan
 Essential Plan – $29.90/mo
Here you get the most basic BuilderAll features at a great price.
Some of the features you don’t get are the dedicated funnel builder, the chatbots & pop-ups, video hosting, and others. It’s pretty much giving you the basics, with some pretty severe limitations.
Premium Plan – $69.90/mo
BuilderAll Premium is the plan where you do get all features, but not the pre-built campaigns.
Funnel Club – $99 /mo ($199 on first payment)
Here, you get all features PLUS:
30+ Messenger funnels
50+ Niche Lead Gen Funnels
50+ Niche Funnels For Agencies
20+ Niche Funnels For List Building
10+ BuilderAll Premium Funnels
300+ Cheetah Strategic Funnels
Special: BuilderAll Premium Funnels
300+ Cheetah Strategic Funnels
Premium Affiliate Automatic Approval
Weekly New Niche Funnels Added
Weekly New Cheetah Strategic Themes Add
Kartra Cost
With Katra, it doesn’t matter which plan you are on – you get all the features besides Kartra agency.
The agency feature is something you only really need if you actually run a digital marketing agency. It will allow you to sell Kartra accounts and manage them for your clients.
Here are the details on the cost of Kartra:
Kartra Starter ($99 per month)
Up to 2500 leads
1 custom domain
15k emails p/m
50 GB Bandwidth
Host 100 pages
Host 50 videos
Sell 20 products
Build 2 membership sites
Add 1 additional team member
Connect 1 helpdesk
Kartra Silver ($199 per month)
Up to 12,500 leads
3 custom domains
Unlimited everything else (Bandwidth, videos, pages, etc.)
Kartra Gold ($299 per month)
Up to 25,000 leads
5 custom domains
Unlimited everything else (Bandwidth, videos, pages, etc.)
Kartra Platinum ($499 per month)
Up to 50,000 leads
10 custom domains
Unlimited everything else (Bandwith, videos, pages, etc.)
Try Kartra For 14-Days
Kartra vs Builderall: My Final Thoughts
The race to the pricing bottom between Kartra vs Builderall has an end, but there is NO LIMIT on how many sales you make. That’s why I’m going to decide that there is a winner in this BuilderAll vs. Kartra battle, and fro me, that winner is Kartra.
I say this because even though you may pay a bit more for Kartra, their robust features will actually help you to make more money, which is why most of us are business owners, after all!
Kartra focuses on helping you convert more, while saving you time – to me, that’s much more valuable than saving a few extra dollars each month.
BuilderAll is a good software tool for beginner marketers, but if you’re really looking to scale up your income then I recommend choosing Kartra.
When you sign up for Kartra, make sure to click the button below to start your 14-day trial.
Try Kartra For 14-Days
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nathfiset · 3 years
GrooveFunnels vs ClickFunnels: which is better?
GrooveFunnels vs ClickFunnels comparison
GrooveFunnels and ClickFunnels are two funnels creators but are they the same? As you will see in the article below, you will be able to click on affiliate links for both ClickFunnels and GrooveFunnels. It shows you that they are both great products but different. GrooveFunnels still has a one-time payment for lifetime access which is a better value than the monthly fees with ClickFunnels. On the other hand, ClickFunnels is more developed and functioonal at the time of writing. If you’ve been following my posts here at The Big Internet Marketing Game, then you already know that I’m a big fan of software that allows you to quickly create and test different designs for your internet marketing sales funnels. As more and more businesses start to realize the value of the internet marketing funnel, a whole host of new software and tools has emerged to help them create their own sales funnels. One of the latest is GrooveFunnels, which is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily create sales funnels and then run split tests on those funnels to find out which designs are most effective. In their never-ending quest for more leads, more sales, and more money, the online marketing industry has come up with many clever tools, techniques, and services that can help you reach your goals. From course creation to content creation, keyword research to list building, and email marketing to social media marketing, there's a tool for every part of the online marketing puzzle. And the best part about many of these tools is they're free!
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If you’re carrying out a promotion with the goal to sell a product you’ve got to consider how you’re going to attract site visitors to your landing page. There are tools that you can use to make this process easier. One of the tools is called a Funnel. It’s an instrument that helps you convert more web traffic into leads, and it gathers leads through particular stages with the assistance of marketing and sales automation. Two of the biggest names in this segment of the digital marketing industry are Funnel, and ClickFunnels. While many businesses are still figuring out how to effectively use email marketing to their advantage, others are turning to more sophisticated tools to streamline and optimize their marketing efforts. At the moment, the two most popular are ClickFunnels and GrooveFunnels. ClickFunnels started out as a software company that created the “easiest and most powerful sales, marketing and conversion platform.” They knew that, for their software to be useful, it needed to be integrated with as many third-party apps as possible. This was the reasoning behind their decision to create the ClickFunnels “Actionetics” feature, which allows users to integrate dozens of different marketing applications, allowing for easy marketing automation. In contrast, OK, we have to talk about GrooveFunnels again. We've talked about it before, but now it's time to really wrap our heads around why GrooveFunnels is so much better than ClickFunnels. We'll start by saying this: ClickFunnels is a great company, and it's likely why you're reading this blog post in the first place. But when it comes to digital marketing tools, there are certain things that GrooveFunnels does better than ClickFunnels.  We'll discuss those things and more in this post! The simple truth is that they’re not always better.  There are some reasons that GrooveFunnels is better than ClickFunnels, but there are also reasons that ClickFunnels is better than GrooveFunnels.  In fact, unless you match the ClickFunnels features you need with the GrooveFunnels features you need, one or the other is likely to be a better option for you.  That’s why it’s important that you know what the ClickFunnels features are, so you can make a more informed decision.   Read the full article
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khondoker · 4 years
Mike Filsaime Vs. Russel Brunson
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You will be surprised to know that Mike of GF and Russell of CF were friends. Also, Mike was a MENTOR to Russell once.
They were friends, did business together, promoted each other’s works. And they were both successful in their respective field. Both are in the market for almost three decades. There are plenty of interesting stories around them and their online activities.
Let’s talk about their strengths and weakness.
Mike’s advantage is he is a passionate and innovative marketer, also is a software developer. He literally understands code. That’s where his special attention is, and that’s how his mind works, combined with a passion for marketing.
He is also the second to make a million-dollar-day, after John Reese, with his “ The Butterfly Marketing” online courses. Again, he founded many SaaS like Kartra, WebinarJam, and EverWebinar. His experience with Kartra evoked the vision to create the GF.
On the other hand, Russell Brunson of CF is very, very good at marketing. He knows and implements all the tricks of online selling and making money. But he doesn’t understand coding, frame-work sort of things.
Next, we will try to figure out how their knowledge and characteristics put the GF vs. CF rivalry in a rather exciting context that continues to this very day.
Read Full Review of ClickFunnels Vs. GrooveFunnels
from WordPress https://bit.ly/39XjCyX via IFTTT
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astelspirals · 4 years
Best ClickFunnels Alternative | We Finally Have Our Winner
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During the last six years, ClickFunnels helped thousands of individuals to generate revenue online, and if you utilize the trademarked system, you can create sales funnels, optimize the experiences of the buyers, enhance the designs of websites, improve automation and evaluate detailed statistics. Once you install the system, you can also manage many websites, design landing pages, customize unique domains and utilize free templates.
A Better Page Builder What is GrooveSell? GrooveMailGrooveKart GrooveWebinar – The GoToWebinar Alternative? Is GrooveMember better than ClickFunnels Membership area? Is there a free version of ClickFunnels? What is Cheaper than ClickFunnels? Is ClickFunnels Worth the Money? What is GrooveFunnels? How Much is GrooveFunnels? GrooveFunnels Pros and Cons GrooveFunnels vs ClickFunnels
Choosing an Alternative and Evaluating a Cutting-Edge System
Our experienced marketers have diligently searched for a system that is substantially better than ClickFunnels, and after we completed our exhaustive search, our experts have proven that GrooveFunnels can help thousands of individuals to earn money online. If you utilize the trademarked system, you could create innovative websites, increase the profitability of upselling, join an affiliate network and develop many promotional videos. Once you create a custom website, you could manage a blog, a membership site and automated webinars that may attract thousands of customers.
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A Better Page Builder
The company offers many tools that can allow you to customize various websites, and you could add relevant links, offer useful tools, improve the navigation, customize a blog and add many images. When you design an innovative website, you could also create meta tags, detailed descriptions, relevant headlines and a unique design. Typically, you should add important keywords to the meta tags, and this technique can significantly improve the website’s rankings in the search engines.
If you utilize the innovative tools, you could develop a website that features a responsive design, and according to many reports, a responsive design can improve the satisfaction of clients, reduce a website’s bounce rate and augment the website’s conversion rates. Once you develop a website that has a responsive design, many guests may frequently visit the site, and these visitors could purchase various products, watch promotional videos, read informative articles or generate new leads.
The company offers many well-designed templates that are related to several topics, and consequently, marketers can easily create a new website that features an innovative layout. If you add a template, the design could substantially reduce the duration of the project, enhance the navigation and improve the experiences of customers.
Generally, you may add many tools that can automatically customize the website if a visitor is utilizing a smartphone. These tools could modify the sizes of images, alter numerous types of links and customize the navigation. The useful tools may also modify the contact form, and when a customer visits the landing page, the buyer could easily contact the business, send an important message or purchase multiple products. Likewise, the website may feature a clickable phone number, and usually, the phone number can considerably increase a company’s revenue and augment conversion rates.
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Using GrooveSell
When you are ready to sell many products, GrooveFunnels could help you to offer cutting-edge products that can meet the needs of customers, and the system may also optimize the effectiveness of upselling. If a client would like to purchase specific products, the software program can automatically suggest comparable products that may interest the customer.
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Sometimes, this technique could augment a company’s revenue by more than 55 percent, and the strategy may considerably increase the subtotals of many orders. Several reports have suggested that the strategy could also improve business relationships and enhance the satisfaction of clients.
Customizing the Domains
When you utilize the innovative tools, you can select high-quality domains that could improve the reputation of your website, enhance the site’s rankings and optimize brand awareness. The company also provides free hosting, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage space.
Creating a New Blog
The company offers useful tools that can help you to create an informative blog, and you may add high-quality articles that provide helpful guidelines. Once you create a new article, you could integrate various links that feature relevant anchor texts. Likewise, you may install tools that can allow visitors to create many comments, and according to detailed surveys, these tools could increase a website’s traffic by more than 28 percent.
Generally, an informative blog can augment conversion rates, increase a company’s revenue and improve the reputation of the business. The blog may significantly reduce a website’s bounce rate, and the informative blog could encourage many visitors to read detailed articles. Once a visitor reviews an informative article, the guest may click several advertisements, complete the contact form or read articles that examine similar topics. Additionally, some guests may frequently share the website’s links on many social media networks. Subsequently, these extra backlinks could substantially improve a website’s rankings in the search results.
Examining the Benefits of Email Marketing
The company offers many tools that can help you to send promotional emails, and you could create emails that feature coupon codes, excellent testimonials and images that show innovative products. Each marketer may also send emails that provide numerous types of incentives. According to many reports, incentives can augment a website’s revenue by around 55 percent, and the extra incentives could increase the percentage of clients who purchase multiple products. Although, I still view SmartEngage as the best all around Email Service Provider with the best open rates.
Utilizing an Innovative Platform and Customizing High-Quality Videos
Once you create a new account, you may use tools that could help you to customize promotional videos, and you can create videos that describe the benefits of many products, offer helpful guidelines and compare several types of products. The videos could significantly increase a website’s traffic, boost conversion rates and augment a company’s revenue. The videos may considerably improve brand awareness, and many guests could share the videos, request additional videos or create detailed comments.
Improving Each Website and Optimizing the Navigation
If you utilize the innovative tools, you can customize the navigation of each website, add many types of links and improve the layout of every site. Additionally, you could easily create a site map, and the site map can help search engines to quickly index new websites.
Designing New Landing Pages That Could Increase Revenue
When you develop a landing page, you can add a description of each product, many excellent testimonials, a contact form and images that show the innovative products. Subsequently, you should also create a call to action, and the landing page may provide coupon codes that could consistently increase conversion rates.
Some landing pages contain infographics that effectively compare many products, and these infographics can examine the features of each product, the prices of specific items, the durability of many products and the design of each item. Several reports have suggested that unique infographics can augment conversion rates by more than 15 percent. Moreover, the infographics could significantly increase a website’s traffic because many users frequently search for interesting images.
Each landing page may also feature videos that evaluate the benefits of certain products, and the videos could provide detailed guidelines, compare many products and offer various types of incentives. Many reports have indicated that interesting videos can increase a website’s traffic, and if a webmaster consistently creates new videos, many visitors may regularly share the videos on multiple social media networks.
Using GrooveKart
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When you are designing a new website, you can add a virtual shopping cart to the site, and clients may choose several options, provide billing information, select multiple types of shipping and evaluate the subtotal of each order. If a client does not place a new order, the system can automatically send emails that could encourage the customer to purchase the products. According to informative reports, these tools may increase conversion rates by around 21 percent.
Once customers have selected multiple products, the buyers may use credit cards, debit cards, online payment processors and electronic checks. If a business accepts numerous types of payments, many customers can frequently purchase additional products, generate new leads and provide referrals.
Make Money Using The Groove Affiliate Program
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The company manages an affiliate network that can help marketers to sell many products, and when a website generates leads, the advertisers could earn substantial commissions. Once a marketer joins the affiliate network, the individual can partner with many well-known companies. The business could also provide specialized links, custom advertisements and tools that may increase sales.
When you utilize the innovative tools, you can simultaneously advertise many products, and usually, this technique could boost revenue and augment the return on investment. Once a customer purchases a product, the software program will automatically send an email that contains a notification. Sometimes, the affiliate may also receive a substantial bonus if the website generates multiple leads.
Once you join the affiliate network, you can easily compare the products, and you could evaluate the commissions, the conversion rates and the effectiveness of many marketing campaigns. When you are managing a marketing campaign, you can review detailed reports that indicate the number of visitors who clicked specific advertisements. The reports could also examine the profitability of each advertisement, the value of every sale and the relevance of many links. Moreover, you can review detailed charts that could help you to evaluate relevant trends.
A GoToWebinar Alternative?
Throughout the last eight years, many well-known companies have managed webinars that tremendously increased revenue. Generally, the webinars could generate many leads, improve the reputation of a business, educate customers and attract clients who may provide referrals. Once you create a new account, GrooveFunnels can offer many tools that could allow you to create new webinars, and you may invite many customers, answer questions, provide helpful instructions and promote many products.
Some reports have indicated that webinars can help entrepreneurs to establish business relationships, and the webinars may attract many loyal customers who could buy numerous products. If you manage a webinar, you can also compare several types of products. Once an entrepreneur compares many products, customers could swiftly make important decisions, and usually, this technique can substantially increase a company’s conversion rates.
GrooveMember vs ClickFunnels Memberhsip
The company offers advanced tools that could allow you to design a membership site, and once you customize the website, visitors may create new accounts, provide contact information, modify their profiles, share the company’s links and contact the business. When guests visit the membership site, the visitors may also evaluate their previous orders, and if a customer purchases a product, the client can examine the tracking number of the order, the status of the order, the subtotal and comparable products.
When you develop a membership site, you may add tools that can allow the users to contact other members. Some reports have indicated that these tools could considerably increase the amount of users who regularly browse the website, and the tools may encourage many members to share updates on the social media networks.
If you would like to improve the membership site, you can provide exclusive offers for members, and you may also offer incentives for users who frequently visit the website. According to many reports, these techniques can consistently increase a website’s traffic, reduce the site’s bounce rate and enhance the loyalty of many customers.
Creating Surveys and Increasing the Company’s Revenue
The company has developed advanced tools that could allow you to customize surveys, and GrooveFunnels can provide tools that could improve the design of each survey, optimize the questions and customize the experience of each visitor. When guests complete surveys, the visitors could also generate new leads, contact the business or share the surveys.
Numerous reports have suggested that surveys could significantly increase the number of customers who frequently contact a business, and many clients may ask important questions, offer detailed feedback or provide referrals. When you review the surveys, you could examine the preferences of clients, the needs of the customers, the quality of many products and the opinions of buyers.
Optimizing Communication
Once you create a new website, GrooveFunnels can offer useful tools that could enhance communication, improve customer service and optimize the satisfaction of clients. If clients can easily contact the business, the customers may frequently contact representatives who could answer questions, provide helpful suggestions, evaluate the needs of the clients and compare many products.
Utilizing a Customer Relationship Management System
While you are developing a sales funnel, you can also access a customer relationship management system, and GrooveFunnels could offer a well-designed system that can provide detailed information, evaluate the orders of many clients and examine the needs of customers. When you use a customer relationship management system, the software program could also reduce the company’s expenses, enhance the efficiency of the business and improve the experiences of many clients.
If a customer contacts the business, the entrepreneur can evaluate the client’s orders, the interests of the customer, important messages and various factors that may affect the buyer’s decisions. The entrepreneur could suggest other products that can meet the needs of the customer, and if a business owner frequently provides helpful recommendations, the technique could substantially increase sales, boost the subtotal of each order and enhance the profitability of every marketing campaign.
Once a company installs the software program, the system can help the business to retain loyal clients. If an entrepreneur uses the system, the business may evaluate relevant trends that could affect the company’s revenue, the decisions of customers, the company’s niche and the prices of many products.
Customizing a Calendar and Managing Events
The company offers a digital calendar that can help users to create comprehensive schedules. When you use the calendar, you could schedule important meetings, receive many types of notifications, evaluate upcoming webinars, add detailed notes and examine the duration of each event. Once you install the tool, you may also share the information with other users, and this technique could increase the number of customers who attend webinars.
Improving the Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns and Increasing the Profitability of Each Website
When you customize a marketing campaign, you can evaluate the advertisements that are providing traffic, and you could also examine landing pages that may generate new leads, increase sales and attract many interested visitors. While you are managing the websites, you could evaluate the overall costs of each marketing campaign, and you can examine the return on investment.
Once you review several marketing campaigns, you could create predictive forecasts that can help you to estimate the company’s profits in the future. When you examine these detailed forecasts, you may also create many goals, and you could estimate the costs of marketing campaigns in the future.
Protecting the Website and Utilizing a Free Secure Sockets Layer Certificate
The business offers a free tool that can consistently enhance the security of each website, and the company’s software could automatically encrypt important data. The company also provides tools that can help marketers to share the secure data.
Examining Many Types of Statistics
While you are managing a website, you could frequently review extensive reports that examine the site’s traffic, the conversion rates, the behaviors of visitors and the geographic regions of guests. Typically, you can also evaluate sources that are generating traffic, and you may examine the keywords that could interest many visitors.
When you are reviewing the statistics, you can also access detailed reports that evaluate the website’s rankings in the search results, and you could examine search results that are related to specific keywords. Marketers can also research important keywords that could optimize a website’s rankings, and you could evaluate the number of users who search for specific keywords. Likewise, you can examine the relevance of each keyword in numerous geographic regions.
Utilizing Split Testing
The company provides several tools that can help marketers to use strategies that require split testing, and GrooveFunnels may offer many reports that could allow advertisers to examine the profitability of each marketing campaign. When you use split testing, you can swiftly test multiple strategies, and you may examine unique designs, distinctive landing pages, multiple types of incentives and well-designed contact forms. While you evaluate the detailed reports, you could also examine the behaviors of customers, the opinions of visitors and the interests of buyers.
Selling Many Types of Products
Once you create a new sales funnel, you can offer many products that could meet the needs of customers, and when a business provides a wide variety of products, the company can attract buyers who reside in many geographic regions. If a customer purchases specific products, the company could offer useful accessories, comparable products, extra services and innovative products that may interest many customers.
When a business provides new products, the company could create well-designed landing pages, send promotional emails and customize videos that describe the products. The business can also contact existing customers who have already purchased high-quality products, and the company may offer coupon codes, a free trial or numerous types of incentives.
Examining Frequently Asked Questions
If you would like to learn more information about GrooveFunnels, you can visit the company’s website, and you may evaluate efficient tools, detailed guidelines, frequently asked questions and an informative video. The website also features excellent testimonials that describe the software program, the advanced tools and the experiences of other marketers.
Is there a free version of ClickFunnels?
Currently, ClickFunnels does not provide a free version of the cutting-edge system, yet if you want to earn money online, you may choose a cheaper system that could quickly generate revenue. Typically, GrooveFunnels can offer various service plans, and you may choose a service plan that has a monthly price of $99. Initially, you could also utilize a free version of the system, and consequently, you can easily create multiple sales funnels before you select a monthly service plan.
The company also offers a service plan that features a monthly price of $199. Once a marketer chooses this service plan, the advertiser can utilize additional tools that could increase the profitability of each marketing campaign, enhance the efficiency of the websites and improve automation.
What Is Cheaper Than ClickFunnels?
Typically, GrooveFunnels can offer valuable services that are significantly cheaper than comparable services, and many marketers have chosen the company’s services because the advertisers can utilize the innovative system for free. Once you create a new account, you may design new landing pages, customize various domains, optimize the profitability of each sales funnel and increase each website’s conversion rates.
Is ClickFunnels Worth the Money?
Generally, GrooveFunnels can provide a system that may help thousands of individuals to generate revenue online, and the company offers a relatively inexpensive system. When marketers utilize the innovative system, the business does not require credit card information. The new marketers can swiftly create free accounts, develop new sales funnels, sell innumerable products, join the large affiliate network and design new websites.
What Is GrooveFunnels?
This company offers a comprehensive system that can allow marketers to increase sales, and when an advertiser utilizes the tools, the marketer could optimize communication, augment the values of many sales and improve automation. Generally, the business can effectively help beginners and experienced advertisers. Once a marketer creates a new account, the advertiser can immediately utilize the advanced tools.
How Much is GrooveFunnels?
Typically, GrooveFunnels can offer various service plans, and you may choose a service plan that has a monthly price of $99. The company also provides a service plan that features a monthly price of $199. Once a marketer chooses this service plan, the advertiser can utilize additional tools that could increase the profitability of each marketing campaign, enhance the efficiency of the websites and improve the satisfaction of buyers. Alternatively, the marketers could select a service plan with a monthly price of $299, and this service plan offers extra tools that may enhance automation, optimize the shopping carts and improve integration.
GrooveFunnels Pros and Cons
The company provides efficient tools that can improve usability, enhance the efficiency of webmasters and optimize innovation. The system could substantially reduce the duration of a large project, and if a marketer uses the advanced tools, the advertiser can swiftly complete important tasks, achieve major goals and create long-term plans.
The business has created tools that could significantly reduce the overall costs of many projects. Fortunately, GrooveFunnels can offer an all-in-one system that could allow advertisers to implement effective strategies, yet the company provides inexpensive service plans that can tremendously decrease the costs of marketing campaigns. Once other companies develop various marketing tools, each tool may have a high price, and many advertisers could individually buy each software program.
When experts created GrooveFunnels, the specialists added many tools that can help marketers to communicate with customers. The clients can complete surveys, attend webinars, utilize calendars, watch videos and use an interactive shopping cart. These features may substantially improve the experiences of clients, and if a business uses these tools, many customers may frequently browse the company’s website, contact the business and provide referrals.
GrooveFunnels Vs ClickFunnels
According to many experts, GrooveFunnels can provide a system that is substantially better than ClickFunnels, and typically, GrooveFunnels can offer a comprehensive system that has additional features. When marketers developed ClickFunnels, the advertisers created a system that can only help marketers to develop sales funnels. In contrast, GrooveFunnels offers a complete system that can allow advertisers to improve every aspect of a marketing campaign.
Learning Additional Information
If you have any questions about the cutting-edge system, you can examine detailed guidelines, the benefits of responsive websites, frequently asked questions and many types of services. The business also offers informative videos that could help you to utilize the advanced system.
Once you visit the company’s website, you can easily contact the experienced marketers who manage the business, and you may create a new support ticket. If you contact the experts, the helpful specialists can answer many questions, describe the services, provide relevant links and increase the profitability of your marketing campaigns.
The post Best ClickFunnels Alternative | We Finally Have Our Winner appeared first on Alternative HQ | Finding The Best Alternatives To What's Available.
source https://alternativehq.com/best-clickfunnels-alternative/
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tloizosblog · 4 years
Build Better Websites & Funnels
Build Better Websites & Funnels
In this day and age, any business that wants to thrive must go online.
With so many things going on around the world, and global changes that will forever impact the way people live and do business, going online is no longer just an option.
Not only to maintain their success, but even just to survive.
Sure, there are tools that are already available that any business can use to run their…
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entrepreneurnut · 3 years
LeadPages vs ClickFunnels: The Landing Page & Funnel Builder Show Down!
New Post has been published on https://entrepreneurnut.com/leadpages-vs-clickfunnels/
LeadPages vs ClickFunnels: The Landing Page & Funnel Builder Show Down!
Welcome to my LeadPages vs ClickFunnels review.
In this review, we’re going to take a look at whether you really need ClickFunnels.
Because let’s be real – There is quite a hefty starting price difference between ClickFunnels and LeadPages. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you need the more expensive option in ClickFunnels.
Keep reading to find the right software that will help your business generate more leads and sales.
(Insert table of contents and use “table of contents” as kw at top)
ClickFunnels vs LeadPages: Overview
The main differences between ClickFunnels vs LeadPages are:
ClickFunnels is an all-in-one sales funnel builder, while LeadPages is a dedicated Landing page builder
ClickFunnels has more funnel templates for your sales funnel steps outside of the landing pages
ClickFunnels offers a membership site builder, whereas LeadPages doesn’t
ClickFunnels lets you manage affiliates, whereas LeadPages doesn’t
ClickFunnels enables you to host live webinars, but LeadPages doesn’t.
ClickFunnels has some email marketing tools built-in
LeadPages is more affordable on the lower plans
LeadPages pre-built templates look slightly more professional
LeadPages has a bigger list of integrations
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What Is LeadPages & Who Is It For
LeadPages is a simple and efficient landing page builder that has been around since 2012.
While other tools on the market have always tried to offer as much as possible, LeadPages has always mainly stuck to the one thing that they do well: Landing pages.
LeadPages is known for:
Being easy-to-use
Being beginner-friendly
Having beautiful & professional templates
Who Is LeadPages For?
LeadPages primarily targets:
Small business owners
All of these groups can use LeadPages to create landing pages and collect leads to grow their business.
What Is ClickFunnels & Who Is It For?
ClickFunnels is a little more popular than LeadPages, but it has only been around since 2014.
Russell Brunson, the platform’s founder, created ClickFunnels because he found it very costly and hard to glue together a sales funnel when he used to market his other businesses… So he solved that problem by creating ClickFunnels.
ClickFunnels is mainly known for putting all the tools you need to build high-converting sales funnels.
This sales funnel software is also user-friendly, and you can create sales funnels in under 30 minutes – even as a beginner.
But we’ll discuss that in more detail later.
Who Is ClickFunnels For?
ClickFunnels targets a very similar audience compared to LeadPages:
Small business Owners
Info-product vendors
ClickFunnels is a little more popular with info-product vendors based on what I have seen in the communities online.
It’s also more suited to this particular audience because it has the drag and drop membership site builder, but we’ll discuss that in more detail later.
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LeadPages Pros
Prices start at a lower price than competitors like ClickFunnels
The landing page software comes with beautiful templates for landing pages and full-navigation websites
It comes with full A/B testing functionality
Offers a free 14 day trial
LeadPages Cons
It doesn’t have many features
With the integrations, it’s much more expensive than purchasing an all-in-one software like ClickFunnels
The pricing is quite expensive when you look at the features you’re getting
You won’t be able to build sales funnels to the same level as you can with ClickFunnels. Instead, you would have to glue one together using 3rd party integrations
ClickFunnels Pros
Outstanding all-in-one sales funnel building system
It comes with full A/B testing functionality
The sales funnel and landing page builder is straightforward to use
It’s more affordable than purchasing the tools individually
There is a lot of high-quality educational material that comes with it
You can recruit affiliates directly, removing the need for an integration
It integrates with a huge list of popular SaaS tools
ClickFunnels Cons
Pricing may be slightly high for beginners
The funnel templates may not be everyone’s cup of tea
Some of the features have slightly less power compared to dedicated tools
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LeadPages Landing Page Features
Let’s dive straight into LeadPages landing page features and look at how you can use them for your business.
Landing Page Builder
LeadPages core offering is the landing page software. It’s the main and biggest feature that LeadPages comes with, and it’s know for its effectiveness to capture leads.
The drag and drop editor is very user-friendly and comes with modern and clean templates, which we’ll discuss later.
It also comes with:
SSL Certificate
Opt-in forms
Custom forms to embed anywhere
A Built-in lead magnet delivery.
I counted around 50 elements in total, ranging from headlines to buttons and timers.
What I like about LeadPages’ editor is that you can add SEO heading information to all of your text (i.e., H1, H2, etc.)
But inside the editor, nothing really wowed me in the element section – and it was most of the standard stuff you get anywhere else.
However, LeadPages does have some features that will make building the landing pages a little more effective and high-converting. We’ll look at these separately, though.
All pages built with LeadPages are also mobile-responsive and can be integrated with a WordPress site.
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Landing Page & Full-Navigation Website Templates
The templates are one area where LeadPages did impress me.
Not only does it have templates for landing pages, but they have also started adding more for full navigation websites.
(INsert image for landing pages)
I wouldn’t really use LeadPages for a website that I plan to generate organic traffic with – as it’s not got the open-source benefit of a CMS like WordPress.
However, if you just plan on quickly creating landing pages or websites that you want to promote with ads or social media – LeadPages could be the right choice.
They also look very clean and are easy to edit, which is definitely a plus point.
Cart & Payment System
On the PRO plan and up, LeadPages lets you create carts and collect payments.
LeadPages also includes some outstanding features like:
Order bumps
One-click upsells
One-click downsells
This is decent, as it will help you make more money from the same traffic.
A/B Split-Testing
LeadPages comes with full A/B split-testing functionality to help you find the best-converting landing page.
You can set up a test based on opt-ins or sales, drive traffic to the landing pages, and LeadPages will choose the winner for you.
This feature is available on all your LeadPages landing pages, assuming you are on the right plan.
Pop-Ups & Alert Bars
The next two features will help you generate more leads; pop-ups & alert bars.
This is basically giving you more options to share your opt-in forms. But you can also use the alert bars for announcements.
The pop-up builder is drag and drop, so it’s straightforward to create a form to capture leads.
From here, you can then link it to one of the LeadPages integrations to follow up with them.
Interestingly, on their website, they mentioned that they have exit-intent pops, and ClickFunnels doesn’t.
However, this is NOT true… ClickFunnels also has them.
What LeadPages Has That ClickFunnels Doesn’t
As landing pages are a part of your sales funnel, I really couldn’t find too much that LeadPages has, which ClickFunnels doesn’t.
But I still managed to list a couple of points – let’s take a look.
Slightly More Modern Templates For Landing Pages
This first one is entirely subjective.
The colors, fonts, and styles of LeadPages look slightly more modern than those inside ClickFunnels.
HOWEVER: This does not mean that they convert higher… In fact, most basic/almost ugly landing pages and funnels convert very high.
And there have been endless ClickFunnels success stories, which also counters this point.
Lower Cost Plans
We’ll talk about pricing in much more detail later on.
LeadPages does start at more affordable prices because, compared to ClickFunnels, it has fewer features. However, this isn’t necessarily an advantage because the integrations will cost more than ClickFunnels if you need them.
Slightly Faster Loading Pages
ClickFunnels’ pages are quite slow compared to some competitors like Leadpages. However, it’s not a huge difference, and you can always test them out with the free 14 day trial first.
But it’s something I noticed when comparing the ClickFunnels vs LeadPages’ landing page software.
More Full-Navigation & Landing Page Templates
LeadPages has a lot of templates for full-navigation websites and landing pages.
Landing pages are what it specializes in, and ClickFunnels isn’t really built for full-navigation websites.
So this was to be expected too.
Don’t get me wrong though, pretty much anything you can build with LeadPages can also be done with ClickFunnels’ drag and drop page builder.
Both LeadPages and ClickFunnels have a great selection of:
Long & short-form landing page templates
Squeeze page templates
Thank you page templates
And both easily let you edit them with the drag and drop builder.
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ClickFunnels Features
Now that we have looked at LeadPages’ features let’s look at how ClickFunnels compares.
ClickFunnels Core Offering: Funnel Builder
What ClickFunnels is known for is its easy to use drag and drop funnel and landing page builder.
While this may sound similar to LeadPages, ClickFunnels focuses more on helping you build the entire sales funnel journey you bring your customer through.
This means you will get much more templates for the individual funnel steps:
Webinar registration
Up-sell pages
Down-sell pages
Thank you pages
Checkout pages
And will also get more templates for the entire sales funnels:
Tripwire funnels
Product launch funnels
Webinar funnels
You can also build a ClickFunnels landing page with this feature, as it has very similar features to LeadPages with a few extra guns on top.
For example, it also has useful features like A/B split testing, and conversion-focused tools ribbons and pop-ups.
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ClickFunnels Shopping Cart
ClickFunnels also has an outstanding shopping cart feature.
Just like LeadPages, it comes with one-click upsells & downsells, and order bumps. However, one feature where it wins is the 2-step cart.
Using it, you can collect emails before the purchase so that the customer has to enter their info to reveal the deal.
If they leave after this, you still have their email and can follow up with them.
Besides this ClickFunnels shopping cart also comes with:
Recurring billing
ClickFunnels Membership Site Builder
If you’re looking to host courses for your audience, ClickFunnels might be the better option.
It has a complete membership site builder built inside, and it uses the same drag and drop builder as you would for the funnels.
Meaning it won’t have a big learning curve, despite being an entirely new feature.
It also comes with:
Drip-feed content
Multiple access levels
Locked posts
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ClickFunnels Follow Up Funnels & Broadcast Emails
Another feature that ClickFunnels has built-in is the follow-up emails & broadcast emails.
This means you will be able to send emails using ClickFunnels, whereas, with LeadPages, you’ll need an integration.
And ClickFunnels’ email marketing tool isn’t too far off a dedicated platform.
It comes with:
Automation sequences
Split testing
Behavior-based triggers
Beautiful email templates
The lead magnet delivery system
It’s worth noting, though, that the lead magnet delivery system is only really worth using for tiny files. Otherwise, it may take ages to download from my experience.
However, there are many free solutions out there, like creating download links.
Live Webinars
ClickFunnels also has a tool built-in that lets you host live webinars. Keep in mind for pre-recorded webinars; you will need an integration.
But it’s still very nice to have this built-in if you ever want to host an event or something similar.
Affiliate Management
Affiliate marketing is something that almost every modern business will consider at some point.
ClickFunnels lets you recruit affiliates using its built-in tool, and you can manage affiliate programs for all of your products and marketing funnels.
The ClickFunnels affiliate tool gives you a little more than the basics:
Create and manage several affiliate programs
Per sale or recurring affiliate programs
A basic reporting
I might be picky here – but I would love to see a slightly better affiliate dashboard.
For both the vendor and the affiliate, the reporting is quite basic, and it doesn’t really give you a lot of detail on the traffic.
Plus, it would also be better if there would be a marketplace for affiliates & businesses to find each other.
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What ClickFunnels Has That LeadPages Doesn’t
In this ClickFunnels vs LeadPages comparison, we did see that the features department was pretty one-sided.
Let’s recap what ClickFunnels has that LeadPages doesn’t.
ClickFunnels Funnel-Specific Features
ClickFunnels specializes in funnels, so it obviously is an area that it will win.
And here’s why:
It has more sales funnel step templates
It has more templates for the entire sales funnel
It has a lot more educational material than LeadPages
With LeadPages, you’ll struggle to get these features, even with integrations.
There just isn’t something that offers the same as ClickFunnels. And if there would be, it wouldn’t make sense to use it as integration with LeadPages.
ClickFunnels Webinar Funnels
The live webinar builder is pretty nice to have, but LeadPages doesn’t have it.
You can get an integration for this, and it shouldn’t be too hard to mimic what ClickFunnels does. Just keep the additional cost in mind.
ClickFunnels Membership Sites
Again, this is another big difference between ClickFunnels vs LeadPages.
With LeadPages, you will have to integrate with a paid tool like Kajabi or Thinkific, which will cost you $50-$300+ per month.
Follow-Up Funnels & Broadcast Emails
Leadpages integrates with most top email service providers, but this is an additional cost too – around $50+ per month, depending on contacts.
With ClickFunnels, you can follow up with the users using the built-in feature after converting on your landing page.
So when it comes to marketing automation, it’s definitely a win for ClickFunnels.
Affiliate Management
Yeah, I did mention some improvements that ClickFunnels could do with their affiliate management tool.
However, it’s nice that it even has it… Because LeadPages and other competitors don’t.
This means you’ll have to set it up using an integration – and from my experience, an integration for affiliate software is one of the more technical/confusing ones.
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As we saw earlier in this ClickFunnels vs LeadPages comparison, you will likely need more integrations with LeadPages.
So I have listed them below so you can take a look.
LeadPages Integrations
Because LeadPages comes with a lot fewer features, it has a slightly bigger list of integrations. Below, I’ve listed the different categories of integrations + some of the top tools.
Ecommerce Integration (Shopify, SendOwl)
CMS Integration (Wix, Weebly, WordPress, Squarespace & more)
Social media Integration (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & More)
Analytics Integration (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, JS analytics)
CRM Integration (amoCRM, Contactually, InfusionSoft (Keap), PipeDrive, Zoho, Salesforce)
Advertising platforms (Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, etc)
Email Marketing Integration (Pretty much all major email tools)
Live Chat Integration (LiveChat, ManyChat, Drift, etc.)
Marketing Automation Integration (Autopilot, Hubspot & more)
Payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal, etc.)
Scheduling Integration(Calendly, Acuity & more)
Webinar Integration (Go-to webinar, WebinarJam & more)
ClickFunnels Integrations
Here are ClickFunnels integrations:
JV Zoo
NMI (Gateway Funnel Pros)
Warrior Plus
Market Hero
Apple Pay
Constant Contact
EverWebinar Integration
WebinarJam Integration
Zoom Webinar Integration
GoToWebinar Integration
Google Analytics
As you can see, both ClickFunnels and LeadPages have a pretty large list of integrations.
LeadPages vs ClickFunnels: Pricing
Now let’s look at the LeadPages vs ClickFunnels pricing
I love both of these tools because you get pretty much Unlimited traffic on all plans. I have heard that there is some limit on them around the 400k visitor p/m mark, but that won’t apply to most of us.
ClickFunnels Cost
ClickFunnels offers 3 main pricing plans:
ClickFunnels Starter $97 per month
ClickFunnels Platinum: $297 per month
ClickFunnels Two Comma Club X $1497 per month
If you want to use ClickFunnels, make sure to check out the list below, where I have listed all the pricing.
ClickFunnels Starter ($97  per month)
On the starter plan, you do not get access to the priority customer support team. So expect slightly slower response times.
Usage limits:
20 sales funnels
100 pages
1 sub-user
3 payment gateways
3 domains
Not included in this plan:
Affiliate management
Follow-up Funnels
Funnel Hack-A-Thon
Some FunnelFlix Videos
Priority Customer Support
ClickFunnels Platinum ($297 per month)
All features with the following usage limits:
Unlimited funnels and pages
3 sub-users
9 payment gateways
9 domains
ClickFunnels Two Comma Club X ($1,497)
Unlimited funnels and pages
10 sub-users
27 payment gateways
27 domains
Features: All + Hours of additional FunnelFlix training
ClickFunnels also has a NO-QUESTIONS-ASKED 30-day money-back guarantee, so if it isn’t the right option for you, it’s easy to get your money back.
Get ClickFunnels Free Trial
LeadPages Cost
LeadPages pricing starts at a more affordable rate, but as you go up, the pricing is pretty similar to ClickFunnels.
Standard $37/month
Pro $79/month
I’ve listed what you get in each plan below.
LeadPages Standard ($37 Per Month)
1 Website/Domain
Landing Pages, Pop-Ups, Alert Bars
Mobile-Responsive Site Templates
Lead Notifications
Tech Support(via Email)
40+ Standard Integrations
Unlimited Traffic & Leads
Free Custom Domain
Free Hosting
LeadPages Pro ($79 Per Month)
3 Websites/Domains
Landing Pages, Pop-Ups, Alert Bars
Unlimited Traffic & Leads
Free Custom Domain*
Free Hosting
Mobile-Responsive Site Templates
Lead Notifications
Tech Support
(via Chat + Email)
40+ Standard Integrations
Online Sales & Payments
Unlimited A/B Split Testing
LeadPages Advanced ($321 Per Month)
50 domains
Free Hosting
Mobile-Responsive Site Templates
Lead Notifications
Priority Tech Support
(via Phone)
40+ Standard Integrations
Online Sales & Payments
Unlimited A/B Split Testing
Landing Pages, Pop-Ups, Alert Bars
Unlimited Traffic & Leads
Free Custom Domain*
Advanced Integrations
Includes 5 Pro Sub Accounts
1-on-1 Quick Start Call
Get LeadPages Free Trial
LeadPages vs ClickFunnels: Final Thoughts
As you have seen throughout this LeadPages vs ClickFunnels comparison, these two marketing software tools a little different.
ClickFunnels comes with WAY more features, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right for you.
I would argue that it has better value for money, though. But if you are just after a simple landing page builder, then LeadPages could be a great choice too.
If you would like to sign up for a ClickFunnels account, make sure to hit the button below for the 14-day free trial.
ClickFunnels also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Get ClickFunnels Free Trial
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bobbybarrmedia · 4 years
Groovepages Groovefunnels overview vs Clickfunnels Kartra Kajabi Sam Car...
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becauselemon · 4 years
Best ClickFunnels Alternative | We Finally Have Our Winner
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During the last six years, ClickFunnels helped thousands of individuals to generate revenue online, and if you utilize the trademarked system, you can create sales funnels, optimize the experiences of the buyers, enhance the designs of websites, improve automation and evaluate detailed statistics. Once you install the system, you can also manage many websites, design landing pages, customize unique domains and utilize free templates.
A Better Page Builder What is GrooveSell? GrooveMailGrooveKart GrooveWebinar – The GoToWebinar Alternative? Is GrooveMember better than ClickFunnels Membership area? Is there a free version of ClickFunnels? What is Cheaper than ClickFunnels? Is ClickFunnels Worth the Money? What is GrooveFunnels? How Much is GrooveFunnels? GrooveFunnels Pros and Cons GrooveFunnels vs ClickFunnels
Choosing an Alternative and Evaluating a Cutting-Edge System
Our experienced marketers have diligently searched for a system that is substantially better than ClickFunnels, and after we completed our exhaustive search, our experts have proven that GrooveFunnels can help thousands of individuals to earn money online. If you utilize the trademarked system, you could create innovative websites, increase the profitability of upselling, join an affiliate network and develop many promotional videos. Once you create a custom website, you could manage a blog, a membership site and automated webinars that may attract thousands of customers.
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A Better Page Builder
The company offers many tools that can allow you to customize various websites, and you could add relevant links, offer useful tools, improve the navigation, customize a blog and add many images. When you design an innovative website, you could also create meta tags, detailed descriptions, relevant headlines and a unique design. Typically, you should add important keywords to the meta tags, and this technique can significantly improve the website’s rankings in the search engines.
If you utilize the innovative tools, you could develop a website that features a responsive design, and according to many reports, a responsive design can improve the satisfaction of clients, reduce a website’s bounce rate and augment the website’s conversion rates. Once you develop a website that has a responsive design, many guests may frequently visit the site, and these visitors could purchase various products, watch promotional videos, read informative articles or generate new leads.
The company offers many well-designed templates that are related to several topics, and consequently, marketers can easily create a new website that features an innovative layout. If you add a template, the design could substantially reduce the duration of the project, enhance the navigation and improve the experiences of customers.
Generally, you may add many tools that can automatically customize the website if a visitor is utilizing a smartphone. These tools could modify the sizes of images, alter numerous types of links and customize the navigation. The useful tools may also modify the contact form, and when a customer visits the landing page, the buyer could easily contact the business, send an important message or purchase multiple products. Likewise, the website may feature a clickable phone number, and usually, the phone number can considerably increase a company’s revenue and augment conversion rates.
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Using GrooveSell
When you are ready to sell many products, GrooveFunnels could help you to offer cutting-edge products that can meet the needs of customers, and the system may also optimize the effectiveness of upselling. If a client would like to purchase specific products, the software program can automatically suggest comparable products that may interest the customer.
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Sometimes, this technique could augment a company’s revenue by more than 55 percent, and the strategy may considerably increase the subtotals of many orders. Several reports have suggested that the strategy could also improve business relationships and enhance the satisfaction of clients.
Customizing the Domains
When you utilize the innovative tools, you can select high-quality domains that could improve the reputation of your website, enhance the site’s rankings and optimize brand awareness. The company also provides free hosting, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage space.
Creating a New Blog
The company offers useful tools that can help you to create an informative blog, and you may add high-quality articles that provide helpful guidelines. Once you create a new article, you could integrate various links that feature relevant anchor texts. Likewise, you may install tools that can allow visitors to create many comments, and according to detailed surveys, these tools could increase a website’s traffic by more than 28 percent.
Generally, an informative blog can augment conversion rates, increase a company’s revenue and improve the reputation of the business. The blog may significantly reduce a website’s bounce rate, and the informative blog could encourage many visitors to read detailed articles. Once a visitor reviews an informative article, the guest may click several advertisements, complete the contact form or read articles that examine similar topics. Additionally, some guests may frequently share the website’s links on many social media networks. Subsequently, these extra backlinks could substantially improve a website’s rankings in the search results.
Examining the Benefits of Email Marketing
The company offers many tools that can help you to send promotional emails, and you could create emails that feature coupon codes, excellent testimonials and images that show innovative products. Each marketer may also send emails that provide numerous types of incentives. According to many reports, incentives can augment a website’s revenue by around 55 percent, and the extra incentives could increase the percentage of clients who purchase multiple products. Although, I still view SmartEngage as the best all around Email Service Provider with the best open rates.
Utilizing an Innovative Platform and Customizing High-Quality Videos
Once you create a new account, you may use tools that could help you to customize promotional videos, and you can create videos that describe the benefits of many products, offer helpful guidelines and compare several types of products. The videos could significantly increase a website’s traffic, boost conversion rates and augment a company’s revenue. The videos may considerably improve brand awareness, and many guests could share the videos, request additional videos or create detailed comments.
Improving Each Website and Optimizing the Navigation
If you utilize the innovative tools, you can customize the navigation of each website, add many types of links and improve the layout of every site. Additionally, you could easily create a site map, and the site map can help search engines to quickly index new websites.
Designing New Landing Pages That Could Increase Revenue
When you develop a landing page, you can add a description of each product, many excellent testimonials, a contact form and images that show the innovative products. Subsequently, you should also create a call to action, and the landing page may provide coupon codes that could consistently increase conversion rates.
Some landing pages contain infographics that effectively compare many products, and these infographics can examine the features of each product, the prices of specific items, the durability of many products and the design of each item. Several reports have suggested that unique infographics can augment conversion rates by more than 15 percent. Moreover, the infographics could significantly increase a website’s traffic because many users frequently search for interesting images.
Each landing page may also feature videos that evaluate the benefits of certain products, and the videos could provide detailed guidelines, compare many products and offer various types of incentives. Many reports have indicated that interesting videos can increase a website’s traffic, and if a webmaster consistently creates new videos, many visitors may regularly share the videos on multiple social media networks.
Using GrooveKart
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When you are designing a new website, you can add a virtual shopping cart to the site, and clients may choose several options, provide billing information, select multiple types of shipping and evaluate the subtotal of each order. If a client does not place a new order, the system can automatically send emails that could encourage the customer to purchase the products. According to informative reports, these tools may increase conversion rates by around 21 percent.
Once customers have selected multiple products, the buyers may use credit cards, debit cards, online payment processors and electronic checks. If a business accepts numerous types of payments, many customers can frequently purchase additional products, generate new leads and provide referrals.
Make Money Using The Groove Affiliate Program
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The company manages an affiliate network that can help marketers to sell many products, and when a website generates leads, the advertisers could earn substantial commissions. Once a marketer joins the affiliate network, the individual can partner with many well-known companies. The business could also provide specialized links, custom advertisements and tools that may increase sales.
When you utilize the innovative tools, you can simultaneously advertise many products, and usually, this technique could boost revenue and augment the return on investment. Once a customer purchases a product, the software program will automatically send an email that contains a notification. Sometimes, the affiliate may also receive a substantial bonus if the website generates multiple leads.
Once you join the affiliate network, you can easily compare the products, and you could evaluate the commissions, the conversion rates and the effectiveness of many marketing campaigns. When you are managing a marketing campaign, you can review detailed reports that indicate the number of visitors who clicked specific advertisements. The reports could also examine the profitability of each advertisement, the value of every sale and the relevance of many links. Moreover, you can review detailed charts that could help you to evaluate relevant trends.
A GoToWebinar Alternative?
Throughout the last eight years, many well-known companies have managed webinars that tremendously increased revenue. Generally, the webinars could generate many leads, improve the reputation of a business, educate customers and attract clients who may provide referrals. Once you create a new account, GrooveFunnels can offer many tools that could allow you to create new webinars, and you may invite many customers, answer questions, provide helpful instructions and promote many products.
Some reports have indicated that webinars can help entrepreneurs to establish business relationships, and the webinars may attract many loyal customers who could buy numerous products. If you manage a webinar, you can also compare several types of products. Once an entrepreneur compares many products, customers could swiftly make important decisions, and usually, this technique can substantially increase a company’s conversion rates.
GrooveMember vs ClickFunnels Memberhsip
The company offers advanced tools that could allow you to design a membership site, and once you customize the website, visitors may create new accounts, provide contact information, modify their profiles, share the company’s links and contact the business. When guests visit the membership site, the visitors may also evaluate their previous orders, and if a customer purchases a product, the client can examine the tracking number of the order, the status of the order, the subtotal and comparable products.
When you develop a membership site, you may add tools that can allow the users to contact other members. Some reports have indicated that these tools could considerably increase the amount of users who regularly browse the website, and the tools may encourage many members to share updates on the social media networks.
If you would like to improve the membership site, you can provide exclusive offers for members, and you may also offer incentives for users who frequently visit the website. According to many reports, these techniques can consistently increase a website’s traffic, reduce the site’s bounce rate and enhance the loyalty of many customers.
Creating Surveys and Increasing the Company’s Revenue
The company has developed advanced tools that could allow you to customize surveys, and GrooveFunnels can provide tools that could improve the design of each survey, optimize the questions and customize the experience of each visitor. When guests complete surveys, the visitors could also generate new leads, contact the business or share the surveys.
Numerous reports have suggested that surveys could significantly increase the number of customers who frequently contact a business, and many clients may ask important questions, offer detailed feedback or provide referrals. When you review the surveys, you could examine the preferences of clients, the needs of the customers, the quality of many products and the opinions of buyers.
Optimizing Communication
Once you create a new website, GrooveFunnels can offer useful tools that could enhance communication, improve customer service and optimize the satisfaction of clients. If clients can easily contact the business, the customers may frequently contact representatives who could answer questions, provide helpful suggestions, evaluate the needs of the clients and compare many products.
Utilizing a Customer Relationship Management System
While you are developing a sales funnel, you can also access a customer relationship management system, and GrooveFunnels could offer a well-designed system that can provide detailed information, evaluate the orders of many clients and examine the needs of customers. When you use a customer relationship management system, the software program could also reduce the company’s expenses, enhance the efficiency of the business and improve the experiences of many clients.
If a customer contacts the business, the entrepreneur can evaluate the client’s orders, the interests of the customer, important messages and various factors that may affect the buyer’s decisions. The entrepreneur could suggest other products that can meet the needs of the customer, and if a business owner frequently provides helpful recommendations, the technique could substantially increase sales, boost the subtotal of each order and enhance the profitability of every marketing campaign.
Once a company installs the software program, the system can help the business to retain loyal clients. If an entrepreneur uses the system, the business may evaluate relevant trends that could affect the company’s revenue, the decisions of customers, the company’s niche and the prices of many products.
Customizing a Calendar and Managing Events
The company offers a digital calendar that can help users to create comprehensive schedules. When you use the calendar, you could schedule important meetings, receive many types of notifications, evaluate upcoming webinars, add detailed notes and examine the duration of each event. Once you install the tool, you may also share the information with other users, and this technique could increase the number of customers who attend webinars.
Improving the Effectiveness of Marketing Campaigns and Increasing the Profitability of Each Website
When you customize a marketing campaign, you can evaluate the advertisements that are providing traffic, and you could also examine landing pages that may generate new leads, increase sales and attract many interested visitors. While you are managing the websites, you could evaluate the overall costs of each marketing campaign, and you can examine the return on investment.
Once you review several marketing campaigns, you could create predictive forecasts that can help you to estimate the company’s profits in the future. When you examine these detailed forecasts, you may also create many goals, and you could estimate the costs of marketing campaigns in the future.
Protecting the Website and Utilizing a Free Secure Sockets Layer Certificate
The business offers a free tool that can consistently enhance the security of each website, and the company’s software could automatically encrypt important data. The company also provides tools that can help marketers to share the secure data.
Examining Many Types of Statistics
While you are managing a website, you could frequently review extensive reports that examine the site’s traffic, the conversion rates, the behaviors of visitors and the geographic regions of guests. Typically, you can also evaluate sources that are generating traffic, and you may examine the keywords that could interest many visitors.
When you are reviewing the statistics, you can also access detailed reports that evaluate the website’s rankings in the search results, and you could examine search results that are related to specific keywords. Marketers can also research important keywords that could optimize a website’s rankings, and you could evaluate the number of users who search for specific keywords. Likewise, you can examine the relevance of each keyword in numerous geographic regions.
Utilizing Split Testing
The company provides several tools that can help marketers to use strategies that require split testing, and GrooveFunnels may offer many reports that could allow advertisers to examine the profitability of each marketing campaign. When you use split testing, you can swiftly test multiple strategies, and you may examine unique designs, distinctive landing pages, multiple types of incentives and well-designed contact forms. While you evaluate the detailed reports, you could also examine the behaviors of customers, the opinions of visitors and the interests of buyers.
Selling Many Types of Products
Once you create a new sales funnel, you can offer many products that could meet the needs of customers, and when a business provides a wide variety of products, the company can attract buyers who reside in many geographic regions. If a customer purchases specific products, the company could offer useful accessories, comparable products, extra services and innovative products that may interest many customers.
When a business provides new products, the company could create well-designed landing pages, send promotional emails and customize videos that describe the products. The business can also contact existing customers who have already purchased high-quality products, and the company may offer coupon codes, a free trial or numerous types of incentives.
Examining Frequently Asked Questions
If you would like to learn more information about GrooveFunnels, you can visit the company’s website, and you may evaluate efficient tools, detailed guidelines, frequently asked questions and an informative video. The website also features excellent testimonials that describe the software program, the advanced tools and the experiences of other marketers.
Is there a free version of ClickFunnels?
Currently, ClickFunnels does not provide a free version of the cutting-edge system, yet if you want to earn money online, you may choose a cheaper system that could quickly generate revenue. Typically, GrooveFunnels can offer various service plans, and you may choose a service plan that has a monthly price of $99. Initially, you could also utilize a free version of the system, and consequently, you can easily create multiple sales funnels before you select a monthly service plan.
The company also offers a service plan that features a monthly price of $199. Once a marketer chooses this service plan, the advertiser can utilize additional tools that could increase the profitability of each marketing campaign, enhance the efficiency of the websites and improve automation.
What Is Cheaper Than ClickFunnels?
Typically, GrooveFunnels can offer valuable services that are significantly cheaper than comparable services, and many marketers have chosen the company’s services because the advertisers can utilize the innovative system for free. Once you create a new account, you may design new landing pages, customize various domains, optimize the profitability of each sales funnel and increase each website’s conversion rates.
Is ClickFunnels Worth the Money?
Generally, GrooveFunnels can provide a system that may help thousands of individuals to generate revenue online, and the company offers a relatively inexpensive system. When marketers utilize the innovative system, the business does not require credit card information. The new marketers can swiftly create free accounts, develop new sales funnels, sell innumerable products, join the large affiliate network and design new websites.
What Is GrooveFunnels?
This company offers a comprehensive system that can allow marketers to increase sales, and when an advertiser utilizes the tools, the marketer could optimize communication, augment the values of many sales and improve automation. Generally, the business can effectively help beginners and experienced advertisers. Once a marketer creates a new account, the advertiser can immediately utilize the advanced tools.
How Much is GrooveFunnels?
Typically, GrooveFunnels can offer various service plans, and you may choose a service plan that has a monthly price of $99. The company also provides a service plan that features a monthly price of $199. Once a marketer chooses this service plan, the advertiser can utilize additional tools that could increase the profitability of each marketing campaign, enhance the efficiency of the websites and improve the satisfaction of buyers. Alternatively, the marketers could select a service plan with a monthly price of $299, and this service plan offers extra tools that may enhance automation, optimize the shopping carts and improve integration.
GrooveFunnels Pros and Cons
The company provides efficient tools that can improve usability, enhance the efficiency of webmasters and optimize innovation. The system could substantially reduce the duration of a large project, and if a marketer uses the advanced tools, the advertiser can swiftly complete important tasks, achieve major goals and create long-term plans.
The business has created tools that could significantly reduce the overall costs of many projects. Fortunately, GrooveFunnels can offer an all-in-one system that could allow advertisers to implement effective strategies, yet the company provides inexpensive service plans that can tremendously decrease the costs of marketing campaigns. Once other companies develop various marketing tools, each tool may have a high price, and many advertisers could individually buy each software program.
When experts created GrooveFunnels, the specialists added many tools that can help marketers to communicate with customers. The clients can complete surveys, attend webinars, utilize calendars, watch videos and use an interactive shopping cart. These features may substantially improve the experiences of clients, and if a business uses these tools, many customers may frequently browse the company’s website, contact the business and provide referrals.
GrooveFunnels Vs ClickFunnels
According to many experts, GrooveFunnels can provide a system that is substantially better than ClickFunnels, and typically, GrooveFunnels can offer a comprehensive system that has additional features. When marketers developed ClickFunnels, the advertisers created a system that can only help marketers to develop sales funnels. In contrast, GrooveFunnels offers a complete system that can allow advertisers to improve every aspect of a marketing campaign.
Learning Additional Information
If you have any questions about the cutting-edge system, you can examine detailed guidelines, the benefits of responsive websites, frequently asked questions and many types of services. The business also offers informative videos that could help you to utilize the advanced system.
Once you visit the company’s website, you can easily contact the experienced marketers who manage the business, and you may create a new support ticket. If you contact the experts, the helpful specialists can answer many questions, describe the services, provide relevant links and increase the profitability of your marketing campaigns.
The post Best ClickFunnels Alternative | We Finally Have Our Winner appeared first on Alternative HQ | Finding The Best Alternatives To What’s Available.
source https://alternativehq.com/best-clickfunnels-alternative/ source https://astelspirals.tumblr.com/post/624187086278410240
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funneltips2020 · 4 years
GroovePages vs ClickFunnels - Lock in your $497 lifetime access & Exclusive $997 value bonus https://funneltips.net/groovepages6 Groovepages vs ClickFunnels Demo & Bonus 2020 - BEST Sales Funnel Builders Compared In this video we check out my GroovePages vs ClickFunnels video and I demo tutorial the different features of the GroovePages funnel building software and how to get the best Groovepages discount in 2020. GroovePages, Groovefunnels and GrooveSell have all been developed by respected digital marketing expert Mike Filsaime to his exacting specifications for marketing online as a as a highly integrated whole suite of digital marketing software. The GroovePages pricing for the software suite will be changing as it is coming to the end of its beta development phase and when it goes to public release it will be sold only as a monthly subscription. The information that has been shared shows that GroovePages 2.0 will be priced at $97 a month for the Silver package, $197 a month for the Gold package and $297 a month for the Platinum These GroovePages prices are in line with what you will pay for other marketing leading funnel building software on the market. But with the other software on the market you will just get funnel building software and you won't get the email services, calendar services, service desk or many of the other major features such as the webinar features. This is what makes GroovePages a unique suite of digital marketing tools. The free lifetime option is not a trial, it is a lifetime license but has some restrictions on use such as limited access to templates and the number of pages or funnels that you can build but you can use it fine for a start up business. For a limited time you can get hold of GroovePages lifetime license with all the features included,. Fully licensed with unlimited usage on all of the features. This is a fantastic saving for you and your business over the life of your business. You could get a lifetime GroovePages license for all the features for less than a years subscription would cost you elsewhere for only some of the GroovePages products features included. As a bonus Paul Murphy my online mentor and respected UK online marketing expert has allowed me to offer his $997 training to you for just $1 when you sign up with GroovePages. This training shows you how to get unlimited traffic to your services or offers from Google & YouTube without paying for expensive online marketing costs with paid traffic. This could save your business thousands of dollars promoting your products and services. All bonuses will be delivered to you automatically when you sign up. Check out the link below to a webinar which was recorded to show all the features of the software in more detail and even if you don't decide to pick up the GroovePages lifetime bonus offer you can still choose to get access to a free version of GroovePages which is fully functional during the COVID 19 Pandemic at the link below and can upgrade in the future if you choose. Don't forget to like our video and Subscribe to our Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ogM3RjxOGM51hi1D25dYA Thank you for watching our Groovepages vs ClickFunnels Demo & Bonus 2020 - BEST Sales Funnel Builders Compared video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EktLwry4C1g Watch more Groovepages vs ClickFunnelss videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCU_rLqcVb0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLxMZ1NCuHs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BoAJBCY574 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My8AJARpAtE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qaprAbkZRA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfF9RGPJFsA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwmoUqtbFa4 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJI4WHuCn8YVUngPCPupr6coVThcrhP5H https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJI4WHuCn8YUYaqSG34WC2KJrJNO_l4f6 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJI4WHuCn8YX0py6jWkl5B6bpKAuSuTKp https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJI4WHuCn8YXewXxqu7vkSfhKV5IyoSxg https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJI4WHuCn8YXoeyB1JTL1b3106d2pSAvh Sign Up Here: https://funneltips.net/groovepages6 All bonuses will be delivered to you automatically when you sign up. Email social @ funneltips.net for any delivery problems Just want the free option without the bonus click here: https://funneltips.net/groovefunnels6 #Groovepages vs ClickFunnels, #GroovepagesDemo, #Groovepages, by Funnel Tips
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fluencysecrets · 4 years
http://youtube.com/watch?v=5-tZhc8zYO0 via /r/u_fluencysecrets
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