#Gretchen Parlato
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nofatclips · 9 months ago
Formwela 8 by Esperanza Spalding from the album SONGWRIGHTS APOTHECARY LAB
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ceevee5 · 11 months ago
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mreiyouscience · 1 year ago
  ハッとするほど美しいジャケがとにかく鮮烈で、タイトルもポルトガル語で花を意味するのだという。パーラトによると、このタイトルを選んだのにはいくつかの理由があるのだという。花はその種が地上で誕生し開花するが、その種は地中にあり、地上で開花するための準備を着々と整えて長い時間を経た後に花を咲かせる。そのプロセスに子育てに専念する中で音楽が熟成され、このようにアルバムを発表する自分を共通するものを感じたのが理由として一点なのだという。そして、もう一点は花がとても多くの意味を持っていると感じているからなのだという。私たちは花に喜びや悲しみを託し、花はそうした人々の気持ちをとても繊細に、しかも強く伝える役割を果たしている。そのようなイメージをこのアルバムから感じてほしいのだという。一曲目「É Preciso Perdoar」は夢見心地な気分にさせてくれる楽曲である。二曲目「Sweet Love」はソウル歌手アニタ・ベイカーのカバー曲である。三曲目「Magnus」はパーラトの親友がお腹に宿した子供に対して歌っていた子守唄のメロディーをもとにして作曲したのだという。四曲目「Rosa」はクラシック調の曲である。五曲目「What Does a Lion Say?」はパーラトが「ライオンってどんな声を出すの?」と息子に聞くと、息子が吠え声を返すという遊びをしていた頃の感動と喜び、戸惑いに満ちた美しい記憶を歌っている。六曲目「Roy Allan」は故ロイ・ハーグローヴに捧げた楽曲でサンバ調である。七曲目「Wonderful」は本アルバムのハイライトで「私もあなたもみんな素晴らしい」というシンプルでありながら、大人になるにつれて忘れてしまうメッセージを歌っており、感動した。八曲目「Cello Suite No. 1 BWV 1007 Minuet I II」はチェロ奏者ヨー・ヨー・マを彷彿とさせるような音程の���確さで歌っており改めてパーラトの技術力の高さが窺える楽曲である。九曲目「No Plan」はデヴィッド・ボウイの「★(ブラックスター)」からインスピレーションを受けた死の雰囲気を漂わせた楽曲となっている。
 前作「Live in Nyc」に感動し、その後ポスト・パーラトを探し続け、そしてこのアルバムが発売され、「グレッチェンパーラトを超えられるのはグレッチェンパーラトしかいない!」という結論に至った。次回作も期待したい。
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inuvik · 2 years ago
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seymourmusicclub · 2 years ago
If I Knew (feat. Burniss Travis & Mark Guiliana)
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gabstamatic · 2 years ago
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donospl · 2 years ago
Co w jazzie piszczy [sezon 1 odcinek 5]
premierowa emisja 29 marca 2023 – 18:00 Graliśmy: Hannah Griffin, Thomas Voyce, Norman Meehan “Homing In” z albumu  “Wahine” – Rattle Records Kerkko Koskinen, Linda Fredriksson & UMO Helsinki Jazz Orchestra “Anime” z albumu “Agatha 2” – We Jazz Records Gretchen Parlato & Lionel Loueke “Walking After You” z albumu “Lean In” �� Edition Records Alberto Forino “Beautiful are Those who Fall” z…
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fcbalding · 8 months ago
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harry kane x “holding back the years” by gretchen parlato
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bumblingbriars · 10 months ago
I don't often do this, but I feel like I should start being more open about my ocs lol. Might help with my cringe culture conditioning.
Anyway, here are my BB ocs (so far!)
(Picrew link)
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🎶 Luna Elise Fitzgerald
Birthdate is February 20th, 1955. 16 in her first appearance in fic, 43 by BB2K.
Face Claim: Lorna Luft (That is her in Grease 2, which released just 2 years after TBB)
Occupation: Music Teacher
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Straight
Five Key Traits: Gentle, Organized, Loud, Loyal, Positive
Three Fun Facts
Has perfect pitch. Since her ambitions used to be rather humble, she saved it for parties and her students. She can also play quite a few instruments due to this, though prefers the piano.
Loves wearing sun hats, as her mother has a huge collection of them. It makes her feel close to her as they live cities apart. She has quite a few, including one or two from her mother's collection.
Loves to bake more than cook--she tends to stress bake as a consequence. Loves baking cakes the most--her favorite to bake is chocolate forest and cheesecake.
Name Origins: In universe her name is due to her deceased father, who was a literature professor and studier of mythologies. He loved the olden works of Virgil, and found the name Luna in his work Georgics. He and Luna’s mom loved this name a lot and gave it to her. There’s also a secret reason, but that’ll be revealed hehe. for irl, I thought it’d be neat for her to have a fantasical name like Elwood does. Her last name comes from the jazz singer, Ella Fitzgerald.
Love Interest: Elwood J. Blues
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📚 Gretchen "Etta" Sophia Carter
Birthdate is May 25th, 1956. Her first "appearance" would put her at 24 as she's sort of in tbb, but her first real appearance is at 34.
Face Claim: Jessica Harper (that's an image of her in 1990, the year Etta and Jake met)
Occupation: Author, freelance editor (mainly for magazines and novels). Previously an English tutor and diner cook.
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Bisexual
Five Key Traits: Understanding, Passionate, Ambitious, Articulate, and Humble
Three Fun Facts
Has been writing a poetry/short fiction mixed book on and off for years. It's her true passion, to write books... perhaps she'll be able to publish it soon.
Very well read. Originally wanted to be a professor at Columbia, but ultimately decided against it as getting her bachelors was hard for several reasons. She debates sometimes whether or not it was the right decision.
Loves to cook after writing. Finds it calming and endearing as she loves learning new recipes and loves making people happy through food. It's the easiest thing for her. Due to this, she used to be a cook at a diner in her younger years before doing freelance.
Name Origins: In universe, she's named after her maternal grandmother who was a famous actress. It wasn't out of the best intentions, but that's all I'll say for now. She gave herself the nickname Etta as she disliked the name Gretchen and felt it didn't fit her vibe at all--though she does respect her grandma. She does at least like the meaning though. In irl, she's named after two singers: Gretchen Parlato, and Betty Carter. Etta James actually wasn't the inspiration for her nickname, I just felt it'd fit her. It just came as a plus lol. Also, her original last name was actually Jones, but then I found out there was an actual Etta Jones (a jazz singer, too!) so I had to change it lol.
Love Interest: Jake E. Blues
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⭐ Katerina "Kat, Kitty" Anita Carter
Birthdate is November 18th, 1990. She's 15 1/2 in her first appearance (Summer 2006 is when the fic takes place)
Face Claim: Erm... (I find finding face claims for fan kids extremely hard, plus there's a lot of specifics to me that make narrowing down a face claim difficult. All I can really say is that she looks a lot more like her dad, with only a few of Etta's genes surviving the war. It's what Etta would prefer, anyway)
Occupation: Student, eventual Blues Brothers member
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Bisexual
Five Key Traits: Passionate, Witty, Outspoken, Caring, and Courageous
Three Fun Facts:
On top of her love for the blues, she also loves punk and rock. Secret love for 2000s musicians too lol (like Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne)
Has a huge sweet tooth, inherited from her mother. Combined with a hard time brushing her teeth equals quite a few cavities in the past. Can't stop won't stop lol. She does get better at brushing with time, god bless
Was reading at college level by sixth grade. If she wasn't so shit at math, she probably would've been placed in advanced courses...
Name Origins: In universe, I'm keeping it just a bit of a mystery as to how Kat's name was workshopped as it’ll be revealed later. I can say her mother, Gretchen, really loved Anna Karenina. However, she didn’t want her name to be a full on reference to the book. Katerina was born! This isn’t a spoiler cause it’s subtly revealed in the first chapter lol, but her middle name, Anita, is from Anita O'day. Irl, tbh I really liked how Katerina sounded, plus I love characters that have long fancy names but prefer nicknames (thus, Kat). plus, I wanted the name to have Kat in it somewhere so she could eventually get the nickname "Kitty” (no bearing on my own nickname, I'm not projecting that hard) as many blues and jazz singers get that nickname. As mentioned in her mother's profile, her last name comes from Betty Carter.
Love Interest: Heh... wouldn't you like to know (it's a secret! No it's not Buster btw ew)
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🖊️ Georgia "G, George" Louise Smith
Birthdate is June 18th, 1988. 17, nearly 18 in her first appearance
Face Claim: Erm... (She's not a fankid however since I can't find a fc for Kat, I decided to let Georgia be faceless as well)
Occupation: Student, eventually band/social media manager
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, queer/sapphic leaning
Five Key Traits: Organized, Shy, Polite, Calm, and Optimistic
Three Fun Facts
A big lover of boy bands. Collects posters and memorabilia. Never grows out of this, either--she'd be insane over Backstreet Boys coming back for example. She also heavily prefers 2000s musicians and Y2K culture. Jokingly debates with Kat about whether or not tbb are a boy band (Kat insists on being included despite not being a boy)
Despite being older, she views Kat as the older sister in their sisterhood. While more responsible, Kat is much more leader-oriented and outspoken than her. She's even taller than Kat by several inches but due to Kat's loud personality she's always felt small compared to her. She's a little envious of this.
Due to being entrenched in current trends, she also keeps up-to-date with social media and has a small following. Uses Myspace a lot, will eventually have at least two accounts on almost every social media. One personal, one tbb business
Name Origins: In universe, Georgia wasn't named by her parents. Instead she was named by the nurse who found her, as she was abandoned at a hospital. Smith is more or less a common last name she was assigned, as the nurse didn't want to become too attached to her </3 Unlike the other ladies on this list, irl Georgia wasn't named after any particular singer. She's instead named after a song, the famous "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" due to Kat's perceived influence on her (also "Georgia on My Mind" by Ray Charles is a plus) And yes, this will be mentioned/joked upon... eventually.
Love Interest: Only God knows atp
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chansonsinternationales · 2 years ago
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burlveneer-music · 2 years ago
Listen to Permutations 7/8/2023 byPermutations on hearthis.at
My WVUD playlist and stream, 7/8/2023
Tony Allen, Adrian Younge, Ali Shaheed Muhammad - Oladipo The Shaolin Afronauts - Rumba Cyclique Gretchen Parlato & Lionel Loueke - If I Knew (feat. Burniss Travis & Mark Guiliana) Dele Sosimi - Ẹ Si M'ẹ̀dọ̀ (feat. Lizzy Dosunmu) Parbleu - Je Le Ferai Captain Planet - Kité Soufè (feat. David Walters) Secret Night Gang - Do for You Stevie Wonder - Do I Do African Head Charge - Passing Clouds Cat Kin Cool - Havana MNTH - Afoshot Saroos - Thicket Brian Eno - I Fall Up Holy Tongue - Susuro Mong Tong - Tropic Sub Steve Shehan - Blue Nile Goat - The Gate Is Open (The Temple Lies Within) Vangelis - Stuffed Tomato Selvhenter - L.A. Talking Heads - Cities (Live) Thompson Twins - Politics Dennis Bovell - Heaven Way of the West - Don't Say That's Just for White Boys The Bahama Soul Club - Rui’s Garage
Listen on HearThis.at
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rich4a1 · 2 years ago
Gretchen Parlato & Lionel Loueke Lean In
Gretchen Parlato & Lionel Loueke Lean In Edition Although the duo of vocalist-arranger Gretchen Parlato and guitarist-vocalist Lionel Loueke have performed together relatively often and have contributed to each other’s projects, Lean In is their inaugural recording. Written during the pandemic on two different continents, the project evolved between Luxembourg and Los Angeles, where the two…
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b1lliesb1ues · 19 days ago
More on Carrington’s New Standards (Hal Leonard Sept 2022) a book of the 101 jazz compositions written by women:
“For the 2018 opening celebration of the Berklee Institute for Jazz and Gender Justice, Terri Lyne Carrington asked her students to select and perform songs from the famed jazz Real Book - a compilation of lead sheets or scores of jazz standards - written by women composers. When she released there was only one in the entire book, Carrington, an NEA Jazz Master, Grammy Award winning virtuoso jazz drummer, composer, inter-disciplinary artist, activist and educator, who has worked tirelessly over the last decade to advocate for inclusivity and raise the voice of women, trans and non-binary people in jazz, set out to shift the narrative.
Over the next several years, Carrington assembled New Standards (Hal Leonard Sept 2022) a book of the 101 jazz compositions written by women. new STANDARDS Vol. 1 captures 11 of these compositions. This star-studded recording features special guests Ambrose Akinmusire, Melanie Charles, Ravi Coltrane, Val Jeanty, Samara Joy, Julian Lage, Michael Mayo, Elena Pinderhughes, Dianne Reeves, Negah Santos and Somi, backed by a core section comprised of Carrington (drums), Kris Davis (piano), Linda May Han Oh (bass), Nicholas Payton (trumpet), and Matthew Stevens (guitar.)
The record gives listeners a sense of this project’s vast range, with contemporary composers like harpist Brandee Younger’s “Respected Destroyer,” clarinetist Anat Cohen’s “Ima,” vocalist Abbey Lincoln’s “Throw It Away” as well as pieces by Gretchen Parlato, Carla Bley and more. The recordings - which range from vocal ballads to contemporary creative music - are inspired and adventurous and explore the limitless universe of jazz.”
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mreiyouscience · 1 year ago
 翻って、深淵な歌声としなやかなリズム感覚をフェーズさせ、独自のヴォーカルで人気のグレッチェン・パーラトとリズムやハーモニーが洗練されているうえ、感情表現のレヴェルや精神性が高いことによって、演奏がとてもサポーティブである一方で、野心的で感情に訴える演奏をするので、音楽を未知のエリアに引っ張ってくれるようなリスクを恐れない点が魅力のリオーネル・エルケとのデュオ・アルバムが制作されたことはある意味必然であったといえるかもしれません。なぜなら、バークリー等の名門音大でも受けられないような充実したプログラムが用意されているセロニアス・モンク・インスティテュート(TMI)に進んだ同期として、20年以上の信頼関係を築いているからです。ですから、以前から「デュオ・アルバムを作ろう!」という話はあったそうですが、二人���も自分の活動に忙しく、これまでアルバムとして形になることはありませんでした。そうした中でグレッチェンとリオーネ  ルは学生時代からの20年を超える関係性をクリエイティブでありつつも、どこか優しさも感じさせる��ュオ・アルバムを制作する過程で、テーマはタイトル曲「Lean In」にあるように愛と共感、相互理解の精神をもって世界中の人々と寄り添い合おうというものになったのだといいます。
Gretchen Parlato - Live in NYC: BUTTERFLY
Gretchen Parlato - Live in NYC: WEAK
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naoyakoike · 2 months ago
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タイムアウト東京で12月のおすすめジャズライブを紹介しています。ぜひ遊びにいってみてください <紹介した公演> ■GRETCHEN PARLATO(@gretchenparlato) ■Mark de Clive Lowe(@MdCL) ■矢野沙織(@yanosaori_jazz) ■中村海斗(@kaito_nkmr_dvis) https://www.timeout.jp/tokyo/ja/news/tokyo-4-jazz-events-in-december-120624
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pistakkiomusic · 1 year ago
Lean in (feat. Mark Guiliana) By Gretchen Parlato, Lionel Loueke, Mark Guiliana From the album Lean In Added to Discover Weekly playlist by Unknown User on April 1, 2024 at 12:00AM Listen on Spotify https://ift.tt/a5KLd94
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