#Green Lotto now now forecast
mycryptosuite · 4 years
LOTTO Pathfinders - Green Lotto Now Now
LOTTO Pathfinders – Green Lotto Now Now
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LOTTO Pathfinders – Green Lotto Now Now LOTTO Pathfinders for today is for both baba ijebu premier lotto forecast and Green lotto forecast, which we made sure is the best you can get anywhere. (more…)
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xottzot · 6 years
2018-05(MAY)-28th--Monday--Abo criminals rampant again and the old man of the street employs them now as labourers in his yard.
2018-05(MAY)-28th--Monday--Abo criminals rampant again and the old man of the street employs them now as labourers in his yard.
Abo criminals rampant again and the old man of the street employs them now as labourers in his yard.
This is the old guy, with the big green sheet metal fence who has built it all up to keep OUT the very criminals that today he had frolicking around in his yard (and house?), mowing his front lawn, and running rapant with a hose squirted high in the air and onto the inside side of the tall green sheet metal fence.
SO......ipso facto....everything that I've heard about this old guy is true....he IS related to the criminal aboriginals of the streets, whether ALSO by bloodlines or marriage I have no idea. But as for all his complaning to Western Australian Police about him being the victim of aboriginals......he is actually VERY FRIENDLY WITH THE VERY SAME CRIMINALS who smash up his fence, his house, everything. - Whether it's a case whereby he is 'blackmailed' by them or not, the fact is that he supplies food and stuff to the criminal aboriginals out of his own pocket.
One walked out boldly carrying an unopened pot-noodle tub and tossing it into the air as if she had just won lotto. And she walked away, around the street corner and STRAIGHT into the aboriginal criminal household, across the road from fatguts criminal aboriginal household.
And earlier......they had been congregating on the street beforehand and.....
They invaded the yard of the unfenced corner house-for-sale/rent AGAIN and picked up rocks and were hurling them at the house whereby there was a LOUD glass smashing sound heard. - THIS IS THE BILLIONTH TIME THAT WINDOWS OR WHATEVER HAS BEEN SMASHED AT THAT PLACE BY THEM.
What's almost laughable if it were not TRUE, was that an innocent man came along yesterday looking to buy/rent that very place and asked me about the crime rate, to which I told him and more. - AND WHICH TODAY WAS PROVEN OUT AGAIN FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME...
Later on, about an hour or two later, two glazier glass repair vehicles drove up along the road and passed it all.
I thought they were going to go and YET AGAIN repair smashed windows and stuff.....but they drive to the nearby Koongamia shops instead. Then therafter drove away northwards further into Koongamia.
Has the Koongamia school been AGAIN a victim of criminals AGAIN? - You know, the SAME CRIMINALS THAT DO ALL THE DAMNED CRIME OF THIS HELLHOLE.......
In any event, I expect they will return YET AGAIN to do repairs to Mitchells old place AGAIN......
Maybe when the real estate agent makes a visit there to inspect or try to sell/rent the property yet again.....for the BILLIONTH TIME........OR MORE.....
The criminal aboriginals WANT IT. - They want to expand their criminal ghetto in the streets.
And the old guy with the green fence acts almost like a 'godfather' figure to them all but is also treated and exploited by them. So what else is new about that? They exploit their OWN FAMILIES AND FAMILY MEMBERS AND PREY UPON THEIR OWN SO VERY VERY MUCH NO MATTER WHAT AGE THEY ARE FROM BABIES IN DIAPERS TO YOUTHS AND CHILDREN TO ADULTS TO ELDERLY AND INFIRM UNTO DEATH AND BEYOND. ALL THAT IS 'NORMAL' FOR THEM ALL.
So...is the old guy finally showing his true colours then?
It's been threatening to rain all morning. It has gotten VERY overcast time and again and with some small amount of rain. It's been very cold.
Damned planes have been taking off from Perth airport and flying low straight over here a LOT, heading East.
I wish I was on one of them going to dear Fliss.
My injuries have been giving me a lot of grief. THAT and together with other terrible physical pain.
Not much sleep at all.
Was awoken by vehicles, and by scraping their undersides on the kerb as they drove away early in the morning.
Poor Max is in a LOT of pain and VERY growly. Poor Sam is terribly upset and confused but forever looking for dear Fliss too.
I've had to be cleaning up all their ablutions a LOT today. And trying to do it all without getting wet from the rains. And keeping them both dry from ever getting wet and very cold when outside.
Smoke now everwhere from people in houses buring wood to try to be warm.
The criminal aboriginals just tear down house 4-sale signs and use the timbers from that to burn.
No sign of semi-feral cats...YET.
No sign of semi-feral dogs....YET.
Criminals at their criminality again stealing cable again?
Heavy rains and possibly thunderstorm(s) still likely to roll in to this hellhole to add to all the hell.
It's been forecast for DAYS.
Tomorrow is council rubbish bin collection day, so that means rabid aboriginals will be frolicking about on the streets as if it's a Mr Whippy Ice Cream Van........
And it will be pouring down with rain.
So where are all the criminal aboriginals and criminals on unlicensed motorbikes then?
Maybe they need a sign from the holy Wagyl in the shape of a Police vehicle cruising past to let them know they are safe to do whatever the hell they want on the roads as has happened for so many YEARS......
Or maybe they're just awaiting for the rains again to get heavy.......
Which will also trigger a plague of dickheads in cars tearing about the slippery wet roads and tearing all about.....to join the illegal unlicensed motrobikes........
Will that endanger yet again innocents on the roads and families on the roads with children? - Will there be AGAIN a major incident that make the NEWS? - Or will there be more deaths this time?
Around 2pm......a workers van arrived at the house 4-sale/rent that the criminal aborigials had smashed YET AGAIN before later going to the old guys house to be 'rewarded'? with a pot-noodle and to have them mow his front yard and frolic about.....
The worker is I expect going to try to repair YET AGAIN criminal damage done to it by criminal aboriginals....(eg. the SMASHING of window glass that I heard earlier by the criminal aboriginals).....
He has house keys and also goes inside the empty house.
Is and has all the CONSTANT criminal damage by the criminal aboriginals become so regular and constant that the workman just turn up EVERY Monday now to repair it all prior to the real estate saleswomen turning up for a 'house open' attempt to lure unsuspecting victims to buy/rent it at this hellhole that the criminals have made it?
I have no qualms about forewarning that fellow (a stranger) yesterday of it all.
AND......when the workers van was parked in the place, from across the road at the aboriginal criminal household was criminal aboriginals roaming out from and wandering the streets on the footpath and of course walking past the house the workers van was parked at.
As they began to get near the old guys place, the old guy thumped his green metal fence from his side as an animalistic warning or signal, and so the trio of aboriginals just walked past. A man, a woman, a kid....ALL DRESSED IN BLACK CLOTHING....because that is the 'uniform' of shitheads everywhere like them......
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you. Poor Max is in a lot of pain. And both poor Sam and poor Max and I are in a lot of suffocating anguish all together at this hellhole. Poor Max is having a LOT of trouble breathing.
I gave them a treat this afternoon, a food treat of something very unhealthy that I was forced to to eat myself. Then let them outside for the ablutions before the rains hit again. Then I had to clean it all up AGAIN.
AND I have had to clean up all the damned mess the parrots leave all around the place.....even AS THEY WERE MAKING MORE MESS WHICH I WILL HAVE TO CLEAN UP AGAIN............parrots who do the bidding of Sisyphus utilising leaves and branches and half-chewed-up gumnuts EVERYWHERE......
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you.
Typing all this in OFFLINE and will upload it when I can get connectivity.....IF I can get connectivity.......
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
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