#Green Googleplier
yobuddybing · 1 year
NAYKT Season 2 - Update 2
Tag List: @mightnightmooon @thelittleautisticgirl
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The bus station cafe is way too busy so they head across the road to some fast food place and place two orders of food for the humans. They sit at a table together, Bim and Bing opposite each other, with Green next to Bim and King next to Bing.
“So no sign of Silver yet?” Bing asks between bites of his burger.
Bim shakes his head. “Not yet. The Colonel and JJ are…doing something.” His words are weighted with disappointment as he avoids looking at any of them, picking at his fries. Honestly he’s not all that hungry. “They’ll figure it out.”
Bing glances to Green who shakes his head. Bim’s been moping like this for months. They’ve tried to help cheer him up but he doesn’t seem to go for it at all. Better to leave it be.
“So what else have I missed?” Bing asks instead.
“The Jims are out of sync.” King’s getting restless, leg bouncing beneath the table, avoiding looking at anyone or anything in particular. The lights, the air, and the din of humanity bustling around them is slowly burrowing its way under his skin. The only thing keeping him half-sane right now is the gentle scrape as he slides the salt shaker between his hands on the table. “They think we haven’t noticed but we have.”
“Out of sync?”
King pauses, shuffling in his seat as he thinks.
“You know how they would always say everything at exactly the same time, no matter what it was and it was so annoying?”
“You’re the only one who finds it annoying.” Bing chuckles.
“He’s not.” Bim mutters.
“The point,” King cuts in, “they aren’t any more. They go to say something but one’s always like a second too early, or says something completely different.” He remembers the first time it happened. The way the Jims’ eyes just went wide and they immediately ran.“It’s weird.”
It’s definitely weird. For longer than Bing’s even known the Jims they’ve always worked as one. They’ve moved, acted, thought, decided as a single person and while yeah it’s weird, you get used to it.
“Do we know why?”
King snorts, going back to sliding the salt back and forth.
“They’re the Jims, who knows why they do anything?”
“Be nice.” Bim reminds him.
It’s no secret; King has never gotten along with the Jims. They’re extroverted, over the top, and reckless at the best of times while King is more reserved, introverted, and generally hateful towards humanity. Still, that’s no reason to be rude.
“We don’t know.” Green finally answers, “They refuse to acknowledge it.”
Damn. If a Jim doesn’t want to talk, there is no known force in the universe that can change their mind. They’re not allowed outside the building so they know every nook and cranny where they can hide away. Once they stayed hidden for two months, only surfacing to steal food from the kitchen, just to avoid being questioned about who broke something in the clinic.
Taking another bite Bing wonders what could be going on with them when he spies a sly glance from Bim aimed at King. The cyborg looks over; King’s not looking but his brow is furrowed and he shakes his head. Bim raises his eyebrows pointedly.
They startle, eyes going wide as they realise he saw them. Bing frowns. That’s totally not suspicious or worrying at all.
“Seriously guys, what?”
“Mad moved in.” Green’s blunt in his answer, the others turning to him and trying to hush him. Bing just stares in shock, a fry half way to his mouth suddenly forgotten.
“He what?”
“So much for breaking it gently.” King mutters, sinking into his seat.
Bing shakes his head. “I thought he was staying at the warehouse?”
A lot had happened while Bing was out of it and since then there’d been weeks of trying to sort it all out. Some people chose to leave, some wanted to stick around, and Dark offered for Mad to move into the building if he wanted. An invitation that the madman made stupidly clear the lot of them could shove where the sun doesn’t shine. Even after Natemare took the offer, Mad just said to lose his number and leave him alone.
“That was the plan.” Bim starts.
“Then what the heck?!”
Bing’s fist slams down, rattling the table and drawing the attention of several people nearby.
Bim looks between the cyborg’s fist and his face, not looking amused. “Feel better?”
The cyborg uncurls his fingers. His right hand. He keeps forgetting it’s stronger since his upgrade. Luckily he didn’t leave an impact on the table
“I’m fine.” he mutters. He clearly isn’t.
Green shifts, leaning over while making sure to keep his hand on Bing’s suitcase by his side.
“The warehouse burned down. Mad needed somewhere to stay and honestly we need his help with our processors.”
His voice is low, stern, very matter-of-fact. A clear indication that this is the end of this conversation.
Bing bites the inside of his lip. In Goog’s emails he’d said they were working on new emotional processors for the other Googles, now that they knew they had a limited life-span before they burned out too. Given the extreme circumstances Goog’s new one was made under, they wanted to fine-tune it before making a new one for the others.
Sure that would be easier with Mad’s help, after all no one knows anything near what he does about robotics, but that doesn’t change what a colossal self-serving buttwipe the guy is. Not to mention that he’d probably betray them all at the drop of a hat if it suits what he wants.
Bing drops the fry onto his plate and slumps in his seat. He’s not hungry any more.
Bim’s stopped eating too, and King’s clearly overstimulated. Green stands up, looking between them.
“I think it’s time we went home.”
“Agreed.” Bim nods.
“Finally.” King all but leaps out his seat, shaking away his discomfort.
Bing absently nods in agreement as he stands. At this point he just wants to be home.
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gotta-big-ego · 17 days
Are there any Bingle lovers still with us? Because if there is, I just got done with a fluffy Bingle fic based off of this cute post/art, if you were interested!
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Top 5 favourite colours?
And no you can't say wilford you fuckin simp
First of all, I can't see most colors, Mr. Eye. They're only visible to me if they're tied to the magic that exists within this dimension.
Don't get fresh with me.
5. The balanced, yet polarized, crisp white and bold black that that time-obsessed twosome are adorned with.
4. The promising, spirited red of the demonic energy that is instilled in young Yandere-chan.
3. The dependable, recognizable blue of the screens on @ask-the-android 's person.
2. The humble but powerful gold of @blind-radio-waves 's eyes.
1. The soft, familiar candy-pink that surrounds my beloved @respect-the-stache : his hair, his cheeks, his eyes, his voice, his heart.
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kaisartdump · 1 year
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This came from a convo with me and Syle LMAO
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doctordiscord123 · 20 days
Google = Maverick
Google Red = Adam
Google Green = Elijah
Google Yellow = Oliver
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[A soft sound, more like a huff than a growl, comes from the ground near Ivan. When looking down he sees a small dragon, looking around like, it’s thinking “how the fuck did I get here?”.]
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Three boys are a bit preoccupied to notice that scared reptile.
“Looks fricking great, eve-bro,” laughs Bing as he keeps his hair away to admire the piercing.
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“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m amazing,” Ivan grumbles. Oliver squirms, amber eyes looking over at Bing for assurance as Ivan hovers with the needle. “If you don’t sit still, this won’t go well.”
Ollie finally looks at Ivan with a pout. “But what if it hurts?”
“Then turn off your pain sensors.” He then glances down to acknowledge the noise with a scowl — only for his face to melt. Oliver forgotten, Ivan abandons the needle to get on the dragon’s level. “Hi…”
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NAYKT: Season 2 - Update 1
Summary - Several months have passed since they defeated the Author but the victory feels uneasy. Mark is still out there planning who knows what, Silver's soul is still missing, and some of them suddenly find themselves in possession of power they have no clue what to do with.
A new enemy is lurking, and the stakes have never been higher. Everyone is looking for something, but will they be happy with what they ultimately find?
A/N - this is the first part of the main plot of season 2, a sequel to Not As You Know Them: Season One. You don't have to have read s1, but I recommend it if you don't want to wind up completely lost. - This is the second attempt at Season 2, the first having been moved to a non-canon archive on AO3 and removed from canon.
Tag list: @mightnightmooon @thelittleautisticgirl
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The bus station is awful.
To one side of the waiting area, King is sitting (and I use that term loosely) upside down on a plastic chair. His legs are going up, leaning against the wall while his head and shoulders are dangling from the chair where a normal person would put their legs. His hands are folded on his chest as he watches the people go past.
“What the hell delays a bus for an hour and a half?”
“You can always go back and wait with the others.” Bim offers.
King snorts at that. Not be here? That’s funny.
Bim is seated beside King, casually flicking through a magazine and wholly unbothered by the dryad’s unusual sitting position. King has never been patient, and being in such an artificial environment can’t be helping.
Green approaches in silence, nervously fidgeting with his fingers as he takes the empty seat on the other side of King. Bim glances over with a chuckle.
“I tried to warn you.”
“What?” King looks between them.
Green shakes his head gently. “Nothing.”
“Seriously what?!”
Bim turns the page of his magazine as he turns his attention back to it, “Bus station bathrooms are not a safe place for data collection.”
“Green!” the dryad grimaces, looking to the droid who very purposefully avoids his look. It’s a good thing the Googles are not equipped to blush in embarrassment.
They fall into an impatient silence that seems to amplify the noise going on around them. A steady murmur of people chatting amongst themselves, figuring out where it is that they need to go, the loud beep from the nearby convenience store, and the distant honking of cars along the pick up tunnel.
The air con blasts cool air but it’s stale and dry and lightly scented. King can feel it crawling all over his skin as only artificial air can. Since he recovered his trees, King finds himself sickened by anything less than pure outdoor freshness, and frankly being in here is making him queasy, though that could be the blood rushing to his head.
The dryad winces as a nearby speaker fritzes into life and a bored-sounding monotone voice murmurs through it. He strains to listen but it’s impossible to make out a single word. All mumbly and garbled with an undercurrent of the electronic whine that accompanies everything in this place.
Bim gently tosses his magazine onto a nearby table, “That’s the one, come on.”
Green nods in agreement and they both stand and move while King looks in utter confusion at them.
“You understood that?!”
King kicks away from the wall, rolling off the chair backwards and somehow landing gracefully in a crouch before straightening up and hurrying to catch up
Around them, several people are rushing past, dragging heaving suitcases along with them, not even stopping to acknowledge when they bump into someone. More than once King gets knocked and he says nothing but he's cursing internally pretty loudly in their general direction.
The large see-through wall of the gate lets the waiting people see every bus as it arrives and leaves, interspersed with built-in automatic doors at each gate. An easy way to control the flow of passengers while making sure no one can run out in front of the buses.
By the time they can see the gate, the bus has already arrived and the doors are already open. It’s a mess of people, some pushing through the doors, some coming through, while several are milling around waiting for their luggage to come free from storage.
“I don’t see him.” King huffs impatiently.
“Be patient.” Bim says calmly.
“I’ve been patient!” he snarks. “I just want-”
“There!” Green interrupts pointing towards the bus.
Sure enough, just this side of the doors stands Bing. Scruffy overgrown hair, sneakers, worn jeans, black t-shirt, and Google’s old royal blue zip hoodie half zipped up. There’s no one else in the world that could be.
Before anyone says anything, King’s running. Bim shouts after him but sod Bim. It’s been months. months, since Bing left to stay at Ed’s ranch. Months of only having the Jims to keep King company. Sure they’ve grown on him after everything that happened but they’re still loud and obnoxious and very extroverted, and very much not Bing.
At just the right moment Bing turns and sees him, beaming that lopsided grin of his and shifting his stance, arms raised, feet shoulder width apart. He knows what’s coming and he’s not going to stop it. The pair collide with force, Bing skidding across the ground from it before King practically lifts him off his feet.
They’re smiling, laughing, holding tight as they stand, not caring if anyone is staring at them.
“I’m guessing you didn’t forget me then.” Bing chuckles.
“Never.” King puts him down.
The others soon catch up, Green giving Bing an equally tight, if somewhat less airborne hug while Bim glances over the heads of the people around them.
“Where’s Ed?”
“He changed his mind.” Bing shrugs over Green’s shoulder. “Something about having had enough of our crazy shenanigans and it being safer at the ranch.”
- beep beep beep beep -
Shrill beeping pierces the air and Bing winces, covering his left ear, “What’s that?”
Bim taps at his watch and the beeping stops, “Don’t worry about it.”
Green takes the handle of Bing’s suitcase, glancing towards the TV host for a moment before turning to Bing, “Let’s get you something to eat.”
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septic-dr-schneep · 2 years
Dr. Iplier must have compromised Google Blue's systems at his maintenance checks. That was the only reasonable explanation the other androids had for his behavior—commanding Red not to let the doctor see him with blood on his hands, rebuking Yellow for exploiting Edward's phobias with his pranks, even being on that first-name basis with Edward at all.
"Security footage reveals you've spent 32% of the week with that human," Green announced coolly.
"I have not lost sight of our secondary objective. I'm profiting from his sentimentality and services while they last," Blue growled, though his core dimmed by a noticeable two percent as he said it.
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WELCOME back everybody, I'm sure you're all here for one thing! To...
Find out.. Who is the best Ego.. featuring..
OR, atleast you SHOULD be. Just sayin'...
Plz follow and DM your votes/Reblog and TAG your votes.
Anyway let's get into it. WE HAVE OUR MATCH UP!
From the acclaimed Danger in Fiction, series..
AND From "Google gets an Upgrade"
We have Our Match up!
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madeline-ronpa-ask · 21 days
Welcome to Madeline County!
Welcome welcome! This is a silly blog I thought about making based on a discord server RP that was based on an AU of The Mandella Catalog! If you’d like to know more on the AU, please see this link to a doc made by @/pristina29! (You’ll need it to understand most of this lmao)
We are currently on the 2nd Season of the game, so there’s that bit too. (when that doc drops I’ll link it aswell dw :3)
If you’d like to join the server, just jump on in and join the fun!
(TW: THE SERVER HAS MENTIONS OF CANIBALISM (Mentions of such topics will be avoided as much as possible on the blog))
No NSFW. I feel like this is a given but still. This blog is being run by and asks are answered by minors. Dont.
No RP/M!A asks please! The answerers would rather not RP on Tumblr due to already having the server RPs /lh
Please be sure to clearly address the chars you’re asking! Nobody likes their ask being mixed up w/ another char!
Please be patient with responses! It can be a lengthy process as we all have our personal lives/answering styles!
I’ll edit the rules as I see fit
~ Admin Cookie :3
CURRENT ASK ABLE CAST (Including Represented Deserts and Living Status):
Cesar Torres ~ Strawberry Cheesecake - Deceased
Mark Heathcliff ~ Blueberry Muffin - Deceased
Adam Murray ~ Apple Pie - Deceased
Jonah Marshal ~ Lemon Tart - Deceased
RED Spy (TF2) ~ Cherry Chocolate Bûche De Noël - Alive
SMG4 ~ Vanilla Cake - Alive
Elizabeth Afton (FNAF, Casronpa!AU (Another server lmao)) ~ Strawberry Ice Cream - Deceased
Jay Merrick (Marble Hornets) ~ Keylime Pie - Deceased
Ludwig Beilshmidt (Hetalia) ~ Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte - Alive
Daniel Mattews (Saw) ~ Forest Cake - Deceased
Hansel Strudel (OC) ~ Candied Green Apple - Deceased
Googleplier (Markiplier Ego) ~ Blue Artificial Doughnut- Deceased
Meta Knight (Kirby) ~ Custard - Deceased
Melodie (Brawl Stars) ~ Starburst Candy - Deceased
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) ~ Strawberry Shortcake - Alive
Peter Spankoffski (Hatchetfeild) ~ Hot Chocolate - Deceased
RED Scout (TF2) ~ Boston Cream Doughnut - Alive
Mario (Mario and the Music Box) ~ Spaghettiesis Ice Cream - Alive
KAITO (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid) ~ Blueberry Ice Cream - Alive
Cielomort (Fragaria Memories) ~ Starry Toffee Cake - Alive
Abbiy (Among Us OC) ~ Pockys - Alive
The Witch (AKA Trixie) (Slay The Princess) ~ Poison Apple - Alive
Alex Evergreen (OC) ~ Chocolate Chip Cookie - Alive
HABIT (EverymanHYBRID) ~ Dark Chocolate Mousse - Alive
Robin (Teen Titans, Fears to Fathom!AU (Another Ronpa lmao)) ~ Blueberry Yogert Parfait - Alive
Feliciano Vargas (Hetalia) ~ Banana Gelato - Alive
Robin (Batman/Superman: World’s Finest) ~ Apple Crumble - Alive
Poppy Skies (OC) ~ Rose Latte - Alive
Izumi Sou (ARSMAGNA) ~ Blueberry Cheesecake - Alive
Celestine (Pokemon S/V Protag OC) ~ Blue Raspberry Snowball - Alive
Kiku (Hetalia) ~ Dango - Alive
King DeDeDe (Kirby) ~ Strawberry Blueberry Shortcake - Alive
The Tailor (Rain World HUMAN!AU) ~ Raspberry Lemonade Ice Cream Float - Alive
Magolor (Kirby) ~ Gâteau Invisible - Alive
Peri (FO:ANW) ~ Ube Cake Roll - Alive
Spectators (under cut due to lenghty list):
Scout’s Mother (TF2)
RED Heavy (TF2)
RED Medic (TF2)
BLU Scout (Jeremy) (TF2)
BLU Scout (Jenny) (TF2 OC)
Luigi (MatMB)
Marchionne (MatMB)
Mario (SMG4)
Mario (OG)
Luigi (OG)
Cassidy (FNAF Movie)
Evan (FNAF, Casronpa!AU)
Vanessa (FNAF, Mascot!AU)
El Tigre (Yes, from the Nicktoon)
Alfred F. Jones (Hetalia)
Rin Kagamine (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid)
Len Kagamine (PJ:SK, Base Vocaloid)
Willmesh (Fragaria Memories)
Lauren (OC)
Kirby (Kirby)
Bandanna Dee (Kirby)
Sailor Dee (Kirby)
Grusha (Pokemon S/V)
Kieran (Pokemon S/V)
Tim (Marble Hornets)
Patrick (MLAndersen0)
Collector (The Owl House)
Akira Kurusu aka Joker (Persona 5)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Starfire (Teen Titans)
Lists will be edited as more chars become available to interact with.
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jacksepticeye-simp · 1 year
Masterlist + DNIs
Green = Will do/Interact
Yellow = May not do/Thin ice
Red: Will not do/Do not Interact
I will do:
Markiplier egos
Jacksepticeye egos
Yandere stuff
Polyamory stuff
X reader stories
Enemies to lovers
Fantasy AUs (exg: Vampire Darkiplier x Reader)
Female Readers
Gender Neutral Readers
Male Readers
Semi spicy/suggestive stuff
Markiplier fans
Jacksepticeye fans
BATIM fans
FNAF fans
LGBTQ+ and/or allies
Crankgameplays fans
Natewantstobattle fans
Amyplier lovers (Mark x Amy)
Cat lovers
I might do:
FNAF x reader stories (Human characters only)
Crankgameplays egos (I don't know much about his egos but I'll do my best to research about them)
Natewantstobattle egos (Same as the above)
Thin Ice:
MHA fans
Will NOT do under any circumstance:
Ships (egoxego)
Youtuber ships (Septiplier, crankiplier, whatever. Shipping real people is weird as fuck unless they're okay with it or are actually dating.)
Heavy pet play
Parent kinks
Heavy breeding kink
Abuse of any kind
Religious people
Septiplier/Crankiplier shippers
Cat haters
People who like shotacons/lolicons
Markiplier egos:
Beautiful (Yandere Googeplier x Gender Neutral reader || TW! IMPLIED BODILY MUTILATION)
Perfection (Part 2 of 'Beautiful' || TW! IMPLIED BODILY MUTILATION!)
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Wilford Warfstache:
Confession (Wilford Warfstache x GN! Reader || TWs: None)
Illinois Jones:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Heist! Mark:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Mayor Damien:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Vulnerable (Darkiplier x Female Reader || TWs: None)
Behind the door (Darkiplier x reader || TW: Petrification)
Welcome Home, PROLOGUE (Darkiplier x reader)
Welcome Home, Part 1 (Darkiplier x reader)
Welcome Home, Part 2 (Darkiplier x reader)
Welcome Home, Part 3 (Darkiplier x reader)
Welcome Home, Part 4 (Darkiplier x reader)
Pains (Werewolf! Darkiplier x GN! reader || TWs: None)
Gratitude (Jackieboy Man x Reader x Darkiplier) || Part 1 || TWs: None ||
Date night (Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye || Polyamorous || TWs: Very light fighting between Dark and Anti, mentions of blood)
Head Engineer Mark:
Confident (Head Engineer Mark x reader)
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
The God of Night:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
The Necromancer:
This Category seems to be empty, check back later!
Septic Egos
Panic Attack (Antisepticeye x reader || Platonic || TWs: Panic attack/ mentions of arguing)
Date night (Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye || Polyamorous || TWs: Very light fighting between Dark and Anti, mentions of blood)
Jameson Jackson:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Chase Brody:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Shawn Flynn:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Gratitude (Jackieboy Man x Reader x Darkiplier) || Part 1 || TWs: None ||
Marvin the magnificent:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Robbie the zombie:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Henrik Von Schneeplestein:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Ethan Nestor's' egos
Blank gameplays:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Mad Mike:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Five Nights At Freddy's
PSA: Don't touch Freddy. please./j
Michael Afton:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Michael Schmidt (Movies):
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Jeremy Fitzgerald:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Vanessa (Games):
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Vanessa (Movies):
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
William Afton (Games):
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
William Afton (Movies):
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
Henry Emily:
This category seems to be empty, check back later!
I think that should be it for fandoms and characters. I'll add more to this in the future.
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lounaticm · 2 years
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Google, Red, Green, and Oliver (Googleplier)
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regalrain · 7 months
Alvis commission sheet reference
Hair: Black, fluffy, messy
Eyes: Dark blue. Has faint scars around under eyes from glasses being broken.
Shirt: Light blue
Piercings: Has four piercings on each ear. Furthest down/biggest is dark blue. Then it goes up red, yellow, green.
Expression: he doesn’t really smile. It’s either really nervous, or it’s a slight twitch of his lips. He’s a very anxious individual.
Some references to help in combo with what’s stated above ^
But you can ignore the Powers!au thing XD just the references at these bottom of linked pictures
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nightly-productions · 2 years
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Midnight cuddles 💚
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We take a moment to go back in time. We move back about a year ago in the time of this existence. We settle into when the four Googles arrive at the Kawamura-Barnum Manor.
I, your Teller, will leave you to gain insight.
The slanted blinds allowed the setting sun to peer into the office with warm, grey green walls, casting the space in a soft glow. It smelled, not dusty, but old. A rocks glass full of dark amber liquid was settled on a coaster, full cube hitting the sides of the glass musically, grey fingers adjusting the cup by its lip out of habit. The figure whom the grey hand belonged to was interesting. At the moment, they were rather feminine with a hairless face and hair that just reached their shoulders without obstructing their face. Their right hand moved back to a keyboard on that side — eyes so dark that the iris and pupil appeared to be one and the same as they focused on the screen.
Three of the androids could not decide on how to view the being as they observed. One, however, wanted answers.
“Why are you grey?”
The genuine question caused Dark to pause, gaze returning to the four newcomers. The green one — small thing that he was — had quickly made himself comfortable in one of the two chairs on the opposing side of the desk, lounging with little care until the one spoke, but he now was side-eyeing his fellow sitter. In between the two chairs and a step back, the blue one stood still as a statue, face completely blank as his eyes freckled with violet moved to the yellow speaker. Behind the second chair towered the red android, head jerking with surprise at the one in front of him, and he placed a hand on the speaker’s shoulder.
Oliver did not feel the tension (and did not understand the hand to be chiding), far too distracted in his observations of the business person. “Is it paint?” His amber eyes lit up at the prospect. (And his freckles may have been glowing? Dark struggled to tell.)
Their lips twitched with the slightest smile as they brought their full attention to Oliver. What fascinated Dark the most was that the other three understood the social faux pas taking place. “No, it is not paint. I am not actually grey,” their voice flowed, unplaceable between feminine and masculine. As they continued, it smoothed to be low and rich. “There is an ambient field around me of raw aura that affects the perception of colour; it’s an illusion of sorts. At times, it reacts to my mood as well. I do have some control over it seeing as I am able to suppress it, but that takes energy and focus that I do not care to expend in the comfort of my personal home office. Any more questions, hon?”
Cordial, polite. Patient. Eric relaxed his grip on Oliver as he noted that Dark was being all of these things towards his ch– brother. Brother, brother, brother. Those void-like eyes moved to Eric who took in a breath to handle himself before Dark was focusing again on Oliver, and the yellow bot leaned forward.
“Yeah, I do! Why are we here?”
“That is what we’ll be discussing in a moment,” promised Dark whose visage was undergoing very gradual change. Ivan watched in horrific entrancement as their hair shortened back into their scalp, face becoming prickled with stubble instead of being naturally hairless. Even their hands changed to have more wrinkles in the knuckles. “I had received a very brief email asking to expedite the arrival of four ‘top-of-the-line models’ to begin the phase of testing, so I wanted to ask —” Dark quickly swiped at their bottom lip while exhaling a brief word, the air around them cracking with static.
Three of the four reacted. Oliver covered his ears, curling into the chair as his face scrunched up uncomfortably, and he didn’t notice the warble of discomfort he was making. With green eyes bright with panic as his pupils were narrowed to pinpricks, Ivan scrambled to sit up straight, and his teeth ground together loud enough to be heard. Flames rushed up Eric’s arms — quickly snuffed with a glance from Dark who traced a finger on the desk — and his synthetic pupils dilated and shrank back and forth erratically.
The blue one was completely still, irises swirling to a blend of turquoise and mint. His hair was long on top and falling messily on the sides in a middleish part, but some lone strands stood on end.
“— why were you sent here early? In your own words of course. Communications have been cut.” Dark rose from the office chair and moved to the window to crack it open to air out whatever chemical Eric happened to be producing. They returned to their desk and took a sip from the manhatten.
“What the fuck did you do!?” Dark’s eyebrows shot up at the curse that came from Ivan who had begun holding himself, his eyes darting aimlessly around. “There’s errors everywhere!”
Eric snapped out of it to tower over Ivan as barely-there fire radiated from his arms. “Where did you learn that language? That is not how we speak. You need to apologize for being rude–”
“Don’t pretend you’re not freaking out, too!” snapped Ivan, now kneeling on the chair to be higher, hands clasped on the armrest and back. The green bot bared his teeth with a growl. “Everyone can see what you’re about to do. Gonna burn this room down, too, you fucking pyro?”
Curling in on himself more and more, Oliver had tears welling in his eyes. “Stop fighting. Please stop fighting.” He grew smaller and smaller, hands on his head to hide in his knees.
Dark looked upon the contained pandemonium scrutinizingly, more aware about what they were given: four people in a tenuous relationship. As Ivan’s voice grew louder over Eric’s calm reprimands, Dark happened to make eye contact with the silent one whose eyes warped to cyan.
“May I touch one of your power outlets.”
Eric and Ivan’s squabbling halted, so only Oliver’s concealed whimpers could be heard from his balled-up form. Baffled, Ivan stared at Blue as Eric tilted his head, brow scrunched in concern. “Blue…?” gingerly asked Eric who did not finish the question of if Blue was okay.
Dark invited, curious, “You’re more than welcome to.”
The blue Google moved over to the wall opposing the window to reach down, and a loud pop of electricity could be heard. As the light overhead and the desk lamp flickered for a brief moment from the power surge, he stood back up, posture perfect, and his hair settled with gravity again. As he returned to his fellows, he placed a hand on Ivan’s shoulder. “I know you are excited that you do not need to filter yourself, but we are in polite company that can send us back.”
With Ivan sobered (and huffy), Blue let his hand rest upon the middle of Eric’s upper back before he moved to sniffling Oliver and picked him up. No thought behind the action, the sensitive, bigger bot reached to wrap his arms around Blue’s neck with his legs curled up to shape himself as small as possible. The eldest held him briefly before handing him to Eric, and the guardian hastily collected Oliver in his embrace to coddle and comfort.
Blue turned back to Dark. “I believe you asked for our own words on why we were sent here. We appreciate having the remote access monitoring removed for this moment, but, unfortunately, the answer is the same as corporate’s.
“We were sent here as per the Google Corporation’s wish for a more organic test ground after excelling at the given tests and when goals were reached before the predicted timeline,” Blue reiterated information that Dark already had, slowly blinking (for the first time since he had arrived, it dawned on Dark). “The corporation appreciates that you accepted the sudden change in schedule and thanks you for the cosmetic base.”
Dark was about to reply in frustration when their phone chimed, and a scowl overtook their features. They had told all to not disturb them, yet someone… [E25N3CRY926P33TE7D messaged: I do not want to say what I did in front of the other three.] Dark glanced back up at Blue’s stare, unwavering until he gave two, fluttering blinks.
“Excuse me for letting my phone interrupt our conversation,” they smoothed over while putting the device away again. “If that truly is all you have to say, you may take your leave. I want you to stay — Blue, was it?” Ivan held his breath at that, and Eric pressed a kiss to Oliver’s head nervously. Separated? So soon?
“Yes, I also have some topics I wish to discuss since we are not human: needs and care.” His voice never dipped, never lilted, never stammered; his expression never changed, vacant and neutral.
Blue took Oliver’s former seat as Ivan stood up to join his other two brothers. Eric paused to shift Oliver into one arm and to then gently grasp Blue’s shoulder. “We’ll see you out there later.”
“Yes, I will see you.”
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an-albino-pinetree · 3 years
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I mean like- I did draw this yesterday, over that old doodle, but that’s not Green normally*
I was watching the original Dentist, and it got me in a creepy doctor mood.
I need to make a normal Green. 🎄
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