#Greek Music
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mhmeaggizeis · 1 year ago
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Να Μ’Αγαπάς- Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος
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niwsethnsapila · 25 days ago
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Κάπως έτσι θα 'θελα το τέλος να 'ρθει
Όταν τα φώτα σβήσουν και ο Ήλιος κρυφτεί
Ν' ακούμε τις σταγόνες να χτυπάν στην οροφή
Απ' τη μωβ βροχή πάνω στο SUV
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nataliliv · 6 months ago
❤️☘️🍒 Have a nice evening ❤️☘️🍒
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loulouditoudromou · 2 years ago
Μη με παίρνεις τηλέφωνο, πάρε με αγκαλιά
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katerinaaqu · 15 days ago
All the homeric AUs here are cool and great but forget about Cowboy AU for one second and let us do Trojan War 1900s Modern Greek edition!
Give me the Trojans be the people of places like Smyrna or Constantinopole known for their distinct culture that mixes Turkish and Greek customs
Give me the Greeks coming far away from home like soldiers or fishermen or sailors that are out there years at a time
Give me the Atreides being those dudes wearing suits and hats that rule over the army have that distinct "capital of Greece" look
Give me Odysseus dancing hasaposerviko in the lively rhythm of "Kites" by Mikis Theodorakis with his Cephallinians
Give me Achilles and Patroclus being afraid their relationship will leak out in that strict Christian orthodox world (give me Antilochus being also the third wheel being conflicted and sad about it!)
Give me Teucrer/Teukros being worried his half-turkish inheritance might be a problem for him
Give me Diomedes being determined to be as great negotiator and fighter as his father
Give me the war prizes women be women from red light district that cause the rouse among the Greeks without being at fault simply because their rough life led them to this job
Give me rebetes and city people together in the army people from villages and from islands! Give me them share cigarettes or tobacco sneaking between each other traditional sweets and treats shipping wine tsipouro and ouzo and talk about their wives and homelands! Being a Babel of different dialects and idioms from all over Greece!
Making fun of each other for their accents and idioms, agreeing or arguing about politics war and economy!
What do you guys think? Huh @margaretkart ?
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orgismenh · 8 months ago
Όταν ξεμείνω από τσιγάρα,
όταν οι τοίχοι μου με κλείσουν,
όταν τα ρούχα μου βαρύνουν
και δεν μπορώ να κοιμηθώ,
όταν τελειώσω τον καφέ μου,
θα είναι ανάγκη να σε δω.
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gemsofgreece · 5 months ago
Farya Faraji did it again! This is a great episode presenting most Greek music instruments, while providing a lot of context, information, jokes, history lessons and as always he debunks all the myths and stereotypes about Greek music. In this video he is interviewing Demetrios Dallas, a Greek American polymusician (if that's a term in English) who can literally play ALL.
Bagpipes and reeds
Flutes and clarinet
Bowed instruments
Kanonaki and Santouri
Context of Greek music
Regional diversity
Rhythmic patterns
It's always changing
Pitch in the modal traditions
Westernisation and revival
The last chapter is thematically the most important and Farya is at the moment the most well known person / youtuber who calls out this massive misconception about Greek music. You see there is this whole, extremely rigid notion in Western Europe that Greek music was western but it was orientalized because Greeks were conquered by the Turks and were turkified and lost their identity. It was exactly the opposite in fact. Greek music was what you 'd call "eastern" (yes, including ancient Greek music, yes, including Homer times, Pericles times, blah blah blah) and it actually started westernising itself ONLY by the mid to late 19th century, meaning after the independence from the Ottomans and the establishment of the modern Greek state and the reason was the severe trauma of this whole ordeal. After its independence Greece SO did not want to have anything to do with Turkey and the East in general that for the first time it oriented itself totally towards the west in most everything. Farya is a bit bitter about it (you know, being of Iranian descent and interested in folk music and all) but because he's great and very knowledgeable at what he does, there is also all this analysis about how (especially after the population exchange with Turkey in which Anatolian Greeks moved to Greece) the eastern element re-established itself in the country. It remained marginalised for a long time but as it happens with things that are essentially your identity, it resurfaced and almost claimed its natural place. However, the biggest talents and minds of Greek music in the 20th century were largely trained in western music tradition and the music legacy they left behind is so monumental that the Greek music will almost certainly never become again as eastern as it once was. And that's okay because what was produced by these people was so essentially and uniquely Greek that it is now part of the Greek heritage, an eastern foundation glossed in western styles and the product is our trademark modern music.
*I loved when mr Dallas says how he has noticed that this aversion for heritage is being changed by the young generation and how just 20 years ago he could not find anyone in Greece to make him an askomandura and now he picks up the phone and there are at least 20 instrument makers who can do the job. It's amazing and it's not that far from what I was saying some time ago that I see it's the young people who slowly slowly try to make a change.
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tosatanikofurby · 9 months ago
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alatismeni-theitsa · 2 months ago
Are you in for an amazing polyphonic scheme? Listen to this Christmas Kalanda of Thrace ❤️
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anemodarmenhh · 2 years ago
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Μ' αγαπάει όπως αγαπάει τα ξενύχτια Όπως τις έρημες λεωφόρους τη νύχτα...
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gunsandcherries · 1 year ago
"Μ' αρέσει το σπίτι που φτιάξαμε" σου 'πα και γέλασα
Και λέω το σπίτι, μα δεν εννοώ το διαμέρισμα
-Bloody Hawk, Miami 2
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mhmeaggizeis · 11 months ago
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Iratus- Μόνιμα Πρόστυχος (Eminem’s Superman cover)
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niwsethnsapila · 11 days ago
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nataliliv · 7 months ago
Super Hit ‍ ♫♪♫ 🌹ℒℴѵℯ 🎶🎻...The first step in music
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loulouditoudromou · 2 years ago
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Σου γράφω πάλι από ανάγκη.
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