outforflowers · 1 month
Smile, atttid and tranquilize for the ask game!
Thank you Dany! ✨
smile like you mean it: things that make you feel nostalgic?
A certain type of wind that reminds me of summer/palm trees; any song my dad used to like 🌴
all these things that i’ve done: what is something you’re proud of having done?
I am proud of having the guts to dress up like Brandon to all The Killers concerts I attended for the past 12 months. It takes some courage. I was afraid he wouldn't take it well, I was afraid I wouldn't have the balls. It turned out alright ✨
tranquilize: favorite childhood game?
That's hard, I think I liked "Town, Country, River" a lot, I still like it! 😎
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expatesque · 5 months
ohhh hope you'll enjoy your travels and Firenze in particular!!
I was there last year in this period and it was perfect. my best friend actually lives there and I wanted to share a list of recs from her that I know i must have somewhere -- however I can't find it on a quick search and the diss is keeping me super busy, so i can do the next best thing and share a 'secret resource' (not so secret anymore but I don't think it's known outside of Italy): there's a Facebook group called SI MANGIA BENE, SI SPENDE POCO & if you search for Firenze, there are a good amount of posts about it with tons of recs.
honestly, you'll get great food anywhere but still! thought I'd share, I think it's double the fun (hunting for a good spot and getting great food)
best of luck with everything xx
Ah this is amazing, thank you so much! And good luck with the diss, completely understand how consuming that can be!
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silverxcristal · 2 years
Here's a little doodle for you.
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He looks so nice love his puffy hair 💕 thank youuu!
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storiadinessuno · 1 year
Ti abbraccio così forte che non vorrai mai lasciare le mie braccia. Buonissimo fine settimana, a proposito. <3
🤗buon fine settimana a te!
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Experiencing Hades game the way it was intended!
By having your foreign friend stream them playing it on Discord in their native language while translating the dialogue for you in real time. 10/10, would recommend!
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mynameis-gloria · 1 year
Che è successo Gloria?
Diciamo che se ieri ero la personificazione della positività, oggi non è stato proprio uguale! Il che mi fa un pò ridere e d'altra parte mi spiace...che accada sempre tutto insieme dico, che debba quasi provare mille emozioni una dietro l'altra senza tirar fiato, che queste montagne russe non smettano di girare! Ed il mio cuore oggi è stato scosso parecchio
però si accetta tutto, anche queste giornate e come ho detto è pur sempre lunedì
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talonpaw · 2 years
you get TWO LYRICS because i like this song so much
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straight in at 101 - los campesinos!
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BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of eight people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! 🩵
And I thought I was a rat… I am confused. 😂
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Plot twist: Nobody had a single regret to be honest 🤔❤
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turuin · 1 year
Spanking & choking
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
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allthingseurope · 2 months
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Le Grazie, Italy (by Seb)
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la5pampy · 6 months
Tw: blood (just a bit)
HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! :D to the wondeful fic by @bubbiethesaur
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I cannot recommend this fic enought, it’s so well written and has got me in a choke hold (Lra sun my beloved<33)
(Ok now I’m sprinting to the new chap)
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tempest-tales · 2 months
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silverxcristal · 2 years
I redrew my silly old ship art
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storiadinessuno · 1 year
Conosci il giapponese?
Ancora non perfettamente, ma ci sto lavorando
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modelsof-color · 6 months
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Grazi Muniz by Hugo Toni for L'Officiel Brasil Magazine April 2024
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