#GrayLu headcanon
sun-stricken · 10 months
intended platonic, but romantic is also *chefs kiss*
when the team first formed they didnt hang out one on one very often; but when they started they just,,, clicked???
they ARE each others ride or dies
They are mutually very protective of one another
theyd rather die than let the other go through something alone
Lucy is the first person to actually realize and take action against juvias harassment
while he knows Lucy can take care of herself, Gray has and will again put a man thrice his size in his place for her
random deep lore drops
dead silence between them , then out of nowhere—
“this reminds me of when i almost went to prison”
“pris-WH— HUH?????”
“oh yeah, dw tho i was framed”
their contacts for each other are impressively humiliating for both of them
* babe, sweetheart, honey (condescending) cunt, bitch, whore (affectionate)
ppl who dont know them think theyre dating
or they hate eachother
which is funny to the ppl who DO know them bc they’re literally two of the only ppl who you fr cant hate
theyre the type to just know each other
they also cant take each other seriously
theyll be on opposite side of the guild and catch one look at each other and deadass can NOT hold in their laughter
also, their drama debriefs are EVERYTHING
Gray is the only one in the team to have a key to Lucys apartment
like an actual, physical key
she went through the trouble of copying one for him even though she knew he could make his own whenever he wants
it was a very important moment in their friendship
Lucy will back him up in a lie on instinct
wont ask questions, just does it
(this has gotten them in trouble multiple times)
if one of them hates someone, the other will also, regardless of reasoning
bonding over mutual hatred is their love language
if one threatens the other they will respond with some variation of “promises, promises”, “kinky”, or “oh, please do”
they love flirting with each other in public
theyre both very pretty and they know it, and they will use it to their advantage
“i need to make someone jealous, be my bf for a couple pics”
“if im gonna do this, we’re gonna really sell it”
(they made fake accounts and backstories that day (and multiple others))
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Do you have any Lucy and Gray friendship headcanons to share? They're my favorite brotp in the series.
Their friendship is so important to me!
They are very sarcastic, bitchy type best friends. Always sitting around talking shit
Unfortunately for everyone around them, they both have pretty dark senses of humor (in a self deprecating way that makes their fellow guild members stressed)
But also they are really supportive of each other. Like always the first to cheer the other on
For Christmas one year, Gray recreated Lucy's keys in ice and made them into ornaments (Lucy nearly cried. Especially when she saw the Aquarius one (this was before she got the key back))
Lucy taught Gray how to slow dance. He's normally a good dancer but something about slow dancing trips him up
No one is safe from their judgement. Loke trips walking into the guild? Gray and Lucy are whispering and pointing. Natsu can't even breathe without them bullying him
Gray tends to keep an eye on Lucy at parties and stuff because he knows men tend to get grabby with her. He also knows she can take care of herself, but if Gray can freeze the guy to the floor without causing a scene, he's gonna.
Something about Lucy activates Gray's mom tendencies. He's always patching her injuries, making sure she ate, etc
Lucy tries to do it back but Gray would rather die than take care of himself. Lucy assures him that if he keeps it up, she will kill him
Unfortunately threatening to kill Gray usually ends in him getting excited and going "promise?!?". Lucy then threatens to snitch to Natsu and Gray takes it back (this is a very common conversation between the two)
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fairytail-whathesays · 10 months
Please may I have Fairy tail Gray x Lucy headcanons?
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Lucy doesn't often say this but Gray probably has Lucy's favorite form of magic in Fairy Tail besides her own. She very much agrees with Erza's assessment of Gray's Ice Make as being a very beautiful form of magic.
Gray is pretty much what Lucy envisions when she pictures "ideal boyfriend" and it takes her an embarrassingly long time to realize it. She probably would've started dating him sooner were it not for a certain Juvia-shaped deterrent. Likewise, it's canon that Gray is attracted to Lucy.
Gray is actually very fond of Lucy's writing, and it gets him started reading more than he ever did before. He wants to be able to know what Lucy's talking about when she starts going off on some spiel about her favorite book series of the week...and it works.
Lucy's favorite genre is romance, while Gray favors murder mysteries. They meet in the middle with the noir genre, which both of them enjoy.
Gray's stripping habit has, over the course of the series, cooled down into more of a simple shirtlessness habit (probably helped by the existence of belts). Lucy is hopeful that with a little more time, they can axe it completely. She's far and away used to it by now, of course, and that's not to say she necessarily dislikes it...
We've all seen how Lucy gets when the topic of guys comes up, especially the potential of dating one--she's shy, nervous, dithering, and overthinks, but in the end she cleans up nice and puts her best effort in. What she doesn't know is that Gray kind of goes through the same thing, endlessly back-and-forth-ing about what to wear, what to say, how to behave, and worrying how he'll come off and what to do...but they meet up and their first date goes very smoothly.
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It takes a long time for Gray and Lucy to actually touch each other, and I don't necessarily mean biblically. They just aren't super touchy-feely by nature and it takes a minute for them to get comfortable enough with each other that Lucy does things like hold his hand or lean against his shoulder, or that Gray gets an arm around her shoulder or waist.
It's a little bit of a surprise for both of them--Lucy barely notices Gray's shirtlessness most of the time, but when she accidentally brushes against his waist after they become an item, suddenly she's hyper-aware of his half nakedness. Likewise, Gray's eyed Lucy up before, but he's suddenly very aware of how ungentlemanly it is once he's actually dating her. They're both shy and it's cute.
Lucy has never had a boyfriend before Gray--but Gray has had exactly one (1) girlfriend before. It was Cana, and they dated for a very short time. Surprisingly, this ends up not causing the friction Lucy thought it would, and Cana ends up being a great wingman and source of info on all Gray's behaviors and likes for Lucy's benefit.
Similarly, Gray goes to Levy and Erza when he needs advice on Lucy, since they know her best. Both of them are very happy to see Lucy with someone reliable and honest like him.
Said it before, I'll say it again, these two are one of the few that would actually work as a marriage. Lucy doesn't even need to consider it for a moment when he proposes, she says yes almost before he's finished the question.
Between Gray's wizarding work and Lucy's book sales, they're able to save up enough to go on their first vacation together relatively early. Gray takes her to Bellum, the homeland of Ur and where he studied Ice Make under her after Deliora destroyed Isvan. It's a nice time for both of them.
Gray really unlocks Lucy's explorative side, because wow, she's never had a guy intimately before...and there's no better person to explore with than Gray. His gentle and curious style of sex matches up well with her inexperience and shyness.
Lucy discovers a lot that she likes about Gray's body. Her favorite parts of him are, in order, his collar, his waist, his back, and his pecs. Gray's never been viewed as a sexual entity before save for Juvia, and that much always made it uncomfortable, but Gray gains a new appreciation for his body and starts to enjoy feeling attractive.
They have remarkably good luck since it was ages before either of them remembered condoms were probably a good idea. No early pregnancies.
Gray held Lucy's hand all night after their first time.
Gray's lap is always open for Lucy, usually in private but maybe sometimes in public too when they're clubbing or just feeling possessive of one another.
Lucy can and will go out wearing Gray's clothes the morning after--his jeans included. Gray encourages it, since he's fine being naked anyway, although he usually restricts himself to Lucy's house until she comes home. Usually.
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spot-of-tea · 5 months
My take on shipping
So this is something of a rant and may end up quite long so I apologise but I've been seeing a lot of anti-shipping going and some general hate towards other creators for simply enjoying this amazing work we've all come to love in their own way.
That being said this blog in particular is a safe place for people to ship whoever they like because at the end of the day (as much as we don't want it to be) this is a fictional world and these are fictional characters.
I love personally ship of the more popular ships like nalu and gruvia, but that's just me and how I interpret the story. Yes I'm not a huge fan of other ships like gratsu but I don't go out of my way to look for that content and if it comes across my dash my first thought is "huh that's different, not my cup of tea, but different" then I move on.
It baffles me that some people waste their energy on spewing hatred towards others simply because they don't like the same things they do. I've read so many fics where I've been sceptical of the pairings but have actually ended up enjoying because it was a new and refreshing take on these beloved characters. I've also read fics where I ended up not enjoying the pairing or I found it distracting but I simply closed the tab and didn't look back.
Honestly we stunt our own enjoyment of this by only sticking to what we like instead of experimenting with the material we've been given. If we're only ever spewing hatred and arguing then no one is creating anything new and the whole fandom turns into a toxic swamp, which is sad for those of us that actually want to create and share their creations.
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minnimayhem · 2 years
My Personal Team Natsu Headcanons Because its My Hyperfixation and I Get to Choose How to Cling to Them:
Lucy is the shortest adult and has a more curvy body type that starts as cute chub and over the course of the first season turns into muscle. Lucy's hair is wavier and she's always wearing several pieces of jewelry. Freckles dust most of her body in a color that matches her eyes.
Natsu is the second shortest adult. He has more reptilian features due to the dragon slayer magic (all dragon slayers have sharper reptilian features). He has abs at first but as he learns to control his magic output it becomes a healthier bulk, though he stays slimmer than the other slayers. Also freckles. Soooo many freckles from all that light exposure with the fire.
Gray is the second tallest adult, he has a paler appearance like Lucy does though he still has a naturally light tan skintone. More scars than just the forehead one and he has piercings on his ears and eyebrows. His build is relatively similar to the Canon one this man does not take care of himself
Erza is the tallest and most muscular member of the team, her nose has the distinct bump of an improperly healed break and she has Light Dustings of freckles though they aren't as strong as Lucy and natsus. She also has a distinct scar across the socket with a glass eye.
Every team member has scars. It doesn't make sense that they don't have more and also they're sexy.
Wendy has to heal natsu the most as his style tends to be more reckless and wild.
Lucy, Gray, and Erza are all bi and in a poly relationship. Wendy is a newly out lesbian in the final season, and Natsu is AroAce but initiates group cuddle sessions more than anybody else.
Lucy and Erza regularly spar per Lucy's request after the one year disbandment
Gray and Natsu had crushes on eachother when they were younger but never acted on it and then natsu realized he was aromantic
Happy is a fluffier exceed while Charles is a short haird one
Lucy and Gray got together first and both admitted to having crushes on erza before approaching her with an idea she couldn't refuse
Lucy still had a crush on natsu for a long time but once natsu told her about his identity as an aroace man she backed off and just got closer to him as besties
Natsu and Lucy gossip together constantly
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Lucy with: ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 🗡 ❓
Character Emoji Ask
❤️- Otp
Graylu, Lolu, or Lucana, depends on the day really. Lolu is my favorite rn tho.
🧡- Everyone I ship with this character
Gray, Erza, Juvia, Cana, Lisanna, Levy, Loke, Yukino, and Flare are the ones i actively like, but i ship her with pretty much everyone. don’t really have anyone i hate her with.
💛- Brotp
Natsu! Platonic Na/lu is where it’s at!!! i can’t see them as anything other than friends.
💚- Notp
Also, Natsu. I guess. The fans of this ship have really driven me away from it, and i actively won’t make any content with them romantically unless it’s in a polyamorous relationship.
💙- Crossover ship I like
I don’t really have any crossover ships. I guess Sun from RWBY or Goten from DBGT would be cute.
🗡- Badass headcanon
Lucy gets weapons with each of her star-dresses. I’d love to see a training montage with each of her spirits. We know she got giant scissor blades with Cancer, a bow and arrows with Sagittarius, and a whip with Virgo, but more would be so cool! Brass knuckles or rings with Loke, a battle axe with Taurus, a cane with Aries, a chain-whip or a gun with Scorpio? A staff that can change into another weapon for Gemini, and a spear for Capricorn. Aquarius would definitely be a trident or another urn. And then we could see Erza teaching Lucy how to fight with weapons as well!
❓- Anything else you want!
Tan or brown skin, chubby but muscular as the series goes on, freckles that look like a constellation, and scars! Definitely has less than her team (wendy included) but she’s constantly on the front lines! Give 👏 fairy 👏 tail 👏 characters 👏 permanent 👏 scars! 👏
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ftrarepairweek · 7 months
Rare Pairs Week 2024
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Banner by @kiliinstinct Brought to you by a new mod-team, we're thrilled to be able to bring this event back! It was previously hosted on @ftguildevents, and as we continue working on overhauling that page, we decided to give this event its own corner of tumblr.
Check out the Rules section for the list of ships that are excluded from this event.
Event Information
Dates: April 7th - 13th
Submissions  - Anything and everything - art, fics, poetry, amvs, headcanons, manga colorings, aesthetics, etc.
💕 Day 1 - Warmth 💕 Day 2 - Distance 💕 Day 3 - Team Up 💕 Day 4 - Festival 💕 Day 5 - Fears 💕 Day 6 - Sanctuary 💕 Day 7 - Tradition
Event AO3 Collection: Fairy Tail Rare Pairs Week 2024
Event Tag: Use the tag #ftrarepairweek in your first five so that we can see it! You’re also welcome to mention the blog @ftrarepairweek. Please make sure to tag any triggers appropriately.
Extra Info: This event is open to all ships (excluding the ones listed below), including brotp, lgbt, and poly.
Please reblog to help spread the word!
No character bashing
No incest
No canon minor x adults ships
All entries must be previously unposted and original to the blog posting.
The following ships are not eligible for this event. You may still include them as side ships in your entries if you wish, but the focus must be on the rare pair. ✨natsu x lucy (nalu) ✨gray x juvia (gruvia) ✨gajeel x levy (gajevy) ✨jellal x erza (jerza) ✨mirajane x laxus (miraxus) ✨elfman x ever (elfever) ✨loke x lucy (lolu) ✨zeref x mavis (zervis) ✨natsu x lisanna (nali) ✨gray x lucy (graylu) ✨laxus x lucy (lalu) ✨gray x erza (grayza) ✨bickslow x lisanna (bixanna) ✨gray x natsu (gratsu) ✨sting x rogue (stingue) ✨freed x laxus (fraxus) ✨erza x mirajane (erzajane) ✨erza x lucy (erlu)
We will always accept late entries!
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natsu-scarf · 1 year
one of my biggest graylu headcanons is that gray was the only person allowed to read lucy's book before publication. potentially levy too, but mainly gray. he would give pointers and corrections and lucy would often just ask his opinion on random ideas for the plot.
natsu's stolen her draft and read it multiple times but never even realized that it was about them. he'd comment on it like "wow this guild is really powerful, I'd love to fight them" and gray and lucy would just facepalm. erza is canonically illiterate so we know how she reacted to the book 💀💀
gray is the type of guy who secretly writes these really intricate poems about the meaning of life and he'd totally hide it from everyone until one day lucy gets curious how gray could possibly have so much knowledge about writing.
eventually gray would open up and share his poetry with lucy, though he would publish his poetry under an alias, so no one else knows 😭😭
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ngtskynebula · 4 months
Gonna write down my Fairy Tail ship headcanons to organize it:
NaLucy = I'd die for them. Natsu's a flavour of arromantic, though; I feel like he doesn't differentiate platonic from romantic attraction. He'd be in a queerplatonic relationship with Lucy.
Lucy/Cana/Flair = my femmeslash OT3 option. Lucy would make them go well, because she's Cana's bestie and she's the reason Flair got a 2nd chance... there's enough conflict in it. It could work out as Cana and Flair dating Lucy, or them beginning like that and ending up all three dating each other ☝️🤓
I know Lucy's great friends with Levy and Erza (and Juvia, and Brandish), but I'd rather they keep at it than read a fic where they're dating. Same with GrayLu and GratSu. I get the appeal! It makes sense! Doesn't thrill me, though. They're besties 🫵
* For me. I'm NOT forcing anyone to ship what I ship, the way I ship it.
(I guess that's it, for now 🤔)
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classysassy9791 · 10 months
Hello Sassy it is me again, I have been inspired by Pencils secret santa person and the questions they asked them, so.
Do you have any headcannons you would maybe like for the fic?
- Secret Santa
You know, Idk why but I cannot ramble on about headcanons like some people can looking at Pencil and Milo. It's just never been a thing for me; for some reason its hard for me to just word vomit.
But for you, I shall try.
If its going to be a GrayLu piece, I just want them being soft together. I feel as if they might both be a little touch-starved. They have a lot of grief between them, and their love is very subtle. Where Natsu's feelings and emotions are often loud and boisterous, Gray is more reserved. I also think they would enjoy stories together. We see Gray reading Lucy's draft early on in the series, and I most definitely think he would encourage her to write, and often let her bounce ideas off of him. But they can also have fun times; they're the gossiping duo and would definitely be enjoying that tea together. I also think at some point Gray talks about his childhood, even though most of it was stolen from him, and the traditions he left behind in Isvan. In Lucy-fashion, she subtly finds things to help him reconnect with what was lost - maybe a small gift (ornament, bracelet, etc) that would remind him of his birth place - or find things that are similar to the traditions he remembers - like a dance or a gift-giving. I also love the idea that Gray and Lucy were friends first, and then developed feelings later on. They've become comfortable around each other long before and romantic feelings got involved, so they grew to trust each other completely. Their biggest strength is being able to communicate - they never fear what the other will think, and make sure to lay all their cards on the table. They've always been able to have open and honest discussions. Their biggest weakness is probably becoming too comfortable, often neglecting themselves and their relationship, so things tend to get strained if either of them isn't romanced in a while (ie: going out on dates, spending time 1:1 together, planning vacations). Lucy also tends to get a little more jealous than Gray. He's always cool as a cucumber, but Lucy tends to always need a little reassurance now and then. If its regarding Lucy and her friendships, Loke is definitely her protector. He'll be there to make the hard decisions when she's emotionally incapable. He'll always put Lucy and her needs above everything else. Levy and Lucy obviously share a very special bond, connected by their love for literature. And even though their friendship often takes a back seat, Levy is who Lucy goes to whenever she needs advice or to vent. And if we're talking heart-to-hearts, Cana is Lucy's girl, especially when it came to Lucy losing her dad. Cana didn't have a dad for a long time (you know what I mean), so she gets it. She's always down for helping Lucy forget about her problems with something fun to do, and it doesn't always have to involve drinking. Between the 3 girls, Levy is definitely the most reserved and sensible of the three. Cana's the loudest and the one whose always willing to take a risk. Lucy is that sweet middle ground.
I hope this helps! If you need more inspo, feel free to slide back into my ask box. I'm also just getting off a stretch of work days, so my thoughts are a little jumbled. I'm so looking forward to what you come up with! I know I'm going to love it regardless!! <3
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okay but headcanon erza or gray or bOTH walk lucy down the aisle at a nalu wedding??
I can only imagine the brawl that would ensue. As Gray and Erza fight about who gets to do it from the day the engagement is announced. I feel like Natsu would want Gray as his best man tho so Gray might lose this battle. (not that Gray has won many fights against Erza anyway)
Also I have a counter headcanon: Aquarius walks her down the aisle. How does a mermaid walk? idk don't think about it too hard lol
(imagine her and Erza fighting for the honor so then they both have to walk Lucy while giving each other killer side eye)
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gralunaisland · 2 years
I have a head cannon that Lucy gets Gray into therapy and is like “you will get love and support whether you like it or not! LUCY KICK!”
Hahaha that's a very refreshing and amusing hc, dear Anon. Her Lucy kick is iconic!
And that's definitely what our queen would do! Because unlike SOME people (*hacks out a lung* juvia) Lucy actually cares about Gray and his well-being. And we all know our boy Gray is in some desperate need of therapy for his traumatic life from having his loved ones dying constantly around him and from having to deal with juvia's abusive buttocks.
Thanks for this fun ask! I'll adopt that as my headcanon for the two of them too if you don't mind!
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graylu-headcanons · 6 years
HC: Gray and Lucy often communicate through the language of flowers, particularly in the dating stage, sending each other little messages through different floral messengers. They had an entire section of their apartments dedicated to the flowers, the colours often going with the season - blue and purple for winter, pink and white for spring, red and purple for summer, orange and yellow for autumn. It was a sweet little feature of their relationship.
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Do you ever notice just how much Gray and Lucy casually stand next to each other?
Whether you ship GrayLu or not, whether you feel they’re just friends or not, you can’t deny what an awesome bond these guys have.
I have a headcanon that Lucy and Gray are the only stable people they have in each other’s lives. If you think about it, Natsu is so wild unpredictable and Juvia is... well, Juvia. They can both be a lot to handle. I think Gray and Lucy are just so comfortable with each other that they have a natural tendency to come together when stuff goes down. There’s no pretending with them, no obsession, and no BS.
Gray is not afraid to show physical affection with her (like hugging her or putting his hand on her shoulder) when he typically feels embarrassed/awkward touching other women. Lucy is sometimes taken by surprise with his stripping habit but she never ogles or drools over him like me.
When Lucy has something salty to say, the first person she usually talks to is Gray (them talking about Blue Pegasus is the perfect example). When Lucy is having one of her writer’s fantasies, the person to bring her back to reality is Gray.
You can see it as platonic or romantic (I see it as both, hehe). Either way, these guys have an amazing relationship
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tamibae · 2 years
GrayLu Brotp Headcanons
Gray plans on stealing the raws of Lucy's upcoming novel and perhaps he'll sell it to Levy if she pays him enough jewels 'cause why not. BUT only after he finishes reading them.
He hates spoilers, thinking he won't be able to sleep for days wondering what actually happens in the story. And so Lucy loves spoiling him about the new characters and twists. She enjoys it when he tries to run away.
Once in a while he joins Lucy in her baking practice and they both pass their time cracking jokes and laughing their ass off. Ofc until Natsu and Happy come barging in.
Gray always compliments her cooking regardless of their taste. When Lucy accidentally burns the food, he's there to cheer her up.
Since Gray and Loke are really good friends, man often accompanies Lucy to the celestial world. He loves interacting with the other spirits.
They take classes on interior designing together.
Since both have good fashion senses, they often go shopping together. Gotta be trendy!
I'll add more later hehe :)
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fairy-serigala · 3 years
Lucy:I'm trans
Gray:Me too!
t4t graylu! T4T GRAYLU!!!
i have so, SO many headcanons about trans ! gray yoinking baby trans ! lucy and claiming her as one of his people.
like, he helps to teach her different kinds of femininity, like the kind that only another trans person would really think of and understand. like, lucy having grown up in the environment she did and learning to ballroom dance, but when she gets older and comes out, gray helps to teach her the following part, because that tends to be danced by the woman.
and so much more! i love t4t graylu so much!
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