#Gray wolf
chocoperrito · 4 months
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silly grey wolf requested by 🌿🐾 anon !
requests aren’t open , i just forgot behe x9
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snototter · 1 year
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A gray wolf (Canis lupus) in Yellowstone National Park, USA
by Sam
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wolves-facts · 7 months
Wolves and ravens are often seen together. Ravens like to eat meat from wolf hunts (up to half of the meat is eaten by ravens rather than wolves), but instead of having an antagonistic relationship with an animal that could be seen as stealing their food, wolves and ravens seem to share a mutual respect. Wolves will avoid killing ravens, and ravens help wolves as well; they can see prey from further away with their high vantage point, and will lead wolves toward it. They may also act as sentries, alerting wolves to incoming threats. Wolves, in turn, help ravens to eat meat from animals they could never take down on their own, and tear open carcasses too tough for ravens' beaks. Both wolves and ravens are highly intelligent and social animals. Even outside of hunting and eating, they often spend time together, engaging in play. Ravens will "prank" wolves by pulling their tails, and wolves will chase them without intent of hunting or killing them. Ravens will also play tug-of-war with wolf pups, or fly over them holding sticks, enticing them to jump up and grab them. There is some evidence that individual ravens and individual wolves even form personal connections between them, with ravens that played with a wolf when it was a pup following it if it leaves the pack once it matures.
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respectthewolf · 1 year
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fleasnfur · 4 months
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silly wolves of the NYWCC
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robinsceramics · 11 months
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my werewolf boy now has his first coat of underglaze!
[image descriptions: two angles of a clay werewolf on all fours, painted gray and brown with vibrant yellow eyes.]
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plusie · 11 months
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maureen2musings · 9 months
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Forest wolves
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arcusxx · 7 months
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 months
Round Two: Epic Animals
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White-tailed Deer vs Gray Wolf
Remember, it's not a popularity contest- it's a fight to the death!
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thericare · 3 months
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Semi-casual outfit & accessories for a Grey Wolf
Requests are OPEN!
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 months
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“Indian Wolf pack”
“The Indian wolf, a subspecies of the gray wolf, is known for its playful and noisy behavior. However, their playful moments in the wild are becoming increasingly rare as their population is declining throughout the Indian subcontinent, to the point of being considered endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.”
by Siddhartha Ghosh
2023 Siena International Photo Awards
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respectthewolf · 11 months
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ksksksrahrah · 2 months
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mykawaiiromance · 7 months
sniiffff...sneef..snif snifff snef..fff...snife
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snototter · 1 year
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A grey wolf (Canis lupus) in the snow
by Daniel Parent
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