autisticlenaluthor 5 months
What's your take on Episode 7? 馃憖
I thought it was the best episode yet. it wasn't my favorite episode (I think the bus chaos episode is) but I think this one was the best in terms of writing/story/characterization.
(im gonna do my best to articulate my thoughts. idk how welll I'll do bc im in a verbal shut down but like i do have so many things I wish I could say)
first off, we saw so much vulnerability and so much insight into all of the girls.
the entire episode just had me wanting to reach out through the screen and give Sadie a hug. this episode humanized her (as it did all the girls) so much. it was the first time to me that I felt a true connection with her, rather than just a "she is my blorbo and I love her" favorite character vibe. Melissa is such an incredible actress, especially when given a good script, and you could just feel Sadie's stress through the screen.
the moment at the end with loafers was almost hard to watch. hearing him pile up on her, when you know what she's been through, and then watching it all come crashing down with the reveal of her needing an abortion was gut wrenching.
lola's storyline was also so important. we knew that there's a reason beneath the surface that she is the way she is, and I'd always kinda assumed her ferocity and how stubborn she is was a defense mechanism. but actually seeing it play out and confirmed was something else.
the scene where she went off on her candidate was a lot (for me to watch, not like, a lot in a bad way) but it all made so much sense. I think this episode also kinda showed us Lola being all high and mighty about everything stems from her trauma induced imposter syndrome. like-- the logic of calling her sister a nepo baby is fucking insane, because it means Lola, is a nepo baby too and just too stubborn to see it. but the scene with grace afterwards made it make so much sense.
and grace!! oh my god!! I loved all of the moments with her and Sadie. I loved her offering Sadie a hug, working side by side with her, and being her friend. the scene where she comes at Sadie hard again, is a lot, and for me was hard to watch, but it shows that even though Grace is changing. she is still her. she's written so consistently in her development, and I just love it.
also, the contrast between grace being too disconnected from her down daughter to be her mom, but taking Lola in, and mothering her so naturally. that juxtaposition was everything.
like it's so clear that Grace is afraid of vulnerability. but with Lola, it seems like there are just enough degrees of separation that Grace is able to be there for her the way she should be with Annie.
finally, Kimberlyn. I'd suspected her and Eric would come crashing down but truly, she just deserves so much better. everyone in her life keeps blaming her for going right back to work after her wedding-- seeming to forget, they weren't even supposed to get married that day. Eric dropped it on her out of nowhere, which means technically, Kimberlyn has absolutely no obligation to be being there for him as his wife right now.
but I love seeing Kimberlyn start to recognize her worth. she's been growing so much the past few episodes. and throwing out her passion planner-- it seems like she's getting ready for a fresh start??
idk. but im excited
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autisticlenaluthor 5 months
If you were working at one of the hotels the GraLaKimDie were staying at:
a) What would be the weirdest thing you'd find lying around in one of their rooms?
b) What would be the weirdest request they'd make in the middle of the night?
c) How many times would you have to chase them out of the pool after it was supposed to be closed?
d) which of the girls gets locked out of her room the most?
a) the easy answer to this is some weird sex toy in Lola's room. or another variant of her alcoholic whipped cream. the more creative answer is a miniature wooden sculpture the parks department sent sadie of the Chinese mallard who she wrote the obit on
b) sadie is probably the type to order roomservice at 3am. it's a weird combination of breakfast foods like waffles, and a cheeseburger (she's been craving one recently, she doesn't know why)
c) grace wouldn't be caught dead in the pool because she's here for business and business only. kimberlyn also refuses the pool because the chlorine is bad for her skin - she goes to the spa instead. lola would get bored of swimming after a few hours. but sadie would have to be kicked out after going for a midnight swim
d) again, sadie. i'm sorry she just seems like the type. she's a bit of a mess!!
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autisticlenaluthor 5 months
Petition to come up with a name for all four girls from the Girls on the Bus (kinda like the friend group everybody called Nikazie for the Supergirl actresses Nicole Maines, Katie McGrath, and Azie Tesfai)
GraLaKimDie is so fun to say, so i'd vote that one
SaGraLamberlyn sounds like you're putting a hex on someone 馃槶
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