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yamujiburo · 1 year ago
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[All comics in order here]
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billfrancois · 6 months ago
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Slowpoke girl and Psyduck girl in...THE PUMPKIN CARVER: PART ONE
To be continued...stay tuned!
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fourleafisland · 9 months ago
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a pokemon phone background commission ^_^
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trainerjoshie · 9 months ago
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Pokémon TCG BW Plasma Storm (2013), Legendary Treasures (2013), XY Phantom Forces (2014), Ancient Origins (2015), BREAKPoint (2016), Generations (2016) & Fates Collide (2016) illustrations by Kanako Eo 😍😍😍
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gggermicide · 1 year ago
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Three Leavanny and three Gourgeist !
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fleebites · 5 months ago
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ghost type-tober 11-20 :)
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jd-virushunter · 29 days ago
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Wake up babe new Hex Maniac just dropped.
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dualcosmog · 28 days ago
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0711 Gourgeist
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snackbunnii · 4 months ago
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Better be wary, she's on the prowl!!
Second bday gift for good ol friendo @laranthrod
I wasn't satisfied with just one haha
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n0rtist · 5 months ago
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Imagined what Gourgeist's different sizes would look like if their designs slightly differed
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cyborb · 1 year ago
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an assortment of random pokemon doodles while warming up and whatnot
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iklenos · 6 months ago
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Quiero que Diantha tenga un Fidough.
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billfrancois · 6 months ago
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And finally we have Miss Gourgeist, the owner of an old gardening shop in Celadon city! She's especially fond of pumpkins, and takes great care of the ones she sells during the fall season. Letting go of her children is always bittersweet, so please take good care of them...
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abispots · 1 year ago
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bynineb · 6 months ago
my favorite & least favorite Pokemon from each generation!
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my lovely buggy boy! this is partly for nostalgic reasons as my very first slot car i built with my father was called VENOM, and had a little Venonat figurine perched on top. but the design is also precious, a Kuriboh style fuzzball gnat in a whimsical purple. also when it runs it hops!!! like a bunny!!!
Runner Ups: Nidorino, Poliwhirl, Porygon, Charizard, Haunter
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a wet fart of an evolution that loses all of psyduck's walleyed charm and replaces it with... nothing. it has no identity. even its pokedex entries are lame - it can swim fast and that's it. usually the simpler gen 1 pokemon still appeal to me just due to sugimori's art style, but no such luck for the duck.
that being said, i don't completely hate it. it just needs more to latch onto design-wise
Runner Ups: Rapidash, Hypno
(the rest is under the cut!)
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once my all-time favorite pokemon, although that has since been ceded to Venonat, i adore Flaaffy to bits. it has that perfect amount of cuteness and patheticness that endears me to some of my favorite designs, said patheticness owing to its stubby arms, mangy coat, watery eyes, and peculiar bowed stance when it stands up. i love the striped horns and tail, the colors are very pleasant, and the wool gives it a je ne sais quoi that the otherwise similar Ampharos lacks, almost like a wooly muffler and hat. (not knockin Ampharos btw, love it too). there's a reason Fynn took so much inspiration from this fluffy fellow!
(also, the rental Flaaffy in Pokemon Stadium 2 had Thunder Punch and Fire Punch. considering the sorry state of rental movesets in that game, and my lack of an N64 link cable, Flaaffy carrying me through those fights may have helped cement our bond!)
Runner Ups: Skiploom, Dunsparce, Forretress, Unown, Magcargo
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not only does it not really resemble the hitmons - maybe hitmonchan? - it's just not a flattering design. the bandages and ear guards give it some definition and trainee-like character, at least, but the colors are gross, and frankly it just looks too much like a human being. in general i dislike pokemon that too closely resemble humans and Tyrogue is one of the biggest offenders. even its name is dumb! it's not roguish at all! what a hitmonchump
(also the beta version was so much better imo. linked art by @racieb)
Runner Ups: Qwilfish, Smoochum, Noctowl
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aww duskull... what a charmingly spooky spirit. the single red eye behind the skull mask is a killer design motif and i love its fishlike phantom body, arms tucked behind its back in eternal contemplation. so halloweeny!
Runner Ups: Trapinch, Lunatone, Illumise, Shedinja, Tropius
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it lacks in personality, and i don't think the color scheme looks good. its head shape also freaks me out the longer i look at it... but i do like that its neck resembling a pincushion, that's clever
Runner Ups: Castform
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hey look, it's game freak's favorite whipping boy! i'm a sucker for hulking construct-type designs and regigigas is such a thoroughly excellent example of one. the black runes and mossy accessories give it a feeling of ancient, unknown significance. unlike a lot of gen 4 legendaries, it doesn't feel overly busy but still feels complex enough to have that "legendary" impact
Runner Ups: Giratina, Carnivine, Torterra, Bastiodon, Gliscor, Drapion
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i have to say gen 4's designs usually feel distinct, particularly the new evolutions for older pokemon, which go out of their way to differentiate themselves from their previous form, for better or worse. not so for Ambipom, though!- which is just Aipom but worse in every single way. its once nimble fingers reduced to swollen udders, its cheeky grin slackened into a vacant smile and marred with an unpleasantly singular nostril, that dreadful haircut, and even the introduction of elbows to its vestigial arms that further emphasize the seeming impracticality of those wretched bulbous tail hands. and maybe even worse, it doesn't evolve the base concept in any way, aside from doubling the number of party balloons that limply float behind it, possibly the least interesting iteration on the existing concept
nothing unique to it is good or interesting, and that to me is way worse than a design that tries something new and fails
in terms of what i like about it... i guess it does seem like a pretty friendly guy. maybe he does tricks at parties. and it's nice that they can hold hands with one another in a group
Runner Ups: Gallade, Lopunny, Magmortar, Glaceon,
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god if this thing isn't cool! the exquisite color palette, the subtle contours of its armor, the bloodred axe-tusks... elegant simplicity in a terrifyingly brutal beast. it feels out of time, jurassic yet medieval...
Runner Ups: Roggenrola, Heatmor, Scolipede, Cofagrigus, Mienshao
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there are very few pokemon that make me feel disgusted by looking at them, but here's one of them. its creepy lumpy head and bulging veins make me deeply uncomfortable. i must give credit for the base concept of a clown-ogre-construction-worker... that's ambitious, at least, and i think it pays off pretty well in Conkeldurr.
Runner Ups: the monkeys, the genies, & the musketeers... the fillerest of filler
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SUCH a fun design. it blends a candle and a jack-o-lantern into its own original creature with a very unique shape, and what a cutie at that! it coming in multiple sizes like a real pumpkin would just seals the deal. another perfectly halloweeny 'mon, it and Duskull would be best friends
Runner Ups: Avalugg, Barbaracle, Clawitzer, Espurr, Trevenant
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one of the pokemon i forget about the most, and i am never happy to remember it. what a waste of the first fire/water type! its face looks constipated, its colors are lame, and it doesn't do jack-all with the concept besides the most obvious "it can shoot out steam." at the very least, though, i can say it has a unique silhouette. i think the design has potential, it's just that a lot of the particulars are very clunky and lame
(also, give me the fireball seal from the beta game freak!!)
Runner Ups: Hoopa, Braixen
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BEEP BEEP!!! oh how i adore this little battery buggy. i didn't think much of it back when it was first revealed, but as soon as i heard its cry i immediately fell in love. it really is unique, too - no other pokemon has this shape. even cooler it has a support-based playstyle unique from its evolution based around its Battery ability, improving its allies' damage passively. thanks charjabug : )
Runner Ups: Type: Null, Celesteela, Bruxish, Stakataka, Melmetal
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i don't particularly dislike Lycanroc really (Alola's designs are bangers), but the rock typing is so thoroughly phoned in. and if you get rid of that you're just left with a wolf, an animal i don't care about. midnight form is fun though!
Runner Ups: Passimian, Toucannon
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this pick is probably not too popular, but i can't help but love Sneasler because it looks so much like what i would doodle in my high school notebooks, monster people with huge claws and wicked eyes. it's a cringe OC and that's badass. it carrying you around in a basket is also just precious...
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special mention also to legends arceus for making the diamond/pearl legendaries look way cooler. to me, anyway, i just think they're so much more fun in this surreal state
Runner Ups: Carkol, Cursola, Falinks, Ursaluna, Hatterene, Toxtricity
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i generally don't care for the set of designs made for sword and shield. (my favorite gen 8 mon isn't even from sword/shield!!) it feels like over half of the dex is either a guy with a job, or tries way too hard to be "memetic" and funny. cinderace falls into the former camp, an uncannily humanoid and unnatural design. i also don't like the colors used... that being said, it's going for a very different aesthetic than what i prefer, so i can imagine some people loving this design just as much as I dislike it.
i think the idea of kicking a pebble that becomes a blazing fireball is rad though, and Court Change is a sick move
Runner Ups: Boltund, Eiscue, Kubfu, Coalossal, Skwovet, Greedent
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this perfect angel was one of the most unexpected delights of my scarlet playthrough. i love how otherworldly and surreal it is, its beautiful flower-like blooming petals that conceal its deadly poisonous nature, and its barreleye-fish-like-eyes that are at once adorable and haunting. it's amazing that we're 1000 designs in and game freak's artists are still able to create wholly new feeling concepts that are this cool...
Runner Ups: Slither Wing, Espathra, Houndstone, Ogerpon
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WHY DO YOU HAVE THE FACE OF A HUMAN, RELLOR?! WHY!?! i am begging gamefreak to stop giving so many pokemon mustaches and beards. i also don't like the weirdly smooth dunkin-donuts-lookin' dung ball and how none of its colors match the bug's colors... that being said, it does at least have personality, i can't deny that...
Runner Ups: Iron Jugulis, Frigibax, Iron Crown
well that was cathartic! to end on a positive note, i must say that I think Pokemon's overall design track record is very good. most designs have a likeable quality to them, and so many are bursting with creativity and charm. honestly even the ones i just criticized are probably some people's favorites, and they're not wrong to think so. thanks for reading!
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amberlea-draws · 8 days ago
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Sprigatito/Pumpkaboo fusion line!🎃
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