#Got it At The Globe heck yeah baby B)
stick-by-me · 8 months
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All the world's a stage!
New follower sticker for: @ethereal-bumble-bee!
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avis-writeshq · 5 years
Shawn Mendes x Reader: Like To Be You
Here’s a fic to make up for not posting recently ;-;... eh, it’s... long?
Requested: No
Warnings: Angst and crude language I suppose.
Pairing: Shawn Mendes x Fem!Reader
Other: Based on the song “Like to be you” by Mr. Mendes >.< Y’all, I ain’t saying Shawn is that big a Baka that he wouldn’t help his s/o with her stuff… Imma just put that out there.
Word count: 2,489
 Things you probably wanna know, for all you ‘x reader’ illiterates:
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour / Color
(E/C): Eye Colour / Color
(N/N): Nickname
(B/F/N): Best Friend’s Name
B/F/N/N): Best Friend’s Nickname
Two years. You and Shawn have been dating for two years. You would have thought that sometime during those two years he would have taken some time off to spend time with you. You would have thought that he would have taken some time off from the tours, took some time to relax, and just do nothing for a few weeks. Heck, even a few days would have been enough for you. But for almost the entirety of those two years, he was either at the studio, partying, or touring the globe.
You were proud of him. Of course, you were! You were proud that he found something he loved as well as millions of people. But sometimes you felt as if he didn’t even care about you. The first year he would apologise and make it up to you the next day, just spending a few minutes to talk to you, take you to a coffee shop for lunch, go to the movies to snack off the popcorn... He would take the time to kiss you goodnight and even that was enough. But lately, things weren’t up to par.
He spent 4 months on tour. Four freaking months without seeing him. Sure, you called each other, but every time your conversation was cut short.
“I’m really sorry, but the soundcheck is happening in five.”
“I’m sorry, baby, but the makeup crew needs me.”
“Sorry, honey, but I have to go.”
“Can we talk in the morning? The concert was draining.”
No more apologies. No more ‘making things right’. It was all ‘I have an excuse to leave’. You pinched the bridge of your nose as you stared at your phone. Without Shawn, the condo felt emptier than usual and you couldn’t take it. More than often, you would leave the apartment by 7 in the morning to go to work and return at 9, just so you can avoid it.
The café you were in wasn’t very busy, and for that you were thankful. You didn’t need people asking questions as to why you weren’t with Shawn or some random crap like that. You bit your bottom lip in agitation. You didn’t need this right now. With the stress of work and keeping food on the table, you didn’t need more stress in your life.
Shawn came back to the condo at the end of the tour, exhausted beyond his mind. After all, how could you expect him to not be with his partying until 2am and greeting his fans all the time? But that was 2 weeks ago. Surely he had time to get used to being home. His living standards were definitely up to par; he didn’t put away his dishes, turn off lights after he leaves the room, he doesn’t even pick up his socks! But you promised yourself to be patient. He has always had it harder than you, so you might as well try to be understanding.
“Hey Shawn,” you smiled as he came out of the bedroom, 7 o’clock in the morning. You were wearing your usual work clothes and was already packing your lunch and breakfast in your bag. Shawn stayed up late that night at Brian’s house, despite the fact he had work the next day. “You okay?”
“I’m fine, (Y/N), just really tired.” He let out a yawn, “I might take the day off today.”
At those words, you perked up. “Really?”
“I’ll try. I’m going to call Andrew. I’ll be right back, hun.”
You nodded as he retreated back into the bedroom, phone in his hands. Maybe now you could spend time together. Maybe go to the movies. He was always a Marvel fan, wasn’t he? Far From Home was released a few days ago, why don’t you go watch that? Before you could even think twice about the option, Shawn emerged from the room, letting out a huge sigh.
“How’d it go?”
“He said I could stay home,” he said, running a hand through his curls.
“Great!” You grinned. “Do you mind helping me with the dishes?”
“Why can’t you do them?”
Your smile faltered for a split second before you let out a breath. “I have to call my boss so I can have a day off, to spend more time with you. Besides, I’ve been living alone for the past few months and you barely did anything to help…” you trailed off, biting your lip.
“I’ve been touring the world, remember?” Shawn rolled his eyes. “I need a break.”
“It’s just a few dishes,” you mutter under your breath, “helping out isn’t going to kill you.”
“Then why don’t you do it? You’re making a big deal out of this!” His voice was starting to rise and you flinched slightly.
“Shawn, I was just asking you to help out,” you closed your eyes tightly. Why didn’t you just put the dishes away yourself?
“I’ve been away for 4 months and you’re mad at me for not helping out?” You could hear the agitation in his voice. “You don’t understand what I do!”
“Shawn-” You pleaded, tears prickling your eyes.
“I’m fucking tired, (Y/N)! You could at least help me!”
“I don’t want to fight about this…” you mumbled, looking away. Your attention was drawn to the clock that was already pointing at 7:15. “Crap, I’m going to be late!”
“Wait, (Y/N)-”
“I have to go; my boss is going to kill me.” And with that, you picked up your bag and bolted, thankful for the quick escape.
“(Y/N)-” But you were already gone.
Shawn let out a deep sigh, putting away the dishes that you left in the sink. He was an idiot. The plate on the counter had breakfast all ready to go; an apple cinnamon muffin with a cup of coffee. A small note beside it caught his eye and when he read it, guilt was pouring out.
‘Don’t work too hard! With love, (Y/N)’
The 24-year-old groaned, tugging at his hair. This wasn’t how he intended this morning to go! Why didn’t he just help you out? He wasn’t going to do anything, anyway. He was on tour for 4 months with minimal contact with you. He should be helping and loving you with every fibre of his being! Not making a mountain out of a molehill!
He grit his teeth in frustration. When you get home tonight, he was going to apologise and do everything in his power to fix things. But you never returned home.
“Thanks for letting me stay over, (B/F/N),” you smiled, tugging your work bag.
“What are friends for?” She grinned back, carrying a pillow for you. “What happened between you and Shawn?”
You groaned at the thought, plopping yourself down on the couch. “We had a fight. You know how he’s been on tour lately?”
Your best friend nodded thoughtfully, “to Europe, right? I thought he would have called you.”
“Yeah,” you roll your (E/C) eyes, “for five minutes. But now that he’s back, he wouldn’t even help me put away dishes.”
“Well, that sucks,” she sighed, sitting next to you.
“But it’s my fault, anyway. I should have just done them myself. He’s been on tour for 4 months. He’s tired. I should understand,” shaking your head, you hug the pillow. “Sometimes I feel like I’m not enough for him, (B/F/N/N).”
“(Y/N) (L/N), don’t ever say that about yourself. It isn’t your fault for expecting him to pick up some slack and it definitely isn’t your fault for causing the fight. And you are more than enough for Shawn. You’re kind, sometimes too kind, smart, beautiful… need I go on? You coped for months without him. If anything, he’s a trash boyfriend,” she shrugged, hugging you by the shoulders. “He didn’t even ask about your day when he called?”
“Not exactly…” you trailed off, and, seeing (B/F/N) disapproving stare, you quickly covered your comment up. “But he was really busy! Andrew kept calling him to fix something up… it’s really not a big deal…”
(B/F/N) let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Brian called, though. Shawn’s worried about you. You missed 4 of his calls.”
Your eyes widened in realisation, “really? I didn’t know.” Rummaging through your bag, there really were 4 phone calls as well as 8 text messages, 5 of which were apologies. You sighed, putting the phone down onto the couch.
“You aren’t going to call him back?”
“What if he’s still mad at me?” You bit your lip. “What if he just wants to finish the argument?”
“Why would he still be mad at you? (Y/N), if he’s still mad at you, he wouldn’t have called.”
Clenching your fists, you avoided any possible eye-contact, your anxiety shooting through the roof. “You know how long Shawn holds a grudge for…”
“And you know how much he loves you,” (B/F/N) pointed out. “(Y/N), you have him wrapped around your finger. He’s completely smitten with you!”
“I don’t know… he seemed really mad…” you frowned, leaning into the couch, flashing back to his frustration.
“Look. If you need space, you got it. Just… call him when you’re ready, okay? Don’t leave him hanging.”
“Yeah… okay.”
“Shit, Bri, I messed up big time,” Shawn groaned, collapsing on the couch. “I should have called her! I should have just done the stupid dishes for fuck’s sakes.”
“Mmhm,” Brian nodded, rolling his eyes. “I’m not going to pretend that you didn’t mess up, because you did, Shawn.”
“But she doesn’t know how hard it is to be… me!” He scoffed, “I’m the one touring the world all the damn time!”
“And she’s the one you’re leaving behind every year to tour the world. She had to work, sleep alone, and all the while you didn’t call her,” the man huffed. “Why can’t you get it into your thick skull that she’s got it harder than you?”
“Because she doesn’t! You don’t know how much I missed her, how much I wished to be back here instead of thousands of miles/kilometres away from her!”
“Then tell her that, Shawn!” Brian let out another frustrated sigh. “You love her, don’t you?”
“More than anything.”
“Then talk to her, but maybe not right now. She’s probably still upset.”
“Right, yeah, of course. I’ll go tomorrow.” With that, Brian left him to his wallowing.
Shawn tugged at his hair, guilt clawing at his heart. He should have helped you. He loved you more than anything, and he made you run away. He shouldn’t have complained, but he did it anyway. He was so used to having people do things for him that he never even bothered to do things himself! He rubbed his face to calm himself down. He needs to apologise to you before he messes things up even more for both of you.
“Sometimes I’m kinda grateful that Shawn is such a huge rock star,” you admitted as you stirred the pot of soup. You were helping (B/F/N) with dinner as a thank you for letting you stay over. Your phone was in your pocket, earbuds blasting out a song.
“Why’s that?” She asked, looking up from her book.
You shrug, turning your attention back to the soup, “I can listen to his voice whenever I want.”
The woman burst into laughter, rolling her eyes. “You really are smitten, (N/N). I can’t believe Shawn would pick a fight with you. You’re so precious.”
At those words, you scoff, turning down the heat of the stove and moving to wash your hands. “I am not precious, and I am certainly not innocent. I’ve done more things with Shawn than you have in your entire life.”
(B/F/N) let out a mocking gasp, a small notepad flying your way. You snickered, dodging it with ease. “(Y/N), you’re such a freak!”
“You love me, really!”
A few hours later when you were sitting on the couch, your phone buzzed with another notification. (B/F/N) was already asleep, but you were reading a chapter of your book. Picking up the phone, a small smile made its way onto your face as you read the text.
Shawn <3: Goodnight, baby
Shawn <3: I love you
You rolled your eyes, typing back a quick response.
You: ILY 2
Chuckling to yourself, you put your book down, “what a sap.”
By 7 o’clock in the morning, you were awake, a fresh plate of pancakes and strawberries on the counter. You weren’t very tired, even though you stayed past midnight reading your book. You were strangely energetic, having woken up at 6:30. You were just about to call (B/F/N) out for breakfast when the doorbell rang.
“Were you expecting someone?”
“No…” she groaned, rubbing her eyes. “Who in their right mind would be here at 7 o’clock in the damn morning?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged.
The doorbell rang again, followed by a knock.
“WHO’S AWAKE AT THIS UNGODLY HOUR?!” (B/F/N) demanded, glaring at you.
Raising your arms in surrender, you went to open the door, only to be met with a familiar pair of brown eyes. Only, instead of the usual cheekiness, they were red from tears. “Shawn?”
“(Y/N)! I thought you weren’t going to open!” He sniffed, rubbing at his eyes with the sleeve of his jumper. He wasn’t wearing his usual black jeans and t-shirt. Instead, he was wearing sweatpants and his Harvard jumper.
You frowned before opening the door wider to let him inside. “Shawn, what’s wrong?”
“Everything! Dammit, (Y/N), you leave without saying anything, barely responding to my text and sh-” he quickly caught himself before looking you in the eyes. “You were right. (Y/N), you’re always right. I should have just helped you out. You were living alone, and I barely called! I should have done something!”
“What? No, you’re right! I have no idea what you do or how you do it. You‘re exhausted beyond your mind and I should have helped you out. I should have known that you were tired and I should have done something about it.” You squeezed your eyes shut. “You’re touring the world, Shawn! I should be more supportive.”
“No, baby, you are supportive. You’re always so good to me. You do everything back home. If you weren’t there, I would have no clothes for months and the only food I’ll be eating is cereal.”
You manage a small giggle through your tears, “you really are hopeless when it comes to food.”
“What I’m trying to say is… I’m sorry. I’ve been a trash boyfriend and I should have helped you out more.” He offered a small smile and he barely had any time to react when you wrapped your arms around his waist. The curly-haired man let out a sigh of relief, pressing his cheek against the top of your head. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Shawnie.”
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