#Gosh am I fucking with Aegon calling the reader his Rhaenys like wow
feyhunter78 · 2 years
Hey it’s me El! Can I have an aegon x apprentice fic where she’s an apprentice dragon trainer person who is the only one other than himself who sunfyre tolerates but aegon doesn’t know that so just stumbles onto her giving his dragon head scratches and praising it so much. Leads into some heavy banter and hardcore flirting. They do this for a while but when he suggests having sexy times on that very floor (all hail slut aegon) She refuses to bed him as he’s married to Helaena and she’s her friend so she could never do that to her. Reader does kiss him though so the two can have one hint of what they could’ve had if he wasn’t married. Only now aegon has had a taste he can’t stop now so he’s walking determined to helaena and alicent to request he take her as a second wife like his namesake did.
El! I took a little writing break yesterday, but I'm back now!!! Here is the latest, and *spiciest* addition to our Apprentice!reader series!!!!
Dragon Tamer
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Ever since you were a child, you had been fascinated with dragons. Reading anything and everything you could get your hands on, vying to be at the front of the crowd whenever a royal would land their dragon, and teaching yourself High Valyrian. It was thanks to this dedication that you were here now, cooing over Sunfyre as you inspected the golden dragon’s front two fangs.
You had noticed Sunfyre’s reluctance to snap at his food with his normal ferocity, and now was applying a healing salve to his gums.
“Poor dear, how did no one notice this cut?” You asked, as you finished applying the salve and Sunfyre shut his jaw, letting you scratch his snout.
He blew steam at you and made a happy purr as you continued stroking and scratching his snout, whispering praises in High Valyrian to him.
“I must admit my surprise.” The voice of Prince Aegon rang out, and you stepped away from Sunfyre turning to face the silver haired man.
“Apologies, my prince, you cannot take Sunfyre out at this time. His jaw is healing, and I fear he might attempt to eat during the flight and aggravate the wound.” You said, bowing your head as Aegon came closer.
There was a look of grave concern on Aegon’s face that you had never seen before. “He is injured? How?”
“A cut on his upper gums.” You tapped Sunfyre’s maw, and he opened it, showing off the reddened cut.
Aegon began whispering to Sunfyre in High Valyrian, stroking his side. “And what is being done?”
“I have already applied a healing salve, it will take a few days, but soon he should be right as rain.” You reassured him.
Aegon visibly relaxed, and Sunfyre lumbered further into his cave and settled down to sleep. “Thank you, Lady?”
“Y/N.” You said. “I am newer to the dragonpit, but I promise you I am more than capable.”
He nodded, a curious look in his eyes. “I see that. Sunfyre is usually not fond of anyone but me.”
You had heard the rumors that Sunfyre would only listen to his rider, but after some persistence and a lot of praises whispered in Valyrian you soon gained the dragon’s respect. Now his rider on the other hand… You’d never met Prince Aegon before, only heard stories from your dear friend Helaena, she did not despise him, but she longed for a gentler soul to be her husband. You mourned with her in that aspect. You doubted you would be able to marry someone you loved, either.
“He is a beautiful creature who deserves respect, and I learned is quite fond of snout scratches.” You smiled and glanced towards the sleeping Sunfyre,
Aegon stepped closer to you. “He, like his rider, seems to have a weakness for exceptionally beautiful women.”
Ah, there was the flirting, you supposed you should have expected it, but it still caught you off guard. Aegon was very handsome, and you would be lying if you said you had not wondered what it might be like to be beside the man who rode such a magnificent dragon. What it might be like to be a princess.
You turned. “That is very kind of you to say.”
“No returning compliment for your prince?” He asked, a teasing smile on his face.
That smile, you wished to wipe it off, to instead feel those lips against your skin. To hear that voice, call out your name in the moment of pure ecsta— You cut yourself off and blinked at him, mind reeling. You must keep yourself together.
He stepped closer, twirling a lock of your hair around his finger, lavender eyes burning into you. “You are able to tame my dragon and yet the cat seems to have caught your tongue?”
“You are handsome, my prince.” You forced out, face hot as he moved even closer.
“Merely handsome? Not very, or extraordinarily?” He teased, tugging on your lock of hair.
You looked around, no one else was here. A boldness grew in you and you looped your arms around his neck, fingers threading into his hair. “What would you like me to say my prince? That you are handsome beyond measure, and that I wait beside Sunfyre every day hoping you will come to see him, and find me as well?”
“I would not be opposed to it.” He said, hands dropping to your waist.
“Or?” You batted your eyelashes up at him. “Perhaps you would like to hear of how I dream of you, storming in and grabbing me. Your hands mapping my skin, heated lips leaving marks for everyone to see.”
Aegon’s pupils were blown wide, and he pulled you closer, one hand wandering up to your bodice, groping the soft flesh. “I would very much like to hear that.”
You pressed yourself closer, practically whispering in his ear. “You would? You would like to hear how in my dreams, you press me against the wall, hand covering my mouth as you rut into me, giving me the pleasure I know only a prince is capable of giving.”
He lowered his head, nose brushing against yours, his voice low. “Not just a prince, this prince, only I can satisfy you.”
“Yes, only you.” You echoed, fingers tugging lightly at his thick silver strands.
“Only I can satisfy you, you who Sunfyre adores, the most beautiful woman in all the realms, you have tamed him.” He moaned, grinding his hips into you, his hardness pressing against your lower stomach.
“Perhaps that means I would be a good dragonrider.” You said, gasping when his fingers snuck under your bodice and began claiming the flesh.
“You would be, I have no doubt. Let me take you here, now, and we shall see if you can tame me as well.” His lips brushed against yours as he attempted to lower you both to the ground. “Gods, I wish for you to tame me, my Rhaenys, touch me.” His hand brought yours to his clothed cock, as he moaned your name, hips still moving against you.
You stopped him and pushed away. “You are married, and Princess Helaena is a friend of mine, I will not betray her in such a way.” Your core was thrumming, and your bodice was halfway pulled down, it would be so easy, but you shook yourself from your lust.
Aegon stood there, loss and confusion clear on his face. “But—she will never know; I swear to you.”
You shook your head and straightened your clothing, looking down at the stone floor. “No, my prince.” You said firmly, your heart beating frantically in your chest, and your face hot as dragonfire.
He whined, and your eyes shot up to his. “Y/N, do not deprive me of you, not just as I have found you.”
You bit your lip, then stepped forward and pressed them lips to his. He tastes of citrus, oranges you recognize, and you have to hold his hands away from you, as your lips move against his.
He whines once more when you pull away, and you brush back a strand of his hair. “Let that serve as our hint of what could have been. Take it and go back to your wife or your whore houses, you will not find relief in me.” You turn away and disappear down the hall.
Aegon pushed his way through the keep until he came to his mother’s chambers. Helaena would be there as well, he knows it. He barged in, and stood in front of them, determination clear in his gaze. “I will marry y/n, from the dragonpit, she has tamed Sunfyre, and I will not ignore a clear sign from the gods.”
“Aegon, you are already married.” His mother reminded him.
“My namesake had two wives, one for duty and one for desire, I shall have the same.” He looked to Helaena. “Sister, y/n says she is your friend, she refused my advances out of loyalty to you. Allow me to take her as well, and I swear to you, I will never darken your doorstep again.”
Helaena was quiet for a moment, then nodded. “Let she who tames into the home, and the hearth will not overflow, the flames will not ravage the rooms.”
His mother sighed, but he was already out the door, ready to reunite with his own Rhaenys.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot
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