#Gosh I am so sorry apparently I have a lot of unexpressed affection
boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
I believe it was you from whom I got the recommendations to listen to Desert Skies and Sinkhole? Desert Skies is fantastic and I'm really enjoying it. Sinkhole, though, is now one of my absolute favorites. I listened to it as close to straight through as my schedule allowed.
I'm really fond of both of them, so that seems probable. I'm so glad you enjoyed them (and it makes me so happy I could help you find shows you like).
Desert Skies is a lot of fun and I like the balance of ridiculous, interesting, and comforting it does so well. I'm keeping a spreadsheet for the lore as it comes up, too.
SINKHOLE on the other hand is of those pieces of media that, and I'm not sure how to express this satisfactorily, feels both alien and familiar and is kind of unique and balanced in a way that rewires how you think and connect with media a bit? Or, maybe that's just me.
Anyway, excuse my gushing, thanks for dropping in.
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