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seakara · 1 year ago
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Happy Year of the Dragon peeps~! :D
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fuckabledragonoftheday · 3 years ago
Today's fuckable dragon of the day is...
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nychannel-rs · 3 years ago
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Communication at Croesus
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brassica-prime · 5 years ago
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You've heard of Sans in Smash, now get ready for Sans in Runescape
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senntisten-webcomic-blog · 6 years ago
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Thank you for sticking with us during our hiatus! Here’s a sneak preview of chapter 5, which features Morvannon, Gorvek, and the first show of Zamorak.
Art by @CibbyAcosta.
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fiendoffreneskae · 3 years ago
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Scapetober Day 4/5 - Friend/Dragon Vindicta and Gorvek
I took two days due to a comic so combined the two prompts.
Vindicta putting a blanket on a sleeping Gorvek.
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fancyfade · 8 years ago
went to hm graardor today
he is a ton harder than kril. id rate him around same level as zilly (all hard mode obviously)
i feel like his smash does more damage than her lightning balls, but it’s more predictable
either way
definitely not as chill as kril
tehcnically if i had to rate the hardness of each god wars boss i’ve fought so far it’d be (from easiest to hardest).
graardor --> kril --> zilyana --> kree --> twin furies --> vindicta and gorvek --> kril HM --> gregorovic --> helwyr --> zilly/graardor HM
everyone below helwyr is good fun. helwyr and above is “Omigod how do u fight these guys”
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worldguardian · 3 years ago
okay i’m gonna talk about that timeline weirdness now. this post involves spoilers both for the new lore released with the croesus front and also gwd3 as a whole, so it’s under a cut!
trying to figure out the specific timeframe for some of the lore we’ve been given over the course of gwd3 has been a real task, especially with how it’s coming out piece by piece.
like, the first thing that interested me was whether or not azzy’s cathedral was the grand senntisten cathedral (as mentioned in the old blood). i’m of the opinion it’s not, as confirmed by some dialogue in senntisten quest and then later in the croesus front. as best as i can tell, azzy’s cathedral was actually built after the events of the old blood, which is like... shockingly late into the empire’s lifespan! we know that senntisten held on for an astonishing amount of time, and clearly this particular part of it survived even longer, but that’s after the betrayal! and even if the cathedral was built much earlier and simply renamed, that’s still outright confirmation that this part of senntisten was up and running in the early third age.
(other proof for azzy’s cathedral not being the grand cathedral is the fact that it’s still completely intact. the old blood specifically mentioned the damage drakan did to the place, and he certainly would have done much more after azzy left. also like... the fact that azzy says he rarely visited this cathedral. i feel like the fucking pope wouldn’t admit to rarely visiting the central cathedral, y’know. in fact given the direct roman catholicism inspirations, azzy’s personal palace was probably attached to or right next to the grand cathedral.)
unfortunately this is where some of the aforementioned Weirdness comes up, because the inquisitor notes mystery directly references this same cathedral before the betrayal. so that’s either a mistake, or the cathedral was renamed (seems the likely answer). either way, it still feels pretty clear to me that this wasn’t The grand cathedral.
the two big points of interest to come out of the croesus front were the exact timeframe that the croesus disaster happened in, and how this bit of senntisten ended up underground.
gorvek tells us that the croesus conflict happened shortly after the kharidian campaign... which is SO EARLY into the second age. that’s like, “barely after the mahjarrat joined zaros” early!
congratulations sliske on immediately getting into horrific crimes against nature bullshit after joining the empire btw that’s so like you
but even more interesting is how that entire district of senntisten had to be locked beneath the earth. up until now I’d kind of vaguely been assuming that this part of the city was intentionally sealed away some time around the betrayal, as a measure to keep some part of the empire safe and carrying on. but no, this happened so much earlier. both gorvek and the cutscene are pretty clear that nothing survived - including croesus - and yet we have arch documents from citizens of this district talking about the travesty as if it were in the distant past.
so was this part of the city... re-populated?? did they actually end up using this portion of the city as an enclave after all? we know for a fact now that shadow magic preserves things, which is how the entire cavern and the city as a whole is still intact, but everything had been rebuilt. there’s not a single sign of damage from being crushed beneath the earth.
which makes it look uncomfortably like something came along and killed everyone overnight to leave it looking as deserted as it does but HOO BOY i’m sure we’ll get there.
the timeline here is SO gnarly and tangled but it’s making gradually more sense with every update and i myself am loving it
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auralblog · 8 years ago
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Took a break from Vind for a while to work on total XP at the Arc. Recently came back to working on my total killcount and splurged a bit for a Zaros Godsword. 7500 Vind at the moment, 10k by next month!
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cultistofstuff-blog · 6 years ago
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this is Navazzi my Zandalari Gladiator sadly when they get released in game she will have to wear different pants but whatevs I would gladly pay a lot for art of her both sfw and nsfw [ hint hint]
her story:
Navazzi was a homeless child wandering the streets of the great pyramid pit pocketing, looting,begging and always seemed to get into trouble. One day a strange visitor came {this is all pre BFA stuff} and saw the troublesome troll fighting three older boys over a piece of bread. her brutality and desperation would’ve seen the three dead{which is nothing new in the fight for survival} if the stranger didn’t intervene. 
The stranger introduced himself as Gorvek an Orc with considerable amount of wealth, he promised Navazii a future of wealth and glory if she put her ferocity to good use in the arena when she gets older. Navazzi trained under Gorveks more senior fighters turning her reckless fury into a focused art of brutality. A week before her initiation Gorvek went to Navazzi with a chest full of armor and weapons most being of Zandalari origins, Gorvek was a strong believer in the theory that a fighter will always fight at their best when using armor and weapons of the fighters homeland.
The “initiation trials” as they are put is a series of brutal and often fatal conflicts between new fighters to see if they are worthy of their masters promises. Some choose not to put their fighters in these contests, but Gorvek was not one of these people he strongly favored these trials and each of his fighters have gone through it and now it was time for Navazzi to be tested.
Most of the fighters wore run down armor and wielded rusted weapons making Navazzi looked like a seasoned warrior with her beautiful and exotic armor Gorvek always did spoil his fighters the fights were short and simple as most of these initiation fights were. Navazzi surpassed her enemies with only minimal wounds dealt until her last fight, Gorvek was already quite pleased with his newest fighter and could at this point pull her out as a success, but he wanted to truly see how capable she was so he kept her in. 
It was the last fight of the day the rest were either killed in battle or killed by their master or have been accepted into their masters ranks, leaving only Navazzi covered in blood both hers and the enemies she showed no mercy to awaited her final fight tending to whatever wounds she sustained. Gorvek wasn’t the only one who wanted to see what their newest recruit can do, a goblin by the name of Hexcog had hoped someone would stay till the end and today he got his wish and his fighter known now as Goreshield entered the pit, Goreshield was a giant black furred Tauren giant even by her races standards and held a blood stained shield which has earned her the title, both Navazzi and Goreshield knew this would not be an easy conflict much to the crowds amusement.
The battle was long and hard fought both shooting blows that didn’t connect either by Navazzi’s dodging blows or by Goreshield blocking her swords, the fighting lasted longer than any fight but the close calls and swords grazing the skin made it still quite interesting to watch, with a surprise move Goreshield took a painful blow in order to throw Navazzi off balance on to the floor, Goreshield placed the sword tip of her sword on Navazzi’s neck the crowd cried for death but she would not give it, she lowered her sword and walked off to a angry Hexcog who demanded answers to which Goreshield grinned and said simply “whats the point in fighting without a rival” to which all Navazzi can do is laugh as both fighters and masters left the arena with the sole purpose of being better than the other.
so yea this took a longer turn than I had originally planned but yea hope you enjoyed it and like i said I WILL GLADLY COMMISSION SOME ART FOR THIS LOVELY EXOTIC BEAUTY
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seakara · 3 years ago
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RuneScape Dragon Busts
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brassica-prime · 6 years ago
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For those who didn’t know, Paige is a scalie
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zaronadra · 7 years ago
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@gnohomaswitness nex and char are happily married and enjoy a nice life in a cottage with their daughter vindicta and her weird dog gorvek thank you
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nitemarehoerealm · 7 years ago
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look at this bitch sitting here....she just got lvl 99 summoning which means she finally could use her gorvek pet and get dragonrider title
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fancyfade · 8 years ago
vindicta and gorvek are my father daughter murder team
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tzhaar-ket · 8 years ago
Vindicta + Gorvek vs King of the Storm
That is the best artwork I have ever thought of
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