#Gorka Urtaran
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lescroniques · 2 years ago
Euskal Gorrak i Arabako Gorrak premien a l'Ajuntament de Vitòria-Gasteiz pels avanços realitzats per a millorar l'atenció a les persones sordes
vitoria-gasteiz.org L’alcalde Gorka Urtaran mostra la seva satisfacció perquè el col·lectiu valori que s’ha millorat la seva qualitat de vida. Euskal Gorrak i Arabako Gorrak, les associacions de persones sordes de Alava i Euskadi, han fet lliurament a l’Ajuntament de Vitòria-Gasteiz del premi Pascual Amorrortu a entitats públiques.. .[…] (vitoria-gasteiz.org)
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felipeandletizia · 4 years ago
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July 17, 2020: King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited the Basque Country. This was the tenth of the planned visits to all the Autonomous Communities once the state of alarm ended, to support the recovery of social, economic and citizen activity, after the pandemic.
Felipe and Letizia arrived in Bilbao accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Arancha González, and headed to the Guggenheim Museum where they were greeted by the Basque Government lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, with the interpretation of an aurresku as a welcome. The Kings took a tour of the most representative works of the Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson's exhibition, and the exhibition "Learning through art 2020", which consists of works carried out by primary school students throughout this school year . During the tour they received explanations from the museum's general director, Juan Ignacio Vidarte.
Later, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia moved to the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, where they held a meeting with business representatives from the Basque Country. There the president of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), Antonio Garamendi, and the president of the Basque Business Confederation (Confebask), Eduardo Zubiaurre, intervened. Once the interventions ended, an open dialogue took place on the impact of the health crisis caused by COVID 19 on the Basque business network.
In the afternoon, Their Majesties the Kings moved to the San Prudencio de Vitoria-Gasteiz Foundation, where they held a meeting with the members of the Foundation's board of trustees and attended an open dialogue on the impact of the health crisis caused by COVID 19 in activities and users of the Foundation. Subsequently, and after visiting the musculoskeletal treatment space within the space that the Foundation dedicates to occupational health, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia made a tour of the Foundation's headquarters. Immediately after, and once signed in the book of honor, His Majesty the King discovered a commemorative plaque on the occasion of the visit of Their Majesties the Kings to the San Prudencio Foundation, thus ending the activities of the visit they have made to the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
Their Majesties the Kings were accompanied by the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu; the general deputy of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Unai Rementería; the Government delegate in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, Denis Itxaso; the president of the General Boards of Bizkaia, Ana Otadui; the mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, and the mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gorka Urtaran, in their respective cities, among other authorities.
The San Prudencio Foundation has carried out various initiatives to help alleviate the negative effects of this health crisis caused by COVID19:
   -Starting up of the initiative “Donate your name” COVID 19
   2,700 owners of the Foundation have donated their name for the purchase of medical supplies. For each name donated, the Foundation contributed an amount to collaborate in the initiative.
   The name is a financial aid of 50 euros that every active holder of the Foundation receives annually and that can be exchanged in health, leisure, sports, education and culture establishments in Álava.
Nominal donations: 2,700 holders: 135,000 euros plus 37,000 from LaF make a total of 172,000 euros that have been allocated:
   -132,000 euros to purchase PPE and medical supplies for:
           86 nursing homes from all over Álava, punished in this pandemic            APDEMA (Association of people with intellectual disabilities)            ASAFES (Association of Relatives and People with Mental Illness)            INDESA (Special Employment Center)            Provincial Institute of Social Welfare of Álava
   - 40,000 euros to the Red Cross and Caritas for projects to help families who are suffering a situation of greatest need.
The Foundation's staff has fully managed and managed the negotiation and purchase of medical equipment, as well as its logistics and distribution. With special incidence in a very necessary first distribution before Easter due to the difficulty of accessing EPI's.
       Channeling the initiatives of the licensees to the organizations in charge of solidarity aid        Solution , by the LaF medical teams, of the doubts of the holders as a result of the situation created by COVID 19        Reactivation of the Employment and Relocation Service to facilitate reintegration into the labor market and accompaniment in the search for employment with the aim of reducing the terms of return to the labor market and professional relocation
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euskadideportes · 5 years ago
Urtaran propone jugar en Mendizorrotza la final de copa Real-Athletic
Urtaran propone jugar en Mendizorrotza la final de copa Real-Athletic / #RealAthletic #Futbol @vitoriagasteiz
El alcalde de Vitoria cree que Mendizorrotza es la mejor opción si el partido tiene que ser a puerta cerrada
Información de la web: https://www.gasteizhoy.com/.- El alcalde de Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gorka Urtaran, ha asegurado este jueves que “Mendizorrotza es la mejor alternativa para disputar” la final de Copa del Rey entre Real Sociedad y Athletic si tiene que ser a puerta cerrada.
El alcalde…
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wildlystupendousdetective · 6 years ago
Sale en las noticias la ocurrencia de los que mandan en Vitoria, y para los que se casen en el ayuntamiento de esa ciudad: “Polémica por la “guía del buen matrimonio” de Vitoria que firman las parejas al casarse.” https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2018-10-08/guia-buen-matrimonio-vitoria-boda-casarse_1627245/ Pasen y lean.  ‘Declaración de sentimientos y compromiso por una paternidad…
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Carta abierta al alcalde Gorka Urtaran de un ciudadano sosegado
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kiro-anarka · 6 years ago
Minutos antes de las 22:00 horas del jueves 3 de enero, las compañeras del espacio feminista Talka situado en el Palacio Álava-Velasco se llevaron una sorpresa inesperada. Una patrulla de la Policía Local de Gasteiz intentaba entrar en el espacio feminista que se okupó hace ya tres semanas. Lo han hecho, según afirman las integrantes, por la puerta de atrás, la del jardin. Sin embargo, el intento en eso mismo se ha quedado: un simple intento. Los agentes lo intentaron hacer por las “bravas”, sin ningún tipo de orden en mano, según han confirmado fuentes del espacio feminista a Hala Bedi. En un tweet, el proyecto feminista sin precedentes en Gasteiz ha querido recordar a la Policía Local y al alcalde Gorka Urtaran que no pueden entrar en el espacio sin una orden judicial, a lo que han sumado “Utzi gaitzazue bakean kopon!”.
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pacienciaras · 8 years ago
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Una ola de solidaridad desborda Errekaleor: “No podrán pararnos, ni derribarnos”.
El mayor barrio okupado y autogestionado del Estado recibe un amplio apoyo popular en las calles de Vitoria. Sus 150 vecinos aseguran que seguirán allí, a pesar de las amenazas del alcalde Gorka Urtaran (PNV), quien ha prometido que enviará las excavadoras...
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que-noticias · 5 years ago
Eudel dice que no se puede prohibir la exposición "legal" de Bienzobas, pero sí recordar que "ha sido un terrorista"
Eudel dice que no se puede prohibir la exposición “legal” de Bienzobas, pero sí recordar que “ha sido un terrorista”
El alcalde de Vitoria y presidente de Eudel, Gorka Urtaran, ha afirmado este martes que la exposición del preso de ETA Jon Bienzobas en la localidad vizcaína de Galdakao es “legal” y que, por tanto, “no se puede prohibir”, aunque ha matizado que sí se debería recordar, por respeto a las víctimas, que el autor “ha sido un terrorista, ha vulnerado derechos humanos y ha matado”.
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victorsantamariablr · 5 years ago
[Victor Santa Maria] La ONU premia la sostenibilidad de Vitoria
Su alcalde, Gorka Urtaran recoge en Etiopia el premio ciudad verde global, que se concede en un foro auspiciado por la ONU Victor Santa Maria via Medio ambiente https://ift.tt/31064go
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felipeandletizia · 4 years ago
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July 17, 2020: King Felipe and Queen Letizia visited the Basque Country. This was the tenth of the planned visits to all the Autonomous Communities once the state of alarm ended, to support the recovery of social, economic and citizen activity, after the pandemic.
Felipe and Letizia arrived in Bilbao accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, Arancha González, and headed to the Guggenheim Museum where they were greeted by the Basque Government lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, with the interpretation of an aurresku as a welcome. The Kings took a tour of the most representative works of the Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson's exhibition, and the exhibition "Learning through art 2020", which consists of works carried out by primary school students throughout this school year . During the tour they received explanations from the museum's general director, Juan Ignacio Vidarte.
Later, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia moved to the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum, where they held a meeting with business representatives from the Basque Country. There the president of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE), Antonio Garamendi, and the president of the Basque Business Confederation (Confebask), Eduardo Zubiaurre, intervened. Once the interventions ended, an open dialogue took place on the impact of the health crisis caused by COVID 19 on the Basque business network.
In the afternoon, Their Majesties the Kings moved to the San Prudencio de Vitoria-Gasteiz Foundation, where they held a meeting with the members of the Foundation's board of trustees and attended an open dialogue on the impact of the health crisis caused by COVID 19 in activities and users of the Foundation. Subsequently, and after visiting the musculoskeletal treatment space within the space that the Foundation dedicates to occupational health, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia made a tour of the Foundation's headquarters. Immediately after, and once signed in the book of honor, His Majesty the King discovered a commemorative plaque on the occasion of the visit of Their Majesties the Kings to the San Prudencio Foundation, thus ending the activities of the visit they have made to the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
Their Majesties the Kings were accompanied by the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu; the general deputy of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Unai Rementería; the Government delegate in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, Denis Itxaso; the president of the General Boards of Bizkaia, Ana Otadui; the mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, and the mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gorka Urtaran, in their respective cities, among other authorities.
The San Prudencio Foundation has carried out various initiatives to help alleviate the negative effects of this health crisis caused by COVID19:
   -Starting up of the initiative “Donate your name” COVID 19
   2,700 owners of the Foundation have donated their name for the purchase of medical supplies. For each name donated, the Foundation contributed an amount to collaborate in the initiative.
   The name is a financial aid of 50 euros that every active holder of the Foundation receives annually and that can be exchanged in health, leisure, sports, education and culture establishments in Álava.
Nominal donations: 2,700 holders: 135,000 euros plus 37,000 from LaF make a total of 172,000 euros that have been allocated:
   -132,000 euros to purchase PPE and medical supplies for:
           86 nursing homes from all over Álava, punished in this pandemic            APDEMA (Association of people with intellectual disabilities)            ASAFES (Association of Relatives and People with Mental Illness)            INDESA (Special Employment Center)            Provincial Institute of Social Welfare of Álava
   - 40,000 euros to the Red Cross and Caritas for projects to help families who are suffering a situation of greatest need.
The Foundation's staff has fully managed and managed the negotiation and purchase of medical equipment, as well as its logistics and distribution. With special incidence in a very necessary first distribution before Easter due to the difficulty of accessing EPI's.
       Channeling the initiatives of the licensees to the organizations in charge of solidarity aid        Solution , by the LaF medical teams, of the doubts of the holders as a result of the situation created by COVID 19        Reactivation of the Employment and Relocation Service to facilitate reintegration into the labor market and accompaniment in the search for employment with the aim of reducing the terms of return to the labor market and professional relocation
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lavozdelarepublica · 6 years ago
Gorka Urtaran pide que se incluya a las víctimas del 3 de marzo en el Centro Memorial de Gasteiz
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rafador8678nadal-blog · 6 years ago
El PNV de Álava confirma a González y Urtaran como candidatos a la reelección en las elecciones de 2019
El PNV de Álava confirma a González y Urtaran como candidatos a la reelección en las elecciones de 2019
El PNV de Álava confirma a González y Urtaran como candidatos a la reelección en las elecciones de 2019  0 Ortuzar destaca la capacidad de “diálogo” del diputado general de Álava y del alcalde de Vitoria REDACCIÓN
28/07/2018 14:02
Ortuzar destaca la capacidad de “diálogo” del diputado general de Álava y del alcalde de Vitoria
Ramiro González y Gorka…
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munove · 4 years ago
La Avenida Juan Carlos I de Salburua se llama ya ‘Avenida 8 de marzo’
El alcalde Gorka Urtaran ha eliminado del callejero de Vitoria-Gasteiz a Juan Carlos I. Desde hoy la avenida que llevaba su nombre se llamará Avenida 8 de Marzo. Un cambio de nombre que ya anunció en marzo el alcalde. El cambio de denominación de una calle es competencia exclusiva del alcalde.
etiquetas: juan carlos i, 8 marzo, nombre, avenida
» noticia original (www.gasteizhoy.com)
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euskadideportes · 6 years ago
Mendizorrotza albergará el partido entre la Euskal Selekzioa y Venezuela
Mendizorrotza albergará el partido entre la Euskal Selekzioa y Venezuela / #GoazenGlorioso #AlavesGloriosas @Alaves @AlavesGlorioso @betway
Vitoria-Gasteiz será sede de un encuentro que se disputará el próximo 12 de octubre a las 20:45h.
Boletín de prensa del Deportivo Alavés.- Luis María Elustondo, Presidente de la FVF, ha encabezado un acto que ha tenido lugar en la sala de prensa del estadio de Mendizorrotza y donde ha estado presente, entre otros, Gorka Urtaran, alcalde de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Ha sido precisamente Urtaran quien ha…
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triathletesnews · 6 years ago
TAMPA, Fla. / LONDON, United Kingdom (September 14, 2018) – IRONMAN, a Wanda Sports Holdings company, is pleased to announce the launch of a new race that will join the European IRONMAN® Series portfolio in 2019 - IRONMAN® Vitoria-Gasteiz in the Basque Country, Spain. The inaugural event will take place on Sunday, July 14, 2019 with race registration opening on Monday, September 24, 2018.
“We are delighted having Vitoria-Gasteiz as part of the IRONMAN portfolio and becoming one of the cities with the best triathlon and athletes in the world,” said Gorka Urtaran, Vitoria Mayor. “Hosting an IRONMAN event is a great opportunity to broaden the international reputation of Vitoria-Gasteiz and we are very much looking forward to hosting both local and international athletes at our home.”
The new addition in the northern region of Spain joins a well-represented race offering throughout the country, with IRONMAN® 70.3® Barcelona, IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca, IRONMAN 70.3 Marbella and IRONMAN 70.3 Lanzarote already in place, as well as IRONMAN Barcelona and Club La Santa IRONMAN Lanzarote, plus the EDP Rock ‘n’ Roll Madrid Marathon & ½ Marathon.
“I’m confident that Vitoria’s tradition in the sport of triathlon, coupled with the excellent work of the team on the ground, will make it a thoroughly-memorable race for all athletes competing,” said Eduardo Martinez, IRONMAN 70.3 Vitoria-Gasteiz Race Director. “It’s a dream come true to hold an IRONMAN triathlon in our region. It’s very positive for the race, for the city, for the Alavés sport, and the country.”
The Basque Country is known for its charming people and picturesque scenery, offering visitors astonishing natural landscapes, rich architecture and, above all, passionate and vibrant people. Athletes and spectators can also expect a warm welcome and enthusiastic support from the local residents of Vitoria-Gasteiz, all the way to the finish line at the very heart of the city.
“Spain has a renowned tradition for producing some of the sport’s greatest triathletes, and with new races such as Vitoria-Gasteiz, we will be creating an opportunity for even more people to take up the sport,” said Stefan Petschnig, Managing Director of IRONMAN in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. “We have sold out many events in Spain this year - two IRONMAN races, three IRONMAN 70.3 races as well as EDP Rock ‘n’ Roll Madrid Marathon & ½ Marathon. The growth in these these events is there so adding a race further up north will help us accommodate the demand to participate in IRONMAN in the future.”
Vitoria-Gasteiz is considered one of the greenest and most sustainable cities in Europe and its strong positive values will make athletes, relatives and friends fall in love with the city and its surroundings.
Athletes at IRONMAN Vitoria-Gasteiz will start their 3.8km swim in the tranquil waters of Ulibarri-Gamboa Lake, the biggest water reservoir in Euskadi. From that point, they will bike 180km through the most scenic towns of Álava region, surrounded by the Elguea Mountains. To finish, participants will tackle the 42.2km run course in Vitoria-Gasteiz’s old town, which will be packed full of passionate supporters cheering on the athletes as they look to complete the race.
The inaugural IRONMAN Vitoria-Gasteiz will offer 40 qualifying age-group slots for the 2019 IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii and will also be a pro race.
For more information and to register for IRONMAN Vitoria-Gasteiz, please visit www.ironman.com/vitoria. Athlete inquires may be directed to [email protected].
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que-noticias · 5 years ago
El alcalde de Vitoria, Gorka Urtaran (PNV), elegido nuevo presidente de Eudel
El alcalde de Vitoria, Gorka Urtaran (PNV), elegido nuevo presidente de Eudel
El Alcalde de Vitoria, Gorka Urtaran (PNV), ha sido elegido este jueves nuevo presidente de Eudel en el marco de la Asamblea General de la Asociación de Municipios Vascos, que también ha elegido a las 15 personas que conforman la nueva Comisión Ejecutiva del mandato municipal 2019-2023, así como a los miembros de las tres Comisiones Territoriales de…
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