hlvr-online · 9 months
how's the locker search, guys? find anything good?
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"Not a bad haul at all, minus the damage that Doctor Coomer did to himself when busting open the lockers- we found some soda....which Uh, one of them was used to heal Coomer...."
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"OH! But we did find the photo of Gordon's kid in the locker! Funny they left it there- but wicked cool."
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"Your baby boy is beautiful Gordon!!!"
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hlvr-online · 9 months
Hey there guys! So, I’m guessing it’s time we got to the test chamber, right? Since we have a full party now - Sammy
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Gordon: "I suppose there's no harm in going to the testing chamber- I got the suit before we finished a full party so clearly order isn't a restriction...and I can't see any other nearby players on the map..."
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Coomer: "This way Gordon! We need to get you in that testing chamber!"
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Gordon: "Coming! coming."
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hlvr-online · 2 years
Whoa, poggers!!! -🧸
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"Hell yeah! Pog! Pog in chat lads-! ...I can't believe I just did that. That face in here is so easy to make- It was reflex...I don't know if I hate it or not."
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hlvr-online · 2 years
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"We're all okay- I'm getting used to the suit, checking the livestream for a bit before we head out. We probably should loot those lockers- but well...they are locked so-"
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"-wait Dr coOMER-"
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hlvr-online · 4 years
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“Fits like a glove!”
> PlayerID: Gordon; Completed Quest (1/3)
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hlvr-online · 4 years
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“Hello- anyone here? Dr. Coomer said that-”
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“Are you that motherfucker who we’ve been FUCKING waiting for!?”
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hlvr-online · 4 years
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“Stat check time!”
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“Thank god that’s a little better- Hopefully we find another player on our way to the test chamber. Then all my quests are done and i’ll probably get everyone (excluding Coomer) to Level 3!” > Quick Mod note, The abilities of the characters won’t change for the duration of the story, and you can find their abilities on the pinned post! If you ask a player to use a specific ability then they actually might!
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hlvr-online · 4 years
Mad stats Dr. Coomer! how did you get to level 6 already, have you played this before?
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“Thank you dear viewer! Unfortunately, no! This game is fairly new, I racked up some levels by punching crates and other items while waiting for another player!”
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“Couldn’t contain your murder for a little bit till I got on Dr. Coomer?”
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“Gordon, I crave violence.”
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hlvr-online · 4 years
Whoa, what kind of skill let's you make fire like that :0 - Swirl
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“I take it this chat means your a streamer? Why didn’t you say anything freeman!?”
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“Just call me Gordon, and to answer your question I was a little busy being scared of you, ya know with the fire and all- Mind giving me your name so your- less intimidating ooor-?”
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“Bubby. Dr. Bubby to you-”
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“and just to answer YOUR question, that fire was from my Pyromaniac^2 skill. it wouldn’t hurt you unless you gave me reason to make it so.”
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hlvr-online · 4 years
Oh god the panel's on fire!! aND THEY'RE SITTING ON IT!! - Swirl
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“I, y-yeah- dude please I don’t know if we need that can you- get off-”
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“It’s not going to break, you just need to go collect your stupid suit so we can get on with this quest. We’ve been waiting around for hours for another player to come by.”
> PlayerID: Bubby; Joined the Party! (3/4) > Now Open for Questions.
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hlvr-online · 4 years
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> Stream: Online > PlayerID: Gordon Freeman; Open for Questions!
Main Intro | (This is the first post of the blog)
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hlvr-online · 4 years
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“I cannot stress how cool this is- look at all the AI and....are we in the lobby of Black Mesa?!- HELL yeah.” Gordon proceeds to be a huge nerd and ramble about texture and tracking while touching the floor and ground around him to make sure all his settings really did setup automatically like The VR Sphere is supposed to- It did.
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hlvr-online · 4 years
are we going to the locker room like in the original game???
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“Looks like Tommy’s heading that way so probably- which is great because honestly my stats scare me right now.”
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“And if I remember correctly, you get the H.E.V. suit from a room near the lockers and-”
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“Hello Gordon!”
“jeSUS OW-”
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hlvr-online · 4 years
oh yooooo first teamate? co-op playthrough pog? tell us whos in the breakroom gordos
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“I’m sure we’ll know when we see them- I wonder what other models are available to players.”
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“Oh! Hi :)”
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hlvr-online · 4 years
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“It looks like stats are based on what I have equipped at the moment while my skills are based on my model. I’m pretty weak at the moment- don’t even have a weapon...Oh- but look! I knew they had to give players a map!” “Recreation doesn’t mean copy, there’s some changes to make the game fit better, I have to find my party first, but down the hallway is- huh? Oh! It looks like there’s another...player in the....break room??? I guess we are going down the hallway.”
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hlvr-online · 4 years
Gordon do be lookin good huh
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“U-UHm wow....o-oh....”
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“o-oh...I see- you-....you must be referring the Gordon model- yeah. Yeah it’s really handsome. The character always looked really nice- part of the reason why I follow in his footsteps ya’ know?”
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