#Goran Tomasevic
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henk-heijmans · 1 year ago
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A rooster walks past the dead body of a Barrio-18 gang member in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, 2018 - by Goran Tomasevic (1969), Serbian
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sgtgrunt0331-3 · 15 days ago
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U.S. Marines from Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, Lance Corporal Chris Sanderson (rear) and Sergeant Travis Dawson (front) protect an Afghan man and his child after Taliban fighters opened fire in the town of Marjah, in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, February 2010.
(Photo by Goran Tomasevic/REUTERS)
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our-mideast-aladdin-blog · 2 years ago
US bolstering presence in Iraq to aid Israel: Iraqi resistance
Iraqi resistance group Ashab al-Kahf called on the country’s prime minister to ‘be aware’ of the growing US presence in Iraq ByNews Desk- April 23 2023 – The Cradle (Photo credit: Goran Tomasevic/Reuters) Iraqi resistance group, Ashab al-Kahf, issued a statement on Sunday warning that the US military is beefing up its presence in Iraq with the aim of securing Israel. “American intelligence…
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sunkentreasurecove · 8 years ago
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nevver · 5 years ago
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morethanus-life · 8 years ago
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Zebras cross a road in Amboseli national park, Kenya.
Photograph: Goran Tomasevic/Reuters
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javierizquierdo · 8 years ago
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Goran Tomasevic
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divinum-pacis · 3 years ago
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Turkana men pray outside a Legio Maria African Mission Church in Loiyangalani, Kenya, on August 5, 2017. Goran Tomasevic/Reuters
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elladastinkardiamou · 5 years ago
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Athens Demonstrators carry an effigy during a protest outside Greek parliament by actors and workers in the music industry, demanding state aid to mitigate financial losses due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Photo by Goran Tomasevic / Reuters
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sgtgrunt0331-3 · 1 year ago
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U.S. Marines from Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, Lance Corporal Chris Sanderson (rear) and Sergeant Travis Dawson (front) protect an Afghan man and his child after Taliban fighters opened fire in the town of Marjah, in Nad Ali district of Helmand province, February 2010.
(Photo by Goran Tomasevic/REUTERS)
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kalasniblog · 5 years ago
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Varios policías contra un manifestante en Santiago, Chile. Foto: Goran Tomasevic / Reuters
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life-globe-blog · 4 years ago
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A supporter of President Trump carries a rifle as he passes by Black Lives Matters movement supporters during a memorial service for Kevin E. Peterson Jr. who was killed by police in Vancouver, Washington Credit: REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic
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markcairneyphotography · 4 years ago
Photojournalism Task
Task 1
News is delivered to us from different news networks, which work by hiring journalists and photojournalists to build stories which are they report back.
Five sources I believe you will find good Photojournalism
The Guardian
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© Chandan Khanna
The Atlantic
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© Goran Tomasevic
BBC News
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© Christopher Furlong
British Journal of Photography
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© Rachidi Bissiriou
The British Press Photographers’ Association 
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© Martin Cavaney
Task 2
Paolo Pellegrin
Paolo Pellegrin is a Magnum photographer and photojournalist who was born in Rome in 1964 who studied architecture before studying photography. Before becoming a magnum photographer he helped build his career by becoming a contract photographer for newsweek for a decade. 
He has been published many times since and won many awards and is clearly very successful and considered one of the worlds leading photojournalists.
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© Paolo Pellegrin
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© Paolo Pellegrin
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© Paolo Pellegrin
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© Paolo Pellegrin
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© Paolo Pellegrin
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© Paolo Pellegrin
Paolo has a very intense black and white style of photography, a lot of the ones i seen were wide angle and dramatic. The images are very in your face which helps for photojournalism and helps create a storyline. He has an ability to photograph emotion of the enviroment within the image, whether it be the dying mans face in the last image, or the empty demolished buildings. 
I’m sure he must face a lot of danger in the chaotic enviroments he and many others photograph, for instance one of the original Magnum Photographer Robert Capa died in the field after stepping on a landmine.  Aswell as dealing with the mental toll photographing such events takes on a person, I can only imagine the helplessness he feels taking his images and often wonders the impact he has. It took it’s toll on Kevin Carter who was a South African photojournalist who took his own life at age 33after receiving a Pulitzer Prize for his photograph depicting the 1993 famine in Sudan.
I think the dangers Pellegrin puts himself through helps him capture insightful images which makes him so successful; the higher the risk, the greater the reward. Aswell as having loads of experience photographing for a news outlet his skills in photographing something sharp and quick come in handy.
Peter van Agtmael
Peter van Agtmael is a magnum documentary photographer and was born in Washington DC in 1981. He studied history at Yale which seems to have impacted his work and what he photographs.
He has covered things like HIV positive refugees in South Africa, The Asian Tsunami in 2005, Hurricane Katrina and since 2006 he has concentrated on the wars in Iraq and Afganistan and their consequences in the United States.
I found a project he done in which he photographed members of the Ku Klux Klan and how they operated and went about their day to day lives in rural parts of America.
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© Peter van Agtmael
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© Peter van Agtmael
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© Peter van Agtmael
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© Peter van Agtmael
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© Peter van Agtmael
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© Peter van Agtmael
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© Peter van Agtmael
Peter’s approach to photographing his subjects changes vastly throughout just these series of images, some seem theatrical and surreal like the first image displayed, and some seem more subdued like the last image displayed. He has a keen ability to photograph his subjects candidly and show them in different lights; in robes with a burning cross posed and then shirtless in a roughed up house.
I believe this helps in the storytelling in the images, you can follow the characters through their bizarre rituals and helps everything come together. Personally it makes me think why they uphold such crazy beliefs, if it’s a combination of boredom and lack of culture due to living in and never leaving a small rural town, aswell as racism from past generations?
Issues that Peter would face photographing wars and people with extremist beliefs are similar to Paolo Pellegrin, the same mental and physical danger he knowingly puts himself through to get these images, which is unfathomable to the average person. 
I believe Peter has a great skillset to shoot in these conditions, aswell as being smart enough to photograph these people without putting them in a hero or villain light and letting the viewer just see what they see. I think this screenshot from the magnum website puts it best.
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nevver · 5 years ago
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Why is everyone upset, is it because everything is horrible? Goran Tomasevic / Reuters
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atlanticinfocus · 5 years ago
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From 2019 Seen Through the Lens of Goran Tomasevic, one of 30 photos. A policeman walks in front of a burning barricade during a protest against Chile's government in Santiago, Chile, on November 28, 2019. (Goran Tomasevic / Reuters)
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corallorosso · 5 years ago
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L'inarrestabile aumento del livello del mare 1 - L'aumento del livello del mare è stato innescato dal disgelo negli estremi settentrionale e meridionale del pianeta, secondo l'IPCC, il gruppo di scienziati che sotto l'ombrello delle Nazioni Unite analizza gli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici generati dall'azione del l'uomo. Nella foto, un iceberg galleggia a Bonavista Bayin Terranova (Canada) 2 - Immagine aerea di una città nella regione di Kivalina (Alaska), minacciata dall'innalzamento del livello del mare. Kivalina si trova alla fine di una barriera corallina di otto miglia situata tra una laguna e il Mare di Chukchi. Gli abitanti della regione sperano di rimanere nelle loro terre ancestrali, dove possono preservare la loro cultura e non disperdersi e farsi inghiottire la loro isola dalle acque in aumento dell'oceano. 3 - Un bambino si ferma in un'area erosa dal fiume Meghna in Bangladesh. Il paese è stato un'area vulnerabile a causa della crisi climatica. Si prevede che, entro la fine del secolo, il livello del mare aumenterà lungo la costa del Bangladesh fino a 1,5 metri. 4 - Inondazioni a Nimega (Olanda). Le case intorno al fiume Spiegelwaal erano quasi sott'acqua. I Paesi Bassi sono attraversati da grandi fiumi come il Reno, la Mosa e lo Schelda ed è protetto da una rete di argini, poiché il 59% del suo territorio è a rischio di alluvione, il 26% è al di sotto del livello del mare e il 29% Può essere allagato se i fiumi straripano. 5 - Una strada allagata nel New Jersey (USA). L'alluvione che ha accompagnato Storm Sandy ha messo in luce i punti più vulnerabili di New York City. Studi scientifici rivelano che il 37% dell'area può subire inondazioni nel 2050 se gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici continuano ad accelerare. Il livello del mare salirà di quasi due metri entro il 2100. 6 - Una coppia cammina vicino alla costa di Alessandria. Alessandria, con quattro milioni di persone, è la seconda città più grande dell'Egitto, un centro industriale e un porto che gestisce quattro quinti del commercio nazionale. È anche una delle città del Medio Oriente con il rischio più elevato a causa dell'innalzamento del livello del mare a causa del riscaldamento globale. 7 - Vista del molo Gardi Sugdub, nella regione panamense di Guna Yala. Gli abitanti dell'isola Gardi Sugdub hanno in programma di trasferirsi sulla terraferma a Panama prima che l'isola in cui abitano scompaia perché il livello del mare sta aumentando. 8, 9, 10 - Venezia, la sopravvivenza della città è messa a rischio da un possibile innalzamento del livello del mare di 140 centimetri che potrebbe avvenire entro il 2100. foto JOHANNES EISELE, JOE RAEDLE, ZAKIR HOSSAIN CHOWDHURY, ROMY ARROYO FERNANDEZ, KENA BETANCUR, GORAN TOMASEVIC, IGNACIO FARIZA,
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