#Good in I mean you art is literally so bomb man 💥💥
whereismyhat5678 · 10 months
Hey, I need art help (desperately 🥲)
Imma be so honest I don’t know how to draw Pepperman and I HATE the way I draw him now-
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I swear to god you’re all so talented and I don’t know how you people do it and I would love if any of you gave me tips on how to draw this fucker
I’m gonna pull every last hair out of my scalp if I don’t figure out how to draw his fucking eyes bro, I love him so much but god I hate drawing him-
(I am very serious 😭 I really wanna draw him in a way that I like but now every time I do he looks like he’s on crack 24/7 and I don’t like that 💀 I would really appreciate, please help me 🙇‍♀️🙏)
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