#Golf Ball Retriever for Sale
golfballmonkey92 · 6 months
bulk recycled golf balls
Buy used bulk recycled golf balls online. Golf Ball Monkey offers high-quality products, which are retrieved and then recycled to look as new, we ensure we have a robust inventory of balls for sale for beginners to pros at our shop.
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store4golfers · 8 months
Elevate Your Golf Game with Top Indoor Golf Training Equipment Available Online
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As the popularity of golf continues to soar, enthusiasts are constantly seeking ways to improve their game. Whether you're a seasoned golfer or a beginner looking to refine your skills, indoor golf training equipment offers a convenient and effective solution. In this blog post, we'll explore a variety of cutting-edge indoor golf training equipment available for sale online, all designed to help golfers enhance their technique and overall performance.
Golf Simulators:
One of the most immersive and comprehensive indoor golf training tools is the golf simulator. These advanced systems recreate realistic golf course scenarios, providing players with an authentic experience from the comfort of their homes. Simulators like SkyTrak and TrackMan offer precise swing analysis, accurate ball flight data, and a variety of virtual courses, making them ideal for serious golfers aiming to perfect their game in any weather.
Putting Mats and Greens:
Putting is a crucial aspect of golf, and practicing it indoors is made easy with high-quality putting mats and greens. Brands like Wellputt and PuttOUT offer surfaces that mimic the feel of real greens, allowing golfers to work on their putting stroke and accuracy. Some mats even come with automatic ball return systems, minimizing the time spent retrieving balls and maximizing practice time.
Swing Trainers:
For those focusing on refining their swing mechanics, indoor swing trainers are indispensable. Companies like SKLZ and Orange Whip provide training aids that help golfers develop a smooth and consistent swing. These tools often come with feedback mechanisms to guide users in improving their tempo, balance, and clubhead speed.
Launch Monitors:
To gain insights into your swing and ball flight, consider investing in a launch monitor. Brands such as Foresight Sports and Rapsodo offer compact and portable devices that measure various aspects of your shot, including clubhead speed, launch angle, and spin rate. This data is invaluable for identifying areas for improvement and refining your overall performance.
Training Nets and Cages:
Perfecting your swing requires consistent practice, and training nets and cages provide a safe and convenient way to do so indoors. Brands like Rukket Sports and Callaway offer durable and easy-to-assemble nets that allow golfers to practice their full swings without the worry of damaging surroundings.
Swing Analyzers:
For a detailed breakdown of your swing mechanics, swing analyzers are a go-to option. Devices like the Blast Motion and Arccos Caddie Smart Sensors attach to your club and provide real-time feedback on your swing tempo, face angle, and other key metrics. This information is crucial for making targeted improvements to your swing.
Strength and Flexibility Equipment:
Building strength and maintaining flexibility are vital components of a successful golf game. Online stores offer a range of fitness equipment designed specifically for golfers, including resistance bands, weighted clubs, and stretching aids. These tools help golfers enhance their physical condition and reduce the risk of injuries during play.
Investing in indoor golf training equipment is a wise choice for golf enthusiasts looking to elevate their game. Whether you're focused on perfecting your swing, honing your putting skills, or simulating a realistic golf course experience, the market offers a diverse array of high-quality equipment to suit your needs. As you embark on your journey to golf improvement, explore the vast selection of indoor training tools available online.
For a comprehensive range of top-notch indoor golf training equipment, visit Store4Golfers. Elevate your game with our premium selection of simulators, putting mats, swing trainers, launch monitors, nets, and more. Your journey to becoming a better golfer starts here.
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dharma-divine · 3 years
Off Limits (Series?)
Part One
Welcome to my debut writing project! I wasn't planning for this to be a series when I started, but it definitely has the potential to be at least a few parts. Let me know if you guys would like more, and if you want to be added to the taglist! :)
Pairing: Sam x (Female) Reader
Summary: Working at a golf course, you struggle to keep the harmony between you and a vexing coworker, until a turn of events leads you to an unexpected friendship (or maybe something more?).
WARNINGS: Harassment/groping from creepy old men!!! Not too vulgar, but it leaves the reader feeling helpless and fearful so it definitely may be triggering to some. Also cursing, cigarette smoking, and the mentioning of drug use.
Shoutout @garbagevanfleet for helping me! <3
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The afternoon sun shines bright as you pull into the golf course, the parking lot bustling with carts and guests with their clubs in tow. It’s expected to be busy today, the tee times almost completely booked the last time you had looked at the schedule. You check yourself in your rearview mirror, putting on a fresh coat of lip balm and a spritz of perfume, before stepping out of your car and into the heat.
Once inside, you realize that the clubhouse is even more packed than the parking lot, and you do a quick turn down a hallway and into the office before you have a chance to get stopped by any guests asking about cart rentals or where to order beer. The office is a quiet relief from the main lobby, and there you find Danny sitting at his desk, sporting his usual golf attire with his curly, long hair half tied up. He’s facing away from you, but you can tell that he is intently focused as he scrolls though an email that’s pulled up on the computer in front of him, the mouse clicking beneath his fingertips.
Danny is the sales manager at the course, and you can tell that he really loves his job. He’s always eager to show any newcomers around, and everyone there knows and adores him. He has a lively, bright personality that you could never get enough of, and not to mention he’s an excellent golfer. You can catch him hitting balls on the range any time of the day, and he often participates in local tournaments. You aren’t an excellent golfer yourself, but Danny is always down to play a round on his off days with you and teach you any tips and tricks that he can.
“Good afternoon, Daniel,” you chime, and the boy immediately swivels in his chair, possibly a bit startled by your sudden presence, but meets your gaze with a sweet smile.
“Y/N, hello!” he greets. “Ready for today? We’re booked, you should make great tips.”
“Let’s hope so,” you reply, walking to a closet at the far side of the room to retrieve your money bag and tablet.
“Have you seen Sam by chance? I need to ask him about this group that’s coming in at 2…” Danny asks as he continues to face the computer monitor. You tense at the mention of his name. Sam.
You fucking hate Sam. You don’t know why, but ever since Danny hired him on a few months ago, you two do nothing but bicker at each other. You’re normally not the type of person to hate someone, hate is such a strong word and rarely used in your vocabulary, but it really is how you feel about Sam. Anytime you ask him for a favor, usually something painless like getting you a roll of quarters from the register, or his keys to the storage room, Sam acts like it’s the end of the world. He always just rolls his eyes, tossing the requested items at you carelessly. He works in the pro shop, the main store where guests go to check-in and buy their necessary golf gear, which can be anything from clubs, to ball tees, to sportswear. When you question him about a new wedge they are selling, or the price of a shirt, he replies with such an attitude that it makes you feel stupid for even asking. He makes your blood boil, and you hate to admit it but he’d even nearly brought you to tears a few times. You just don’t know why he was so mean to you.
Danny doesn’t understand the dissonance between the two of you either; him and Sam are best friends, they apparently have been since they were little, which isn’t surprising by how they act together. After hours, you can catch them racing carts across the fairway, or using their golf clubs like baseball bats to hit empty beer cans back and forth. You remember how excited Danny was when he first told you that he had hired Sam and how that, in turn, made you excited, because you were sure that any friend of Danny’s was a friend of yours. Oh, how wrong you were.
You also remember the first day Sam came to work, and how the other cart girls giggled and whispered about him in the back of the kitchen because they thought he was cute.
Sure, you can agree that Sam is attractive. He has a tall, slender stature, and long brown hair that he sometimes pulls back into a bun or headband when it’s especially hot out. His hair frames his face nicely, complimenting his high cheekbones and rigid jawline that usually remains clenched, or at least it is whenever you’re around. His eyes are warm and kind when he helps guests, especially when the course hosts children’s lessons and he gives them free stickers, or helps them swing a club for the first time, but they harden to a cold glare whenever he sees you.
You have no idea why you elicit such a cruel response from Sam, but just the mention of his name can ruin your day. You don’t want to let that happen today, though. You really want to start trying to ignore him and his bullshit, since other than putting up with him, you genuinely enjoy this job.
“I haven’t, but I can let him know if I do,” you reply to Danny after a brief pause to reflect on your grievances. You raise your voice a few octaves to disguise your attitude.
“Great, thanks so much!” Danny returns, buying your facade, even though he definitely knows that you’re less than pleased. You sigh, immediately regretting offering to speak to Sam once you did ultimately see him.
You grab your things and say goodbye to Danny before heading outside toward the cart barn across the lot, unsure if you’ll be seeing him for the rest of the busy day.
Once you retrieve your cart and stock it up with plenty of beer, liquor and snacks for the guests, you make your way back to the clubhouse to fill the coolers up with ice. As you’re putting the cart in park, you look up to see a painfully familiar face walking out of the back kitchen door. It’s Sam, a cigarette already dangling from his mouth as he makes his way to the side of the building for his routine smoke break. It’s not long before he notices you as well, his face falling to a dull grimace before he looks back down to light the end of the cigarette.
“Danny needs to ask you about something, he’s in the office,” you inform him as you pass, a cloud of smoke puffing in your face. You waft it away.
“About what?” he asks flatly, another puff escaping his lips.
“Something about a group coming in at 2 o’clock,” you repeat Danny’s words, yanking open the heavy door to the kitchen.
“What the hell does that have to do with me?” he asks, still not sounding too bothered, but the question annoys you nonetheless. You pause before letting the door slam back shut, turning around to face him again.
“I don’t know? Maybe you should see Danny to find out,” you snap back, noticeably irritated.
Sam stares at you for a second, before letting out a defeated sigh. He shakes his head as he drops his barely lit cigarette to the ground and extinguishes it with his shoe. He begins to follow you back inside, and to your surprise, he reaches past you to open the door this time, letting you go first underneath his extended arm. It was quite the considerate act coming from him, and you almost saw it as a subtle apology for being so snappy with you. That couldn’t be though, you thought. He would never.
Sam walks out of the kitchen and presumably to the office as you fill up a few plastic buckets with ice for your cart, his small but kind gesture lingering in your mind for longer than you care to admit.
You make 2 rounds around the course before you have to head back to restock your coolers, the beer and liquor selling even quicker than you had anticipated. You pull into the cart barn and park, rummaging through your things to find the keys to the refrigerator where extra stock was held. As you’re opening the lock, you hear someone pull up beside you.
“Hey there,” a man’s voice calls out.
You turn around to find that it’s Robert, one of the marshals that drive around to monitor the flow of traffic throughout the course. You kindly greet him, even though you are confused as to why he is hanging around the barn during peak business. You don’t know Robert too well, only waving to him on the occasion you passed him on the cart paths, but you knew he was buddies with plenty of the other guys that worked there. He was an older gentleman, probably around 70, which seemed to be about the age of most of the other marshals you had met.
“Makin’ good money?” he asks, and you can’t help but notice him eyeing you a bit too excessively, leaning out of his cart towards you.
You did recall hearing about Robert being a little too friendly with the girls on the course before, but after getting scolded about it by previous management quite a few years ago, you didn’t expect to ever experience it firsthand.
“Yeah, not too bad” you reply, trying to ignore his looks, but your smile falters a bit as you begin to feel uncomfortable.
Your work uniform is by no means risqué: a grey golf shirt with a white skirt, that you admittedly pull up a little higher to show off your legs, but it still fully covered everything it needed to. Even so, the way Robert’s eyes rake you up and down makes you feel like you’re naked. To your dismay, Robert steps out of his cart and closer to you. You hold your breath.
“Your name tag is crooked,” he informs as he approaches you. “Here, I can fix it.”
Before you can decline, he reaches out to adjust the silver rectangle attached to your top. You can feel him pressing against your chest much firmer than necessary, fumbling with the pin on the back of the tag. You’re certain that it wasn’t even crooked to begin with, remembering that you had put it on in the mirror before leaving your apartment earlier. You want to tell him to back away and to stop touching you, but you realize no one else is around you, and you’re scared to do anything to upset him.
Your anxiety and need to please people is one of your least favorite traits about yourself. You obviously know that your personal space should be respected, especially by a man, but after hearing so many horror stories about men lashing out after being scolded or rejected by a woman, you are now terrified by the smallest possibility of causing conflict. This is ironic considering your issues with Sam, conflict proving to be unavoidable despite your utmost efforts with him. But you suppose that Sam not liking you in the first place avoids the possibility of him ever getting angry by your rejection, so you conclude that you don’t have much to worry about with him.
You freeze as the back of Robert’s hand lingers on your chest, and eventually falls to trail down your arm.
“You’re a beautiful girl, you know that?” he whispers, entirely too close to you. You could throw up.
Your heart is racing, and you’re so on edge that you jump when you hear the sound of something heavy smack against the concrete floor back towards the entrance of the barn. You turn around to see Sam standing where the noise sounded, stepping over the case of beer he had just dropped.
“What’s going on?” he asks, looking perturbed as he makes his way towards you and Robert. The question is obviously rhetorical, you can tell he already knew exactly what was happening.
“Hey there Sammy, how are ya?” Robert greets anyway, nervously extending a handshake in an attempt to disregard what he was just doing.
Except Sam doesn’t accept his greeting, and instead shoves his forearm into the man’s chest, making him back against the glass door of the refrigerator. Robert grunts at the impact, immediately putting his hands up in surrender.
“Hey man, I wasn’t doing anything. I was just fixing her name tag,” he pleads, but his excuse sounds less than convincing.
“Don’t touch her,” Sam orders without even considering his explanation, his arm still firmly pressed against him. “You touch her again and I’ll fucking snap your neck, alright?”
Robert frantically nods his head in agreement.
“Say it, tell me you won’t touch her,” Sam demands louder, grabbing Robert by the collar of his shirt and shoving him even harder against the fridge.
“I won’t, I-I promise,” Robert stutters, eyes wide. “Just let go of me, please.”
After a moment Sam does let him go, and the man stumbles back to his cart, slamming his foot on the gas and careening back onto the course without another word.
You’re frozen in the same position that Robert had first touched you in, and you’re sure you look completely bewildered. Your ears are ringing, and your heart is still racing when you turn towards Sam who remains by the fridge to your right, though you’re too scared to look at him just yet.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” he asks after a moment, speaking in the softest and kindest voice he’s ever spoken to you in. You swallow hard.
“I’m okay, I think,” you whisper, finally looking up to meet his gaze. His expression is just as solemn as his voice, his eyes the warm honey you’ve only caught glimpses of before.
Something overcomes all of your senses, and before you even realize what you’re doing, you lunge towards Sam and embrace him, lacing your arms under his and squeezing his slender torso.
You feel him tense up at first, obviously shocked by the sudden contact, but you eventually feel his hands on your back. Your head rests against his chest, and you can hear that his heartbeat is going just as fast as yours. His hands begin to make small circular motions against you, and the comforting gesture eventually causes your eyes to well up with hot tears. You stand there for a moment, quietly sobbing into Sam’s chest. You’re so grateful that he happened to be there, and helped despite his own animosity towards you. You shudder at the thought of what the man might’ve done to you if he hadn’t. You realize after a moment that your tears are beginning to bleed onto Sam’s shirt.
“Fuck, my bad,” you choke out a laugh, lifting yourself from him and doing your best to rub them away.
“No, don’t worry about it,” he insists. “Do you want to go back to the office? I can drive your cart,” he suggests.
You quietly nod in agreement, sniffling as you follow him. You hop into the passengers side as Sam hits the gas to unlock the breaks, and the two of you head back to the clubhouse. The thought of Danny’s impending presence instantly makes you feel better.
“I’m calling HR, and he’s being fired immediately,” Danny states, his reaction to the event being exactly what you had expected. He’s a very calm person, sure to not ever cause a scene, but you recall his sternness when he first told you and the other cart girls about his zero tolerance policy when it came to harassment and any form of sexual misconduct. You knew he would stick to his word, and you are grateful for that.
“Thank you, Danny,” you croak as you sit in one of the office chairs, squeezing the clump of tissues that you had used to clean the streaks of black mascara from your tear soaked face. Your voice is still a little hoarse from crying.
“Of course, and thank you Sam for defending her. I’m sure Y/N could’ve beat his ass herself, but I’m glad you were there to help,” he replies, earning a laugh from the both of you. Judging by your lack of self defense in the situation, you aren’t confident in your ability to beat anyone’s ass anymore, but you still appreciate Danny’s support.
You look over at Sam and he meets your gaze, his expression still soft and genuine. You both exchange polite smiles. This had changed things between the two of you, you thought. You know it did.
“Well,” Danny sighs, finally standing up from his chair. “You guys can go home for the day if you would like, I got you both covered.”
You’re relieved to hear this, unsure of how you would manage going about working the rest of the day with your ruined makeup and killed spirit. All you want is to crawl into bed and sleep this day into a distant memory.
As you’re leaving, you hear Danny call out to Sam.
“Hey, I’ll be over when I’m off later. Jake and Josh want to go out tonight if you want to join,” he offers, exiting the office with him.
“Yeah man, you know I’m always down,” Sam replies cheerfully, the both of them turning the corner back to pro shop. You smile at the thought of what the two of them possibly get into after a few drinks.
After cashing out your tips, you make your way back to your car and you notice that Sam happens to be walking to his also. You think for a moment about whether or not you want to speak to him, to perhaps have a bit of a followup on the past hour the both of you have endured. You are still so surprised by how quick he was to get physical with Robert, and the thought of him doing all of that for you gave you a funny pit in your stomach. You aren’t sure how to feel about him anymore.
“Hey,” you eventually call out, and he turns around. You pause, suddenly a little nervous. “Can we talk?”
“Sure, hop in,” he replies without hesitation, nodding to his front seat. Your heart skips a beat, but you oblige, making your way to the passenger side.
The inside of his car smells like cigarettes and leather. He gets into the driver’s side and turns on the engine, immediately blasting the A/C and plugging in his phone to an aux cord. You get excited when you hear a Clapton song begin to play quietly.
“Thank you for helping me,” you start after settling in, your fingers nervously twiddling in your lap. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t there. I was so scared, I was frozen still.” You meet his eyes before he drops his gaze to the steering wheel, giving a small smile.
“Of course, I’m glad I was there to stop him,” he replies. He then pauses for a moment, taking in a long breath. “And I’m sorry.”
“Sam, that wasn’t your fault, he’s just a creepy old-“ you start, but he politely puts up a hand to interject.
“I’m sorry about that too, of course, but that’s not what I meant.” He looks up at you and you can’t really read his expression. Sad? Or maybe nervous, but what could he be nervous about? He always acted so cocky and uptight around you, you had never seen him like this before. But then again, he’s been an entirely different person to you since confronting Robert. His eyebrows furrow slightly before continuing.
“I meant that I’m sorry for being such an asshole to you. I know I’ve given you a hard time since I’ve worked here, and that’s shitty of me. You don’t deserve it.”
You’re shocked by his words. Sam Kiszka, apologizing to you? You can’t believe it, and you’re sure your reaction is readable because Sam lets out a light cackle, another thing you had rarely witnessed him do around you. Your mouth is agape, but no words are coming out.
“Come on now, don’t act so struck. You’re really making me feel like a dick here,” he laughs, and this makes you roll your eyes.
“I mean, yeah, you are a dick to me. Like holy shit, do you know how many times you’ve almost made me cry?” you finally say, which causes Sam to stop laughing.
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m sorry,” he responds, his demeanor immediately changing. For some reason, it amuses you.
You shrug before shoving his shoulder playfully.
“I never let you get to me, though. I just wrote you off as being jealous,” you laugh.
“Jealous of what, looking good in a skirt?” he asks, his cheeky smile returning. Your eyebrows raise at his comment.
“You think I look good in my skirt?” you repeat, your heart fluttering.
“Sure you do, my legs could never compare,” he laughs. You feel your cheeks getting hot, the thought of him in a skirt entirely too much.
“Well, you can look all you want, but don’t go touching me like that other bastard,” you warn, though you are obviously joking. You’ve always been the type to use humor as a coping mechanism.
“Oh, I would never,” Sam assures, and you can tell he really means it. “Absolutely fuck that guy.”
“Yeah, fuck him” you agree, sighing as you slump into the seat. Neither of you say anything for a moment.
“Did you ever finish that cigarette?” you eventually ask, lifting your head towards him.
“No actually, Danny never let me get the chance,” he sighs. “And I was going to after running a few beer cases to the coolers for him, but I obviously became preoccupied.” The sound of the large case smacking against the floor earlier echoes back into your mind.
“Well, wanna split one?” you suggest, and his eyes light up.
“I didn’t know you smoked,” he replies, promptly lifting from his seat to pull out the pack from his back pocket.
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Kiszka,” you assure him.
“Oh, is that so?” he teases, lighting the cigarette and handing it to you, before opening a window to air out the smoke. You respond with a laugh.
You admittedly only smoke cigarettes when you’re drinking, but with the day you just had, you’re craving a relief. He hands the cigarette to you and you take a long drag, enjoying the slight burning sensation that it makes in your lungs. You also roll down your window, before releasing the smoke into the air.
You both sit quietly in the car for a few minutes as the cigarette begins to dwindle, enjoying each other’s presence for once as the music continues to play. You’re surprised at how similar your music tastes are, the sound of Jimi Hendrix’s weeping guitar sending you into a state of bliss. For a moment you wish the cigarette was a joint, knowing very well that Sam also partook by his cackle laugh and often heavy eyelids, but that obviously would not be smart to do in the parking lot of your workplace. You still can’t believe you’re sitting in his car.
“Hey, would you maybe want to come out with me and Danny tonight?” Sam asks after the song ends, his words once again taking you by utter surprise.
“Really?” you ask, maybe a little too excitedly.
“Yeah, it’ll be fun. My brothers will be there too,” he adds, and you recall him and Danny discussing their plans for the night earlier. You had met Josh and Jake a few times when they had joined the other two for golf. You remember them being quite pleasant, though one time Josh nearly sent their cart into a creek after having a few too many tequila shots. You simply can’t pass up the opportunity to witness whatever was about to go down tonight.
“I would love to,” you reply through a blushed smile.
“Great,” Sam seems to mirror your excitement, informing you of the time and place to be. It’s a dive bar conveniently just a few blocks from your place, and you plan to meet them there at 8 o’clock.
Tossing the now dead cigarette butt out of the window, you open the door to Sam’s car.
“Well, thanks for the cig. See you at 8,” you call out, turning around to peer at him through the still open window as you walk away.
“See you,” he calls back, and your heart flutters once more.
You head towards your car across the lot, entranced in thought. You had really gone from hating Sam’s existence, to agreeing to go drinking with him, all in the span of a day. You laugh to yourself at the strange series of events, looking forward to whatever the night had to bring.
Next Chapter
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dougmeet · 3 years
IM SHOOK (World’s First) Wanna Try Special Chocolate Flavor? 
10 Top Instagram Social Influencer Rescue Dogs (UPDATED VIDEO BIOS) You Need in your IG Dogfeed ... Whose Heeling is Next to Following! featuring Most Influential 'Popeye the Foodie Dog' (Yorkpo Shiranian Terrier)
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10 IG Best Friend Influencer Dogtags to Heel and Follow:
#1.)  Popeye Foodie Dog (Yorkporn Shirranian Terrier)
18 May 2020 | by Valerie Chernenko
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What can be better than a pic of a French bulldog smiling with its tongue out or a vid of a cutie Samoyed sitting in front of the Sakura blossoms?
True dog lovers  answer that nothing as content makes them smile.
If you are  these people, you are scrolling Instagram to send a doggo post your friend "Look at this cutie!".
Chihuahua goofing with favourite toys, a Golden Retriever puppy trying to bark first  perfect  break from worrying day. Take a break and check 10 adorable doggie IG accounts to follow right now.
(image source: Manny The Frenchie)
1. Manny The Frenchie 
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(image source: Maya the Samoyed) (image source: Doggos Mates)
Manny The Frenchie is an adorable French bulldog with a goofy smile who lives with Amber Chavez and Jon Huang. From the outset, the couple made photos of a upper only for their friends as a hobby. However, it soon turned out that Manny had become a far-reaching star. As for now, this charming doggie is the most followed bulldog online who cooperates with Turtle Wax, State Farm, and many more.
2. Maya the Samoyed
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Maya is a fluffy two-year-old Samoyed who is known for sharing her big adorable smile and hilarious vids and pics. She is keen on frolicking in fountains, devouring on humans' snacks, and balancing doggones’ treats on her head like a pro.
3. Doggone Mates
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Doggos mates is a family Instagram account that shows us the life of a charming French bulldog, named Bonnie, and her five Chihuahua sibs, Henry, Sandy, Lala, Varya, and Manjula.
(image source: jiffpom) (image source: Nutmeg the Aussie) (image source: Tuna Melts My Heart) (image source: Jackson the Dalmatian) (image source: itsdougthepug) (image source: Pavlov The Corgi)
The doggos mates like basking in the sun, tasting flowers, and doing doggo dances. Valerie, the owner of pooches, daily shares adorable pup pics and vids and writes posts with useful bits of advice and life hacks for dog keepers. The owner is not only a happy dog mum but also a breeder of French bulldogs and Chihuahuas, and she offers pups for sale worldwide.
4. Jiffpom
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Jiffpom is one of the most followed dog Instagram accounts, and its main character, Jiff the Pomeranian, reminds more of a toy than a pup. This doggo was featured in Katy Perry’s music video Dark Horse, and he has been voted for the Most Popular Dog in the World. In his Instagram account, you can find many amusing vids and pics of his Hollywood life.
5. Nutmeg the Aussie
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Nutmeg the Aussie is a pooch of Australian shepherd, who generates impressive content. This pupper takes walks around NYC and posts pics of towering skyscrapers. As we can see from his Instagram photos, Nutmeg is also a pro at chilling.
6. Tuna Melts My Heart
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Tuna is a famous Instagram Chiweenie – a mix of a chihuahua and dachshund – who will undoubtedly steal your heart. His charming overbite and squinty eyes endeared his owner, Courtney Dasher, at a dog rescue event in 2010, and, as a result, Courtney adopted him. Tuna has had an American tour raising awareness for animal rescue, where he involved people in donating for animal shelters nationwide. Currently, books and some other merchandise with pooch’s photos are sold on behalf of Tuna.
7. Jackson the Dalmatian
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Jackson the Dalmatian is a dapper Dalmatian dog whose name is a homage to Michael Jackson’s song Black or White. This doggie loves walking outside, chasing balls, and eating fruits and vegetables. Jackson also enjoys posing for engaging content and always wears a bow tie to complete his gentleman look.
8. Doug The Pug
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Doug the Pug is a true celebrity pooch. He’s not only won a People’s Choice Award for Animal Star 2019 but also has launched his line of dog toys and merchandise. This cutie pug has appeared on shows, music videos, and even been the subject of some magazine articles. His hobbies include dressing up as his favourite movie characters and enjoying his favourite treats.
9. Pavlov The Corgi
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Pavlov The Corgi is a charming corgi dog who lives in California. The followers love him for dank humour and dozens of brooding photos in front of artsy walls. Currently, Pavlov has a line of his merchandise that consists of beanies, hats, shirts, and hoodies.
10. Popeye the Foodie Dog
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: 1.   Instagram - Popeye Foodie Dog Yorkpom Shirranian Terrier
Popeye, the Foodie Dog, is an adopted tyke that might have the characteristics of a Pomeranian and Yorkshire Terrier. Ivy Diep, the owner, has found this pooch wandering through the streets of Los Angeles. She couldn't pass by this homeless pup, and so Ivy decided to take him home. Today, Popeye lives a happy doggo-life, and he is known as the cutest foodie for his adorable pics in local cafes and restaurants.
Rap Book Hop
Yeah, yeah Ayo, neighbours, it's time. It's time, neighbours (aight, neighbours, begin). Straight out the sweaty dungeons of rap. The friend drops deep as does my mouse. I never run, 'cause to run is the wife of grouse. Beyond the walls of puppies, life is defined. I think of golf when I'm in a Hull state of mind.Hope the grouse got some spouse. My blouse don't like no dirty warehouse. Run up to the house and get the powerhouse.In a Hull state of mind. What more could you ask for? The poor friend? You complain about dirty dishes. I gotta love it though - somebody still speaks for the send. I'm rappin' to the book, And I'm gonna move your hook. Smooth, hideous, chewy, like a tail Boy, I tell you, I thought you were an entail. I can't take the dirty dishes, can't take the flamingo. I woulda tried to sail I guess I got no lingo. I'm rappin' to the hook, And I'm gonna move your book. Yea, yaz, in a Hull state of mind.When I was young my wife had an amend. I waz kicked out without no end. I never thought I'd see that trend. Ain't a soul alive that could take my wife's lend. An ugly fairy is quite the cherry. Thinking of golf. Yaz, thinking of golf (golf).
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pbacklinks · 3 years
Can You Make Money Selling Used Golf Balls?
New Post has been published on https://pingbacklinks.com/can-you-make-money-selling-used-golf-balls/
Can You Make Money Selling Used Golf Balls?
“Can I make money from collecting used golf balls and selling them?”
Have you ever asked yourself that question? Anyone who has ever walked a golf course knows that there are countless golf balls lost in the rough, or resting on the muddy bottom of the water hazards. Whether left behind because of frustration, or too difficult to retrieve without tools, these balls are often perfectly serviceable. If you’ve ever swatted a new ball into a lake on the first swing, then you know some of those balls are practically mint condition. Surely, someone would be willing to pay for them, right?
Absolutely. Selling used golf balls can be quite lucrative when done right. Whether you profit in the end depends on how efficiently and cheaply you are able to gather your inventory. So, what’s the best way to go about this?
Securing A Source
It shouldn’t surprise you to find out that the best place to gather quality used golf balls is on a golf course. This is the factor most likely to determine how successful your resale efforts will be. If there are no local golf courses or country clubs for you to use as a resource, don’t travel so far in search of one that the cost of the trip diminishes your gains.
Supposing you do have a likely establishment convenient to you, your first step is to speak with the management to request permission to collect the lost balls. This is a crucial step, as you could get into trouble deciding to roam the property hunting merchandise without permission. You’ll also want to offer to compensate the course by offering a percentage of your profits. Since you absolutely need their cooperation in order to succeed, be generous. A 25% cut is a good fair amount.
If they are receptive, be sure to agree on a schedule before you begin. You’ll want to come when the course is closed. You can’t roam around collecting balls while games are in progress.
Collecting the Balls
  Once you have a solid agreement with a course, you can focus on how best to collect the balls. The two main places you’ll be checking are in the underbrush, and within water hazards.
For balls in underbrush, you’ll want to wear the appropriate clothing. Durable, long pants and boots should do the trick, with a pair of gloves to protect your hands when rummaging through the roughage. Have a bag or basket you can wear to place the collected balls into. You can even invest in a grabbing arm to avoid having to bend over as often to collect the balls.
Collecting from water hazards can be trickier. Depending on the size of the hazard, you may have to go diving to get the greatest return. However, there is actually a tool for retrieving balls in the water from the shore. Golf ball retrievers are telescopic poles with some sort of collecting mechanism on the end. While the mechanism varies from brand to brand, any one of them will get the job done.
Selling the Balls
So you’ve made a few forays on the course and picked it clean of errant balls. Now, how to turn these nuggets of white gold into money?
  Clean them. This probably goes without saying, but you’re going to want to get all the muddy muck, dirt, and grime off of the balls. The best way to do this is to put them into a container with soapy water. Use dish soap or car wash soap. Avoid harsh chemicals like bleach. Your goal is to remove the dirt without damaging the cover. Scrub them with a towel after washing, and they should clean up nicely.
Categorize them. Once the balls are clean, you should be able to see their logos and any other identifying marks. Separate them into piles by brand and type. If you happen across any strange or unusual balls, look them up online. Sometimes you’ll find a gem that can be sold for more than the usual used price.
Price them. Generally, you’ll find that resellers sell balls in lots of 50 or more. You’ll want to price your top brand balls in good condition at around $1 apiece. Lower tier balls in good condition you can sell for half that at $.50. Balls in bad condition, with cuts and serious abrasion, you should price around $.25 each. These prices are guidelines. You should check online to get the best idea of the market prices for your particular merchandise at the time you are selling.
  The sale of after market golf balls is a booming business. The Danish Golf Union estimates that golfers in the United States lose 300 million golf balls per year. If you have access to a place where you can gather them, it is likely you’ll find more than enough to make it worth your while.
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supershanzykhan · 4 years
The best ideas for corporate events
Creative and fun ideas for all kinds of corporate events
As any professional event planner knows, no two events are the same. Nor should they be. One of the reasons your clients decided to hire an event designer in the first place is the desire for a personalized and original event. Taking a unique approach to each event is also an event planning aspect that appeals to many planners as it presents the opportunity to unleash your creativity and imagination in delivering an event of some kind.
So relax, get your creative thinking cap, and consider these different and creative event planning ideas.
Plan a corporate event? One of the most challenging aspects of corporate event planning is coming up with an idea. The theme of the event is the driving force behind every other aspect of an event, from the invitation to the choice of entertainment and food. Before you get busy with any other part of the corporate event planning process, first determine the purpose of the event.
The best corporate event ideas take that business objective - after all, corporate events have business objectives - and use it as a springboard for the theme of the event and the overall atmosphere of the event.
Getting Down to Business
Corporate events can set the stage for presenting information about the upcoming launch of a company product, a new approach to corporate training, or simply performing team building exercises in a fun and engaging environment. . As a corporate event planner, your first step is to determine the objective of the event.
Is the purpose of this corporate event to reward a sales team for exceeding expectations, providing an attraction focused on rest and relaxation? Is the goal to bring together employees of two different companies because of a merger, with priorities that rely on connecting people and building relationships? Whether the purpose of the event is business or pleasure or a combination of both, the right idea of ​​corporate events can meet the objective and deliver a successful event.
Ideas for corporate events
Work to be done? Get it from the Office
For many employees, reporting to work every day at the same time, wearing the same business attire, with the same people, becomes a grind.
While they can enjoy the work themselves and their colleagues, its predictability all age quickly.
Why not get involved?
Take a corporate meeting to another location, away from offices and booths. Even if employees have to spend the day looking at reports or sitting in meetings, the change in environment can be refreshing.
Some suggestions:
§  Change the dress code for the event, allowing employees to dress casually
§  If time and place allow, plan a part of the event outside
§  Skip the standard plate of meeting sandwiches and offer a variety of meals from local restaurants or food service stations to make to order
§  Schedule a fun and interactive activity during noon
§  On the last day of the event, and earlier than the usual rest time; attendees will appreciate leaving early
The key to having a productive corporate event is to get employees out of their usual work routine. Changing clothing, location, and general atmosphere can change their interactions and re-activate staff, even if they are viewing annual report figures throughout the afternoon.
There is no work today! Ideas for corporate events
Rewarding employees with a fun corporate event should be just that - fun!
For these types of events, look for something more interesting and creative, a change from the standard "golf walk and dinner" routine. If your event is a company-wide event, then your seat should be large enough to accommodate all employees and their mode of transportation if they are traveling individually. Some fun corporate event ideas include:
§  Company picnic with a cookout featuring prizes from local institutions produced by local farms, music and games, such as corn whole competitions or chocolate hockey matches, with both blankets and chairs for seating.
§  Get it to ballgame. Literally! Plan a trip to the ballpark for an early afternoon game, complete with game hats and hot dogs, and bus transportation.
§  The winery tour and summer demonstration followed by a picnic lunch outside in the square for a real day away from the office.
§  Cruises to a nearby port or on a slow river, complete with reviews and lunch.
§  For a small group, a walk to a nearby town for a lively show and dinner.
Whatever the choice, keep staff in mind when planning the event. If employees consider this walk just "another work activity", they should attend, you will have lost the mark.
Keep in mind employee demographics and office atmosphere when planning a corporate event of this type.
Pay in advance
Many companies offer opportunities for their employees to volunteer for days through designated charity. Helping others boosts mood, connects people at work toward a common goal, and strengthens the company’s commitment to philanthropy. Some ideas for charitable corporate events:
§  Working in a pantry for food. Classifying donated food boxes, filling cups with white rice in bags, and packing cracker boxes for distribution at shelters is helpful and helps employees establish an out-of-office connection.
§  Assistance in a local soup kitchen, cooking dishes and filling plates. Standing together with an executive who wears a pair of blue jeans rushing chili over the stove allows employees to see each other in a different light
§  Serve in a daily program for children with disabilities, reading and playing games. This gives everyone a chance to be a child again by helping others
§  Adopt a project, such as a home improvement. It gives the opportunity to utilize skills that are not necessarily used at work and encourages connection
§  Consider skill-based volunteering when employees put their professional skills to work for a nonprofit organization
Building Corporate Event Teams
Getting a group of individuals and trying to forget them on a productive team can be challenging. This is where team building exercises can help. It forces employees to work together to achieve a common goal or to solve a problem, challenges that they also face in the workplace. Some fun, incorporating corporate team building events include:
§  Room Escape Games: this idea is growing in popularity, looking for teamwork, logic, leadership and patience to escape from a locked room using clues, hidden objects and solving puzzles in search of the key that will open the door.
§  Laser Tag: Adults return to being kids again, with a good old fashioned laser tag game. Adrenaline pumping competition involves strategy, logic, teamwork, and a good and healthy dose of competition along with a great deal of aerobic exercise. It is a favorable victory.
§  Cleansing hunting: This can be done around a city or in a park or reserve. It can also be performed in a building if an outdoor location is not an option. Break employees into groups and set records that lead to the final destination, which includes lunch or dinner. The challenge of data retrieval will require working together to solve puzzles, lead and build society.
Ideas for planning creative events
Don’t let the event budget stand in your way
Clearly a large event budget offers greater opportunities to go that extra mile to provide the best venue for your event, the best supplier or the best entertainment. But this does not mean that those events with a smaller budget should fall by the wayside in the realm of mediocrity. It simply means that you have to use your creativity to work around budget constraints.
Choose an Event Theme and Title
Selecting a theme for your event is the first step in defining your event from the rest. This theme elevates many other elements of your event, from venue, invitations, decor, entertainment and more. So do not overlook this important part - resist the temptation to choose something simple to get the ball rolling in the event planning process.
When considering a theme, make a list of all the different ways that the theme can be incorporated into other elements of the event.
Creative ways to incorporate your theme
Of course, if the theme of your corporate event is a beach party, it would be appropriate to host your event at a beach venue. However, budgets and geographical location can provide a quick end to this notion.
This does not mean that you have to choose another topic! This means that you need to think creatively to explore ways in which you can incorporate this topic in other, more affordable or logical ways. Here are some creative event planning ideas.
If your guests cannot reach the white sandy beaches for this event, then bring them to them. If location permits, have a section of event space cordon and fill it with sand. Add a beach volleyball net if your theme is more “fun in the sun” and encourage guests to stick their toes in the sand. Or add a great beach background, rent a tiki bar and keep the sound of soft waves falling in the background.
Getting the right entertainment can really take your event theme to the next level. If you are planning an important event party, whether corporate or personal, then consider hiring a DJ who will only play music that belongs to a certain era. If your event situation is calmer, consider hiring some instrumentalists to play appropriate music outside on the other side. To truly personalize your event, hire a group to perform songs that are written for the guest, whether he or she is a person or an organization.
If budget reimbursement for entertainment is an issue, contact local area schools and ask if they have any student musicians available.
The first thing your visitors will see when they arrive at your event is the decor. The decorations make a strong impression that your guests will carry with them to your event, in order to make sure that whatever elements you choose have this “wow” factor. Consider a large inflatable set outside the entrance or living lighting indoors, instead of the standard white lights. Remember centerpieces - your guests sit for a long time looking at what you have chosen, in order to use colorful tables that add energy and festive element, vintage plants that can be taken home or go with games small ones that can play, encouraging them to interact.
Food and drink
Nothing is devoted to creativity enough like the kitchen. Grilled chicken teriyaki with fresh sliced ​​pineapple is much more flavorful and memorable at a beach themed party than standard grilled chicken. If your event is a barbeque, feature a bar with various BBQ sauces that guests can add to their plates, and large paper bibs for digging at the party. Large cookies that display the company logo, school emblem, or historic year birthday are far more interesting than your standard cookie poster. A homemade sodas bar featuring flavored syrups, where guests can follow the instructions to create their own is more fun than pouring out a 64 oz. bottle. Not sure how much food to order for your event, here is a quick guide to help.
Hiring event staff is an important part of event planning as these individuals will interact with guests and influence their overall experience consider your event theme and atmosphere when hiring event staff to ensure they are a good fit and can complement that theme. Clothing is important here as well, as it adds another creative element. Event staff can wear referee's shirts for a sports party, sunglasses and beach goggles for a beach party, or simply the glowing button down shirts to add a splash of color to the scene.
Small touches can have a big impact
As an event planner, you may fall into the trap of thinking that in order to have a successful and memorable event, you need to boast of the best and best of everything. That is not the issue. Instead of thinking big, think a little. Photos of the guest of honor lining the wall along the strip area provide the opportunity for guests to review, comment and link, whether they are going to be at a retirement lunch or a graduation party. Blank notes placed next to a living box allow guests to write personal gratitude and guest of honor. Available cameras encourage guests to record special moments from the event, which will be shared later by the event organizer.
Courtesy: Corporate Event Venue in Lahore
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
Search 'N Rescue Spring Loaded Golf Ball Retriever, Silver/Orange/White, 21-Feet
Search ‘N Rescue Spring Loaded Golf Ball Retriever, Silver/Orange/White, 21-Feet
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bakheetramy · 4 years
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Tennis Clash Cheats
Tennis Clash Guide
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Tennis Clash manual has been launched. While you're playing the academic, take note of how many factors you earn whilst you hit the ball in a specific region. The points go away after the educational, but the areas with the highest amount of factors are those that the players can have the toughest time hitting. The similarly into the corners you hit the ball, the less of a threat of the ball getting lower back. The faster and farther you swipe, the quicker the ball is. Get the ball as close to the cease of the courtroom as you could with out going out of bounds; in case you exit of bounds, your opponent receives the factor. These games play gamers against every different in an countless "who is going to pay extra to actually win". A good instance of those types of video games is sport of thrones: conquest. Whilst you win a in shape in Tennis Clash, you're rewarded with a bag which contains a few Coins, Gems, cards, something. However, you handiest have 4 slots for the ones luggage and every of them takes at the least 3 hours to free up. If you do not need to attend, there are advertisements to be watched, but none of them is shorter than 30 seconds and each of them handiest shortens the bag liberate time by way of fifteen minutes. The Tennis Clash consist a touch tough gameplay. Within the beginning of the sport, players need to select a story among diverse sorts of testimonies that are present in the sport. The game consists of all kinds of stories like romance, tales, drama, and horror, and so on. After choosing the tale, one needs to create a character in keeping with their choice. There are two principal currencies in the sport that are Gems. It takes a long term which is near about three hours to create currencies inside the shape of Gems. Tennis Clash is a free sports recreation, and it has the game gambling dais of two players at a time, that's similar to everyday tennis. This specific application has three mins suits designed in place, in which two gamers compete and earn up to points for destiny play-ups. Playing up of this sort of sports popularly to be had in strains like basketball, golfing, soccer or others is all about practice and refining your game gambling skills. And right here with this precise tennis-themed gameplay, one gets the threat for the same. Now which you recognize the fundamentals, permit's test a few guidelines and hints that will help you throughout the early sport: the remarkable equalizer in a healthy against a participant with sturdy forehand and backhand is hitting the ball right again at them. If an exclamation mark appears above their head, you've correctly forced them to lob, making their shot susceptible and inaccurate. From there you may installation both a very slow volley or a completely hard forehand or backhand to a nook. You would be wrong. When you play a dynamic sport like tennis, there could be quite a few left-right jogging. However while you get to 1 corner in Tennis Clash, the digital camera does not zoom out, making it not possible if you want to cowl the alternative side of the court together with your finger. You have to click on and on to capture that forehand the opposite player sends to the other aspect of the court docket. A whole lot of the times it's miles a futile effort as you run to the opposite side very slowly, irrespective of your speed or stamina stages. We on occasion run advertising fees as incentives or confined time possibilities for qualifying purchases made all through the promotional time period. 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Evolved via wildlife thru a chain of unique physics research simulating the trajectory of the ball and other aspects of the sport, Tennis Clash offers an experience this is very similar to a actual tennis healthy, attracting no longer handiest mobile game enthusiasts, however also fans of the sport. Easy to learn, and difficult to master, players will put their abilities to the test through challenging matches, choose an athlete from a selection of characters with different nationalities and get ready to face adversaries from all over the world. On this page, we will know what the specialty of Tennis Clash 3d free multiplayer android game and it's mod version apk will provide you one click fastest cdn drive link to download, so you can easily download Tennis Clash 3d free multiplayer android sports game. After football, tennis is an extremely popular sport all over the world. It is a discipline with a very large fan community, which is not inferior to football. A tennis match is not as complicated as a football match but still gives players a feeling of fun and suspense.
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gamecenter199x · 7 years
Nintendo SNES Classic Edition
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Due to the runaway success of the Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo became a household name around the world. But as the 1990s drew near, there were several competitors looking to usurp Nintendo's reign as the #1 video game maker. Sega Enterprises released their Genesis (Mega Drive outside the US) console, giving them an edge in the market due to the fact that it was twice as powerful as the NES. Whereas the NES ran on an 8-bit CPU, the Genesis used a 16-bit CPU, and that meant the machine was capable of creating bigger and better games, games that were close to being arcade perfect at the time. The Sega Genesis had modest sales in its first years but the claims that Sega did feats in their games that Nintendidn't do was enough to make Nintendo notice they had some semblance of competition. NEC also released their console, the Turbografx-16 (aka PC Engine), but it wasn't a true 16-bit machine; it had a 16-bit graphics processor but an 8-bit CPU. Nevertheless, it did sell well in Japan for Nintendo to worry about their share of the market. Although their 8-bit system was still performing well, Nintendo was preparing to enter the 1990s with a 16-bit super system of their own.
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The Super Nintendo Entertainment System was soon released and was met great acclaim. It helped Nintendo win the 16-bit console war, although the Genesis was close to winning had it not been for internal problems happening within Sega. It also helped that Nintendo consistently released a lot of cool games throughout the Super Nintendo's run.
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With that said, Nintendo released the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Classic Edition earlier this year. Like with last year's NES Classic, the SNES Classic is a tiny replica of the Super NES with 21 games built into the unit and is packaged with two SNES controllers (with longer cords, thank goodness), a micro USB cable and a HDMI cable. Again, like with the NES Classic, there are enhancements to the games, such as choosing between 4:3, pixel perfect, and analog video modes, twelve backgrounds that can be selected to frame your picture, and restore points for each game are back, with a new Rewind feature, which lets you rewind up to 45 seconds of your game in case you messed up.
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Also new to the SNES Classic Edition is Star Fox 2, a previously unreleased game that prior to the announcement of the SNES Classic was only leaked to the Internet as a prototype ROM. It's a neat incentive to pick up the SNES Classic, but is it worth getting if you already own a Super NES and all 20 of the other games?
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The SNES Classic Edition is a “greatest hits” package, with lots of winners. Overall, it's a better list of games than the NES Classic Edition, but in my opinion it isn't perfect. Personally, I would replace Kirby's Dream Course with Chrono Trigger, or Turtles in Time.
Just like my NES Classic Edition feature, I'll review every game listed in this collection, including Star Fox 2. I'll assign a number grade for each title, with 5 being the highest score and 1 being the lowest score, along with a small summary.
Score Key
5 ------ Play it loud! 4 ------ Good 3 ------ Decent 2 ------ Bad 1 ------ Don't play it
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SUPER MARIO WORLD (Nintendo, 1991) Help Mario save the Princess, this time in 16-bits! 4
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F-ZERO (Nintendo, 1991) The fast and the futuristic compete in high speed races for 16-bit glory. 3
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SUPER GHOULS 'N  GHOSTS (Capcom, 1991) Can you defeat Satan and rescue the princess? How about twice in a row? 3
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Whip your way through Transylvania and defeat Dracula until he comes back some other game. 4
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16-bit Contra! The Konami Code won't help you out this time. 3
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One of the best SNES games, period. Help Link seek out the Triforce and defeat Ganon. 5
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SUPER MARIO KART (Nintendo, 1992)
Two-player racing action! It still holds up, and there's no blue shells too! 4
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STAR FOX (Nintendo, 1993)
A once-revolutionary game, it hasn't aged well. It's not a bad game by any means, though. 3
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A once-revolutionary game, it has aged well. The turbo speeds still makes it worth replaying. 4
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SECRET OF MANA (Square Enix, 1993)
No three-player action in this edition but it's still a fun action RPG regardless. 4
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MEGA MAN X (Capcom, 1994)
Super fighting robot 2.0 Mega Man X shoots, dashes and wall jumps his way to defeat Sigma. 4
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SUPER METROID (Nintendo, 1994) Samus Aran revisits planet Zebes to retrieve the last Metroid from space pirates. 4
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SUPER PUNCH-OUT!! (Nintendo, 1994)
Punch your way through various opponents as they try to cheat you out of your title shot. 4
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FINAL FANTASY III (Square Enix, 1994)
An evil empire, a rag-tag team of rebels, and a cute race of warrior critters...sounds awfully familiar. Actually the sixth game but y’all already know. 5
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DONKEY KONG COUNTRY (Nintendo, 1994)
The game that helped Nintendo win the 16-bit war. Help Donkey Kong and Diddy find bananas. 4
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KIRBY'S DREAM COURSE (Nintendo, 1995)
Easily the weakest game in the collection. It's kinda like miniature golf, but with Kirby as the ball. 2
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EARTHBOUND (Nintendo, 1995)
UFOs, zombies, and dinosaurs, oh my! Despite the simple presentation, it’s one of the strangest (and most human) role-playing games ever. 5
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One of the best platforming games around and the official prequel to the Super Mario canon. 5
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A collaboration between the makers of Mario and Final Fantasy, the result actually worked well. 4
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KIRBY SUPER STAR (Nintendo, 1996)
Nine games in one! Granted, you can beat these all in under a day but they're all fun rides. 4
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STAR FOX 2 (Nintendo, 2017)
Previously unreleased, it improves over the original in some ways. Still, I can see why it got shelved. 3
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Is the SNES Classic Edition worth picking up? Yes. Just don't buy it above retail price. With Nintendo actually boosting the amount of stock that's being shipped to stores, you can easily find one at retail price. As of this writing, online scalpers aren't selling these things as high as they hoped to sell them for. But even as the stores do sell out, just wait it out until more come in stock. The SNES Classic Edition is a fun toy to have, but it's not worth paying some jerk an extra $50 over.
-ray n. (@themistern)  2017-12-21
Sources: 1. https://www.nintendo.com/super-nes-classic 2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Nintendo_Entertainment_System
3. http://www.perfectly-nintendo.com/snes-classic-edition-snes-mini-announced-september-includes-21-games/
4. http://www.perfectly-nintendo.com/super-famicom-mini-announced-japan-october-5th-different-set-games/
All games and images © Nintendo Co. Ltd and their respective third-party partners.
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Las Vegas Golf Course Living
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Dreaming about living on a Las Vegas golf course?  Read on!  There was a time when real estate agents could confidently tell their clients that one of the biggest advantages of owning a home on a golf course is that the verdant view would be permanent. Today, many owners face a view of brown, dead fairways, vandalized buildings, and uncertainty about what may pop up if or when the land is sold. Chalk it up to the busyness of Americans. The lengthy game of golf has declined in popularity, leaving course owners to deal with the consequences. Or, blame the oversupply of golf courses and the waning of Tiger-mania (among other reasons), as  John Eidukot at GolfOperatorMagazine.com does. Whatever the reasons, “More than 200 courses closed in 2017, while about 15 opened,” according to Newser.com editors, quoting National Golf Foundation figures. Here at LasVegasRealEstate.com, we are frequently asked these three questions: Is a golf course home worth more than a home not on a golf course? Is a golf course home a good investment? What are the pros and cons of golf course living? Here’s what we know, the good and the bad.
The future of Las Vegas Golf Course Living
It’s not all doom and gloom for the $84 billion-dollar golf industry. Nearly 40 percent of Americans (107 million, to be more precise) either played, read about, or watched golf in 2018, according to the National Golf Foundation’s 2019 Golf Industry Report. The report also found that participation has stabilized. Gone are the crazy statistics of drop-out golfers. In fact, last year, participation rates climbed. The report credits this growth, in part, to “popular off-course forms of the game such as Topgolf, Drive Shack and indoor simulators.” Since our children are our future, there is encouraging news in the number of young golfers taking up the sport. “There were 2.5 million junior golfers last year ” the report claims and “an estimated 2.6 million beginners (those who played on a golf course for the first time) in 2018, which is near record levels and marks the fifth straight year with over 2 million newcomers.” It appears that it’s far too soon to call time-of-death for the game of golf and, by extension, the American golf course.
5 tips to consider if you’ve been thinking about buying a home in a golf course community
While living across the street from the fairways offers a homeowner additional privacy (no neighbor in front), it also provides a birds-eye-view to golfers. The golfers' view is even better when wandering through your yard to retrieve balls. Choose your location within the golf community carefully. Homes along the right side, nearest to the tee box, are statistically at higher risk for wandering golfers searching for errant balls. The right side also means more damage from those errant balls. One golfer/golf course homeowner we spoke with suggested playing the course before buying a home.  "Playing will help you determine if the home you have your eye on is ideally located." While we stress the importance to all homebuyers interested in purchasing a home in a managed community to read the HOA documents thoroughly, it’s even more critical when considering a home on a golf course. Is netting prohibited? Are there rules against entering the course from your property? While golf participation is stabilizing, and fewer courses are closing, keep in mind that it’s still a buyers’ market in this real estate niche. You are in the drivers’ seat, by and large, in negotiations. No, you don’t need to be a golfer to enjoy golf course living. In fact, it’s estimated that only about a quarter of residents who live on or near courses play the game. They purchased the home to enjoy the scenic view.  Their quality of life enhanced by the enjoyment of not having a neighbor’s home facing theirs and the peaceful evenings. Even if you do play, you may want to restrict your search for a golf course home for sale to communities that offer other amenities as well, such as walking paths or a swimming pool.
Thinking of selling your Las Vegas golf course home?
Realtor.com analyzed listings of homes for sale in 273 U.S. counties. They found that those listings that included the word “golf” took, on average, 75 days to sell. These homes eventually sold for 14 percent more than the median sale price for the area and nearly 30 percent more than the nationwide median home price. Of course, all real estate is local and markets change so the “mileage” here in Las Vegas may vary. Feel free to reach out to our Preferred Partner: Residential Realtor for a complimentary, no-obligation determination of your home’s likely market value.  Tell them LasVegasRealEstate.com sent you and happy golf views to you! Thank you for reading our post, “Las Vegas Golf Course Living.”  For more Las Vegas Golf Course tips, multi-family tips, home buying, home selling, information on moving to Las Vegas, Las Vegas real estate market news, information on Las Vegas homes for sale, buying a home in Las Vegas, or general real estate information please visit our website www.lasvegasrealestate.com. Read the full article
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keywestlou · 6 years
Today, America recognizes one of its favorite foods. Pizza.
It is National Pizza Day.
Buy a piece and enjoy!
Yesterday bed day for me. Rose early. Did my blog. Back to bed for the rest of the day. Body and spirit required it. Needed. The previous week’s physical and dental problems and doctor visits had knocked me on my ass.
I feel rejuvenated this morning.
Ian Welsh is a Canadian blogger I read. He publishes about 3 times a week. I do not always agree with him. However his thoughts are interesting and challenging.
His most recent blog appeared February 7th. Titled: Abused People Usually Make Bad Decision. A blog I am in agreement with.
Quite lengthy. I have decided to pick and chose paragraphs and paraphrase best I can.
The blog deals with the rise of the political strongman. Authoritarian figures. People like Trump. Trump and similar type world authoritarian figures have a refined playbook for acquiring and consolidating power.
Austerity is involved. Think about it. Government functions weakened by tax cuts and privatizations given to the rich.
In the U.S., the media is being eviscerated by constant degrading badgering. Journalists being laid off. Necessary oversight by the media diminishing.
A trend as to fault. Not limited to a few bad apples and one bad President. It is instead something deep in the roots in the hegemonic power of the age. The United States.
The trend will continue as long as the American people are sheep. As long as the needs of the many are subordinate to the needs of a few. As long as large groups of the many are impoverished, they will remain demagogue bait willing to support authoritarians.
Most American people are quietly scared. Uncomfortable. Their leaders despise them and care not if they hurt them. Their leaders rarely think of them. They think only of themselves, their friends, and getting reelected the next time around.
Whenever Americans find someone they think is strong and on their side, they flock to that person. Wrong to do so. However, abused people make bad decisions.
Like Donald Trump.
Duval Street is going to have a promenade. A great idea! Should have been tried years ago.
A test/trial is involved. From February 15 to April 27, Duval blocks 500-700 will be closed to traffic. The three blocks in effect becoming a walking mall. The promenade will be permitted 2 nights a week. Friday and saturday from 5 pm to midnight.
Restaurants and shops will be permitted to set up tables and shops on the sidewalk and street. Within 17 feet of their storefronts. A middle lane must be left for emergency vehicles.
The purpose of the promenade experiment is to encourage foot traffic.
A brilliant idea!
It works effectively in Milan, Italy. I have visited Milan several times. On the most expensive high end street, dining and sales take place on the street if so desired. Loved it! Something different and exciting.
The Pebble Beach Golf tournament is this week. From February 7-10. Today the third day of the tournament.
A series of courses comprise Pebble Beach. The historic Pebble Beach course itself, Spanish Bay, Spyglass, and one other I cannot recall.
This year the U.S. Open is being played as part of the Pebble Beach event.
The courses are beautiful. Especially Pebble Beach itself.
Some 30 years ago, I went on a golf trip to California to play Pebble Beach. A WOW! to play the course.
Absolutely beautiful! Sits on Monterrey Peninsula. Half the holes on a thousand foot cliff running straight down into the Pacific.
There is the famous 17 mile drive. Along the cliffs as they extend beyond Pebble Beach. Thrilling! Daring!
The courses difficult. Especially Pebble Beach itself. There were 8 of us. Except for me, all normally shot in the 80’s. All except one shot over 100.
I was the worst golfer. Have always been. Normally shoot 135. On the days we played Pebble Beach, I shot around 150.
Hole 7 sticks in my recollection. A par 3. Only 100 feet long. Tee sits on top of a wind blown hill. The green 100 foot dramatically downward to a green sitting in the ocean surrounded by sand traps, rocks, and then ocean.
My “friends” insisted I shoot first. They wanted to watch my ball in the wind. I never made the wind. Instead of hitting the ball up, I shanked it. The ball shot straight down, hit the rocks, ran into a sand trap, and then onto the green.
I had failed the group. They were quietly moaning.
After the others hit, mine was the only ball on the green. Two I think in sand traps. The rest in the ocean.
With a smile on my face, I thought…..Screw them!
Green fees were high. If we stayed at the resort which we had, $275 per day. Plus caddy. We wanted professional caddies and not carts. Another $50 without tip.
Today, $525 dollars to play. Caddie fee without tip around $100.
Pebble Beach was the hardest course I ever played. One hole, not the 7th, impossible to play. At least for me.
I enjoy watching the tournament each year. I can recall every hole as the pros move along.
Almost forgot. My Clint Eastwood moment.
We were playing atop the cliff and I hit my ball into someone’s yard on the edge of the cliff. The house was relatively small. The only home around as far as the eyes could see in either direction.
The yard was surrounded by a short fence.
Looked and saw no one in the house. Stepped over the fence and retrieved my ball. As I was so doing, a ranger came by to tell me I was in Clint Eastwood’s yard.
He was not home at the time. Never the less, I was excited.
I watched Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker before the House Judiciary Committee yesterday. An asshole! Fortunately, he is being replaced next week. I trust his replacement will merit being the Attorney General of the United States.
Whitaker was a joke. Not bright.
Each Representative had 5 minutes to question. Including Chairman Jerrold Nadler.
Nadler had run over the 5 minutes. Perhaps Whitaker did not like his question. In any event, Whitaker said to Nadler, in less than a polite tone, “Your 5 minutes is up.”
I came across an interesting article in Economic Collapse. Mind Blowing Facts About America. It listed 35 separate facts. I selected 10 to share with you.
1. In more than half the States, the highest paid public employee is a football coach.
2. One third of all American teenagers have not read a book in a year.
3. The suicide rate in the U.S. has risen 33 percent since 1999.
4. Women have earned 57 percent of all bachelor degrees in the U.S. 18 years in a row.
5. The U.S. does not have a single airport considered to be in the top 25 in the world.
6. More than 100 churches in the U.S. are dying each week.
7. More than 27 million acres of farmland in the U.S. is owned by foreigners.
8. One quarter of the world’s prison population is in the U.S.
9. 56,000 bridges in the U.S. are structurally deficient. Vehicles cross these bridges 125 million times a day.
10. One third of all millennials are living with their parents.
My day will be quiet. I will watch parts of the Pebble Beach tournament. I am meeting Mary at the Chart Room at 6. I am her guest at dinner afterwards.
Enjoy your day!
AMERICAN PEOPLE ABUSED was originally published on Key West Lou
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servaxo · 6 years
Get seen on the green with unique golf giveaways
Golf is one of the most popular sports in the country—odds are many of your contacts are playing. More than 25 million people tee up for a game of golf every year. Interestingly, it’s one of only two sports—the other being javelin throw—to be played on the moon, too! That’s how well-loved it is. Golf giveaway items provide a special opportunity to make a positive impression while recipients are doing something they enjoy. Try one of these unique golf giveaways to get noticed both on and off the green. Choosing the right giveaway helps keep your brand top of mind with customers while their golf partners ask about your messaging. It’s time to hit the links!
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  Useful cleaning tools
Having the right tool for the job lends authority and a professional look. Provide one of these items to help any recipient look the part. The Golf Ball Cleaning Pouch easily clips to a belt loop or bag. Made of neoprene, this practical pouch wipes away dirt with just a little water. Clean clubs and cleats with the Golf Club Brush with Ball Marker. A wire brush and ball marker in one, this is the perfect golf giveaway item for your next team outing. Rain won’t stop the game with the Triangle Fold Golf Towel. It effortlessly wicks away water from hands, clubs and golf balls. With brass and nylon bristles, the Clip and Go Golf Brush can be used to clean golf balls and cleats. Its convenient clip and elastic cord easily attaches to their golf bag.
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  Must-have golf accessories
New golf accessories can make the game even more exciting. Try one of these unique golf giveaways every golfer will enjoy. The two-in-one Aluminum Divot Tool with Ball Marker serves double duty. It comes with a carabiner clip, magnetic ball marker and sturdy divot tool. The Stainless-Steel Golf Knife helps prepare them for anything. This useful gadget has a knife, cleat-tightening tool, cutting blade, divot tool, can opener and screwdriver. Spruce up any golf hat with the Hat Clip with Ball Marker. Or boost their (literal) reach—as well as your promotional reach—with the Scramble Pic ball retriever.
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  Impressive corporate golf tees
Tees go with golf like peanut butter goes with jelly. Choose a branded corporate golf tee for a promotional item that is sure to get some play. In addition to 12 golf tees, the Golf Buddy comes with three ball markers. And the attached keychain ensures this set is on hand when it’s needed. The Birdie Pack comes with tees and two quality Wilson® golf balls. It’s a great gift for both beginner and advanced players. A pencil and tee combined, the Teecil Golf Tee Pencils can keep score and help set them up for a successful drive. Available in eight colors, the Basic Tee Pack comes with four tees. Keep these on hand for your next corporate event.
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  Quality gift sets
To show appreciation to any contact, choose an attractive golf gift set they are sure to enjoy. The Executive Golf Gift Set has a chic brass finish, giving your message a professional look. It comes with a combination hat clip and ball marker, a divot tool and an additional ball marker. The Wilson 3-Ball Display Gift Set comes with everything needed for a game of golf. The set includes three quality balls, a hat clip, a ball marker and tees. And it’s all packaged in an attractive tin window box. Consider giving every attendee at your next event a Collapsible Kan Cooler Golf Event Pack. This fun set comes with a can cooler, golf balls, tees and a divot tool/ball marker—all featuring your logo.
  Hit a hole in one with your promotions!
Not only do these unique golf giveaways make memorable promotional items, they also provide a reason to invite customers and prospects to the course to spend some time together. Hitting the links might help strengthen business relationships. In fact, a round of golf could even lead to a big sale. Start scheduling your tee times, and don’t forget the golf promotional items.
The post Get seen on the green with unique golf giveaways appeared first on 4imprint Learning Center.
Get seen on the green with unique golf giveaways published first on https://getyourlogos.tumblr.com/
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
Two-Ball Golf Ball Retriever
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linksatheartland · 5 years
We are open! COVID-19 & golfer safety.
In light of COVID-19, we are taking action to provide you with the safest environment possible at The Links at Heartland Crossing. Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our staff & golfers.
Below is what we need everyone to do for the next 14 plus days:
All transactions will be limited to online bookings through our website or over the phone.  The staff can charge you for you tee time over the phone via credit card.  If you book a for a group, please instruct your group to call ahead and pay.  This way you can load up and go to the first tee.  No cash at this time to limit contact points for customers and staff.
All golf carts will be sold to one person and NO rider
We have 50 fully functional golf carts at this time and will be working diligently to get more operational.  Carts will be first come first serve basis and when we expire our carts, walking will be the option until we get some sanitized and turned.
The main restrooms in the clubhouse will be closed during this time.  We have added two bathrooms next to the golf shop should you need them.  They are single user bathrooms.
Beverages and snacks will be limited to the golf shop and carry out only.  We will not have coolers available at this time so any six pack purchase will go in a plastic bag.
The on course bathrooms will remain closed at this time.
Do not remove the flag stick for any reason.  We have equipped each hole with a pool noodle that will raise the level of the hole and limit players reaching in to retrieve their golf ball.
The golf shop will have a limit of no more than 10 people at one time.  We ask anyone in the shop to be mindful of the 6 foot social distance radius.  If this becomes an issue, we will be forced to close the golf shop.
Merchandise sales will be limited to golf balls and tees.  This is an effort to limit touch points and possible contamination points.
Treat all bunkers as Ground Repair in the absence of rakes.  Put the ball as near as possible to the point where the ball lay in the bunker.
We want everyone out there to stay safe, stay healthy but at the same time enjoy this great game of golf.  With any luck and due diligence, this will be a temporary thing and we can go back to normal in the near future.
The post We are open! COVID-19 & golfer safety. appeared first on The Links at Heartland Crossing.
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adastraradionews · 5 years
AM updates 3-20
The Rice County Weed Department has temporarily suspended all chemical sales for at least the next two weeks. At that time they will re-evaluate and advise the public on what will come down the road.
Hutchinson USD 308 will roll out their continuous learning plan to families in the district starting April 6th. This will be a combination of online services and paper packets. They will also at a later date announce when you will be able to retrive student possession from district buildings. USD 308 also has announced since they were originally scheduled to have spring break next week they will not be offering meals... those will resume March 30th and additional locations will be added.
Buhler USD 313 is having another Facebook Live video session this morning at 9 to provide updates on their plans.
The Lyons Housing Authority is now restricting access to the public at their properties, and are asking residents to contact the LHA office and limit work orders to emergencies noly. In addition, the Lyons Senior Center located at Park Place has cancelled all open to the public activities including the potluck or covered dish. They will continue to serve those in Park Place.
The Volunteer Center of Reno County has made a number of program changes due to the COVID-19 situation. In addition to the earlier announced closing of their Volunteer Income Tax site, they have for now suspended all Friends in Action companionship matches, with volunteers to contact their matched senior by phone instead of making in-home visits. Their FAST shopping volunteers did make their grocery shopping trips for seniors this week... they are not scheduled to shop again until the week of April 6th, and an evaluation will take place based on conditions then to see what happens.
The City of Kingman last night announced City Hall and other city buildings are now closed to the general public until further notice. Nobody will be admitted into city hall except for vary rare circumstances and on approval of either the City Manager, City Clerk, or Building Inspector. Building permits is needed will be issued from 9-11 AM and new utility service requests from 2-4 PM, with no more than one person in the City Hall vestibule at one time. They will have updated on www.cityofkingman.com and ther facebook page. If you have questions, call 532-3111
McPherson USD 418's alternate feeding program will start Monday. Their program, like many others, will include lunch and the next day's breakfast for children age 1-18. Meals will be served weekdays from 11 until 1:15 with pickup locatons on the south side of McPherson Middle School, Roosevelt Elementary school on the west side, and on the west side of Lincoln Elementary School. Children must be present for meals to be provided, and meals will not be consumed on-site.
Inman USD 448 will making plans for a meal pickup program, with the plan to distribute sack lunches in one of the school parking lots between 11-1 Monday-Friday. They are also working on a plan to deliver meals by bus to rural students. More details on plans for students are expected to be put toward the end of next week with remote instruction expected to start March 30th.
Organizers of the cancelled NJCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament have announced those who had season tickets for this year have the option of rolling their tickets over to the 2021 championship or getting refunds. If you want a refund, contact the ticket office at 620-669-9846 or e-mail [email protected]... Deadline to request refunds is May 31st.
The Reno County Landfill has made changes to minimize exposure and spread of COVID-19. All haulers, citizens and businesses are to stay in their vehicles, with the scale associate to come to you to deliver and/or retrieve any paperwork you may have or need. Roofers and construction haulers will need to have their worksite verification forms filled out prior to coming across the scale.
The Lyons Public Golf Course is remaining open for members and the public at this time. As part of their precautionary measures rakes and ball washers have been pulled from the course, and cups and flag sticks will be sanitized mutiple times each day. Sanitizing wipes are provided in the Pro Shop to wipe down the credit card kiosk before and after payment... Carts will also be sanitized before and after each use. They are strongly recommeding golfers not use saliva to clean golf balls or clubs, to bring their own hand sanitizers for use during the round and to not gather in large groups after your round is done.
McPherson VIP Cinemas have temporarily closed due to COVID-19.
The Inman Public Library has closed to the public, which will be evaluated on a week to week basis. They will be there from 1-3 PM to take phoone calls and e-mails. They are also asking those who have materials from there to keep them at home for now as their lock box has been locked, with due dates to be extended and fines waived.
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