#Gold Nuggets Manufacturers
"Every VILLAIN is a HERO in their own mind."
It is time to evaluate who Harry is TODAY, not how we remember him growing up with his sweet charming smile, but today Harry is: a Grade A abuser.
George the Giant Slayer created a brilliant overview of the fictional book Spare. This is an excellent primer for anyone new to the story of the Montecito HUSTLER and a HATER. I recommend slowing down the speed of his video because there is much gold to be mined. Remember to read the funny captions George inserts in all his videos.😉
A few gold nuggets:
Spare is Harry's Temper Tantrum bc he was told "No." We are now watching a PR psychological snuff series
Harry is an Grade A abuser. Abusers lavish praise just before they attack
Harry is a Grade A abuser. His positive words of love, turn to ashes in his mouth as he punches the royal women & stabs the royal men with knives in the gut
Every great life has to be earned, cannot be lived off the backs of others
Duke of do nothing & his doppelganger duchess demanding to be worshipped by everyone
A half wit hater has been transformed into a full time bonafide royal traitor
Harry is high on hate to feather Meghan's nest & hurt the royal family
Harry is so high on hate, he snorts anger to smile and smokes spite in order to profit from manufactured pain
Hater and the Hustler intimatated to oprah that the royals were racists
Harry even lies by omission
Harry stabbed country & family in the back
Harry has a drug addled brain
Without Diana Harry has no story
Harry endeavors to bring down the monarchy to elevate his hustler wife to stardom so she can live the celebrity life
Harry is a cheap celebrity posing as a prince
The good men v the bad men in this story:
Prince William (a true gentleman) took the high road of silence
They are weaponized hypocrites on a round-the- clock revenge whine-a-thon which tells us they are slowly running out of cash
Meghan & Harry set a bear trap so the press would report kills to force someone to pay for their security
Mechanism to reassrt control and control is always about fear
Not a book, but a reengineering of their narrative to reasserrt their perspective. But his unwillingness to give up the titles shows you Harry is not a real man doing any of this out of love. If he gave up the titles, fully dissociated himself from the brf then his new family would truly be protected. Instead Harry is a person with nothing to offer on his own. He needs the titles to play the long con but in the end the truth will win out.
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thepitofjob · 4 days
Job 22: 22-30. "The Push."
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Learning drives out evil, so it is the learned who must always be in charge. We should no more put ignorant men in charge of the temple than we should let them operate during surgery but we do. The reason for this is we believe we have achieved the maximum amount of enlightenment from religion that we can and attainment that is at the discretion of a didactic few. The Gemara is used to refute the capacity of man to learn.
This belief is what is called the Ophir, "to obtain what is desired at the expense of what one has when it is depleted of strength." The desire to be ever new, always free is the result of the Hebrew term. We can and must always fathom God and the creation and they are never the same due to what is called Shaddai El, "the gods that keep things stirred up." We do not say God is experimenting on us, trying to keep us off balance, but nature has certain dictates to which we must adhere and one pertains to the instability within the Self, especially as we age, as mankind ages.
The prophet says the choices we make must change along with us if we want the Almighty to be our God and find the bounty hidden in His Words. As the Psalter says, one little thing remains a secret to us even after all this time:
21 “Submit to God and be at peace with him;     in this way prosperity will come to you. 22 Accept instruction from his mouth     and lay up his words in your heart. 23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored:     If you remove wickedness far from your tent 24 and assign your nuggets to the dust,     your gold of Ophir to the rocks in the ravines, 25 then the Almighty will be your gold,     the choicest silver for you. 26 Surely then you will find delight in the Almighty     and will lift up your face to God. 27 You will pray to him, and he will hear you,     and you will fulfill your vows. 28 What you decide on will be done,     and light will shine on your ways. 29 When people are brought low and you say, ‘Lift them up!’     then he will save the downcast. 30 He will deliver even one who is not innocent,     who will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands.”
Why is man not happy, why is he not good? Job, the dreaming man asks. The answer is he has decided not to sharpen his aptitude. It's not as if we don't have the knowledge or experience to be an highly evolved and sophisticated mankind, we have decided this is not for us, and subjected the rest to hell on earth. The Rab hypothesizes it is because of the love of money, which it might be but there is immense profit in the relief of poverty. All the roi on earth one could want is to be found in the redemption of man through the relief of poverty.
The King of England, the King of Denmark, any monarch with a constitutional right to mint money and the Federal Reserve in the USA can print money with impunity without a need to pay it back. All money in circulation is printed by the government, its not done by magic and flows into the hands of government employees and private enterprises. An initiative designed to intelligently mint money for the sake of paying back the debt of poverty and turn $2 a day households into $200 a day households due to higher earning power would cause the private sector to boom. Cell phone and internet companies, clothing stores, restaurants, car manufacturers, hotels, airlines, furniture stores, appliance manufacturers, concert halls, all of it would benefit if our governments were to invest in the poor. It is very wise and very good to this and it would make people happy and not too corrupt, because the implications are these things are the product of a general increase in the aptitude of the world's population. It would permit a more thoroughly illuminated dialogue about what to do at any time.
To add this feature of Ophir to a Gemara, the Values in Gematria state:
v. 21-22: Submit and be at peace.
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There are laws that decide how well educated our children must be all around the world, and there are standards well above this. Territorial governors that are falling short in educational standards can be relieved of duty and arrested.
Convention against Discrimination in Education: This 1960 UNESCO instrument is the first international instrument to extensively cover the right to education. It is binding in international law and has been ratified by 107 states. 
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: This document states that primary education should be free and compulsory for all. It also states that parents should be free to choose schools for their children that meet minimum educational standards. 
OECD Legal Instruments: These guidelines aim to encourage international cooperation and improve the quality of cross-border higher education. They also protect students and stakeholders from low-quality providers. 
Blueprint for Global Legal Education: This project aims to develop a global blueprint for legal education by comparing practices, developing benchmarks, and raising awareness of standards.
The Number is 10745, י‎ז‎דה, yazda, "you need to know."
v. 23-24: Remove the wickedness from your tent. Just as the male wiener reproduces sin, so does the mind when it harbors ignorance and guilt. All tents and their tent poles begin in the mind. If the tent is pitched with something artisanal in intent, it can lead to Shabbat. If it is a whore's tent, it will lead to disease and death. Either way, one cannot live in a tent.
The Number is 12722, יב‎ןךב‎, yavnechav, "find someplace you can rest."
v. 25-26: Surely then you will find delight in the Almighty and lift up your face. No one puts on a skirt leans an autoharp on their lap and strums away singing hymn songs to God once they find Him. That is just outrageously stupid. The Sanskrit equivalent of delight is the result of what is called mumuksutwam, "a burning desire for liberation." All the conditions in the mind must be prepared for Self Liberation, what is called Shabbat by the Jews is the result of what is called mumuksa.
We force young people to endure the Shule or the Ashram whether they have discovered mumuksa or not but still we talk about it, we fan the desire knowing one day, self-definition will one day save the person's life.
Cute dumb and happy, while highly desirable are an unlikely combination, so we follow the Torah and used forced labor to teach young people how to be competent just to be sure.
Forced labor is found in two places in the Torah. One, in Shmot, suggests the Egyptians used it against the Israelites who were too uppity for their liking. Recall the Egyptians hated progress and change, they were brutal about it. There was a caste system, and that was the end of them...notice they are no longer here:
6 Now Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation died, 7 but the Israelites were exceedingly fruitful; they multiplied greatly, increased in numbers and became so numerous that the land was filled with them.
8 Then a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power in Egypt. 9 “Look,” he said to his people, “the Israelites have become far too numerous for us. 10 Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country.”
11 So they put slave masters over them to oppress them with forced labor, and they built Pithom [house of Pitah, "evil engineering"] and Rameses [son of the sun] as store cities for Pharaoh. 12 But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread; so the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites 13 and worked them ruthlessly. 14 They made their lives bitter with harsh labor in brick and mortar and with all kinds of work in the fields; in all their harsh labor the Egyptians worked them ruthlessly.
=Egyptians = miserly and miserable people like the Mormons and Evangelicals who worship themselves and each other like little gods, and invest everything in the afterlife while the real world rots.
Forced labor is the essence of the Ophir as change requires it. This is very good for society as persons who self-realize the details of their lives that make them happy are unlikely to forfeit them too easily nor borrow others by force. Self-definition protects all of us.
The other mention of forced labor is found in Shoftim, in which God says a Jew is always the slave master, never ever the other way around, and why:
20 When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you. 2 When you are about to go into battle, the priest shall come forward and address the army. 3 He shall say: “Hear, Israel: Today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not panic or be terrified by them. 4 For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”
5 The officers shall say to the army: “Has anyone built a new house and not yet begun to live in it? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else may begin to live in it. 6 Has anyone planted a vineyard and not begun to enjoy it? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else enjoy it. 7 Has anyone become pledged to a woman and not married her? Let him go home, or he may die in battle and someone else marry her.” 8 Then the officers shall add, “Is anyone afraid or fainthearted? Let him go home so that his fellow soldiers will not become disheartened too.” 9 When the officers have finished speaking to the army, they shall appoint commanders over it.
10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God.
19 When you lay siege to a city for a long time, fighting against it to capture it, do not destroy its trees by putting an ax to them, because you can eat their fruit. Do not cut them down. Are the trees people, that you should besiege them?[b] 20 However, you may cut down trees that you know are not fruit trees and use them to build siege works until the city at war with you falls.
-> Recall Moses told the 20 year olds to lay siege to Canaan and take its resources for themselves,  18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God.
Va'etchannan says this war takes Seven Days to wage, to turn rough terrain populated by troglodytes and losers into a Land of Promise:
-> There are Seven Nations and Seven Days:
The First Day: Hittites "who fears".
The Second Day: Girgashites "thieves, infertile",
The Third Day: Amorites "talkers", 
The Fourth Day: Canaanites "royals",
The Fifth Day: Perizzites "rural villager", 
The Sixth Day: Hivites "tent villagers" and
The Seventh Day: Jebusites "those trodden down".
The Number is 10520, יהך‎, yehach, "willpower."
v. 27-28: You will pray and he will hear you. God does not want to hear us pray, he could care less. Other men need to hear us pray. Prayers are a signs of supplication to other men with whom we share reality. Men who are free listen to prayers, men who are not free make the prayers.
The Number is 14818, ידח‎א‎ח, "Push."
As the passage above from Shoftim states, among other things Judaism represents the art of warfare, in the mind and the real thing. The world is petting the PM like he is a nice dog, but the Lord has stated he must kill his enemies and not his smile while he does it. Other men of other faiths can be weak and diplomatic and wring their hands over explosions of activity on a geopolitical basis but as the Psalter says, the enemies of God shall not live alongside His friends. The enemies of Israel are all going to die and they are going to stay dead.
This is what it means to push.
v. 29-30: When people are brought low, lift them up. The Number is 16156, י״וי״הו‎, "the Eleventh Century."
=1824, יהודא, "Judah"
Ten centuries. a thousand years, is how long it takes for mankind to achieve one Ophir, to exhaust a negative tendency and replace it with a noble virtue.
The First Century is 1226, אבו, abu, "a want", and the Twelfth is 2080, ךף, "a spoon."
Since we can combine Hebrew terms in any degree or order and obtain the counsel of the Almighty what we have so far is "A desire is a spoonful of glory."
You take the spoonful, I'll take the whole pot.
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A tent is too small, and a fight is not big enough for the glory God had in mind for us. So our Gemara says the usual, the world must work with greater speed and efficacy towards the Mashiach and this means the beanbags we have working for us in public office need to be told to pony up. Our public education and justice systems are just fucked and there is no good reason why. Our lives therefore are on hold, trapped in a tiny well the size of a spoon until they clean their hands up and act.
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zov911 · 1 month
Title: How Digital Analytics is Shaping the Future of the Canadian Manufacturing Sector In the ever-evolving world of industry and tech, Canadian enterprises find themselves toe-to-toe with impressive advancements that can shape the future landscape of our very own manufacturing sector. Right at the cusp of this digital revolution? Digital analytics. This article takes a closer look at how exactly digital analytics is ushering in a new era for the Canadian manufacturing sector, effecting powerful change and transformative growth. So, what exactly is digital analytics, eh? At its core, digital analytics refers to the relentless examination and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data from your business and the competition. It offers detailed insights into customer behaviour, market trends, and operational efficiencies. Simply put, it’s a bit like panning for gold in the murky waters of Big Data, except that instead of a glinting nugget, you find invaluable business intelligence. Through digital analytics, Canadian manufacturers can make sense of the complete customer journey, from attracting interest to facilitating purchases and, ultimately, fostering loyalty. When it comes to online user activity, digital analytics is a keen observer and interpreter, turning skookum amounts of data into actionable insights for strategy formulation and decision-making processes. True North manufacturers are becoming savvy to the multiple benefits of digital analytics—increased productivity, enhanced customer experiences, and greater profitability, to start. But the quintessential advantage lies in the ability of the organizations to become more agile and responsive to change. This agility is particularly crucial in the age of Industry 4.0, in which digital integration is not just a luxury, but a key to survival. We’re witnessing a seismic shift in how businesses operate, and digital analytics is at the helm. One gem of an application of digital analytics in our manufacturing sector is predictive maintenance. Canadian manufacturers, from the automotive connoisseurs in Ontario to oil and gas giants in Alberta, are leveraging digital analytics to anticipate equipment failure and schedule maintenance proactively. Gone are the days of reacting to breakdowns; with digital analytics, it’s always smooth sailing, ensuring uninterrupted production and, consequently, a chuffed customer base. Digital analytics is also a tour de force in terms of enhancing supply chain efficiency. Savvy folks across our homeland are employing it to identify patterns in supplier behaviour, streamline inventory management, and optimize delivery logistics. Such insights not only minimize expenditure but contribute significantly to sustainability efforts—an area in which Canada is striving to be a global frontrunner. In conclusion, digital analytics is the ace up the Canadian manufacturing sector's sleeve. While its deployment may seem like a schlep, it's an investment that will continue to pay dividends in the form of invaluable insights, operational efficiencies, and better bottom lines. Therefore, whether we're producing poutine in Quebec or spacecraft in British Columbia, it's about High Time businesses across our True North strong and free embraced digital analytics, spearheading innovation, fostering economic growth, and shaping our collective industrial future. It's crystal clear - the future of the Canadian manufacturing sector is analytical, eh? Case Study: The Case of Mayfair Foundry & Manufacturing Co One intriguing example that brings the impact of digital analytics in Canadian manufacturing sector to light is the transformation of Mayfair Foundry & Manufacturing Co., a Toronto-based company. After decades in the manufacturing industry, Mayfair realized it needed to adapt and evolve in order to compete in the modern manufacturing landscape. With growing local and international competition, the company turned towards digital analytics to optimize its operations and decision-making processes.
Recognizing the Power of Data Following a series of market challenges, the leadership of Mayfair realized that the company's dated processes were hindering growth. The first step towards leveraging digital analytics was a thorough analysis of available data, which included production times, material costs, human resources, and client feedback. Understanding the information obtained was pivotal, as it marked Mayfair’s first step towards making data-driven decisions. Investment and Collaboration Mayfair decided to invest in digital analytics tools and collaborative software solutions to transform their business. They engaged a third-party analytics firm to guide them in setting up an analytics strategy. This included identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), setting up the right tracking and analytics tools, and training in-house teams to analyze and interpret the data. Solving the Puzzle With their digital analytics strategy in place, the company began uncovering actionable insights. For instance, analysis of the production line data revealed certain inefficiencies causing production delays which led to client dissatisfaction and lost revenue. Using this information, Mayfair made a series of adjustments in their production process, which almost immediately led to improved product quality and on-time delivery rates. Moreover, by analyzing the data of raw material usage and wastage, Mayfair was able to initiate steps to optimize material usage and reduce waste, which subsequently lowered production costs. The newly integrated digital tools also enabled seamless communication between different teams, supporting an informed, nimble, and effective decision-making process. Tangible Changes, Real Results By integrating digital analytics into its operations, Mayfair experienced an increase in productivity and profitability. They have recorded a 30% increase in productivity, a significant reduction in production costs, and an improvement in delivery times. Client satisfaction has also spiked, resulting in new opportunities for contracts, thus ensuring Mayfair’s foothold in the market. Lessons and Recommendations Mayfair’s transformation illustrates the potential of digital analytics in revitalizing the manufacturing sector. Canadian manufacturers can adopt similar steps to ensure their growth and sustainability: 1. Develop a clear understanding of available data and its potential to transform operations. 2. Invest in the right digital analytics tools. The choice of tools should be guided by business needs and identified KPIs. 3. Training is essential. In-house teams need to be equipped to interpret data for effective decision-making. 4. Implement changes based on data insights. This is arguably the most critical aspect. Data is only useful if the insights obtained are used to promote change. 5. Be patient. Remember, results from changes anchored by data insights might take time to materialize. "Ready to leverage digital analytics to propel your manufacturing business into the future? Contact us today to discover how we can transform your Canadian manufacturing operations with data-driven solutions!" Start Your Digital Transformation Now! "Digital analytics are projected to help Canadian manufacturers reduce costs by 25%, improve productivity by 15%, and service quality by 10%, representing a multi-billion dollar increase in profits."
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thewholesalejeweler · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 14k Gold Nugget Coin Bezel Ring (coin not included).
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chrisundertaking · 6 months
Golden Dreams: Embarking on an Epic Journey of Home Gold Panning
Have you ever fantasized about uncovering gleaming gold nuggets without stepping foot outside your door? The ancient art of gold panning, once reserved for riverside adventurers, has now found its way into the hearts and homes of enthusiasts worldwide. In this comprehensive guide, we'll unveil the secrets of transforming your backyard into a treasure trove, where every gentle shake of the pan holds the promise of valuable discoveries.
Unraveling the Mysteries of Home Gold Panning
The journey begins with the gathering of essential tools. At the heart of your gold panning adventure lies the indispensable gold pan. Opt for a high-quality model like the Black or Green 14" Gold Pan from Royal Manufacturing Industries, engineered to facilitate efficient gold separation with its innovative design featuring riffles and a deep basin.
Next, it's time to select your panning location. While you may not have access to natural waterways on your property, fear not. With a bit of creativity, you can recreate the panning experience using common materials such as sand or soil. Create a designated "panning area" outdoors, ensuring compliance with local regulations and respect for private property boundaries.
The Art of Panning: Step-by-Step Guide
With your equipment and location prepared, it's time to delve into the intricacies of the panning process. Begin by filling your gold pan with a mixture of sand, soil, and small pebbles, replicating the sediment found in gold-bearing streams. Add water to the pan to form a slurry, essential for effective separation.
Submerge the pan in water and initiate the gentle shaking motion, allowing the current to carry away lighter materials. As you tilt the pan forward, the heavier gold particles, if present, will gradually settle at the bottom, beckoning towards the promise of hidden riches.
Continue the process of separating gold from other materials with patience and precision. With each subtle movement, the shimmering flakes of gold will reveal themselves amidst the sediment, a testament to your newfound mastery of the age-old craft.
The Value Beyond Monetary Wealth
As the thrill of discovery captivates your senses, you may wonder, is panning for gold truly worth the effort? While the quest for large nuggets remains a rarity, the true value of gold panning transcends mere monetary gain. It's a journey of self-discovery, a tranquil retreat into nature's embrace, and a bridge connecting past and present through the timeless allure of gold.
Navigating the Terrain: Choosing the Right Location
While the allure of panning at home is undeniable, aspiring prospectors must navigate the terrain wisely. Extensive research is paramount, as certain areas boast rich deposits of gold-bearing streams. Engage with local prospecting clubs and forums to glean invaluable insights into promising locations, enhancing the likelihood of a bountiful discovery.
Mastering the Craft: Persistence and Patience
Is gold panning a daunting endeavor reserved for seasoned experts? Far from it. Designed to be accessible to enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels, gold panning rewards persistence and patience above all else. With each practice session, your proficiency will soar, and the likelihood of unearthing gold treasures will increase exponentially.
Conclusion: Embark on a Golden Odyssey
In conclusion, panning for gold at home offers an exhilarating odyssey of exploration and discovery. Armed with the right equipment, knowledge, and a dash of adventurous spirit, you're poised to embark on a journey where every shimmering flake holds the promise of untold riches. So, heed the call of adventure, and let your golden dreams take flight amidst the tranquil embrace of nature. For more information, visit: https://chrisundertaking.com/
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ananya5400 · 7 months
Plant-based Meat Market Size, Share, Growth Strategies, Region, and Future Forecast 2027
The global plant-based meat market size is estimated to be valued at USD 7.9 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 15.7 billion by 2027, recording a CAGR of 14.7% in terms of value during the forecast period. Plant-based meat products serve as an alternative to animal meat. The rise in consumption of plant-based meat is either due to medical reasons or lifestyle changes.
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Download PDF Brochure:  https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=44922705
The food retail segment among distribution channels is estimated to have the largest market
Based on the distribution channel, the food retail segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the plant-based meat market in 2022. Food retail refers to operating retail, supermarkets, hypermarket stores, and other stores where various products, such as grocery items, vegetables, uncooked meat, and frozen products, are made available to consumers. The distribution channel is already popular among consumers worldwide due to the wide availability of various products. Therefore, this distribution channel is being used by established plant-based meat companies and startups to increase the penetration of their products in the market, making it the largest segment during the forecast period in the plant-based meat market.
The burger patties segment is projected to grow at the highest CAGR in the plant-based meat market during the forecast period
By product, the plant-based meat market is segmented into burger patties, strips & nuggets, sausages, meatballs, and other products. The other products include slices, fillets, cutlets, fingers, and crumbles. Burgers are generally very popular among consumers globally, particularly in North America. With the growing veganism trend and health consciousness, the demand for plant-based burgers is on the rise. The segment has been dominating the market historically and is expected to continue doing so during the forecast period, making it the fastest-growing product segment in the plant-based meat market.
Europe region holds the largest share in the plant-based meat market
The European plant-based meat market accounted for the largest market share in 2020. This dominance is attributed to the rising health concerns among consumers regarding meat products and the exponentially growing veganism trend in the region. Furthermore, European plant-based meat manufacturers focus on developing innovative products backed by appropriate research and development facilities available in the region. Several European retailers and supermarkets have added plant-based meat products to their product range to cater to the rising demand for plant-based meat products across the region.
Top Companies in Plant-based Meat Market
Key players in this market include Beyond Meat (US), Kellogg Company (US), Impossible Foods Inc. (US), Maple Leaf Foods (Canada), Unilever (UK), Conagra Foods (US), Tofurky (US), Gold&Green Foods Ltd (Finland), Sunfed (New Zealand), and Monde Nissin (Philippines).
Beyond Meat (US), a Delaware Corporation is one of the biggest alternative protein brands offering a portfolio of plant-based meats. The company markets the plant-based product via three categories: beef, pork, and poultry. Beyond Meats range of plant-based meat products can be categorized into four segments: Beyond Burgers, Beyond Sausage, Beyond Beef, and Beyond Beef Crumbles. The company has a wide presence in the US. Its factories are in Columbia and Missouri of the US.
Impossible Foods Inc., (us), manufactures plant-based products by observing animal products at the molecular level and selects specific proteins and nutrients from greens, seeds, and grains to recreate meat and dairy products. Impossible Foods Inc. has its first large-scale food manufacturing site located in Oakland, California. The countries where the company has its presence include the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore.
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Turning Waste Into Gold - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/turning-waste-into-gold-technology-org/
Turning Waste Into Gold - Technology Org
ETH Zurich researchers have recovered the precious metal from electronic waste. Their highly sustainable new method is based on a protein fibril sponge, which the scientists derive from whey, a food industry byproduct.
The gold nugget obtained from computer motherboards in three parts. The largest of these parts is around five millimetres wide. Image credit: ETH Zurich / Alan Kovacevic
Transforming base materials into gold was one of the elusive goals of the alchemists of yore. Now Professor Raffaele Mezzenga from the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich has accomplished something in that vein. He has not of course transformed another chemical element into gold, as the alchemists sought to do. But he has managed to recover gold from electronic waste using a byproduct of the cheesemaking process.
Electronic waste contains a variety of valuable metals, including copper, cobalt, and even significant amounts of gold. Recovering this gold from disused smartphones and computers is an attractive proposition in view of the rising demand for the precious metal. However, the recovery methods devised to date are energy-​intensive and often require the use of highly toxic chemicals. Now, a group led by ETH Professor Mezzenga has come up with a very efficient, cost-​effective, and above all far more sustainable method: with a sponge made from a protein matrix, the researchers have successfully extracted gold from electronic waste.
Selective gold adsorption
To manufacture the sponge, Mohammad Peydayesh, a senior scientist in Mezzenga’s Group, and his colleagues denatured whey proteins under acidic conditions and high temperatures, so that they aggregated into protein nanofibrils in a gel. The scientists then dried the gel, creating a sponge out of these protein fibrils.
To recover gold in the laboratory experiment, the team salvaged the electronic motherboards from 20 old computer motherboards and extracted the metal parts. They dissolved these parts in an acid bath so as to ionise the metals.
When they placed the protein fibre sponge in the metal ion solution, the gold ions adhered to the protein fibres. Other metal ions can also adhere to the fibres, but gold ions do so much more efficiently. The researchers demonstrated this in their paper, which they have published in the journal external pageAdvanced Materialscall_made.
How the gold is recovered: Gold ions adhere to a sponge of protein fibrils. Image credit: Peydayesh M et al. Advanced Materials, 2024, adapted
As the next step, the researchers heated the sponge. This reduced the gold ions into flakes, which the scientists subsequently melted down into a gold nugget. In this way, they obtained a nugget of around 450 milligrams out of the 20 computer motherboards. The nugget was 91 percent gold (the remainder being copper), which corresponds to 22 carats.
Economically viable
The new technology is commercially viable, as Mezzenga’s calculations show: procurement costs for the source materials added to the energy costs for the entire process are 50 times lower than the value of the gold that can be recovered.
Next, the researchers want to develop the technology to ready it for the market. Although electronic waste is the most promising starting product from which they want to extract gold, there are other possible sources. These include industrial waste from microchip manufacturing or from gold-​plating processes. In addition, the scientists plan to investigate whether they can manufacture the protein fibril sponges out of other protein-​rich byproducts or waste products from the food industry.
“The fact I love the most is that we’re using a food industry byproduct to obtain gold from electronic waste,” Mezzenga says. In a very real sense, he observes, the method transforms two waste products into gold. “You can’t get much more sustainable than that!”
Source: ETH Zurich
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firoz857 · 10 months
Gold nuggets in the California Desert | chrisundertaking
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We went digging for gold nuggets on my gold claim in the California desert. We used my brand-new Royal Manufacturing drywasher to process dirt and capture gold. How many gold nuggets would we find?  
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groupdelwar · 1 year
Cheap Gold Melting Furnace: Simplifying the Art of Precious Metal Melting
Welcome to the future of precious metal refining! In this AI-generated content, we'll introduce you to the wonders of a cheap gold melting furnace. If you're curious about turning scrap gold into shiny ingots or want to venture into the world of jewelry making, this revolutionary technology is here to assist you.
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What is a Cheap Gold Melting Furnace?
A cheap gold melting furnace is a compact and efficient device that utilizes advanced technology to melt gold and other precious metals. It's designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible even to those new to the process. The furnace operates at controlled temperatures, ensuring safety and precise results.
How does it work?
The furnace employs induction heating, where an electric current generates a magnetic field that induces heat directly into the metal. The metal is placed within a crucible made of a material with high heat resistance. As the temperature rises, the metal gradually liquefies, and impurities or unwanted elements are separated, leaving you with pure molten gold.
Why choose a Cheap Gold Melting Furnace?
Affordability: Traditional melting methods can be expensive, but the cheap gold melting furnace offers a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality.
Ease of Use: You don't need to be an expert to operate the furnace. Its simple interface and automatic features make it accessible to everyone.
Compact Size: Unlike industrial furnaces, these devices are small and portable, making them suitable for small workshops or even home use.
Energy-Efficient: Induction heating is highly efficient, minimizing energy waste and reducing your environmental impact.
Safety: The furnace is designed with safety features, such as auto shut-off and temperature controls, ensuring a secure melting process.
Applications of a Cheap Gold Melting Furnace
Jewelry Making: Craft exquisite gold jewelry pieces right from your home or studio.
Gold Refining: Turn scrap gold, old jewelry, or gold nuggets into valuable investment-grade gold bars.
Metal Casting: Use the molten metal for casting intricate shapes and designs.
Dental and Medical Applications: In dental labs and medical facilities, the furnace can be used to work with precious metal alloys.
FAQs about Cheap Gold Melting Furnaces:
Q: Can I use the furnace for metals other than gold?
A: Absolutely! The furnace can melt various precious metals like silver, platinum, and more.
Q: Is it safe to use at home?
A: Yes, these furnaces are designed with safety features, and as long as you follow the instructions, they are safe for home use.
Q: How long does it take to melt gold?
A: The melting time varies based on the quantity of gold, but it usually takes just a few minutes.
Q: Do I need special training to operate it?
A: No, the furnace is user-friendly and comes with easy-to-follow instructions.
Q: Can I adjust the melting temperature?
A: Yes, you can set and adjust the melting temperature according to your requirements.
Q: How much electricity does it consume?
A: These furnaces are energy-efficient and consume less electricity compared to traditional methods.
Q: Can I use it outdoors?
A: It is recommended to use the furnace in a well-ventilated area, but outdoor use is possible.
Q: What is the maximum amount of gold it can melt at once?
A: The melting capacity varies, but most furnaces can handle several kilograms of gold.
Q: Does it come with a warranty?
A: Yes, reputable manufacturers often provide a warranty for their products.
Q: Can I use it for professional purposes?
A: Yes, while it is suitable for hobbyists, it's also a reliable tool for professional applications.
Q: Is it easy to clean the furnace after use?
A: Yes, cleaning is straightforward and usually involves removing the crucible and wiping the interior.
Q: Can I monitor the melting process?
A: Many furnaces have transparent lids, allowing you to observe the melting progress.
Q: Is there any maintenance required?
A: Regular maintenance is minimal, mainly involving keeping the furnace clean and free from debris.
Q: Can I sell the gold ingots I produce?
A: Yes, once you've melted and refined the gold, you can sell it to reputable buyers or jewelers.
Q: Can the furnace handle large-scale operations?
A: While it's great for small to medium-scale projects, large-scale industrial use might require more substantial equipment.
Q: Can I recycle old gold jewelry with stones in the furnace?
A: It's best to remove stones or gems before melting, as they might not withstand the high temperatures.
Q: Are spare parts easily available?
A: Reputable manufacturers often provide spare parts and customer support.
Q: Does the furnace come with temperature presets?
A: Some models might have preset temperature options for convenience.
Q: Is the furnace noisy when operating?
A: Induction heating is relatively quiet, so the furnace's noise level is generally low.
Q: Can I use it to melt non-precious metals?
A: While it's primarily designed for precious metals, some models can handle certain non-precious metals.
Q: Can I use it to melt gold coins?
A: It's generally not recommended to melt numismatic coins, as it may affect their value.
Q: Can I create custom alloys with the furnace?
A: Yes, you can mix different metals to create custom alloys to suit your needs.
Q: Is there any special ventilation required?
A: Adequate ventilation is recommended to ensure proper air circulation during the melting process.
Q: Does it come with temperature control features?
A: Yes, most furnaces have precise temperature control options.
Q: Can I use it for melting gemstones?
A: No, the furnace is designed for metal melting and should not be used for gemstones.
In conclusion, 
a cheap gold melting furnace is a game-changer for hobbyists, small businesses, and professionals in the world of precious metal work. With its ease of use, affordability, and safety features, it opens up a world of possibilities for creative endeavors and metal refining. So why wait? Embrace the future of gold melting and unlock the potential of your precious metals today!
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earthlyjoyglobal · 1 year
Why Goldmine Is A Better Choice
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Spices are the heart of every cuisine. Spices help bring Aroma, Color and Taste to otherwise Dull, Bland and Boring food. They are also a crucial ingredient of every recipe all over the world.
Spices are also known to have an amazing array of medicinal properties which help check excessive hunger, boosts metabolism, helps fight inflammation, etc. and because of these rare qualities, Spices were once considered as precious as Gold. India is the biggest producer and exporter of spices and it is known as the ‘Land of Spices’. For centuries, exotic Indian spices have created a buffet flavours, deliciousness and transformed ordinary recipe to a culinary masterpiece.
Goldmine – from the Earthly Joy Global Pvt. Ltd. family – brings to you world-class products that will not only attract your taste buds, but also make you a celebrity at your every party, family gathering and get together. Each and every product from Goldmine is Flavoursome and of High Quality. Also, the ingredients are sourced from farms that focus on good quality produce, environmental health and the health of consumers over monetary profits. 
Goldmine brings to you a wide variety of products like Green Chilli Powder, Garlic Powder, Ginger Powder, Jaggery Powder, Jaggery Nuggets, Jaggery Blocks, and more. All products are made from carefully selected produce, that is not only on high-quality, but also tastes good. All Goldmine products are made in hygienic and sanitized manufacturing facilities. This unique quality has propelled Goldmine over its competitors and helped customers lead a Happy, Healthy and a Content life.
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imr-riya · 2 years
Plant-Based Meat Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2022 – 2028
Global Plant-Based Meat Market was valued at USD 15.56 Billion in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 39.90 Billion by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 14.4%.
Plant-based meat products are made from plants that mimic the taste, texture, smell, and appearance of meat in every possible way. For instance, plant-based beef is manufactured from soy protein and it tastes just like beef. Genetically produced yeast gives soy proteins a taste and texture simulating that of beef. Moreover, Faux meats are said to be rich in calcium and protein and have a lower fat compared to animal proteins. This is significant for people who suffer from high cholesterol or heart disease, as they can face the same taste and texture in a healthier option. However, consuming animal meat frequently may give increase diseases such as type-2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Plant-based ingredients are a source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, which all have health benefits. Furthermore, reveal that plant-based diets can be useful for diabetes, weight management, and the microbiome. It also suggests that they may support different health problems, such as cholesterol, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, and contain lower levels of saturated fat, and calories as compared to traditional meat. Furthermore, gaining popularity for veganism among the consumer across the globe are leads to trigger the market over the forecast period.
The report's main goal is to provide information on the Plant-Based Meat market's purchasing growth environment, development methods, and demand drivers. The report includes a taxonomy that delves further into significant groups. The research also includes important success elements and visionary insights on market dynamics, such as drivers, opportunities, trends, constraints, and price analysis. The demand patterns in several high-growth nations have been followed, with South Asia, East Asia, and Latin America accounting for the majority of the market share.
To learn more about this report, request a free sample copy:
Key Industry Players in Plant-Based Meat Market:
·         Alpha Foods (US)
·         Beyond Meat (US)
·         Impossible Foods Inc. (US)
·         Hooray Foods (US)
·         Maple Leaf Foods (Canada)
·         The Vegetarian Butcher (Netherlands)
·         Before the Butcher (US)
·         Gardein Protein International (Canada)
·         Yves Veggie Cuisine (Canada)
·         Morningstar Farms (US)
·         Quorn Foods (US)
·         Amy's Kitchen (US)
·         No Evil Foods (US)
·         Tofurky (US)
·         Gold&Green Foods Ltd. (Finland)
·         VBites Food Limited (UK)
·         Sunfed (New Zealand)
·         Planterra Foods (US)
·         Like Meat (Germany)
·         The Meatless Farm Co. (England) and Other major players.
 Plant-based meat is becoming an integral part of a vegan diet, wherein the individuals adopt a vegetarian lifestyle that is devoid of animal-based foods. Consumers are inclining towards veganism for health and ethical reasons, while the other consumers are opting for vegetarian ingredients to avoid animal cruelty and to consume sustainable food and beverage products.
Segmentation Analysis Includes,
By Source:
·         Soy
·         Wheat
·         Pea
·         Other
By Type:
·         Chicken
·         Pork
·         Beef
·         Fish
·         Other
By Product:
·         Burger Patties
·         Sausages
·         Strips & Nuggets
·         Meatballs
·         Other
By Region:
·         North America (U.S., Canada, Mexico)
·         Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Europe)
·         Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
·         Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Africa, Rest of MEA)
·         South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
 Will you have any doubt about this report? Please contact us on:   
Influence of the Report:
·         A comprehensive evaluation of all the opportunities and risks in the Plant-Based Meat market.
·         Recent innovations and major developments in the Plant-Based Meat market.
·         A detailed study of the business strategy for the growth of the player leading in the market.
·         The definitive study on the future growth of the market.
·         In-depth understanding of the Plant-Based Meat market-specific drivers, constraints and key micro markets.
·         Favorable technology and market latest trends to hit the market.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the food system experienced significant shifts, including interruptions to supplies of key inputs, limited access to production spaces, and disruption to the distribution of products. Despite these constraints, plant-based companies adapted and continued to launch new products and grow sales. Trade restrictions across the globe in response to COVID-19 led to disruptions in the food supply chain.
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The COVID-19 pandemic, which led to the imposition of lockdowns, has encouraged consumers to order goods online. This, in turn, is projected to encourage the distributors to move towards online retailing channels. The U.S. has witnessed increasing demand for plant-based meat over the past few years owing to the growing awareness among consumers about the health benefits of veganism. The demand for vegetarian foods that are high in fiber, vitamin C, and iron, and contain low processed saturated fats is on the rise in the U.S.
Related Report: -
About us:
Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyze extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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thewholesalejeweler · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 14k Gold Nugget Coin Bezel Ring (coin not included).
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manideep8 · 2 years
Jackfruit Market Forecast (2021-2026)
The Jackfruit Market size is estimated to reach $359.1 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 3.3% during the forecast period 2021-2026. Jackfruit, also known by its scientific name Artocarpus heterophyllus, is a tree fruit that grows in tropical regions of South Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean. The inflorescences are formed on the trunk, branches, or twigs of the tree, and the ovaries of these flowers fuse together to develop the fruit. Ripe Jackfruits are naturally sweet and, therefore, used in a variety of dishes. Moreover, jackfruits are also used as a strong aromatic substance owing to the presence of compounds such as ethyl isovalerate and propyl isovalerate. The market is driven by the rise in the use of Jackfruit flavored food dishes by manufacturers. However, the high perishability and low shelf-life of jackfruits is a significant challenge to the Jackfruit Industry.
Report Coverage
The report : “Jackfruit Market Forecast (2021-2026)”, by Industry ARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Jackfruit Market.
By Type :
Golden Nugget, Cheena, Golden Pillow, Tabouey, Black Gold, Cochin, and Others.
By Nature :
Organic and Conventional.
By Application :
Fresh Consumption, Beverages, Confectionery, Aroma, and Others.
By Distribution Channel :
Online Retail, Retail Stores, Supermarkets, Food & Drink Specialty Stores.
By Geography : 
North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, and Rest of South America) and Rest of World (the Middle East and Africa).
Inquiry Before Buying : https://www.industryarc.com/reports/request-quote?id=507377
Key Takeaways
Geographically, the Asia Pacific region accounted for the highest revenue share in 2020. It is poised to dominate the Jackfruit market over the period 2021-2026 owing to the high popularity of the fruit in the region and the presence of a favorable climate for its cultivation.
An increase in awareness of the health benefits provided by jackfruits such as cardiovascular health, immunity boost, and anti-inflammatory properties are driving the market. However, the dearth of adequate storage facilities for these perishable fruits act as a significant challenge to the Jackfruit market.
Detailed analysis on the Strength, Weaknesses, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Jackfruit Market report.
Request For Sample : https://www.industryarc.com/pdfdownload.php?id=507377
Jackfruit Segment Analysis-By Application
The Jackfruit Market based on the Application can be further segmented into Fresh Consumption, Beverages, Confectionery, Aroma, and Others. The Fresh Consumption segment accounted for the largest share of the market in 2020 and is predicted to continue being the largest segment over the forecast period 2021-2026. This is attributed to the fact that ripe jackfruits have a sweet flavor similar to bananas or pineapples. Moreover, the jackfruit seeds are edible once cooked and are consumed as snacks or used as an ingredient in curry. The Confectionary segment is anticipated to register the highest growth during the forecast period with a CAGR of 3.5% owing to the increase in the development of jackfruit flavored products such as candies, jellies, cakes, and so on. The Aroma segment is also anticipated to exhibit growth during the forecast period. Ripe jackfruits emit a strong aroma owing to the presence of volatile compounds such as ethyl isovalerate, propyl isovalerate, isobutyl isovalerate, and butyl isovalerate. The roasted jackfruit seeds are used as a commercial alternative for chocolate aroma.
Jackfruit Market Segment Analysis-By Distribution Channel
On the basis of Distribution, the Jackfruit market is segmented into Online Retail, Retail Stores, Supermarkets, and Food & Drink Specialty Stores. The Supermarket segment accounted for the largest share of the market in 2020 owing to their rapid expansion in major developing regions and their high penetration in developed countries. The large size of Supermarkets allows them to house a wide variety of jackfruit products which is not possible for specialty stores. Moreover, they have temperature-controlled shelves to ensure the jackfruit products remain fresh for a longer duration. The E-commerce segment is predicted to be the fastest growing during the forecast period with a CAGR of 3.8% owing to the increase in the use of smartphones and rise in awareness regarding online shopping. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions placed on traveling and shopping have further boosted the growth of E-commerce sites. The growth in internet connectivity in major developing nations is another reason for the surge in online shopping. For instance, the internet penetration rate in India increased from 18% in 2014 to 50% in 2020.
Jackfruit Market Segment Analysis-By Geography
The Jackfruit Market based on Geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. The Asia Pacific was the largest segment in 2020 with 37% of the Jackfruit market share and is predicted to remain as the dominant segment during the forecast period 2021-2026. The growth in this segment is owing to the high investment by private companies in the development of new and innovative jackfruit products. Moreover, the policies implemented by the governments of the region in order to increase production and supply of the fruit have also aided in boosting demand. The North American segment is projected to register the highest growth during the forecast period owing to the increase in awareness regarding the fruit’s nutritional benefits.
Jackfruit Market Drivers
Increase in the Involvement of Food Manufacturers is Projected to Drive Market Growth.
The development of multiple jackfruit-flavored food products by major companies coupled with the high awareness of the fruit’s nutritional and immunity-boosting properties is anticipated to drive the market during the forecast period. Jackfruits are rich in vitamin C, Vitamin B, fibers, and antioxidants such as carotenoids. These nutrients provide various health benefits, such as lowering the risks of high blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, and constipation. Furthermore, the presence of phytonutrients in jackfruit may prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the body. These health benefits have increased the popularity of food and beverage products containing jackfruit. The launch of jackfruit flavored dishes such as jams, squash and jellies by major companies is resulting in deeper market penetration by attracting younger customers to jackfruit products.
Rise in the Use of Jackfruits as Vegan Meat Substitute is Projected to Boost Demand.
The unique texture of jackfruit has led to its increased use as a vegan meat substitute which will drive the market during the forecast period. The fruit is heated, distilled and dried to create vegan fish dishes, nuggets, and other meaty textures. The growth will be drastically high in countries such as India and the US owing to the high prevalence of vegetarian or vegan diets. Around 23% to 38% of the population in India and 4% of men and 7% women in the US identify as vegetarian. Furthermore, jackfruit has become a popular choice for vegan pizza toppings, especially in Europe and North America. For instance, Jackfruit topped vegan pizza is served by the Italian restaurant chain Zizzi and the American pizza restaurant franchise Papa John’s.  
Jackfruit Market Challenges                            
Low Shelf-Life is Anticipated to Hamper Market Growth.
The compositional and textural characteristics of jackfruit make them highly perishable. Cut jackfruits will only last around 3 days in unrefrigerated conditions while they will last up to 1 week under refrigerated conditions. This is a major challenge for the storage and transportation of fresh jackfruit products for consumption or processing. Moreover, the majority of the jackfruits are cultivated in developing regions of South Africa, South East Asia, and South America. The availability of large-scale refrigerated storage facilities is usually not available for the farmers, and therefore, the shelf-life is greatly reduced. Moreover, the low shelf-life limits market growth as it may be difficult to export the product from Asia Pacific to distant regions such as Europe and North America. The use of chemical substances to increase shelf-life is anticipated to further decrease jackfruit demand owing to the increase in health consciousness and demand for organic food products.  
Covid-19 related restrictions can curb the growth in demand for jackfruits
The restrictions imposed by the governments of the major jackfruit manufacturing countries such as India have caused difficulties for growers in finding workers to pluck the fruits from trees, causing significant financial damage for the farmers. This has had a drastic impact on jackfruit production, which is anticipated to cause shortages and price hikes of jackfruit products. This issue is further worsened by transportation restrictions and the closure of wholesale markets. As visits to supermarkets and specialty stores declined owing to the pandemic, the consumption of jackfruit products also reduced. The food manufacturing companies that use jackfruit as a key ingredient also face difficulties owing to the limitations imposed on the number of workers allowed in the plant which is restricting production capacity. Therefore, the reduction in both supply and demand of jackfruit products is anticipated to hamper growth opportunities during the forecast period.
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Jackfruit Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the Jackfruit Market. The top 10 companies of this market include
Anna Food Product
Artocarpus Foods Pvt. Ltd.
Island Valley Delights
Madam Sun
Mother Dairy Fruit Vegetable Pvt. Ltd
Nutty Yogi
The Jackfruit Company
Partnerships/Product Launches:
In July 2020, Mother Dairy Fruit Vegetable Pvt. Ltd., announced its product expansion into the bakery and confectionery business with the launch of three varieties of bread in Delhi NCR.
In February 2019, The Jackfruit Company announced the launch of the new Complete Jackfruit Meals. The single-serving meals come in four, globally inspired flavors.
Relevant Links:
Fruit And Vegetable Ingredients Market - Forecast (2021 - 2026) Report Code: FBR 0095
Jam, Jelly, And Preserves Market - Forecast (2021 – 2026) Report Code: FBR 31746
For more Food and Beverage related reports, please click here
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bestspa12 · 2 years
The Best Massage Chair For Your Money
To get the true gold nuggets when looking for a massage chair, you must first sort through a lot of trash. Many producers are more than eager to accept your money and leave. Sticking with the top-rated manufacturers with the finest reputations is essential when purchasing a massage chair.
There are numerous importers of inexpensive massage chairs made with subpar materials. Despite their initially Best Nails & spa inexpensive cost, they will cause you agony in the long run. Many horrifying tales of people investing thousands of dollars only to receive a useless boat anchor as a result have been told to us.
As a result, we advise you to stay with premium brands like Panasonic, Omega, or Sanyo. These companies have been in business for a while and produce dependable massage chairs with extensive warranty coverage.
Although it could be alluring to get a cheap massage chair with tonnes of features, proceed with great caution. Be cautious because many of these chairs are imported just once and swiftly sold off by the retailer. You'll likely discover that number has been disconnected when you contact for service.
There are numerous retail locations for popular companies including Sanyo, Omega, and Panasonic. This distinguishes between legitimate manufacturers and those just wanting to make a fast cash. If a manufacturer has a store, they are well-qualified and will back any warranty coverage, if necessary, in the long term.
So which massage chair offers the best value for your money? Let's quickly review the best products from the previous three manufacturers. Sanyo, Omega, and Panasonic are these companies' manufacturers.
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ananya5400 · 11 months
Plant-based Meat Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future
The global plant-based meat market is estimated to be valued at USD 7.9 billion in 2022. It is projected to reach USD 15.7 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 14.7%, in terms of value between 2022 and 2027. There is a growth in the vegan and flexitarian population, a rise in awareness about the health benefits of plant-based meat over animal-based meat products, an increase in investment by government bodies and R&D activities, and investment of the major food industry giants in plant-based meat products. These factors together are propelling the plant-based meat market.
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Download PDF Brochure:  https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=44922705
By product, the strips & nuggets segment is projected to occupy the second-largest market share during the forecast period
By product, the strips & nuggets segment is projected to occupy the second-largest market share in terms of value by 2027 in the plant-based meat market. The demand for strips & nuggets is on the rise because of their taste appeal and consumer popularity, particularly in American and European countries. Thus, due to their rising popularity, several companies are focusing on expanding their product portfolios by incorporating other strips & nuggets made from chickpeas, wheat, soy, corn, rice, and oats. All these factors together are projected to contribute to the market share of this product category by 2027.
The food retail segment among distribution channels is estimated to have the largest market
Based on the distribution channel, the food retail segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the plant-based meat market in 2022. Food retail refers to operating retail, supermarkets, hypermarket stores, and other stores where various products, such as grocery items, vegetables, uncooked meat, and frozen products, are made available to consumers. The distribution channel is already popular among consumers worldwide due to the wide availability of various products. Therefore, this distribution channel is being used by established plant-based meat companies and startups to increase the penetration of their products in the market, making it the largest segment during the forecast period in the plant-based meat market.
Request Sample Pages:  https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsampleNew.asp?id=44922705
Europe region holds the largest share in the plant-based meat market
The European plant-based meat market accounted for the largest market share in 2020. This dominance is attributed to the rising health concerns among consumers regarding meat products and the exponentially growing veganism trend in the region. Furthermore, European plant-based meat manufacturers focus on developing innovative products backed by appropriate research and development facilities available in the region. Several European retailers and supermarkets have added plant-based meat products to their product range to cater to the rising demand for plant-based meat products across the region.
This report includes a study on the marketing and development strategies, along with the product portfolios of leading companies. It consists of profiles of leading companies, such as Beyond Meat (US), Kellogg Company (US), Impossible Foods Inc. (US), Maple Leaf Foods (Canada), Unilever (UK), Conagra Foods (US), Tofurky (US), Gold&Green Foods Ltd (Finland), Sunfed (New Zealand), and Monde Nissin (Philippines).a
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webmediatricks · 2 years
Gold Nuggets Manufacturers & Supplier in Congo & Tanzania
We are leading of Gold Nuggets Manufacturers & Supplier in Congo & Tanzania.
A gold bar, additionally referred to as gold bullion or gold ingot, is a quantity of subtle steel gold of any shape this is made by a bar manufacturer & supplier meeting general conditions of manufacture, labeling, and report retaining. Larger gold bars which might be produced through pouring the molten metal into molds are known as ingots. Smaller bars may be manufactured by using minting or stamping from accurately rolled gold sheets. The fashionable gold bar held as gold reserves by using crucial banks and traded amongst bullion dealers is the 400-troy-ounce (12.Four-kilogram; 438.Nine-ounce) Good Delivery gold bar. The kilobar, which is 1,000 grams (32.15 troy oz) in mass, and a one hundred
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troy ounce gold bar are the bars that are extra practicable and are used significantly for buying and selling and funding. The top class on those bars while traded is very low over the spot value of the gold, making it ideal for small transfers among banks and traders. Most kilobars are flat, despite the fact that a few investors, especially in Europe, select the brick form. Asian markets vary in that they decide upon gram gold bars in preference to troy-ounce measurements. Popular sizes inside the Asian vicinity consist of 10 grams, 100 grams and 1,000 gram bars. Gold Nuggets Manufacturers in Congo Gold Dust Supplier in UAE Gold Bars Exporter in USA Cobalt Mining Supplier in China
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