#Gokotai Toshirou
nuttycheychey · 6 years
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Muramasa has been a favorite of mine for a while. This scene was so cute and precious I couldn’t help but want to color it. It took a lot of work, but I like how it came out.
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So Chrys likes picking up the Tantous because they’re so light
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potatosani-blog · 6 years
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Sending my precious boii to kiwame while my sister is complaining about an inch-long cockroach roaming about in her bedroom
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I’m gonna miss you my precious baby....
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come back alive...
Have a safe journey
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Namazuo did a good job sending Gokotai safely to his journey
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yinathesaniwa · 4 years
Tanabata at the Citadel
Wrote this little ficlet today in celebration of Tanabata!
Quick author’s note - there is mention of multiple Arujis because this is based on a TR RP I am in with some of my amazing waifus <3
Tanabata At the Citadel
Touken Ranbu - Multiple Aruji/All the TouDans!
Fluffy/Sweet/Wholesome - brush your teeth after reading
We all sat in the meeting room today to write out our tanabata wishes. We had decided to have everyone write their wishes and hang them out on our large sakura tree, just like when Yasusada had first come home. We kept leaning into one another, trying to sneak a peek at each other’s wishes. The kotatsu was cozy as ever, it was times like these I wish a mobile kotatsu was possible.
“Are we ready to go?” one of the girls called out. We all nodded and made our way out towards the garden.
We ran into the Toshirous along the way, little Gokotai trying his best to keep the tora-kun in line as they all ran out with their wishes. It filled my heart to see the citadel bustling with life like this. This was what we worked hard for, what we’re still striving to maintain as their Arujis.
The tree was large, its petals fluttering softly in the wind. Tsurumaru blended in quite nicely, though I pity whoever was on his mind at that moment. I laughed to myself as I made a guess in my head who he was possibly pranking this time.
I walked up to one of the lower hanging branches, standing on my tip toes as I tied my wish, my writing the focus on my mind as I secured it. I felt a large hand on my back, and I turned to him with a huge smile on my face.
“Shall we pray, Aruji?” he asked me, helping me finish the knot.
“Of course!”
We stood next to each other and bowed our heads, the palms of our hands facing each other as we offered a prayer for these wishes of everyone at the citadel. I prayed for each of the touken danshi, each of their wishes, whatever it may be. Then I prayed for mine:
I wish for strength to continue to protect and care for the one I love the most.
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littlemissyina · 4 years
Tanabata At the Citadel
Wrote this little ficlet today in celebration of Tanabata!
Quick author’s note - there is mention of multiple Arujis because this is based on a TR RP I am in with some of my amazing waifus <3
Tanabata At the Citadel
Touken Ranbu - Multiple Aruji/All the TouDans!
Fluffy/Sweet/Wholesome - brush your teeth after reading
We all sat in the meeting room today to write out our tanabata wishes. We had decided to have everyone write their wishes and hang them out on our large sakura tree, just like when Yasusada had first come home. We kept leaning into one another, trying to sneak a peek at each other's wishes. The kotatsu was cozy as ever, it was times like these I wish a mobile kotatsu was possible.
“Are we ready to go?” one of the girls called out. We all nodded and made our way out towards the garden. 
We ran into the Toshirous along the way, little Gokotai trying his best to keep the tora-kun in line as they all ran out with their wishes. It filled my heart to see the citadel bustling with life like this. This was what we worked hard for, what we’re still striving to maintain as their Arujis. 
The tree was large, its petals fluttering softly in the wind. Tsurumaru blended in quite nicely, though I pity whoever was on his mind at that moment. I laughed to myself as I made a guess in my head who he was possibly pranking this time. 
I walked up to one of the lower hanging branches, standing on my tip toes as I tied my wish, my writing the focus on my mind as I secured it. I felt a large hand on my back, and I turned to him with a huge smile on my face.
“Shall we pray, Aruji?” he asked me, helping me finish the knot. 
“Of course!”
We stood next to each other and bowed our heads, the palms of our hands facing each other as we offered a prayer for these wishes of everyone at the citadel. I prayed for each of the touken danshi, each of their wishes, whatever it may be. Then I prayed for mine:
I wish for strength to continue to protect and care for the one I love the most.
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bigbangtkrb · 5 years
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Summary: Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, first sword and retainer of the Citadel, breaks on a sortie while protecting Houchou Toshirou. With their beloved sword gone, Aruji has a hard time recovering and it’s up to Hasebe Heshikiri, now appointed secretary, to take care of the other sword warriors.Azuchi Castle, 1579. Mikazuki Munechika, Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Gokotai Toushirou are on their way back from a mission when the tachi finds a lost and confused Yamanbagiri Kunihiro hiding out in the forest that surrounds the castle. Being a different Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, he has no memories of the time he has spent at the Citadel, and no one feels the need to remind him of what they once had. Having him back is enough - or so they convince themselves. But not all hope is lost. Rating: T Tags: Mikazuki Munechika/Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, what if, memory loss, kind of one-sided, kind of slow burn, drinking/alcohol, angst with a happy ending, scars, self harm thoughts, hurt/comfort, fluff here and there
Read it here, as presented by Emme and Clover Zero
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sane10love · 6 years
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I am sorry if I made a mistake in English.(>人<;) Special Exhibition: SWORDS OF KYOTO - Master Craftmanship from an Elegant Culture A list of exhibits: https://katana2018.jp/image/list_180611_2.pdf Almost confirmed exhibition sword: 三日月宗近 mikazuki munetika 石切丸 isikirimaru 鳴狐 nakikitsune 後藤藤四郎 goto toshirou 骨喰藤四郎 honebami toshirou 秋田藤四郎 akita toshirou 前田藤四郎 maeda toshirou 博多藤四郎 hakata toshirou 信濃藤四郎 shinano toshirou 鯰尾藤四郎 namazuo toshirou 五虎退 gokotai 毛利藤四郎 mouri toshirou 明石国行 akashikuniyuki 謙信景光 kenshin kanemitsu 次郎太刀 jirou tachi へし切長谷部 heshikiri hasebe 陸奥守吉行 mutsunokami yoshiyuki 歌仙兼定 kasen kanesada 膝丸 hizamaru 宗三左文字 souza samonji Extremely fun!・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
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Being Human
Fandom: Touken Ranbu
Characters: Yagen Toshirou, Saniwa
Summary: Yagen and his thoughts about humanity.
 Just a fic based on my headcannons, because Yagen is my fav Touken Danshi.
The first thing he remembered when he first came to life was light.
A very bright light in his eyes. The last thing he remembered was fire all around him and now he was in a room surrounded by light.
He looked around and found a young woman with fuzzy black hair and short statue sitting next to him, with a fox sitting in her shoulder and a smile in her face.
‘You’re Yagen Toshirou, right?’  The woman said. ‘I’m your new master· you can call me Umi. I’m glad that you will give me your strength.’ And as she finished she stretched her hand in his direction.
She is talking to me? He thought. She knows I’m a sword, a lifeless object, right?
Then he looked below him. He then realized that he was in a human body.
He tried to open him mouth and take a step towards the woman, but all he managed to do was make an incoherent sound and fall flat on his face.
The woman chuckled. ‘Walking and talking are a bit weird to get used to, aren’t they?’
Then the small fox came towards him with a white yukata in its mouth.
‘Wear this for the time being.’ The woman said. ‘Once you get used to your body I’ll have you chose your attire of preference.’
The first days as a human in this new place were hazy. The days rolled by, as he tried to stand on his feet and get used to his voice. Two other swords with the looks of a human child and with whom Yagen felt a connection with, as if they were his family, came often to see him and help him adapt. They had introduced themselves as Akita and Gokotai.
Once he managed to walk, he couldn’t stay put.
He ran around the vast garden, climbed trees, rolled in the dirt.
All those years, he had missed the felling of the wind against him and the landscape quickly changing around him. And now, with a human body, this sensation was even better. Unlike other tantous, he was a sword used in battle· He logged for the felling of adrenaline.
‘I finally found you.’ He heard a voice behind him say, once he had slowed down a bit.
He looked behind a saw a sword with the looks of a young adult· with long black hair and striking red eyes.
‘Our master is looking for you.’ He said. ‘She couldn’t find you in your room and got worried.’
As he finished he stared at him from head to toe with a weird look on his face· as if he was disgusted by his dirty appearance.
‘Judging from your appearance, it looks like you were having fun.’ The other sword stated. ‘Don’t worry; we were all like that once we learned to walk· running around the citadel and making a mess. She won’t be mad at you.  Now, follow me.’
Yagen did as he told.
Once he and the other sword, whose name was Kashuu as he found out later, arrived at his room the young woman who was his new master led him inside to give him a bath.
‘It’s nice to see you’ve adapted, Yagen.’ She cheerfully said as she was pouring water on him. ‘I might send you in the frontlines soon. You were used in the battlefield after all, didn’t you?’
And she did what she said.
After a few days, she assigned him in the first unit for a sortie.
Ever since that, he gave his best performance in every battle he was in· fearless and bloodthirsty. He would launch himself to every enemy, no matter how big or small and come out victorious. He did his best to protect everyone important to him· His brothers, his old and new friends, and most of all, his new master.
This led him into wanting to become more helpful and efficient in and out of the battlefield. So, he started reading.
He read everything he could get his hands on· from medical books, to historical documents, to world geography. He even asked his master to teach him first aid, so that he could help the injured during battle.
The recovery room and the library had become his home, since when not out in battle, he would spend his time in there experimenting in new medicine and researching.
‘You overwork yourself.’ His master had told him once. ‘You need to rest more.’
‘I could say the same for you, General.’ He replied. ‘I heard you went to sleep late the past few days.’
‘Yeah, because I was planning strategies for future missions.’
‘Then I’m just as busy as you. I’m researching for a medicine that will aid the recovery of burns. It might be useful in battle and I’m not willing to rest until I get results.’
His master looked at him with fondness.
‘Unwilling to back down, curious and fearless in combat· I can really see why you were the favorite blade of the Demon King.’ She said and patted his head with a smile in her face.
Sometimes, their mission to annihilate the malicious and rebellious spirits known as the History Retrograde Army would quiet down. During that time, they would spend their days relaxing, taking care of the citadel or practicing their swordsmanship.
Their master enjoyed spending these days underneath the cherry blossom tree, having tea with the swords while she asked them about their problems.
‘I want to ask you something.’ She said to him one time they shared tea together. ‘Did you enjoy being human?’
Yagen stutter for a moment. Yes, he loved being in this body, being able to feel and experience, to express his thoughts, to learn all those new things he only had gotten a glimpse of in his original form. But he didn’t know how express those feelings in words.
‘I’m not asking this to you as a verdict.’ His master added. ‘I just want to know your thoughts about it.’
He smiled at her.
‘Of course I enjoy it, General.’ He happily replied. ‘To be able to experience all those things, to travel to all these places, meet all these people. It was hard and confusing at the start, but I got used to it quickly. And serving you, General, really made it worth.’
She stared at him for a moment and then smiled, while whipping some cherry blossom petals from his head. He looked back at her and took a sip from his tea while averting his eyes and looking at the citadel before him. His younger brothers and other tantous were playing around happily with the supervision of his older brother Ichigo. This scene brought a smile in his face· it made him want to preserve this happiness. The happiness of his brothers and his master.
Yes, being there, right now was really worth it.
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ao3feed-toukenranbu · 5 years
Read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PwAJPf
by glorybringer
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, first sword and retainer of the Citadel, breaks on a mission while protecting Houchou Toshirou. With their beloved sword gone, Aruji has a hard time recovering and it’s up to Hasebe Heshikiri, now appointed secretary, to take care of the other sword warriors.
Azuchi Castle, 1579. Mikazuki Munechika, Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Gokotai Toushirou are on their way back from a mission when the tachi finds a lost and confused Yamanbagiri Kunihiro hiding out in the forest that surrounds the castle.
Being a different Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, he has no memories of the time he has spent at the Citadel, and no one feels the need to remind him of what they once had. Having him back is enough - or so they convince themselves. But not all hope is lost.
Words: 4192, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English
Fandoms: 刀剣乱舞 | Touken Ranbu
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Yamanbagiri Kunihiro, Mikazuki Munechika
Relationships: Yamanbagiri Kunihiro/Mikazuki Munechika
Additional Tags: lots of characters appear in the story but since they're not the main focus i chose not to tag them!, what if, Memory Loss, kind of one-sided, kind of slow burn, Hurt/Comfort, fluff here and there, lots of sentimental bullshit because that’s just who i am as a person, More tags to be added!, Touken Ranbu Big Bang 2019
Read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PwAJPf
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nuttycheychey · 6 years
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There was another picture that went with this one. But like the picture of Mikazuki and Kogitsunemaru, it too was lost. Hopefully I’ll be able to re-do it.
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