#GoT rewatch
catofoldstones · 10 months
The fact that the episode where Arya assists Tywin and famously says “most girls are stupid” corresponds directly with the chapter in the books where she overhears Chiswyck laughing about how the mountain and his lackeys (him included) gang-raped a 13 year old child, and this harrows and angers Arya so much that she adds all of these people to her prayer kill list and uses her one of her three precious death-wishes with Jaqen H’ghar is the reason I will be personally beating the bloody shit out of d&d.
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ohhaveyouseenme · 8 months
literally obsessed with how everyone is so pressed about sansa all the time
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peachesofteal · 10 months
Nobody talks about the fact that Olenna technically won the Game of Thrones (per the lazy ass writing) after killing Joffrey, and then Margaery dying.
“Are a sheep? No. You’re a dragon. Be a dragon.”
(The discussion of how there was no “peace” under Daenerys’ father, or his father’s, or his father’s father? The mention of Olenna outliving all the clever men? Saying the lords of Westeros are sheep? There was not enough orchestra for this dialogue. ROBBED.)
Not only did she plant the seed for Daenerys, she had the last word in regard to Joffrey’s death.
In my mind, Daenerys was a dragon at the end (I mean that in all the ways- metaphorically and otherwise), and Olenna, even dead… she won. Olenna won the Game of Thrones.
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quillkiller · 8 months
doing a ritual sacrifice as we speak to give sansa just one single good day
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8x01 - Gendrya vs Jonerys
In the dragonriding scene we get:
Jon: "What's wrong with them?"
Dany: "They don't like the North."
And we see Jon's reaction.
Dany doesn't like the North. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It's stated definitively here.
Jon: "It's pretty cold up here for a Southern girl."
Dany: "Then keep your queen warm."
This is after Dany has said that they could stay up there for 1000 years and no one would find them with Jon replying that they would be pretty old. Not only is Jon suggesting that she shouldn't stay, but he doesn't respond to her romantic suggestion with an answer that someone in love would. It wasn't even played off as teasing by Kit's performance or Emilia's (her reaction to his line). Then when he says that it's too cold, Dany asserts the imbalanced power dynamic between them once more while also getting what she wants.
When you compare that scene (which was probably the most romantic scene Jonerys has in the show), the difference is pretty blatant:
Gendry: "Not a bad place to grow up if it wasn't so cold."
Arya: "Stay close to that forge then."
A huge contrast considering what we saw with Jonerys in the previous scene (yes, they literally had the dragons/waterfall scene right before this one - another tool GoT uses from the tool box very well is editing, in addition to timing and dialogue). Gendry is actually complimenting Arya's home while also mentioning the cold temperatures. (to link it to the previous Jonerys scene) Arya's response, while dismissive on the surface, posing as a very take-it-or-leave-it attitude, literally tells him to stay, while also showing her not pushing Gendry the way Dany did Jon to keep warm (which also makes sense given their relationship isn't there yet).
Gendry: "Oh, is that a command, Lady Stark?"
Arya: "Don't call me that."
Gendry: "As you wish, m'lady."
Here is the teasing that was absent in the waterfall scene. It's a callback to their connection and this joke between them but we also see it in their performances, with Gendry smiling and Arya eventually smiling as well. Not to mention that Arya doesn't enforce the imbalanced power dynamics between them like Dany did with Jon; she doesn't want to be called a Lady even though technically she is a Lady Stark.
The show purposely contrasted these two relationships to showcase the difference: healthy (Gendrya) vs unhealthy (Jonerys), and what blossoming love actually looks like. Even though Arya didn't accept Gendry's proposal in the end and went off sailing, it doesn't mean she didn't have feelings for him (and I think this is partly why they included the love scene for them in the next episode).
Huge. Contrast.
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thatlovegoodgirl · 1 month
Rewatching GoT S8 for the first time since it aired and I hate what the writers did to Dany but... I can kinda see why she went crazy. Like what's the contingency plan for secret nephew throne claimant who everyone respects and would probably prefer as their leader?
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curlsincriminology · 2 months
I forgot how much little finger sucked ass
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Rewatching GOT and my constant thought is can Jon close his mouth ONCE
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I love how every time I rewatch game of thrones I get to the end of season 7 and go “gee I sure wish they had finished the show, so sad there’s no more!” And then ignore season 8 🤣🤣
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josilverdragon · 6 months
As much as I didn't like him, I did like Tywin Lannister.
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Martell sempre e comunque.
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elfsroot · 1 year
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                                         T H E   L A S T   O F   T H E   S T A R K S
 Game of Thrones rewatch - 8x04
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ohhaveyouseenme · 8 months
about to start season sixxxxxxx bby!!! ready for all the jonsa moments 🫡🫡🫡🫡🤩🤩😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥵🥵🥵🤗🤗
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bonivers · 1 year
i don’t even wanna talk about it game of thrones was so good. storytelling-wise god it was good
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quillkiller · 8 months
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Can we just talk about one of the most telling signs that had Jon not had the Great War to fight and had he not discovered Dany was family to him that he would have never accepted Dany as a ruler or even as a possible love interest?
Sam's father wasn't kind to him but we still see Sam have a slight reaction when he realizes Dany executed him. But it's when Dany mentions that she also executed Dickon, that we get a full reaction from Sam. He loved his brother and his brother was kinder to him than his father had been. Dickon was clearly Randyll's favorite while he saw Sam as a disappointment. And you could make the argument that Dickon was Sam's favorite out of the two men of his family.
After this, we see what Sam really thinks of Dany after learning this information, when he talks to Jon.
And then you have Jon:
Here he talks about Robb after finding out about his death, to Sam funnily enough. He loved his brother and Robb loved him.
The contrast is that Ned loved Jon as well and Jon loved him. It was Catelyn who couldn't stand him. Whereas Sam's mother loved him as did his sister.
But Jon and Sam both knew what it was to have conflicting feelings for their brothers (Dickon vs Robb I mean). So it makes sense that Jon is the person that Sam tells this information to and lets him see how upset he is. (he had only begun to get upset in Dany's presence when he asked her leave and bounced right out of there)
And we see Jon's reaction to the news. He knows very well who the last person was that executed a father and son: Aerys. The very same king that he mentioned to Dany when meeting her in 7x03 and Sansa mentioned to Jon in 7x02 in relation to their grandfather and uncle.
There is absolutely no way Jon would have seen Dany as a potential romantic partner, no matter how beautiful she may have been or how powerful, after learning this information.
Notice how Dany has absolutely zero empathy here when seeing how upset Sam was becoming. They showed Jorah's reactions for contrast while Dany was in her it-was-necessary mode with no sympathy or empathy whatsoever.
And we see Jon's reaction as the contrast:
No way that these two people (Dany and Jon) have anything in commonality other than their family line and all that it entails (meaning the dragons). They were two very different people with different intentions and motivations, two completely different rulers, and they didn't complement one another or fill in each other's gaps in a way that would have made them a powerful ruling team.
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