#Gny. Sgt. Hartman
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stalkerkyoko · 4 months ago
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mannytoodope · 2 months ago
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midnightactual · 2 years ago
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To come back to a recurring topic: if your muse isn't already at an essentially elite level and asks Yoruichi for training, or your muse's main interest in interacting with her is receiving training from her...
whatever they get probably won't be fun, let alone cool
she won't be nice about whatever it is
you were warned
it's canonical
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brody75 · 4 years ago
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Full Metal Jacket (1987)
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viskiyidir · 6 years ago
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“Ölüler tek bir şeyi bilirler: Hayatta olmak daha iyidir.
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pixeldog4ever · 2 years ago
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R. Lee Ermey
Full Metal Jacket (1987) Dir. Stanley Kubrick DoP Douglas Milsome
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stanley-kubrick-cinema · 7 years ago
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You little scumbag! I’ve got your name! I’ve got your ass! You will not 😂! You will not 😭! You will learn by the numbers. I will teach you.
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stillsmybeatingheart · 8 years ago
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movieassholes · 7 years ago
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You Goddamn communist heathen, you had best sound off that you love the Virgin Mary, or I'm gonna stomp your guts out! Now you DO love the Virgin Mary, don't ya? 
Gunnery Sgt. Hartman - Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Happy Veteran’s Day, maggots.
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madamecrufeli · 5 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY R. LEE EMERY (RIP) WHO WINS this MIDNIGHT MASSACRE of WHO BREAKS WHO? GNY. SGT. HARTMAN (Full Metal Jacket) or ANDREW SCOTT (Universal Soldier) Feel free to comment with reasons for your decision Cast your official vote at https://www.madamecrufeli.com/midnight-massacre #rleeemery #fullmetaljacket #universalsoldier #dolphlundgren #midnightmassacre #legionofhorrorfreaks #horrorbattles #horrorbattle #horrorvillain #horrorvillains #madamecrufeli #undeadfortuneteller #horrorhostess #horrorhost #crufeliville https://www.instagram.com/p/B-HdjJIlPQ6/?igshid=uls5kbkxxq5l
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artsychica2012 · 8 years ago
(via Cooking Up an Antagonist? Here Are 4 Main Ingredients You Should Include)
As you'll see, the "ultimate" antagonist is good at attacking the hero's weakness, forces the hero to make choices they might not be ready to make, is fighting to reach the same goal, and in the end, causes the hero to grow.
Now, this doesn't go for super villain characters alone. Virtually every film genre has an antagonist: Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs (horror/thriller), Bill Lumbergh in Office Space (comedy), and Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (drama). There are even so many different types of antagonists that fit into archetypal categories, like the "anti-villain" (Darth Vader), the "authority figure" (Gny. Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket), the "mastermind" (Verbal Kint from The Usual Suspects), and the "femme fatale" (Catherine Tramell from Basic Instinct...or any female villain in any film noir ever).
But even though the traits, motivations, and modus operandi of an antagonist can be quite varied and diverse, learning the basic principles of how their interactions with the protagonist can push the narrative forward will help you craft a story full of dynamic conflict.
If you want to learn more about how to craft an effective antagonist, check out StudioBinder's blog post here. If you want to check out Tucker's original video essay, you can take a look at it below:
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mannytoodope · 7 months ago
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bougen-bct · 8 years ago
Pixar - Story Telling
Activity1- Expressing Memories 
This was one of the easiest parts to write about for all 4 activities, I just wrote the first thing that I was feeling at the time, which was in fact, me being quite hungry at the time. This memory is easy to explain and get people to connect with since, at some point, we all get hungry and can connect to others going through the same ordeal. I ended up discussing the story with my sister, who at the time was hungry, and so was I.
Acticity2 - favourite films
-Nocturnal animals
-the pianist      
The connection I made with these 3 particular films, was that the are a collection of my favourite films, but each one came out in a separate decade. Se7en (1995), The pianist (2002) and, Nocturnal animals (2016). I just like these films for showing despair, not just for the protagonist, but for a majority of people that have their own struggles.  
The connection these 3 films have is that the protagonist has lost someone or something of extreme importance to them from the hands of someone else.
Activity 3 -  What if
Part A:
What if there was no box
What if he didn’t befriend a Nazi officer
What if she didn’t stay up at night
Part B:
What if you woke up as someone else
what if you could control how others think and feel
what if you could have a re-do every year
Activity 4 - Characters and Worlds
Part A: Main Characters
Se7en - David Mills (Brad Pitt), William Somerset (Morgan Freeman)
The pianist - Wladglsaw Szpilman (Adrien Brody)
Nocturnal animals - Susan Marrow (Amy Adams), Tony Hastings and Edward Sheffield (Jake Gyllenhaal) 
I could see myself linking to more both main characters from nocturnal animals since we have all lost something that we hold dear to oneself, and at the same time hurting someone and trying to seek forgiveness and fix broken bridges and make yourself feel better.
Mixing characters and worlds
This one was quite fun. I used other characters and worlds from different films to make something a bit more fun.
Billy Beane (Brad Pitt) in soccer dog
Gny. Sgt. Hartman (R.Lee Ermey) in daddy day care
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gilmoremovies · 5 years ago
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
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Date Watched: 28th April 2019 (I think)
Referenced in: 3x15
Rating:  ★★★★★ 
I watched this a while ago and didn’t write it up (I think because it’s out of order and maybe I was waiting to finish 3x14? I dunno!) but it was a brilliant film... I may watch it again. I loved watching Adam Baldwin act all Jayne like. Just a brilliant film - rollercoaster of emotions.
(Other GG Movies I’ve watched so far)
(Full references under the cut)
3x15, Face-Off (2003) Zack compares Mrs. Kim to Gny. Sgt. Hartman. MRS. KIM: Where’s your tambourine? DAVE: We don’t have one. MRS. KIM: Next time bring one. [doorbell rings] ZACH: Dude, remember the drill instructor in Full Metal Jacket? BRIAN: Totally.
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swipestream · 6 years ago
The Short-Timers
My last trip to a used bookstore contained a surprise. While going through the general fiction section, I came across a copy of Gustav Hasford’s The Short-Timers, first paperback edition. I belong to a men’s adventure paperback group on social media and this is not a an easy one to find.
The Short-Timers is the novel that was the basis for the movie Full Metal Jacket. If you are a guy, you can probably recite dialogue from the movie, especially R. Lee Ermey’s performance as D.I. Gny. Sgt. Hartman. Of course, you all know the phrase “Me love you long time.”
Reading novels that became classic movies can be a dicey thing. You do have to those instances of the movie better than the book. I have been told that Jaws is an example, The Godfather. More often is the case like First Blood which is an incredible novel with a weak film adaptation.
The Short-Timers was a hardback in 1979. The Bantam paperback in 1980. The novel is only 180 pages long and is a quick read. In the book, Sgt. Hartman is Sgt. Gerheim. Gerheim is described as having a beer gut and bald. Some of the dialogue from the movie is in the book like “Private Joker. I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.” My guess is the late R. Lee Ermey add some of the colorful dialogue present in the movie.
Private Pyle/Leonard Pratt is a skinny yokel instead of the hulking Vincent D’Onofrio. Sgt. Gerheim routinely beats the crap out of Pratt in addition to beatings of other recruits. When Private Pyle blows him away, you don’t feel bad.
The infamous Da Nang Hooker scene is not present in the book. The book is also shortened up. Joker and Rafterman take out the Viet Cong guerrilla while Cowboy is only hurt. Rafternman is run over by a Marine tank on the way out of Hue. Joker gets into trouble with a Colonel for his peace symbol pin and busted to a grunt.
The last section of the novel takes place at Khe Sanh. Sgt. Joker is with Cowboy’ squad on patrol in the jungle. The sniper scene from the movie takes place here in the novel. I found it interesting that Hasford refers to the sniper using an SKS rifle. The SKS is a rugged semi-automatic rifle than can be deadly witness a shoot out 20 years ago in the Wisconsin woods between some hunters and a transplanted Hmong tribesman. To be nitpicky, I would consider a rifleman using an SKS in the jungle as a sharp-shooter, not a sniper. Not like the shooter was using a Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifle with a scope.
The novel ends with Joker shooting the wounded Cowboy and Alice (Eightball in the movie) in the head and leaving them than risk more men. I kept thinking of vaunted Marine marksmanship and flanking maneuvers to deal with the SKS wielding sharpshooter. Chris Kyle said in his book American Gun the Marines emphasized marksmanship as they assumed they would always be outnumbered. The U.S. Army took a doctrine of mass firepower.
Animal Mother
There is a second novel about Joker, The Phantom Blooper that only had a hardback edition in 1990 when it came out. Hasford had planned a third novel but died at age 45 due to diabetes.
I can’t say this is the best war novel I have ever read. Off the top of my head, I still really like Richard Matheson’s The Beardless Warriors. I don’t regret reading The Short-Timers either.
I find myself more interested in reading men’s adventure than fantasy as I get older. Lou Cameron, Len Levinson, Marv Albert are some of the writers I am currently exploring that deliver more testosterone than the contents in The Book of Swords.
The Short-Timers published first on https://medium.com/@ReloadedPCGames
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adamfields127 · 7 years ago
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I was commissioned to do this piece for a Memorial Day giveaway. This idea was presented to me prior to the passing of R. Lee Ermey so it has double significance. The request was to do an Archie homage cover featuring Major Payne and Gny. Sgt. Hartman from Full Metal Jacket. This was such a fun piece and an honor for my at to be an item for a giveaway for someone in the armed forces. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of this. #commission #majorpayne #fullmetaljacket #rleeermey #homage #sketchcover #blankcover #blankvariant #memorialday #adamfields #adamfieldsart
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