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0ddbugs · 2 years ago
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Shadow of the Krang: Glurin's ref! One of the many Krang aboard the Technodrome that doesn't join the front lines: he is a scientist/ engineer and has a curiosity for humans. He used a bit of himself to make Shadow's Krang modifications.
shadow of the krang
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bobauthorman · 11 months ago
One aspect of science fiction that has fallen out of practice is the concept that what substances are safe for humans to eat, might be toxic to extra terrestrials.
Such as in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, where according to the story, "Wrong Turn" cranberry juice has the same effect on Utroms as booze has on humans.
This would be interesting factoid, made even more interesting by the Utrom in question, Glurin, having drunk quite a bit of juice before testing a dimensional portal on Raphael, Donatello, and Casey Jones.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years ago
Wrong Turn
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Right after Splinter’s funeral, Casey, Raph and Donatello decide to help Glurin try his new dimensional gridshift unit. But a cockroach causes a disruption and they end up in a very dangerous place, where insects have taken over the world after an experiment gone wrong.
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Casey is captured and the turtles have to rescue him and blow up the place just before being rescued by Glurin.
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I am pretty sure they just went into the future.
I suppose this could have been a fifties horror movie. And while the Turtles do not lose their personalities, they kind of get lost with everything that happens to them. And I am under the impression that they didn’t really need to rescue Casey, just wait for Glurin to bring them back.
But I really liked Glurin saying “don’t touch me” to Casey.
I know it has been established that Casey is obsessed with his car and cars and bikes in general. But must every Casey Jones story involve a highway?
I give this issue a score of 7.
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hoisanwa · 4 years ago
Glurinous rice is a silly word bc its not gluten its just sticky. Nuo is the word for it. Mai is means rice inherently but can mean corn or small thing. Same with sui, means water inherently but adding words before it makes it Soda, glue, gravy
no one follows me for my rice crafts and my nuo mai
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0ddbugs · 2 years ago
What happened to Cassandra in your separated Casey au? What is the relationship between Gurlin and Casey, how does Gurlin see Casey ?
I don't have a plan yet for Cassandra. Casey has her mask- and knows she was human; but I haven't decided whether I'm going to have her still be alive.
Glurin is well...
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his dad? He doesn't call him dad, but Glurin is like that for him. Glurin sees Shadow as an "invention" of his in a way, and is proud that he is rising in the Kraang ranks. He is rooting for his Shadow.
Also I was suggested the name "Shadow of the Krang" for the au name and I like it
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0ddbugs · 2 years ago
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'Hey there, I'm Tip. I brought you here for the digging,,, competition,,, thing? Don't make a mess and keep quiet please'
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if shadow wins ya'll are getting kraangified; sorry i don't make the rules
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0ddbugs · 2 years ago
Is glurin a peepaw. Could he compete in the peepaw polls?
Uhhhhh… we’ll he’s a papa sort of. Sure I guess?
Lol peepaw kraang :,D Ty for reminding me I’ll try to post his ref tomorrow
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0ddbugs · 2 years ago
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Separated Casey AU-
I used a lot of Mirage references for this - but Casey was taken and raised by the Krang. He was brought up by Glurin, named after an Utrom from Mirage:
He's a scientist inside the Technodrome and modified Casey with the Krang enhancements. He acts like Casey's dad and does show him affection. Though, it did give him a complex being known as a human risen above the others. Even if you remove the Krang he would still want humanity's end. At first, the Leader wanted him to be a mindless beast but Glurin convinced him that they could bring him up as a Krang and infiltrate human bases. I'll finish my Glurin's ref sometime...
Casey goes by Shadow (ow edgelord), because he followed the Leader around the Technodrome when he was little and the name stuck. Also another reference to Mirage; Shadow was Casey's daughter.
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The Krangification is all internal to better hide himself. Ty for looking at my edge- BYE
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years ago
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After Mike and Raph instinctively attack the mysterious robot reveals himself the turtle's old friend Professor Honycutt (the Fugitoid) in a modified form.
Returning with him to the lair the watch the Utroms address to the UN stating that they have come in peace along with other species to share knowledge, culture and art. Pledging that after a year if human society wished them to, they would leave and not return for 100 years.
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Jumping five months ahead visits by the general public are finally allowed on the Utroms island base. April, Casey and Shadow meet up with the turtles who have spending most of their time there also learning the Foot Clan has won contract to act as security on the island.
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As April passes through a scanner she sets off a security alarm and the group is attacked by a small army of Foot Soldiers.
The turtles, Casey and Shadow are all to eager to protect April from the attacking Foot Soldiers just like old times. After a while the Utroms break up the battle and clarify that they had detected nanobots within April's body.
Upon medical examination the Utroms identify the nanobots as ones they used during their first stay on Earth and stolen by Baxter Stockman. The turtles and Casey theorize that this is what Stockman injected her with during their previous encounter with him.
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Meanwhile back in Northampton Shadow's boyfriend Jay uses the scope on his rifle to get a glimpse of Shadow's mysterious grandfather and shocked to see that he's a giant rat. He is then attacked by an angry Metalhead and Steve Steel.
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Donatello and Honycutt watch the Utrom Glurin as he is working on a transmat which he believes can move objects through dimensions and time. Unbeknownst to the pair Glurin is observing an alternate earth were the turtles are Super Heroes.
Returning to the Med lab the Utrom doctor has noted that the very act of being scanned has activated the nanobots and have begun attacking April's brain and central nervous system putting her into a coma.
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Back in Northampton Jay tries convince Splinter, Metalhead and Steve Steel that he meant no harm.
Mr Braunze is brought to Northapton to use his mental abilities to ascertain if Jay can be trusted. Even though it is revealed that he was indeed telling the truth his mind is wiped of the entire event.
Back on Moon Island the turtles and Foot are practicing in the gym when Leonardo's rival Cha Ocho challenges the turtle to a sparring match. The match becomes quite heated when Leonardo wins he angers Ocho who snaps his bokken. It looks like a fight between the Foot and the turtles is imminent until Karai arrives.
Further medical tests have concluded that April is not biologically related to her father and sister as her condition worsens.
Donatello visits the remains of Baxter Stockman which he has preserved and kept prisoner for years in secret, even to his brothers. After trying for hours to get the evil scientist to give him information on how to remove the nanobots from April's body he admits defeat and finally puts his old enemy out of his misery.
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Returning to Moon Island Glurin has come up with a way he thinks he can save April. Deciding to fight fire with fire he has made nanobots to combat the ones in April's body... though to the surprise of the turtles they've been customized to look familiar.
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The Turtles are called into service when an act of terrorism threatens to spoil April O'Neil's nano surgery. The TMNT save April's life only to discover that Master Splinter has passed from this mortal coil.
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These issues go from the completely random (the Turtle super-heroes from a different realm) to hipster product placement (Apple, twice), to on of the most heart-breaking deaths in comics (Splinter).
I sometimes feel like Splinter was often seen as a plot generator for the Turtles, but most of the time writers weren’t that interested in him. Maybe that is why they have been thinking of killing him since 1996.
Nevertheless, nothing screams “they are no longer teenager” as the death of their father figure. And without Splinter there, it is very likely that the Turtles will start to grow apart.
You kind of imagine that death is coming when several pages are dedicated to Splinter silently feeding his birds (and trying to extend his generosity to a cat). But that will play a part in the end. The first thing we see is the spirit of the Rat King, last seen during City at War, when Splinter had a very radical experience where he had to survive by killing and eating rats. Now, I don’t know what your experience with dying people is, but at least in my family it isn’t uncommon to “see” or “dream” about long gone ones, before you die. Whether this is true or not, I will never know (or perhaps I will?), but it seems like people sometimes, before dying, see those that are already gone, like a way of making death a bit more relaxing. Like closure in a way. In this case, however, the spirit of the Rat King is there, but I wouldn’t say Rat King and Splinter were real pals. As Splinter realizes he is dying, his last thoughts are about his sons. And as we start seeing him from afar, we see the cat eating the birds. I don’t know how you interpret this. But in a way, it is a callback to that experience Splinter had with Rat King, when he had to go primal in order to survive. But the other, more obvious interpretation is that without him, his sons are all alone in the world, without his protection, which is more likely, something a father figure would be worried about. Seeing the cat eat the bird represents that fear. That the moment you are gone, everything you have protected could be taken away.
But of course, I feel like Splinter’s fears are not founded. His legacy was already big while he was alive.
The fact that Jim Lawson did this sequence, with a style that doesn’t really evoke emotions like some other artists (Maguire, Conner, Stephen Byrne, etc), is an eye opener. I am not sure what the script said on these pages, but the composition of Splinter’s death is very good, and as we see the wider picture it tells another story. It’s quite spectacular.
I give these issues a score of 9.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years ago
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Two young women are attacked by vampires in a park in broad daylight - one escapes, but the other is killed. Meanwhile, the Turtles prepare Master Splinter's funeral pyre and hold his farewell services.
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April searches through old boxes in the attic, trying to discover any clues to her true past. Donatello is invited by the Utroms to join them on an investigation of the deadly dinosaurs. Raphael gets into hot water when he encounters a group of vampires.
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Donatello and the Utroms investigate the jungle where the strange dinosaurs had attacked a previous exploration team and discover a bizarre new creature - brandishing a weapon! Meanwhile, April and Casey continue to delve into her mysterious past while Michelangelo begins his new career as an ambassador/tour guide for visiting aliens. Raphael suffers from complications after being attacked by vampires.
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Renet visits April. Donatello and the Utroms refine their investigation. The Fugitoid works with scientists to try to determine what's happening to Raphael. Mikey continues his tour guide duties. Leo meets with Karai to discuss a new problem.
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Mike takes the alien princess out for some Earth food. Raph gets loose and battles Fugitoid and Raptarr. Leonardo and Karai face one of the mysterious warriors. Donatello and the Utroms are captured.
Leonardo narrowly defeats the strange warrior in a pitched battle. Mike and the Regenta spend quality time together. Donatello and the Utroms find some allies in their strange prison. Raphael feeds.
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Mikey and the Regenta clash. Leo and Karai interrogate the mysterious warrior. Raphael trades punches with Leatherhead. Donatello and his allies have visitors.
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Glurin repairs the Fugitoid after his encounter with Raphael. Leonardo discovers a strange book that the Foot are mass producing. Raphael returns to the Turtles' lair and sees a vision of Master Splinter. Mike saves the Regenta's life. Don and his friends discover the identity of their weird captors.
A mysterious visitor arrives on Earth. Mike and Seri's relationship grows more complicated. Don discovers the nature of his captors. The Fugitoid meets with Raphael. Leonardo questions Karai about the diabolical book that the Foot Clan is distributing.
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You would think that nothing is happening, but there are a lot of significant events in these issues.
I feel like the Utrom visit threw out something that I always felt was good about TMNT, the idea that these characters could live in our world, we just don’t see them. Of course, it didn’t take long for super-heroes to make their way into TMNT so, it was possible and not, but the main idea was possible. In any case, I also like the decision of changing things so dramatically, it opened up  the road to many other possible stories. The Turtles have unlimited types of stories.
The four brothers take on very specific journeys, each of them very related to who they are (Raphael even looks scarier in the outside, you would think this is how he was in the inside all along). And each Turtle also laments not having the other turtle around. This was also what happened to Laird and Eastman, so I am not surprised.
Sure the pacing is not that good (Donatello’s story goes really slow), but in the letter pages, Laird pretty much said he didn’t care much about how comics were supposed to be written, he was writing the story he wanted to write, and I respect that (although I wouldn’t take it so good coming from Marvel and DC, indie comics are... different in this aspect).
The goodbye to Splinter was also very emotive, and we are seeing a pattern that Donatello has secrets, and his curiosity may put him in a dangerous road down the line.
Of course, Mikey becoming a father may be the strangest plot of all of these (even more than the heavily tried vampires).
You feel really invested in these characters, even April. There is a lot of drama going on... you can look at this as a Netflix show. But be sure to binge it.
I give these issues a score of 9.
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years ago
The Blue Hole
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Donatello and Glurin investigate the disappearance of a buoy in the Atlantic that could be related to the Bermuda Triangle mystery.
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This was a very “Steve Murphy” issue, where characters lose their personality for a while to give a very important message about climate change.
Sometimes I am glad Murphy has this “flaw”. As I said before, I have been reading his comics since I was 9, I actually learned things through them. But as a writer I know what he is doing is not a good narrative approach.
This issue relies a lot into these bits of information. But you know what, Alan Moore sometimes would do the same thing (only in his case it was usually better disguised in the story), so maybe there is something about the comic medium that makes it harder to invest time in background facts from the real world.
In the art, Dario Brizuela draws very cute sea turtles, and also handles the imagining of certain story elements quite well.
Spoilers after the break...
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There are two elements that are important for this story to work. You need to know about the Bermuda Triangle and you also need to know that Turtles save humans from drowning. Which seems to be true.
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The comments about turtles saving humans looks suspicious right away, you know it will play some part in the story. It was done well in my opinion.
What wasn’t handled that well was the “blue hole” at the bottom of the sea.
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Mostly because Donatello and Glurin notice fish activity around them... and they have to rely on a turtle to escape the pull from the hole... yet, fish and the turtle don’t seem to have the same problem. So it doesn’t really seem to follow the rules that it established for itself.
In the back-up story, Professor Obligado is still investigating the forgotten planet, also dealing with a hole, in this case a wormhole. Not much to add to it.
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a-random-fan4444 · 2 years ago
If evil, why wholesome family dynamic? /j
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Shadow of the Krang: Glurin's ref! One of the many Krang aboard the Technodrome that doesn't join the front lines: he is a scientist/ engineer and has a curiosity for humans. He used a bit of himself to make Shadow's Krang modifications.
shadow of the krang
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a-random-fan4444 · 2 years ago
Ggffjhgfhjcdhjv this au’s so fricken cool!!!!! :0
What happened to Cassandra in your separated Casey au? What is the relationship between Gurlin and Casey, how does Gurlin see Casey ?
I don't have a plan yet for Cassandra. Casey has her mask- and knows she was human; but I haven't decided whether I'm going to have her still be alive.
Glurin is well...
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his dad? He doesn't call him dad, but Glurin is like that for him. Glurin sees Shadow as an "invention" of his in a way, and is proud that he is rising in the Krang ranks. He is rooting for his Shadow.
Also I was suggested the name "Shadow of the Krang" for the au name and I like it
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