#Globalist Vampiric Parasites
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#Fascism#Social Contagion of a Demonic Agenda#Destruction of Organic Family Unit#Generational Karmic Cycles Of Abuse#Child Abuse#Exposure Theater for the Normies#Deception of the Cabal Malevolent s#Globalist Vampiric Parasites
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The greatest tool at the disposal of globalists is the use of false paradigms to manipulate public perception and thus public action. The masses are led to believe that at the highest levels of geopolitical and financial power there is such a thing as "sides." This is utter nonsense when we examine the facts at hand. We are told the-powers-that-be are divided by "Left" and "Right" politics, yet both sides actually support the same exact policy actions when it comes to the most important issues of the day and only seem to differ in terms of rhetoric, which is meaningless and cosmetic anyway. That is to say, it's nothing but Kabuki theater. We are told that corporate power must be balanced by government power and that government power must be balanced by "free markets," when in reality corporations are chartered and protected by governments and free markets simply don't exist in today's economy. In the case of social media "censorship," we are told that the solution is to use government power to enforce "fairness" instead of simply launching our own alternative platforms. Yet, social media corporations exist in the form of monopolies exactly because of government power and intervention in business. The abuses of one "side" are being used to push us into the arms of the other side, which is just as abusive. In terms of geopolitics, we are told that national powers stand "at cross-purposes;" that they have different interests and different goals, which has led to things like "trade wars" and sometimes shooting wars. Yet, when we look at the people actually pulling the strings in most of these countries, we find the same names and institutions. Whether you are in America, Russia China, the EU, etc., globalist think tanks and international banks are everywhere, and the leaders in all of these countries call for MORE power for such institutions, not less. These wars, no matter what form they take, are a circus for the public. They are engineered to create controlled chaos and manageable fear. They are a means to influence us towards a particular end, and that end, in most cases, is more social and economic influence in the hands of a select few. In each instance, people are being convinced to believe that the world is being divided when it is actually being centralized. The key to any magic show is to get the audience to participate in the lie; to get them to focus on the distracting hand, to assume that what they are seeing is actually what is really happening - to suspend their skepticism. Make no mistake, what we are seeing in geopolitics today is indeed a magic show. The false East/West paradigm is as powerful if not more powerful than the false Left/Right paradigm. For some reason, the human mind is more comfortable believing in the ideas of division and chaos, and it often turns its nose up indignantly at the notion of "conspiracy." But conspiracies and conspirators can be demonstrated as a fact of history. Organization among elitists is predictable. Globalists themselves are drawn together by an ideology. They have no common nation, they have no common political orientation, they have no common cultural background or religion, they herald from the East just as they herald from the West. They have no true loyalty to any mainstream cause or social movement. What do they have in common? They seem to exhibit many of the traits of high level narcissistic sociopaths, who make up a very small percentage of the human population. These people are predators, or to be more specific, they are parasites. They see themselves as naturally superior to others, but they often work together if there is the promise of mutual benefit. The closest thing I can relate narcissistic sociopaths (and thus globalists) to in mythology would be vampires. I have often wondered if the concept of "vampires" was created as a way for the peasants of the dark ages to explain the soulless and monstrous behavior of the elites of their time. The notion that any person is capable of that kind if evil, let alone organized evil in the form of a cabal, is hard for people to accept to this day. Vampires in mythology are usually depicted as elites, hiding in plain site as leaders of communities in the upper echelons of society. They seek out a village, insert themselves as upstanding patrons and aristocrats, then feed until that village is destroyed. Afterward, they move on to the next village. This is what they are. This is what they do, and they do it in organized fashion to make the process more efficient. It takes a village to feed a vampire, or a narcissistic sociopath.
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Like half awake but words are in my head. The whole point of Exposure Theater military Operation is to expose to the citizens of this Planet of the absolute absurdity of the pure Evil and atrocious acts of these beings to get Humans to the point of sooo many levels of Absolute Repulse you don't want anything to do with them at all. Certain words of which I speak is exactly how I can see something but not with my human eyes, with my Third Eye. As words have power one can tell exactly how one perceives something. I have expressed this on Gab before. Essentially Divine Creator wants you to perceive the Cabal as the REAL PARASITES. The equivalent of demonic maggots. These things will try every DECEPTION under the sun to continue to have Humans Codependent on them. I see it as Absurd Lunacy. Screw your Climate Change deception, your Whole Agenda 2030 whatever bullshit. Parasites should Leave Earth Now!!!
#Absurd Lunacy#Deception for Codependency#Cabal Vampiric Parasites#Kazarian Mafia Maggots#Globalists Vampiric Parasites#Scum of the Lower Realms#Bring on the Tribunals Humans do your cleanup job right#Cleanup of Demonic parasites from the Earth Realm#Screw your Dystopian Sick Fantasy#Evil is weak and pathetic#Banishment from the Earth Realm
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California Fires: Woodland Hills residents stop suspected arsonist possi...
A bit of vindication for intuitive people that already called this shit out.
Do ya'll remember when Antifa was classified as a domestic terrorist group? Did that just float out people's minds? How they were paid Soros minions? The Son of Soros?
And how DEW was used in the Maui Fire?
Also the common sense fact that if someone is under the influence of substances they not only make themselves spiritually vulnerable they are easily controlled. MkUltra
When the Globalist Psycho Parasitic Vampires want to feed on energy they cause chaos.
Ground and Master Thyself
Truly a Spiritual War, if you haven't accepted your natural born psychic gifts I suggest you do so now. Yall got some catching up to do.
I came in using mine and used them throughout my life with the Guidance of my Gaurdians and Divine Creator. My Family didn't teach me anything. It is my Training to do.
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