#Global Water Partnership (GWP)
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witlifestylist · 1 year ago
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Delegasi GWP dari 7 Negara di Asia Tenggara Kunjungi Tukad Bindu Kota Denpasar, Pelajari Sistem Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Terpadu
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Delegasi dari organisasi Global Water Partnership Southeast Asia (GWP-SEA),  mengunjungi area Tukad Bindu pada Senin (9/10/2023) pagi. Kunjungan para delegasi ini sendiri dimaksudkan untuk mempelajari tentang Penerapan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Terpadu (IWRM) di Tukad Bindu. Dipimpin oleh Koordinator Regional GWP-SEA (Kemitraan Air Global Asia Tenggara), Fany Wedahuditama, para delegasi yang berasal dari Laos, Malaysia,  Vietnam, Filipina,  Kamboja, Thailand,  serta  Indonesia tersebut berkesempatan untuk melihat secara langsung lokasi area Tukad Bindu, serta terlibat dalam diskusi mengenai pengelolaan dengan pengelola Tukad Bindu yang tergabung dalam Komunitas Peduli Sungai (KPS). "Pada tahun 2020-2022, GWP-SEA bersama dengan Country Water Partnerships (CWPS) dari Kamboja, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, dan Vietnam telah bekerja sama guna memastikan penerapan dan penerapan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Terpadu (IWRM). Untuk itu, pada kesempatan yang baik ini, kami bermaksud untuk mempelajari bagaimana pengelola Tukad Bindu dapat mengelola sistem tersebut," ungkap Fany. Para anggota Komite Pengarah GWP-SEA, lanjut Fany Wedahuditama saat ini sangat antusias untuk mempelajari penerapan IWRM di tingkat masyarakat, sehingga nantinya dapat dijadikan materi dalam agenda global dan regional yang lebih luas, serta proses subregional dalam World Water Forum yang akan dilaksanakan pada 2024 mendatang. Executive Director Kemiteraan Air Indonesia, Dr. Mochammad Amron dalam kesempatan yang sama mengemukakan harapan agar apa yang dipelajari oleh para delegasi ini, akan dapat diadaptasi dan dikembangkan di masing-masing Negara. "Tentu banyak yang bisa dipelajari, diadaptasi serta dikembangkan nantinya mengenai bagaimana Tukad Bindu dikelola dengan baik disini. Untuk itu, masukan serta saran saran juga diperlukan untuk melakukan pengembangan kawasan ini kedepannya," tutur Dr. Amron. Pembina sekaligus Founder KPS Tukad Bindu, I Gusti Rai Ari Temaja atau Gung Nik menjelaskan,sungai bersih selama ini identik dengan kegiatan membersihkan aliran sepanjang sungai. Sehingga, menjaga sungai tidak terbatas pada upaya merubah mindset dan mental masyarakat saja. "Karena selain faktor alam, manusianya sendiri juga harus mendukung upaya pelestarian kearifan lokal masyarakat yang memandang sungai bagian utama dari kehidupan masyarakat salah satunnya yakni melalui gotong royong. Dalam hal ini, Pemerintah Kota Denpasar, juga sangat memberikan dukungan kepada kami sehingga pengelolaan Tukad Bindu dapat berjalan dengan baik," jelas Gung Nik. (bpn) Read the full article
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eyeviewsl · 2 years ago
Brandix extends collaboration with Global Water Partnership to empower youth engagement
Brandix extends collaboration with Global Water Partnership to empower youth engagement
Sri Lanka’s premier apparel solutions provider, Brandix Apparel Limited (BAL), signed a partnership agreement with Global Water Partnership (GWP) recently to strengthen joint efforts to advance youth engagement with water and sustainability.  The Memorandum of Understanding signed between the organisations spells out priorities for strategic collaboration, including strengthening youth…
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scholarshipja · 3 years ago
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Open Call - Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (IWWM) Scholarships for the Caribbean The Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) in partnership with the Global Environment Facility-funded (GEF) CReW+ and the United Nations Environment Programme Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) and Cartagena Convention Secretariat, are seeking to build and strengthen capacity in the area of Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (IWWM) in the Caribbean region. To support building this capacity, we invite interested and eligible candidates to apply through this Open Call for available IWWM Scholarships up to a maximum of US$500, to fund an IWWM related course of their choice. Please note the following terms and conditions: Applicants must be a Caribbean national residing in the region or any of the Caribbean GEF CReW+ countries, which are: Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago. Priority will be given to Caribbean applicants from and residing in the Caribbean CReW+ countries. The scholarship funding will be provided to selected candidates, only upon the successful completion of their specific IWWM course. This course must be completed by the end of March 2023. Interested applicants are invited to express their interest by completing this Application Form (https://www.gwp.org/en/GWP-Caribbean/WE-ACT/news-page/News-and-Activities/iwwm-scholarships-for-the-caribbean/) by September 30th 2022. RE posted from @allaboutscholarshipsja (at ScholarshipJamaica.com) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chslb_gO7Lv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ilektroniki-efimerida · 3 years ago
Η εξοικονόμηση νερού γίνεται πραγματικότητα στο νησί των Ψαρών
Γύρω στις 10 Ιουλίου του 2021, η γεώτρηση από την οποία το νησί των Ψαρών έπαιρνε νερό κατέρρευσε. Τα περιθώρια για να πραγματοποιηθούν διορθωτικές κινήσεις ελάχιστα, οπότε το νησί βίωσε το απόλυτο αδιέξοδο.
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Σύμφωνα με τον Δήμαρχο Ηρωικής Νήσου Ψαρών, Κωνσταντίνο Βρατσάνο, μέχρι τότε το νησί δεν είχε ποτέ ξανά πρόβλημα με το νερό, άρα η κατάρρευση της γεώτρησης έπιασε τους Ψαριανούς απροετοίμαστους.
Με την κατάσταση να φαντάζει μη διορθώσιμη, η δημοτική αρχή ξεκίνησε να επικοινωνεί το πρόβλημα στους πολίτες και να ξεκινά διακοπές υδροδότησης, οι οποίες έφταναν ακόμα και τις 10 ώρες. Όλα αυτά σε μια περίοδο που οι κάτοικοι στο νησί από περίπου 400 που διαμένουν όλο τον χρόνο, είχαν αυξηθεί σε πάνω από 1.000, εξαιτίας και της καλοκαιρινής σεζόν.
Το να αντιμετωπιστεί ένα πρόβλημα σαν και αυτό που προέκυψε στα Ψαρά είναι αρκετά απαιτητικό να λάβει κανείς υπόψη το μέγεθος, τον χρόνο στον οποίο λαμβάνει χώρα αλλά φυσικά και τον πανικό των κατοίκων. Όπως σημειώνει ο Δήμαρχος Κωνσταντίνος Βρατσάνος, «οι αντιδράσεις ήταν μεγάλες, κάποιοι μας έλεγαν ότι θα έπρεπε να το είχαμε προβλέψει, πράγμα στο οποίο είχαν δίκιο», παραδέχε��αι ο κ. Βρατσάνος και προσθέτει, «άσχετα αν δεν είχαμε ποτέ ξανά πρόβλημα και ξέρετε είμαστε από τα λίγα νησιά που είχαν πόσιμο νερό».
Εντός διαστήματος 10 ημερών, έγινε προσπάθεια και πραγματοποιήθηκε χρήση μιας δεύτερης γεώτρησης η οποία ως τότε χρησιμοποιούταν αποκλειστικά για άρδευση, πράγμα όμως το οποίο απλώς μείωσε σε μικρό βαθμό τις συνέπειες του προβλήματος.
Τα Ψαρά είναι πράγματι ένα από τα λίγα νησιά που διαθέτουν αποθέματα πόσιμου νερού. Αυτό συμβαίνει διότι το ρέμα Βουκολιά που υπάρχει στο νησί, γεμίζει τις γεωτρ��σεις και τα υπόγεια ύδατα είναι εξαιρετικά πλούσια. Με το πρόβλημα υδροδότησης στο νησί να παραμένει, ανασύρθηκε μια παλιά μελέτη η οποία προβλέπει την κατασκευή φράγματος, το οποίο θα μπορεί να εξασφαλίσει στο νησί μέχρι και 1 εκατομμύρια κ.μ. νερού, όταν τα Ψαρά χρειάζονται μόλις 120.000 με 130.000 κ.μ. νερού ετησίως. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, το ζήτημα η δημοτική αρχή ευελπιστεί ότι το ζήτημα θα λυθεί δια παντός. Ωστόσο το έργο αυτό αν και έχουν γίνει ήδη ενέργειες σε γραφειοκρατικό επίπεδο για τη δημιουργία του, απαιτεί χρόνο και χρήμα.
Αλλαγή πλεύσης Μεγάλο αγκάθι ήταν όμως και η κατασπατάληση. «Από τις Οινούσσες είμαστε ο μισός πληθυσμός και ξοδεύουμε τριπλάσια ποσότητα νερού. Είχα αυτή την αίσθηση γιατί ο κόσμος (στο νησί) δεν υπολόγιζε το νερό αλλά δεν είχα αρχικά τα στοιχεία που το πιστοποιούν. «‘Έχουν νερό τα Ψαρά’, αυτή ήταν η μόνιμη επωδός», τονίζει ο κ. Βρατσάνος. Παρ’ όλα αυτα όταν κατέρρευσε η γεώτρηση και ξεκίνησαν οι διακοπές, οι κάτοικοι με τη σειρά τους ξεκίνησαν να βλέπουν το νερό τελείως διαφορετικά.
Σε αυτό το κλίμα και σε μια προσπάθεια εξοικονόμησης νερού, βρέθηκε και μια ιδιωτική εταιρεία να «σπρώξει» τα πράγματα προς μια θετικότερη κατεύθυνση. Η πρωτοβουλία «Το Νερό είναι στα Χέρια Μας», μια δράση τoυ FINISH σε συνεργασία με το Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med), η οποία πραγματοποιείται για τρίτη συνεχόμενη χρονιά, είχε στόχο να ενημερώσει αλλά και να εξοπλίσει νοικοκυριά και τουριστικά καταλύματα με συσκευές εξοικονόμησης νερού.
Έτσι, η ομάδα της δράσης, μαζί με τον brand ambassador και διάσημο σεφ, Άκη Πετρετζίκη και τους ηθοποιούς Λίλα Μπακλέση και Γιώργο Χρανιώτη, επισκέφθηκε το ηρωικό νησί των Ψαρών, εφοδιάζοντας κάθε σπίτι με ένα πλήρες σετ συσκευών για τις βρύσες της κουζίνας και του μπάνιου, το ντους και το καζανάκι της τουαλέτας, δείχνοντας παράλληλα τον τρόπο χρήσης των συσκευών και βοηθώντας στη σωστή τοποθέτησή τους.
Οι πόρτες άνοιξαν διάπλατα, με τους κατοίκους να υποδέχονται εγκάρδια την ομάδα και να εξιστορούν τα προ��λήματα που αντιμετώπισαν με το νερό. Από πλευράς του, ο διάσημος σεφ, μοιράστηκε συμβουλές εξοικονόμησης νερού, υπογραμμίζοντας ακόμα, την σημασία της ενημέρωσης και εκπαίδευσης των νέων γενιών για ένα καλύτερο μέλλον, καθώς και της υποστήριξης πρωτοβουλιών ευαισθητοποίησης για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος.
Επιπροσθέτως, στην πρωτοβουλία και τις δράσεις που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στα Ψαρά, το FINISH συνεργάστηκε με τον διάσημο Street Artist, Yiakou, ο οποίος και πραγματοποίησε ένα ξεχωριστό εκπαιδευτικό δρώμενο αλλά και άφησε μια παρακαταθήκη σε μορφή τέχνης στην πλατεία των Ψαρών, για να θυμίζει τόσο τους στόχους όσο και το γεγονός ότι πράγματι το νερό είναι στα χέρια μας. Πλέον την πλατεία των ηρωικών Ψαρών κοσμεί μια ξυλοκατασκευή, με ένα πανέμορφο σχέδιο το οποίο ο καλλιτέχνης κάλεσε την τοπική κοινότητα να το συνδημιουργήσουν.
Πηγή άρθρου: Η εξοικονόμηση νερού γίνεται πραγματικότητα στο νησί των Ψαρών
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apronad · 3 years ago
Conclusiones de Network Meeting 2021 de la GWP, sobre recursos hidricos,
Conclusiones de Network Meeting 2021 de la GWP, sobre recursos hidricos,
La Global Water Partnership (GWP) es una red de acción global con más de 3000 organizaciones asociadas en 179 países. La red cuenta con 69 asociaciones nacionales de agua acreditadas y 13 asociaciones regionales de agua. La Red está abierta a todas las organizaciones involucradas en la gestión de recursos hídricos: instituciones gubernamentales de países desarrollados y en desarrollo, agencias…
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logicpublishers · 4 years ago
Global Water Partnership (GWP) 2021 AIP Youth Leadership Fellowship
Global Water Partnership (GWP) 2021 AIP Youth Leadership Fellowship
The GWP-AIP Youth Leaders Fellowship aims to support and empower young people in driving the transformation required to improve the investment outlook for water security and sustainable sanitation in Africa. Nurturing youth through these expanding internship programs helps to develop the skills and experience needed for both traditional and new jobs. Ultimately, investing in youth will not only…
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revistapartes · 4 years ago
Projeto Produtor de Água do Pipiripau é finalista de concurso que conta agora com votação popular
Projeto Produtor de Água do Pipiripau é finalista de concurso que conta agora com votação popular
O Projeto Produtor de Água do Ribeirão Pipiripau (um dos afluentes do rio Paranaíba no Distrito Federal) é o representante do Brasil num importante concurso internacional: o Water ChangeMaker Awards. Promovido pela Global Water Partnership (GWP), organização respeitada internacionalmente com mais de 30 anos de história e com sede na Suécia, o prêmio reconhece iniciativas mundiais que promovem…
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priyanka16me · 5 years ago
Foam Blowing Agents Market to Reach a Value of ~US$ 2.4 Bn by 2027: Transparency Market Research
The global foam blowing agents market was valued at ~US$ 1.4 Bn in 2018, and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of ~6% from 2019 to 2027, according to a new research report published by Transparency Market Research (TMR). Rise in the demand for foam blowing agents in the electrical & electronics industry, especially for use in home appliances, is projected to fuel the demand for foam blowing agents during the forecast period. Asia Pacific accounts for a substantial share of the global foam blowing agents market, led by the increase in the usage of these agents in consumer durables, such as refrigerators and air-conditioners, in the region.
Request A Sample of Global Foam Blowing Agents Market- https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=4151
Rising Demand for Foam Blowing Agents in Electrical & Electronics Industry
The increased demand for foam blowing agents for use in applications in the electrical & electronics industry, such as electric appliances and consumer durables, is a key factor fueling the global foam blowing agents market. Electric appliances such as refrigerators, air-conditioners, water heaters, and microwave ovens employ polymer foams that are made by using foam blowing agents for insulation purposes. Increase in the labor force in the refrigeration sector, both, in developed and developing countries, is anticipated to augment the sector further, thereby driving the demand for polymer foams and foam blowing agents. Increasing investments by various governments toward residential construction, rural electrification, and power supply is expected to further fuel the demand for foam blowing agents in the next few years.
Increase in Demand for Foam Blowing Agents in Building & Construction Industry
The increased usage of polymer foams in residential, commercial, and institutional buildings for thermal and acoustic insulation is anticipated to augment the demand for foam blowing agents in the next few years. Regulations imposed on the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) have compelled manufacturers to produce insulation foams that offer high energy efficiency. This, in turn, is anticipated to drive the demand for foam blowing agents in the near future. A joint venture initiative between the member countries of the European Union and the European Commission, known as Concerted Action Energy Performance of Building Program, mandates all new buildings constructed in these member countries to follow zero-energy standards by 2020. The Energy Conservation Building Code prevailing in India mandates commercial and public buildings to reduce their energy consumption by 40% to 60%. The migration of people from rural areas to urban areas in developing economies is likely to stimulate building activities in these countries during the forecast period.
High Focus on Production of Next-generation Foam Blowing Agents
The demand for next-generation foam blowing agents is on the rise, owing to their zero ozone depletion (ODP) and low global warming potential (GWP). Next-generation foam blowing agents include hydrocarbons (such as cyclopentane), hydrofluoroolefins, blends of hydrocarbons, and hydrofluroolefins/hydrofluorocarbons, liquid carbon dioxide, ammonia, and water. The high ozone depletion potential of foam blowing agents such as HCFC-141b and HFC-23 makes them less attractive to manufacturers of foam blowing agents. Thus, they opt for next-generation foam blowing agents.
To obtain all-inclusive information on forecast analysis of market, request a PDF brochure here.
Asia Pacific a Prominent Foam Blowing Agents Market
In terms of demand, Asia Pacific is estimated to account for a major share of the global foam blowing agent market during the forecast period. The presence of a highly attractive polyurethane industry in the eastern part of Asia, led by the dominance of China, is likely to fuel the demand for foam blowing agents in Asia Pacific in the next few years. The high rate of urbanization and increase in awareness about sustainable development in the region are likely to create attractive opportunities for the foam blowing agents market in Asia Pacific during the forecast period. The presence of key manufacturers of polyurethane foams, such as Covestro A.G, and Huntsman International LLC, in the region, is also likely to boost the demand for foam blowing agents in Asia Pacific during the forecast period.
Moderate to High Degree of Competition among Established Players
The global foam blowing agents market is moderately consolidated. Therefore, moderate to high competition exists among the leading producers of foam blowing agents. Major players operating in the global foam blowing agents market have adopted strategies such as mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and product launches in order to strengthen their market position. Global manufacturers are focusing on expanding their product portfolios through research and development activities. For example, in 2018, Honeywell International Inc., a key manufacturer of foam blowing agents, introduced Solstice, a liquid blowing agent (LBA) that helps in improving energy efficiency. Key players profiled in the report on the global foam blowing agents market are Honeywell International LLC, E. I. du Pont de Nemours (DuPont), Arkema S.A, Linde Group, and Solvay S.A.
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adtwixt · 5 years ago
Adtwixt - News: 29 Gifts Less Than $100 That Are Perfect For Everyone on Your List
Let them know you care without draining your bank account. These gifts hit the spending sweet spot and work for just about everyone. Entireworld Six Solid Socks A socks box. A box of socks. Six of them, organic cotton, candy colored, rainbow flavored, stretching to about a quarter of the way up your tibia. And for the math whizzes out there - buying all six at once costs less than buying six of them individually at once. So, like, deal. Plus you get a cardboard carry-all that will stir the envy of your friends. Photo Courtesy of Entireworld Potluck Utensil Set Keep it simple. Twelve no-frills tools for prepping your ingredients and serving your meals. Professional-quality construction for years of reliable use. This tightly-curated set has you covered for countless kitchen tasks, but doesn’t include anything that you won’t use. It’s just right. All pieces are BPA-free. Dishwasher-safe except for the wooden spoon and fish spatula. Photo Courtesy of Verishop Karimoku New Standard Berra Berra is a paper holder made of solid oak wood and depends on gravity. Wooden counterweights loosely placed on a sloped wooden base slide by their own weight. Simply stick your papers or postcards in-between the counterweights and gravity will hold them in place. The name Berra refers to a Swiss mountain that experienced a landslide, which reminded the designer of the functionality of this paper holder. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Field SQ Trivet The SQ Trivet combines a primitive process and material - metal bending and steel - to create a contemporary and useful tabletop object. The trivet is manufactured in Rockford, Illinois and electropolished in Chicago. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Iittala Graphics Mug Set - GWP The Graphics Mug Set by Iittala pairs the black and white illustrations of the Shaped/Shifted mug by Christopher DeLorenzo, USA with the colorful illustration by Merjin Hos, Netherlands Distortion mug. Both using shapes from nature creating a perfect pairing. Each mug comes in it's own matching gift box. From humble beginnings as a small glass factory, today Iittala offers a wide variety of modern Scandinavian housewares that demonstrate the company's commitment to design quality and product longevity. Based in Helsinki, Finland, Iittala continues to make cookware, tableware and other home accessories that are both lovely and useful, based primarily on the forward-thinking philosophies of design icons Kaj Franck and Alvar Aalto. Photo Courtesy of Lumens HAY PC Portable Lamp The freestanding PC Portable Lamp (2019) features robust ABS plastic construction with a scratch- and water-resistant matte finish, high-efficiency LED bulb and rechargeable battery, giving you the flexibility and freedom to move it anywhere. Place it in a dark living room corner for the soft effect of candlelight, pop it on a patio table for a warm glow during summer meals or bring it with you to light the way on family camping trips. PC Portable runs up to 10 hours on a single charge, so you’ll never be without light when you need it most. Includes touch-controlled step dimmer on base and USB charging cable. Suitable for residential and commercial use both indoors and out (bring indoors when not in use). Bulb (included): 3W G4 LED, 3000K. CE and ETL listed. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew The Alessi Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew designed by Alessandro Mendini is a practical and pocket-sized corkscrew in a parrot-shaped design. The Parrot Sommelier Corkscrew features cast aluminum and plastic material. Alessi, known as the Italian design factory, has manufactured household products since 1921. The stylish and fun items offered are the result of contemporary partnerships with some of the world's best designers of unique and modern home accessories. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Olli Ella Rattan Bike Basket Don’t forget to accessorize. For days when you want to peddle to the beach or park with a little lunch to-go, this handmade rattan basket is just the thing. Not only is it cute-as-all-get-out, it’s also got a long (and handily adjustable) canvas strap with brass hardware for easy toting. Attach it to your bike handles, secure it to your scooter, or sling it over your shoulder while running errands—it’s all ready to go. Photography by Rocky Luten & Ty Mecham Lunya Washable Silk Pillowcase 100% silk (front), 100% woven cotton (back) Machine wash cold like colors, lay flat to dry Photo Courtesy of Lunya Fellow Clyde Stovetop Tea Kettle A striking take on a stovetop staple, this sleek tea kettle features a two-tone harmonic whistle and a spout that stays sealed until you start pouring. That means no more flipping open the whistle cap to a flood of hot steam. Photo Courtesy of Fellow Sagaform Round Oak Cutting Board Natural oak brings distinctive color and graining to a round cutting board that can easily double as a cheese tray or trivet. Grooved detailing provides a slip-free spot to rest utensils. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Bellocq Solid Brass Candle Light up our lives. In our book, you can never have too many candles (especially if they come in a snazzy brass tin you can repurpose as a vase). These lovely mood-setters are inspired by the scent of Bellocq’s signature tea blends including mint and black varieties. They’re made from soy wax and essential oils with a wick of woven, lead-free cotton. And back to those vessels: The heavy-gauge solid brass and lid will develop a pretty patina over time. Choose between: Majorelle Mint: Freshly Torn Mint, Gunpowder Green Tea & Moroccan Cedar Le Hammeau: Lemongrass, Sweet Orange, Sage & May Rose The Queen's Guard: English Heirloom Rose, Lavender, Rose Geranium & Ceylon Tea Photography by Ty Mecham Herman Miller: A Way of Living A chronicle of the rich history of this innovative furniture company, from its founding in the early twentieth century to today. For more than 100 years, Michigan-based Herman Miller has played a central role in the evolution of modern and contemporary design, producing timeless classics while creating a culture that has had a remarkable impact on the development of the design world. Ten chapters and thousands of illustrations tell the Herman Miller story as never before, documenting its defining moments and key leaders—making Herman Miller: A Way of Living an indispensable addition to the bookshelves of design-lovers around the globe. Publisher: Phaidon Photo Courtesy of Phaidon Food52 x GreenPan Nonstick Skillet (Set of 2) The total package. In the words of our co-founder Amanda Hesser, "Many nonstick pans are appealingly affordable but not at all visually appealing. With GreenPan, we set out to create a pan that would be a real looker—chic, even!—yet still have the great functionality that would make this your everyday workhorse." So voilà! Our design comes to life here—these pans not only slide out omelettes, crepes, fish filets, and the like with ease but their sage-blue exterior and brass hardware cuts quite a pretty profile if we do say so ourselves. But don't let all that eye candy fool you, these pans have power behind 'em, too: They're made from natural ceramic nonstick without PFAS, PFOA, lead, or cadmium, and are oven and broiler safe up to a whopping 600°F. They also won't blister, peel or release toxic fumes even if heated up to 850°F (unlike most nonstick pans) and the 100% natural ceramic coating can take a beating and then some (it’s even dishwasher and metal utensil-safe). Photography by Ty Mecham, James Ransom & Rocky Luten Brynjar Siguroarson Glacier Project Candles Brynjar Siguroarson's Glacier Project candles are a subtle commentary on the issue of global warming. The collection is made of a series of candles crafted to look like glaciers, that, when lit, melt and disappear just like the precious ice forms. These beautiful ice blue/tuquoise candles look great as a little sculptural piece for your home, and when alight, remind us that preservation of the environment is in our hands. Photo Courtesy of Generate Design Vitra Rotary Tray The Rotary Tray is a contemporary rendering of the classic etagere by Jasper Morrison. Thanks to its simple shape and subtle colors, the Rotary Tray complements any interior style and lends itself to many different uses. It features a tiered composition with a top tray that rotates to maximize accessibility and meet many storage needs. Whether in the kitchen or on the dining room table, in a bathroom or entryway, at the office or in a child's room: the Rotary Tray offers a decorative way to tidy up any space. Photo Courtesy of Connox Snowe Dinner Bowls, Set of 4 Think of our dinner bowl as the dinner plate’s curvaceous cousin. All the versatility for everyday use, with just the right assets worth flaunting. From entrée pastas and salads to those oh-so-healthy grain bowls you’re craving these days, this perfectly proportioned coupe plate elevates whatever’s on the menu. Photo Courtesy of Snowe Daniel Emma Stationary Container A solid resin container holds your bits and bobs while the clear spherical lids magnify what is under them. Perfect for paperclips, thumbtacks, and other small objects. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Alessi Nomu Vacuum Flask Minimalist thermos from Alessi, designed by Naoto Fukasawa. Mirror-polished 18/10 stainless steel and thermoplastic resin. Pop-top serving lid delivers hot or cold beverages. Removable cover lid doubles as small cup. Engraved logo at base. Photo Courtesy of Alessi Moleskine Vertical Nylon Device Bag Contemporary bag from Moleskine. Webbing carrying handles. Adjustable webbing shoulder straps. Breathable air-mesh back. Wraparound two-way water-resistant zip closure. Heat-sealed front zip pocket. Interior zip pocket. Padded 15" laptop compartment. Interior organizer, pen holders and card holder with reflective trim. Polyurethane base with reflective logo patch. Honeycomb lining. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom HAY Analog Clock After having lived and worked in Milan for Lissoni Associati, American designer Shane Schneck founded his own Stockholm-based studio in 2010. Since that time, Schneck’s work has received international acclaim in the form of iF, Red Dot and Wallpaper awards. Inspired by, of all things, a vintage barometer, his boldly styled Analog Clock unabashedly protrudes from the wall. It features a striking concave face, large rod-shaped hands and crisp markers. Made in China. Photo Courtesy of Design Within Reach Volta Small Paris Standing Mobile Retro-inspired moving sculpture from Volta. Recycled aluminum and steel. Designed to rotate gently in moving air currents. Weight-balanced top with four rounded paddles in primary colors. Triangular metal base. Some assembly required. Handmade. Photo Courtesy of Need Supply Co. Lexon Tykho 3 AM/FM Radio & Bluetooth Speaker Sharp, monochromatic style defines a compact AM/FM radio that uses Bluetooth tech to connect to your device for additional utility. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Matter Made Setup Candleholder Setup Candleholder is machined from a solid block of aluminum, brass, or marble with four holes to accommodate the most common candle sizes. The austere design and the ability to use "leftover" candles is inspired by the Shaker's ideals of simplicity and efficiency. Photo Courtesy of Leibal Heller Rainbow Mugs, Set of 6 Massimo Vignelli’s iconic dinnerware won the prestigious Compasso d’Oro Award in 1964 and, in 1971, became the first product made by a company called Heller, now an international furniture manufacturer responsible for introducing the Bellini Chair®, Frank Gehry outdoor furniture and other icons of modern design. Heller Dinnerware was an instant classic, and because it’s still made using the same molds, a set bought today will blend seamlessly with vintage pieces. Heller Rainbow Mugs (1974) are made of thick, durable BPA-free polymer. They can be used for hot and cold beverages and are dishwasher and microwave safe. This multicolored set includes purple, blue, green, pink, orange and yellow mugs. Made in U.S.A. LEXON Oslo Energy Wireless Charging Pad & Bluetooth Speaker Quickly and easily charge your device with this combination charging pad and Bluetooth speaker that offers easy use and an attractive package. Photo Courtesy of Nordstrom Andrew Neyer Lite Light The Andrew Neyer Lite Mini Pendant is short, sweet and to the point, featuring a simple cylindrical structure capped with an exposed globe bulb. With simplicity comes endless possibilities; for instance, the Lite is perfect for multiple installations, whether in clusters or in a linear fashion. A globe bulb is recommended, leaving the choice of style up to you to customize the look of the Lite Mini Pendant. Photo Courtesy of Andrew Neyer Ember Ceramic Mug Beautifully designed to be used in your home or at your desk, the Ember® Ceramic Mug keeps your beverages at the perfect temperature from the first sip to the last drop. Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set The Iittala Collective Tools Salad Set was designed by Antonio Citterio to help build the perfect modern dining experience. The heft, smooth texture and curves of the stainless steel utensils make them a pleasure to wield. And their silvery, industrial look make them a lovely decorative accent on any dining table. Photo Courtesy of Lumens We love the products we feature and hope you do, too. If you buy something through a link on the site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Related Reading: 8 Places to Stay in Rome For Under $100 Per Night
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Adtwixt - News source https://adtwixt.com/blogs/news/29-gifts-less-than-100-that-are-perfect-for-everyone-on-your-list
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Brasil, Colombia y Perú entre los que más agua tienen en el mundo.
El agua representa uno de los elementos más valiosos para la humanidad: es esencial para la vida en el planeta. Sin embargo, para el 2050, según estudios del Banco Mundial, más de mil millones de personas vivirán en ciudades sin suficiente agua, pues a medida que se incrementa la población, también crece la necesidad de abastecimiento. Este problema radica principalmente en que la cantidad de agua que hay en el mundo no aumenta.
En este contexto, Latinoamérica juega un papel muy importante, ya que según GWP (Global Water Partnership), casi un tercio de los recursos renovables se encuentran en este territorio; es decir, poseemos la mayor cantidad de agua dulce en el mundo. Específicamente, Perú figura entre los diez primeros países del listado mundial en relación a recursos hídricos, pero la región aún no logra un suministro adecuado de las fuentes que gozamos. Al contar con una gran zona desértica, los habitantes más alejados de la capital (Lima) obtienen agua a través de camiones cisterna, pozos artesanales, ríos, acequias o manantiales. Muchas veces esta agua es de inadecuada calidad y su provisión no es segura.
Fuente: http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2015/03/04/actualidad/1425491803_078422.html
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teststreams · 4 years ago
The Global Water Partnership (GWP)-AIP Youth Leaders Fellowship 2021 for young Professionals. – Tunis based
The Global Water Partnership (GWP)-AIP Youth Leaders Fellowship 2021 for young Professionals. – Tunis based
Application Deadline: June 11th 2021 The Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean is opening the applications for the GWP-AIP Young Leaders Fellowship, in the framework of the Water Climate Development and Gender Transformation Programme of the African Water Investment Programme (AIP WACDEP-G) to be based in Tunis, Tunisia. The successful candidate will have an Agreement with the Mediterranean…
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szantograf · 6 years ago
Duna Művészeti Mestere 2019
Duna Művészeti Mestere 2019
A Duna Védelmi Nemzetközi Bizottság (ICPDR), a Global Water Partnership Közép- és Kelet-Európa Régió (GWP CEE) és a GWP Magyarország Alapítvány a Nemzetközi Duna Nap alkalmából 2019-ben ismét meghirdeti a Duna Művészeti Mestere (DAM) alkotói pályázatot.
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cayoscoop · 6 years ago
Belize World Water Day Video
Video of the day.  Happy World Water Day!  Jeavon Sanker created a video for the CWWA World Water Day competition.  It's 1 minute long, and focuses on Succotz.  Best of luck, Jeavon!
  "Entry in the Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) and the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA)
  Caribbean 1-Minute Video Challenge. The theme of World Water Day 2019 is “Leaving No One Behind.”
  Entrants were therefore asked to creatively answer the following question in a 1-minute video: In your community, do you believe there are any persons/groups/sectors being left behind in terms of access to water and sanitation?"
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logicpublishers · 4 years ago
GWP-AIP Young Leaders Fellowship Program 2021 And How To Apply
GWP-AIP Young Leaders Fellowship Program 2021 And How To Apply
The Global Water Partnership-AIP Youth Leaders Fellowship aims to support and empower young people in driving the transformation required to improve the investment outlook for water security and sustainable sanitation in Africa. Nurturing youth through this expanding internship program helps to develop the skills and experience needed for both traditional and new jobs. Ultimately, investing in…
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babymilkaction · 7 years ago
IBFAN at the 142nd WHO Executive Board Meeting
142nd session of the Executive Board
22–27 January 2018, Geneva, Switzerland
CLICK HERE for the webcasts of all the meetings.
  Elizabeth Sterken, IBFAN Dr Tredos Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General, Maryse Arendt, IBFAN/ILCA and Patti Rundall, Thursday 25th January.
This has been a hectic week once more at the WHO  Executive Board (EB)- and we have needed to give interventions every day on one topic or another.  Our major concern, as always, alongside the protection of breastfeeding, is to protect WHO’s integrity, trustworthy  and independence so that it  carries out its constitutional Mandate as the world’s highest health policy setting body.
This year is a reporting year on Infant and Young Child Feeding so there was much to do and it was good to have a small but  strong IBFAN team.   But there were also many related and cross cutting Agenda items: Climate Change,  the Prevention on Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs); Health Emergencies, WHO’s  Framework for Engagement with Non State Actors (FENSA),  the draft proposals to address Conflicts of Interest in Nutrition and the General Program of Work 2019-2013 (GPW).  We made interventions on all these items – see  below.
One good thing – two references to breastfeeding were  inserted into the GPW- a result of advocacy by IBFAN, other NGOs and Member States. However, the clear differences of opinion between Member States led to some very worrying developments.
All documentation
Click here to watch the live webcast for 142nd WHO Executive Board
Click here for statements from Non State Actors
Elisabeth Sterken, Maryse Arendt, Patti Rundall and Alessia Bigi. IBFAN and ILCA team
IBFAN Interventions
Agenda Item 142/3.1 Draft 13th General Programme of Work 2019-2023 (GPW) 
The WHO website has one link CLICK HERE  for all 6 days of the EB – so to see the webcast you need to navigate to each agenda item on the correct day.
I delivered the GPW statement during the morning session 23rd January        
As one of WHO’s longest-standing public interest partners, IBFAN places great value on WHO’s Core constitutional norm-setting functions and its independence, integrity and trustworthiness.
We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the latest draft of the GWP. While some of the concerns we and others raised in the consultation have been partially addressed, omissions remain, for example the importance of sound nutrition and especially laws to protect breastfeeding. However, most importantly, the plan fails to fully identify the risks of engagement and partnership with the private sector and the threat this poses to WHOs lead role in proposing and building the international Rule of Law.
In relation to undue influence, the GPW relies on the protection afforded by FENSA. Yet FENSA, like the SUN Initiative, uses a faulty concept of Conflict of Interest that needs to be corrected. It confuses conflicts of interest within an institution or person with conflicts between actors who have diverging or fiduciary duties. WHO’s internal conflict between its mandate and prime functions and its secondary interest to be adequately funded should not be ignored. Paragraph 129 recognises that the ‘quality of funds’ is more important than their ‘quantity’ and calls Member states to un-earmark their funding and increase assessed contributions. However the GPW call for private sector funding is clear.
The notion that funding and engagement with the private sector will speed up action in areas such as NCDs is not supported by evidence – indeed such engagement is more likely to slow things down – especially when it comes to regulation. Voluntary promises attract much publicity, but unless backed up by regulation can be little more than diversionary public relations – here today and gone tomorrow. WHO must not allow itself to be used as a cover for corporations whose practices damage health and the environment. The world’s poorest people are the ones who pick up the costs of misleading marketing, deforestation, mono-cropping, land and sea grabbing and risky technologies.
Agenda Item EB 3.3  (142/9)  WHO’s work in health emergencies.
I delivered this statement on Health Emergencies in the morning session of Wednesday 24th January Move to 12.38.00    CLICK HERE for PDF
As a global network that protects breastfeeding, IBFAN is pleased to comment on this important topic.
Breastfeeding is a lifeline in emergencies. Babies are born with an undeveloped immune system and are at greatest risk of water-related diseases – with diarrhoeal disease the second biggest killer of under-fives.  Breastfeeding provides both food, care and immune support, and protects babies from the worst of emergency conditions.
Despite this, all too often emergency responses are characterized by unsolicited donations of all manner of baby feeding products. Public appeals for funds often make this worse – with starving babies shown alongside the myths used by the baby food industry – that women can’t breastfeed because of stress or malnourishment.   Rarely do appeals highlight the resilience of breastfeeding or that artificially fed babies face many more risks to survival.
IBFAN’s World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative assessment of policies and programmes on Infant feeding during emergencies show that implementation of UN recommendations on this is dismal.
WHO can play a key role in reversing this situation by promoting emergency preparedness protocols that protect breastfeeding and improve food security.  The new updated Operational Guidance for Emergency Relief Staff and Programme Managers  is designed to give all those working in emergencies concise, practical guidance on appropriate infant and young child feeding and ensure that when breastmilk substitutes are required they are purchased, distributed and used according to the UN’s agreed strict criteria.
Emergencies are prime opportunities for commercial exploitation and the Business of Malnutrition is thriving. While the speedy delivery of products can be essential, over-emphasis on fortified products and quick-fix treatments of malnutrition – often traded globally and containing  25% sugar ­– can undermine breastfeeding and sustainable, local, bio-diverse foods that are more culturally appropriate.
We look forward to working with WHO to ensure that families in emergencies have the support and protection they need.
With Dr Tedros – after breastfeeding was inserted into the General Work Plan – note the Conflict of Interest Coalition statement in my hand.
Agenda Item: 3.5 Health, environment and climate change
IBFAN Chair Elisabeth Sterken delivering the Climate Change intervention
  Elisabeth Sterken delivered the IBFAN intervention on Climate Change on Wednesday 24th January
 Click here for the PDF
Breastfeeding and Human milk’s contribution to environment sustainability and food security year-round should be considered in climate-smart development goals at national and global level. The promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding has significant impact on mitigating harm to the environment. When women breastfeed their contribution to the reduction of Green House Gasses (GHG) and water conservation is substantial and an unacknowledged contribution that women make to reduce the impacts of climate change.
Breastmilk is a natural, renewable food, environmentally safe and produced and delivered without pollution, unnecessary packaging or waste.Breastmilk substitutes leave a major ecological footprint. Breastmilk substitutes (BMS) need energy to manufacture, materials for packaging, fuel for transport distribution and water, fuel and cleaning agents for daily preparation and use. More than 4000 liters of water are estimated to be needed along the production pathway to produce just 1kg of BMS powder. In the US alone, 550 million cans, 86000 tons of metal and 364000 tons of paper are used annually to package the product, that ends up in landfills. Furthermore, the methane gas emanating from dairy herds is a potent form of GHG.
These effects are all mitigated when women and babies are supported for optimal feeding. Breastfeeding is especially important and protective with the increasing food insecurity and extreme weather conditions that the world’s most vulnerable women and their children face. Policies and practices that implement the International Code and resolutions and support women to breastfeed are unique ways to contribute to meaningful approaches to mitigate the impact of climate change and a cornerstone to global efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG13 )  on climate change. IBFAN’s study of the impact of infant formula production on GHG emissions can be found  HERE :ibfan.org/docs/Carbon-Footprints-Due-to-Milk-Formula.pdf
Agenda Item EB 3.8.  Preparation for the third High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, to be held in 2018 (EB142/15); Preliminary evaluation of the GCM (EB142/15 Add.1)
I delivered this statement on NCDs (ag 3.8 ) on  Thursday 25th  January (afternoon /evening)
IBFAN has supported WHO’s leadership role in the control of NCDs. We attended the 1st UN General Assembly on NCDs launching the Conflict of Interest Coalition, demonstrating the concern of161 NGOs to keep policy setting free from commercial influence.
Table 5 lists contradictory obstacles to the implementation of WHO’s Best Buys. Section 5 clearly points to industry interference in policymaking while No 3, makes sweeping assumptions that developing countries have no ‘policy backbone…and lack the capacity to find common ground between policy-makers and private sector.”  Suggesting partnerships with the private sector as the best way forward, with no evidence of efficacy.
If governments are to be in the drivers seat they need a clear assessment of the national situation based on hard data, with goals, a clear strategy (hopefully including good laws to protect breastfeeding)  and careful consideration of whether and what role private sector should play in its implementation. Finding ‘Common ground’ with the private sector – especially on regulatory issues – seems unlikely to us.
Since bad diets are one of the biggest causes of death and disease, WHO should remind Member States there is no time to waste. Incremental changes, self-regulation and monitoring according to industry’s criteria will be simply inadequate.
The power exerted by rich producer nations when global trading standards are set at Codex is evident. Developing countries advocating WHO recommendations are overlooked and WHO is increasingly called on to defend their integration.
Not surprisingly the analysis of WHO’s Global Coordinating Mechanism  “finds the effectiveness of the activities and outputs.. to be MODEST.”  Similarly, after over 10 years, the European Commission’s Platform for Action on Diet Physical Activity and Health shows no evidence of real effect. Meetings are now reduced from 4 to 2 per year. Is this a   sign of disenchantment with multi-stakeholder initiatives involving corporations?  Surely better to work with with town planners, small farmers and public health experts.
  Agenda Item: 4.6.1 Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young child nutrition: biennial report  CLICK HERE for PDF
Implementing supports for breastfeeding is vital for progress in carrying out the comprehensive plan. Progress remains slow with only 40% of infants under 6 mo exclusively breastfed. Thus 60% are not meeting the recommendations of the WHO GS for IYCF. Additionally we are concerned that sustained breastfeeding to 2 y or beyond is not included in the global target. IBFAN’s World Breastfeedin Trends Initiative which tracks policies and practices in over 84 countries to date reports an average rate of breastfeeding initiation within the 1st hour at just above 50%. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months to be 38%, and the median duration of breastfeeding to be 15.5 months. On policies that are needed to support mothers, IBFAN’s monitoring found that only 21 out of 84 countries have a policy that includes infant feeding in emergencies yet this need is increasing. Of 84 countries only 10% provide more than 26 weeks of maternity leave. Women in the informal sector, which form 90% of the world’s working women, have no maternity protection. Only 46 countries reported having some breastfeeding and child care facilities at work. For the elimination of commercial interference in IYCF through the implementation of the International Code, IBFAN since 2015 has worked with 77 countries on implementing some or all of its provisions and of 2016, 40 countries have implemented most of the Code. We are pleased to have worked with recent entrants – Armenia, Bolivia, Kosovo, Kuwait and Vietnam and have witnessed the opposition from baby food industries in their struggle to achieve this. Additionally another 31 have partially implemented the Code and 56 others, including EU members only some aspects as regulations, while 12 have voluntary measures. IBFAN does have concerns regarding the proposed revisions to the BFHI, however we are pleased that WHO has increased work on Code implementation through NETCODE and to make significant contributions to its independent monitoring work.
Agenda Item EB 4.6 Safeguarding against possible conflicts of interest in nutrition programmes (EB142/23) CLICK HERE for PDF
Since the first WHA resolution on CoI in 1996, IBFAN has worked on preventing and managing conflicts of interest in the nutrition arena.
We maintain that WHO’s CoI guidance is problematic because it is not based on legal definitions of conflicts of interest which refer to conflicts within a person or an institution, between their OBLIGATIONS (e.g. WHO constitutional mandate, roles and functions), and secondary interests (e.g. gaining access to funding). They are NOT conflicts between actors who have diverging interests.  If WHO does not correct this definition the institution’s integrity, independence and trustworthiness will be endangered.
The approach also introduces a problematic engagement typology, and folds “integrity” into a cost-benefit analysis. Any concern about integrity is thus likely to be overwhelmed by arguments about potential benefits.
The implementation of the proposed Approach will lead to a harmful redefinition of CoI at national level, an increase of financial CoI, and a weakening of any existing national safeguards. It will promote the development of measures that increase rather than reduce risks of conflicts of interest and undue influences, in particular by commercial corporate actors and venture philanthropies, on policy decisions and programme implementation. It will add to the confusion created by FENSA and the Scaling up Nutrition’s CoI guidance, and undermine government’s efforts to build effective CoI safeguards in the area of nutrition.
IBFAN calls on the EB to request WHO to:
correct the CoI concept, the ‘engagement�� typology and clearly distinguish between CoI assessment and risk assessment;
undertake a thorough review of this Approach by Legal CoI experts and public discussion of the findings;
Finally, IBFAN hopes that the EB will not simply note the Draft Approach
Agenda Item EB 28/29 Engagement with non-State actors (FENSA)
Alessia Bigi reading the IBFAN statement on FENSA at 19.40 Friday 26th January
This is an important agenda item – quite short – so worth listening to the whole thing. – webcast on the debate on Non State Actors  (move to 35.00.00)    Dr Tedros’ concluding remarks – (move to 35 minutes)  mirror the US position that being ‘risk averse’ is dangerous for WHO and that it is better to  just manage COI. However he also  talks about the need to regulate.   The US intervention   is at  19.14.00  – urging  neither a “risk averse nor cavalier approach”   The intervention from   India is at 20.00.00. IBFAN  at  22.55.00  followed by Medicus Mundi/People’s Health Movement and ThirdWorld Network.
This statement was delivered by Alessia Bigi at the very end of Friday 26th move to 22.50.00    CLICK HERE
IBFAN and many other public interest NGOs have consistently expressed concerns about the unresolved conceptual problems of FENSA, whose COI definitions mirror the flaws in Sun’s Guidance on Conflicts of Interest. SUN confuses conflicts of interest with disagreements and differences, depending on Trust and Collaboration rather than caution.
Not wanting to repeat concerns expressed in other agenda items, we look forward to FENSA being opened up to public and expert input and scrutiny in the initial evaluation due in 2019.
FENSA follows decades – long debates about how WHO should appropriately approach its engagements with the private sector, and in particular with public-private hybrid entities. OECD COI Guidelines describe sponsorships and lobbying as particular “at risk areas” for conflicts of interest – yet these issues are woefully absent.
As we feared, the Non-State Actors (NSA) terminology is creating many problems, as is the lack of due diligence in the approval of NSA Official Relations applications.
Providing different colour badges for NSA types would be at least one step towards transparency. Similarly, all participants, including those with public badges, should be listed. In what appears to be a growing trend, Senior members of ISDI – an NSA that lost its Official Relations status in 2013 – are attending this EB. At the Codex meeting in December – dozens of industry representatives (far more than in the official ISDI delegation) attended with Public Badges and were not listed. We urge Member States to ensure their delegations to WHO and Codex are free from commercial influence.
We welcome the assurances given by Dr Tedros and Dr Axelrod that WHOwill be safeguarded. In order to achieve this, we urgently suggest that WHO enlists COI experts to correct the wrong COi conceptualization in FENSA. If a corrected version could be ready by the forthcoming WHA, MS would then more safely proceed with COI in nutrition.
Statement from Medicus Mundi/People’s Health Movement and Third World Network
Thank you Chair, MMI appreciates this opportunity to speak on agenda 5.5. The statement is supported by TWN and PHM.
We thank the Secretariat for the reports. We would like to underline the importance of making available reports that are both comprehensive and detailed, to facilitate an informed discussion regarding implementation of FENSA. We thank the Secretariat for expanding the amount of information being provided. Nonetheless there is still scope for enhancing the quality of information provided. There is an urgent need to provide detailed information in areas such as the number of engagement in each category of engagements; and the details of secondments — including the rank and position of personnel seconded from NSAs to WHO.
We want to express the concern that Para 13 of FENSA which deals with the identification of NSAs which are not at arm’s length with the private sector, is yet to be implemented. Further, a perusal of the Guide on FENSA developed for WHO staff indicates that a comprehensive policy on Conflict of Interest is yet to be developed by WHO. We call upon the Secretariat to develop a comprehensive COI policy, which is crucial for implementation of FENSA.
Finally, we wish to express our concern on the participation of entities linked to the alcohol industry at WHO’s Global Conference on NCDs in October 2017. Further, we also wish to express similar concerns regarding links to industry, related to the co-chair of the civil society Working Group for the third High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on NCDs in 2018. We call upon the Secretariat to take steps to protect WHO’s integrity and credibility.
  IBFAN at the 142nd WHO Executive Board Meeting was originally published on Baby Milk Action
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