#Global Framework for Cultural and Arts Education
indigenouspeopleday · 5 months
Preserve the rich diversity of the world's languages and protect indigenous scripts.
The Missing Scripts program aims to preserve the rich diversity of the world's languages and protect indigenous scripts, ensuring their existence in the digital sphere.
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This initiative, launched as part of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032), was presented at the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural and Arts Education (WCCAE) in February 2024 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
The Missing Scripts started from the alarming realization that nearly half of the world's writings remain absent from digital platforms. Among these are not only ancient scripts, some of which remain undeciphered, but also a large number of minority or Indigenous writings still in use today. Neglected by the digital industry, these writings, along with the languages they represent face the threat of extinction. How can we fix this situation? The initial step involves encoding these scripts, a process that entails standardizing them by assigning a numerical identifier to each symbol. 
This crucial task has been carried out by the Universal Unicode Standard since the early 1990s. However, mere encoding is insufficient. Equally imperative is the development of input methods such as keyboards to ensure compatibility across various operating systems, as well as the creation of appropriate fonts. Designing these “digital fonts” requires specialized expertise, involving collaboration with experts, including linguists, developers and native speakers. This is the mission led by the Atelier national de recherche typographique (ANRT), housed in a public art school, to allow these writings to be accessible on computers and smartphones. This approach thus makes a strong case for an interdisciplinary artistic education that combines technology, art, culture and typography.
This is an essential issue of digital empowerment. Without proper encoding, not only is the publication or exchange of texts is impossible, but also the construction of vital datasets essential to current technologies, such as automatic translation, voice recognition, machine learning and AI becomes unattainable. It was therefore a natural progression for The Missing Scripts project to join hands with the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, to draw global attention to the plight faced by numerous Indigenous languages. The Global Action Plan for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages provides enabling conditions for digital empowerment, access to information and language technologies, and artistic creation in Indigenous languages. In this context, The Missing Scripts project fits seamlessly with the proposed outputs in the Global Action Plan, contributing to the goal of enhancing the practical use of Indigenous languages.
On 14 February 2024, the event “Digital Arts and Cultural Inclusion: Navigating the Intersection of Technology, Identity and Dialogue” took place alongside the thematic sessions of the the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural and Arts Education (WCCAE). The speakers presented various initiatives in artistic education and digital creation focused on intangible heritage. Among them, Thomas Huot-Marchand, Director of the ANRT, presented the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, and spotlighted the work of the ANRT, a laboratory of the National School of Art and Design of Nancy, France. Founded in 1985, the ANRT welcomes student researchers from all over the world every year. One of its flagship programs, The Missing Scripts, has been developed in partnership with the Script Encoding Initiative (University of California, Berkeley) and the University of Applied Sciences Mainz (Germany) since 2016.
From 13 to 15 February 2024, the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural and Arts Education was held at the National Exhibition Center in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The event brought together nearly 1,000 culture and education stakeholders, including 90 ministers and 125 representatives from UNESCO's member states. At the closing of the conference, UNESCO Member States unanimously adopted a new Global Framework for Cultural and Arts Education. Notably, this framework prioritizes the enhanced promotion and preservation of Indigenous heritage and cultures.
Digital preservation of Indigenous languages: At the intersection of technology and culture
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gaypuppiboi2 · 1 month
In the late 21st century, the world underwent a dramatic shift as the Arab world, fueled by a powerful resurgence in cultural, economic, and political influence, began to shape the global landscape in an unprecedented process of Arabization. This was not a conquest by force, but rather a sweeping cultural and intellectual movement that redefined the global order, spreading Arab values, language, and traditions across continents.
### The Rise of the Arab World
The foundation for this global Arabization was laid during a period of rapid transformation in the Arab world, often referred to as the Second Arab Renaissance. This era was marked by significant advancements in technology, renewable energy, education, and governance, positioning the region as a leader in the post-industrial world.
Oil wealth, once the cornerstone of the Arab economy, was strategically reinvested into sectors such as clean energy, technology, and education. The Gulf states, in particular, became hubs for innovation and global finance, attracting talent and investment from around the world. As the Arab world modernized, it also began to export its culture, language, and values, using soft power to extend its influence far beyond its traditional borders.
### Cultural Influence and Language Expansion
Arabic, which had long been a language of religious and literary significance, began to gain prominence as a global language of commerce, science, and diplomacy. The spread of Arabic was driven by the region’s economic clout, with Arabic becoming a required language in international business, diplomacy, and academia. Leading universities around the world introduced Arabic as a core part of their curriculum, and Arabic-language media became dominant sources of news and entertainment.
The cultural influence of the Arab world extended into everyday life. Islamic architecture, art, and fashion gained widespread popularity, influencing global design trends. Traditional Arab music and cuisine also became staples in cities around the world, with fusion genres and dishes integrating into the global mainstream. Festivals celebrating Arab culture began to spring up across major global cities, attended by millions who embraced the rich traditions of the Arab world.
### The Global Spread of Islamic Values
Parallel to the cultural influence was the rise of Islamic values and ethics in global governance and societal norms. The emphasis on community, charity, and social justice inherent in Islamic teachings resonated with populations worldwide, especially in regions facing economic disparity and social unrest. As a result, many nations began to adopt aspects of Sharia-inspired legal frameworks, particularly in areas related to finance, family law, and social welfare.
The global financial system saw a shift towards Islamic banking, which emphasizes ethical investments and the prohibition of interest. This model attracted countries seeking more sustainable and equitable financial systems, leading to the widespread adoption of Islamic finance principles across Europe, Asia, and Africa.
### The Arab World as a Global Leader
As the Arabization of the world progressed, the Arab world took on a leadership role in global institutions. Organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank saw a significant increase in Arab leadership and influence. The Arab League, once focused primarily on regional issues, evolved into a powerful global alliance that set the agenda on key international issues, from climate change to global trade.
The political model of the Arab world, blending aspects of traditional governance with modern democracy, became a blueprint for nations seeking stability and prosperity. This hybrid model emphasized the role of wise leadership, community consultation, and religious guidance, offering an alternative to Western-style democracy that appealed to many countries, particularly in the Global South.
### Resistance and Integration
The Arabization of the world was not without its challenges. In some regions, there was resistance to the spread of Arabic language and Islamic values, driven by concerns over cultural homogenization and the erosion of local traditions. However, the Arab world, through a combination of diplomacy, economic incentives, and cultural exchange, was largely successful in addressing these concerns.
Integration into the Arabized global order often involved a blending of local and Arab cultures, creating new, hybrid identities that celebrated diversity while acknowledging the influence of Arab civilization. This cultural synthesis became a hallmark of the 22nd century, leading to a more interconnected and culturally rich global society.
### A New World Order
By the end of the 22nd century, the Arab world had succeeded in Arabizing much of the globe, not through conquest, but through the power of its culture, language, and ideas. The world had become a place where Arabic was spoken in boardrooms and classrooms from New York to Tokyo, where Islamic values shaped the ethical foundations of society, and where the architectural, artistic, and culinary traditions of the Arab world were celebrated as global heritage.
This new world order, shaped by the principles of the Arab Renaissance, was one of cultural exchange, mutual respect, and shared prosperity. The Arabization of the world had not erased other cultures, but rather enriched them, creating a global civilization that drew strength from its diverse roots and its shared future.
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rishikul-123 · 2 months
Exploring International Board Schools in Delhi NCR: Is Rishikul Vidyapeeth the Right Choice?
Delhi NCR is a bustling region known for its dynamic blend of cultural heritage and modern lifestyle. Among its many attractions, the area is home to some of India's most prestigious educational institutions. For parents seeking an international standard of education for their children, the region offers a plethora of choices. One notable name that often comes up in discussions is Rishikul Vidyapeeth. But is it the right choice for your child? Let's delve into the details. The Rise of International Board Schools in Delhi NCR International board schools have gained immense popularity in recent years. These schools offer a curriculum that is globally recognized, providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in a competitive world. The focus is not just on academic excellence but also on developing well-rounded individuals who are ready to take on global challenges. What Makes Rishikul Vidyapeeth Stand Out?
Curriculum Rishikul Vidyapeeth offers an international curriculum that is designed to meet global standards. The school follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, which is renowned for its rigorous academic framework and emphasis on critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and intercultural understanding. This curriculum ensures that students are well-prepared for higher education and future career opportunities.
State-of-the-Art Facilities The school boasts state-of-the-art facilities that provide an enriching learning environment. From modern classrooms equipped with the latest technology to extensive libraries and well-maintained sports facilities, Rishikul Vidyapeeth ensures that students have access to all the resources they need to excel in various fields.
Experienced Faculty One of the key strengths of Rishikul Vidyapeeth is its experienced and dedicated faculty. The teachers are not only experts in their respective fields but also trained to deliver the international curriculum effectively. They are committed to nurturing each student's potential and fostering a love for learning.
Holistic Development Rishikul Vidyapeeth believes in the holistic development of students. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, and drama, ensuring that students have ample opportunities to explore their interests and develop new skills. This holistic approach helps in the overall development of students, making them well-rounded individuals.
Global Exposure The school provides numerous opportunities for students to gain global exposure. From international exchange programs to participation in global competitions, Rishikul Vidyapeeth ensures that students are well-versed with different cultures and perspectives, preparing them to thrive in a globalized world. Why Choose an International Board School in Delhi NCR? Opting for an international board school in Delhi NCR comes with several advantages: Quality Education: International board schools adhere to high academic standards, ensuring that students receive a quality education that is recognized worldwide. Global Perspective: These schools emphasize global awareness and intercultural understanding, preparing students to become global citizens. College Readiness: The rigorous curriculum prepares students for the challenges of higher education, making them attractive candidates for top universities around the world. Personalized Learning: With smaller class sizes and a focus on individual attention, international board schools can cater to the unique learning needs of each student. Conclusion Choosing the right school for your child is a crucial decision that can shape their future. Rishikul Vidyapeeth, with its international curriculum, experienced faculty, and commitment to holistic development, stands out as a prominent choice among international board schools in Delhi NCR. However, it's essential to visit the school, understand its ethos, and assess whether it aligns with your child's needs and aspirations. In the end, the right school is one that not only imparts knowledge but also nurtures the overall growth and development of your child, preparing them to face the world with confidence and competence. By focusing on the unique features of Rishikul Vidyapeeth and highlighting the benefits of international board schools in Delhi NCR, this blog aims to provide valuable insights for parents making this important decision.
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howtomuslim · 10 months
Islam and Modernity: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Opportunities
Exploring Islam’s Role in the Contemporary World
Islam’s presence in the modern era is multifaceted, encompassing a myriad of cultural, social, and technological advancements. It stands as a dynamic force shaping both individual lives and global thought, resonating with timeless values while adapting to the challenges and possibilities of the modern age.
Cultural Integration and Global Influence 
Islamic culture, rich with diversity, art, and tradition, continues to influence global trends. From architecture to literature, art to fashion, the beauty and depth of Islamic heritage have found resonance in the contemporary world, fostering a sense of interconnectedness among diverse societies.
Quran (49:13) — “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.”
Social and Ethical Framework 
Islamic ethics, anchored in principles of justice, compassion, and egalitarianism, continue to offer guidance amid a rapidly changing world with a decay in social structures. It serves as a moral compass in addressing contemporary issues such as human rights, environmental stewardship, and societal harmony.
Hadith (Sunan Ibn Majah) — “The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.”
The Challenges and Opportunities
Navigating the intersection of tradition and modernity presents both challenges and opportunities for Islamic communities worldwide. Adapting to technological advancements, evolving social norms, and global interconnectivity requires a delicate balance while preserving the core values of Islam.
During such times Islam has shown it’s ability to hold on to it’s foundational beliefs, held up by our Pillars of Islam and Faith.
Challenges of Misunderstanding and Stereotypes 
Islam often grapples with misconceptions and stereotypes in a rapidly changing world. Addressing these misunderstandings and fostering intercultural dialogue becomes imperative in promoting mutual understanding and harmony.
In such times it’s vital we forgo concluding quick conclusions, fuelled by today’s appetite for quick content, and instead really look in depth, having deep discussions with others and foster an environment of curiosity and conversation.
Quran (49:6) — “O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.”
Embracing Education and Innovation 
The contemporary era offers unprecedented opportunities for Islamic education, scholarship, and technological advancements. Embracing innovation while staying rooted in Islamic principles can facilitate societal progress and contribute positively to the global community.
Hadith (Sunan Abi Dawud) — “Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim.”
Islam’s engagement with modernity showcases its adaptability and resilience. While facing challenges, it presents an invitation to embrace diversity, uphold ethical principles, and harness the potential of progress to create a world reflective of Islamic values — marked by compassion, justice, and wisdom.
For more articles like this and a collection of resources and information about Islam, visit our website www.howtomuslim.org 
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This is a Video Documentation of ongoing collaborative Educational project with Spoke context from 2021-2022.
"FUTURE FORWARD" is a one of some my most proud project I got to involved thanks to Elif Ucan from Spoke context.
We have been creating public murals, mural, and digital art workshop since 2015.
and "FUTURE FORWARD" is a project we have been working on since 2021.
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here is a quote about the project from SPOKE CONTEXT SITE:
"Future Forward: Mit Public Art in die Zukunft is an educational public art initiative with the aim of providing students at middle schools across the state of Bavaria, Germany with an opportunity to gain and practice critical competencies needed to thrive in our world. Future Forward serves as a potent, creativity-based learning environment capable of imparting transformative competencies, meaning the skills and habits of mind, needed to navigate and shape our uncertain and rapidly shifting social, environmental, political and economic ecosystem.
Future Forward affords interactive collaborations between youth and japanese artist, Hiroyasu Tsuri, to create public facing art experiences that enable participants to tangibly enage with global community through digital and analog art making. Our learning interventions are designed to equip young learners with skills and experiences addressing global challenges, while offering an assets-focused premise to exercise autonomous action and real time problem solving.
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Future Forward’s multi-faceted, interdisciplinary learning framework enhances young learners’ processes and tools for life beyond school, while supporting a better understanding of themselves, their peers and community. Due to its large-scale and public-facing nature, Future Forward initiatives are inherently civic and offer an outlet for civic voice. To strengthen civic inquiry and engagement throughout interventions, Future Forward employs the Art as Civic Commons learning framework developed by researchers at Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Project Zero to further investigate civic themes and avenues of action.
Future Forward is sponsored by the Cultural Fund for Education, the Ministry of Culture and Education of Bavaria and the Region of Upper Bavaria. In partnership with the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and Professor Rainer Wenrich, Chair of Arts Education and Art Didactics, Future Forward is accompanied by a scientific research study to investigate learning outcomes and efficacy of interventions.
the Video was edited by my good friend Naoto Sakamoto.
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adrianodiprato · 1 year
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+ “We spend our time responding rationally to a world which we understand and recognise, but which no longer exists.” Eddie Obeng
Nurturing Learners for Success
In an era of rapid change, where knowledge and professional practices evolve at an unprecedented pace, educational institutions face a critical challenge: preparing students for a largely unknown future. As a higher education institute specialising in art, design and enterprise education, LCI Melbourne recognises this reality and has developed a comprehensive document titled "Designing Standards for Academic Performance." This document acknowledges the need to equip students with the skills and mindset required to navigate the dynamic landscape that lies ahead.
At LCI Melbourne we follow the three stages of Understanding By Design (UbD) for all curriculum design because it always starts with the end in mind:
Stage 1: Desired Results - What is the Learning?
At the heart of any effective education system lies a clear understanding of desired learning outcomes. LCI Melbourne's Developing Standards of Academic Performance places a strong emphasis on articulating graduate attributes and learning outcomes. These are the essential qualities and knowledge that students should possess upon completion of their education.
One of the key intentions of Stage 1 is to equip students with clarity about their learning priorities. By explicitly defining graduate attributes and learning outcomes, students gain a deep understanding of their discipline, its principles, and its practices. Furthermore, they develop the ability to apply their knowledge in a global context, embracing diverse perspectives and cultural nuances.
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence - How will you know they have learned?
To truly assess the attainment of desired graduate attributes and learning outcomes, an effective and robust assessment process is crucial. LCI Melbourne recognises the importance of empowering students to provide evidence of their knowledge, skills, and application. Assessment strategies should be designed to evaluate not only factual recall but also critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to apply their learning in real-world contexts.
The provocative question at this stage is: "How will you know they have learned?" By posing this question, educators are prompted to rethink traditional assessment approaches and explore innovative methods that capture the multifaceted nature of learning. Through thoughtful assessment, students are encouraged to demonstrate their competence in addressing complex challenges and to develop the essential skills needed for success in their discipline.
Stage 3: Learning Plan - How will they Learn?
The final stage of the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework focuses on designing the most appropriate sequence of lessons, learning activities, and assessment tasks. At this stage, educators are responsible for creating an engaging and transformative learning experience that empowers students to achieve the desired graduate attributes and learning outcomes.
The learning intention of Stage 3 is to enable students to demonstrate proficiency in their desired graduate attributes and learning outcomes. By designing a comprehensive learning plan, educators can foster independent and collaborative learning opportunities, promoting skills such as effective communication, problem-solving, and information literacy.
LCI Melbourne's Graduate Attributes: Nurturing Holistic Growth
Embedded within the process of designing academic performance standards is the development of LCI Melbourne's Graduate Attributes. These attributes form the foundation for student success and are interwoven with disciplinary content and effective communication:
Knowledge of a discipline: Graduates possess a deep understanding of their field, its history, theories, and practices. They apply this knowledge within a global context, embracing diverse perspectives.
Communication skills: Graduates can effectively convey their ideas and information to various audiences using different mediums. They adapt their communication style to lead and collaborate in different contexts.
Problem-solving skills: Graduates apply logical, critical, and creative thinking to identify, analyse, and solve discipline-related problems. They consider the social, ethical, economic, and environmental impacts of their decisions.
Information literacy: Graduates identify information needs, evaluate sources, and effectively utilize information from diverse sources. They ethically manage and organize information using technology.
Ethical conduct and social responsibility: Graduates reflect on the social, cultural, and ethical implications of their work. They make informed decisions that consider the impact of their work on individuals, communities, and the environment.
Lifelong learning: Graduates embrace ongoing personal and professional development. They reflect on their learning, seek improvement, and actively pursue opportunities for growth.
Independence and collaboration: Graduates work independently and collaboratively to achieve individual and collective goals. They take initiative, manage their time effectively, and hold themselves accountable for their learning and work. They value and respect the perspectives of others.
Motivation to Learn: The Key to Unlocking Potential
When designing assessment tasks and learning experiences, it is imperative to address the factors that influence student motivation (Marzano, 1992). LCI Melbourne recognises that students are more likely to invest effort when three essential factors are present:
Task Clarity: Students need a clear understanding of the desired results, including graduate attributes and learning outcomes. They should know how their learning will be evaluated and assessed by academic staff.
Relevance: Students are motivated when they perceive the sequence of lessons, learning activities, and assessment tasks as meaningful and aligned with desired outcomes. Connecting these experiences to real-world and industry contexts enhances their engagement.
Potential for Success: Students thrive when they believe they can successfully learn and meet evaluation expectations. Learning should be designed to accommodate individual starting points and provide opportunities for growth and accomplishment.
Preparing Learners for an Unknown Future
In his spirted Ted Talk Business Educator Eddie Obeng said, 
"We spend our time responding rationally to a world which we understand and recognise, but which no longer exists.” 
LCI Melbourne's commitment to student success aligns with our unique Student Success Strategy framework, emphasising student voice, agency, and advocacy. By amplifying these essential qualities, LCI Melbourne creates an environment where students can explore their passions, discover new possibilities, and craft their own success stories. Through the meticulous design of academic performance standards, LCI Melbourne ensures that students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and habits necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving world that people like Obeng describe. By nurturing the development of graduate attributes, fostering motivation to learn, and aligning assessments with desired outcomes, LCI Melbourne empowers students to become adaptable, creative, and responsible contributors in their chosen career and throughout life.
As merchants of creativity and innovation, LCI Melbourne recognises that in a world dominated by AI, machine learning, and increased automation, our inherent humanness becomes our greatest commodity. It is our capacity to think creatively, to innovate, and to bring fresh perspectives that sets us apart. Therefore, there is no better time than now to embark on an art and design degree—an educational journey specifically crafted to amplify our creativity and foster innovation, unleashing the full potential of your inherent humanness. LCI Melbourne's commitment to distinctive excellence ensures that you receive the highest quality education, preparing you to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape where creative thinking and innovation are in high demand.
Within our boutique campus in Melbourne’s creative hub Collingwood, you'll find a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, eager to push boundaries and explore the depths of their creative souls. Our expert mentors are more than educators; they are catalysts for your growth, guiding you on a transformative journey of self-discovery.
We believe in the power of a personalised education. At LCI Melbourne, we recognise that each student is a universe of untapped potential waiting to be unleashed. Through hands-on projects, real-world industry experiences, and tailored guidance, we foster an environment where your ideas are nurtured and your artistic voice flourishes.
It is through the distinctive excellence of intentional educational practices that we can unlock the potential of each learner and shape a brighter future for all.
Marzano, R. (1992). A different kind of classroom: Teaching with dimensions of learning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Oliver, B. (2015). Assuring graduate capabilities: evidencing levels of achievement for graduate employability (2011 ALTC National Teaching Fellowship, Final report). Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching. Deakin University.
Obeng, E. (2014). Smart Failure for a Fast-Changing World. Ted Talk. Reviewed on 18 June 2023: https://youtu.be/EjSuaeVfE9I
Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2011). The Understanding by Design guide to creating high-quality units. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Adriano Di Prato is a best-selling author, broadcaster and the Academic Operations Manager at LCI Melbourne, a progressive art + design private higher education institute.
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shubham-verma-21 · 2 days
Preparing Students for the Future: IGCSE and Cambridge Board Curriculum at Chatrabhuj Narsee School
In the heart of Pune, Chatrabhuj Narsee School Amanora stands out as one of the premier educational institutions committed to preparing students for a successful future. With a focus on the IGCSE and Cambridge Board curriculum, the school is dedicated to fostering an environment that nurtures academic excellence and holistic development.
 As one of the best schools in Pune, Chatrabhuj Narsee School aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in an increasingly globalized world.
The IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) is a globally recognized qualification that offers students a well-rounded education. It emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, which are essential in today’s fast-paced environment. The curriculum is designed to be flexible, allowing students to choose subjects that align with their interests and career aspirations. This adaptability makes Chatrabhuj Narsee School a top choice among IGCSE schools in Pune, as it caters to diverse learning needs.
The Cambridge Board Schools in Pune, including Chatrabhuj Narsee School Pune, provide a robust framework for academic achievement. The curriculum not only focuses on academic rigor but also encourages students to engage in extracurricular activities that promote personal growth and social responsibility. By participating in various clubs, sports, and community service initiatives, students develop leadership skills and a sense of belonging.
At CNS Pune, the teaching staff are highly qualified and passionate about education. They employ innovative teaching methods that foster an interactive learning environment. This approach not only enhances student engagement but also helps them grasp complex concepts more effectively. Regular assessments and feedback ensure that students are on track with their learning goals, making it one of the best schools in Pune for academic success.
Moreover, the school emphasizes the importance of technology in education. With state-of-the-art facilities and resources, students are encouraged to harness technology to enhance their learning experience. This commitment to integrating technology into education prepares them for future challenges in a digital world.
In addition to academic excellence, CNS Amanora places significant emphasis on character development. The school’s values—integrity, respect, and empathy—are instilled in students from an early age. This focus on moral education ensures that graduates not only excel academically but also become responsible citizens who contribute positively to society.
Parents looking for Cambridge Board schools in Pune will find Chatrabhuj Narsee to be an ideal choice. The school’s commitment to providing quality education in a nurturing environment is reflected in its impressive track record of student achievements. Graduates from this institution are well-prepared for higher education and are sought after by prestigious universities worldwide.
As part of its mission to create well-rounded individuals, it also prioritizes mental health and well-being. The school offers counselling services and promotes a culture of open communication where students feel safe discussing their concerns. This holistic approach ensures that students are not only academically prepared but also emotionally resilient.
In conclusion, Chatrabhuj Narsee School, Amanora is a beacon of excellence among IGCSE schools inPune. With its focus on the Cambridge Board curriculum, innovative teaching methods, and commitment to character development, the school prepares students for success in all aspects of life.
By choosing Chatrabhuj Narsee School, parents can be confident that their children will receive a quality education that equips them for the future while nurturing their personal growth and values. As one of the best schools in Pune, CNS Pune continues to inspire young minds to reach their full potential and make meaningful contributions to society.
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xtruss · 2 days
Enduring Legacy: Commemoration of Ancient Chinese Mathematical Master Liu Hui Marks His Timeless Influence on Mathematics and Civilization Exchanges
— By Huang Lanlan | September 25, 2024
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A view of the exhibition Liu Hui, a leading founder of classical Chinese mathematical theories at Réfectoire des Cordeliers in Paris
A year-long global commemoration of Liu Hui, a prominent figure in ancient Chinese mathematics, kicked off in Paris on Tuesday local time.
Co-hosted by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), and the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), the commemoration celebrates Liu, whose works and theories not only have a profound impact on ancient Chinese mathematics, but also continue to provide a source of inspiration for scientific and technological progress and civilization exchanges in today's world.
In November 2023, UNESCO held the 42nd session of the General Conference and approved the proposal made by the CAST to celebrate the anniversary of Liu's birth. It was the first time China had successfully applied for a birthday anniversary event for a scientist at UNESCO, said the CAST.
"We hope that through such events, we can showcase to a global audience the remarkable scientific achievements, exceptional ideas, and significant contributions to human civilization made by ancient Chinese scholars like Liu Hui," said He Junke, executive president of the CAST, in a speech he delivered at the launch ceremony of the commemoration on Tuesday local time, at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris.
An Ancient Chinese Mathematical Master
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Some visitors explore the exhibition Liu Hui, a leading founder of classical Chinese mathematical theories at Réfectoire des Cordeliers in Paris on September 24, 2024.
Liu, who lived in the 3rd century, was one of the founders of classical Chinese mathematical theory.
Liu had a profound influence on ancient Chinese mathematics and a direct influence on mathematics in the whole East Asia region, and he also indirectly influenced other regions in the world, said Zou Dahai, a research fellow at the Institute for History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
Liu's commentary in China's mathematical classic Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art inspired numerous mathematicians and mathematical works in later generations.
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Liu Hui Photo: Courtesy of China Association for Science and Technology
"Emerging during the mid-1st century BC and having been passed down to present day, Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art contains numerous universal algorithms and corresponding mathematical problems," Zou, who attended the Tuesday commemoration events online as an expert representative, told the Global Times. "The book has extremely rich content, featuring many significant academic achievements. But it doesn't provide explanations of how the algorithms and formulas were derived."
Liu's commentary was then an essential complement to the book, giving a comprehensive demonstration of mathematical methods in it. "Also, he made original and significant achievements in various areas, such as the theory of lü (ratio), the method of infinite division, volume theory, indirect surveying, the ratio of circumference to diameter, and decimals," Zou said.
Mathematics plays a crucial role in the modern scientific framework, He said at the launch ceremony on Tuesday. In ancient China, mathematics was one of the most advanced disciplines, deeply embedded in everyday life, he said.
"The mathematical system outlined in 'The Nine Chapters' serves as a bridge connecting abstract mathematical theories with practical applications," noted He. "From land measurement to urban planning, from building houses to constructing levees, it not only introduces precise calculation methods but also provides rigorous mathematical proof."
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A Light of Wisdom Spanning Two Millennia
Weeks ago, the International Astronomical Union Minor Planet Naming Committee officially named an asteroid discovered in China the "Liu Hui Star," paying tribute to this precious cultural heritage of all humanity, He mentioned at the launch ceremony of the commemoration.
Many Chinese and international scholars invited to the commemoration told the Global Times that Liu's thoughts and his contributions to mathematics not only have great historical value, but also a profound enlightenment in contemporary mathematical learning, scientific research, and youth science education.
"The achievements, thoughts, and methods of ancient Chinese mathematics have long been integrated into the mathematics that we study today, and Liu's contributions are also part of this integration, having both tangible and intangible effects on the development of Chinese mathematics," Zou said. He explained that many kinds of knowledge of proportions that (modern Chinese people) learn, including the idea of viewing fractions as the ratio of two numbers, were actually influenced by Liu.
"Apart from Liu's specific mathematical achievements, his scholarly attitude and scientific spirit are worth our study and promotion," added Zou.
Jeff Chen, a professor of mathematics at US St. Cloud State University who attended the commemoration in Paris on Tuesday, emphasized how Liu's work can inspire and benefit the science education of today's youth.
"Liu's works clearly demonstrated that he had a curious and logical mind," Chen told the Global Times via email. "Although the mathematical knowledge in the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art may be considered elementary or even rudimentary, Liu's thinking and modes of reasoning are definitely not. They help us to make sense of the knowledge and lead us to utilize the tools at our disposal, applying them in ways beyond the conventions."
"In short, Liu's works really train students to think for themselves - the ultimate goal of education," Chen noted.
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A poster for the celebration of 1800th anniversary of the birth of Liu Hui on September 24, 2024 Photo: Courtesy of CAST
A Bridge Connecting Eastern and Western Civilizations
Following the launch ceremony, an international symposium on Liu's academic thought was also held at the headquarters of UNESCO on Tuesday afternoon, where global experts in the history of science and technology, and the history of mathematics, made multi-dimensional interpretations and held discussions on Liu's academic contributions and scientific heritage, as well as their modern value.
Furthermore, they delved into the global dissemination of Liu's mathematical ideas, and proposed suggestions to further promote China's classical mathematical heritage.
Earlier, as another highlight of this series of commemorative events, a themed exhibition featuring Liu's achievements in mathematics kicked off at the Réfectoire des Cordeliers in Paris on Monday, so as to showcase Liu's mathematical achievement, and to deepen the civilization exchanges and mutual understanding between China and the world, read the exhibition's foreword.
Zhou Xiaohan, an associate research fellow at the Institute for History of Natural Sciences, CAS, believes that the exhibition is an opportunity to show Liu's important contributions, as well as the efforts made by Chinese and foreign scholars to study ancient scientific thought in China and their in-depth cooperation over the last century.
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UNESCO, in collaboration with Chinese National Commission for UNESCO and the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) ,commemorates the 1800th birth anniversary of renowned Chinese mathematician Liu Hui at its Paris headquarters. Photo by Mohammad Arif Ullah/For chinadaily.com.cn
"Liu's achievements are not only a treasure to China, but also a great legacy of human thought for the world," he told the Global Times.
"I wish there were exhibitions and presentations [in commemoration of Liu] in more major cities around the world," said Chen. "With the backing of UNESCO, such occasions will encourage more international interest in his works and attract students into the field of the history of mathematics in China. It will promote dialogue, discussions, and cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world."
One of the themes of our time is exchange and mutual learning among different civilizations, Zou said in a speech he delivered at the launch ceremony. "Indeed, our commemoration of Liu Hui today, as well as the academic achievements supporting these activities are exactly the product of civilizational exchanges and mutual learning," he said.
The commemoration event in honor of Liu further conveys China's outstanding scientific achievements and scientific culture to the international community, which showcases both the characteristics and the universality of Chinese mathematics, Zou told the Global Times on Monday, ahead of the ceremony.
"This is a model case showing the diversity and accommodation of Eastern and Western cultures," Zou said.
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ramyavarshini · 3 days
Is Full Stack Development a Promising Career Path in 2024?
As technology continues to shape the future, the demand for skilled developers is at an all-time high. Among various tech roles, full stack development has gained significant traction, leading many to wonder if it’s a wise career choice in 2024. In this blog, we’ll dive into the compelling reasons why pursuing a career as a full stack developer is a smart move.
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For those looking to master the art of Full Stack, enrolling in a reputable Full Stack Developer Training in Pune can provide the essential skills and knowledge needed for navigating this dynamic landscape effectively.
1. Escalating Demand for Multifaceted Developers
In today’s tech landscape, businesses are increasingly prioritizing versatility in their development teams. Full stack developers, who are proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies, have become essential in facilitating efficient project execution. This high demand spans multiple industries, ensuring that skilled developers have a wealth of opportunities available to them.
2. Comprehensive Skill Set
Full stack developers possess a wide range of skills, enabling them to take on various responsibilities within a project. From designing user interfaces to managing databases, their ability to operate across different levels of web development enhances their value. This adaptability not only makes them desirable candidates but also allows them to tackle diverse challenges.
3. Competitive Salary Expectations
The financial rewards for full stack developers are promising, with many companies offering attractive salaries to secure top talent. As the demand for these professionals continues to grow, developers can expect competitive compensation packages. Additionally, those who specialize in specific technologies or frameworks often see even higher earning potential. Here’s where getting certified with the Top Full Stack Online Certification can help a lot.
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4. Opportunities for Ongoing Education
The tech industry is characterized by rapid innovation, making continuous learning a necessity for full stack developers. This dynamic environment allows developers to keep their skills fresh and relevant. Engaging with new tools, frameworks, and best practices not only enhances their career prospects but also keeps their work stimulating and engaging.
5. Flexibility in Work Arrangements
With the rise of remote work culture, full stack developers enjoy increased flexibility in where and how they work. Many companies now offer remote positions, providing developers with the opportunity to collaborate with global teams while working from their preferred locations. This flexibility is particularly appealing for those seeking a better work-life balance.
6. Meaningful Contributions
Working as a full stack developer often means contributing to projects that have a direct impact on users. Being involved in both the front-end and back-end allows developers to see the fruits of their labor in real time. This level of engagement can lead to a strong sense of fulfillment and pride in their work.
7. Possibilities for Specialization
While full stack developers are known for their wide-ranging abilities, many choose to specialize in areas such as DevOps, machine learning, or mobile application development. This specialization allows them to deepen their expertise and become sought-after professionals in specific niches, enhancing their career trajectory.
In conclusion, pursuing a career as a full stack developer in 2024 is a compelling choice with numerous advantages. The increasing demand for versatile skill sets, competitive salaries, and opportunities for continuous learning make this profession a valuable option for aspiring tech professionals. By embracing the ever-changing landscape of technology, full stack developers can build fulfilling and prosperous careers. If you’re considering a path in tech, full stack development could be the ideal route for you!
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the-main-girl · 6 days
Sophia’s reading list is filled with books that challenge her intellect, inspire personal growth, and expand her worldview. Here are book recommendations that align with her interests, passions, and drive for success:
1. “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari
Why Sophia would love it: As a well-traveled, cultured woman, Sophia is fascinated by humanity’s evolution and the forces that shaped our world. This book gives her a broad perspective on history, culture, and the development of society, which is invaluable for someone with a global mindset.
2. “Becoming” by Michelle Obama
Why Sophia would love it: Michelle Obama's journey resonates with Sophia’s aspirations of confidence, discipline, and leadership. "Becoming" is a powerful memoir that offers lessons in balancing personal life, career, and public service, inspiring Sophia to keep evolving.
3. “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead” by Sheryl Sandberg
Why Sophia would love it: As a businesswoman, Sophia relates to the challenges of leadership and navigating the corporate world as a woman. This book encourages her to push boundaries, take risks, and remain confident in male-dominated spaces.
4. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear
Why Sophia would love it: Sophia values discipline and self-improvement. “Atomic Habits” offers practical strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones, which aligns perfectly with her pursuit of intentionality and self-mastery.
5. “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu
Why Sophia would love it: As a strategic thinker and entrepreneur, Sophia finds valuable lessons in this classic text on strategy, leadership, and competition. Its principles apply not just to warfare but to business, negotiations, and personal success.
6. “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown
Why Sophia would love it: As a woman who embraces her confidence and sexuality, Sophia resonates with Brené Brown’s exploration of vulnerability as a source of strength. This book teaches her that being open and authentic enhances her relationships, creativity, and leadership.
7. “Educated” by Tara Westover
Why Sophia would love it: Sophia values education and personal growth, and this memoir tells the inspiring story of Tara Westover, a woman who overcame immense challenges to pursue learning and redefine her identity. It’s a powerful reminder of the transformative power of knowledge.
8. “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss
Why Sophia would love it: As someone who runs a successful business and values work-life balance, this book offers Sophia new ways to optimize her time, delegate tasks, and live life on her terms while achieving financial freedom.
9. “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle
Why Sophia would love it: With her focus on self-reflection, mindfulness, and balance, Sophia finds deep value in this spiritual guide. It helps her live in the moment, reduce stress, and embrace a peaceful, present-centered life.
10. “Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men” by Caroline Criado Perez
Why Sophia would love it: As a successful and empowered woman, Sophia is keenly aware of the gender biases in society and business. This book offers a detailed exploration of the systemic exclusion of women and inspires her to continue advocating for equality.
11. “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho
Why Sophia would love it: This philosophical novel speaks to Sophia’s inner adventurer and spiritual seeker. It encourages her to follow her dreams, trust her intuition, and embrace the journey of life, aligning with her values of self-discovery and personal growth.
12. “Principles: Life and Work” by Ray Dalio
Why Sophia would love it: As a disciplined, intentional leader, Sophia would appreciate Ray Dalio’s practical principles for achieving success in business and life. His frameworks for decision-making and personal growth align with her structured, thoughtful approach to life.
13. “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl
Why Sophia would love it: This profound exploration of finding purpose in life’s most challenging circumstances resonates deeply with Sophia’s introspective nature. Frankl’s message about resilience and meaning would inspire her in both her personal and professional life.
14. “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert
Why Sophia would love it: As a creative individual who enjoys her hobbies and values passion projects, this book encourages Sophia to embrace her creative potential without fear or self-doubt, which aligns with her pursuit of authenticity and self-expression.
15. “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck” by Mark Manson*
Why Sophia would love it: Sophia’s confidence and independence are traits she fiercely protects. Manson’s no-nonsense approach to living authentically, without being bogged down by societal pressures, resonates with her philosophy of being true to herself.
16. “Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell
Why Sophia would love it: As someone always striving for excellence, Sophia appreciates Gladwell’s exploration of the factors that contribute to high levels of success. This book reinforces her belief in hard work, opportunity, and strategic decision-making.
17. “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero
Why Sophia would love it: This book is perfect for empowering Sophia to embrace her inner badass. It’s fun, motivational, and reminds her to keep setting big goals, taking risks, and believing in her abilities.
These books fuel Sophia’s intellect, nurture her confidence, and offer insights into living a purposeful, balanced life. Each one enhances her growth as a leader, businesswoman, and well-rounded individual.
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timesofinnovation · 7 days
NSCAD University, known for its commitment to arts and design education, thrives on its unique bond with the community it serves. This relationship goes beyond the conventional structures of higher education, placing a strong emphasis on collaborative initiatives that address societal challenges through research and artistic practice. Community engagement is not just a side project but an integral part of how NSCAD conducts research. The institution recognizes that effective solutions to broader societal issues often stem from partnerships with local communities. By collaborating closely with various stakeholders, NSCAD has developed diverse, innovative research programs that cater to the specific needs of its neighborhoods. Research at NSCAD manifests in various formats, ranging from scholarly work to creative endeavors, depending on the nature of the project and the individuals involved. One of the university’s core research frameworks, practice-led research, explores how artistic creation is intertwined with theory, aiming to produce both new knowledge and practical applications. This synergistic approach allows students and faculty alike to engage in meaningful exploration, ensuring their work remains relevant and impactful. The projects initiated at NSCAD exemplify the institution's vision of research that directly benefits the community. One notable example is the Flaxmobile project led by Professor Jennifer Green. This three-year initiative aims to rejuvenate the local textile industry by promoting the cultivation of flax as a sustainable alternative to synthetic fibers. The Flaxmobile serves as a mobile education and processing facility that connects farmers, craftspeople, and consumers across Mi’kma’ki, Nova Scotia. By engaging directly with 15 farmers and 15 craftspeople, the project facilitates an exchange of knowledge and skills, enabling artisanal understanding of flax's cultivation and processing. This hands-on approach not only enhances the livelihoods of local farmers but also fosters a sense of cultural heritage connected to textile production. As the project unfolds, it aims to address the systemic issues inherent in the global fast fashion industry, promoting sustainable practices through community involvement. Another key initiative is the Community Mobile Media Lab (CMML), directed by Professor Solomon Nagler. This mobile media research lab supports underrepresented communities by providing them with access to industry-level media arts and film training. The CMML is a response to the significant barriers faced by local residents in Halifax and beyond. By bringing equipment and professional training directly to communities, the project empowers individuals to share their cultural narratives and participate in the filmmaking process. The success of the CMML is highlighted by its rapid uptake of community interest and additional funding from industry leaders. The focus moving forward is to create certification programs specifically designed for underrepresented groups, making it easier for them to transition into the job market. By prioritizing culturally appropriate training, the initiative seeks to change the narrative around film education at NSCAD and beyond. Another significant project is "Planting the Seeds of Hope across Turtle Island," coordinated by Dr. Joshua Schwab-Cartas. This initiative bridges Mi’kmaq and Zapotec youth through workshops centered on storytelling and traditional food production. By restoring intergenerational relations between youth and Elders using participatory visual methods, the project fosters sustainable food practices while encouraging linguistic revitalization. The research queries guiding this project emphasize experiential learning and community control over the process. By involving the very populations it serves, the research adheres to the First Nations Principles of OCAP—ownership, control, access, and possession—respecting Indigenous knowledge systems and fostering ethical research relationships.
Similarly, the "Storying Transnational Knowledge Project," led by Dr. April Mandrona, underscores organizing storytelling platforms for newcomers. This initiative builds on previous successes in creating picture books with refugee children, delving into new mediums such as picture books, podcasts, and other creative expressions. The project spans locations in Canada and Australia, emphasizing the importance of collaborative storytelling in bridging cultural gaps and addressing the unique challenges faced by newcomers. Ultimately, these projects illustrate how NSCAD’s research initiatives are vital in redefining the relationships between academia and the broader community. By actively involving community members in research creation, NSCAD not only addresses immediate needs but also fosters a spirit of mutual respect and collaboration. This approach ultimately benefits everyone involved, creating a cycle of knowledge and understanding that extends far beyond the walls of the university. In summary, NSCAD University stands as a beacon of innovation in community-focused research. By nurturing collaborations, enhancing accessibility, and addressing urgent societal challenges through art and design, it effectively shapes a more inclusive future.
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edu-ccation · 8 days
A Guide to the Best Schools in Bangalore: CBSE, IB, and More
Bangalore, known for its vibrant culture and booming tech industry, is also home to some of the best educational institutions in India. For parents navigating the complex landscape of schooling options, understanding the top-rated CBSE schools, IB schools, and specific locales like schools in Bangalore JP Nagar can be crucial in making informed decisions about their children's education.
When considering CBSE schools, Bangalore boasts several top-rated institutions. One of the most distinguished is National Public School (NPS), located in Indiranagar. NPS has consistently achieved academic excellence and is known for its well-rounded approach to education. With modern facilities and a focus on holistic development, the school prepares students not just for exams but for life. The curriculum emphasizes critical thinking and creativity, making it a popular choice among parents.
Another noteworthy CBSE school is Delhi Public School (DPS), situated in South Bangalore. DPS is recognized for its rigorous academic programs and a variety of extracurricular activities. The school encourages students to participate in sports, arts, and community service, fostering a sense of responsibility and leadership. With an excellent faculty and infrastructure, DPS remains a top choice for families looking for quality education in Bangalore.
For families specifically interested in the JP Nagar area, Jain International School is a standout. This institution offers a CBSE curriculum alongside a wide range of extracurricular programs, focusing on overall personality development. Jain International School provides state-of-the-art facilities and a nurturing environment, making it a favored option for parents in the vicinity.
Moving beyond the CBSE framework, the city is home to several prominent IB schools in Banglore that cater to families seeking international education. One of the most prestigious is The International School Bangalore (TISB). Offering the IB curriculum, TISB is known for its high academic standards and a strong emphasis on critical thinking and inquiry-based learning. The school encourages students to explore their interests, providing a balanced approach to education that includes arts, sports, and community engagement.
Another significant player in the IB arena is Indus International School. Located on the outskirts of Bangalore, Indus is celebrated for its innovative teaching methodologies and global perspective. The school focuses on developing leadership skills and offers a range of extracurricular activities that complement its rigorous academic programs. Parents appreciate the emphasis on character development alongside academic achievements.
In the heart of Bangalore, the Canadian International School also stands out for its IB offerings. This institution blends the best of Canadian education with international standards, focusing on personalized learning and community engagement. With a diverse student body and a commitment to nurturing global citizens, Canadian International School is an excellent choice for families seeking an international education.
For those specifically looking for schools in Bangalore JP Nagar, Vidyashilp Academy is another option worth considering. This institution offers both CBSE and IB curriculums and is recognized for its focus on experiential learning and holistic development. The school encourages creativity and critical thinking, making it a well-rounded choice for parents.
The Jain Heritage School is also located in JP Nagar and offers a CBSE curriculum with a strong emphasis on values and character education. The school aims to create a nurturing environment where students can thrive academically and socially, making it popular among families in the area.
As parents weigh their options, the diversity of schools available in Bangalore, particularly in areas like JP Nagar, offers a range of choices to suit different educational philosophies and family needs. Whether opting for the structured curriculum of CBSE or the global perspective offered by IB schools, families are sure to find an institution that aligns with their educational goals.
Ultimately, choosing the right school involves considering various factors, including curriculum, location, extracurricular activities, and the overall ethos of the institution. With its impressive array of top-rated CBSE schools and prestigious IB institutions, Bangalore continues to be a prime destination for quality education, ensuring that children are well-prepared for their future endeavors.
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acharya-college · 11 days
Acharya School of Design: Pioneering Creative Excellence in Bangalore
Acharya School of Design (ASD), affiliated with Bangalore City University, stands as one of the top design colleges in Bangalore, India. Known for its innovative approach and dynamic academic environment, ASD offers a range of BVA (Bachelor of Visual Arts) programs in Graphic and Communication Design, Animation and Game Art, Interior & Spatial Design, and Product Design. Located on Acharya's stunning 120-acre campus, ASD thrives in synergy with other premier disciplines like Architecture, Engineering, Degree College, Polytechnic, and Nursing. This unique interdisciplinary setting enables seamless collaboration between schools, enriching the learning experience for its design students.
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A Global Learning Hub
Acharya School of Design attracts students not only from across India but also from neighboring countries such as Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Zambia. This diverse student body helps create a global learning environment that exposes students to various perspectives, cultures, and creative processes. The school has become a vibrant melting pot of talent, culture, and creativity, making it one of the best design colleges in Bangalore. The global environment at Acharya ensures that students receive a holistic education and learn to approach design challenges from a multicultural viewpoint.
Comprehensive Design Education
Acharya School of Design offers a well-rounded and comprehensive curriculum that provides aspiring designers with the skills they need to excel in a variety of creative fields. The BVA programs cover a wide range of design disciplines:
Graphic and Communication Design: This program focuses on visual communication, branding, advertising, and digital media. Students learn the art of designing meaningful and impactful visuals that resonate with audiences across different platforms.
Animation and Game Art: This field combines storytelling, creativity, and technology to create immersive experiences. Students learn the intricacies of animation, 3D modeling, and character design to prepare for careers in the fast-growing fields of gaming, animation, and entertainment.
Interior & Spatial Design: Focused on designing functional, aesthetic, and sustainable spaces, this program emphasizes innovation and problem-solving in interior design, blending art and architecture.
Product Design: This program equips students to conceptualize and develop innovative, functional, and aesthetically appealing products that enhance user experiences and solve real-world problems.
By offering such diverse specializations, Acharya School of Design ensures that students can choose paths that align with their passion, talents, and future career goals.
Innovative Learning Environment
ASD is renowned for its world-class learning infrastructure, featuring specialized design studios, smart classrooms, amphitheaters, art museums, and design labs. The campus includes spacious sports grounds set against the naturally beautiful terrain, which serves as a constant source of inspiration for creative minds. These state-of-the-art facilities provide students with a stimulating and conducive environment for artistic growth, research, and experimentation.
One of the hallmarks of the learning experience at ASD is its NEP (National Education Policy)-compliant design curriculum, which is designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and practical skills. By following this modern, student-centric educational framework, ASD ensures that its graduates are well-prepared for the ever-evolving demands of the design industry.
Skill Enhancement and Career Development
At Acharya School of Design, students not only receive top-tier design education but are also provided with ample opportunities to enhance their skills through various add-on programs. From language proficiency courses to training in marketing, sales, and other essential business skills, students can develop a well-rounded profile that will boost their professional prospects.
The college’s focus on holistic development extends to its robust placement cell, which helps students secure jobs in prestigious design firms, advertising agencies, architectural studios, game development companies, and more. ASD’s strong industry connections and focus on practical experience make it an ideal place for aspiring designers who want to kickstart their careers.
For students with an entrepreneurial mindset or a passion for independent artistic endeavors, ASD also prepares them to embark on careers as freelance designers or artists. The broad, versatile education that students receive at Acharya allows them to confidently pursue a variety of creative paths, making the school one of the best fine arts colleges in Bangalore.
Global Exposure and Interdisciplinary Opportunities
Acharya School of Design thrives on its interdisciplinary approach, offering students the chance to collaborate with other schools on campus, such as Architecture and Engineering. These collaborations provide valuable insights into how design intersects with various other fields, enhancing the students' problem-solving abilities and expanding their creative horizons. This exposure to cross-disciplinary work helps prepare students for complex real-world projects, where design solutions often require a multi-faceted approach.
Additionally, the presence of international students fosters a global outlook, ensuring that Acharya students can navigate diverse cultural landscapes and design for varied markets. This global exposure, paired with high academic standards, is what makes ASD one of the best design schools not just in Bangalore but across India.
Acharya School of Design stands as a beacon of creativity and innovation, offering students a unique blend of academic rigor, interdisciplinary collaboration, and global exposure. With its comprehensive BVA programs, world-class infrastructure, and strong focus on career development, ASD is the perfect launchpad for aspiring designers who want to make a mark in the dynamic world of design. Whether students dream of becoming graphic designers, animators, interior designers, or product designers, Acharya School of Design is committed to nurturing their talents and preparing them for success.
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marwahstudios · 11 days
AAFT Signs Landmark MOU with ATDC to Propel Fashion Training in India
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New Delhi: AAFT has taken a significant step in enhancing fashion education by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Apparel Training & Design Centre (ATDC), one of India’s premier vocational training networks in the fashion industry. This collaboration is set to revolutionize fashion education and training in the country by leveraging the expertise and infrastructure of both institutions.
“Fashion is more than just clothes; it is a reflection of society and an essential part of our daily lives. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well. The changing trends in fashion are like markers of societal shifts. You can see and feel everything in clothes—from personal expression to the anticipation of revolutions,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and AAFT School of Fashion and Design. His insightful words underline the significance of fashion as an art form that transcends mere appearance.
The MOU between AAFT and ATDC marks the beginning of a new era for fashion education in India. ATDC, with its extensive network of about 100 centers across the major apparel clusters of India, will bring its well-established vocational training programs to AAFT’s world-class education framework. This partnership aims to create a comprehensive training environment where students can gain hands-on experience in apparel design, manufacturing, and marketing while benefiting from AAFT’s innovative approach to fashion education.
The MOU was signed by Mr. Rakesh Vaid, Senior Vice President of ATDC, and Dr. Sandeep Marwah of AAFT. The event was graced by the presence of several key figures, including Mr. HKL Magu, Member of the Board of Directors at ATDC, Mr. Vijay Mathur, Director General and CEO of ATDC, Prof. S.G. Babbu, Dean of AAFT School of Fashion and Design, and Mr. Jayesh Wadia, Dean of AAFT School of Interior Design. Their combined expertise and leadership promise to guide this collaboration towards unprecedented succes
This partnership is expected to produce a new generation of fashion professionals equipped with both creative and technical skills, ready to meet the evolving demands of the global fashion industry. By integrating AAFT’s cutting-edge educational practices with ATDC’s practical, industry-oriented training, this collaboration will provide students with a unique learning experience that is both theoretical and hands-on.
The AAFT-ATDC partnership is not just about education; it is about fostering a culture of innovation, excellence, and creativity in the fashion industry. Together, these two institutions are set to create a lasting impact on the fashion landscape of India.
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amankhan99101 · 16 days
Navigating the British Educational Framework: A Comprehensive Overview
The British educational system is celebrated for its rigorous standards and structured approach, offering a comprehensive pathway from early childhood through to higher education. This framework is widely respected and adopted across various regions, providing students with a well-rounded education that emphasizes both academic excellence and personal development.
Foundations of the Educational System
The educational journey begins with the early years foundation stage (EYFS), which focuses on nurturing young children’s developmental milestones through play-based learning. This stage is crucial for laying the groundwork for future learning by fostering key skills such as communication, problem-solving, and social interaction.
The UK curriculum provides a robust educational framework that emphasizes academic rigor and comprehensive development. By integrating a wide range of subjects and skill sets, the UK curriculum ensures that students receive a well-rounded education, preparing them for both higher education and professional paths. This approach not only focuses on core academic subjects but also incorporates critical thinking, creativity, and personal growth.
Transition to Secondary Education
Upon completing primary education, students transition into secondary education, which encompasses Key Stages 3 and 4. During Key Stage 3, students continue to build on their knowledge across a range of subjects, including English, mathematics, science, and humanities. This stage is critical for developing analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as for preparing students for more specialized studies.
Key Stage 4 is marked by the preparation for and completion of national assessments, which are pivotal for students' future educational and career paths. Typically, this stage culminates in the completion of a series of standardized examinations that assess students' proficiency in various subjects. These assessments are designed to gauge students' understanding and readiness for further education or vocational training.
The Role of Higher Education
After completing secondary education, students have the option to pursue further studies, which may include enrolling in a range of specialized courses or vocational training programs. This phase is characterized by increased autonomy and specialization, allowing students to delve deeper into subjects of interest and prepare for their chosen career paths.
Higher education institutions offer a diverse array of programs, from academic degrees to professional qualifications. This stage is crucial for those seeking to advance their knowledge in specific fields, engage in research, or gain the qualifications necessary for their desired careers. The emphasis is on developing expertise and acquiring skills that will be directly applicable in professional settings.
Global Perspective and Local Adaptation
The British educational framework is designed to be adaptable, allowing it to be implemented in various international contexts. Schools around the world that follow this framework benefit from its structured approach and comprehensive curriculum, which provides students with a globally recognized qualification. This international adaptability makes it an attractive option for families seeking high-quality education regardless of their location.
In addition to its global reach, the framework is also tailored to meet local needs and cultural contexts. Schools that implement this system often incorporate local traditions and perspectives into their curriculum, ensuring that students receive an education that is both globally relevant and locally meaningful.
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Emphasis on Personal Development
One of the strengths of the British educational approach is its focus on personal development alongside academic achievement. The framework encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, and community service. These activities play a vital role in developing well-rounded individuals by fostering teamwork, leadership, and creative thinking.
Moreover, the emphasis on pastoral care ensures that students receive support not only in their academic pursuits but also in their personal and emotional well-being. Schools often provide a range of support services, including counseling and career guidance, to help students navigate the challenges of their educational journey and make informed decisions about their futures.
Assessment and Evaluation
Assessment is a key component of the British educational system, with a range of methods used to evaluate students’ progress and achievements. In addition to formal examinations, assessments may include coursework, practical projects, and presentations. This multifaceted approach ensures that students are evaluated on a broad spectrum of skills and competencies.
Regular feedback is provided to students, helping them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. This continuous assessment process supports personalized learning and allows students to track their progress and set goals for their development.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the British educational framework offers many benefits, it also presents challenges. The emphasis on standardized assessments can create pressure on students and may not always fully capture their abilities and potential. However, the system is continually evolving, with ongoing efforts to address these challenges and improve the educational experience for all students.
Opportunities for innovation and enhancement are constantly being explored, including the integration of new technologies and teaching methods. Schools are increasingly adopting digital tools and resources to enrich the learning experience and better prepare students for the demands of the modern world.
In conclusion, a British curriculum school in Dubai offers a distinctive and enriching educational experience that combines the rigor of the British educational framework with the vibrant, multicultural environment of Dubai. By adhering to a curriculum renowned for its high standards and comprehensive approach, these schools provide students with a strong academic foundation while also preparing them for global success. The British curriculum school in Dubai not only emphasizes core academic subjects but also fosters personal development through a variety of extracurricular activities and support services. This blend of academic excellence and holistic development ensures that students are well-equipped to navigate future challenges and seize opportunities in an interconnected world.
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World Way International CBSE School in Bhopal: Why Choose Us and Understanding the Atmosphere
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World Way International School, one of the leading CBSE schools in Bhopal, provides an excellent blend of academics, co-curricular activities, and personal development opportunities. With a focus on fostering a holistic learning environment, the school has garnered recognition for its commitment to shaping young minds into global citizens. But why should parents consider World Way International for their children? Let’s explore the school’s atmosphere, its academic focus, and the admission process.
Why Choose World Way International CBSE School?
Academic Excellence
World Way International follows the CBSE curriculum, one of the most respected educational frameworks in India. The school’s well-structured syllabus ensures that students receive quality education, focusing on both theoretical and practical knowledge.
Holistic Development
The school believes in nurturing every aspect of a child’s personality. Through a blend of academics, sports, arts, and extracurricular activities, students are encouraged to grow intellectually, emotionally, and socially.
Experienced Faculty
The teachers at World Way International are highly qualified, with a passion for education. They are dedicated to providing individualized attention, helping students explore their potential and perform to the best of their abilities.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
The school is equipped with modern classrooms, science labs, sports facilities, and technology-enabled learning tools, ensuring a conducive environment for both learning and personal growth.
Global Perspective
While deeply rooted in Indian values, World Way International encourages students to think globally. They are exposed to different cultures, opinions, and ideas, preparing them for the challenges of a globalized world.
Understanding the School’s Atmosphere
The atmosphere at World Way International School is designed to create an ideal environment for learning and personal development. But what exactly do we mean by atmosphere?
Supportive and Inclusive Environment: At World Way International, every child is treated with care and respect. The atmosphere is nurturing, promoting collaboration among students while maintaining a spirit of healthy competition.
Focus on Safety and Well-being: Safety is a priority, with the campus equipped with security measures to ensure the well-being of students.
Positive Peer Interaction: The atmosphere fosters positive peer-to-peer relationships, encouraging students to support one another in academics and extracurricular activities.
Creativity and Innovation: Students are encouraged to think outside the box, which helps develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills in a stress-free environment.
In essence, the atmosphere at World Way International School balances academic rigor with emotional and social development, allowing students to grow into confident individuals.
What is the Admission Process?
World Way International CBSE School offers a seamless and transparent admission process for students seeking to enroll in its world-class educational system. Here’s a step-by-step guide to the admission process:
Filling the Application Form
Parents can start by filling out the application form, which can either be obtained from the school’s admissions office or downloaded from the official website.
Submission of Documents
Once the form is filled, the following documents need to be submitted:
A copy of the student’s birth certificate
Passport-size photographs of the student and parents
Transfer certificate (if applicable)
Academic records and previous school performance certificates (if available)
Interaction or Entrance Test
Depending on the grade level, students may be required to undergo an interaction session or an entrance test. This process helps the school evaluate the academic readiness and personality of the student.
Admission Confirmation
After the evaluation, the school will confirm the admission. Parents are required to pay the fees within a specified period to secure the seat for their child.
Once the admission is complete, the school holds an orientation program for new students and their parents to familiarize them with the campus, school policies, and curriculum.
Choosing the right school is one of the most important decisions for any parent, and World Way International School in Bhopal stands out as a top CBSE school dedicated to the holistic development of its students. From a nurturing atmosphere to an easy admission process, World Way International ensures that students receive the best opportunities to learn and thrive.
If you’re looking for a school that balances academics with personal growth, World Way International is the right choice. Visit World Way International to learn more about admissions and how to provide your child with the best education possible. https://www.worldwayinternational.edu.in/
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