#Glen Cornick
1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Glenn Cornick who Died: August 28, 2014 in Hilo, Hawaii
Glenn Douglas Barnard Cornick was a British bass player, best known as a founding member of the British band Jethro Tull. Rolling Stone has called his playing with Tull as "stout, nimble underpinning, the vital half of a blues-ribbed, jazz-fluent rhythm section".
Cornick toured and recorded with Jethro Tull from late 1967 to late 1970. He played in the three first studio albums of the band, This Was, Stand Up and Benefit, playing an important role in the arranging of the music, being one of the few members of Jethro Tull with some musical learning. During his time with the band, he established his stage persona, with strong virtuosity and remarkable music competence. One of the few live recordings of Cornick with Jethro Tull is the video Nothing is Easy - Live at the Isle of Wight, recorded in 1970 and released in 2004. He was fired from the band, mainly because his lifestyle was more inclined to partying than the other band members.
After leaving Jethro Tull, Cornick played as a session musician for Leigh Stephens on his 1971 album And a Cast of Thousands. In the same year, he formed Wild Turkey, initially with: Graham Williams (guitar), Alan 'Tweke' Lewis (guitar), John "Pugwash" Weathers (ex-Pete Brown & Piblokto! and Gentle Giant) on drums and Gary Pickford-Hopkins (ex-Eyes of Blue) on vocals; but Weathers and Williams left to join Graham Bond's Magick before Wild Turkey recorded any material - soon after, Weathers joined the progressive rock band Gentle Giant. They were replaced by Jon Blackmore (guitar and vocals) and Jeff Jones (ex-Man) (drums) who joined Cornick, Tweke and Pickford-Hopkins to record Wild Turkey's first album Battle Hymn - which only reached number 193 in The Billboard 200. The band released a second album, Turkey, before splitting up.
Cornick then joined the German band Karthago, with whom he recorded just one album, Rock'N'Roll Testament, before leaving and moving to Los Angeles to form Paris, with guitarist Bob Welch (ex-Fleetwood Mac) and Thom Mooney (ex-Nazz) on drums. They recorded an eponymous album, Paris, in 1975, before Mooney was replaced by Hunt Sales (ex-Todd Rundgren's Runt), and in 1976 recorded Big Towne, 2061. Paris disbanded in 1977.
In 1996, Cornick participated in a Jethro Tull tribute, called To Cry You A Song - A collection of Tull Tales, playing on the songs "Nothing Is Easy", "To Cry You a Song", "New Day Yesterday", "Teacher" and "Living in the Past", together with the former Tull members Clive Bunker, Mick Abrahams and Dave Pegg, together with John Wetton, Glenn Hughes, Robby Steinhardt, Wolfstone and Keith Emerson.
In the early 2000s two live Wild Turkey albums were released, Final Performance (2000) and Live In Edinburgh (2001) and in 2006 the fourth studio album, You and Me in the Jungle, was recorded by Cornick, Pickford-Hopkins, Dyche and Gurl, who had all appeared on earlier albums. They were joined by Graham Williams (ex-Racing Cars) (guitar), John "Pugwash" Weathers (percussion) and former Jethro Tull drummer Clive Bunker, all of whom had played with Cornick in the past.
Cornick died in Hilo, Hawaii, on 28 August 2014 due to congestive heart failure. His death was widely reported in the media and specialist publications like the Prog Magazine and Rolling Stone. Jethro Tull bandmate Ian Anderson paid tribute on the band's website. Martin Barre also lamented the death of his friend.
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zimtrim · 4 years
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Jethro Tull - Ian Anderson
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ultracoolray · 5 years
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Jethro Tull
1969. Stand Up (1989, MFSL UltraDisc, UDCD 524, Japan)
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myrecordcollections · 5 years
I’ve never seen this album on cd, tho’ I do have it on vinyl. Tho it’s not perfect,BATTLE HYMN is definitely a hard rock album worth seeking out. WILD TURKEY featured ex- JETHRO TULL bassist GLEN CORNICK, who also plays keyboards and writes about four of the songs. The album was produced by RODGER BAIN, who produced the first three BLACK SABBATH albums,along with the first JUDAS PRIEST album ROCKA ROLLA, so it’s no surprise that the production is very similar to those albums, albeit a little softer.WILD TURKEY were definitely not as heavy as SABBATH or PRIEST.The sound is definitely very 70s. My favorite songs in- clude the very heavy BUTTERFLY, which opens the album and THE SENTINEL, a very heavy rocker that closes the album. Also worth listening to is DULWICH FOX,a nice little acoustic guitar song with some very pleasant vocal harmonies. The rest of this is standard progressive hard rock, with some very good guitar play- ing and some very nice singing from GARY PICKFORD-HOPKINS, who would go on to sing with RICK WAKEMAN. A good album!
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krispyweiss · 3 years
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Album Review: Jethro Tull - Live in Chicago 1970
Unable to beat the bootleggers, Jethro Tull belatedly joined them, giving its - presumably reluctant - approval to a streaming release of the long-circulating Live in Chicago 1970.
It’s the penultimate show of the band’s U.S. tour of that year, performed at the Aragon Ballroom and preserved by a fan listening on WRIL-FM.
Unfortunately, it sounds less like a radio capture and more like a stealth, on-site recording with limited range and enough hiss to render quieter numbers like “Sossity, You’re a Woman” virtually unlistenable. Ditto the Ian Anderson/John Evan flute/piano duet on “With You There to Help Me.”
Touring to support Benefit, Tull previews Aqualung - which Anderson jokes will be finished around 1983 - with “My God.” It’s nice the recording exists, but the subpar sound reproduction - heavier material is sludgy as presented - renders Live in Chicago 1970 for die-hards only.
Grade card: Jethro Tull - Live in Chicago 1970 - C-
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diceriadelluntore · 4 years
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Storia Di Musica #127 - Jethro Tull, Stand Up, 1969
I dischi di Luglio sono tutti figli di un anno straordinario del rock, il 1969 (anno eccezionale anche in molti altri ambiti) che in quelle classifiche simpatiche (ma del tutto arbitrarie, come ogni perfetta classifica basata sull’estetica che si rispetti) sul migliore anno della Musica sta nelle posizioni che contano. Il disco di oggi è il primo capolavoro di uno dei gruppi più longevi e originali del rock inglese, anche tra le band più influenti e le più longeve. Ian Anderson (canto, chitarra e flauto) e Glen Cornick (basso) nel 1967 escono dal John’s Evans Smash e insieme a Mick Abrahams (chitarre) e Clive Bunker (batteria), che provengono dai McGregor’s Engine, formano un nuovo gruppo, che in maniera molto originale prende il nome Jethro Tull, nome di un famoso inventore e agronomo inglese, che nel XVIII inventò la seminatrice meccanica. Il gruppo si impone subito come una delle nuove sensazioni del rock blues, innestando nella struttura di base folk, jazz, e quell’idea di una musica nuova e sperimentale che diventerà il progressive (che “nasce” proprio nel 1969 con il disco di cui parlerò la prossima settimana). La grande particolarità del gruppo è il flauto traverso di Anderson, uno strumento del tutto nuovo nel panorama del rock, che Anderson usa in maniera istrionica, in omaggio al grande jazzista Roland Kirk, a cui dedicherà un brano nel primo disco della band, This Was, del 1968, dal titolo evocativo di Serenade To A Cuckoo. Nel disco, che già incuriosisce per la miscela innovativa di stili ed idee, si ricordano i primi due grandi brani, Song For Jeffrey e My Sunday Feeling. Nel 1969 c’è un cambio di formazione, fondamentale: Abrahams si chiama fuori, iniziando una minore carriera solista, e viene sostituito da Martin Lancelot Barre, dopo che per un periodo furono provati Toni Iommi (futuro Black Sabbath) e perfino Jeff Beck. Si forma così il pilastro fondamentale della musica dei Jethro Tull: l’istrionico Anderson ha adesso come spalla un chitarrista straordinario, meno famoso rispetto alle sue doti, e che ha regalato alcune delle cose più belle del periodo agli appassionati del rock. Stand Up esce nel luglio 1969, prodotto per la neonata Island di Chris Blackwell da Terry Ellis, geniale produttore, fondatore di una famosissima casa discografica (la Chrysalis, che pubblicherà i successivi dischi dei Jethro Tull) e creatore del Classical Gas, una spettacolare sezione orchestrale, che è il suo marchio di fabbrica. Stand Up si chiama così perchè aprendo l’album un pop up di figurine della band appariva proprio al centro del cartonato (almeno fino al 1973, quando la prima ristampa eliminò il giochino, che fu ripreso in una spettacolare versione celebrativa del 2016). Dal punto di vista musicale, è da standing ovation: si parte con il blues lento e ipnotico, con il tempo ritmico dispari, di A New Day Yesterday, per poi passare al mondo incantato, quasi da ballata medioevale, di Jeffrey Goes To Leicester Square, incantevole e fiabesca. Si impongono come gioielli Nothing Is Easy, con le sue brusche accelerazioni e frenate scandite dalla batteria, For A Thousand Mothers, che gioca da vicino con sonorità hard ed ha una struttura affascinante e complicata. Fat Man, giocosa storia che racconta di come un “uomo grasso” può battere chiunque solo rotolando da una collina ha sonorità orientaleggianti, con grande lavoro delle percussioni e Anderson suona qui perfino una balalaika. Anche We Used To Know è una stupenda ballata acustica, sulla quale poi Ian Anderson ricama i suoi raffinati disegni flautistici, e non meno interessanti sono Look In The Sun, Reasons For Waiting, dal bellissimo intro, e Back To The Family che invece ha uno straordinario assolo di Barre sul finale. Ma il colpo di genio, e uno dei loro brani più celeberrimi, è uno dei primi tentativi di riunione “sacro e profano”: Bourée  deriva dalla Bourrée (si con 2 “r”, la versione trulliana è con una sola) dalla Suite per liuto BWV 996 di Johann Sebastian Bach. Spesso la si utilizzava per variazioni con la chitarra, invece Anderson usa il suo flauto fatato. La grandezza di questa versione è la sua idea di variazione in stile jazzistico: dall’inciso bachiano si parte per fantasiose e intelligenti variazioni, dove Anderson giganteggia con il suo traverso, per poi ritornare al tema di Bach, in maniera elegante, senza scopiazzare e dando un tocco personale, e di gran classe, all’idea (c’è pure un mini assolo di basso suggestivo). Il grande impegno e la maestria elevatissima dei musicisti furono premiati (come spesso accadeva all’epoca) dal pubblico: primo posto nelle classifiche inglesi, e altissimo successo anche negli Stati Uniti, dove la band organizzò un seguitissimo tour nello stesso anno. Stand Up è oggi considerato uno dei grandi capolavori di quell’anno magico e uno dei dischi più particolari e influenti di quel periodo: ancora oggi è considerato uno dei migliori di tutti i tempi da molti musicisti, come Eddie Vedder, Joe Satriani, il grande bluesman Joe Bonamassa, che ha suonato una cover entusiasmante di A New Day Yesterday. Lascio alla vostra curiosità la scoperta dei suoni magici ed intriganti del flauto di Anderson, della chitarra di Barre e dalla magia di questa band originale e fantastica.
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ritchieblackless · 4 years
Some music asks for you: 30, 31, 32, 34, 34, 35? (Sorry couldn't decide on one list!)
Hi Thea my love? How are you today? And your cats?
(I notice that the list is bad numbered, so there's no 34 ??? So I'll just assume that wanted to ask these)
30. Top ten singers.
Oh yeah! I wanted this one tbh
1) Ian Gillan. 2) Graham Bonnet. 3) James Brown. 4) Etta James. 5) Freddie of course. 6) Jim Morrison. 7) Roy Orbison. 8) Peter Gabriel. 9) Johnny Cash. 10) Otis Redding.
31. Top ten guitarists.
Omg Thea, i love your asks!
1) Ritchie Blackmore. 2) Peter Green. 3) Stevie Ray Vaughan. 4) Howlin' Wolf. 5) BB King. 6) Steve Marriott. 7) Rory Gallagher. 8) Jimi Hendrix. 9) Tony Iommi. 10) Eric Clapton.
32. Top ten bassists
You're putting me in a difficult situation.
1) Glen Cornick. 2) Jack Bruce. 3) John Entwistle. 4) Chris Squire. 5) Paul McCartney. 6) Manzarek's left hand. 7) Alex James. 8) Denny Ball. 9) Greg Lake. 10) John Deacon.
33. Top ten drummers
Rip Martina.
1) Cozy Powell . 2) Ginger Baker. 3) Ringo. 4) Buddy Rich. 5) Keith Moon. 6) Bill Ward. 7) Jeff Pocaro. 8) Ian Paicey. 9) Carl Palmer. 10) Stewart Copeland.
(I told you.. there's no 34 hahahshsgs)
35. Top ten songwriters
1) Lennon/McCartney. 2) Buddy Holly. 3) Johnny Cash. 4) Brian Jones. 5) Greg again. 6) Peter Gabriel again. 7) Pete Townshend. 8) Ronnie Dio. 9) Chuck Berry. 10) Bernie Taupin.
36. Ten female artists you listen to?
(I HOPE that is this the correct question...)
1) Fanny. 2) Suzi Quatro. 3) Janis Joplin. 4) Tina Turner. 5) Heart. 6) Bonnie Raitt. 7) Sister Rosetta. 8) Nina Simone. 9) Amy. 10) Wanda Jackson.
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poetyca · 3 years
Jethro Tull – Aqualung [Full Album]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUEA5NWlQU0]
I Jethro Tull sono stati un gruppo rock progressivo originario di Blackpool, in Inghilterra, fondato nel 1967 dallo scozzese Ian Anderson (flauto traverso e polistrumentista). La formazione prende il nome dal pioniere della moderna agricoltura, l’agronomo Jethro Tull (1674-1741). La loro musica è contraddistinta dalla presenza dominante del flauto traverso, suonato dal virtuoso leader Ian Scott Anderson. Dopo un esordio all’insegna del richiamo al blues, i Jethro Tull hanno attraversato la storia del rock, sperimentando vari generi e stili, dal classico al folk rock, dal progressive al jazz rock al folk prodotto con strumentazioni acustiche.[1][2] Hanno venduto più di 60 milioni di album in tutto il mondo[3].
Nel mese di aprile 2014 Anderson ha dichiarato che i “Jethro Tull” come band non esistono più e la volontà di lasciare l’eredità del nome continuando la sua carriera solista
Jethro Tull were a British rock group, formed in Luton, Bedfordshire, in December 1967.[1] Initially playing blues rock, the band’s sound soon incorporated elements of British folk music and hard rock to forge a progressive rock signature.[2] The band was led by vocalist/flautist/guitarist Ian Anderson, and have included other significant members such as guitarist Martin Barre, keyboardist John Evan, drummers Clive Bunker, Doane Perry, and Barriemore Barlow, and bassists Glen Cornick, Jeffrey Hammond, and Dave Pegg.
The group achieved commercial success in 1969, with the folk-tinged blues album Stand Up, which reached No. 1 in the UK charts, and they toured regularly in the UK and the US. Their musical style shifted in the direction of progressive rock with the albums Aqualung, Thick as a Brick and A Passion Play, and shifted again to hard rock mixed with folk rock with Songs from the Wood and Heavy Horses. Jethro Tull have sold over 60 million albums worldwide,[3] with 11 gold and five platinum albums among them.[4] They have been described by Rolling Stone as “one of the most commercially successful and eccentric progressive rock bands”.[5]
The last works released as a group were in 2003, though the band continued to tour until 2011. In April 2014, as he was concentrating on his solo career, Anderson said that Jethro Tull were finished
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kwan110 · 3 years
Team news | How the Hatters line-up against West Brom
Pelly-Ruddock Mpanzu starts in midfield and makes his 300th appearance for the Hatters since originally joining the club on loan from West Ham in November 2013.
Fred Onyedinma, who produced a man of the match performance in his home debut against Peterborough United last weekend starts once again, joined with Harry Cornick and Elijah Adebayo in the forward positions.
Gabe Osho celebrates his 23rd birthday with a start, whilst Cameron Jerome who turned 35 today, is amongst the substitutes. เกมส์สล็อตออนไลน์
Dion Pereira is on the bench ahead of Glen Rea who is ill, the only change from Posh last week.
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Just recorded my piece for John Sinclair’s music programme on Carillon Radio, to be broadcast next Friday morning. Then repeated on Hermitage Radio in the afternoon. This week I’m talking about the band formed by ex-Jethro Tull bass player Glen Cornick, Wild Turkey, back in 1972. I saw therm open for Black Sabbath at De Montfort Hall, Leicester UK in the same year. (at Leicester, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5CxxV7hfdf/?igshid=9zdngan9hy3i
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myrecordcollections · 5 years
I’ve never seen this album on cd, tho’ I do have it on vinyl. Tho it’s not perfect,BATTLE HYMN is definitely a hard rock album worth seeking out. WILD TURKEY featured ex- JETHRO TULL bassist GLEN CORNICK, who also plays keyboards and writes about four of the songs. The album was produced by RODGER BAIN, who produced the first three BLACK SABBATH albums,along with the first JUDAS PRIEST album ROCKA ROLLA, so it’s no surprise that the production is very similar to those albums, albeit a little softer.WILD TURKEY were definitely not as heavy as SABBATH or PRIEST.The sound is definitely very 70s. My favorite songs in- clude the very heavy BUTTERFLY, which opens the album and THE SENTINEL, a very heavy rocker that closes the album. Also worth listening to is DULWICH FOX,a nice little acoustic guitar song with some very pleasant vocal harmonies. The rest of this is standard progressive hard rock, with some very good guitar play- ing and some very nice singing from GARY PICKFORD-HOPKINS, who would go on to sing with RICK WAKEMAN. A good album!
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occultrockmag · 10 years
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dimartblog · 11 years
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Jethro Tull
ΣΑΝ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ, στις 20 Δεκεμβρίου του 1967, ο κιθαρίστας, φλαουτίστας και τραγουδιστής Ian Anderson, ο…
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kwan110 · 3 years
Team news | How the Hatters line-up against West Brom
 Pelly-Ruddock Mpanzu starts in midfield and makes his 300th appearance for the Hatters since originally joining the club on loan from West Ham in November 2013.
Fred Onyedinma, who produced a man of the match performance in his home debut against Peterborough United last weekend starts once again, joined with Harry Cornick and Elijah Adebayo in the forward positions.
Gabe Osho celebrates his 23rd birthday with a start, whilst Cameron Jerome who turned 35 today, is amongst the substitutes. สล็อตแตกง่าย
Dion Pereira is on the bench ahead of Glen Rea who is ill, the only change from Posh last week.
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telecaster27 · 11 years
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July 13, 1969, Singer Bowl, Queens, NY
The all-star jam of Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Bonham, Jeff Beck & the Jeff Beck Group, Rod Stewart, Alvin Lee, and Glen Cornick onstage.
In a drunken revelry, Led Zeppelin and others joined the Jeff Beck Group for an encore of "Jailhouse Rock," "Rice Pudding," and "The Stripper."  During "The Stripper," John Bonham removed his clothes, and before he was arrested, Rod Stewart shoved a mic stand up Bonham's arse. 
Sounds like quite the show...
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