#Give him some time
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underswapped3 · 8 months ago
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the beauty and the dumbass
- @thedoggoboi
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gazspookiebear · 10 months ago
Mmm, thinking about Ghost going on a date with reader after not having been in a proper relationship in years
He was never one for hookups, and he could never keep long-term relationships. Most lasted about a month at most before he backed out.
Fast forward to now, he's been invited out by you. He figures it'll be like most other dates, a quick dinner at a noisy restaurant before he gets overwhelmed and leaves.
To his surprise, it isn't. You kept his comfort in mind and suggested a walk by the bay instead.
When he walks beside you in silence, you don't seem to take offense. In fact, you don't seem to mind at all. You fill in his silence with easy conversation, keeping it focused on you and not trying to pry into his personal life.
You don't hesitate when he responds with one word answers, instead taking the opportunity to discuss an interest of your own. By the time it's long past dark out, you offer to take him home, apologizing for not acknowledging the time sooner. He didn't want to stop listening to your voice
When he declines your offer, you smile. You tell him to stay safe, to rest well, and to text you when he gets home.
At his apartment, he can't stop thinking about you. About how polite and kind you were. About how you actually cared about his feelings, how you weren't off put by him.
He glances at his phone.
You receive a text at 1 in the morning. A simple 'Back safe.'
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taro-wong · 2 years ago
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On learning to feel.
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meriahlatyar · 7 months ago
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this game is so neat
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w1cksters · 5 months ago
Guys its his first day on the job please be nice to him
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little joshy/torchy give him some time to take ur order
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theaccursedninth · 9 months ago
"What if they kissed?" ("What if they kissed?" Meme; verse 1 yells vigil while charging at him like a linebacker)
Send "What if they kissed?"
and I'll write a scene where our muses kiss, even if they aren't shipped together. it is it's own thing and doesn't have to lead to an official ship. a "what if scenario"
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It's not her.
He knew it the moment their lips touched. Different. Unfamiliar. Not Rose Tyler. His hearts sank, eerie blue eyes fluttering open. The face was the same. The smile similar enough. Even the flecks of blond in her dark hair echoed with memories past. Malekith stepped back from her, unable to shield the pain from his face.
"I...am sorry," he murmured, head shaking slightly from side to side. The loss and disappointment thumped hard at his chest, echoing inside his ears. Rose was gone, lost to another Time, another world where this nightmare he called his waking reality never transpired, and he...he was alone with a shadow of his former life and the ever-present reminder there would never be a way back.
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whitehartlane · 7 months ago
minhyuk is eighteen and he’s not ready for the step up to the premier league that’s certain but he is still an incredibly exciting signing for the future. he’s a proper workhorse, a good dribbler of the ball, overperforms his xG and generally is a good finisher. my concern is that he’ll have to work hard to adapt physically to the pl. also hope everyone keeps in mind that this kid was semi pro until a few months ago while he was finishing high school, he was just so good (has broken multiple k league records for being the youngest to do something) that gangwon offered him a pro contract
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korrolrezni · 2 years ago
Mans barely get the chance to eat, and then you have to go and get pushy about a really touchy subject.
John, my good buddy, take it easy. You'll draw attention by making Arthur angry.
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ask-pipper-peppercorn · 11 months ago
You have such beautiful brown doe eyes like a prey animal about to be hit by a car
*He blinked clearly taken aback.* “……….uh? Thanks? D-does anyone have questions about food, or ancient murals, or….ANYTHING ELSE?!”
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hqmillioncorn · 2 years ago
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FFXIVWrite Day One: Envoy
"Can you believe it? They actually lost?" "Not a surprise." Cherrypit wanted to turn right back around and sit by the river again. It never even crossed his mind to think whether these soldiers were talking about him or not. He just knew they were talking about his sister, the one most everyone thought he was. The cut on his head was hurting again. He had let everyone down. This was all his fault. He was supposed to be stronger than this.
Cherrypit ran from one side of the room to the next, grabbing as many things as he could in his arms. Stuffed dolls, puzzle pieces from unfinished puzzles, toy knives, real knives and all the little things in his and Bebe’s room that he knew he would miss on this trip.
He very quickly found out how much easier it was to carry things when both his hands and his arms were bigger. It was just another small boon to the fact that he was currently controlling his sister’s body rather than his own. Though if Cherrypit had to decide whether being taller was worth having his sister around or not-he would take his sister over any height requirement any day. 
Cherrypit paused and mused over a can of beads in his hands. He shook them over and over and laughed at the funny noises they made. Bebe had been practicing how to make stuff with them while Cherrypit helpfully mixed around the can of beads together. It was always like that. 
Cherrypit turned over to a Brina doll that had been dutifully folding Cherry’s clothes into a suitcase. Rest assured the suitcase was a bright pink color.
“Brina?” Cherrypit shook the can of beads one more time, “Should I take?” he asked. 
The Brina doll looked at him and the beads and spun around in place before giving her answer to Cherrypit. Which came as a cryptic “Yip-Yip-hoooo!!” that only Cherrypit could possibly understand.  
“Ok!!!” Cherry grinned and opened the can to take just a few beads in his hands. Brina had made a good point that he could lose the beads during the adventure and Cherrypit didn’t want to lose any of them, since they meant so much to his sister. Cherrypit chose the prettiest beads he could see, most of them were pink and yellow. 
There wasn’t much else left around the room that he could feasibly fit into a suitcase. 
Cherrypit took a few more trips around the room, looking around for anything he might have missed. There were a few stray pieces of paper around the floor, leftover from the time when he and Cola had gotten really obsessed with making paper chains for a whole month. 
“I should take you!” Cherrypit called out to the scraps of paper to assure them he didn’t forget about them. He bent down and began picking them up one by one, with each different color. Eventually the trail ran out and Cherrypit’s hands were full. 
Cherrypit moved to stand up but unfortunately the paper trail had stopped right under a large table.
Cherrypit hit his head against the edge of the table with a BANG! 
He let out a loud cry that only happened to be heard by every single one of his toys in the room. As they all rushed to his side Cherrypit continued to cry to himself as he held the spot on his head that hurt the most. 
It stung in more ways than one. 
Cherrypit rested his palm over the bandage on his forehead. The bandage was covering up a deep cut, Alisaie had put it on Cherrypit shortly after he had received the injury. It probably needed to be changed soon, but Cherrypit didn’t know that 
A small tonberry plush climbed up on Cherrypit’s head and gently patted his head. Cherrypit let out one last sob and sniffle, his eyes were still watery. He hated everything about his injury. 
He hated how he got it, what had happened, and who had done it. 
Cherrypit scooted a little bit back, determined not to repeat the same mistake as last time, and stood back up. 
Rubbing the tears out of his eyes one last time, he caught sight of the robe on the bed. 
It was one of his sister’s favorites. She called it the coziest and the warmest and the best one to wear if you were ever going into an important battle. Cherrypit remembered her description word for word. Which was part of the big reason it was one of the clothes he was going to take with him. 
Without a single moment to waste Cherrypit ran over to the bed, knocking the tonberry plush off his head in the process. He grabbed the robe and bundled up to carry in his arms, deciding he would change into it later. It was almost sunrise and Cherrypit knew that Butter and Pancake would be waking up soon. If there were any people in the mansion that would stop him from leaving, it would be those two. And Cinnamon. Maybe? 
He knew that they all meant well and that Butter had promised he would take care of him but Cherrypit was determined to follow the others on their trip no matter what. 
Cherrypit had to make it all up. There was going to be some way to say he was sorry for messing everything up at Rhalgr’s Reach. And he was going to do that by helping out with whatever anyone would need in…um.  
Wherever they were going!! Yeah!!!
“Let’s go! Let’s go!!” Cherrypit cried out to his toys as they pushed the suitcase behind him. As they left the room Cherrypit made sure to turn around and remind them to be quiet since they were sneaking around. Then, Cherrypit loudly sang a song to himself about frying squids that Bebe had sung one day. 
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The pier was as busy as ever, maybe even more so with everyone that was running around making last minute preparations for this last minute trip.
Cherrypit pushed his bright pink suitcase around, not giving a single thought to just how conspicuous and out of place he might appear. Thankfully everyone around him was too busy in their own affairs to pay attention to a small lalafell weaning an oversized healer’s robe. 
Just as Cherrypit was about to attempt to board the boat he happened to hear two very familiar voices having a conversation. Cherrypit let out a surprised squeak and quickly moved to hide behind two perfectly sized crates. He poked his little head over the top, “Lulu? Hane?” Those voices belonged to them but Cherrypit wasn’t sure if they had seen him or not.
For the time being it looked like he was safe, as Lunya and Hanabi’s attention was drawn to the skies above them rather than what (or who) was behind them. 
As close as he was, the sound of the ocean and the commotion around him drowned out much of the conversation for Cherrypit. 
“Do you think that seagulls have some sort of vendetta against Coco?”
“No, I think one of them must have mistaken his floofy hair for food.” 
If Cherrypit had been just a little taller he might have noticed thatCoco was sitting on the ground next to Lunya, recovering from being almost carried away by a seagull. 
As Hanabi pensively gave Coco a pat on the shoulder, Cherrypit noticed that a few barrels next to his crates were slowly being carried onto the boat. “Ooooh…?” The baby-sized gears in his head were turning and all he needed was one last push to make his decision. 
That last push came in the form of Calca and Brina lifting him and his suitcase up and into an open barrel before jumping in there with him.  While Cherrypit had been busy watching what his friends were doing, both dolls had been hard at work throwing the oranges that had been inside the barrel straight into the ocean, so there would be more room in there for Cherrypit, his suitcase, and them.
As Cherrypit adjusted himself in the barrel he hugged both dolls “Thank you!” he said, giving them both a tight hug. “Yip-Yip-Ho!!” Sadly there was no room for them to spin around in the barrel but they would live.
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It had been a total of twenty hours that Cherrypit had been awake now. So it was little surprise that as soon as he had gotten comfortable amongst the oranges he quickly fell asleep. Calca and Brina decided to let him sleep as they prepared to attack anyone who would be unlucky enough to crave an orange in the middle of the night.
At one point the swaying of the ship was enough to rouse Cherrypit from his nap. 
“Mmmh…? Cherrypit rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes and looked around. There was a slight twinge of sadness when he realized he wasn’t sleeping next to his sister. Then he remembered where exactly he was and what he was doing. 
Before he could ask Calca or Brina if anything had happened while he was asleep he heard Lunya’s voice from outside the barrel.
“Butter..! Butter! Slow down! Tell me everything again.” She was pacing around in circles and using her free hand to twirl her long hair around her fingers. “First of all-don’t panic! Just because you can’t find Cherry doesn’t mean he’s missing. You know how he is. Maybe he’s just hiding somewhere to surprise you. That’s all!” Lunya was secretly hoping that her suspicion was right. She was a little bit more than worried too, considering everything that was going on with Cherrypit.
Cherrypit felt really bad for leaving without telling Butter. He hoped that he wasn’t too sad that he didn’t say goodbye to him. And now it sounded like Butter was so sad he was calling Lunya about it. 
“Sorry Butts…” he whispered to himself. 
As Butter told Lunya that he, Pancake and Cinnamon had looked pretty much everywhere-a large wave hit the side of the boat, causing it to heavily lurch to the side. 
“Woah!!” Lunya waved her arms around to balance herself. As caught off guard as she was she still managed to float a little off the ground to avoid falling onto the floor of the deck. 
‘Lunya?! Are you okay?! I heard a huge noise!! Did something happen?!’  Butter’s voice sounded more worried now than ever. Not only was Cherrypit missing, now Lunya could be in danger too?! Could things possibly get any worse?!?!
Lunya, who was about to reassure Butter that everything was fine, stopped in her tracks when she heard a crashing noise behind her. She felt something roll up behind her foot, looking down she noticed an orange rolling past her, then two, then three. Following the source of the oranges led her to the answer to Butter;s desperate question.
There, lying in a pile of oranges was Cherrypit and his bright pink suitcase, alongside his loyal Calca and Brina dolls.
Cherrypit was too dizzy to notice the jig was up or to do anything about it. 
Lunya picked up an orange from the ground and let out a sigh, “Butter I found Cherrypit.” 
‘Really?! That’s a relief! I was really worried for a ... Wait…’ Butter stopped just short of finishing his sentence. It was at that moment he remembered that Lunya was currently in the middle of the ocean aboard a boat that was heading to Kugane. 
‘Don’t tell me…He’s on the...’
“He’s on the boat!”
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iguessweallcrazyithinktho · 2 years ago
Nobody be mean to Gio.
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zuzu-draws · 2 months ago
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[The Strongest "Hear Me Out"]
+ bonus Yuuji POV:
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Apparently this boy ain't traumatized enough!!!🗣️🗣️
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vigilante-bardock · 8 months ago
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Rin blushed as she did a cutesy pose. “Wanna go on a date?”
Goji looked at her with a confused look and said, “What’s a date?”
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koobiie · 2 months ago
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A lone swordsman stands in the chamber. He seems... quite lost.
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egophiliac · 6 months ago
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since Eng is getting 7.5 soon(?), I felt motivated to go back to my Meleanor rig and make her a couple of lesson animations! ...except for alchemy, because the cauldron bubbles proved too hard to photoshop around, whoops.
maybe she just got lost on her way to the classroom...?
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(credit: backgrounds are from the game, I just put her on top of 'em)
(aside from the backgrounds, this is not an edit, I drew her from scratch! please do not tag or treat as an edit!)
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batsyheere · 4 months ago
Forget Bruce Wayne. Give me Jim Gordon, the nosy neighbour who likes to make sure new-to-town Danny Nightingale is looking after himself, who enjoys inviting the 'kid' over to enjoy a meal while he goes on about his own daughter or gets Danny to open up about his life.
Give me Danny, oddly charmed and highly protective of this paternal figure who isn't actively trying to adopt him. Who likes to check in and make sure the man is actually resting when he gets injured on the job. Who, after many trials and errors, manages to cook a meal and bring it over instead of ordering takeout. Who has someone actively listening to him even if they don't actually understand every word out of Danny's mouth.
And everytime a Bat tries to come around Jim Gordon is on the roof with a broom, waving them off because this is his kid, Bruce! He called dibs!
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