#Giovanna Preve
davidegambaretto · 7 years
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For the exhibition Oltre il giardino (May 2017, MRF Space, Turin), curated together wit Nadia Lorefice, I invited two young contemporary artists that are studying at the Accademia Albertina of Turin: Giovanna Preve and Daniele Coppola.
Preve presented a triptych of paintings that investigates the psychology through the faces: the face becomes a "bridge" to the others, because even a stranger has access to your inner self through your expressions. On the face we carry signs that we can't hide nor explain; our true self. In Preve's work we can see the echo of Expressionism, her paintings are a means of reunite outside and intimacy, a boarder between knowledge and strangeness.
Coppola, instead, created an original installation, called Oltremare. On two brass plates he pours a mixture of acid and glycerin that create a blue painting: an elegant sea creature that emerges from the depths and that adorns the plates adding three-dimensional texture to the artwork. The two plates were then mounted in front of each other so that the audience had to walk between them experiencing also the auditory part of the artwork; a sound that resembles the crash of waves.
The exibith is part of the Beyond the Garden project: promoting contemporary outsider art by creating an aesthetic dialogue with "canonical" contemporary artists.
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davidegambaretto · 6 years
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From June the 22nd to July the 29th 2018, the Stireria of Collegno hosted Inner Landscapes, an exhibition curated by me and Nadia Lorefice, that presented the works of famous Italian Outsider artists, together with artworks of young contemporary artists (such as Guglielmo Castelli and Leardo Sciacoviello), as well as some artworks of well renowned artists such as Enrico Colombotto Rosso. We chose to display the works of “irregular artists” next to the works of artists recognised by the Art System to reflect on how labels works. Many time, in fact, the products of Outsider art are snubbed because who create them isn’t considered a proper artist. So, we decided to realise an aestethic and formal path, to give more dignity to these works, reflecting on, and expanding the term outsider. In this way the young Italian artists, not yet recognised by the System, became “outsider”, just like Mary Morgillo, an artist now ready to be rediscovered by the Art System, or Enrico Colombotto Rosso, who was pretty much ignored, untill his death and rediscovery.
The artists: Guglielmo Castelli, Marti Cenna, Enrico Colombotto Rosso, Daniele, Enzo Forgione, Paolo Gelo, Ugo Giletta, Rosita Mezzela, Mary Morgillo, Rita Narciso, Vittoriomassimo Pellegrini, Giovanna Preve, Cristina Saimandi, Leardo Sciacoviello, Sciascia, i lavori di TAPUindependentart, Marco Tursi, Alessandra Vinotto, Luca Zurzolo.
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