#Gilles Ehrmann
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The inspired and their homes, 1962 - by Gilles Ehrmann (1928 - 2005), French
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Gilles Ehrmann
The inspired and their homes, 1962
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📷 Gilles Ehrmann Saint-Paul de Vence 1964
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【元絵】 題名:Le Palais idéal du facteur Cheval (1962) 郵便配達夫シュヴァルの理想の宮殿 作者:Gilles Ehrmann ジル・エールマン 媒体:ゼラチンシルバープリント 掲載:Ehrmann, Gilles; "Les inspirés et leurs demeures", Palis, 1962 ジル・エールマン写真集『啓示家たちとその住居』の一葉 場所:フランス共和国・ドローム県・オートリーヴ 【使用作品】 なんじゃもんじゃの応接間 [048-327-001] 『悪魔くん』「なんじゃもんじゃ」 (1967) 西方浄土の入り口 [035-531-002] 『死神大戦記』後編 (1974)

『悪魔くん』(水木しげる漫画大全集 048)
『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 死神大戦記 他』(水木しげる漫画大全集 035)
Breton, André; “Le Surréalisme et la Peinture”, Palis, Gallimard, 1965
『シュルレアリスムと絵画』人文書院 1997
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Gilles Ehrmann (1928-2005)
Les inspirés et leurs demeures (Gaston chaissac, cordonnier en vendée, portrait au masque), 1962
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Gilles Ehrmann / Les inspirés et leurs demeures / Bomarzo / #1 : NEPTUNE / #2 : L’OCEAN / 1962.
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Gilles Ehrmann (1928 - 2005).From "LES INSPIRES ET LEURS DEMEURES". Hippolyte Massé, LA Sirene, Cornette.
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André Breton - Collectif. Exposition internationale du Surréalisme 1959-1960.
Galerie Daniel Cordier, Paris 1959. In-8 broché oblong non paginé au format 12,5 x 26,5 cm. Superbe couverture photographique " Boite Alerte, Missives lascives ". Dos carré. Plats et intérieur frais. Tirage sur couché de ce livre pour l'Exposition internationale du surréalisme qui eut lieu à la Galerie à la Galerie Cordier en 1959-1960. Robert Benayoun, Vincent Bounoure, André Breton, Daniel Cordier, Marcel Duchamp, Alain Joubert, Joyce Mansour, Mimi Parent, Octavio Paz, André Pieyre de Mandiargues, Hans Bellmer, Jean-Pierre Duprey, Léonora Carrington, Robert Lebel etc. Illustrations de Toyen, Man Ray, Gilles Ehrmann, etc. Très nombreuses illustrations et photos. Un des exemplaires hors commerce numérotés ( n° 210 ), réservés aux collaborateurs. Edition originale, rare.
Source : livre-rare-book.com
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Fav quote? Like one that read and instantly felt in your bones like the power of words??
oh fuck i have a lot of them actually
“Even if you fall on your face you’re still moving forward” - victor kiam
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” - Eleanor Roosevelt
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” - Albus Dumbledore
“Be gentle with yourself, you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here” - Mat Ehrmann
“Flowers grow back even after they are stepped on, an so will I”
“To be soft, is to be powerful” - Rupi Kaur
“You do not just wake up and become the butterfly” - growth is a process, Rupi Kaur
“I hope our daughters are born with so much fire in their souls, they could put volcanous and stars to shame” - Nikita Gill
“Everything you can imagine is real” - Pablo Picasso
drunk asks
#i really fucking love meaningful quotes???#so like if you have some left to spare#send me meaningful quotes whew#drunk asks#ask games#anonymous#answered
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Portrait of Joyce Mansour, ca. 1950 - by Gilles Ehrmann (1928 - 2005), French
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Portrait of (Surrealist Poet) Joyce Mansour by Gilles Ehrmann, c.1960.
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Gilles Ehrmann - Jacques Prévert en dieu Pan
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Toueg House, 1969. Although the building permit for this house (a living room, one bedroom and a studio) was granted, the project was abandoned by the client. Arch. Claude Parent. #BRUTgroup photo by Gilles Ehrmann.
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