#Gil will never be knocked to second that’s my Madonna right there
royaltea000 · 4 months
top 10 favorite hetalia characters to drawl :3c ?
Buddy I haven’t even DRAWN 10 enough to know 😭 umm let’s see- I’ll just reference how good of a time I had drawing that last art post
- Prussia, my tulpa wife is first cuz I’m not a cheater
- Lithuania, is growing on me
- England, I like exploring a more hip side for this old geezer - get off my lawn lookin ass
- France, is surprisingly fun to draw cuz I never take him seriously
- America, I know I can portray him accurately at least -w-
- Poland, bigass fivehead
- Iceland, I drew him once as a chibi
- Romano?? I guess, I dunno
- Germany, I drew a really good one last time but his hair is so hard to get right
- Italy, I really liked that one actually like yeah he should dress like a playboy and carry spare roses in his pockets to whimsically toss out
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